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JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 07:26 PM

((Yes, let's do that. n_n;; We can fast forward to "The Move In". XP ))

Karen sat through class, utterly annoyed at her new predicament. At lunch, she told all her friends what was going on and they were as equally unhappy as her. Secretly, Jamie, as she now confessed it to Karen, was hoping that she'd be moved into her dorm room. That's when Karen created a bright side of the situation, "Well, at least now I can gain some valuable insight to our 'enemy'." she told them, immediately piquing their interest. Karen just smiled, not actually having a plan behind it yet, and not willing to come up with one on the spot.

After classes, Karen packed what few things she had, Jamie there for support. Karen had never really unpacked her things, knowing she could be moved at anytime. Jamie some of Karen's things, letting the maid get only a few of them. It wasn't that Karen didn't trust her, it was that Karen knew she had enough work to do without wearing herself out carrying her things.

The maid showed the girls to Karen's new room. When you first walked in, there was the bedroom. A perfectly square room with white walls and a red carpet, a bed and matching bureau, one for each girl, on the left side and the right side of the room. On the right side of the room was the door to the bathroom. Karen set her stuff by the left side of the room, seeing as Miss Lolita wasn't there yet, she got first claim.

She walked into the bathroom. It wasn't half bad. The walls were white in their also, as was the linoleum floor. There was a shower and bath, white as well, with a translucent curtain with pink flowers all over it. It was pretty ugly though, so Karen decided she and LoliGirl needed a new one. She always amazed herself with the nicknames she came up with for people, and the two she came up with for Lydia this time around weren't mean even. The towels in the room were white, placed on a shelf to the right of the room, the shower against the wall when you first walked in, the toilet to the left of the room, and the sink and counter complete with several drawers, adjacent to the door and toilet. The theme was pink and white, but it was an ugly pink, and Karen thought it could use a change.

She walked back out and told the maid she and Jamie could take care of the rest, and she left with a smile. Jamie began to unpack Karen's kick-knacks while Karen put her clothes in the bureau on her side of the room.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 08:42 PM

After swapping wardrobes, and packing, Lydia finally moved her stuff into the new room. She came in wearing, seeing as she had changed, a black, leather corset mini dress. She had a bunch of silver pewter on her body, between piercings, to a necklace, and rings. Crawling up her legs, was black and gray striped thigh socks, along with combat boots.

She paid no attention to Karen as she began to unpack her stuff. One of the first things that went up, was a Buck-Tick poster... Which was the band someone people argued was the band that started Visual Kei fads.

Once she finally got all her wall decor up, she pulled out a purple and black stuffed rabbit, and sat it at the end of her bed. The plush had a fake piercing on its ears.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 02:01 AM

Jamie watched as Lydia entered, but Karen wasn't phased by it. When she was done, she looked at the dragon figurines Jamie had been placing on her desk, she smiled, "Nice, Jamie." she said, appreciative of the scene she had set up for Karen.

"What else you want me to do?" Jamie asked, looking to Karen.

Karen looked around, "Put some of my pictures up on the wall?" she asked, to which Jamie nodded. "Not all straight, put some of them crooked, please?" to which Jamie nodded and laughed. They were pictures of her family, mostly, and a few friends she had back at the school she last went to, including a few of her and a boy, and another girl. While Jamie did that, Karen pulled some of her books out of one of the boxes and set them on the bureau, near the dragon figurines that Jamie had put to one side of the platform. All the while she was trying not to look at Lydia, even though she had noticed when she walked in Lydia had changed.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 02:14 AM

Lydia's head board was filled with her books and movies. She had been tickled when she came here, and seen the size of the library... It was HUGE. Now, that she had all her stuff unpacked, she headed out, not wanting to spend more time here unless nessicary.

She found Mila in the hallway, who imedantly commented on her outfit.
"Someones feeling vampireish tonight!" She giggled at Lydia's gothed out look.

"Maybe." She responded to Mila with a snicker.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 03:44 PM

When Lydia left, Jamie commented, "Bitch much?" she laughed, then walked over to Lydia's side of the room, picking up the rabbit. "Who has stuffed animals at this age, seriously?" she asked.

Karen raised an eyebrow, grabbing her spare backpack that was stuffed with the important things she didn't want to love and pulling out a stuffed dog, holding it up behind Jamie's back, "His name's Toffee." she said. Jamie turned around to see the tan and brown dog in Karen's hand who was wearing a studded dog collar and had his right ear covered with piercings. Jamie opened her mouth, but Karen spoke first, "Now put Lydia's bunny back and leave her shite alone." she said, turning back to the backpack and putting Toffee on her pillow. Jamie apologized and sat on the bed, not being needed at the moment.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 06:14 PM

OOC: Holy crap... She actually called her by her real name... O_o

IC: Lydia didn't stay long with Mila, she headed down to the snack shop, and got a hot chocolate. Dinner was soon, but she was thirsty... Sitting by the window in the mini cafe they had built for it, she stared outside. She heaved a sigh, before she took another sip of her warm beverage.

Next, she headed to the library, to pick up a book that she had put on reserve. After that, she returned to her room to drop it off. It was Nightlife, by Rob Thurman. She had heard good things about his series, but, she wanted to read it for herself.

She just hoped it stood up to what she had heard about it. Coming into the room, she noticed Karen was still there. She gave her a small wave as she sat the book down on her bed. She then glanced up to the clock over the door. "Hmm... Almost dinner time..."

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 06:58 PM

Karen was there, sitting on her bed taking a break when Lydia came in, but Jamie was occupying the bathroom for the moment, putting Karen's stuff in there to make herself feel more productive. Karen looked up at the clock, "Oh hey, it is... And we managed to move in without killing each other thus far too..." she said, hopping off the bed. She grabbed her back and walked to the bathroom door to get Jamie, but ended up laughing and yelling, "What the hell are you doing?" she asked.

Jamie was in the bathroom, using the shower curtain as a dress. She walked past Karen and into the bedroom, "Well, it's ugly enough, right? So I look like the dean?" Jamie laughed. She strutted around the room, her nose high in the air.

Karen laughed, "Nonono! Let ME try!" she said, taking the shower curtain as Jamie handed it over. She stuck her nose in the air and pushed her butt outward, mimicking the dean's huge bottom and the way she walked. She also mimicked her voice, making hers extremely high pitched and squeaky, "You are all horrible children! I sentence you to listening to my horribly mousey voice for a billion hours straight! BLAH BLAH BLAH!" she laughed.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 07:03 PM

Lydia couldn't help but stare. That was definatly a first she could say... A girl wearing a shower curtain. She shook her head, and turned back to her bed, realizing she was trying to act as the dean.

She blinked, noticing that her stuffed rabbit, Ecko, had been moved. This, she didn't like. She picked it up, examing it for any damange, knowing they had to have picked it up... But there was none... That surprised her. She sat the rabbit back down at the foot of her bed, as it had been before.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 10:12 PM

Jamie and Karen laughed... until Jamie pointed out to Karen that Lydia had noticed the movement of her stuffed animal. Karen gave her a look and Jamie blushed, looking at the floor, "That was me, Loligirl." Jamie said to her, while Karen walked into the bathroom to put the curtain back, "I just wanted a closer look... Till Karen yelled at me to put it back." she told Lydia.

Karen didn't hear Jamie ratting her out though, as she was busy putting the curtain back up and the rings were being difficult for her. She had been trying to get Jamie to apologize for touching Lydia's things. Karen didn't like Lydia. Hell, Miss Lolita annoyed the piss out of her, but she didn't want Jamie touching her things and Karen being the one to be the one to catch Loli's revenge... Yeah, that was a good enough excuse to explain away the respect for the other's property she had. In all honesty, Karen just didn't think it was right to touch other peoples' things without permission. A courtesy she hoped would be returned.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 12:34 AM

Lydia locked her eyes with Jamie. "Thank you, for being trughtful." She responded. "It takes a big person to admit anything." She responded with a gentle smile. She noticed it was taking Karen quite sometime putting the curtains back up. "Do you need help putting them back up?" She called out.

She expected to receive a mean reply from the girl. She didn't get along with this girl because of her social reputation... So... She was going to TRY to get along with her... Or mind her own business... Whichever proved more benefictial.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 12:54 AM

Jamie nodded, "Well, it was Karen's fault..." she told Lydia. She looked at the floor a moment then looked over and went and sat on Karen's bed, picking up Toffee.

Karen heard Lydia call to her and yelled back, "Nope, quite capable. This last one is just... stuck!" she said shortly and grunted a little pushing the last one in place finally. She was amazed LoliGirl had asked if she wanted help. Though, she couldn't figure out of it was out of kindness, or if it was because she thought Karen was incompetent.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 12:59 AM

"Alright." She responded her gaze flickering up to the clock once more. They had ten more minutes till they needed to head for dinner, or least, by Lydia's routine, she did. She jumped when one of the books near the end of her head board fell to the ground.
"I really need a book end." She sweatdropped, leaning over to pick up the book, and put it back. Staring out into the open, now was the cover of "Moongazer" by Marianne Mancusi. She had placed it in a specific style to hopefully keep it from falling off... again.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 02:36 AM

Karen rejoined the other girls in the bedroom. She looked at the clock. It was about time to start heading to the dining hall. Karen liked to get there fairly early, to avoid the crowd. She heard Lydia's dilemma and was amazed the girl didn't already have it with the books she had. "Ready, Jamie?" she asked, her polite way of telling Jamie to get off her butt and get moving. "Let's go." she said, following Karen to the door, "Coming Loligirl?" she asked.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 02:49 AM

Lydia sweatdropped. She was't dressed like a lolita... Yet, the name seemed to stick?
Oh well.
"Yes." She responded, getting up, and quickly, heading out that door. She felt if she stuck with the two, it wouldn't be good. She arrvied to the dining room soon enough, and filed into line, waiting to be allowed to find a place to sit. One girl who was infront of her, was a friend, who turned to face her, and gave her a smile, and a hug. They hadn't seen each other for a few days, so they'd most likly be talking to each other over the week-end.

Except... Miss Layla wasn't Lolita... She was more of a punk goth, with dyed hair, and piercings all over. She was one of the few out Lesbians of the school.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 03:35 AM

Karen and Jamie looked at each other as Lydia pushed passed them out the door. They just blinked and said nothing. They walked to the dining room as well, ending up a few people behind Lydia in line. Much like the other girls, when Lydia and hugged Layla, they began to gossip. "Isn't that one of the girls who came out not too long ago?"? Jamie asked Karen.

Karen looked at her, "Yeah, it is." she replied.

Jamie answered again, "Does that mean Lydia is...?" she asked, not needing to complete the sentence. Both girls knew what the other was thinking, and neither of them answered the question.

To be honest, Karen didn't much care... But after what happened in Lit, with Lydia staring at her like she was, it kind of scared her a little to think like that. Maybe Lydia was a lesbian too...? A lesbian in an all girls school... It was like the perfect hunting ground.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 03:38 AM

Lydia and Layla sat beside each other and talked all the way threw dinner. They talked about shows they watched, things that happened, among other girlish things. After a short while, Layla gave Lydia one last hug, before she turned in for the night, seeing as she had to get up earlier the next morning.
That left Lydia sitting there all by herself to finish her dinner, and dessert.
She didn't mind being alone, but, she much preffered company over it, though.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 03:56 AM

Karen sat with her friends, Jamie passing on the news of Lydia and Layla possibly being together, and Amy and Jenna retold the scene in Lit about Karen telling Lydia off. Karen had never noticed how much they actually talked about Lydia and her Lolis. She played with her food a bit, the four girls talked all through dinner about various things, but often times the Lolita group came up in conversation. Usually whatever scandalous encounters the girls had had with them. They were truly rival cliques.

Then the topic turned to Karen's new roommate arrangement. Karen didn't really want to talk about it yet, and she made that clear... Even though the other girls were sure to talk about it in her absence.

After dessert, the girls were all going to Amy and Jamie's room to watch a movie. Karen looked around as they were talking about what movie to watch. She decided she wasn't in a very social mood and told the girls she was going back to her room, hoping Lydia wouldn't be there and she could spend some time on her own.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 04:04 AM

Karen would have gotten her wish. Lydia hadn't returned yet. She had went to the library instead. Seeing as it was Friday evening, the library stayed open later this one night, so students could get books for studying or for entertainment.
Lydia was going for one of her favorite books by Amelia At-water-Rhodes... Midnight Predator.

Once she had her book, she returned to her room. She plopped down on her bed, kicking off her shoes, and laying on her stomach. She opened the book, and emursed herself into it. Not desiring to start up with Karen this evening.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 05:25 PM

Karen went back towards the room, rather excited about not having seen Lydia come the same way when she left the dining hall. The other girls all dispersed the further down the hall you went. Karen and Lydia's double was pretty far down, but it wasn't the last room in the hall. Karen's friends stopped at Amy and Jamie's room, Karen with them, so they could have one last small chat before she went back to her room. Again, she invited them to the movie, even if she changed her mind later about. Jamie also said she could hide out in their room whenever she wanted, to which Amy agreed, and Jenna offered her room as well.

She loved how caring her friends were about her, she really did. They knew she would do the same for them too, she hoped they knew. Karen smiled and said if she changed her mind she would definitely join them, which she would, but it wasn't very likely she would change her mind.

Though, when she turned to go back to her own room and saw Lydia walking in, while Karen was still in the crowd of gabbing girls, she almost did change her mind right there. She said goodbye to the girls and walked towards her room, thinking, 'She's not going to chase me out of my own room. I just won't let her bother me. I'll ignore her.'

When she walked in however, she did offer a quick, "Hello." not expecting much in return while she plopped down on her own bed.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 08:00 PM

Lydia glanced up from her book. "Hi." She responded returning back to her own book, not showing much interest in the new presence. She flipped a page, which gave a light crinkiling sound. She was very emursed into her book... One could say.
She eventually, covered her mouth, stiffiling a yawn, before she rested her head upon her arms. Why was she so tired so early?
But, she didn't want to put the book down just yet, so she continued reading.

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Old 11-14-2009, 10:26 PM

Karen looked at Lydia, then away as she unbuttoned her vest and threw it on the foot board by her bureau, she also took out her extensions and put then on the bed as well. She got up and went into the bureau and went right into the drawer she stashed her PJ bottoms in and grabbed a pair, then headed into the bathroom. It was a long day, and she could definitely use a shower. Since Lydia was in her own little world, she figured LoliGirl wouldn't mind.

She left her clothes on the floor near the sink and grabbed a towel and left it on the counter next to the sink also. She got it and cranked the hot water, keeping it cold enough to not burn, but just relax her muscles. It felt brilliant. Eventually, she stopped thinking all together and just stood in the water, losing track of time.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 11:19 PM

By the time Karen would get out, she had changed into a black nightee, and crawled into bed. She had left the light on for Karen so she could navigate the room.
However, she pulled the covers over her head so she could sleep.
She kicked her legs lightly, accidently kicking off her rabbit from her bed.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 12:02 AM

Eventually, something told Karen it was time to get out. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel, drying herself off. She redressed in her black silk pajama bottoms- her favorite pair, and put on an oversized purple t-shirt. She brushed out her hair and left her brush in the drawer on the left side of the sink counter.

She walked out to see Lydia under the covers, probably asleep. She had left the light on for Karen, which was a sort of sweet gesture. Karen began to walk to her bed when she lightly kicked something fuzzy. Karen looked down to see the pierced rabbit lying face down on the floor. Karen picked it up and walked over to where Lydia's head should be. She leaned over without touching Lydia and put it by her pillow, then turned the light off, walked back and sat on the edge of her bed. She wasn't ready for sleep, but she didn't know what else to do.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 12:06 AM

OOC: Do you mind if we fast forward to the next day? or do you want something to happen before she drifts off?

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 12:35 AM

(( I was thinking you were just going to fast forward. -.- ))


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