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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 05:34 AM

She turned her head, patting the girl on the head once."Hare, stop it or i'll poisin your tea! Doormouse, hyou too or i'll drown you in the pitcher you live in." She said, noticing their eyes widen. They knew she wasn't joking at all. "There. you'll be fine for awhile." She said, patting the seat next to her so the girl could sit down. She felt bad that she had to leave the girl behind."Since i'm being forced to leave you must learn to control them, just threaten with violence. At first they'll throw tea at you and try to talk you out of it..but just stay strong and show htem your in no mood for their games." Sure, it was fun being mad..but it got annoying after a few weeks if you had a more sarcastic sense of human like herself. So she learned how to control puppets.

"Other then that you'll be fine without me here. But I will visit often if I ever find somewhere else to go.." She cooed softly and then took another drink of her tea. She did hope Quinn was coming so she could see him one last time before departing the famous tea table.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:47 AM

"I don't want you to go away," Kayen whined softly, pouting. She went around the chair and climbed into the chair Katie indicated; she was a rather small girl for her age, and the chair was one of the larger ones at the table. She glared at the Hare, who was now examining the tea pot Kayen had hit him with. With a maniacal laugh, he launched it at her head, then skipped back to his chair and sat down, picking up his tea cup as if nothing had happened. Kayen dived under the table and narrowly avoided getting hit in the head. She peeked up over the table to make sure the coast was clear, then stood up and brushed the china shards off her chair, before sitting down again.

"I do hope you come back," Kayen said, picking up a tea cup at staring at it's contents before setting it back down. "I know me and Quinny are gonna miss you. And who's going to protect me from that stupid Hare?" Kayen wasn't one for making threats, and she knew that once Katie left, the torment would never stop. The Hatter never did a thing in her defense, and the Dormouse was too busy cowering under the table or in his teapot to be much help. She gave the Hare a glare, before picking up a tea cookie and nibbling on it gently. She made a face; it was stale. She sighed and set it back down, fidgeting impatiently in her seat.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 06:01 AM

Katie nodded a little and blushed immedietly at Quinns name, she did feel as an older sister to kayen from the time being together." I'll be back for you both, I can't leave you to be tormented and you know how I care for Quinn.." She blushed brighter. He did like people to call him Quinny but she usually called him Quinn unless they were alone, then she'd flirt and say what she pleased to him.

She looked down at her tea, adding a little sugar and sitrring it with a silver spoon that had a design of card kingdoms on it, hearts, clubs,spades and diamonds."I've always loved this spoon.." She mumbled, licking it and dropping it in her dress pocket.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:29 AM

Kayen managed a weak smile, sipping at her tea. She frowned and set the cup down, then reached for one of the many sugar containers scattered on the table. She looked at the sparkling white contents, then dumped the whole container into her tea before pushing her cup away. "But I don't want you to go away at all," Kayen said. "Because going away means forgetting, and forgetting is forever," she added, as if it was something that everyone should know.

She was about to say something else when a big, juicy tart came flying out of the air and hit her smack in the forehead. She was quiet for a beat, and then suddenly burst into tears, wiping tears and tart filling out of her eyes. "T-that wasn't v-very nice" she sobbed, beginning to get extremely upset. The Dormouse squealed and dove under the table, as Kayen slowly rose to her feet and braced her hands on the table. She was still crying, but the look in her eyes told them that someone was going to die. "N-Not very n-nice at all!"

Last edited by Strawberry Kitkat; 08-09-2010 at 07:33 AM..

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-09-2010, 02:14 PM

The group wasn't quite his style, especially when the squeamish boy began to talk about the bloody Red Queen. Oh, how he hated her! But goodness, say that to her face and it was off with his head! Goodness, goodness, could never let that happen. Oftentimes, Quinny had wondered what it would be like to have tea with the anti-lady. (For she was certainly not a lady, even with Wonderland's standards.) The pompous bitch her majesty was, she could do for some of his extra special tea. But goodness, she would never drink it without making someone else do it first. Naturally, that would expose him, and he truly valued his head.

Waving to the group, he skipped quickly ahead. Getting to the Hatter's was his priority anyway. He loved his friends there, especially Katie Scarlett and Kayen, along with the Hatter and his other two musketeers. His tattered coat wallowed behind him as he skipped joyfully through the woods, spotting another kid floating around by a few trees. "Oi there! Need some help, young friend?" The other was pretty cute, for the most part. Quinny figured he could make another new friend. Dark hair was an oddity in Wonderland, which made the boy even more unique to him.

"Heading out, or staying in?" The blue haired male laughed, stopping close to the other, very attractive male. Quinn's smile twisted into a wide, toothy look. It would likely remind some of a cheshire cousin, or something silly like that. Sure, it was a good way to bring someone with him to the Hatter's, someone to make the girlies jealous. Leaning on his heels, his backside pushed backwards as he leaned his chest forward.

Last edited by Dmitri Blair; 08-09-2010 at 02:30 PM..

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 08-09-2010, 02:28 PM

Frankie nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard someone talking to him, and spun around quickly to face the approaching person. He eyed him cautiously- the boy actually seemed kind of harmless, except for that freakishly huge grin. He wasn't sure how the boy was managing to smile like that without splitting his face open.

"Yeah, I'm kind of lost,"
Frankie said, deciding he shouldn't be hostile. Not when he didn't know where the hell he was. Even as much as he hated admitting he didn't know something, he had to ask for help here. "I actually don't even know if I'm in Seattle anymore..." He trailed off, running a hand through his dark hair. He kept an eye on the boy; the way he was looking at him was kind of freaky. Even if he was attractive, as far as boys went. Frankie wasn't gay- he liked girls too much- but boys weren't too far off his radar.

"Anyways, I'm Frankie," he said, sticking his right hand out to the other boy while shoving his left into his pocket. It was kind of an automatic gesture, something to recognize Frankie by- that, and his "I really don't give a fuck" slouch.

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-09-2010, 02:39 PM

When the boy spoke back to Quinn, the smile slid off his face, almost literally. "What's a Sea-Attle?" He grimaced slightly, not quite sure if it was a place or some kind or piece of land. "I'm Quinny Kostello. Pleasure to make your aquaintance! What brings you to this side of Wonderland? Off to celebrate an unbirthday with Hattie?" The kid was cute, but the way he stood reminded Quinn of defiance, a quality he only saw in people of the rebellion. Now that was certainly exciting. Quinn enjoyed a good toughie on the rebellious side.

Now, Quinn was always one for a new friend, but something about this guy excited him more than usual. It had been a while since he knew a good guy out in Wonderland, aside from Hatter, who was simply the most beautiful man around. All Quinn had were female dolls, sadly. He wanted a boy doll, something that would add a little change to his beautiful collection.

Looking at the boy, up and down, Quinn's smile returned to his face. A boy doll, or a -ahem. Boy toy. He giggled inwardly as he thought of the idea of that.

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 02:55 PM

Love had glanced over for a split second to look at the man that had sopken to her and the others. She had not been watching the boy when his grip failed, or she would have been able to catch him, but she did watch as he such an interesting fashion, and his head did make a lovely thumping sound as it hit against the grassy ground.

when he sat up and offered her his hand as a means to get down, she politely refused. Jumping from the branch, she tucked herself into a neat little ball and rolled as she hit the ground. she sprang to her feet again once she had rolled at least twice. "You should probably hurry and go. My responsibility for you ended once you left the tree, meaning I probably won't be around to save you if you are late and wind up beheaded."

She glanced away from the boy and into the stream. All of the water had run clear again, to her disappointment. She did enjoy remembering the color of blood. 'Perhaps if i can find a large crowd,' she thought, 'I can see that marvelous color once again. I wonder if the queen would mind terribly if I attended a beheading?'

She took a step in the direction the stream was flowing, and suddenly realized how uncomfortable she felt on the ground. 'Why is it that I left the tree to begin with, again?' she couldn't remember, so she undid her movements, and found herself in the safe embrace of another tree's branches. 'Now I believe i shall follow the water down stream and see what I come upon.' of course, being in her state of confusion, she did not immediately realize that the direction she was traveling, was the same direction she had come from.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 08-09-2010, 02:55 PM

[[Dmitri, you sick, sick person, I think I love you XD]]

Frankie actually stared at Quinn for a moment- he didn't know what Seattle was? When he asked him about what he was doing in Wonderland, Frankie's stare became more intense. Maybe you are going crazy after all, Frankie boy....

"Um... Just visiting. actually,"
he said lamely, unsure of what else to say. He'd have to go along with this and see where it took him- he had to know if he was really going crazy, or if he had slipped and hit his head somewhere.... "But I guess we could visit.... 'Hattie.'" He wasn't sure if he really wanted to meet someone like the Mad Hatter (or at least, the Mad Hatter he had read about; things could be different here), but maybe he could find someone who could help him. Someone who had actually heard of Seattle.

[[Sorry, kinda short :sweat:]]

Last edited by Strawberry Kitkat; 08-09-2010 at 02:57 PM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 02:57 PM

Katie glared in the direction of the oppostie side of the table and grabbed her napkin. She wiped the mess off the girls face and glanced at the one who threw it. She rolled her eyes and picked up the doormouses tea pitcher and flung it at him when he came back up, smacking him in the head with it."There, there. Don't cry." She said to Kayen, hating tears since she had no idea how to comfort people.

"Crying won't acomplish anything, it will just make them throw more at you." She said, frowning a little but not really showing her emotions to anyone. She heard Quinns voice in the distance so she bit her lips to make them redder since she had the porcelain face, always pale.

Xanda_Panda is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 04:43 PM

After her tea party, the Panda wonders what to do. Now let her describe this house to you, how very messed up it be. A purple gingerbread house, filled with goodies. When anyone first enters the living room, you notice the furniture all done in candy. This is where the Panda has her tea parties with glass dollies. The kitchen is full of wonderful baking sweets, and plenty of sugar for tea. Her bedroom is panda decorated, with an array of stuffed animals. Adali's favorite room is her collection room. For every kill she gets one thing off of them. Its quite a bloody mess in there, with the body parts she preserves. It scares her other half, who wants to burn it down. So, that is Adali's humble abode. Eating a tarty tarty, she decides to take a walk in the woods. Carrying her favorite purple panda she skips out the door. Whilst singing a happy tune, she notices Love. She looks lost, wonder if shes okay. "Ello, are you okay governor?" She says holding her purple panda close.

Last edited by Xanda_Panda; 08-10-2010 at 03:54 AM..

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 04:15 AM

Love was nearly back to the place she had started from. She could hear voices in the distance, many more than had been there just moments before. She heard lots of yelling. 'This could get quite interesting.' She thought, putting a finger on her chin. When she heard a voice call out to her, she expected to turn and see another body that had discovered her, and was thinking, 'why is it that I am not able to avoid attention today?'

When she turned and saw that the person who had spoken was Adali, she was a bit confused. 'she acts nothing like the girl I met earlier. This one seems much more innocent.' She noticed while looking straight into her eyes, which were now wider with a wonder and curiosity only matched in those of a small child. 'I suppose anything is possible, this is Wonderland after all.'
"I'm quite alright, thank you." She yelled back, " I was simply on my way to watch and enjoy all the fun I here coming from Hatter's tea garden."

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 04:50 AM

Alex stares as Love does her amazing acrobatics then goes back up the tree. Wow, that was amazing. Bowing as a thanks to her, Alex runs to the butcher and gives the demand of Dodo steaks. "Hurry! I need them quickly, or the Queen will have my head!" "Hold your horses!! It takes time to have these steaks prepared. Your order will be ready later. Come back, and you'll have your steaks." Shooing Alex out the door, the butcher slammed the door and went on with cutting other slabs of meat. No use wasting time over steaks. I'll be back after I get the other things. Remembering he needed Nightshade kisses, he remembered only one spot that would have them. Hatter.

Alex trudged his way back through the forest to Hatter's tea party. He's always throwing a party. Walking into the party, he picks up his hand in time to keep a teacup from hitting him in the face. Keeping his hands up, he adjusts the air so the cup is levitating in front of him. He puts his hand under the cup and grabs it.

Looking around, he sees everyone, but only recognizes Quinn, having only met him. But he fixes his gaze more on Frankie. Oh my, he's so handsome. Shaking his head to keep himself from staring, Alex waves and smiles to be friendly, but then makes his way towards Hatter, before getting another teacup to the face, hitting him this time. Poor, poor Alex.

((i just realized i'm horrible with alex...he's gonna be bruised for the rest of his life))

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 08-10-2010, 11:49 AM

[[I was gonna wait for Dmitri to post, but... I might as well >.>]]

Kayen quieted down for a moment as Katie brushed away her tears, sniffing quietly. Her eyes were blank, the pout still fixed on her face- until suddenly, she leaped across the table and onto the Hare, the Hare letting out a maniacal laugh as the two fell to the ground.

"You stupid, stupid rodent,"
she shrieked, pulling at his ears violently. She got up off his back and kicked him, then grabbed a tea pot and dumped its contents onto his head. Then she turned back to the table and went back to her seat, taking a deep breath as she sat down and quietly folded her hands into her lap.

"So, Quinny's going to be here soon," she asked, looking up at Katie with childish curiosity on her face. It was almost like she hadn't just nearly torn the Hare's ears out of his head (The Hare was currently sitting back up, rubbing his head with a rather dazed expression on his face.)

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-10-2010, 01:46 PM

Quinn smiled, only slightly unaware that this cutie was not from Wonderland. He must come from the Land of Alice. But oh well, Quinny figured he could have fun with his new friend for a while anyway. Straightening up and fixing his hat, the blue haired one took the other's hand and began to pull. "No use wasting time! To Hattie's we go!" The pulling was followed by skipping and humming and singing. "To Hattie's we go! To Hattie's we go! Frankie and I are doing mighty fine, so to Hattie's we go!" Now, Quinny was always making things up on the spot, and this time was no exception. Everything he seemed to say came from no where no a days. He was truly going madder than the Hatter.

Humming the tune of the song he sang, he skipped alongside the attractive, dark haired male. "So visiting is always fun, fun, fun! I love when people visit, you know. But, where- oh where do you visit from?" He chuckled. "That rhymed.. Tehe!" Never a dull moment, not for this crazy doll maker. He was always finding something to laugh about. "Oh, and do you like tea?" Quinny was full of questions for the boy, wanting to know all he could so he could pass his new boy-toy off as a good friend to the girlies and the three crazy musketeers.

(Psymoski; Frankie and Quinn aren't at the Hatter's yet.. Just letting you know. and Kitty; I'm aware of how sick minded I am, it's about how I do things with that mind. Lol.)

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 02:31 PM

Katie turned her head and noticed Quinn."He's right over there Kayen.." She said, blushing a little from him being around and then taking a sip of her tea. She noticed a few boys coming this way and brushed her blue bangs out of her face."May as well welcome them.." She said, standing up and dusting off her dress. She waved."Hello!" She called, tipping her small hat that fit between her long pig tails. She skipped over to all of them at random and gave a small bow, only to have the cup and spoon fall out of her pocket. She grimaced a little and quickly picked them up."Hello Quinn."

((Sorry its short..don't have much to post > . < ))

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 08-10-2010 at 02:44 PM..

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 08-10-2010, 03:28 PM

((LOL all the boys have the hots for Frankie XD))

Frankie stumbled as the boy suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him along- Quinn fairly dragged Frankie halfway there, it took so long for him to regain his footing. "Um, I'm from Seattle, Michigan," he said, trying to keep up. "It's up in the north." He wasn't exactly sure the blue haired male would understand any of that- he certainly hadn't known what Seattle was- but he figured it was good for talking.

"Uh, tea? Yeah, it's alright I guess. As long as it has honey in it," he said. He had a bit of a sweet tooth, and didn't like how bitter tea was without honey and sugar. He could suddenly see the table- he figured that that was the Mad Hatter sitting at the far end. He looked more like a senile old man, sipping his tea and watching the chaos, but looks could be deceiving, Frankie supposed. There was the March Hare, giggling insanely. He looked like hell, actually, tea and tarts smashed into his fur and one eye swollen shut. There was another boy there, with purple hair. A girl with blue hair (What was with this place? Did they have something against normal colors?) stood and greeted them, a smaller, cute blonde haired girl bouncing by her side. She looked like hell, tart and tea staining what must have been a rather nice white outfit, but her expression was cheerful enough.


"Quinn," Kayen shrieked, ever the little girl at heart. She launched herself at the older boy- she wasn't as reserved as Katie was, or at least she didn't have an insanely huge crush on Quinn. "Quinny, the Hare was being mean to me again," she said, pouting deeply. "He ruined my pretty outfit!" She spotted Frankie and Alex and let go of Quinn, taking a step back to examine them.

"What's that," Kayen asked, peering at the two. She went around them, particularly interested in the one with the brown hair- she'd never seen such pretty, dark hair before! She peered at Frankie first, then went over and examined Alex, as if they were interesting new toys Quinn had brought to the party. She was about to talk again when another tart hit her in the back of the head- with a furious expression, she spun around and tackled the Hare again, the two rolling under the table and causing it to shake and jump, tea cups and tea going everywhere.

[[Aah, Kayen and the Hare.... I always have fun with these two XD I figured we'd have a whole bunch of people trying to talk at once, so I took Kayen out of the equation for a spell.]]

Xanda_Panda is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 06:24 PM

Panda cocks her head from side to side. "Oh, can I join you?," lip quivering as she says this. I dont want to be left all alone, in the big bad woods she thinks, looking at all the enormous trees. She shivers inwardly at the thought waking Adali, her split personality, up. Stupid cry baby, shut up! Adali mutters yawning. Panda holds her stuffed animal closer, not wanting to make Adali mad. It made her feel like as if she were trespassing for some odd reason, when she suddenly sees a beautiful butterfly. All those pretty colors in one animal, with awestruck wonder she watches it. Is that tarts i smell, oh how i love sweets! Her mind starts to wonder of all the sweets she can create, her favorite, of course being tarty tarts. Getting pulled out her thoughts, Panda hears voices clamoring over a new toy of some sort. Is that Hatter's party?, she thinks. Adali yawns, muttering"Why dont you go look?"

Last edited by Xanda_Panda; 08-10-2010 at 07:23 PM..

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-11-2010, 12:16 AM

(major brain fart.. i dont know what to write, even though there is a lot to respond to... fml...)

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 12:28 AM

Love had spread her weight over one thick branch that hung over the Tea Party Garden by laying on her stomach. She had locked her ankles together and put her hands under her chin, leaving her knees and elbows hanging slightly off the edge of the limb. 'So delightful,' she thought. 'The tarts are quite aerodynamic. They make for good weapons of distraction.... and annoyance I suppose.'

She could not see the entrance to the garden from her spot on the branch, so she was a bit startled to hear several more voices. when they came into view, she noticed they were all male. A blue haired one, dragging a dark haired boy, -'that's quite odd. I know nobody but myself that has hair like that, though mine appears to be darker.'she thought, taking a lock of her own hair between her fingers- and the queen's errand boy. 'He certainly has a lot of time on his hands for someone in such a hurry if he's attending a party such as this.'

She continued to watch them, and decided that she liked the group quite a lot. 'They are an interesting bunch indeed... I believe I feel the need to introduce myself.' She unlocked her ankles and let her legs swing down. She hugged her arms around the branch and twisted herself so that she was hanging from the tree by nothing but her bark-blistered hands, and then released herself into the air.

The fall had caused her to roll backwards instead of the usual forward, something she was not prepared for. After rolling she skidded to a stop on her behind, and the force of the stop caused her torso to lean back and hit something... turning she noticed it was one of the boys she'd seen enter the garden, the blue haired one. Her face turned red from her clumsyness, and she muttered a quick, " pardon me, I didn't mean to land that way."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 09:21 PM

((its okay dmitri ^^ take your time (: ))

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Old 08-12-2010, 12:24 PM

When the cat had planned to make a trip to the Hatter's tea party, the cat hadn't intended on getting lost. In fact, getting lost was the last thing expected. The cat knew wonderland like the back of it's paw, and it knew it's paw very well indeed. But now, walking with it's mouth in an adorable, but perfect, upside down v, the cat found that it was indeed lost. It had never been lost before, though it had seen other's get lost, it'd never had the chance of becoming so itself. And unlike a sensible one would do, the cat didn't stay in one place, waiting to be found. In fact, though it had thought of doing such a thing, it knew better than to, what if one of the Red Queen's minion's found him? While it didn't truly openly oppose her majesty, like everyone else in Wonderland the cat didn't exactly like her either.

Oh? The cat's name? Silly me I forgot to tell you. This is The Cheshire Cat. What's that? You didn't know that the Cheshire Cat could look so human? Silly child, the Cheshire Cat is magical, he can appear as a she or an it or a human or a cat or however Cheshire pleases! Though, for convenience sake we'll call dear Chessur a he. A very handsome young man he makes too. His hair is black with red highlighting, and his eyes are a gleaming red, though they look yellow in the night. That little pout he has right now? Well, normally it extends into a devilish grin, much like a crescent moon. His claws and tail are natural, he is a cat after all, his little fangs would probably hurt, but don't worry. He doesn't bite.... much.

As Chessur walked in no particular direction he thought about nothing in particular, huge, paw-like hands crossed behind his back as he walked. The bell on his neck tinkling softly with each step as did the bells on the ends of the huge 'wings' on his clothing. His signature grin stretched across his handsome pale face as he heard the familiar sounds of the never ending tea party. And the sounds of the beginning of a tussle between the Hare and dear Kayen.

Lifting off the ground with little more than a thought, Chessur floated over to the party, watching it from above for a moment before he gradually descended. When he landed he found himself behind the new boy. Without a second thought he wrapped his arms around this new person and began purring as he examined him. "Oh this one looks like he's from top side" he said with that lovely grin "a trouble maker for sure, just like Alice, how fun!" With another grin he released the boy and turned his attention to Quinn, whom he encased in his large arms more thoroughly "No turning this one into a pretty little doll," he whispered, purring "Though a very pretty one he would indeed make." And with that he was off to torment someone else for the moment.

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 08-13-2010, 01:05 AM

Alex woke up from his small coma and started to make his way to the Hatter again. "Hatter. Hatter!!" Alex was screaming at Hatter, not wanting to get too close for fear of being hit with another teacup or worse, a tea pot. Trying to look over all smoke, Alex couldn't see anything but Hatter's hat, but even Alex wasn't evn sure that the hat was indeed Hatter's. I have to ask for those Nightshade kisses, but I can't tell if Hatter is even there. Looking about, Alex saw the other people. Maybe they will know.

Making his way back to the other side of the party, Alex walked up to Quinn and Frankie. "Hello, sirs. I hate to bother you two, but would you possibly know a place where I could purchase Nightshade Kisses? I'm in terrible need of a few."

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-13-2010, 01:11 AM

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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
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Old 08-14-2010, 11:28 PM

((live? o; ))


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