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Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-24-2010, 06:41 AM

"Sure, i got nothing keeping me here." Rosaleen said opening the can and popping a peach into her mouth. It still had some taste, it didn't taste stale like most food did. She smiled and looked at the map.
"How do you expect us to get there? In case you havn't noticed the city is overrun by zombies." She asked looking at the distances.

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Old 01-24-2010, 06:57 AM

Natalia held up her gas can.
"We're going to rebuild a truck. And we're going to make it a strong one."
She put the map back in her pocket and strode past Rosalie towards one of the empty buildings nearby.

She paused, and turned her head back.
"Are you coming? It is almost night."

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-24-2010, 07:03 AM

Rosaleen followed her, still a little worn from being woken up. She yawned and finishied her peaches. Hmmm....Rebuild a truck?
Wouldn't a hovercraft be a better idea?"

piptik is offline
Old 01-25-2010, 03:54 AM

Originally Posted by Little Miss View Post
Down Nym fell, screeching a bit until she landed right on top of a young girl, knocking both of them onto the floor.
Who's the young girl? I'm confused >3<

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-25-2010, 05:42 AM

((your character ;D))

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Old 01-25-2010, 05:50 AM

{Ah! lol XD}

"Ahck!! Zombies!!" Ninde exclaimed as she was thrust upon the floor before realizing what had just happened. "Oh, never mind." Laughing at her stupidity, she turned her head so she could get a better look at who had just landed on her. "Who are you?" she asked the Nym while sliding out from underneath her. "And where'd you come from? I mean, did you come from... Oh," Ninde stopped when she saw the break in the vent.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-25-2010, 05:57 AM

"Ehe..." Said Nym, getting up. "Sorry 'bout that, I just needed a way to get in. This is the Box, right?" She said, hoping she went the entirely wrong place. She looked around, this place seemed really safe.

"Oh, I'm Nym. I come from the ceiling above you." She said, bowing down to conclude her dramatic entrance.

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Old 01-25-2010, 07:50 PM

Natalia tilted her head a little at Rosaleen's question.
"I have never built a hovercraft.. this is what?" she asked.
She rummaged through her bag to pick out a wrench and crowbar.
"Never mind. We find parts."

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:09 PM

"Oh....k. So where are we going to find parts with out being aten alive...You know we could just fix up one of the trucks in the street." She said pointing across the street at a broken down hummer.

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Old 01-26-2010, 12:27 AM

Ninde laughed as she got up from the ground.
"Yeah," replied Ninde, "this is Box. Not much eh?" She then realized that she said 'eh' and grabbed her head in a spazz attack way. "AHH!!! I JUST SAID EH!! I'M BECOMING CANADIAN!!!!"

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-26-2010, 03:20 AM

Nym, who really hadn't talked to anyone in a long while, started laughing. She thought this girl was really funny, probably going insane living around here. But, since there were people, why would you ever get bored?
"Eh? I say that all the time. Canadian or doesn't really matter 'round here, eh?" She said, adding the last word for fun. "So um..." Nym started, "What's you name?"

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Old 01-26-2010, 03:56 AM

She nodded, and pulled Rosalie onto the road she had used to come in to the town. They started walking back towards the highway and eventually came up to a jumbled crowd of vehicles. Natalia pointed to a green Ford pickup with two front flat tires.
"Yes?" she asked, smiling slightly.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-26-2010, 04:13 AM

"I liked that hummer better, It have more space for stuff we need, and we could put steal around it to protect it." She said walking around the Truck and opening it's hood. The Engine was in poor repair, busted Carburetor, and it's brakes were shot.

piptik is offline
Old 01-26-2010, 11:44 PM

Ninde grinned. "I'm Ninde. And this," Ninde drew out a heavy-duty machine gun strapped to a chainsaw, "is Mr. Happy." Feeling the weight of 'Mr. Happy' in her hand and arm she looked at Nym and asked, "Do you like him?" Sticking her tongue she laughed and placed him back in his holding place on her back. "Did you see any place to grab a bite while you where in the vent up there? I'm starved!" As if on que(Thats how you spell it right?), her stomach let out a gurgle which soon turned into a growl.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-27-2010, 12:22 AM

Nym curiously looked at Mr. Happy, who by all means didn't look too happy. "I have to say he's a bit scary." She said, noticing the weight of her own gun strapped to her back.
"Well...I don't think I did. By a place to eat, do you mean somewhere that's working? Because i saw restaurants, but all of them are broken down and pretty much dead. Or undead, I don't know which." She said, still trying to think of a place. She remembered. "Actually, 'bout a half mile from here is a working pub atop an abandoned laundry mart. It's still in the Box area, but since there is only like, what, a hundred people here? It isn't too big." She said, only seeing a few people up there. Perhaps it was the only place to actually get a meal, since you could also drink. Alcohol wasn't something that Nym liked at all, but bars served food also, something she knew from experience.

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Old 01-27-2010, 04:03 AM

"Hummer it is," Natalia said as she walked back down the road, after seeing how ruined the Ford was.
On the way back, the silence was thick.

"What is your story, Rosalie?" she asked

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Old 01-27-2010, 09:30 PM

Ninde laughed. "He's pretty awesome though. Ooh, and a pub sounds nice. I've been in the mood for a Pina Colada!" she winked at Nym. "Shall we go?" she asked while gesturing towards the door.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:00 PM

"My story? Like how I got here? I don't really remember much, I was in the army for about two years, then it got disbanded, On the way back our hover crashed and I woke up here, I've been searching for a safe place since." She said kicking a can along.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-28-2010, 02:25 AM

Nym nodded, leading the way. She did hope that Ninde wasn't going to have a Piña Colada with alcohol, but you never knew in these times.

The safe area around the Box was filled with sorts of people, all living and undead. The zombie creatures only stalked around the bottom of the area looking for food, so they didn't bother anyone on the top floors where the Pub was located. The living humans were all silent and didn't talk to anyone that they were able to see walking by, which was always very few. So overall, the outlook was bleak.
Inside the Pub tough was a livelier atmosphere. There were about seven people there overall, including Ninde and Nym. There was dim lighting, moths and broken glass everywhere, but everyone seemed pretty happy. It wasn't that they were drunk either, three of them were just looking for a place to eat and play cards. The bartender was a pretty young lady in her late twenties with long curly blonde hair and, of course, a gun neatly placed in her pocket. Well, there were guns in everyone's pocket or a weapon of some kind close by. The people here would never kill another, it was only just in case some undead freak made his way up here. When Nym and Ninde came in, the bartender treated them with a warm welcome. Her voice was loud and clearly southern. "Welcome ladies! Ya'll look a bit too young to be drinkin' so I'll fix ya up with some evenin' grub. How's that sound?" She said, welcoming them to a moth-bitted seat at the counter.

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Old 01-29-2010, 11:28 PM

Ninde smiled pleasantly but it was clear that she wouldn't do with just some grub.
"Actually," she started, coming up to the bar, "I was wondering if you served Pina Coladas? I don't really care if it's alcoholic or not, I just enjoy the taste." Smiling up as innocently as she could manage, Ninde brought her hands and placed them on the counter. Both had sharpy doodles on them. One, the most notable out of the collage of strange scribbles, was a skull with horns and long spindly teeth. Surrounding the skull where the words, "Taken Death By Storm." This was one of the more permanent doodles. Whenever it washed off or wore out, Ninde would just redraw it. Whenever anyone asked her where she came of with the idea for the doodle, she would reply that she had just seen it somewhere and liked the overall feel of it. But in reality, the truth was that it was a copy of a tattoo that Nindes brother had. After his death, Ninde drew the tattoo on her hand. It was her way of carrying him with her wherever she went.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-30-2010, 12:05 AM

The bartender smiled, "Why 'course ya can, huh." She said, "It may taste nothing like the tropics, a far warning to ya." She laughed, getting a cup out from under the counter. "I supposed it's the same for ya too?" She asked Nym.

"Oh, just water. I'm here for fried fish." She said, now finally seeing the sharpie tattoo on Ninde's arm. She though it was better not to ask, being that everyone this day of age all had their differences. Nobody judged on that kind of stuff anymore. When the bartender passed the drinks and food out, Nym took a bite out of her meal and asked, "Are there any other working places around here? I'm pretty new." Surprised at the actually good taste of the fish, she wondered if it was fresh. Probably not, but it still tasted great.

The lady laughed, "Yes ma'am." She said, "You don't think this dead town it totally gone, do ya?" Standing there thinking for a second, the bartender leaded over to try and list everything. "There's an old korean lady that runs an eatin' place, and in back of her restaurant is a laundry washer en drawer she lets people use for a dime. Uh... There's some cheap scape seller that sells clothes and such, ya'll betta off without him. And one family has a couple of contacts that bring stuff around for eatin'." The lady said, taking a few breaths. It was obvious to see that what she listed that was all that was here, or at least how she knew.

Last edited by Little Miss; 01-30-2010 at 05:52 AM..

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Old 01-30-2010, 05:28 AM

Ninde nodded before taking a sip of her Colada.
"I had no idea that so much was left," she mused, "you'd think that the dead had taken more. Not that I'm upset that they didn't. I mean, I'm not a human hater or anything. You guys know what I mean," realizing that she was rambling, Ninde dove into her fish, devouring half of it within a minute. Swiping her drink, she took a few quick gulps of it, decreasing it's volume by half. She then placed her hands on either side of the plate and wiggled her fingers, studying the movement of the tendons in each hand.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-30-2010, 05:52 AM

Nym turned and saw how Ninde was eating so quickly, it almost made her laugh. "Well, it isn't that much. It's all on the tops of buildings, right?" She asked the lady.

"Yeah." She said, starting to clean out assorted glasses and pates. "It's so the undead creeps can't get us. The rest of it's a dead town, the 'bout two hundred that live here? Miserable." She said, sighing.

Nym looked over at Ninde again who was looking down at her hands, to which she probably though Ninde was just trying to calm herself down. She focused her attention on all the buildings that she had seen besides this one. There were a few randomly, and the above apartments may have been in horrible shape but still usable. Maybe more shops could open up, and everything would be good again. She'd like that, but without all the undead to kill life wouldn't be so exciting, would it? Oh, she didn't know. Turning her thoughts away from that she returning her thinking back to where she sat. The bartender was busy helping one of the other five customers that seemed to have lost his glasses. "Hey, Ninde." Nym said, trying to make a conversation again. "What's that tattoo all about? I know it's not really a tattoo, but it looks pretty cool."

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Old 01-31-2010, 01:19 AM

Ninde looked up at Nym with a blank expression.
"What?" she asked. "Oh, the tattoo, I mean sharpy thing? Um, I saw this design somewhere back in Washington. I thought it looked cool so I copied it onto my hand. Do you have any tattoos?"

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
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Old 01-31-2010, 01:26 AM

Nym shook her head. "They were illegal back where I used to live." She said, noting her memories to be true. Well, she had been away from that place for years, but it wasn't something she longed to do anyways so she just forgot about it. The other people she hung out with after she escaped all had an assortment of snakes and skulls on their arms, which always made Nym stand a little bit out. Then again, it was better then not even noticeable at all. "It's not like anyone would really see if I had a tattoo, adults wouldn't pay attention to the kids." Nym said, trying to force a smile. She had almost finished her fish meal, and her water glass was empty too. Trying to change the subject she added, "Washington? I've actually never been down there. But I read some books about it, and there was this pretty city called Seattle... I wonder if that space needle thing is still standing." She sighed, remembering the vivid pictures she had seen in her textbooks. Back when the earth was fresh, life would have been much simpler.


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