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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 12:41 PM

"Aww, but I like your cologne." She teased. "I really don't think I deserve a car.. maybe in the future, But I don't like taking to much of the things you give me. I don't want you to think I'm using you." She said, going over and giving him a hug. "You look cute today." She smirked, releasing him. "How about I take the car but make payments on it? It makes me feel bad to just take it. You already do so much for me." She said softly.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 01:39 PM

"Meh, the new car smell is better, you've never really smelt that before. You do deserve is, Scar and don't go around acting like you don't. Not to mention your parents didn't even lift a finger on your Sweet Sixteenth. You're not using me, I know you're not--like I've never used you. Scar, I'd take a bullet for you. You are not going to make payments on it. It's paid off. I saved up along and along to buy and customize it for you. How about staying in school and doing your best, that's payment enough. Don't feel bad, feel proud-proud that people around you love you and are there when you really need them. There's not a day that does by that I wouldn't give you the very shirt off my back if it meant you would be comfortable and safe," Alex cooed.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 07:34 PM

"Aww, thank you Alex." She said, blushing. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Fine, I'll take the car. Just I'm going to make this up to you someday." She said, her green eyes looking into his. "I just don't think its fair that i've done nothing to deserve such luxurious items." She said, frowning once again. "Want me to drive you to school?" She asked, smiling. "And no. You smell much better than new car."

Bellyz. is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 11:19 PM

Jordan laughed at a funny joke one of the twins said. She rested her head on her hand as she listened to them, amazed that more people couldn't see what she saw in them. Sure, they weren't always the brightest bulbs in the dark room, but they really had their genuine moments. She looked down at the time on her cell phone and bit her bottom lip. "Crap..." She muttered. One of the boys looked over curiously. She smiled and shook her head. "I just thought we had more time before the bell would ring. I have to go to my locker for some stuff." She stood up and waved 'see ya' to her friends- 'the populars'- and walked out of the cafeteria with a pep in her step.

The school was rather large considering high-school sized buildings. It consisted of five buildings. One for math, one for science, one for reading, and a building dedicated to the arts. The fifth was the gymnasium/auditorium. Each was two-story with elevators on either side and stairs on the outside- which Jordan always ended up taking because of the crowded elevators. ( Plus her fear of heights and closed spaces, but that's beside the point. ) She laughed at herself when she reached the top of the performing arts building, where her locker was, and reached Locker 777. What luck, Jordan. She thought to herself, smiling as she opened it carefully. She zipped open her messenger back and pushed an outfit inside for after gym class. She was terribly uncoordinated, and always ended up getting sweaty and frustrated.

With a sigh, she pulled out her AP Calculus book and smiled, remembering that she may not be a brawny person, but at least she was a brainy person. She thought about her perfect 4.0 as she skipped along down the stairs and into the math building. The bell was about to ring and was used to being the first person there. She returned to her proud brainy achievements of great grades and being on the academic team, then stopped in her place and blushed a bright mad red. The only thing she did not enjoy about her academic life was Alexander Tate. Everything Jordan did, Alexander had to do- and better. What made her even more angry was the fact that he probably wasn't even aware of her existence. Being second best in the entire school was good- Hell, it was great being in the top 2- Jordan just wanted that shiny golden number 1 spot.

With a small smile as she opened the door to her AP calculus class, she thought to herself. And I'm going to have it... Whether he likes it or not.

Last edited by Bellyz.; 04-14-2012 at 12:43 PM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 01:53 AM

"If you still feel undeserving of the car you can always do the dishes and my clothes for a week. I think that that's more than enough payment," He grinned as he'd headed into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. "I'm glad you didn't put up too much fuss about the car though, but of course you can drive me to school. Would you like me to take the giant bow off and spray the car's interior with the cologne of your choice before we head out? I'm heading downstairs, you just decide and come down from the room."

He came out of the bathroom and headed downstairs, grabbing his satchel and lunch. Then sitting down on the arm of the couch with a pancake sandwich he had prepared for himself last night to eat this morning when he got up.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 02:11 AM

She grinned. "Get your Burberry cologne and spray the car." She grinned, grabbing her leather jacket and keys. "Oh and you can take the bow off please." She said, sitting on the arm of the couch. "I'll do that for a week. I usually do it when I'm over here anyways." She smirked. "But thanks for letting me stay last night. It was very nice, and relaxing." She said, standing up and running a slender hand through her hair. "Come on, Slow poke. Lets go." She whined, really wanting to drive the car.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 04-11-2012 at 05:06 AM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 05:15 AM

Alexander ran up to his room and grabbed his Burberry cologne. Spritzing himself quickly he then headed downstairs, sticking the bottle in his pocket. He quickly finished eating and slung his satchel over his shoulder, then heading out the door into the garage with a pair of scissors. He swiftly removed the bow and set it down in from of the car.

"We should be ready to do now," he called from the garage. "You're welcome, I'm saying it ahead of time. You're going to practically freak when you get in here."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 05:22 AM

Scarlett slowly walked into the garage, her car making her lose all the breath in her body. After a moment of gasping she squeeled and ran to the drivers door, getting in, and them literally climbing on top of Alex. "Oh my freaking god Alex! Can you see howw nice this car is?!" She asked, clearly freaking out as she sat on his lap. "Oh my lord!" She said, looking at the nice interior. "I love you more than I did yesterday!" She grinned. "And I thought I loved you as much as I could, but I was wrong." She said, squeezing him. "Your the bestest friend anyone could ever have!"

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 06:20 AM

"Off to school Madam, you can oogle when school lets out this afternoon. We've got fifteen minutes before school starts and it's going to take about ten of those valuable minutes to get there," Alexander grinned. "I'll spray the car when we get out if school today, so that the smell lingers longer. Until then, you bask in my radiance, it's not like we don't have lunch and a few classes together. Wait until you see what's in the trunk."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 06:23 AM

Scarlett grinned and climbed off of him, shutting the door and starting the car. About ten minutes later she pulled up to the school parking lot and parked in her usual spot. "Okay, whats in the trunk?" She asked, pressing the trunk button and then getting out of the car. She waited for him to get out before she moved from the drivers side.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 06:34 AM

Alex got out grinning as he walked around to the back of the car, "It could be a dead body, an amputated head of a bear, roller skates, a machine gun. Dear god, I'm receiving far too many thrills from this. Anyhow, the trunk is popped go and take a gander. Once again, you're very welcome. I'm just a 'pleaser', seeing people shit their pants in shear excitement makes me radiate with happiness."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 06:44 AM

((Kay whats in it? xD))

Scarlett gave him a quick hug. "Your a pleaser?" she teased. "More like a giver." She said, squeezing him tightly and then walking to the now opened trunk. "Oh my gosh Alex! I can't believe you!" She said, her face full of excitement, but shock that he had given her yet another amazing gift.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 12:29 PM

((What ever you want there to be in it))

"I am a pleaser, I give, and give, and give. Giving is something I do best and I will do less of it if I'm traveling the world. I'm just going to bring enough currency with me each time to provide what is necessary in survival. Though I am glad to see that you like it, though I truly hope you enjoy it thoroughly along with the car. That car is to receive many a mile this coming Summer, we're traveling to Fort Bragg, Los Vegas, and possibly the Gulf of Mexico," Alexander grinned. "...Maybe even the Florida Keys.."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 02:15 PM

((kAY >:3 I'll say there concert tickets for three days grace!! ))

"Your so amazing!" She said, picking up the tickets. "You know how much I love Adam Gontier and have wanted to marry him since I was twelve." She laughed, hugging Alex. "Oh thank you!" She said, even more excited by their road trips. "Your to good of a friend to be my friend. You know that?" She asked, grinning. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then glanced to the school. "I think were gonna be late. We should probably go." She said, going back to the trunk and shutting it.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 05:23 PM

"Let's head to class," he called back grinning as he started speed walking to class up the door steps through the front door he went. "I can't stomach being late for my first period--It's bad enough the school will probably end up finding out about us being accepted to Harvard."

His first period was of course Math--one of his many favorite subjects. He slipped into his seat just before the last bell rang and started his classwork, but before doing that he turned in his homework. He was done with his classwork about fifteen minutes later in which he turned it over and laid his head down as he waited for everyone else to finish up so that the students could grade their work.

Last edited by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX; 04-11-2012 at 05:25 PM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 10:02 PM

Scarlett headed to her first period: Drama. She headed to the arts building, not really caring whether she was late or not. Unlike Jordan, she wasn't competing with Alex. Scar was just trying to get by and graduate, not try and get amazing grades. She walked into her classroom, grabbing her stuff from the back of the room and then sitting in a theater chair. She was going to be the main womans role in their next play, so she had to study her script.

Bellyz. is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 12:27 AM

Jordan waited patiently as students filed into the math class, watching Alexander the closest. She coveted his care-free attitude toward the class. ( Or any class in general. ) She received her worksheet for the day and smiled politely as she began it. The work was easy for Jordan. When she circled her last answer, she sighed in relief to find other students still on number three or four. Unfortunately, her good mood was stolen when she noticed Alexander already laying his head down. Her face grew red with anger at him- someone who never had to try at anything to get what he wanted.

"Alright, now who wants to come up to the board and demonstrate number seven?" Mr. Roundel- their teacher- called up from his desk. Jordan's hand was the first one up. With the middle-aged man's approval, she stood up and grabbed the brightest red marker she could find. She didn't even bother to bring up her paper or a calculator, she could do it in her head. When she was done frivolously marking numbers here and there, she placed the cap back on the writing utensil and peeked a glance at Alexander with a confident and smug attitude.

Last edited by Bellyz.; 04-14-2012 at 12:43 PM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 02:57 AM

Alexander never slept in class, he only laid his head down out of boredom. even the teacher knew that he was fully tuned in. On that note he was called to the board to do number eight. It took him a matter of seconds to do the problem writing quickly in his extremely legible hand writing. The look that Jordan had given him prior, fortunately for him he was looking up through his arms at that moment, How rude, at least I'm nice enough to not do it back. A look of disapproval crossed his face and shot directly through her, he knew what she had been trying to do for the longest time. The silly games had to stop, wither it be by approaching her or her just giving up--it was rather annoying. One day she went from falling head over heels for him the next she gone back to being a hasty little spit fuck, he took his seat leaving his head up for the rest of the class. If she's like this all the time and she wants to date me? I'm not sure I would want to put up with that. Competition on a daily basis in a relationship can be rather straining, he thought to himself as he took his seat.

Bellyz. is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 02:27 PM

Unsurprisingly, Alexander was up for number eight. Jordan didn't have to watch to know it was done in seconds flat with no mistakes. She sighed, having to give up once again. She knew she was never going to win anything if it was against him. It was why she was always so angry at him. She was jealous of him, and she knew that he was aware of it. At the end of the day, Jordan was just stupid. She was even stupid enough to like him a long time ago, but she promised herself not to make that mistake again. Who could ever love a spoiled brat like him? Her mind pushed thoughts of him away and she went back to finishing her worksheet. All she could see when she looked down at the problems were pointing fingers and laughing faces. Being number two seemed to be what Jordan was meant for her whole life. She struggled and fought and studied for hours last night on her homework. She went over it time and time again, getting faster and comprehending more with every painful minute just to make sure she understood it completely. She'd bet her bottom dollar that Alexander was probably off with his girlfriend relaxing the entire night on his pile of money.

She crumbled up her worksheet in more anger as the bell rang signaling class was over. She refused to look at Alexander, throwing her worksheet away in the trash and leaving the room in silence.

Last edited by Bellyz.; 04-14-2012 at 12:44 PM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 05:30 PM

Alex went onto his English class few moments later. When he arrived he settled into another empty set, then pulling out his English AP books. Reading over today's passages, the same passage he had skimmed over the night before. Today the class was to be introduced to Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. Honestly, I'm a little thrilled. Hopefully there's a mention of a class play, he thought as he also pulled out his copy of 'Macbeth'. He awaited for the class to start, folding his hands he waited for further instruction.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 07:36 PM

Scarlett headed from Drama to English and sat by Alex. "Oh cool, were studying this in Drama too. I'm trying out for the lead role." She said, smiling. "Mr. Steffen says I really have a shot at Lady Macbeth. I learned all the parts and auditions are tomorrow after school. I'm so excited!" She said happily. She ran her hand through her dark hair and then set her bag on the floor and looked down at her necklace, still happy he had gotten her such an awesome birthday present. She then looked over at him. "Whats wrong? You seem troubled.."

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 04:25 AM

"Jordan's at it again trying to be number one, number two isn't bad I don't think. I think I bruised her overly inflated ego again. I'm betting she thinks I'm a spoiled brat that sleeps in a pile of money, how am I a spoiled brat? I mean I buy my clothes at the thrift story and revamp them, I eat like any normal person--I don't have a personal chef, and I tend to save my money and give to those I care about; I even give to charities and all the school's fundraiser. Christ, why are people so ignorant," he paused. "But, back to you. I'm glad you're trying out for the part and I'll gladly stay after school with you for auditions. How are Earth have you come to be able to read me so well because beyond that I'm fine."

Bellyz. is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 12:57 PM

Jordan skipped off to second period, cooling off from her Alexander encounter. She wished that he could understand her a bit better. There would probably be less resentment toward him if he apologized just once. She threw away that 'never-gonna-happen' and sat down in her desk by the populars. It was an art appreciation class, which meant that while there were some very artistic people around, (unlike Jordan) the teacher couldn't assign actual art projects. It was right up Jordan's ally. She was the most uncreative person she knew, in fact. However, when it came to facts about art and the history behind it, she had the advantage. Her father was an artist when he was alive.

A presentation began on the projector and the room grew silent. It was a film they were finishing up about Van Gough. As she slumped back in her chair to relax, a fidgety Anastasia leaned over. Her hair smelled like peaches. "So, what's up?" Jordan smiled at the pretty red-head and shrugged. "Not much. Just another dreadful day of the same old-same old." Anastasia looked to her with sympathy and knew exactly what she meant. "Don't let him get you down. Hey, if anything, just ignore him completely. It would do you a lot of good, girl."

"Ladies, be quiet back there." The teacher called from the front of the class.

The girls giggled quietly and nodded, continuing to watch the film. On a small sheet of paper, Jordan wrote:
Hey, tell everyone we're going for ice cream for lunch. My treat! :heart:
She passed it to Anastasia who nodded in response and they were silent the rest of the class.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:09 PM

"Just the way you act. I know when somethings wrong.." She said, frowning. She patted his arm. "It will get better." She said, smiling. "And thanks. You should so try out for Macbeth..." She said, smiling.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 04-14-2012 at 04:02 PM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 05:16 PM

"Well yeah, but still it's only because you've known me for so long. Otherwise, I don't think you would really notice. I know it will get better, I just wish I didn't have to deal with people who think I should practically bow down and kiss their asses. I mean, you know how many hours a week I dedicate to my schooling and when you're not over I study three times harder due to not sleeping. When someone can give that kind of dedication, they shouldn't have spiteful people trying to ruin what they worked too hard for," He bit his lip, pausing. "I'll try out, I guess, but only because you want me too. Anyhow, would you like to stay the night? So we can get you up to par for the part and you can help me too..along with the usual studies."

The teacher finally walked in, handing out worksheets she told everyone to get into groups and find a partner. Alex nodded and brought his desk closer to Scarlett's.


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