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Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 06:16 AM

(sorry im like in the midst of trying to do something for a spot for couple art)

(last post)

Tony felt a little uncomfortable, but, if he didn't act like they were lovers, then there could be problems. The pool sounds good, but, so does that massage" then he thought about it again, only girls ever gave him a massage before "Uh, let's just stick with the pool"

(are we using Leeroy or Jethro as the first name for Gibbs?)

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-28-2012, 06:23 AM


"Alright. Pool it is. Get your swimsuit on and we can go." Gibbs stood and went to change, not wanting to go far enough to do that in front of Tony. That wasn't something he felt comfortable with at this point. He got on his trunks and got a towel. Yje pool would be good because thy wouldn't really have to snuggle or anything awkward. He could handle this.

((also, don't forget the other one please ^^))

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 12:29 PM

(alright and I wont forget i was very tired last night)

Tony walked over to his suit case and changed right there into his dark red shorts and black flip sandals that he could just slip on. He grabbed his own dark green beach towel and was ready to go down stairs, however, he kept his sunglasses with him. The best way for him to hide his emotions or what he was thinking was through them. "Ready?" Tony asked, after a little bit of being here the two of them could relax a little and not be so tense.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-28-2012, 02:42 PM

Gibbs nodded. "Yes, I'm ready." He said and grabbed his own sunglasses and some tanning oil. "The tanning oil is for you, I'll use sunblock." As an old man, Gibbs really didn't need to be torturing his skin. He was trying to preserve his youthfulness for at least a little bit longer. He didn't want to look to old yet. He left for the elevator and took Tony's hand to drag him along too. He had his key card in his bag that he was carrying with his stuff in it that he didn't want to get wet.

I'm the elevator, they were not alone. There were two other couples in there as well, and Gibbs wanted to die. They were both gay couples. (there seemed to be a lot of those around here) One man was wearing a string bikini, the others were wearing speedos. As if that wasn't bad enough, they were making out and one guy had another pinned to the wall, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. Gibbs really didn't want to show that kind of affection, but it seemed that was normal. There had been lots of people acting like that everywhere they'd been so far. He took Tony's hand and just ignored the other men.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 06:03 PM

When Gibbs handed him the tanning oil, he only smiled, Tony loved to Tan, it was something he thought made him look good. 'Wait, since when did he think of getting tanning oil to give to me?' Tony shook the thought away, he was going to have fun acting like a high schooler again, that was when he goofed off and teased whoever he was with at that time. Tony felt his hand being taken, he had to make it seem like he was more of the dominant one, there was no way he was going to be seen as the girl here. (lol)

Tony was glad he was wearing his sunglasses, they hid his face showing disgust for that kind of thing, but, his mouth was shown as serious. The elevator dropped them off at the pool level where they walked out into the sun, there was shade on the side, and even some people staring at whoever came out of the elevator. Tony smirked, he was going to be himself as much as he probably could.

(Aaron was the one on page one as a minor character)

Aaron was sitting out in the sun, sunbathing in his blue jean shorts, and he was wearing sunglasses. However, that was to keep him from being noticed that he was staring at others. Tony glanced over, he couldn't help, but, look at the guy. Pulling his thoughts away, he went back to focusing on himself again. "Where do you want to sit?" Tony asked as he noticed there was one side of the pool no one was on and hoped they would be left alone.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-28-2012, 08:36 PM

Gibbs just threw his crap on one of the benches on the empty side. He figured Tony would want to tan alone in peace. Gibbs still had a bug in his ear, a small waterproof one that could be mistaken for an earplug for swimming. "Boss." A voice buzze in his ear. It was Ziva. He listened for her to continue. "You're not acting enough like a couple. Vance wants you to act more like you're together. You need to put on a good show." He groaned sliently and then went over to Tony. He took the man's hands and drew him in close, kissing him in a very dominant way. If he was going to suffer this way, he was going to act like the man and let DiNozzo know he was in control. He was no woman.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 02:05 AM

(WOW :DDD :O Now that's interesting to read out of no where lol omg and i respect gibbs so much and omg...well i respect him more now :D) (I can't stop smiling and laughing at that what you wrote lol I blame you haha XD)

Tony went over to one of the pool chairs that laid out so you could sunbath on it and was about to check out the pool since half of the people left the pool to go eat lunch or other things around this time of day in the afternoon. He felt his boss' lips press against his, Gibbs was good at dominating that was for sure, and now this was going to be a problem. Tony didn't like to be seen as anything, but, a man. However, right now it showed Gibbs was more of the man here when he kissed him head on in front of everyone.

Tony looked surprise and realized this had to be part of the mission, they acted more like friends when they arrived, and this probably had to show they were actually lovers so no one would come onto them. Tony didn't freak out, well he tried not to, his eyes were closed because it would be awkward to kiss someone eyes open, and just wrapped his right arm around Gibb's upper waist. A few people in the background whistled, others laughed and smiled. They defiantly put a good show on that was for sure.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 02:14 AM

((:D I'm so glad to have amused you. I'm laughing pretty hard to cause I can just picture it.))

Gibbs was glad Tony hadn't had a fit and played along, The whistles and such made him flush with embarrassment. He had never been one for public affection. That was one thing that made this even more fake for him. He was just so much happier with doing things like this in private. He knew this was all for show, but it didn't feel that way with Tony's arm wrapped around him. He wrapped his own arms around DiNozzo. "Tony.. Don't you dare try to win dominance. The sooner you give in the sooner I'll stop." He said that so low only Tony would've heard it. He proved his point by kissing him harder, making sure there was no mistake in who had the power in this 'relationship' of theirs.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 02:58 AM

(I was so amused i just 'had' to tell someone on another site in the BL: Lounge forum for those who like slash pairings between guys. Ever seen Avengers or Thor the movies?)(You're going to kill me with this you know that)

Tony was going to protest, but, before he could Gibbs had kissed him again. "Woohoo you go guys!" someone in the back shouted and that made Tony want to prove Gibbs wrong even more. "I never play the girl" Tony whispered back, his eyes showing defiance and even though he wanted to play against that, he didn't. He took a step back "I'm going swimming, you coming, Jethro?" Tony was going to have even more fun using his first name, Gibbs would so kill him later if he abused that privileged.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 03:23 AM

Gibbs followed. "Of coarse I'm coming dear." He slapped the man's hind end as they walked and he grinned. "You'll be the woman if I say you are." He said as he came close enough to whisper in his ear. "I'm a badass marine, you're a girly little Italian. I will get my way and you know I will." He was smirking in a bastard way. He knew this must annoy Tony to no end, but he had already decided he would get his way. Once he made up his mind there was no changing it.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 04:27 AM

(this gibbs is oh so sexy :3)

Tony smiled whispering "We'll see about that, oh and don't forget all who might be listening" he pictured Abby laughing her ass off just about now if she had heard that. Tony jumped a little when Gibbs slapped his ass, he was quite used to it really, but, coming from a guy, his boss, it was a bit to get used to. "Well, then let's swim" he smirked as everyone else went on their ways like nothing was happening and Tony just slowly walked down into the water letting himself sink a little and float there. "Gonna stand there all day Jet?" jet was almost like a shark name, so it sounded cool, but, it was a cute nickname too.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-29-2012, 04:32 AM

His eyebrows raised at the nickname, but he didn't say anything against it. He honestly didn't mind it to his own surprise. He climbed in and splashed Tony a little. "Yes Anthony, I'm coming. Be patient and you will get what ever you want from me. I have to treat my lady extra special." He looked serious, but amusement flickered in his eyes. He was seeing how much fun he could have with this situation. This wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be at all. "And really.." He was whispering now. "I don't care who hears, I am winning this." He wasn't one to lose easily. He knew Tony knew that. He wasn't one to play fair either.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 04:57 AM

Tony splash Gibbs back at that comment, not only did he call him by his first full name, but, he also called him a lady. "I'm more of a man than you are" Tony shot back smirking. Though anyone, even Abby could tell Gibbs was the man in this relationship. "Hah, we'll see old man" Tony called him that only because it was starting to get fun teasing back and forth, not to mention, others around them got a show. Tony went under water and swam to the bottom, however, he yanked Gibbs under the water too. Water tag was always fun and the pool was rather large. No one was in the deep end and even though it should have made Tony wonder why, he was too busy.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-29-2012, 11:58 PM

Gibbs could. It believe Tony had dared pull him under. He came up, Silver hair matted down and a grin on his face. "Yeah. Bring it on babe." He grabbed around the other's waist and pulled him under, tickling him in all the places he knew made Tony squirm and giggle. He knew just how to torture this man, but Tony hardly knew a thing about Gibbs. It was wonderful.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 06:45 PM

Tony stayed under water where it was safer, he knew Gibbs was going to kill him for that. Tony was pulled under again and couldn't help but to laugh when Gibbs was tickling him. The people around the pool went about their own business and it felt to Tony like Gibbs and himself were the only ones around. Tony kept squirming and tried to get away, eventually he did and was going to come up for air. However, he couldn't resist staying under water and sticking his tongue out at Gibbs. He was such a child when he could play around with any rules.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-30-2012, 07:42 PM

Being in the marines had given Gibbs the ability to hold his breath for long periods of time. He knew Tony must be dying for air though. The man still managed to stick his tongue out and Gibbs surface, taking Tony with him. He forced the younger man out of the pool, slinging him over one shoulder and carrying him like a sack of flour. "God Tony. What have you been eating?" he said, smirking at his own insult. "Come on. Let's get you dried off so we can go get dinner."

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 02:48 AM

(I am back yays)

After Tony stuck his tongue out at Gibbs he couldn't handle holding his breath any longer. A normal person could hold their breath from one to five minutes at the most. Minus those who were trained to for different purposes. Even though Tony was out of breath when Gibbs picked him up, he still was able to say "Hey, I don't listen to that kind of talk out of bed" Tony joked and wasn't happy about being carried like this. He was not a princess or a damsel in distress and he would always deny it.
"Put me down already, Jethro" he chose to use his first name a little bit hoping he would okay about it.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 07-01-2012, 03:05 AM

Gibbs tossed Tony down on a chair and grinned. "Only in bed huh? Is that we're you want to go, because I can certainly arrange that." He could hear Abby giggling in the bug that was in his ear. He blushed a bit, embarresed that she'd heard that. He had almost forgotten that it wasn't just him and diNozzo. He sat beside Tony and waited for him to dry off. He himself needed to dry off too. "Were do you want to get diner?" He asked curiously. He dim know many places around here himself. He was sure Tony would know though. That was just the way he was.

---------- Post added 06-30-2012 at 11:05 PM ----------

((yay~ ^^))

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 03:26 AM

(Abby laughing? lol now that's classic emotion :3)

"Well, we could either go out somewhere around lots of people or do room service" Tony stated sitting on the chair drying off his hair. He had actually no idea where they could go and dried off the best he could before they would head back upstairs to change into warmer clothes. Though he did see a bistro just across from the hotel they were staying at. "I think there is an old bistro across from the hotel, that's all I know of" Tony added sounding thoughtful and stood up grabbing his stuff. "Ready to go?"

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 03:39 AM

((yup. Cause honestly. That would be funny.))

Gibbs changed and listened to Tony talk. He didn't really care where they ate, even if it was just room service. He'd neer been very picky about food. After all, his dad had been a god awful cook and he'd gotten used to eating whatever. "Sure. We can go to the bistro if you want." He said with a shrug of his shoulders. "And yes Tony. I am ready to go." He pulled on his coat and then kissed his cheek. "You drive." He handed the keys to Tony.

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 03:49 AM

(yes it would lol)

Tony was surprised to feel his cheeks turn red, "Uh okay" he stated putting his sunglasses on and a t-shirt that buttoned up and was unbuttoned half way up. (the top half unbuttoned) Tony headed to the car they were going to be driving over here, it was a nice one, but, not too fancy of course. Tony went over to the car and opened up Gibbs's passenger side door for him to get in and then he walked quickly to the drivers side of the car getting in. Tony started up the car after making sure both of them had their seat belts on. He backed up and pulled out of the lot. Finding a way across the street he was able to find a parking spot for the bistro and then put the car in park turning it off. They could've walked too, but, at least Tony got to drive this time.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 08:56 PM

Gibbs cocked an eyebrow when his door was opened. "Thank you Tony, but I am quite able to do that myself. He half glared at the man. "Dont you dare forget that you are the woman here. I wi not be dominated by you." He meant it too, which just went to make it much more terrifying. He then calmed down and got out when at the bistro. He stopped Tony before they went in. "Look, I know this is an uncomfortable assignment. I want to say that you're doing a good job and I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us ok?"

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 02:36 AM

Tony shook his head, he wasn't trying to wind dominance now, he was being nice and having fun. Though he would have to do something like to prove he wasn't that nice later on. About to get out of the car, he heard Gibbs say "It won't" he smiled a little, he was going to let something like this make things awkward between the two of them. After this they could go on with their normal lives and of course having to deal with the team making fun of them...well of Tony mostly since the others feared Gibbs and wouldn't to his face...but, that would be when the mission was over with. "So, what kind of couple are we looking at? I mean I don't even know the basics here"

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 07-02-2012, 03:06 AM

Gibbs started laughing when Tony asked. "A lesbian couple Tony." He was grinning. "That should be right up your ally huh? You like girls, you like them even when they kiss each other." He had heard DiNozzo make comments about that sort of thing before. "So anyway, now that you know that, let's go in and have dinner. Also, the ladies are dangerous. Even if they are sexy, they are still supposed criminals. Be careful about getting to close."

Krieger Engel
Krieger Engel is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 03:12 AM

(I am going to reply to both roleplays and then go to bed to get up early tomorrow, goodnight)

"Hey, it's hot when two girls kiss" Tony said back smiling as he got out of the car, "On this kind of mission, it would be suspicious if I got close to them, wouldn't it?" he didn't wait for an answer, though if anyone asked him he would just say he was bi-sexual, that way he could still look at girls, and sadly guys. Though he wouldn't ever look twice, let alone once at a guy like that. Tony walked up to the lady standing up at the stand outside waiting for others to ask for a table. "Hi can I help you?" She asked politely "Table for two, please" Tony smiled, though the girl didn't really pay much attention to him "Alright, we have a table for you, would you want an inside table or outside?" She asked, Tony looked over at his boss.


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