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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:10 AM

"I guess we will!" Carl shot back, getting caught up in the heat of the moment. Carl watched as Stacy threw out her mareep and felt a jolt of fear. He knew a little bit about type advantages and knew that Electric types were stronger against water types. It's ok! It's ok! We can still do this! Carl thought to himself as he pointed at the Mareep. "Lets go Cote! I choose you!" Carl watched his Tentacool float out in the impromptu battle arena in the street between himself and Stacy. Once Cote was in position, Carl shouted, "Cote! Use Supersonic!" A blast of super sonic waves raced towards Prim.

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 12-18-2016 at 03:13 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:22 AM

Stacy wasn't surprised when Carl called out Cote to fight. She wondered if he knew about the type disadvantage but said nothing. She wasn't going to give advice during the battle; there would be time for that afterwards. "Watch out Prim!" Stacy shouted, but too late. The sonic waves washed over her pokemon, confusing it. Mareep looked left and right, seemingly lost. "Prim! Snap out of it!" Hearing it's trainer's voice, Prim tossed its head and shook off the confusion. "Good job! Now, use tackle!" The mareep dashed off across the field heading directly towards Cote.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:30 AM

"Good job Cote!" Carl shouted when her attack hit the Mareep. "HEY! No fair!" Carl yelled at Stacy, shaking a fist at her. He hadn't ever read that trainers could snap their Pokemon out of a status condition like that! Slightly distracted by Stacy helping out her Pokemon, Carl failed to see the attack coming in time to have Cote dodge it. "Cote! Look out!" But it was too late and Prim tackled Cote before jumping back to his side of the ring. "Cote are you alright? Ok... Cote! Use Poison Sting!" Cote flung her tentacles at Prim and shot out a poisonous needle that sailed quickly towards Stacy's Pokemon.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:34 AM

Stacy just shook her head. Calling to her pokemon was hardly cheating even if Carl didn't know that. Prim rammed into tentacool, it's electric fur coming into contact with the jellyfish's body and paralyzing it. Even so, the opposing pokemon was able to shoot a needle towards mareep which made contact but failed to go deep enough to poison. "Prim, thundershock!" Mareep arched it's back, tail high in the air as electric coursed through it's fur and shot out in an arc towards Carl's pokemon.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:44 AM

Carl pumped his fist when he saw Cote was able to move through her paralasis and strike the opossing pokemon. "Nice going Cote! Almost got him that time!" Carl waited for the next attack to come poised on the balls of his toes. "Get ready Cote!" Carl said just as Stacy yelled Thundershock!. "Cote! look out!" Carl shouted at his Pokemon but it was too late. The electric arc was too fast and hit Cote before she could dodge. With the type advantage, the electricity fried her, bringing her within an inch of fainting. "OK! Ok that's enough!" Carl shouted and ran into the street to grab Cote, Protecting her from further damage. "You win Stacy! I'll carry your bag! Just call off your Mareep!"

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 12-18-2016 at 03:52 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:52 AM

Prim's thunderbolt connected with Carl's tenacool, leaving it nearly fainted. Prim let it's tail down as Carl ran to pick up his pokemon. "Good job Prim, come back." Prim walked back to Stacy who ran her fingers through it's fur and scratched it's chin before recalling her pokemon back into its pokeball. Approaching Carl, she held out her hand, "Good match."

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:59 AM

"Yeah... Good match." Carl shook Stacy's hand, a bit disappointed. This battling stuff was a lot more difficult than just reading books and studying tactics. "I guess I have more to learn about battling. I thought since I knew so much about it from reading that it wouldn't be that much different in real life. I'll have to be more careful from now on. I also didn't realize how much of a type disadvantage can change the direction of the battle." Carl held onto Cote looking thoughtful, then raised his head with a look of determination on his face. "Well it was a learning experience! I won't make that mistake again!" Recalling Cote into her pokeball, Carl turned back to Stacy. "Thanks for the battle Stacy. If I had gotten into a real battle against someone who was going all out, Cote really could have gotten hurt! What's say we go heal our pokemon and then go and eat?"


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 04:09 AM

Stacy shook her head. "It can be a lot to learn in the beginning. You'll get the hang of it. Type advantages are really important though. If your pokemon is at a disadvantage it can really get hurt and it's moves won't be as effective." Stacy smiled, "That battle definitely worked up my appetite! Sounds good to me!" She handed her bag over to Carl which turned out to be surprisingly heavy. The two of them walked back to the Poke Center and then on towards the sushi restaurant. "Mmm, I can almost taste it now... It's been a while since I've had some good food..." Stacy said, her mouth watering at the prospect of something freshly made.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 04:15 AM

"Yeah that's for sure. I've read all about type advantages but seeing them in action is something else entirely!" Carl grabbed onto Stacy's bag as she handed it over, nearly dropping it when she let go. "H-holy crap! What do you have in here? Your bag is ridiculously heavy!" Carl shouldered the bag and walked with Stacy back to the Pokecenter to heal their pokemon, listing to the right as the bag dragged down on him.

"I can't wait either! I'm gonna have some tuna rolls I think!" Carl said, rubbing his hands in excitement. "What are you gonna have?" He asked Stacy as they neared the front doors.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 02:21 PM

Stacy let out a sigh of relief without the bag's weight on her shoulder. "Oh you know, just some extra clothes and things," she laughed, feeling very free and light. At the door of the sushi restaurant she recalled Woobat back into it's pokeball. "I think I'll have some crunchy rolls, those are my favorite!" Inside the restaurant they sat down at an empty table. It was a little bit past the lunch rush so the restaurant wasn't very crowded. Soon their server came over with glasses of water to take their order. "What would you like to order?" asked the server who was wearing a beautiful Asian shirt underneath an apron. "I'll have six crunchy rolls please!" Stacy said, her mouth already watering imagining the wonderful flavor on her tongue.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 03:51 PM

"Some... Extra clothes... Right." Carl said under his breath not really believing Stacy about her bag. The thing weighed a ton! Carl was pretty strong but this bag was testing even his limits! Stacy must have a machamp or something to carry it around for her, he thought. "Oh crunchy rolls would be yummy too!" Carl replied when Stacy told him what she wanted. It was nice inside, quite empty due to the late hour and the sever was sporting a really cool out fit Carl thought. After Stacy ordered Carl pipped up, "I'll have 6 Tuna rolls please and thank you!" While they waited for their food, Carl asked Stacy, "So where is this tournament you were talking about? I'd really like to enter! I want to hone my skills as a Pokemon battler!" Carl made another one of his increasinly common fist pump gestures.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 04:03 PM

Stacy just smiled knowingly at Carl's comment. To be truthful it WAS full of clothes, and shoes, pokemon paraphernalia, her sleeping bag, prepacked food, and the like. Though of course the majority of the weight really was from her clothes. Stacy was quite a bit stronger than she looked. Stacy took a sip of her water and set the glass down. "It's in Printap town, the next town over from here. The tournament will be starting in two days so if you want to participate you should probably set out this afternoon. It should only take about a day to walk there from here but from experience things don't always go as planned," Stacy said in response to Carl's question. "I was thinking about entering myself actually..."

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 05:15 PM

"You were gonna join the tournament too?? That's not gonna be good if we get into another battle." Carl said frowning. "With your type advantage against me, I wouldn't last very long. All my pokemon are water types. You see, my home town was by the ocean so I've become very familiar with water types." Carl explained to Stacy. Now that he thought about it, it was rather foolish to set out with only water types on his Pokemon quest. "I think it might be a good idea to catch a pokemon or two on the way to Printap town! Don't you?" Carn commented as the waiter brought the food to the table. Stomach grumbling, Carl dove into his Tuna rolls with gusto, devoring them quikly.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 05:31 PM

Stacy smiled, "Well why not? I think it could be fun. I've never participated in a tournament before though I've been to a few of them with my father." Stacy took another sip of her water. Her stomach gurgled softly. Breakfast had been hours ago and she was impatient for lunch. "I think that could be a good idea. Some trainers specialize in only one type of pokemon but that's not very useful in my opinion. It makes it very difficult to go up against an opponent that has a type advantage." Stacy's eyes lit up as the waiter arrived with the sushi. "Bon appetite!" she said before breaking open her chopsticks and slipping the first roll into her mouth. "Mmm, delicious!" she commented after she had finished chewing. "I haven't had sushi in ages!"

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 05:41 PM

"It could! I'm just... afraid to get into another battle with you so soon!" Carl said scratcing the back of his head and looking slightly embarrased. Carl was momentairly lost in thought, thinking about the different pokemon and which types he'd like to have in the future. "That was my initial idea! I was going to be a water type triner! But I can see the difficulties that presents now... Maybe if I get some pokemon that have dual water and some other type!" Carl said enthusiasticly. As Stacy started eating, Carl had already eaten half of his plate, washing down his giant bites with swigs of water. "This is so good! He said though a mouthful of food. "This was a great idea!" Carl finished his food and pushed his plate away, leaning back in his chair totally full.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 08:27 PM

Stacy laughed, "Well I'm glad I made an impression," she said, popping another roll into her mouth and savoring the flavor. When Carl spoke again, she nodded, "That could be a good idea. There are some really nice dual type pokemon out there, though they can be a bit hard to find..." The next time she looked up, Stacy noticed that Carl had already cleared his plate. "Wow, you eat really fast," she said, taking a gulp of water before working on her last two rolls. She preferred to eat slowly and savor her food, well when the food was good at least. Once she finished her last roll, Stacy wiped her mouth with her napkin and sat back in her chair, stuffed. "That was delicious," she said with a sigh.

After a few minutes their waitress returned with the bill. Stacy glanced at the total and then fished around in her bag for her wallet to put down her half of the money due.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 10:56 PM

"Yeah... But if we look hard enough! We could probably find some!" Carl said, overflowing with optimistic enthusiasm. Carl burped, "Excuse me! Yeah, I was pretty hungry! I ran out of rations yesterday. A Spearow came and ripped my backpack off of me and flew away with me! It took a while to get it back and it had eaten the rest of my food out of my pack by the time I did... Usually I'm really quite prepared but that was a bit of an unforseen circumstance." Carl explained, looking a bit abashed. "Anyways, I was really hungry!" Carl relaxed into his chair, happy to be full and have his pokemon all happy and at full health.

"Oh are you ready to go?" Carl asked when Stacy got out her money. Not waiting for a reply Carl kept on, "Thats a good idea! We gotta stop by by the Pokemon Center yet and grab some potions!" Carl said all this while getting out his money and paying his half, leaving just enough for some potions he hoped. "OK comon! Lets go!" Carl got out of his chair nearly bouncing with excitment.


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Old 12-18-2016, 11:04 PM

"Probably," said Stacy slowly. There were many pokemon she hoped to catch on her journey but she knew that realistically it would likely take a long while to find the rare ones she sought. "That sounds like quite a misfortunate adventure," she said, wondering if Carl was unlucky or just seriously accident prone. "Don't you think you should replace your food stores before we set off? Unless you aren't planning on eating for the next two days..." Stacy finished her water and stood up, letting Carl grab her bag before the exited the restaurant. If there wasn't any shopping around here she figured that she might as well set out for the next town now. They still had quite a few hours of daylight left and surely if the next town over was big enough to have a stadium it would be big enough to have some fun shops.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 11:22 PM

"Oh yes! Of course food too! I got so excited about gettting back on the road that I almost forgot the most important thing! Always be prepared!" Carl shouted thrusting his finger into the air before continueing, "We can swing by the supply shop after the Pokemart!" Carl grabbed Stacy's bag, groaning under the weight of it and set off with her though the front door. "Have you ever heard of a Chinchou? That's a pokemon I really want to get. It's a water electric type! A strange combination bug it would certainly help round out my party. Are there any Pokemon you are hoping to get?"


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Old 12-19-2016, 12:13 AM

Stacy just shook her head at Carl's antics. This kid was more hopeless than she thought though he did mean well. "If you're not careful you'll end up having to eat poke chow..." she laughed as the headed off towards the Poke Mart. "Ah yes, that's a pretty neat pokemon. I learned about most of the pokemon at Pokemon Trainer School. There are so many cute pokemon I'd love to catch, like Vulpix! Or Azurill! Ooh, and especially a Sylveon..." Stacy's face took on a dreamy look as she spoke, her eyes sparkling with passion. "Then I could dress them up and they'd be just so adorable!" she said, a small squee of excitement escaping from her lips. It was obvious that she was passionate about the subject.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 12:41 AM

"Wait there's a Pokemon Trainer School?" Carl asked slack jawed and incredulous. "I had no idea! I learned all about Pokemon from my dad and the village elder!" Carl had never heard of a Pokemon Trainer School. The small town he came from where the remote Devon Corp. Research Station resided didn't have much besides the local school, a few stores and the Pokecenter and Pokemart. "Oh a Sylveon! Those are pretty cool pokemon." Carl agreed, "I'd really like to have a Glaceon myself! We should keep our eyes out for some Eevees on our trek! You sure do want a lot of cool pokemon." Carl kept listening as Stacy went on, "Uhh.. Dress them up? Adorable?..." Carl stopped in the street giving Stacy a pained look, a drop of sweat rolling his brow. "You sure like clothes and cute pokemon huh?"


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Old 12-19-2016, 01:07 AM

"There are pokemon schools all over the place," replied Stacy with a nod. Her parents had sent her to a very elite pokemon school but after just one semester Stacy returned home. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy learning about pokemon, it was just that she didn't find the classroom setting particularly interesting. "Unfortunately Eevee is quite a rare pokemon, I don't think we'll be finding one of those anytime soon," she said with a sigh. Even so, she couldn't wait for the day when she got her own Eevee to train into a Sylveon. She was certain it would be a wonderful experience. "Pokemon love it when you pay special attention to them and it makes them look super cute!" she answered in response to Carl's dubious look. "Well of course I do! Dressing up is so much fun! And cute pokemon are definitely the best..." she added as the reached the Poke Mart.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 02:24 AM

"Ah no kidding huh? Well I bet we'll get lucky" Carls optimisim came out again. "I'd love to get to get an Eevee too!" Carl wasn't so sure about the Pokemon outfits. "Well I agree the bond between trainer and pokemon gets stronger when you give them special attention." Carl agreed, "But I dunno about clothes... I don't think Cote would like it much if I put a hat on her!" Carl chucked at the thought of Cote floating around with a hat on. Having arrived at the Pokemart, Carl opened the door and walked in after Stacy, heading for the counter. "Cute Pokemon are definitely cute but I dunno. I don't really mind either way I guess" Carl replied leaning up against the counter. "So! You wanna show me those potions you were talking about?"


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 02:35 AM

Stacy just shook her head. Frowning at his comment about dressing pokemon up she replied, "Well of course the accessory would have to fit the pokemon's personality..." Still, she had to agree that she couldn't really see tentacool looking very nice dressed up though maybe a bow could offset it's creepiness. The conversation died off as the entered the Poke Mart. "Sure, they're right over here," Stacy said, leading Carl over to a shelf that contained various spray bottles. "There are potions with different strengths and various treatments for status conditions but I think you should be good with some basic potions," she said, pointing to a blue bottle.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 04:42 PM

Carl followed Stacy over to the shelves brimming with potions and status condition treatments. "So the higher strenghts are for higher level pokemon then?" Carl asked Stacy as she explained all about them. "This is really cool! I had no idea how useful this stuff could be! Carl said as he looked at the labels on all the various potions and treatments. "Look! This one is for paralasys! That would come in handy against Prim and his static ability!" Carl counted out the last of his money and then grabbed a few bottles of basic potion like Stacy had suggested. "Well this is all I can afford right now. I was gonna get some extra pokeballs too but I've still got 15 empty balls left. That should be enough to catch a Pokemon or two don't you think? He asked Stacy, making his way back up to the counter to pay.


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