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Waffle is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 12:34 AM

xD I'm glad you think so~
I'll send a trade ^^

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 12:36 AM

Hehe. Thank you Waffu. ^^

Cami is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 12:44 AM

Vah: Yes, you definitely should.

Though that still might not be enough... Can you make it sparkle and vibrate?

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 12:50 AM

Hrmm.... I dun think that would be very wise of me... then i'd have perverts stalking Impi for the vibrations. >w<

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[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 01:03 AM

Oh, thank you hunnn. P:

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 01:05 AM

Hope you don't mind Gimmick, but i'm just going by your signature art. Thier outfits are utterly adorable. Though I did read up n thier history a bit last night. :3

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[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 01:07 AM

That's fine. :3 That's the best ref I have for color! XD
But I have one other one if you'd like it? P:

Oh, and click the first link for the bigger version. X3
It's WAAAY better looking! DX

Cami is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 01:11 AM

Vah: I know I would.

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 02:29 AM

Gimmick ~ Hehe... finished your art Gimmick.
I'm posting it on the front page right now. :3

Cami ~ Pish, you'd not stalk him, you'd jump on him and ride him around like a giant lemur with a saddle! <333

Last edited by [N]ightmare; 02-06-2009 at 02:34 AM..

Cami is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 02:37 AM

Lemur... lemur... /googles lemur/

o.o They're cute! I totally would.

\ (•◡•) /
[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 02:41 AM

I LOVE it! X3
And I'll go accept the trade now. <3

But if you get the change, could you fix a couple things? ;XD
Ji-Yun's eight eye is and indigo/purple color,
He has the line uner his eye missing,
And he has no tail! :O

It's fin if you're too busy! XD
Just if you feel like it...It'd be nice.

Thank you SO so much hunn! X3 <3

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 02:51 AM

Cami ~ Lemurs are spectacular. <333

Gimmick ~ The tail doesn't show how I was picturing it. So I left it out, since when I drew his legs, his righ one covered it... xD
And i'll fix the eyes and tattoo immediately. -nodnod-

\ (•◡•) /
[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 02:53 AM

Alright! XD lOl. Sounds good. Thank you so much! X3 <3

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 02:59 AM

No problem at all.
Updated the image... go ahead and snag it. :3

I even figured how to get his tail to show. Hehe. I just changed where it was in my head so I could draw it. <333

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[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 03:29 AM

AHW. Thank you so much hunn. <3 You're amazzing! X3 <3
I'll go take a look. P:

Impi is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 03:37 AM

I hope it is all fixed.
Let me know if anything else is wrong. <3

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[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 08:19 PM

Nope. P: It's all good. Thank you so much. <3

Impi is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 10:55 PM

I'm glad that I got it right this time. XD
Thank you for ordering. <333

Progress ~ Link's art is half finished.
Can't wait to get home from work to complete it. Yay!!

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 11:14 PM

Crap... I may not get the money today since the person who is gonna buy something from me for the 750 gold is sleeping, so is it alright if I send the trade and get the art tomorrow if she doesn't accept the trade today?

Sorry x 10 >_____<;

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 11:54 PM

I think i'll trust you. :3
I'll post the art up when I finish it. -just got home-
And you can send the money when you get it. <33

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 11:58 PM

I promise to trade you the money as soon as I get it, I won't even take a peek at the art until I do. :yes:

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-07-2009, 12:05 AM

Awe, hehe... you can peek at it. I really don't mind at all.
I'm sure you are an honest person that will pay me for the time spent on your art. <333

Which is alot of fun to draw honestly.

\ (•◡•) /
[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-07-2009, 12:29 AM

Vick, and thank you for drawing for me hunn. :3 You're amazing. <3

I'm gonna show you crazy.
[N]ightmare is offline
Old 02-07-2009, 12:30 AM

Oh I quite enjoyed drawing your characters Gimmie. They are quite unique in design.
I loved thier clothing and hair greatly. <333

Last edited by [N]ightmare; 02-07-2009 at 01:00 AM..

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[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 02-07-2009, 12:36 AM

Well thank you so much. X3 <3
I'm REALLY glad you liked them. P;
It always helps me draw better when I like what I'm drawing! XD
Maybe that's why the arts looked so good? X3 <333


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