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Pixel Pixie
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Old 07-14-2012, 08:44 PM

He was sputtering at an awful rate, no one liked to be caught in a lie, especially when one could not back down from. It wasn’t like she hadn’t already known what the true problem was, or at least the gist of what the problem was. She looked down at the contract and slowly read over the changes, taking her time. She didn’t know why but the fact that she was making the man across from her sweat a little gave her a certain sense of power over the situation. After a long moment, a good five minutes she took the black ink fountain pen that was sitting on the desk next to the paperwork.

There had been a copy of Vincent’s signature in the instructions which she had spent the earliest part of the morning practicing. She placed the pen to the paper and signed with the intricate flair to the pen she noticed the man used. It wasn’t a perfect match by any means, something she was sure she would get right over time, but it had been close enough that no one except those looking to detect a forgery would notice. After she sighed the paperwork she tipped her hat and then said, “Good day to you Mr. Clestorn,” and without waiting for another word she left the office. Downstairs she noticed June looked slightly calmer but was still a total mess. Blaire merely bid her farewell and left the building.

When she exited the building she figured it to be roughly six o’clock, she wagered she had roughly 3-4 hours before she had to meet with Mr. Maroni. She went back to the hotel and took that time to take a couple hours nap, figuring she was probably going to be out late that night. So it was roughly 8:30 when she awoke to find that the sun was just about ready to set. Taking the time to freshen herself up, she made sure to be dressed in the clothing she was informed she was to purchase. It was then at 9:55 that she made her way out of the hotel and into the street where she was to meet Vincent for the night’s work.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-15-2012, 12:28 AM

Mr. Clestorn mumbled a good day to Blaine and then went about his work. Making sure that he filed the paperwork away after seeing that it would be typed up again properly. He also made a note to send a copy to Vincent’s office when it was made.

The night was just rising as Vincent awoke, he would have to feed tonight, he could feel the need grow as he shifted out of his box. He could hear her moving about in the other room her heart just coming up to speed after what must have been a nap. He wondered what had happened during the day and if she had gotten the clothes he had ordered her to get. It was a good sign that she had not run at the sight of the money. Standing he shifted through the clothes in the dresser and picked out a set. he really was not looking at the suit just throwing something on. The black tie seemed to disappear into the vest while the charcoal jacket looked nice againted the dark black vest and slacks. He did not notice or care that the dark accentuated his pail skin.

The heart beats of those around him pushed in on his physic as he stood there waiting for the sun to fully release him from its hold. As he had grown older he had been wakening earlier and earlier but that only meant that he was as slow as a human till true night. His gifts did not work as well ether in the light of the sun.

There. He felt the last of the pull of the sun tumble away his hunger swamping him in pain and need the moment it was gone. He should not have been this hungry this early, he had only fed the night before and then did little to need more. His feeders dropped locking into place as he doubled over. His eyes would be red with the hunger if he did not deal with it. A half an hour would not get him the feeding he needed and back here in time. Leaning onto the wooden door he whimpered. Why had he let himself go this badly? Was it some sort of cry for her to know what he was, to find out what he could do. Another wave of hunger pains washed over him, he whimpered. She would hear he knew she would but maybe she would not try to find out. But he needed aid, something was not right.

Reaching out mentally to the bound he had with Lewis he found pain. Jerking back he tried not to cry out, something was hurting Lewis and holding him from Vincent. He knew there was only two ways to deal with this. Whatever was hurting Lewis it was drawing from Vincent as well, he could cut the tie and let Lewis die or he could put a call out and hope the person who be able to aid him, and not a low life made man.

Take the risk and end up with someone I don’t know but save Lewis and myself in the progress or cut the bond and not suffer but know in the end I killed him. the choice was clear to him even if most would think him wrong. Taking the last of his strength he called up a magic that was so old no one knew where it came from and tossed out the new bond. Whoever it touched they would feel the need to get to him. They may not know it was him that needed the help but they would know that the person in this room needed them. He lay on the bed doubled over in pain, his hunger barely controlled.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-15-2012, 01:22 AM

Blaire had been waiting in the street for only a totally of five minutes, but something didn’t seem right. She started to pace in front of the hotel, first left and then right. She had convinced herself that he wasn’t coming to meet her, that it had all been some sort of weird game he was playing with her. She scolded herself, nothing was wrong, it was just her own fragile nerves that were getting the best of her. She kept telling herself that she was better a keeping it calm and collected, but she was lying to herself, she was a pile of nerves at the moment.

She felt it after a few moments of her own mindless panicking a need calling to her in the night. She couldn’t explain it even to herself but she could feel that someone needed her help, and fast. She concentrated on the calling inside her head, telling her that she needed to go back inside the hotel and find him, or her. He needed her help. She looked out into the darkness and found herself torn, Vincent was going to be there any minute only to find that she had not obeyed his orders to her. What would he think? That she had run off with the money in the night? That she had backed out of the arrangement? That she what? Went to the cops?

She fought with the tugging in her head that became stronger and stronger. She grabbed her head as his pain was becoming hers and she knew, it didn’t matter what Vincent thought of her, the person in the hotel needed her help more. As soon as she realized this she darted back into the hotel and took the stairs two at a time. She was no longer following her brain power but rather an internal instinct that was driving her. She found herself outside a door that was right next to her room. The person who needed her help was that close all the time? She took a deep sigh and without even knocking she opened the door and went inside. Inside she met with darkness, so much so that she could only see a shadow within, “I….am….here … …” she said between gasping breaths.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-15-2012, 02:01 AM

The pain of hunger ebbed and flowed as the bound tried to get a hold on the person it found. Who ever it was fought with it trying to stay where they were for some reason. Vincent prayed that they would relent soon, holding the bond open like this was taking it out of him. Five minuets pasted they seemed like five hours to him. The sound of heartbeats all around him calling his beast out more. Then it stuck, who ever it had bounded with was strong willed and stubborn. He could feel some of his pain leave his body as the person took it. Each seconded that ticked by the pain and hunger trickled away.

The door opened his mind only just realizing that he knew the sent of the person before he was out of the bed. “I….am….here … …” her gasping voice stopped him less then a foot away. His eyes were red with the hunger and the need, her smell yesterday just interesting now called to him. A wave of pain, not hunger pain but true pain sliced acrossed his back. He could smell the blood as the damage went to him and not Lewis.

“Lewis, hurt.” His voice lisped around his feeders as he looked at her. Some how he was now on the floor and not standing. The muscles in his back knitted back together rapidly but not as fast as they should be. “trust me.” It was unclear whether he was saying that Lewis trusted him or asked her if she trusted him.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-15-2012, 02:22 AM

Blaire was still clutching the stitch in her side from the run as she listened to the darkness. “Lewis, hurt” this sent her mind into a tailspin. Who was this Lewis person? Was the person in the room Lewis? She squinted her eyes and moved further into the room, trying to find the person who’s voice she could hear but whom she could not see. Something about that voice seemed familiar to her, but she didn’t know any Lewis. As he fell to the floor she almost tripped on him as she crossed the room in the darkness. It was then that she knelt beside him.

“Please, tell me how I can help you” she pleaded as she put her hand on his back. She could feel the pain in him, but not to the extent he could. What was going on here? All of the thoughts in her head where swarming, her life had taken a complete tailspin in the last couple of days and completely turned on end, maybe she really died and this was her limbo. She quickly dismissed that thought, death was certainly not like this. He spoke again in that rasp of a whisper, “Trust me”

It was then that it hit her. She did know that voice, she knew it well in fact. “Vincent!” she said now in a panic. His words echoed in her mind, he was delusional at the moment, that was certainly true, something about a man named Lewis. Did he think there was someone else in the room with them? Well no matter, it had to be best to play along at the moment, it might get him to tell her what was wrong with him. Without that information she had absolutely no prayer of helping him. “Vincent I trust you, see, I’m here aren’t I? I’m here to help, just tell me what I can do to help you. Please, I trust you, but you need to trust me”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-15-2012, 05:50 AM

As she neared him he could feel the binding that now locked them together. She was going to feel every pain that he went through and he would feel hers. At least it is her and not some person I did not know at all. a part of his mind thought as she knelt there next to him. The sound of the blood moving through her veins and the smell of her made his body tensed in hunger pain again.

As she asked him how she could help he could feel her mind behind her eyes. The bond make it that much easier to cloud her mind if he wanted to. When he had first found the ability he figured that it had come about from when the vampires were at risk more often and they had gained the ability to bind someone to them so they had a loyal servant who would protect them. Now it just made it so he had someone he could split the pain with and survive, it added to the humans survival chance as well as he could take their wounds if needed and he would be the one to bleed where they would just show a welt.

Her mind was spinning around in confusion still trying to understand what was going on and who he was, he made sure that her mind thought the right answer so that he would not lose her. Reaching out mentally he started to try to calm her down but then when she said his name the bond jerked bringing the hunger back full force. He barely heard her say that she trusted him as his body moved.

His hands were gentle not forceful as he brought her neck to his mouth. He could feel the saliva building up in his mouth, not what other humans would have thought of as saliva but vampeieric. He know from his frist time this was like a drug to humans if he had enough to coat the neck before the bite. There was also the ability to numb the area but that would come with it. He bit the fangs sinking into her skin, he could feel through the link the slight discomfort before her body released the pleasure signal to the rest of her body from this bite. He could feel everything she felt his mind almost in twined with hers. He had never felt anything like this before, but then he had never bonded to a female who looked like him before. Ideas and memories flashed through his mind from the blood, they were gone to fast to really know what they meant.

Before fear could take over in her brain he smothered it giving her a feel of calm. ‘trust me, I wont harm you.’ His mental voice was soft and filled with love and compassion. She could feel that he did not want to hurt her, and this never would have happened if he could have help it. He let her know without words that he would have told her just not this soon. That she never would be pray of his even if she now decided to leave him. Quietly tucked into all those feelings he let her know if she wanted he could take this memory from her and if she wished he would let her go, never to see him again with money in her pocket. ‘I want you to stay and get to know me, I want to know you.’


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-15-2012, 02:16 PM

For the first time she felt the pain in full force. She felt what he felt and somehow just knew he needed her. Flashes of a face, an image, but who was it? She curled a little as she tried not to think of the pain that was raging through her like a tidal wave. Images, a face, rather a face like hers like his, and yet it wasn’t. They flashed deep in her mind but so fast as to barely be able to glimpse them and then she knew, “Lewis” she said softly, suddenly she understood. The pain that she felt, that Vincent felt was pain that belonged to neither of them. They where feeling the pain that belonged to Lewis.

What happened next happened quickly for her. He pulled her to him, not forcefully, but she had let him. Some part of her knew that he needed this, that this would make the pain between them go away. She felt the sting of his fangs as they bit into her neck and then the pain of it washed away, a feeling of comfort and pleasure took over her as she let the moment be taken. She felt her mind opened in that moment as memories of her past and memories of something else….where those his? Lewis? They where gone before she could really even tell.

Fear started to well inside her and then suddenly it was gone. She could hear him even though she knew that the voice he had spoken with hadn’t come from his mouth. Was he in her head? He had asked her to trust him without saying a word and in a moment, through the shared connection. He wanted her to stay, he wanted her to know him, for him to know her. In a moment she knew he could take this all away from her, make the memory of the moment disappear and she could if she wanted, leave. It only took her a short moment to know, she didn’t want to leave. For the first time in her life, Blaire didn’t want to run.

Through all the emotions, fear then no fear, pain and then no pain more thoughts then she had ever had at one time in her life. Eventually it all became to much, even for her. In the moments that she decided that she would stay suddenly her mind had said it had enough. She felt herself slip into unconsciousness and then, as everything around her went black, she knew nothing more of the moment.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-15-2012, 04:45 PM

As he had fed his arms had wrapped around her to hold her to him. Each second, each drop of blood he gained from her made him stronger. As the confusion and the day caught up with her he could feel her passing out and held her close to him. Her weight was nothing now he could hold her for as long as she needed him to. Slowly he pulled his fangs from her neck, his tongue gently probing the wound making it heal faster then it would have. By the time she woke up they would not even be scabbed over.

He lowered her to the bed as he sorted through everything, he was going to need her help tonight. Bending down he gently places a kiss on her forehead as he brushed away the hair. As she lay there he could see her as female not as the man she pretended. “thank you for trusting me.” He sat down next to her on the bed slowly running his fingers through her hair. Some little part of him still whispered that she would leave him as soon as she was awake but he was not that worried about it.

Another gasp as pain shot through him again from Lewis, he blocked it from her. He did not want to disturb her to much with the pain for the moment and he could handle this. Lewis must have been in pain all day for Vincent to have been that hungry. They were going to have to find him within the night or she was going to have to move him to the stock yards before he woke the next night. She could not take another feeding like that in so close a time.

Reaching into is pocket he pulled out a small bottle of dark brown things, juniper berries. He had found he liked carrying these around better then smelling salts and they worked just as well. Pulling out two off them he broke them under her nose to wake her up. another wave of pain lanced through him and he knew that this suit was not going to be wearable once this was over. Again he could feel and smell the blood from the wound that opened on his back. “damn them their using the Cat.” He was referring to the cat o nine tails.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-16-2012, 01:53 AM

Images flashed through her mind as she slept, more of the same. Though this time the pain did not come with them. Something was still not right though, she could see him on the other end of it all, even though it was fuzzy, congested and rather confused. She didn’t know what to make of them, only that it all amounted to the same thing. Lewis needed their help, and fast. She struggled to wake herself, in a semi-conscious state she fought with herself but her eyelids felt so heavy.

The smell of something under her nose, something familiar in the scent and yet foreign at the same time. Memories of her mother flashed into her mind, good memories, the kind that happened before the fights when her mother was still lovingly mommy. Perfume, wait she smelled like juniper, she was smelling juniper. Her eyes felt less heavy, wake up, a voice in her mind, probably her own. Another nudge, wake up now. She forced her eyes open and back into consciousness.

She opened her eyes to more darkness but she spoke in the direction the moon cast a shadow. “We need to save Lewis” she said with a serious tone, though she still felt a little weak. She forced herself to a sitting position, a little of the drowsy feeling leaving her. Another push would have her on her feet. She looked once again in the direction that Vincent stood, “I’m going to need some answers eventually, but not now” she hadn’t said it mean, or really unjustly. There was a kindness in her voice, intertwined with a strength that she forced herself to have. She needed to have strength for what they where going to have to do, a strength she could sense that they all needed from her, despite the fact that she wasn’t feeling very strong. “Where is he?”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-17-2012, 01:28 PM

Vincent started to worry that he may have taken to much from her as she struggled to wake up from sleep. He knew he had taken more then he usually did but that had to be from what was happening to Lewis now he worried he would have two people on his hands he had to protect. At least with her if she did not wake up he could take her to the house and put her in his room. There she would be safe and he could give her the information she would need to get out of the room when she woke. He sighed in relief when she woke up and started to move.

He could see that his use of juniper had awaken some memory in her that was not completely happy but mostly. He would have to find out what that was later because she should have woken up faster. He needed to know why it took her so long so that he could get her awake later quicker if needed. He nudged her mentally again to make sure she did wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked to where he was, the moon revealing him ever so slightly. He was startled when she said they needed to save Lewis as if she too knew him well. Maybe there had been some mental bleed over and she now had his memories of Lewis, he made a mental note to lock down on his mind more carefully with her next time he fed from her. Holding out his hand he kept it ready in case she needed it when she sat up. “I’m going to need some answers eventually, but not now” he nodded at her stubborn will then realized that she could not see him well enough to know he nodded. Reaching out he turned on the light as she asked where he was.

As the light blazed it reviled Vincent’s face full of worry and concern. He knelt before her his hand out. “I understand that you will need answers. I had planed to wait on this till we knew each other better but things happened. I am not sure where exactly he is. When last we talked he was taking the noon train to New York. But I do know that as we get closer to him I will be able to tell.” Reaching out he brushed a stranded of hair from her face. “and I would like an explanation on why some one as beautiful as you would disguise herself as a man. I am not going to fire you, infact I think that having you working for me will be better. You will know things I never even thought of as your gender thinks differently then mine dose.”


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-17-2012, 04:39 PM

She was confused, that was certainly the truth in the whole thing. The truth of the matter was, she didn’t really know what was wrong, or really even who Lewis was. Only that he was hurt, and he needed their help. She had only seen glimpses of memories, flashes of light that was there and then it was gone. Her physical pain was gone, though she knew now with only a moment’s thought that it had been his. The name, which she had spoken herself, had come from Vincent himself. Even through all of this she held her stubbornness. Probably a quality she had received from her father, he had been one stubborn as hell man as well.

He had said the noon train, it was well past noon by now. Had that train reached New York. She could see the look of worry in his eyes, Lewis must be extremely important to Vincent; she thought to herself but did not say so out loud. Now was not the time for speculations. She kept her cool and her calm, and probably would have continued to do so if it were not for the next thing that Vincent said to her, “and I would like an explanation on why some one as beautiful as you would disguise herself as a man. I am not going to fire you; in fact I think that having you working for me will be better. You will know things I never even thought of as your gender thinks differently then mine dose.”

Her stubborn strength fell out through her toes as she looked up at him trying to figure out when he had made her for what she was. A million cover-ups and lies ran through her head, but then she realized he had said it with kindness. He didn’t mind that she was a woman, he had, she realized afterwards, even called her beautiful . She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and then spoke with a soft but forced calmness. “How did…” she cut herself off and then with a shake of her head said, “That can be added to the list of things we need to talk about.”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-17-2012, 05:37 PM

He watched her thoughts travel acrossed her face as she thought of all he had said, confusion, concern then curiosity before her body just lost the stubbornness as he spoke of her being a woman. He had been worried about how she would react to him knowing her gender but this seemed like it was the best time as any to bring it up. that way she knew he knew about her and if she did not fully see what he was now after he had fed then she at least knew he could be dangerous. “I agree with you it can be added to the list of what we need…” he curled up againted the pain as this time it felt he had been stabbed in the side. He could feel the blood trickle out of the wound before it healing again. He was going to be covered in a thin layer of blood by the time they found Lewis. He was not even sure now that Lewis had gotten on the train he had said he would be.

After a few moments he pulled out of the curled and looked up at her. “First thing, I make a call to his wife. She would know if he got to New York, after that we find him. The sooner the better.” He stood and offered her his hand. He was glad now that he had put on the black vest and jacket before she had arrived. She would be more worried about him if she could see the blood stains coming from the wounds that were being inflicted. He winced as he felt the hand acrossed Lewis’s face, a bruise formed on his face then disappeared in a matter of minutes. “Whoever has him they are wanting something from him and he is not talking.” His voice was filled with pride but worry as well. “I hope they do not really notice how much he can take with the bond tonight. I am not going to be able to keep this up if they keep drawing blood.” He flinched again as Lewis got gut punched it missed anything that would have been vital which meant that only the slight pain was transferred.

Closing his eyes Vincent took a deep breath and felt along the bond till he found what he was looking for. Sorry old man, I will be there as soon as I can keep up your strength. With that he cut some of the fibers of the bond so he would not be suffering the pain each time Lewis got hit when it was just bruising not true damage. Tears leaked from his eyes as he stood there, he hated to leave Lewis like that, he had saved Vincent’s life a few times in the past and now he was cutting the bond to save himself as he saw it. “Come, I will tell you what you want to know once we are moving after I have made that phone call.” As he stepped out of the hotel room he grabbed a wig that sat in a slightly open drawer. He had the wig on and neatly in place before they were four steps down the hall. He had had years of experience putting the wig on on the run.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-17-2012, 07:50 PM

Things seemed to be moving around in fast motion for her. Her thoughts where racing trying to keep the facts straight in her head. She was also trying to figure out who Lewis was and why he was so important to Vincent. She took a deep calming breath of air, tonight was proving to be far more interesting then she had initially anticipated. Her mind slowed a bit with the breath of air, but only a bit. “First thing, I make a call to his wife. She would know if he got to New York, after that we find him. The sooner the better.”

Fact number one learned today about the mysterious man named Lewis, he had a wife. He offered her his hand and she took it, a sign of trust. He was hiding the pain from her, she could tell. Not only did he keep wincing at odd moments, but there was the pained look in his eyes. “I hope they do not really notice how much he can take with the bond tonight. I am not going to be able to keep this up if they keep drawing blood.” She was starting to wonder who this “they” was. Was it someone out to get Lewis, or perhaps just a random attack? Or worse, a thought struck her mind with a sour chord, where they using Lewis to get at Vincent? Did they know how much Vincent cared about the man named Lewis?

“Come, I will tell you what you want to know once we are moving after I have made that phone call.” What she wanted to know? Tonight all she wanted to know was how to find the one creating that pained look in Vincent’s face, something about it made her sad as well. She also wanted to know who Lewis was, but even that could wait. She watched as with breakneck speed he put on the wig which had been sitting on the way out of the hotel room. She briefly wondered what it was she was about to get herself into with this adventure, but then she pushed the thought out of her head. “Make that call then” she said as she rushed after him.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:22 PM

As they walked down the hall Vincent changed the way he walked and the way he stood. By the time they reached down stairs he seemed to have aged by 30 years at least. His walked had slowed to that of an old man his shoulders now hunched. The wig only added to the disguise as it was mostly gray but with hints of brown in it. The bell hop looked up and then hurried around the desk to help Vincent down the last few stairs. “Mister Valentine, I had not seen you come back in last night, I was worried.” The boy looked up at Blaire and smiled. “are you Mister Valentine’s new aid?” mentally Vincent sent her the feeling that she should say yes to the question.

“I need to use the phone, if you don’t mind. I was unable to reach my wife the other night when I went out and am worried she is worried about me.” His voice was gruff with age and had a slight southern drawl to it. He had been glade when Missy had been told about the deception of the two of them. He had been getting tired of faking love for her when Lewis was on a case and he should have been home. It had cut into the time he could do work. He also knew that she would not be happy if Lewis had not made it home from the train after seeing to the house here in town for Vincent.

The bell hop helped him over to the phone and handed him the receiver. “you make the call I don’t care if it is long distance, your not that much of a problem as a few of other others have been. In fact I have been happy to have you around.” The boy was rambling in worry. His eyes kept going to Blaire then back to Vincent.

“Thank you Tommy.” Taking the phone he dialed the number without having to look at the phone. So many times he had had to call this over the years to tell her that Lewis would be home late or some such like that. The phone operator connected them quickly, he barely heard the click before it rang. He made a note to find out who the night Operator in New York was tonight, the speed that they moved it most likely was another vampire. The phone click as the receiver was picked up.

“Lewis?” her voice was broken with worry. Vincent sighed, his head dropped as he listened to the sounds around her. He could hear no one around her other then the radio and that was low. He looked at Blaire then back at the phone.

“no sorry, I was hoping you had heard from him.” The gruffness lightened as did his accent. if he did not get home did he even get on the train? “Did the luggage come through alright or do I need to hunt it down?” he hoped he was not scaring her but he could not read her as well as he could the two in the room with him.

“Vincent! No his things were not on the train when he was supposed to be here.” Her voice cracked with worry and fear. “There were two men here tossing the place when I got back. They fled as the cop was called in. nothing is missing but they were looking for something. Do you know what has happened? I am just happy little Vinny was not home at the time.” She spoke quickly telling him all she could remember before finely saying. “find him, bring him home.”

“I will dear, don’t worry I have a new aid to help me find him.” With that he hung up and turned to Blaire. “he never reached home, we are going to have to find him. By the sound of it he never got on the train so he may still be in town.” He turned to hobble away, then he stopped dropped a few coins on the counter then walked out the door. He would wait for her to fallow him out. The worry of what had happened to Lewis was tight in his chest. Even though he did not have a true heart beat any more he would have sworn that he could feel his heart pounding on his rib cage.

Last edited by Lunna Dea; 07-18-2012 at 08:39 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-18-2012, 02:39 PM

Blaire was astonished by the transformation in Vincent. His walk had gone from proper and upright, to a slight limp in the one foot. His back was now hunched in a way that when paired with the grey wig aged him at least thirty years, if not more. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she watched the transformation in him take place. If she had not known it was him, she would not know that the man who stood beside her was the very man she had been talking with for two days now. However, by the time they had reached the front lobby she had once again regained her composure.

When they reached the front Lobby Blaire recognized the Bell Hop from the front lobby. It was the same one whom she had spoken to the night before, however there was a change in him now that he seemed to recognize Vincent, or Mr. Valentine as he had called him. He had looked at Blaire with a different light then there had been the night before, “are you Mister Valentine’s new aid?” She could feel it more then she could hear it. A pull in her brain willing her to answer the question, “That I am” she said with a genial smile, and as if to top it all off she offered her hand with a, “Mr. Maroni at your service” she said in a light hearted way, despite the fact that she felt anything but light hearted at the moment.

“Thank you Tommy.” She made the mental note to remember the bell hops name in the future. She leaned against a nearby wall as she waited for Vincent to finish the conversation with the man’s wife. She could only hear the half of the conversation that was Vincent’s but from the look on his face as he talked to the woman told her that the news was not particularly good. “he never reached home, we are going to have to find him. By the sound of it he never got on the train so he may still be in town.” She looked up at him, the news wasn’t good but at least they had a small strain of luck. They would not have to search New York for him that night. As big as it may be, there was a higher likely hood of finding him in time here. She gave Vincent a nod to show that she understood and then headed in the direction of the doorway. They were up for a long night ahead of them.

She turned after a moment to look back at the figure of Vincent standing in the lobby looking, well rather pained as his leg hurt him. She could not help but think to herself that he would have done rather well in the theater department. An idea struck her in that moment and when she walked swiftly back across the room she pretended to help the elderly man towards the front door, really she whispered to him so the bell hop could not hear, “Where do we start?”

Last edited by Cora; 07-18-2012 at 07:52 PM..

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-18-2012, 08:55 PM

Vincent smiled at Blaire and walked a bit father out into the night. Now he let the darkness hide his face and his body as he removed his wig and crammed it into his pocket. Sighing he closed his eyes and reached out along the bound. First his mind brushed over hers a gently calming feeling before moving out. He knew his voice sounded rather distant as he spoke. “there are many place to start but I think the best place would be at the train station.” His mind already reached out fallowing the pull of the bond. “I know he is out there and I think for now they have stopped but I am worried about him.” He opend his eyes and looked back at her. Here she was a perfect copy of him going to meet the man that looks like what she may one day look. How would it seem to her to see an older version.

Reaching out his fingers almost brushed her cheek before he stopped himself. “Some might say that I hunt out my copies because I love myself to much to hire someone that has they own looks.” He was sceared, he could tell. He kept wanting to reach out and hold her close to protector but that was only because he was losing Lewis. He knew why he felt this way but he could not stop himself from feeling this way. One would think that after five houndered years I would have gotten better controle of my feeling but no I still reach out to hold onto some one nearby. He looked away from her his hand falling to his side. Now he debated how to get where they needed to go and save time. “I want you to go to the station and pick up any bags there for Lewis Valentine, if they have them you will find them at the ticket counter.” He wondered if he should just go to smoke now or wait for her to go, then he remembered she did not have access to his main account right now. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small wad of bills. “here this is for any expenses you have need of for this case. I will want to know what all you spent it on.”

The wad contained about two fifty in small bills. They were held together with a piece of twine tied neatly around it. He remembered when Lewis had sat down and bundled up all the money in the house to make sure they never used to much of it on bribes or lost to much of it. This one was one of the bigger bundles. “I will meet you at the station, I have something I need to do before going there.” He smiled then remembered that there were other things he needed to say. They can wait till later.


Pixel Pixie
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Old 07-18-2012, 11:58 PM

It was a cool night, but with all that had happened to them in that night the cool air felt nice against her skin. It also brought a fresher perspective into her mind as she thought over what they where about to do. But it was with a much clearer mind that she that she had turned to him. She felt the feeling of calm wash over her and was thankful for it. “there are many place to start but I think the best place would be at the train station.” it had been a thought she had had as well. The most logical thing to start with what they already knew.

“Some might say that I hunt out my copies because I love myself to much to hire someone that has they own looks.” she looked up into the face that she had gotten to know just a little better over the course of the last two nights. Was she really only useful to him because she looked like him. After a brief moment of contemplation she answered in a simple yet kind manner, “I don’t think that’s true you know. You care too much, I may have only just met you yesterday, but your eyes show a kindness and caring that wouldn’t be possible if you only cared about your own image.”

“I want you to go to the station and pick up any bags there for Lewis Valentine, if they have them you will find them at the ticket counter.” She nodded her head to show that she understood what she was asked to do. It was a simple enough task. It was only when she turned to leave that he stopped her and gave her a bundle of money. She carefully put the money into an inside pocket of her jacket. The truth was it was more money then she had ever even seen in her life and that made her a fair deal nervous, but she did not let this show on her face. He told her he would meet her at the station so she nodded once again, “Good Luck” she had said to him in a kind manner.

As she turned to walk away again she heard it. It was his voice, but there was something different about it. They can wait till later. She turned back to ask him what he had meant by that, but upon seeing him standing there as if he had said nothing she then shook her head. Was she hearing things? Was her mind, in light of everything that was going on, playing tricks on her? She forced the thought out of her head for the time being and focused on the task at hand.

She looked up at the moon in the sky, it was nearly 10:00 judging by the movement of the moon. She knew she had best hurry if she was going to make it to the train station with good timing before they closed for the last run at midnight. She headed down the dark streets wondering if they where going to find Lewis in time, and what Vincent was doing. It was only after she passed it, the taxi cab, that she thought of the money in her pocket, the ride would speed up the time it took her to get there. Vincent had told her to use it on expenses, and time was of the essence at the moment. Stepping into the back of the taxi she said to the man in the front, “I need to get to the train station as fast as you can get me their.”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:43 AM

He decided that he would let her have her believes about why he hired on some one that looked like him. In a way what he had said was true, he cared more for the ones that looked like him then those that did not look like him. Part of that was because they could be related to him in one way or another. They could be from one of his bothers family’s, a great great grand niece or nephew. They could actually be from his own line but he felt that highly impossible, when last he had checked his were of darker skin having married into the Gypsies clans for over five hundred years. He wished that he was as caring as she thought he was but he only truly felt that he cared about himself and those he had spent time with, a long time.

She wished him good luck as she turned away only to turn back her mouth ready to replay to something. She turned back shaking her head trying to get whatever thought it was out. He studied the way she walked and held herself, soon he would need to teach her how to change that. With that thought he let all feeling of his mortal body flow away on the breeze and floated there for a short time before heading off to the stock yards. He may have fed from her but if this attack was going to keep on going he was going to need to be at full strength to find him. Catching the tail of her taxi for a little while he got off at the turn to the stock yards. It had been weeks since last he had been to the actually stock yards, he had preferred the smaller pens behind the butchers row. Now he set out to find the toughest meanest bulls in the place to feed. The bull barely put up a fight these creatures had been here too long.

Sipping away he felt the pain again spread through his body ripping his skin. This time it was worse, they had used a Cat o Nine with the glass in the leather. This was not the usually mobsters that had him, these were people who had been working with weapons for much longer and much older ones. The bull complained when his fingers dug into his muscles not braking flesh just painful. Letting the beast go he became a mist again and moved quickly on the wind to the train station. He would get there not long after she had gotten there.

The train station was a large building made out of glass roofs and stone walls. People still bussed about even though it was after dark. Many of the little shops that lined the passages between the main entrance and the platforms were closed for the night but some were closed never to reopen. He wounded how long it would be before the world gave up on the trains and started using the cars more. Maybe it was time to invest in a car and learn how to drive it. Maybe Blaire would know how to drive… no she would not, men don’t teach women how to drive. Then I am just going to have to lean and then teach her how to drive. That way we can get a car to use, it might be better than taking a taxi all the time. He thought the idea over and found that he did like it. He would have to ask Blaire what she thought of it. And thinking of her he looked out at the moving people to see if he could see her.


Pixel Pixie
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:40 AM

She stepped up to the train station, a large stone building with a glass roof. How many times in her youth had she ridden the train? This building was familiar to her, and easy to navigate despite the rush of people who where rustling through after the last train. Looking up at the large clock on the wall she saw the time was 11:30, almost time for that last train to depart. As she passed through she caught smidges of conversations, but nothing that really struck her as important.

One person did strike her as slightly odd, apart from the rest of the group. He leaned against the far wall, his eyes scanning the place as if looking for something, or someone. He was far enough away that she could not really get a good look at him, but she could tell he wore a suit, and his hair and skin where both pale. What was he looking for? Or whom? It could have been something, or else it could really have been nothing at all. She pushed the though from her head, was she being paranoid? Was all of this excitement of the night causing her to see things that where not there?

She made her way over to the baggage claim. The man behind the counter was a short man with graying hair. There was a nervousness about him, that made her wonder. He was working through things with a slight shake to his fingertips. Handing bags to people with hardly a look at them. His eyes kept darting around the room as if he was waiting for something. As she made her way to the counter, the she saw the old man behind the counter was also fidgety. “I’m here to pick up the bags for Lewis Valentine”

“No Bags here by that name sir” the man had said but there was a twitch in his eyes that told her he knew something more then he was willing to tell her. She looked around the room to see if Vincent had arrived yet, or whether people where within ear shot of what she planned to say next. She leaned on the counter to get closer to the twitchy little man. In a voice that was low, almost a whisper, she said, “Tell me what you know”

Last edited by Cora; 07-19-2012 at 11:58 PM..

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-19-2012, 06:54 PM

Looking around he spotted Blaire talking to the man behind the counter, he was not the usual night man and that concerned Vincent. The one behind the counter would have recognized her and gotten her what she wanted by his name alone. But now there was a new party to contend with. Taking a step closer to her and the counter Vincent stopped. His eyes darting around the room quickly, someone was watching him. He could feel it like a hand on his back. The person or persons did not care if he could feel them watching, in fact they seemed to want him to know he was being watched. His eyes scanned the crowd trying to find the eyes then he looked carefully up into the night sky. There was no one there to be seen, or if they were there he did not see them. Vincent changed his corse and walked into the men’s lavatory. If someone was watching him he did not want to risk them realizing that she was a part of his group.

Fear gripped him as he entered the small room with the stalls. Had he gotten her into something that was going to get her killed this early in the game? Before he even had a chance of getting to know her? What if it was one of his own kind that now hunted him? Would they take her because of her looks? Would they know she was female as he had? He leaned his head on the cold tiles of the stall trying to calm his spinning mind. Each time he thought he was calm another thought full of fear was there screaming at him. The fear gripped him tight he was unable to move or if he had needed to breath. His head bowed againted the tile he could hear his nails cutting into the tile as his hands became fists.

Whoever was doing this to him had no right to. They were young ones if any, none of the old ones had thought to come a crossed the sea and join the colonies here. It was just to dangerous with the ships and weather. Their kind was weak at sea just one tip and their box opening they would be gone with the sun. no one ever knowing the wiser of what happened to them. Some of the old ones never would wake up during their crossing of the ocean.

Reaching out to talk to Blaire he realized that she had been getting hit with his fear as he had stood in here fighting it. He also realized that he could not feel the eyes on him anymore. ’Blaire don’t be scared. This is Vincent again. I am here at the train station but I think someone may be watching for me. Deal with that man then I have a request for you.’ Slowly he showed her what he wanted her to do. He wanted her to let him see through her eyes and have her look around the room slowly. He did not tell her why he wanted her to he just did.

The man behind the counter started to sweat. “I don’t know nothing about the bags sir. When I came on there were none by that name and have not been since I got on.” He blubbered trying not to let fear overtake him. But still there was something off with his eyes and the way his face was, something that hinted at that little voice inside her that he was lying.


Pixel Pixie
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Old 07-20-2012, 01:52 PM

Blaire leaned accross the counter towards the man. Slamming her hands down hard enough to cause the man to jump, but not loud enough to cause a scene. She knew he was hiding something from her and she damn well wanted to know what. She was in the process of telling the man that she knew he was lieing when the fear started to grip at her. Something about this place was wrong, very wrong. She tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but she wobled only ever so slightly. Was it Vincent who was afraid?

’Blaire don’t be scared. This is Vincent again. I am here at the train station but I think someone may be watching for me. Deal with that man then I have a request for you.’ This request from vincent seemed odd to her, but then it caused her to regain her composure that was previously lost to her. She needed to concentrate on the task at hand. Once again she leaned towards the man on the counter. He had all the tell tale signs of someone who was lieing but then Vincent wanted her to finish up with the man quickly, and quietly. Leaning so far across the counter that she was only inches from him she said in a voice that was more like a hiss then a whisper, "You better hope no one gets hurt because of your lies"

She turned around into the room. She thought, at least she hoped that was how this worked, would Vincent hear her thoughts? Vincent, do what you need to do. She had thought the request to look through her eyes had been an odd one but she still looked around the room for him, hoping that it would work. The people where less cluttered now then they had been when she first arrived but they where still in multitude. She scanned the crowd. The blonde man who had earlier been searching the crowd had left the post on the far wall and was.....where did he go?

She spotted it on the far end of the building the man leaving around the door that was the main exit. Had she been wrong about him? Who could he have been. She continued to look around the room, taking in with her eyes anything she could take in. Hopefully, just hopefully it would be enough to tell him what he needed to see. Is this enough Vincent? Tell me where to look next.

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-20-2012, 06:29 PM

Blaire could feel when he entered her mind and looked out as she looked around, it was like a simple itch at the back of her eyeballs that she could in no way scratch. He watched as she looked around then started searching for the man that had been againted the wall. When she saw him she could feel Vincent’s feelings of interest and worry. He had not see that man there but from the way she had looked for him he had to have been here in the station since before he had come into it. It troubled him that that man could not have been seen by him. Gently he lifted the memory from her mind of the man and him seeming to be watching for some one.

‘Thank you I just need one more thing from you then I should be out.’ With that he gently lifted a copy of her memories as she entered the building and compared them to his and the ones of the room just now. He opened his eyes into the stall again, deep gouges lined the wall where he had laid his fingers only moments before. This man should have been seen by him but he could not see him. What was going on, and there were two more. One of them was still sitting out there but he could not see her when he had looked there but the proof was there. It was a young looking woman who had been sitting in front of a table drinking coffee and reading a paper. The paper and cup of coffee had been on the table when he had passed her but he had not see her. As they had been looking together she had been starting to stand and walk to the door. ‘ Blaire we will deal with the porter in a bit but that woman,’ He sent her an image of the woman who had been sitting at a table in front of a simple coffee shop just two shops down from where Blaire was.

The woman was finely dress but not overly so to be waiting for the train. Her hair was pulled back in a rather elegant updo with tiny bobby pins with jewels on them twinkling when she moved. Her coat was some sort of fur, Vincent would bet good money it was beaver. Her skin was not as pale as the man that had been watching but a little bit paler then the others around her. Her fingers were long and slander her eyes bright blue made to stand out the more with her cleverly done makeup. Some might say her lips were pouty but to Vincent he thought of them as deadly. ’Is she still out there or has she too left?’ the woman was nowhere to be seen now, her coffee cup was being picked up by a busboy as was the two dollar tip. Which was a little bit more than one would have tipped at a coffee shop like this one for a cup of coffee.


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Old 07-21-2012, 11:58 AM

Vincent put the image of the woman in front of Blaires mind. She thought about the Woman, she had been there at the shop when she first came in but Blaire had little to nothing of her. She had been reading the paper in a sort of bored way, as if this place was above her. She had been of high fashion, even if she was dressed simply. The evidence of her wealth was imediate upon looking at her.

Blaire looked down towards the coffee shop and saw that the woman had left and the table, as well as its contents now stood empty. Blaire once again began to search the room for the woman of high fashion. This time her search of the room, which was slowly beginning to empty, came up blank. The woman Vincent wanted her to find, and from his feelings of fear Blaire could tell this was important, was no where to be found. She's gone, I don't see her anywhere at all.

Blaire briefly wondered if other people in the room had been important but not seemingly so on her first trip through the station. People in high fashion now seemed to run through her mind. It seemed to be a common theme between the two people who had been important. Both had been exceedingly well dressed. She wondered briefly what the next move should be. Where the two people waiting for them outside the station? Would they be going after the two? Questions formulated around Blaire's head, but then she only posed quite bluntly, Who are they?

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-23-2012, 06:11 PM

Sighing Vincent looked up at the wall in front of him. It was going to cost a bit of money to have that repaired but then there was no way they could prove it was him that had done it. He felt a little bad for what he had done but he was not going to try to fix it. There would be to many questions on how he had done it for him to be comfortable about telling. As he was walking from the room he fell to his knees again in pain. His belly felt like it boiled with fire. He cried out only for a second before biting his tongue. He could not let others know he was truly in that much pain, if there were still watchers in the train station he could not tell.

After a few moments he was able to stand again and walk over to where Blaire was. “I am sorry about this, I really do not know who took him but that woman looked like a woman I once knew and may be.” Walking towards the exit he did not look back at her, expecting her to be fallowing him. “I would have aided you with the man at the counter but I felt eyes on me the moment I stepped into the room. I also could not see some of the people you saw. Like that man that you noticed when you came in, he was not to be seen by me yet he was there.” His voice was a little worried and he let her feel his concern for this development.

“I fear that I will be needing you a lot more then I had thought I would. My plans for tonight were to teach you how to spot things that were important and how to read people but now…” he did not finish the thought as she could infer it herself. Walking out into the night air he looked around trying to see if anyone was there that he knew. He did not feel the eyes or see anyone that could be part of the group. Waving down a taxi he held out his hand to her. “we can talk more at the office, did you get the papers signed?”


Pixel Pixie
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Old 07-24-2012, 04:33 PM

Things where whirling around in her head as he explained his take on the situation. He couldn’t see the man she had? The fact that the man was invisible did not seem to faze Blaire at that moment in time, not with all that had happened that night. The fact that he was only invisible to Vincent was the part that raised concern in her head. How could someone make themselves invisible to only certain people. Then there was that woman. Who was she? Apparently someone who Vincent had known in the past or someone who looked like someone he had known.

She could feel his concern over the situation but did not comment. She took his offered hand as he hailed down the taxi. They would talk at the office he had said. The papers! She had totally forgotten about the ordeal over the office. She looked at Vincent when he asked her if she had gotten them signed, “I did get them signed but…” she launched into the story of the twitchy secretary, the crash upstairs and the man in the suit, Jack the Knife. Finally she ended with a sigh, “and so Mr. Clestorn agreed to change the contract so you have an out clause at the end of two months time.”

She leaned back in her seat and fell silent for a few moments. She had been unsure of whether or not Vincent would be mad over the whole situation or not, but what could you do? She had tried her best to diffuse the situation. She probably would have been mad at the situation had it been the reverse, but not mad at her. She looked back at Vincent and more thoughts of the things they were headed to do filled her mind. Would they find Lewis in time? Would they even stand a chance against the thing that had him?

She looked at Vincent who she knew had been holding back the pain he was feeling the entire time. He may not want her to feel the pain, but that didn’t stop her from seeing the pain in his eyes. She looked away from Vincent and thought to herself, What would happen if they were too late?


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