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zetina is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 04:11 PM

Zigzagoon greeted her back with a weak smile. He listened and then nodded. "It's okay. I think I should have some..." he said and then looked in some shelves. Yes, there it was. He placed the stuff on the counter lazily. Zig froze there. How much was it now?

Titenya is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 06:03 PM

Eevee didn't notice Zig's hesitation. She was looking around at the other shelves, peelking at decorations and ribbions, and some very prety fabric that would make a great dress...

"I'm also going to get some of this ribbion Zig, it will be perfect for haning decorations with. I'll bring it over to the shcool so the children can tie it to their ornaments."

She moved around the shop, picking up other small items and placing them together on the counter.

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-11-2007, 06:15 AM

  • ((OOC: Can I have a Happiny or Chansey to help out in the PCenter, please? They're like, probably going to be my junior assistants until we have more people.))

    Pikachu sat in front of the fireplace warming herself up and eating a few of her marzipan truffles, courtesy of Eevee. She was pretty much obsessed with desserts, so it was lucky to have a bakery in town. Of course, with it being the Christmas season, there would always be warm desserts.

    Thinking aloud to herself, Pikachu suggested that she would make hot Leppa Berry cider and some Razz Berry tea for the patients and any visitor that would come in. Pecha was her favorite, but there were none during this season. Getting up and stowing her marzipan in the fridge (they were not as good at room temperature), she pulled out a kettle and a small saucepan. The kettle was to boil water for tea, and the saucepan was for the cider. It was easier for Pikachu that way. "It'll give this Pokemon center a nice scent and everyone can have something warm to drink." She smiled, then shivered slightly. At least the fireplace was working well, but she kept her scarf on.

Titenya is offline
Old 12-11-2007, 12:21 PM

(ooc: no problem. We got a Happiny now)

zetina is offline
Old 12-11-2007, 03:41 PM

"Ah, sure!" Zig nodded as he finally awoke some-what. He quickly lowered himself to grab a notebook. He always kept the prices there in case he forgot any. It didn't happen too often and this was one of those rare cases when his brain refused to give him the information he needed.

"It'll be [enter price here], Eevee," he said with a real smile this time. "I actually can't wait til the decorations and such!"

Somercy is offline
Old 12-11-2007, 04:53 PM

Vaporeon walked through town, his usual blank glare (some found it rather frightening) on his face. He stopped in front of Zizagoon's shop, seeing Eevee inside. She and Zigzagoon had always been rather friendly.

He walked into the shop slowly, greeting Zig and Eevee. "Hello there. What's going on today?"

Titenya is offline
Old 12-11-2007, 05:27 PM

Eevee took some coins out of her purse and handed them to Zig.

"I know, it's going to be fun. I'm going to be closing the bakery after lunch today. I have to go over to the school to deliver cookies, then I have to help organize every thing in the squair."

She turned hearing the door open.

"Oh, good morning Vaporeon. We were jsut talking about the holiday decorating that is going on this afternoon. The Pidgey and Gym Pokemon are going to be bring in a tree for us to decorate. I hope you'll be able to come as well. I have to get back to my shop and finish up since I'm closing early today. See you guys later."

She smiled, waving her tail as she hoped out the door and up the path leading back through the squair. She didn't notice the bird pokemon fly over head from the roof of the Pokemart as she left.

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-11-2007, 07:39 PM

  • Happiny bounced in and greeted Pikachu who was still at the stove.

    "Good morning Pikachu. I'm sorry I'm late!" she apologized. "Oh, no it's okay Happiny, there's nobody here yet anyway. Do you want some tea or hot apple cider?" she offered. The cider saucepan and water kettle were boiling by now so Pikachu turned down the heat so it wouldn't burn.

    "Do you mind getting me two small, clean snowballs from outside? I need to put them in the water and cider to cool them off a little bit," Pikachu asked. 'Thank the legendaries that I have an assistant!' she thought. Happiny nodded and bounced out, trying to catch bits of snowfall that were fresh from the sky. "These should be enough!" she said to herself and went back into the Pokemon Center. "Here you are, Pikachu, and yes I'd like some cider please." Pikachu smiled. "Okay," and put the tiny snowballs into the kettle and saucepan, enough to make the drinks warm, but not freezing cold or boiling hot. She ladled out some cider into a foam cup and gave it to Happiny, then ladled some for herself.

    "Come on, let's go sit on the couch and relax," Pikachu said. Happiny soon followed. "Oh, by the way did you know we have a tree decorating event in town later on today?" the pink Pokemon asked. "Yes, Miss Eevee told me about it earlier, and we're going over to help, especially if someone hurts themselves. I've already prepared a first aid kit, but everyone else is welcome to stay here later for tea and cider," Pikachu explained.

    "Ah, I see. Well, it sounds like it's gonna be really fun," said Happiny, drinking her cider. "Ooh, this is yummy!" she exclaimed. "I'm glad you like it, Happiny," Pikachu replied.

zetina is offline
Old 12-11-2007, 07:49 PM

Zigzagoon waved good-bye to Eevee and then turned his gaze to Vaporeon.

"Hiya!" he said and leaned on the counter. "You're early - there are no jobs here yet," he explained. Though he never minded a visit or two. It was nice to kill some time between customers.

Titenya is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 03:26 PM

Eevee made her way back to the bakery and mixed up some red icing. She then finished frosting her cookies for the children, and set them on her work table to set. she went back to sit in the shop part of the bakery and decorate the ginerbread pokemon that she was taking to the decorating party later. she was also planning on bringing some soft, fresh bread for the pokemong who went to find the tree, since they missed their lunch.

She looked up and smiled as Teddiursa came into her shop.

"Good mroning Teddy, on your way to work? what can I get fro you today?"

"Yes, and yes I am. I'm running late as well. Do you have any honeybuns left?"

"Of corse, how many would you like?"

"I'll take two, and can you wrap them in paper for me? The last time I had them, I got honey all over my paws and on the mayor's paperwork. he was so mad." She giggled, handing eevee her money as she took the buns and left again.

Eevee smiled. Every one in this town was so nice.

Somercy is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 03:40 PM

Vapoereon shrugged at Zigzagoon. "Ah, well." It wasn't as though his time was valuable, he didn't need to be elsewhere. "The decorating's later this afternoon?" Perhaps he would go visit Eevee at her bakery. He hadn't had breakfast yet, the grumbling of his stomach reminded him.

zetina is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 04:21 PM

"Yes, it is," he nodded and then snickered at the growling stomach. Zig hadn't eaten much himself but that could wait.
"I can get you some food, if you want." The Zigzagoon turned around to look at the choice of treats, healthy foods he had. Apples, berries and so on.

Somercy is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 04:35 PM

{color=dodgerblue]"Oh. Sure," Vaporeon said, his deep eyes surprised. He wasn't used to other people--well, Pokemon--caring about his well-being. "An apple would be very nice." He made a valiant attempt at a friendly smile, though his scar made any facial expression somewhat grim.[/color]

zetina is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 07:35 PM

Zigzagoon didn't really notice his expression and just gave him an apple. He had never dared to ask about his scars and didn't demand much from him. Vaporeon was good, helpful and so on. Zig didn't need more.

"The apple is free since you help around so much," he presented the fruit with a little, rapid nods. Or maybe he forgot the price...

Slade White
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Old 12-12-2007, 09:27 PM

Houndour looked back once more as the girl urged him back into the forest. He was healed; he'd never felt so strong! He let a small bark escape his mouth, and he trotted away from her quickly. Why would a human help him?

His thoughts were halted as he came upon a little town. His brow slanted downward; he lowered his head in confusion. Small, short, dainty steps were made into the town; it was so quiet and peaceful. For some reason, its vibes were so different from any other town he'd ever been in.

Another, yet more powerful, bark announced his arrival. "Hello?"

Titenya is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 09:50 PM

Eevee looked up at the clock, and jumped a little. She was running late, she was sopoed to be at the school 10 minuites ago with the cookies. She grabbed the basket with the cookies for the children.

She rushed down the path twords the school when she heard a powerfull bark. It startled her, causing her to trip over a stone and send the basket of cookies flying across the snow covered ground. She pulled her self up to a sitting position, peering into the forest.


Slade White
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Old 12-12-2007, 09:55 PM

The Pokemon didn't realize he was hidden from visibility. He heard a female voice, and saw a basket of cookies fly out and land in the snow. His blue eyes widened, and he scurried out in the snow.

"I'm so sorry!" Houndour said, nudging the cookies back into the basket with his wet, dog-like nose. Once the cookies were all back, the Pokemon picked the basket up and rushed over to the Eevee.

His eyes were apologetic, but he was silenced due to the basket's handle in his mouth. There was snow still littering his shiny black nose, and his ears were down and droopy. Something always went wrong when he was near.

Titenya is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 10:15 PM

(ooc: sorry, not your fault, for some reason i wanted to drop the basket of cookies.. no idea why. been planning on doing it since i htought up baking them for the school kids... i'm evil)

She smiled at the newcomer.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting to see any one there. I think I scared you as much as you did me. I'm Eevee, I work up at the bakery."

She smiled, taking the basket back.

"Thank you for gathering up the cookies, it's a good thing i wraped them up. I don't think i've seen you around before. Did you just find your way here?

Slade White
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Slade White is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 10:25 PM

He let out a sigh of relief; he didn't notice they were wrapped up, but he was glad they were. His eyes quickly lowered from Eevee's eyes, and he stared at a pawprint in the snow.

"Yeah," he said. "I just made my way from the other town back there."

He was a very shy Pokemon, due to never socializing with one since he was wild. But, back then, he was always the weakest and everyone wanted to battle him just to gain experience points. Now Houndour was on level 22 and was proud of himself.

"I'm Houndour," he finally managed. "Nice to meet you. Oh..." he paused, looking up at her. "Your cookies smell great." He admitted with a small smirk and a small wag of his bushy tail.

Titenya is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 11:09 PM

"It's very nice to meet you Houndour." She smiled, and purred contently, getting up and brushing the snow off her furr with her big fluffy tail.

"I'm take these to the children at the school. If you like, you can come with me. We can go up to the pokemon center as well, it's practically next door. If your coming from the outside your proably very tired... it's a long way from any of the human villages. Nurse Pika will be happy to make sure your in your best condition."

She smiled at him, hoping he would cheer up a little...

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-12-2007, 11:58 PM

  • ((Hiya, sorry all, I've been busy with finals ^^;; that my mind's too zonked out to actually think up a reply.))

    Happiny quickly went to sleep from the cider. Pikachu was not surprised -- Happiny was still her junior assistant, and still considered a child at her base evolutionary form. At least she worked hard with what assignments she was given.

    Pikachu decided to put out a sign at the front of the door for any weary Pokemon to come in, or if they just wanted to visit.


    There still was the matter of tree decorating in the afternoon. She ate another marzipan or two then shoved the box back into the refrigerator. The fire wasn't blazing as well as it should have, so Pikachu put another log into the fireplace. "Brr...I hope it gets a little warmer in here soon. It wouldn't be good at all if it were freezing in here, not with the weather outside." She had to be careful not to wake up Happiny as she shot little bits of Thunderbolt at the firelogs.

Slade White
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:12 AM

"Really?" he whimpered, his abnormally-long and fluffy tail wagging a little. Instead of replying verbally, the dark Pokemon nodded at the Eevee's offer. He looked down, noticing his paws had become a bit chilly. They were almost completely covered in snow. With a small, quiet growl, he pulled his black paws out of the white, powdery ice.

Looking back at the equally-bushy-tailed Pokemon, Houndour did his best to look happy. He nodded her in the direction she was proceeding. "Shall we?"

Houndour was slightly worried about scaring the children, due to his quiet, drawn-back personality and misleading looks. He had fangs, a skull-like plate on his head, and various silver adornments coming from his body. He made himself nervous, kind of lingering behind Eevee.

Titenya is offline
Old 12-13-2007, 11:27 AM

(ooc: that's ok Toffee, thanks for letting us know)

They walked along the path happily, Eevee was excited that there was a new Pokemon in the village. As they passed by the square, eevee saw a pidgey flying over head and waived.

"That's the scout pidgey, he's helping us find a Christmas tree this morning. around lunch time the Pokemon down at the gym will go and bring it back to town. If you feel up to it, you can come help us decorate."

They made it to the school, and eevee dropped off the basket with the teacher and left quietly since it was nap time and all the little Pokemon were asleep.

They then turned up the path to the pokecenter.

"So what kind of attacks do you know? I know mainly normal ones, but one of my parents had been taught Shadowball so I inherited it. "

Slade White
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Slade White is offline
Old 12-13-2007, 10:35 PM

"Wow, Shadow Ball? That's cool! I know basic Dark and Fire attacks," he said. "But when I become a Houndoom, oh I can't wait, I'll be able to learn more powerful, helpful attacks. I'll finally be strong." The small, dog-like Pokemon's tail wagged as his blue eyes trailed to the Eevee.

He looked like he was trying to ask something, but he always felt awkward when addressing someone. Looking away from her, and finally looking ahead of himself, Houndour spotted the PokeCenter. It only slightly resembled a human-made Pokemon Center; it actually looked more inviting. He wondered how many Pokemon he'd meet, especially since Eevee seemed well-known.

"Um, so," he finally said, looking back to the female Pokemon. "Did you help make this place, or did you come here like I did?"

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-13-2007, 11:56 PM

  • Pikachu ended up falling asleep at her desk, while Happiny woke up starting to do some work. "Pikachu works so hard...I wish I could be like her someday." Happiny cleaned around the Pokemon Center, sweeping floors and scrubbing surfaces, things like that. "At least it got warmer. Maybe we'll have some visitors, hopefully," she said to herself. She sat for a bit on the floor out of boredom. "I wish we had some form of entertainment here...SOMETHING at least!"


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