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Old 02-07-2023, 12:34 AM

Friday, February 3, 2023

Hm, I can't really remember what happened today. I didn't sleep very well again and ended up feeling pretty stressed in the evening about stuff building up on my plate.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

I slept like crap again last night. These meds really aren't working out for me. I did a bunch of errands in the late morning and then in the afternoon I went to a thrift store with my friend. It was a bit overwhelming because it was super busy but I found a couple of nice pairs of shoes and it was nice to hang out with my friend since I don't get to see her often. Afterwards I finished up my errands and headed home and basically went to bed.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Today I managed to get a few things sorted out on my to do list which felt nice but I slept pretty badly again last night and ended up crashing in the afternoon. I went to a car museum with my boyfriend and then we stopped by Petco to see if my little bearded lizard friend was still there but someone had taken him home. I was happy but also sad because I was really hoping to see him again. We headed home and had dinner and then I tried to go to bed a bit earlier because I wasn't feeling well.


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Old 02-16-2023, 04:30 PM

Monday, February 6, 2023

Oops, got backlogged again. I can't remember anything from today, must have been pretty uneventful I guess.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Woke up feeling sick and rotten. Called in sick and slept most of the day.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Still miserable sick. Called in again and rested in the morning/afternoon. My sister flew in today to visit. We picked her up from the airport and got some groceries.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Still not feeling great. I took my cat to the vest in the morning and then in the afternoon I took my sister and her wife to the French cafe near the beach for lunch. Afterwards we walked on the beach and picked up shells. On the way home we stopped at Target for a few things and then I mostly lay in bed for the rest of the night. I hope I feel better soon because we are supposed to be leaving for Orlando tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Woke up still feeling rotten so we stayed home. I took a nap and packed for Orlando in the afternoon and we left once my boyfriend got home. The ride was long and the weather was super crappy. We ate dinner at a Texas Steak House or something like that. After checking in at the hotel we went to bed early since we'll need to be up early in the morning for Universal.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Waking up early this morning I wanted to die. I didn't sleep much at all last night and felt awful. It really sucked since this Universal trip is like a once in a lifetime thing. I pulled myself together and we got to the park for early admission. We had to start at Islands of Adventure because the other park didn't open early. We went straight for Hogsmead and picked out wands. I got the Luna Lovegood wand because it's so pretty. We hung out in Hogsmead for a couple hours and went on the Hippogriff ride and then took the Hogwarts Express over to Diagon Alley. It was cool but pretty overwhelming. We ate lunch in the Leaky Cauldron and then my boyfriend and I went back to the hotel for a nap. I couldn't sleep though. In the evening we went to the park to feed the ducks and then had some yummy Thai food for dinner and went to bed early since it'll be another early morning tomorrow.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Still not feeling awesome. I'm really sad this trip has been so bleh due to whatever respiratory thing I have. I took a covid test but it came back negative so there is that. Same deal again, we got up early, checked out, and headed to Islands of Adventure. Originally my boyfriend and I wanted to try to explore some other areas of the park but I guess for the early admission you can really only go to Hogsmead so we ended up back there. We went on the castle ride and I super regretted it. I thought it would be a tame ride but it definitely was not. Afterwards we headed back to Diagon Alley and did the Gringotts ride. That one was better but still a bit more than I bargained for. We were going to try to go on the Men In Black one after that but someone told us that it spun around and we decided to forgo that one after all the other spinny stuff we did on the other two rides. We left the park and got some Panda Express for lunch and then got an early start on the drive home. We stopped at Buccee's for snacks on the way back. Once home I unpacked and we had ramen for dinner and put on the game. We didn't stay up to watch the end though and headed to bed early.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Still not kicking this illness. I spent some time working on Mene projects for the v-day event in the morning and then later in the day we went to the Arboretum. I wish we had gotten there a bit earlier because I didn't realize that they closed at 5. Still, we got to see a few things and take a few pictures. We stopped at Starbucks for some drinks and then did a bit of thrifting before heading for dinner. We had Hot Pot. It was my sister's first time and she really loved it. They'll be heading home tomorrow. I feel bad that we didn't get to do more with me feeling so lousy the whole trip.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy v-day...not. Still dying. I was supposed to work today but took the day off because I'm still not feeling well. My sister and I went for coffee at this place called Bitty and Beau's. It's a coffee shop that employs individuals with mental disabilities. I really loved the vibe there and what they stand for. Afterwards we stopped at a local clothing shop next door and I got a jacket which will be useful when we move later this year. Lastly we stopped at the Treaty Oak, this giant tree in my town, before heading to the airport. I hate saying goodbyes. After I got back from the airport I tidied a fwe things in the apartment and then took a nap. I had some medicine delivered in the afternoon and did a bit more cleaning and laundry before calling it a night. I'm definitely happy to have my bed back to myself, LOL!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Still feel like crud. I almost took the day off again and my boss even told me I should but I stuck it out. It was mostly catching up on emails and a couple of meetings and then I had to leave early to go for my second round of botox treatment for migraines. It was every bit as painful as I remembered. When I got home I went down to sit by the pool for some fresh air and started reading this book "The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic". The stories are very good and the pages are beautifully illustrated. After a while it started to get dark so I headed upstairs and started working on my v-day entries for the event. A food truck parked outside for dinner so I had a chorizo quesadilla and we watched part of an episode of The Last of Us. I'm really enjoying that show. After that I finished up my mene entries and read a bit more then headed off to bed.


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Old 02-17-2023, 05:32 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2023

I'm starting to feel a tiny bit better but still sickly. I worked a full day and then swept the balcony and cleaned the kitchen. Oh the excitement! I showered and my boyfriend made a chicken, rice, and broccoli bake and we watched the rest of the Last of Us episode. It was a pretty chill evening overall.


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Old 02-21-2023, 08:55 PM

Friday, February 17, 2023

Today we had a half a day for work because of the holiday on Monday but I wasn't super focused so I ended up working a bit longer than scheduled to try to make up for it. In the afternoon I wanted to go grab a frappe from Bitty and Beau's Coffee but by the time I finished it was looking rainy so I skipped on that. I think I spent most of the rest of the day cleaning and whatnot.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Today I finally got my frappe, yay! We had lunch at Panera and stopped by the coffee place and then headed to this car show. They were showing the new models for different cars. It was a great opportunity to get to check out some different makes and models since my boyfriend and I are both thinking about getting new cars when we move to Oklahoma later this year. We spent most of the day there and then in the evening had a belated Valentine's Day dinner at this French place which was pretty yummy. I had salad, beef short ribs, and a lemon ricotta crepe cake. It was all pretty yummy!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Last night I was up half of the night with my kitty throwing up. She was sick 8 times over the course of a couple hours which was pretty worrisome. In the morning I took her to the vet thinking she just had a respiratory infection but it turned out she was also constipated, dehydrated, and has pancreatitis. I spent about $1,000 total on her exams and medications. It's all pretty scary because she's starting to get older and things can go south quickly. While they were keeping her for examination, we grabbed some lunch and then I went to meet my friends super quickly and then had to run back to pick my kitty up. It was a stressful day. I'm glad I have tomorrow off to hopefully rest up and relax a bit.

Monday, February 20, 2023

So much for resting and relaxing. I was up again with Yuna last night. I thought she was vomiting blood but it turns out that it's coming from her bum. I took her to the vet first thing again in the morning but they said it was pretty normal after the treatment that they did for the constipation. I was hoping to take a nap to catch up on some of my missed sleep but I had to wash the bedding from the blood and didn't really get a chance. I also had to hire a professional catsitter to watch Yuna this weekend instead of my friend since now she has a bunch of medications she needs to take so they came by for a meet and greet. After that I went for a walk and when my boyfriend came home, we made dinner, watched an episode of The Last of Us, and went to bed early.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Even though I went to be early last night and slept pretty well it was hard to get up this morning, I was still so tired... I had a dentist appointment first thing in the morning so that was NOT fun since I absolutely HATE the dentist. Thankfully it was pretty quick so there is that. Afterwards I went for a Starbucks run but it turned out that the Starbucks I punched into my GPS was inside a Target so then it also turned into a quick Target run. I ended up grabbing some habit trackers and other groceries.

Once I got home it was back to work for me. It was a busy day. I'm still trying to play catch up from vacation and being sick. The good news is that hopefully soon we will be hiring a new assistant for me to help with my marketing emails so I'm pretty excited for that. I ended up working pretty late today because we had a meeting with our social media ambassadors. Thankfully I don't usually have these late meetings so it wasn't too bad. After that I got ready for bed and read a bit before going to sleep.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-22-2023 at 12:54 AM..


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Old 03-08-2023, 07:56 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Oops, I got behind on this again. Not really sure what happened today. More dealing with sick kitty and catching up and preparing to travel again this weekend.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ditto to the above.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Today I had a halfish day at work to leave early for the airport. I'm heading to Oklahoma this weekend to look at apartments. Our first flight got delayed for like 30ish minutes. Then our second flight also got delayed because they changed the gate and apparently there's this whole procedure that needs to be done to change an international gate to a domestic gate. Whatevs... I got to finally try Bojangles! I've been seeing it around here in Florida and wondering how it was. It wasn't bad! Anyway, the second flight was very bumpy which was not fun but thankfully we arrived in one piece.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

It was a rough morning. I didn't sleep well between the TV playing loudly all night in the room next door and my boyfriend snoring. Fun times. We visited a bunch of apartments today. Some nice, some not so nice. We grabbed some coffee from this place and I think I've found my new favorite drink. I can't wait till we move there and I can go there all the time, lol! We had pizza for lunch in between visits. After we were done for the day we headed to a nearby mall to check out what was there and then went to this Chinese place for dinner. They had the spicy chicken we really like but can't find here in Florida so that was fun!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

It was another rough start. I slept even worse than I did the night before. We didn't have any apartment visits today because it's Sunday and everywhere is closed. We had free breakfast at the hotel and then I laid in bed for a little bit trying to relax. I eventually showered and got dressed and we headed back to our new favorite coffee place and then set out for an adventure on Route 66. We visited this giant whale statue which was weird but fun. We saw a few other landmarks and then grabbed dinner at another Asian place and went back to the hotel. There was a severe tornado watch so I ended up staying up really late watching all the radars to make sure we wouldn't get flattened in our sleep on the eight floor of the hotel. My boyfriend wasn't concerned. He slept through the whole thing.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Yet another tough time getting up this morning. I'll be happy to be back in my own bed tonight. We ran to get our last yummy coffee from our favorite coffee place and then had a couple of last-minute apartment visits. We grabbed lunch at this ramen bar and then headed for the airport. More delays, yay. The first flight got delayed because it was windy and some indicator light came on that they had to check. Our layover in Atlanta was stressful, we only had like 15 minutes to change terminals and grab food. We managed to do a speed run at Panda Express and got to our gate just in time for boarding. Once we were all on the plane though it was more delays. At least another half hour sitting at the gate waiting for a technician because the plane wasn't reading the fuel gauge. Oh boy... So yeah, we didn't get home till late. So much for trying to catch up on sleep before heading back to work tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

So tired this morning but I managed to pull myself together for my morning meeting. I can't really remember much more than that other than it was a crazy day at work and I was stressed by everything I needed to do.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Today I had an interview with someone we might be hiring to be my part-time assistant. The guy seems pretty cool and very knowledgeable so fingers crossed that everything will go well with that. I stopped taking my new meds today. I think they're also part of the problem of me not sleeping well. I wake up like every single hour, it's insane. Anyway, we'll see how that goes.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

I can't really remember anything from today, I guess it must have been pretty uneventful.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Well I think my laptop has finally given up on life. It was really slow before but now it's like impossible to even move the mouse. I spoke to a technician over the phone and that didn't help anything so I decided that I'm going to finally give in and get a new one. I spent quite a while looking at the different models and then finally settled on another Macbook Air. I ordered it for pickup at the local Apple store so I'm pretty excited to pick that up tomorrow.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Originally I wanted to have a chill day at home today to just putz around after all the craziness lately but then with the whole laptop thing I ended up spending the day picking up my new one and getting everything set up. It was a lot of money but it's so clicky and pretty, lol. I'm pretty happy with it so far.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

My boyfriend dragged me to the gym today. I mostly walked on the treadmill. We're doing a walking challenge at work so I was trying to get my steps in. I did the rowing machine for a few minutes as well and then went for the best part of the workout--the massage chair, lol. After that we popped into the aquarium/reptile store next door and I spent a long time grilling one of the employees there about the different types of lizards and their care. I'd really love to get a bearded dragon but my boyfriend is not happy with how big of a tank they need. There's a different kind of lizard though, an uromastyx, which apparently only needs a 40 gallon tank and is a vegetarian so you don't need to worry about keeping bugs around. I'm pretty sold but I think my boyfriend is going to need some convincing... On the way home we stopped and got some groceries from the Asian mart and then I tried to catch up on a few things at home before the start of another work week.

Monday, March 6, 2023

The garbage people didn't take our garbage last night and that set me off this morning. Pretty sure I'm PMSing because the rage was pretty disproportionate to the situation. Fun times...

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

It was an okay day. Looks like we'll likely be able to hire that guy I interviewed as my assistant so I'm looking forward to that. In the evening I played some PSO NGS and was checking out outfits in the marketplace until maintenance shut things down then I did the dishes and headed to bed.


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Old 03-10-2023, 03:38 AM

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

It was an okay day. Work was chiller than it has been lately. In the evening I played a bit of PSO and read a bit. Nothing too crazy.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Another okay day. I wasn't terribly motivated today though. In the evening I cleaned the kitchen and took a bath and then booked flights to Barcelona! Yay! Then I ended up with a migraine. Boo... Time for bed I guess, hopefully my head will feel better in the morning.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-10-2023 at 07:47 PM..


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Old 03-10-2023, 07:50 PM

Friday, March 10, 2023

Today has not been a good day. Last night I went to bed with a migraine and woke up about an hour later with the worst migraine I've ever had in my life. It was horrible. Then I had bad dreams about being in a plane crash and loosing my cat. And then when I woke up my boss had sent me a message saying we needed to talk about my upcoming vacation. My head still hurt and the shower rack fell down twice and gave up on life. I mean same but COULD YOU DO IT ON ANY OTHER DAY? SHEESH! Then I dropped my lotion bottle and it squirted all over the place and my cat puked on the floor and there are were no paper towels in the apartment to clean it. Yeah, clearly one of those days where everything is going wrong. I'm so tired too (yay migraine hangover) but I've got a bunch of work to do. So yeah, guess I better dash off to do that. I hope I can get some rest this weekend.


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Old 03-13-2023, 04:09 PM

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Today was a massive fail. I was supposed to have a massage in the evening but I got a call around 3:45pm saying it was canceled. Having planned my entire day around it, I was very unhappy. And also being around that time of the month I was PMSing and ended up in a tiff with my boyfriend. We did finally end up going out but we had to rush our errands and didn't get home until late. The whole day just felt like such a waste...

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Today we went to the Timucan Preserve and visited an old plantation house and learned some of it's history. I was very surprised when heard a large bird call and saw there was a peacock on the ground, and another in a tree! I didn't realize they could fly... Anyway, we headed to the beach afterwards and walked along the shore and I picked up a bunch of shells. It started getting late so we headed to Amelia Island for dinner. We ate at this Italian place and the food was AMAZING. We ran into a huge rainstorm on the way home which was not fun to drive in. I spent the rest of the evening trying to square things away and get to bed early since I haven't been sleeping well lately.


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Old 03-14-2023, 05:25 PM

Monday, March 13, 2023

I didn't sleep well last night and felt like the day got a slow start and I was constantly trying to catch up. It was my mom's birthday so I called her on my lunch break. Afterwards I had my first work meeting with my new assistant! I felt a bit disorganized but hopefully I can get them up to speed soon. When my boyrfiend got home we went down to the nail salon and I treated us to mani pedis. I got hot pink on my fingers and toes! When we got back, we watched the last episode of The Last of Us while we ate dinner. It was really good. Overall I'm really pleased with the TV series and can't wait for season two already! After that I ended up staying up way later than I intended to. One of my coworkers is super into Rent The Runway and has been trying to get me to try it so I ended up spending most of the way too long browsing through the things they have to offer. So much for catching up on sleep tonight.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-15-2023 at 07:10 PM..


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Old 03-15-2023, 07:12 PM

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Today my boyfriend left for a short trip so it was just me and the kitty home alone. Work was meh, I felt like I didn't get a whole lot done. I did have another meeting with my new assistant though so that was good. We managed to crank out a couple of drafts for marketing emails. In the evening I again spent way too much time looking at Rent The Runway but I placed my first order so I'm pretty excited to give it a try. Afterwards I mostly ran around trying to tidy the apartment and get stuff done and squared away for tomorrow. And then I ended up getting to bed late again. Oops...


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Old 03-17-2023, 05:03 PM

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

It was just me home alone again today. It was an okay day at work. In the evening I tried on a bunch of swimsuits I ordered but I think most if not all will probably go back. That's about it for the day really.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Another okay day I guess. I had a work session with one of my coworkers which was interesting. I had a hard therapy session in the evening and then went down to a happy hour the building had put on. People were playing cornhole though and it was pretty loud. The neighbor I usually chat with seemed pretty meh. Not sure if she's mad at me for some reason or was just annoyed with all the noise. Either way I didn't stay long. I had the other half of my leftover sandwich for lunch and played a little bit of Pokemon and then spent most of the evening setting up stuff on here for St. Patty's Day and then ended up getting to bed way too late. Oops...


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Old 03-19-2023, 03:02 AM

Friday, March 17, 2023

I had a super hard time focusing today so it was not a productive day at work. Late in the day I got super tired so I ended up taking a nap after I logged off for the day and then kind of lounged around because my head hurt. It was my boyfriend's birthday today so I took him downstairs to the Thai place for dinner. It was pretty good but I just wasn't feeling well. We came back home and both went to bed pretty early.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

This morning I woke up at like 6am and couldn't get back to sleep. I had a tough time getting my brain to focus in one direction today. I had a bunch of stuff to prepare to be shipped out but I kept kind of running in circles and not making much progress which was frustrating to say the least. I felt pretty overwhelmed. We finally got out and I made it to the post office in time and the UPS store to get all my stuff sent out and then we ran some errands. It started raining in the middle though so we ended up getting soaked. Oh! I did get to wear one of my Rent The Runway pieces today, a dark black/grey jean romper thing. It was cute but such a pain to get into. SO MANY BUTTONS!

Anyway, after errands we had massages scheduled. I was hoping that my masseuse would help work out some of the knots in my back/shoulders/neck but she ended up doing a super light massage. So while it didn't really help with specific muscle tension, it was very relaxing which was nice. After we finished up there we got some groceries from Target and headed home. I was still feeling pretty tired and meh so I ended up taking a nap and that was pretty much it for the evening. I woke up around 8pm and putzed around until 11pm or so and then headed to bed.


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Old 03-22-2023, 06:37 PM

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Today was a very productive day. I got so much done, including my taxes! It felt really good to get a bunch of things crossed off of my to do list. Later in the day we went to the Asian supermarket and picked up a bunch of fun stuff to try. For dinner we made this tofu dish with ground beef and these little round green eggplants, it was pretty yummy!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Today I had an appointment with the neurologist to follow up on my migraines. The doctor I'm seeing at the Mayo Clinic is so much better than any of the other doctors I've seen in the past. He's so smart and so thorough about investigating things that other doctors have never looked into. Anyway, he wants to do a new MRI since the last one is from a few years ago as well as a sleep study since the quality of my sleep is very lousy. I'm hoping I can get everything figured out with him before I have to move away and find a new doctor.

Friday, March 17, 2023

I had a super hard time focusing today so it was not a productive day at work. Late in the day I got super tired so I ended up taking a nap after I logged off for the day and then kind of lounged around because my head hurt. It was my boyfriend's birthday today so I took him downstairs to the Thai place for dinner. It was pretty good but I just wasn't feeling well. We came back home and both went to bed pretty early.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

This morning I headed back to the Mayo Clinic for the MRI. I was pretty nervous about it since the last one I had done made me feel super claustrophobic and I was internally freaking out the whole time. The Mayo staff was really great though and I managed to get through it okay. I went to Starbucks afterwards to treat myself to a yummy coffee, lol. I didn't really want to head back to work but I did and managed to get a good amount of work done so that felt good. In the evening I was pretty tired and headed to bed really early.


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Old 03-23-2023, 02:48 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Last night I had a bad bout of insomnia and couldn't sleep for over 4 hours. Needless to say it was not a great start to the day. That said, I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be which was weird. Work was okay. In the evening I had a different sort of therapy session. We're starting EMDR so it will be interesting to see how that goes. I did like the first session so I'm hoping it will help. We had pizza for a late diner and I tried to head to bed earlyish to make up for my lack of sleep the night before.


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Old 03-28-2023, 05:57 PM

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Today was an okay day. I worked during the day and then in the evening I went to the Town Center to return a few things and browse the shops. I ended up picking up some makeup from Sephora and a top and pants from Madewell. When I got home, my boyfriend had made some eggplant Chinese dish for dinner. It was pretty yummy.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Today the fourth John Wick movie came out! My boyfriend and I grabbed some Panda Express for dinner after work and then headed to the theater to watch the movie. It was good and a good time since I haven't been to the movies in quite a long time.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Today we went car shopping. Well more like browsing really because I'm not entirely decided yet. I'm looking at getting a small size SUV. We looked at the VW Taos which I really like except for the gas pedal which feels very finicky to me. After that I tried a Mazda but didn't really like how cramped it felt. Lastly I tried a Honda which does have some pretty cool features. I'm kind of undecided between the Taos and the Honda. I think we'll probably go back next weekend to look at a few more options. Towards the end I started feeling pretty crappy so we went home and I laid down for an hour or two and then felt like a zombie for the rest of the night.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

I didn't really sleep well last night after the nap I took yesterday. I woke up feeling like crap which was unfortunate because we had reservations for brunch. I ended up cancelling them because I felt so sick. In the afternoon my boyfriend took me out for a walk which was nice. We got to see lots of lizards which always cheers me up. I ended up feeling super dizzy by the time we got back though so I had to lay back down again and it turned out my blood pressure was really really low. Like 90/50. Not good. I drank a bunch of water and we watched part of a movie and that did help with the dizziness but not really with my nausea and general crappiness feeling so I ended up going to bed really early.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Today was an okay day. I had a telehealth appointment in the afternoon and found out that apparently I had been taking my new medication wrong which likely accounts for why I've been feeling so crappy the past few days. Hopefully once I start taking it right things will get better. In the evening I made some pesto pasta for dinner and played some PSO NGS and then headed to bed early because I'm still not feeling great and I have to be up early tomorrow for a doctor's appointment.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I didn't sleep well last night and then had to be up early this morning for a doctor's appointment. I went back to the Mayo Clinic. Seems like I'm spending all of my time there these days. This time it was for a sleep study consultation that the neurologist ordered to rule out sleep apnea as a cause of my migraines. I didn't really think that I'm a likely candidate to have sleep apnea but apparently the doctor thinks it's likely that I have it because I have a scalloped shaped tongue that is large for my mouth and an overbite, both of which may be affecting my airway when I sleep. Anyway, he's got me signed up for a sleep study in May as long as my insurance approves it. I feel like I'm running out of time to get all these health appointments in before I move. Hopefully I can get stuff figured out before then.

Anyway, after the doctor's appointment I grabbed some breakfast at Starbucks and headed home to get to work. I wasn't terribly motivated today though. Probably goes hand in hand with not feeling well and not having slept well. Hopefully I can get some stuff done in spite of that.


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Old 03-30-2023, 08:43 PM

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Today was eh. I have another infection on my finger and had a hard time sleeping from the pain radiating up my arm. I'm also still not feeling better from the reaction I recently had to a new medication. Needless to say I wasn't very focused during work today. In the evening I went to the Town Center to return some clothes and wander around. I spent a lot more tie out than I originally planned but I got a lot of steps in for our walking challenge at work which was nice. When I got home I had some toast for dinner and then got ready for bed. Hopefully I'll sleep a bit better tonight.


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Old 03-31-2023, 03:16 PM

Thursday, March 30, 2023

I drugged myself up with melatonin and sleep meds last night and finally managed to get some sleep which was nice. I still had a hard time being productive unfortunately. I spent the day on the couch and managed to get a little bit done with some Forensic Files in the background. I've just been feeling so bleh lately and my eyes and head and finger are still hurting. I'm getting pretty worried about my finger. I found a couple of leftover antibiotics from my last infection so I'm giving those a try. If that doesn't work though I'm probably going to have to go back to the doctor. It's still super swollen and painful and the pain radiates all the way up my arm.

After work I had my next EMDR session. We didn't do any processing this time but we did finish the preparations so we'll be able to start during the next session. I'm excited to give it a try and see how it goes. I've heard good things about it and clearly CBT therapy isn't cutting it. After my session, my boyfriend and I went downstairs to get some food from the Indian food truck that was parked down there. I'm not a huge Indian food person myself but they had a quesadilla (lol) so I got that with masala fries. They were both pretty yummy. We finished watching the Waco documentary and then I got ready for bed and read a bit before heading to sleep.


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Old 04-07-2023, 05:07 PM

Friday, March 31, 2023

Forgot about this again, my bad. Today was a hard day. We were having no meetings week this week so today I decided to go and work from a coffee shop. I ended up getting there later than I should have to start my day but to make up for it I was more productive for a couple hours than I have been this week. It was really hard to type though with my finger hurting so much and some friends I texted finally made me go to the doctor. I ended up crying in the coffee shop as I booked yet another minute clinic appointment for my fourth infection of the year that's required medical treatment. I am ashamed and scared that I cannot stop. I let my boss know and left for the appointment. I ended up crying through the whole thing. The nurse was nice though and told me she hopped I would have a better day. The pharmacy ended up being closed for lunch break when I was done so I waited out in my car for them to reopen and had an ugly cry. Finally, one tetanus shot and one bottle of antibiotics later I went to Panera for lunch and contemplated what kind of therapy might help with this level of OCD.

When I was done eating I gave up trying to figure my life out for now and went home to finish what I could of the work day. I stopped at 5pm and lay down on the couch with a massive headache from all the crying which ended up turning into a migraine. I lay down in bed and took a nap and woke up feeling a bit better. I played a bit of video games and putzed around until later in the evening and then headed to bed around midnight.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

This morning I had my Dungeons and Dragons game with my coworkers. We went on a quest to get back the magical lute that was stolen from us, which proved to be a lot easier than we thought it would be and now I have an awesome magical item. We also ended up working a bit on our main quest which I'm sure made the DM happy, lol! After D&D my boyfriend and I went to look at more cars. This trip was a lot less productive as none of the dealerships really had any of the cars I wanted to look at in stock. Afterwards we wandered around Target and came home with a lot more stuff than we really needed, which is typical of Target, lol. We had dinner and chilled for the rest of the evening.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Today we finally went to the brunch place we had to cancel a couple of weeks ago since I wasn't feeling well. It was a nice day and we sat outside. I had a prosciutto truffle eggs benny and a mimosa, both of which were very yummy. Afterwards we grabbed some coffee and then went for a quick oil change and then chilled at home for the rest of the day.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Today was an average day I guess. In the evening I got a call from one of the dealerships that one of the cars I wanted to look at came in so after work we went to check it out. I liked it more than I thought I would so now I guess I'll have to decide between that one and the other car I have been thinking of. We stopped at the library on the way back because I needed to renew a book and I ended up coming home with two more. One is a Star Wars one about when Obi Wan was a padawan and one is called Princess of Souls which looks pretty interesting. Afterwards we went to the Hurricane Grill for dinner. They messed up my order and I had to wait extra long for my chicken and then didn't each much of it because I had already filled up on my boyfriend's fries. When we got home we looked into applying for an apartment in the building we have been keeping an eye on so that's exciting.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

In the morning I called the apartment place we were looking at to ask them some questions. The girl on the phone was super unhelpful so I ended up emailing the contact I had instead. I got the answers I needed later in the day and spent probably a good hour submitting all of the paperwork but at least that's done. Now we'll see what they have to say. At work, we had a meeting today about our upcoming annual conference and I ended up getting put on the spot when they asked for updates on something I didn't even know I was supposed to be working on. Not fun. In the evening I put on my swimsuit and headed down to the pool because it was super nice out. I decided not to get in the water because it was a bit chilly so I lay down on one of the lounge chairs and read some of the guide book on Barcelona that I picked up. We'll be heading there next week so I definitely need to get on finishing it. For dinner we had mapo tofu which was yummy.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

This morning one of my friends called me and helped me get my meds into me early in the day which was a good start. After that I had to run to my morning meeting. The day was okay I guess. I got some stuff done. We got the lease for the Oklahoma apartment so in the evening I read through that with a fine tooth comb, all 50 pages or whatever, and sent back a couple of questions I wanted answered before we sign. I'm excited but also nervous for OK.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Today was a grumpy day. It felt like things just kept conspiring against me today. A couple of my coworkers were also feeling bleh so maybe it's going around, lol. I got quite a bit of work down but I still have so much to do before I leave on vacay next week and the new guy we hired to help me is really not working up to the standards that I hope that he would. I'm not sure it's going to work out with him but we're going to give it a few more weeks. In the evening I had therapy and then took a second shower because I realized I must not have rinsed my conditioner out well enough and there was an icky sticky area in the back of my hair. The washer broke which added to my grump. We had pizza for dinner and I played a little bit of PSO NGS and then read for a bit and headed to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


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Old 04-11-2023, 08:14 PM

Friday, April 7, 2023

Today was okay I guess. I woke up feeling like crap. I'm glad it's almost the weekend. I had a lot of work to do and didn't end up finishing it all before the end of the day but sort of gave up so now I'll have to work a bit tomorrow. I hate working on the weekends...

Saturday, April 8, 2023

This morning I was motivated and managed to leave the house early to run some errands so I could get back in time to meet up with the lady who is going to watch my cat while I'm traveling next week. After she left I got tired though and tried to take a nap but didn't sleep much. Finally we left the house again to look at more cars. I finally decided on what model I want so that's exciting. We stopped at Target on the way home and got some Panda Express for dinner. I didn't end up doing the work I was supposed to do though because we got home late and I was tired.

Thursday, April 9, 2023

Today was a pretty quiet day. It's Easter but we didn't do anything special. I was hoping we could go for a walk on the beach but the weather was super crappy. I spent some time planning outfits for my upcoming trip and playing Animal Crossing, which I haven't done in a long time. Not a bad day I guess.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Eh, I didn't sleep well last night and got woken up early by the upstairs neighbors. They've been really noisy lately slamming doors and stuff which is not fun. Work was busy busy, I'm leaving on vacay later in the week so I have a lot to get done before I go. In the afternoon I had a follow up appointment about some mediation I'm taking but it didn't really go well. The doctor said to keep taking it and even up the dose even though it caused my blood pressure to get too low and my eyes to hurt. I'm really tired of this doctor but it's not really worth it to try to find someone else before I move so I guess I'll just have to make due until then. My boyfriend came home from work early because he's sick and it threw off my work grove. I ended up working late to try to get more stuff done. For dinner we had mapo eggplant I guess you would call it. It was pretty yummy. I had some wine and ended up getting really sleepy and going to bed early.


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Old 04-12-2023, 01:21 PM

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Eh today was meh. I have a lot of work to do before I leave on vacay and I'm not getting through it as fast as I was hoping to. I'm also PMSing which is fun. I fought with my boyfriend in the evening because he surprised me with some news that made me pretty unhappy and...hormones. Anyway, that's about it. I spent the rest of the evening being grumpy and then went to bed.


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Old 05-30-2023, 07:40 PM

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bahh I really lost track of this didn't I? It's a shame I didn't write about my travel adventures but I wouldn't be able to remember enough to add many details at this point so I guess it's better to just go forward again from today. Big news has happened since I last updated here. We've signed the lease for our apartment in our new home and will be moving to the middle of the country at the end of this month. There's so much to do! I think I've been making pretty good headway though of filling out forms and finding new doctors and starting on the packing. I'm sure it will just get crazier as things get closer but for now I feel pretty good about it. Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly!


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Old 06-01-2023, 06:26 PM

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Today I packed another box of books and gave away more stuff to my local Buy Nothing group. I called my mom and talked to her for about a half hour in the evening. It's been a while since I talked to her so that was nice. Other than that nothing really noteworthy happened.


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Old 06-09-2023, 07:24 PM

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Oops, I forgot about this again. There's been so much going on with work and the move and whatnot. I also had a dentist appointment this week and it looks like I'll have to have an oral surgery right before the move. Not great timing. It'll be my first time being sedated so I'm a bit nervous about that but hopefully everything goes well. Anyway, that's about it for this week. This weekend I'm planning on going to a natural spring! It's been one of my bucket list Florida things for ages so I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I'll remember to post a photo when I get back!


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Old 06-12-2023, 08:09 PM

Friday, June 9, 2023

Today was kind of eh. I thought the new migraine meds I'm taking were helping but I ended up with a headache today so that put a damper on things.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Today I finally got to visit one of the beautiful natural springs here in Florida! I went tubing with a friend on the Ichetucknee River. It was so beautiful and so peaceful! We had a really nice time. Sadly I ended up losing the rest of the day to another migraine once I got home. Not fun but I guess it was worth it.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

I was hoping to go to the beach today my my boyfriend had to work in the morning and it stormed in the afternoon. It ended up being another migraine day, not fun times. I did manage to get some more packing done though. The boxes are really starting to stack up now...


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Old 06-14-2023, 02:58 PM

Monday, June 13, 2023

Today was a crap day. Another migraine. I tried to get through most of the day with it but logged out early and lay down and ended up taking a 3 hour nap. My head hurt less when I got up but I felt dizzy an nauseous and ended up going back to bed early.

Tuesday, June 14, 2023

I still did not feel great today, more migraine crap. I'm really tired of this.


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