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dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by Vox View Post
I've done a lot of stupid things, but I'm happy with my life now, so why look back and regret them?
What he said. I tend to live without regrets, as all they do is hold you back from opportunities. At least, that's how I see it.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 02:45 PM

Every single person on the planet has at least one regret, one thing that they would undoubtedly change if they had the chance. I honestly believe that people who say they don't have regrets are either lying to themselves, or they don't realize the difference between coming to terms with their regrets, and actually not regretting. I think that's something that comes with time and wisdom. Maybe they just haven't actually had anything happen to them that was really regret worthy.

I too have come to accept the things in my life that once ailed me. If they hadn't happened, I wouldn't be who I am, and I love who I am. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't hug my grandmother longer, should I ever get that chance again. Weather it would change who I am today or not, I would certainly hold her in my arms as long as I could and let her pass, the both of us at peace with her cancer.

I also do not believe that a regret would hold you back from opportunities. A regret has taught you how to better handle situations that you clearly couldn't handle properly in the first place. If anything, the regret teaches you that what happened should be handled in a different way, not, not handled at all. A regret reminds us that we are human and that we have a possibility of being hurt or embarrassed, etc. once again. In turn you handle situations in a new light, with a more mature and a more level head. That's how I feel about it anyway.

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 03:43 PM

I sent a very angry text (not angry with the person, though) to a friend and he became so upset with how negative I am that we no longer speak... I feel ashamed with myself for doing that...

\ (•◡•) /
lizrd356 is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 07:27 PM

i really regreted cutting my hair i do not look good with short hair. i cut it for a good cause the local salon has a free haircut thing if you donate the hair to a place to make wigs for the people that have cancer and other treatments for which they need kemo thearapy. so me and my uncle both donated.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 10:19 PM

I have one regret, my first love.

I'm not regretting meeting her, God no definitively not that. You see, we dated over the internet even though we knew each other in real life, we were shy and new to dating. Everything was as close to perfect as it could get. She always got sick, always ran off to help someone. She would even leave our dates to help someone. However it started fights between us, one fight... she just disappeared. I did hear or see her for months, when she came back. We tried to be friends, but I couldn't. She hurt me to much, I told her I would return as a friend when I could stand being around her not as her lover.

Took me two years to finally get the nerve to try, I still loved her but that love would never leave. When I called her, I found out she had died from cancer earlier that year. That pain struck so hard and lingers just as strong as it hit. I never did get to tell her how I felt. I wasn't there for her, I wasn't a good boyfriend. I thought she was an hypochondriac, she is my one regret.

Inactive menace
DaisyKeehl is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 12:10 AM

My most recent regret:

Eating big meals the past 2 days... I think I am fat and need to lose weight so I usually beat myself up about anything I eat. I know it isn't healthy but I would rather starve....

wish is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 11:01 AM

i dont express myself well so i guess things i've said or haven't said to other people. :\

\ (•◡•) /
amyrex2 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:09 PM

I haven't read the hunger games book yet, as was debating wither I would or not, and told my husband I probably wouldn't, and he went and spoiled the whole series, yet should have told him to keep his mouth shut, as I am starting to think I might want to read them, as NO one I have talked to about them has anything bad to say about them.

As an adult, the people I asking are also adult, a couple of them are English teachers, so they point out things like easily seen though plot devices and bad depictions of characters, so there praise is a bit more detailed than..."it was really good, I stayed up all night reading it."

Bah Humbug. If I so much as whisper about a book I am reading in his general area he'll scream.."Don't spoil Amy I might want to read it some day"...He tells me who Katniss ends up with at the end and why...

Totally unfair. I have much much regret. Maybe I will wait a year and read them then, as my husband will have stopped talking about them, and I will have had time to forget his spoilers.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:32 PM

When I was about 10-11 I shouted out the window at my neighbor and told him to get a job. I was just being childish and stupid, but he took it really bad and thought I was racist! I felt all the worse because my parents thought it was funny. >_>

Destiny is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:56 PM

I think way too much and so I often find myself regretting a lot of stuff.

Like recently, my teacher had this competition in our class where everyone was given monopoly money and they could choose which projects they wanted to put their money towards. Whoever got the most money got bonus marks.

I honestly really wanted to just put all my money into my project since I worked really hard on it, but I looked at other people's projects and saw that some of them were really outstanding.
So I decided to split my money and put them into the ones I thought deserved it the most.

Later, I see a few classmates putting ALL their money into theirs and after class, I just started regretting not putting all my money into mine. I mean, bonus marks right!
Usually people regret doing something bad, but here I am regretting NOT doing something bad...

But anyways, I'm over it now. I'm glad I split the money because I put a smile on some other people's faces because they saw me put money into their projects. To me, that's worth more than a couple bonus marks.
(Hehe, cheesy line. >w<)

ktbee is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 05:32 PM

Um.. I think my regrets aren't so serious... Probably. Maybe they don't belong, but I always think, "Drat! Why'd I do it?" when it happens..

1. I'm always running into walls, and falling up the stairs. I'm also good at dropping things (especially electronics).

2. Forgetting to take my meds when I'm busy making sure everyone else has gotten theirs (it only happens once a week, but still).

3. And more seriously, whether I'm making the right choice career-wise.. I want to become a nurse, but it's SOOO not up my alley. I love helping people, but the theory, and even the practical things, don't come naturally to me. It's really not my thing, even though it's what I want to do and can imagine myself doing for the rest of my working life. I suppose this may be a regret-in-progress.. heh.

Plushie Doll
Plushie Doll is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 09:35 PM

I'm an aggressive person D: so I tend to hit my friends and people a lot... (like when we're having fun) but then I regret it ): because that's a mean thing to do.....

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 04-12-2012, 11:55 AM

My regrets are usually based on what I didn't do rather than what I did in life.

Examples I can think of include not really talking to the last guy I crushed on when I liked him. And not studying hard enough when I was in school and not learning more languages when it would've been easier.


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