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Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 03:55 AM

Lex thought Clark should get a job somewhere, that way he could pay him the money to get the tractor fixed, however, that would also mean his dad having to give up his pride of laying bread on the table for his family. Lex knew very well how fathers and their prides went. Lex walked over leaning against the wall (doors) that were in front of the telescope. "What is it about Lana that you like?" he asked starting the conversation off easy this time. Lex was starting to wonder why it was taking Clark so long to go out with Lana.

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Old 06-26-2012, 04:23 AM

He could always get a job but who knows how that would last. Clark did have one interest and that was writing. Since he usual did little things for the school paper that Chloe runs at school. But that wasn't going to bring any money in. And he just hated to see his father struggle with money. Thats probbly another reason why Jonathan hated Luther Corps they was coming in and take over everything. But the buisiesses before they came was struggling anyway. That probbly why Lex's father decide to take over things here.

Clark looks up at Lex and answers his question about Lana. "Well she is smart and she is good to talk to...its just.." stops for an moment thing. He bits his lip "I just feel something else is missing. I'm not sure what." Thats probbly why it was just taking him so long to ask Lana out. Both of them do get along but he felt that the relationship might not last long.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 04:32 AM

(sorry sorry was staring at shirtless benjamin stone lol XD)

"Well, I'll come along with you tomorrow if you ask her out"
he'd be there sure, but, he would make sure Clark would ask her out too, otherwise there wasn't much of a point for clearing his schedule, well he 'was' supposed to help out Clark and all, but, as long as what gets done gets done, he didn't mind. "So any idea how you're going to ask her out tomorrow? I believe it's going to be a slow day tomorrow at the cafe" he said thinking Clark would have to first get time to talk to Lana, with that much, he could help out with. However, he was getting bored talking about the girl, she was nice, that much was known. Nonetheless, she was like all other girls and eventually they'll want something better in life than what they have or are going to wind up with.

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Old 06-26-2012, 04:52 AM


Clark looks up at Lex and smiles lightly again "Thank you..cause if you didn't come then well who knows." shrugged lightly. He brushes some hair out from his face and stretches alittle while he stands up moving over to the window. He stares out of it at the stars. He was thinking about what he was going to ask Lana. "I guess I ask her out on a date first...maybe to the movies or something." leaning against the window seal. He closes his eyes and chuckles for an second. "I just hope I don't make a total fool of myself." mumbles to himself. Clark opens his eyes and shifts his head abit to look over at Lex "Anyway I figure that out tomarrow.."

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 05:31 AM

(haha was glued to crysandrea lol XD)

"Yea, don't worry, I bet she won't say no to anything you say"
Lex confirmed turning his head to look at Clark a bit just having a calm smile on his face. Of course Lex would soon regret that decision "It's getting pretty late" Lex realized he was looking at Clark like he would any of the girls that came his way, well, a little different. But, almost the same. "I think I should head back now"

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 07:01 AM

(You nearly get glued to anything =P)

Clark nods knowing Lex was right there would be no way Lana would say no to him. He just have to find out tomarrow to see what will happen. "Yea I would offer you to stay here so you wouldn't drive so far but that would be a bad idea itself. My dad would have a fit." says. He could admit he was worried about Lex driving this time of night and plus he didn't want Lex to have another car accident. Hoping Lex would make it back home ok. "Anyway let me walk you out.." says pushing himself off the window seal and walks over to Lex.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 01:23 PM

Lex nods, "Yea, my dad is probably waiting to see when i return, but, driving at night is worth it" the drive at night was almost like the drive during the day. It was so nice and relaxing that you hardly though about the dangers around. Lex walked out with Clark to his car "So tomorrow after school?" Lex asked making sure what time to tell his dad he had other plans or things to do. Lately he had been making his dad think that he was on his side and not forming his own, so far that had been working, up until now when he left today to get a break.

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 03:56 PM

"Well just becareful...your my best friend and I would be sad if anything happens to you, Lex" says. Following Lex out to the car and nods "Yea sounds like plan" reaches over patting Lex on the back.

(Sorry its short..had abit of a writers block...I'll be back later I'm going to visit my mom in the hospital)

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 04:21 PM

(that's fine i just watched season 2 episode 6 and don't worry about it, your mom is much more important, I understand when it comes to family)

Lex turned to smile before getting into his car, starting it up after putting his seat belt on, he backed out of the dirt drive way and rode off. Lex went home glad he didn't have to deal with his father, he cleaned up taking his time to think more on the subject of Clark and Lana's relationship which for some reason he started not liking the girl. The night slowly passed by and even though nothing weird had happened, it seemed slower than usual.

(i have an idea who will be the next enemy or whatever)

(okay I think we'll need to have something weird happen soon, so the next day I'll steal Chloe to make something interesting come up)

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 08:17 PM

Clark watches Lex leave before he returns to the house. He would clean up himself as his parents was already in thier room so he heads to his room to go to bed. Laying in bed he stares up at the ceiling just thinking about tomarrow and all. Clark rolls over and falls asleep. To him the night went by faster as he slept and morning came around. Clark got up and got dressed for school before he heads downstairs with his bag. "No breakfast, Clark?" Martha says fixing breakfast for Jonathan. Clark looks over and shakes his head "No sorry I need to get to school there is something I need to do for Chloe..anyway I might be home late. I'm going by the coffee shop." grabbing an apple from the bowl. He didn't say that Lex would be coming with him. "Anyway cya" then walks out of the house and heads to school

(I'm back now and thanks for understanding. I just wish my mom get out of the hospital soon..its so sad that I get to come home but she isn't here...and yea I do live with my parents cause it saves me on rent. But I do help out around the house like chores and shopping. And right now its just me and my step brother and sister has travel up north to see their real mom for three weeks.)

(Yea I agree plus cause they have to find out about Clark's powers soon)

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 01:33 AM

Lex went back to work the next day, he figured if he told his father about a lunch/dinner date, that he would question him about who it is and why it was set up. The next day Chloe waited out in front of the school for Clark to show up. "Excuse me, where is the science room?" Melody asked "Oh, you must be new, I'm Chloe Sullivan" Chloe held her hand out "Oh, I'm Melody" Melody didn't take her hand, she looked more like a peaceful person, maybe a bit shy "Go through the main doors and down the hall, 6th door on the right" Chloe smiled taking her hand back watching the girl nod and walked away.

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 01:50 AM

Clark pulls up in his trunk and steps out once he arrived at the highshool. Grabbing his bag from the seat then locks the doors after he closes it. He fixes his red jacket since it was cool in the mornings looking about before seeing Chloe. Walking out of the parking lot and heads over he had notice a girl talking to Chloe. From the looks of it she was a new student since he never saw her before. "Hey Chloe" says once he reached the from of the school. "How are you this morning? Did you get that article I send you?" fixing his bag strap on his shoulder.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 02:18 AM

(*truck you mean :3)

Melody looked over her shoulder seeing Clark, her eyes which were green flashed a little silver and back to green, he didn't seem like the others, and she could tell he was friends with Chloe, however, she still didn't know his name. She never looked into people really, she just had a feeling about people, and that was it. "Oh, hey Clark, I have some amazing news" meaning news that made her wall of weird eventually if not figured out yet. "There has been these...attacks or so they seem like attacks in the middle of the night. Most of them occur on the full moon..." Chloe began as they would walk to the journalism room "I found out it only happens when they sleep, no matter where they are at, they just fall asleep somehow and boom, it hits them" Chloe spoke.

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 02:44 AM

(Thanks thats what I get for typing fast. I know my spelling is bad..but I can easily spell truck. I just type fast sometimes like if I am in a rush to go to the bathroom =P)

Clark listens to the news it was the first time he heard about it. But it did seem weird to him...really weird. "And the police don't have a clue right?" says. He would think it was something he should look into. There was something going on but he wasn't sure what yet. He follows Chloe to the journalism room "Is there anything else about theses attacks? Like what happens to them?" says place his bag down on one of the desk.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 02:59 AM

(nah its cool, i get the same way with my typing)

"Nope, they ask around, but, no luck. I also found out, this isn't the only town it's happened in, but, still nothing on it"
Chloe stated sitting down in the office like chair at the old computer. "It only says that different people have been dying in their sleep, too many at the same time to be normal, and no one has any leads. Well, except for the victims who have this sparkle of silver in their eyes when the coroner checks them out." Chloe realized what she had just said "Wait, since when do dead people's eyes sparkle silver?" she questioned herself "I dont know about you, but, this is going to be a big scoop if we can get down to the bottom of it"

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 03:17 AM

'Sparkle silver in their eyes?' Clark thought to himself. He looks at Chloe strangely while he leans against the desk. Crosssing his arms over his chest while he thought abit. "Well I would help you out with this after school today but I am going to coffee cafe." says looking over at Chloe. "I'm finally getting the nerve to ask Lana out. Lex is also coming with me. So is there anyway I can help after?" Oh he was going to get to the bottom clearly something was going on in Smallville and clearly there had to be someone behind it. There is no way that many people could die in their sleep at the same time from natural causes.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 03:50 AM

(Talon is where Lana works :3 I just watched an episode on that :3)

"Yea, don't worry about it. I actually have some things to do tonight anyways, besides look up this...uh weird factor. Oh and one more thing, it's always thirteen people even though it's usually around the same area" Chloe said hearing the bell for class to begin, they had chemistry first, Chloe, Lana, Clark, and Pete. "Looks like it's time for class" she smiled though she wasn't enthusiastic about chemistry, she was more into thinking about something or someone else.

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 04:16 AM

(Right thanks)

"Thirteen people? Really? Yea that is strange..thirteen people dieing during the full moon." Clark said once he heard the bell too. "Yea we better go we don't want to be late." says grabbing the bag from the desk and heads out. 'If Chloe only knew the truth about me then it probbly be weirder as this going on.' walking into the chemistry lab. Pete looks up seeing Clark and Chloe come in "Hey Clark over here.." Pete shouts as everyone was talking in the class room so it was the only way he could get Clark's attention. Clark looks over at Lana already he was nervous just staring at her not even hearing Pete shouting out his name.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 04:24 AM

(I'll stop that, sorry lol :3)

"Clark, Pete wants to talk to you"
Chloe nudge staring over at Pete for a moment and then moved to sit next to Lana at the science table on the other side of the room (about 1-2 yard sticks away) "Hey Lana, how's it going?" Chloe asked as she took out her notebook and a second one filled with information printed out about the new things going on. She was going to find one way or another to look into the weird stuff or focus on someone else she was thinking about.

(do you want me to help play pete? so you're not talking to yourself so much in the posts?)

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 04:55 AM

(No thats totally fine =P And sure thats ok with me. We can always switch roles with the other characters not our main character. So I can play Lana while you play Pete.)

Clark gets nudges which made him stop looking over at Lana then looks over at Chloe. "Oh yea sorry..." looking over at Pete. He walks over and sat down next to Pete "Hey man hows it going? Sorry about that.." says kinda nervously. Lana looks over at Chloe smiles at her "I'm good how about you?" apparently she didn't even notice Clark staring at her when he enter the room. Lana was to busy writing down some chemistry notes of course she never uses them but then she likes to have them. Just incase someone loses his notes. She looks at Chloe and sees her writing stuff down "You busy looking at the strange things going on around here again?"

(Mainly why I want to do that..cause it wouldn't feel I making you do everything. I want to help out alittle bit with the other characters. Cause I know it probbly take some time for Lex and Clark's feelings for one another to start to show even though I already can tell Lex's feelings are showing some =P )

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 05:07 AM

(yea it helps out, i dont want my partner to take on alot if they dont want to. I am used to taking on alot, so i know what it is like)

"Yea there is something strange going on and it has to do with full moons and lucky number 13"
Chloe spoke sarcastically writing down all she could remember from it. Nonetheless her thoughts strayed as she glanced over at the boys duo (clark and pete) and stared over there for a moment forgetting she was staring. Pete looked over and waved then went to talking to Clark "So what's going with you and Lana?" Pete asked not answering Clark's question.

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Bellinda is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 05:32 AM

(YAY *huggles*)

"Well know you Chloe, you will get to the bottom to this." Lana giggles lightly. Then saw Chloe look over at Pete and Clark as she would to the same. As something wonders thru her mind before looking back over at Chloe. "So has Clark told you anything lately about me?" says knowing Clark always went to the journalism room to give Chloe something for the paper.

Clark looks at Pete after he grabs his books from his bag. "Uhh there is nothing yet. I'm going to Talon after school and talk to her. I'm going to ask her out. And..." then stops. Cause the next thing he was about to say that Lex would be going with him. He knew Pete didn't like the Luthors either like his dad. Especiality after what happen to Pete's family business. "And anyway I am abit nervous but I am finally going to ask her out."

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 01:00 PM

"Huh? Oh, no. I mean, I think he wants to talk to you about something, but, I dont know what about" Chloe answers and went back to writing down her thoughts. "Why do you ask?" of course chloe didn't have to ask, she pretty much understood things. "And what Clark?" Pete asked before Clark was able to slip in the last part, but, heard him answer "Well, that's pretty good right?" one of the other students in the room laid their head to go to sleep, class had already started, and the teacher, Mrs. Intel, a fill in substitute teacher walked over "Mr. Lambert, wake up" she had ran through the names to know who was who, each had a picture of who was who so it helped out greatly.

Though Mrs. Intel wouldn't wake up, no matter how much noise and bothering she created. The girl before, Melody, walked in the room about that time and saw the boy asleep. She walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder towards the back of the neck making him stand up awake "The answer is 42!" he exclaimed and realized he fell asleep as the teacher started to lecture him and some of the other kids laughed.

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Old 06-27-2012, 03:15 PM

Lana looks at Chloe before she nods "Uh huh..its nothing..I just figured he may had say something." clearly she was hoping Chloe would say Clark was going to ask her out. She had been waiting for that for who knows how long. Twisting her pencil between her fingers she sits back in her chair. Hearing the substitude teacher trying to wake up one of the students. Clark looks at Pete sighs abit "Well don't be mad. I know how you hate Lex but I asked he is coming with me after school. So that he can make sure I ask Lana out this time." Clark looks over at the new girl who finally woke up the boy. Hearing the boy answer to a question that didn't even been ask. Everyone started cracking up cause it wasn't the first time he felt asleep and answered like that.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 12:40 AM

Melody took her seat at a table alone in front of the room and in front of Clark and Pete. "What? Why do you need him there?" Pete remembered he would go along for the ride, but, couldn't. Pete already had plans, he had a secret admirer, and he needed Chloe's help to figure it out. However, she seemed distracted by something, and wouldn't give him much to go on.

Chloe listened as the teacher started the lecture, there wasn't anything knew about what the teacher was saying, and the new girl didn't want to introduce herself since she didn't like to be in front of people. Chloe wrote down the notes halfway through as she discussed to Lana about Clark and the possibility he wanted to speak to her. Pete kept glancing over at the new girl, she didn't seem harmful to anyone, let alone herself, and she was drawing pictures of something...someone...but, it was hard to tell of what.


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