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Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 09:41 PM


Abel flinched at Kamui’s look, which made it that much easier for him to be pushed under once more. When he finally came back up, he shot Kamui an irritated look, but it too turned into a smile. That smile then turned into a chuckle. That man had so much hair.

So he was going to help clean him from head to toe, huh? Abel smirked and raised a hand to help his master clear some of the hair from his face. ”Hmm… He purred, suddenly thinking that a bath might not be so bad after all; at least when he had such wonderful company. He could hardly believe that just mere minutes ago he was lounging on a sofa completely bored out of his mind. Now, he had a master, one that didn’t really act like a master but more like a friend. How did this happen so quickly?

”Well since you are already in here,” He began, eyeing Kamui’s soaking form. ”You might as well get cleaned up too, and the first step is taking off all of those clothes.” His words were almost like a challenge. Abel couldn’t lie to himself, especially when his body was the evidence, but he was attracted to Kamui. He also found it surprisingly easy to fit the both of them in here, but it put Kamui right between his legs and he tried not to think about that..

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:21 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 09:42 PM


He grinned as Abel pointed out that he should as well clean himself up as well and clearly just wanted to see him undressed as well. Oh well. He was already in, so why get up? But since it was Abel's fault that he was soaked, Abel had to help him. It wasn't exactly easy to get wet clothes off. and not to mention to take the hair tie out of his hair. The two he had tied to the front wasn't too hard, but the one making the pony tail was a bit harder to get out right now. So that one Abel could start with getting out.
So turning around so that his back was facing Abel instead, which meant that Abel wouldn't get to see much of him getting his clothes off, he started with taking off what was the most easy to get off.

"Since you pulled me in, you will have to help. You can start with getting my hair tie out for me. Then we'll see what else I need help with."

This was pretty much his first time sitting in a bath with another guy. He really hadn't been social in a long time, clearly. But he didn't seem all too embarrassed about it. Could be fun. And Abel really seemed to enjoy it. Maybe he wouldn't be too difficult to get into the bath from now on then.

Gakupo managed to get the haori off, and the hakama. But the clothes he had under that he was having trouble with. They were a bit tighter then the traditional Japanese garments. Now he knew what he would need help with once Abel finished with helping him getting the hair tie out. And he had a strong feeling that Abel gladly would help with that.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:21 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:19 PM


Abel was surprised that Kamui seemed so willing. Oh well, he was going to take advantage of that. He lifted his hands out of the water and untied the hair tie with little difficulty thanks to his nimble fingers. He stopped to watch as Kamui removed most of his clothing before it seemed like he was having difficulty.

Abel scooted closer to Kamui’s backside. ”Here, let me help you with that.” He murmured, his lips brushing against Kamui’s ear. Abel dropped his hands to the man’s waist, and pushed them beneath the near skin tight shirt to get a better hold of it as he pulled it up and over Kamui’s head. With one hand, he tossed the shirt away and let his other hand glide back down his master’s side. ”If you want help with your pants, you will have to stand up for me.” Yes, he was really starting to enjoy this ‘bath’.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:21 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:25 PM


Not that he didn't like sitting there with him and all, but feeling how something brushed against his ear and how Abel helped him getting the shirt off, and then offering to help with his pants, his face just went deep red. Specially when considering where his hands were right now. He shook his head a bit, not wanting help with his pants.

"N-no! I'll handle those myself!"

He probably sounded just as embarrassed as he felt. But he was not about to stand up and let Abel get a look. Not that he really had anything to be embarrassed about, but he'd rather not anyhow. Even if what he did instead probably seemed more complicated as he was working on removing the rest himself, while sitting down. But at least he had Abel behind him to use as support so he wouldn't just fall backwards into the water. And having so damn much hair had it's good sides, since he pretty much only felt his own hair on his back rather then another mans chest. That did make it less awkward. And he could probably hide himself in it if he wanted to as well. But he wasn't going to go that far.

Finally managing to get the rest off he tossed those aside. Darn. Now he would have to hang them up to dry later. But for now, he was sitting somewhat curled up, still with his back turned to Abel, but instead of leaning back against him he was leaning forward, letting the hair cover up most of him while he had a somewhat embarrassed face. He just bought a slave and now he was sitting with him in the bath? Maybe he was getting a bit too comfortable with him already?

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:22 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:26 PM


Abel leaned back in the tub to give kamui more room to maneuver in. He was obviously embarrassed. Maybe he had went too far this time? Abel frowned at himself, turning his vision to the rest of the room as his master finished stripping. He spotted a stack of rags along with shampoo and soap as he looked about.

When Kamui finished, he didn’t say anything. It took a moment before Abel realized, and he turned to look at the man that was now almost curled up before him. He noticed that he was leaning away from him, and instantly felt bad. Abel leaned forward to grab the shampoo and poured a little into his hand. He needed to make Kamui feel more comfortable.

”Did you know that in Egypt we had several rituals centered on cleansing? When I lived there, I never had to take a bath. Instead, the people that.. uh.. thought I was a God, would pour water over my head. They called it a shower, or something like that.” Abel just started talking, trying to ease some of the tension as he raised his hands to his head and began to work the shampoo in. ”We also had perfumed oil. I know I must not have smelt the best today, but I use to always smell good.”

He finished with his hair and debated on asking if Kamui wanted him to wash his as well. It would probably be easier for Abel, since he was facing his back and the purple curtain of hair between them. After further thought he grabbed the bar of soap and held it out so Kamui could see it. ”If you want I can wash your hair for you as you clean yourself.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:22 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:29 PM


That was quite an interesting story? They used to think that Abel was a god? How on earth did he end up into slavery then? Did they find out that he wasn't a god or something? Still sounded like Abel had been trough quite allot. He really wanted to hear more of it, and it showed that he was curious too since he had turned, half around, and was looking at Abel with bright curious eyes. But about the thing where they just dumped water over him and called it a shower. He had done that too. Was a rather common way to wash yourself. Just use some soak and then dump the water over yourself to wash it off. But he never really used perfume or anything. Since that just disguised the bad smell, it didn't remove it. But Abel hadn't smelled all that bad when Gakupo meet him today.

Abel really was good at lightening up the mood. And as Abel offered to help him with his hair, he just smiled at him. He really was a good guy, no doubt about that. From what Abel just told him he was surprised that he wasn't acting spoiled. If he had been treated as a god once, how could he have ended up so nice? But before asking anything, he smiled at Abel, taking the soap he was offered, nodding at the question about if Abel could help him with his hair while he was cleaning himself off.

"Abel. How can some one that has been treated as a good turn out so nice and kind as you? From what you told me, I'm surprised you're not completely spoiled."

As if he was one to talk. He had money to purchase a slave and live a great life and still he was living such a simple life. But if Abel got used to it, he could probably see why he had chosen to live like this rather then in luxury.
While he was cleaning himself off, he remembered something on the way. He had told Abel that he would scrub his back if he was a good boy, right? And how much nicer could he be when he was offering to help his master in the bath?

"Abel. When you're done with my hair, I want you to turn around. I promised you that I would scrub your back if you were a good boy. And right now, you're being much better then that."

He seemed to have gotten his playful mood back, since he seemed cheerful about it. After this, Abel hopefully wouldn't be hard to get into the bath. And joining him wasn't all that bad. They could just help each other then. And that was good. He was happy he waited till now to get a slave. Otherwise he might never had found Abel.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:22 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:30 PM


Abel lifted a slim black eyebrow at his companion’s words, and chuckled. ”Alright, if you insist my dear Kamui.” He teased, pouring some more shampoo into his hands. He gathered up all of Kamui’s hair, which was a lot, and began to lather it down. ”Well, I guess you could say that I’m not spoiled because of how I was raised as a child. I won’t go into much detail right now, because it’s a rather long story, but my parents came from a poor background.”

He made sure Kamui’s hair was nice soapy before he went to work on his scalp. He used just the right amount of pressure as he massaged Kamui’s scalp in circular motions; starting from his crown and ending at the base of his neck. ”Let’s just say, life wasn’t very good back then. The Egyptians believing me to be a God was just a good stroke of luck, and I guess it didn’t really phase me when I was taken into slavery because I have been through worst. Good things don’t tend to last forever..” He finished with a serious tone.

Abel quit talking so he could rinse both of their hair out. When he was finished he smiled brightly. ”There we go, Master. Now I believe you said something about a back wash?” He teased, pulling his legs up so he could twist around in the tub. Abel managed to get his legs crossed, thankful that he happened to be very flexible, and leaned forwards so Kamui would have good access to his back. He raised a hand to his neck; his nimble fingers playing with the midnight blue collar that he still wore.

He knew very well what the color meant, but he wondered if Kamui knew. Was that why he was purchased? No, he didn’t think so. Kamui seemed to just want a companion more than anything. His shyness in the tub was proof of that. He was tempted to ask his master if he did know what the collar represented, but refrained. He didn’t want to bring that up just yet. So instead, he just played with the collar, his inky black tail floating between their bodies.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:23 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:33 PM


It was hard to actually listen to Abel's story while he was working the shampoo into his hair. It felt so nice that he thought he'd might actually fall asleep. But he managed to keep awake and listen to Abel's story about what happened. It wasn't really a long story, but it gave him a more clear picture of how his life had been. It was so similar to his that it was almost creepy. But instead of people thinking he was a god he had been to war, and instead of gettng into slavery he had managed to become wealthy, but their childhood seemed to pretty much be the same.
But Abel would probably never be able to guess he had been to war. He didn't really have any visible scars on his body. He had managed to avoid that. And he had supressed most memories from the war. It was all like a distant dream right now, that Abel helped him to get out of when he heard Abel telling him he was finished, and that Gakupo had said something about a back wash. Hearing that just made him smile.

He turned around along with Abel, using he soap to get his hands soapy so he could start, starting to spread it out over his back to begin with so that it would cover the area it should, before returning the favor of giving a massage. But since it was Abel's back and not the head, he was giving him a massage of his shoulders and back of course. He could probably use one. Just laying around and being bored in a slave shop could probably make you stiff after a while. And since it was Abel's first day here, he would really get a proper treatment so that he would feel at home. Even if he probably would be treated quite good anyhow. Gakupo wasn't one to really mistreat anyone. But he could be strict when it came to manners and such. But that was something Abel would find out when it happened.

Would be fun to see if Able was able to use chopsticks when eating too. Otherwise he would have to learn, since Gakupo didn't have anything else to use when eating the food. Might be entertaining to see.

But that aside, he finsihed with giving Abel the back wash and the massage, and leaned over the edge to the bath, grabbing a wooden bucket he had. He used that to was off the soap and such. So filling that up, he poured it over Abel to wash soap and shampoo out. Even if, when it came to shampoo, you had to pour a few times. Same thing went for him. But he instead dipped his head under water, using the bucket to get the last shampoo out instead. He had too much hair to sit around and pour water over his head. But now they were at least both done, at least as he could think of.

"Well then. If we're both done now. How about getting out and you can help me with dinner, since I was supposed to start with it while you were in the bath? Otherwise it will end up becoming a really late dinner, and then we might be too tired to eat."

Gakupo hadn't really planned on taking a bath to begin with, so since he had ended up taking one anyhow thanks to Abel, Abel would have to help making dinner. But he wouldn't have to do the boring stuff like chopping up vegetables and such. That Gakupo would handle. He was fast when it came to that, so Abel could do the actual cooking if he wanted to instead.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:23 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:36 PM


Abel enjoyed his back massage with a few purred ‘Mmmms’. He hadn’t had this kind of treatment in a long time. It caused him to smile even when he got a bucket full of water poured over him. So maybe baths wouldn’t be so bad after all; especially if he could convince Kamui into a bath with him every once-in-awhile.

So he was to help with dinner? That was always good since Abel loved to eat. He had to keep up this physic, so he had to eat a lot and exercise. Since he’s been in slavery, Abel hasn’t had many chances to exercise. Maybe Kamui wouldn’t be opposed to letting him run around his estates in the mornings? He made a point to remember to ask him later.

Abel gathered his legs beneath him and grabbed a hold of the sides of the tub, so he could push himself out in one smooth movement. His back was still facing Kamui as he stepped out of the tub, careful of the treacherous footage. He picked up a towel and unfolded it, turning to Kamui with a smile. ”Here you go, Master..” He teased, holding the towel out for Kamui to step into. He was trying not to embarrass the man by giving him some privacy. After Kamui finishes, Abel would turn to dry himself off, and let Kamui lead him to wherever.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:23 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:37 PM


Even if it had been nice, it was somewhat of a relief when the bath was finally over. But he wouldn't mind doing it again some time. But first he wanted to get to know Abel better before doing that again. And while Abel got out of the bath, Gakupo stayed in a while longer, first of all to pull the plug out so the water would wash out. And he was a little surprised when Abel actually held a towel for him. From the way Abel had been acting, really seeming to enjoy what he could see, he hadn't really expected that he would let him have some privacy when it was time to get out. But he still appreciated it of course. Abel really was worth more respect then being just some slave.

He gladly accepted the help with the towel, wrapping it around himself, pretty much to cover up as much as possible of himself, before taking another one for his hair. He didn't want his hair dripping down the entire house, so he had to try dry it off as good as possible after taking a bath. But he also had something for Abel to do before he could come help him with making dinner. So getting over the current lack of clothes, he gave Abel a playful poke on the nose.

"Abel, before you come and help me with dinner, could you be so kind as to hang my clothes up to dry?"

If Abel hadn't pulled him in, they wouldn't be wet, so Abel would have to hang them up to dry. There was strings near the roof of the room where laundry was supposed to be hung up to dry, so he could simply use those. Meanwhile, Gakupo could try find something for Abel to wear, and then start with dinner till Abel was done with hanging his soaked clothes up. Before he left Abel to it, he took a look at the collar first though. Did he really have to wear that anymore? He wasn't in the shop now.

"Abel, do you really need that collar anymore? Otherwise, if you don't want to wear it, I don't mind if you take it off."

If he did, by any chance, like collars, Gakupo could gladly get him a new one that would suit him better. And he could even pick out one he liked himself, but he didn't see the need of Abel wearing the collar from the slave shop.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:23 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:38 PM


Abel wrinkled his nose as it was poked once again. ”Sure. He replied, grabbing a towel for himself and briskly drying off before wrapping it around his well muscled waist. He wasn’t familiar with the house yet, but he remembered seeing a room where laundry was present. Abel’s thoughts were cut short when Kamui began talking about his collar.

”No, I don’t need it anymore. I guess I should have figured by now that you weren’t the kind of man to make me wear a collar.” He observed with a smile. Abel walked around the tub and collected Kamui’s clothes before wringing each one out. ”I think I remember seeing the kitchen, so if you want I can meet you down there when I am finished.”

He waited long enough to make sure Kamui heard him before leaving the bathroom with a grin. It took him a moment to wonder down the hallways before reaching the laundry room. It took only a few moments longer before he figured out how Kamui hung up his wet clothes. After his chore was done, Abel took his time walking to the kitchen. He was pretty surprised when he finally realized that there were no other servants in the household. He was just wondering what had possessed Kamui to come down to the slave market and purchase him, when he entered the kitchen.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:23 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:41 PM


He really couldn't believe how lucky he was. He had really found the ideal slave. Even if he was already more as a really close and dear friend. He wouldn't trade Abel for anything in the world. He was in quite a good mood today. He hadn't been this cheerful in a long time.
But while Abel was taking care of his wet clothes. Gakupo made sure to go find them both something to wear rather then the towels. And he managed to find two rather plain yukata that he usually had when he was sleeping. But they could use them. He had a few more, so he didn't have to worry about them both ending up in the laundry so that he had nothing to wear when sleeping.
He put one of them on, and leaving the other for Abel, taking it with him to the kitchen and placing it on the table. Like most Japanese old homes, the table was really close to the floor.

But all of that aside. He took out a sword of his that he would use to cut up vegetables. He might not look like it, but Gakupo was really skilled using a blade. All he did was, throw the vegetable up in the air, in this case, an egg plant, and using the blade to cut it up to comfortable pieces. Probably a really odd display. But if Abel saw it, he might have his question answered about why Gakupo hadn't been worried about him just killing him and running away. He was a skilled fighter himself. But he was more built for endurance, so he didn't look as strong as he was. But on other hand. He most likely were a bit rusty, except for when it came to chopping up vegetables. He hadn't actually fought with some one for quite some time. And he hopefully wouldn't do that anytime soon either. And if he did, and it was Able, he most likely wouldn't fight him back. He was far too attached to him.

And he was pretty much just done with the vegetables as he saw Able by the door to the kitchen, giving him a smile.

"I just finished the vegetables! If I take out a pan for you, will you fry them for me? I will fix some rice and fish to go with it meanwhile. And when you have fried the vegetables, could you set the table? There isn't really any need for much more then a bowl each, some chopsticks and something to serve dinner on. And I got you something to wear too. It's on the table. Unless you want to walk around with a towel for the rest of the day."

Not that he would mind. Abel was a nice sight after all. And if Able did well with helping him, he would give him an extra treat after dinner. Gakupo was did like music and such a bit, even if he wasn't all too good with it, but he had an old shamisen upstairs that he had practiced a bit on. So if Able wanted him to, he could play him something later.
But he would ask that over dinner once it was done. And Able might see why he might want some one around. He had no one at all in the house. Neither to talk to or to help with dinner and such. So it was really lonely. That was why he had gone to get a slave. Then he would have some one that was meant to be around and help out and keep him company. And it was a big plus that Abel actually seemed to enjoy it. Made everything allot more easy.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:24 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:44 PM


Abel looked around the kitchen as Kamui spoke, his eyes lingering on the blade in his hands. Had he been cutting vegetables with a sword? Too bad he had come a second to late; it would have been interesting to watch. He then looked towards the low table and to the bundle of cloth laying there. He glided over and picked up the yukata looking at in confusion. He was from Egypt, Abel didn’t know what exactly was in his hands.

He turned his yellow eye towards Kamui and saw him wearing something very similar. He undid his towel and let it fall to the floor before opening the yukata up and pulling his arms through. He kept glancing at Kamui for reference, but it still took him a few tries before he got his looking like the yukata Kamui was wearing.

”There.” He said in satisfaction, before walking up to Kamui and looking at the vegetables. He took the pan and dumped the vegetables in before turning the stove on. As the vegetables began to cook, Abel began looking through Kamui’s shelves to get an idea of what kind of spices and food he had. He wasn’t surprised to see that Kamui was lacking in all of the spices that Abel once had in Egypt. If he ever had the chance to go to the market place with Kamui, then he was going to persuade him to get some spices, and lamb. Abel already had an idea of a dinner that Kamui would enjoy, and yes, it contained eggplant.

”So, Kamui my dear, why don’t you have any servants to help you out?” He suddenly inquired, watching him as he started the rice and fish. ”Not to say that I don’t oppose, or anything, just merely curious.”

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:24 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:45 PM


It was really entertaining to see Abel trying to put the yukata on. He had kind of forgotten that Abel hadn't had anything like that on before. But he was enjoying just to watch him try a few times. But he was impressed to see that Abel managed to seem to get a hang of it, since he finally did it right. He couldn't help but to smile at it. It was really interesting to have a slave from a completely different culture. And he really was being sweet. But for now he went back to what he was doing. Boiling some rice and fixing up some fish. It would be nice to have some one to share dinner with. And he could barely wait to see how Abel handled chopsticks. Putting on a yukata was a child's play compared to learning to use chopsticks.

But he was a bit taken back by Abel's question. But he probably should expect such a question. Was probably really odd that he was wealthy, but living in a place like this, no servants or anything. He gave a bit of a sigh, thinking about it. He had always wanted friends rather then servants and such.

"I never really wanted to have servants and such around. They only stay around for as long as you pay them. And they just do work, so it's not as if I would actually have some one to talk to or anything. And when hearing about the slave shop, it sounded perfect. Since then I would have some one that would help me around home and some one that I can actually talk with and one that doesn't stay aorund just for the sake of money. I'm probably wrong, but to me, it sounds like having a really dear friend rather then a slave. I'm probably a bit strange, but I do like living like this and taking care of myself. Just got a bit lonely."

He probably sounded somewhat sad at the last part. He had been living like this alone for years now. So it really was about time he got some company.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:24 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:48 PM


”Ah.. I see.”He observed, letting the vegetables cook for a few moments longer before taking them off the fire. ”I’ve never had servants either. I guess you could call my worshipers ‘voluntary slaves’, or more like ‘adoring fans’.” He finished with the vegetables and moved over to help Kamui with preparing the rice and fish. Together, it didn’t take the men long to finish dinner. Abel continued to help with dinner setup and they soon found themselves sitting at the table.

This was something else Abel wasn’t really familiar with; low tables. He sat down cross-legged; unfamiliar in the new clothes. His eyes went to the slivers of wood and to the food before him. He was suppose to eat with these things? Abel watched Kamui do it a few times before attempting it himself. There wasn’t really any time to talk as he turned all of his attention to trying to eat with chopsticks. Surprisingly, he picked it up pretty fast with his nimble fingers.

Since eating was now easier, Abel could think. ”Oh yes,” He began, suddenly remembering his thoughts from earlier. ”I was wondering about that painting of you that I saw when we came in. Did you get that made?” It was beautifully done and looked like it had a story behind its creation.

As Abel ate, his ears lay low on his head almost hidden from view by all of his feathery hair. His tail lay by his side, tapping the floor. But he suddenly turned his thoughts to later in the night; when he was suppose to spend it in his new master’s bed, and wondered what would happen to the two men. He knew that some new territory was going to be explored, and found himself excited.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:25 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:49 PM


As they had finally sat down to eat and all, Gakupo couldn't help but to give a bit of a pout to see that Abel actually managed to figure out how to work the chopsticks. He had kind of hoped that he wouldn't figure it out so fast. Then he could be feeding him instead. And that would have been great fun. At least for Gakupo. But oh well. Though, it felt somewhat boring to just sit on the opposite sides of the table. He'd rather sit next to him. So, even if they both had already started eating, Gakupo got up and moved around the table, taking a seat next to Abel, looking at him with a bright smile.

"You really do learn fast. A bit too fast. I was hoping that you wouldn't get the hang of the chopsticks so soon. Would have been rather fun if I had ended up having to feed you instead."

He really wanted to tease Abel a bit. It was fun. Abel was just adorable the times he blushed over something. Able really was Gakupo's little kitty. Even if he was a big kitty.
But as he continued to eat his meal, he all of a sudden remembered what he wanted to say a few moments ago. And he bet that Abel would like it. Even if he wanted to say it in a way that would most likely make him misunderstand everything. That way it was allot more fun.

"By the way. Since you have been such a good kitty. I decided that after dinner, I will give you a special treat. I'm sure it's something you will like."

He said it with a bit of a sly tone. He couldn't wait to see the look on Abels face since he probably would expect something completely different then what Gakupo had planned for him. And he really seemed happy about the idea too. But he gave Abel a somewhat confused look when he asked about the painting. It had been hanging there so long that Gakupo didn't really think much about it, so it took him a moment to really realize what he was talking about.

"The one in the hall by the door? No, I didn't have it made. It was a gift from the emperor. I been fighting wars on the emperors side, so when he heard that I was leaving Japan to find a more peaceful place to live, he had that made without me really knowing. I got it on my last day in Japan. He wanted me to remember who I used to be whenever I looked at it. I'm the only one of all his men that could go out in the battlefield and come back without a scratch~~"

He really seemed proud of himself at that last part. But on other hand. Having a few scars from battle showed that you were a honorable warrior. But he had never been much for honor and such. When he was in a battle, he fought in a more defensive way. He wasn't too found of killing people. But he had of course killed quite a number. In a battle you usually had to kill or be killed. But he wasn't in the mood to talk more about that now. Instead he just leaned against Abel's shoulder and kept eating his meal, looking up at him once he was finished. Since Abel had asked about the painting, which was pretty much part of Gakupo's past, he wanted to know something about Abel in exchange.

"How about you tell me something interesting from your own past? I bet that you have a much more interesting past then I do."

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:25 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:50 PM


Abel raised an eyebrow as Kamui moved to sit next to him, and chuckled when he imagined his new ‘master’ feeding him. Maybe he was a bit too smart sometimes, but oh well; there was more things Kamui could do for him that didn’t involve eating with sticks. Nevertheless, Kamui shouldn’t have mentioned anything about a special treat. Abel wasn’t very good with surprises, more often than not; his curiosity got the better of him. He decided to keep his mouth shut, however, and continued to listen as Kamui answered his question.

He couldn’t help it when his eyes widened and his jaw dropped a tad. Kamui was a warrior? It was almost too much to believe, but Abel decided to give him the benefit of doubt. After all, he hadn’t lied so far, and that would explain why the man was wealthy. Kamui seemed to be proud of his achievement, and Abel began to wonder how deadly this man must be if he left battlefield after battlefield without even a scratch to show for it. He knew Kamui must be amazing with the katana, but he couldn’t help but wonder how his skills with hand to hand combat faired.

His thoughts were interrupted when Kamui asked about his own past. Something interesting, huh? Luckily, there were a lot of interesting things about Abel, and it wasn’t hard to pick one out. ”Well, I could tell you the story about how I lost this eye.” He began with a lopsided grin, pointing at the black eye patch he wore. ”Well, it’s not exactly gone… I guess I should just explain first. You see, it all started when I began living in Egypt. I didn’t have any money so I was forced to live in the poor section of Cairo and use some unsavory talents to make a living. It was really easy for me to walk through the crowded market streets and use my nimble fingers for pick pocketing and steal some food here and there. Back then I was really good at staying unseen and beneath people’s notice.

Anyways, I made a fairly good living that way for awhile until I happened along an old she-witch’s tent. I was so young and rash that before I knew it I had tried to steal a large opal that she had sitting on one of her tables. I didn’t count on how quick she was, and it’s pretty comical at how easily she caught me. For an old hag, she had quite the grip.

To my misfortune, she also wasn’t a fake. She let me keep the opal, but I was now cursed.”
This was Abel favorite part of the story, and he wore a grin as he tapped the eye patch again. ”This iris looks like it was carved from that exact opal I stole. I can still see out of it, but there is a price.” Abel’s tone suddenly became serious as he continued. ”Every once in awhile, this eye enchants whomever I see. The she-witch called me a lustful demon as she pushed me on my way, and now I know why. I’ve accidently enchanted many a people, men and women, with this eye and at first I found it amazing. They would fall down to their knees and want to please me in any way possible, and beg me to take them. As I said, at first I didn’t see anything wrong with it, and the eye was the main reason why people started to worship me. That was, until I began to enchant the wrong people…”

Abel decided to let the story end there, but it was a little too serious so he suddenly smiled. ”Don’t worry though, my dear Kamui, I will keep the eye hidden securely.”

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:25 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:52 PM


Well, he wasn't really a warrior, he was more of what people would call a Samurai. But that was probably an unfamiliar word for Abel, so he would let him believe what he wanted to. But as it was Abel's turn to tell something about himself, Gakupo was clearly listening, since his attention was completely focused on Abel right now. And it really was one heck of an interesting story. And it really gave a good image of what type of person he had been once. But on other hand, some one like Abel did deserve some attention. But in Gakupo's opinion, he didn't see why he would need a power like that to charm anyone. How could one not be charmed by him? And as soon as Abel finished his story, Gakupo gave him a playful pat on the head, and a childish smile.

"Well. From what I can tell, you do deserve some attention. But I don't see why you would need such a power. How can people not be charmed by you just by looking at you? I doubt that there is anyone that can have more charm then you do. And the eye patch just adds to the look. But of course, I am a bit curious about that eye of yours now. But it is of course up to you. I doubt that there would be any difference if you ended up using that eye of yours on me. Doubt that I can ever be more charmed by you then I already am."

He was teasing him a bit at that last part. But it was fun. Kind of felt as if he might be spoiling Abel a bit though. But why not? But he would drop the subject for now, since he was finished with eating. So before Abel finished, he would want to give him some entertainment. So he put down his bowl and chopsticks and got up and started heading out of the kitchen, but of course, stopped to look over at Abel. He really wanted to have him misunderstand what his little treat would be. That would make hit so much more fun.

"I will be right back. Be prepared for your little treat though."

He said with a bit of a smirk and a sly voice before he left the room. He was just going to get a shamisen. Traditional Japanese instrument with three strings. He might not be all that good with it, but he knew a couple of melodies for it that he would gladly play for Abel. He hadn't had anyone to play for for ages, so this would be fun.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:26 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:53 PM


Abel blinked in surprise. He had forgotten all about his special ‘treat’ as he got into the story he was telling. So, Kamui was being serious about it? And the way he said that he should prepare himself for it… it made Abel’s mind wander to things it probably shouldn’t. No.. Kamui couldn’t be thinking about that... could he be? Abel frowned.

He wasn’t sure what to think about Kamui’s suddenly sly attitude. He needed time to think. So, he rose from the floor and gathered up all of the dishes.
He then moved over to the sink and placed them inside, suddenly at a lost at what to do next. Damn it. This wasn’t like him at all. How was Kamui making him feel like this?

He was suddenly tired. The way Kamui was acting when the two were bathing together finally made his mind up for him. He just didn’t seem like the kind of person that suddenly went to being so perverted. So, there was only one explanation. Kamui was teasing him.

Damn… and he almost fell for it too.

Abel sat back down at the table, with a mischievous smile. If Kamui wanted to tease, then Abel did too. He purposefully let his yukata gape around his legs, but Abel was saving the real teasing for the bedroom. Oh yes, he remembered what Kamui had said earlier in the day about sharing his bed with his new kitty-cat. Well it just so happened that Abel also liked to sleep nude.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:26 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:55 PM


Gakupo was rather soon back, holding the shamisen in his hands, seeming really happy about that he found it. But he almost dropped it and his face going red seeing how Abel was sitting. Not that he had actually hoped for it. But it seemed more like Abel was teasing him right now. Not that he really did mind. It was, quite a sight. But of course, still somewhat embarrassing, since he ended up staring for a few moments before he turned his gaze from, there, to Abel's face instead.

"Abel, could you please cover yourself again, or I might not be able to give you your treat as I promised..."

He should have seen this coming. He had after all been teasing Abel to begin with, and it did look as if it had turned out as he had thought it would, but with the strong impression of Abel teasing him.
But as soon as Abel decided on covering himself up properly again, Gakupo tried to get over the embarrassment and to get rid of the blush on his face before he went to sit down on the floor, across the table, in front of Abel. He was going to play him, whatever he could think of playing. He just hoped that Abel wouldn't laugh at his mistakes, since he really wasn't much good.

"I was thinking of playing you something. But just promise me not to laugh. I'm not that good with instruments. I don't practice that much. But I hope you won't mind. If it's bad, just tell me to stop and I will stop."

He would be happy if he could just play a full melody without forgetting something. And he would be even more happy if Abel actually liked it. That was what he was hoping for more then anything. But he would at least give it a try. So he started playing something rather simple on the shamisen, just hoping that Abel would enjoy it. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind if Abel told him to stop.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:26 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:56 PM


Abel smirked triumphantly at Kamui’s reaction, but conceded and covered himself back up so he could receive his ‘treat’. He looked oddly at the instrument Kamui carried, not familiar with it. ”I won’t laugh…” He murmured, his yellow eye glued to the instrument. He watched as Kamui’s fingers glided over the strings, and yet it didn’t seem that he had perfected his skills with the shamisen.

Yet… Abel loved it.

He listened to the soft little melody Kamui played. It was fairly simple, but played well. Abel shook himself when he realized that he had been leaning; his eye fluttering closed. He stifled a yawn, before grinning at his master. ”You are going to put me to sleep with that thing.” He reprimanded, as he slowly pushed himself onto his feet gracefully. Abel moved over to his master and pulled him up, interrupting his playing.

There was a mischievous smirk on his lips as he leaned into Kamui. ”Thank you, my dear Kamui… that was lovely.” He spoke, right before he closed the distance between them; pressing his lips against Kamui’s in a soft kiss. His lips lingered a moment before he pulled slightly away. ”I think I’m ready for bed…” He purred.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:27 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 10:59 PM


The first reaction when Abel told him that he would end up putting him to sleep with it was that it either was really bad and boring or that the melody actually was good enough to make some one start to drift into sleep. But he wasn't sure which. But it was still fun to see Abel almost falling asleep sitting there. But he would keep playing till Abel told him to stop. But the way that Abel stopped him was not exactly what he had expected. He gasped a bit out of surprise when he was pulled to his feet. Was it that bad that he had to interrupt him that way? Maybe not. Seeing the smirk on Abel's face, there clearly was something else going on in his mind right now, and he was sure to find out.

His eyes went wide in surprise as he felt Abel's lips touch him, and his face turned into a deep shade of red. That was something he really hadn't expected. But it didn't take all that long before his eyes closed instead, leaning slightly into the kiss instead. Clearly, Gakupo had nothing against it. He was in fact liking it quite a bit. He almost seemed disappointed when Abel pulled away. But he smiled as Abel purred that he was ready for bed, putting the shamisen down against the wall, without moving away from Abel. He felt ready for bed himself, so, yes, it was probably about time to head to bed. But not before giving Abel another 'treat'. Something that Abel might not quite expect him to do. He had decided to return the soft kiss with another one. But this time, he wrapped both his arms around Abel's neck too, letting it linger for a bit before pulling away, smiling up at him.

"It really is time for bed now huh? It's been a long but interesting day."

He told him with a now, bright smile, gently grabbing Abel's arm so that he could lead Abel to the bedroom where they would be sleeping tonight.

"Come now. I will show you where we will be sleeping. But don't be all too surprised when you see it."

With that he pretty much meant, that since everything else was close to the floor, the bed was pretty much on the floor as well. So Abel shouldn't be all that surprised about it. But on other hand. One wouldn't have to worry about rolling over the edge and hitting the floor that way.
And Gakupo was rather cheerful while he lead Abel to his room, pushing the door open to show him how they would be sleeping. It was a fairly simple room. But it was only meant for sleeping in. And maybe once in a while to just sit and relax in. There were a few decorations and some drawers for clothes and a small low table by the wall. But it was still cozy. That was why he had picked this room to sleep in. And considering the kiss, Abel clearly wouldn't mind where he slept as long as Gakupo was there too. Maybe they should just be sharing room? They could still get another futon so that they could have some room to sleep, since a single futon was rather small for two people. They could still sleep together. They could simply put two next to each other. Then they would have more room but still not be apart.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:27 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 11:02 PM


Interesting was quite right. Abel was surprised and very much pleased when Kamui kissed him back. Things seemed to move much quicker after that as Abel found himself led to the bedroom. He was a little saddened to find that the bed was very low to the ground, but maybe it was better that way… If there was a lot of ‘rolling’ around tonight, no one was going to fall to the floor and possibly hurt themselves.

Abel wasn’t very shocked to find that Kamui’s bedroom was rather plain. It appeared like the man only came here to sleep. Maybe that was going to change, however…

He took a few moments to look around before grinning and plopping himself down on Kamui’s soft mattress. ”Quite the little bed you have here..” He purred, leaning back. Abel painted a pretty little picture with his taut muscles as he stretched himself out on the small bed. He groaned and pushed his chest up until his back gave an audible ‘pop’. With a sigh, he settled back down; leaning on his side with his head propped up with one arm.

His yellow eye watched Kamui as a smile formed on his lips. ”Are you going to come join me..?” He inquired, his tail twitching behind him as he spoke.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:27 AM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 11:04 PM

Gakupo just smiled as Abel laid down on the bed and stretched himself out. At least he seemed comfortable in the bed, even if it was a bit small, and they would be sharing. Maybe he would just get another mattress and put them next to each other on the floor instead. Then it would be like a double bed, but with room for them both so that one didn't risk rolling off the mattress and onto the floor. Didn't look as if there would be much need for Abel to have a room of his own room, since he seemed more comfortable with Gakupo there with him.

He smiled as Abel asked him if he would join him, walking over to the mattress on the floor and sitting down on it, at first, looking over at Abel.

"You sure seem happy. What do you have planned, you playful little kitten?"

He thought that it was about time he teased Abel a bit, even if Abel most likely would find a way to get back at him soon enough. But oh well. Abel was his pretty little kitten. Even if he wasn't that young, and he wasn't that little either. But who cared about such details?
He laid down on the mattress with Abel, smiling at him as he was laying as close as he could to him. Otherwise he might fall off the mattress. They really had to go fix another mattress tomorrow. Gakupo wasn't used to having so little space in his own bed. Even if it was really cozy. He couldn't possible have gotten a better slave then Abel. Even if he wasn't much of a slave. From what they had done just today, Abel was more of a lover then a slave. He would have to remember that he had to tell Abel tomorrow that he was not a slave. He was way more important then that.

"Remind me that tomorrow we will have to get a second mattress to put next to this one so that we don't risk rolling onto the floor."

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:57 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 11:06 PM

Abel grinned, his yellow eye closing in mirth. “Why I don’t know what you mean, my dear Master.” He purred; snuggling closer to the other man. The room was quickly darkening. The only light was the moon rays that filtered through Kamui’s window, and played along the men’s skin. Well, not really Kamui, but Abel was still showing far more skin which now glistened lightly in the pale light. “Sure… a new mattress. I will remind you in the morning…” That was if Abel woke up in the morning. He was always a late sleeper, but he had a strong feeling that Kamui was going to wake him up bright and early. That is unless Kamui was too worn out himself…

Abel reached out and grabbed Kamui’s yukata in his fist. He used it to help pull himself closer to the man and nuzzle the crook of his neck. He didn’t want to push Kamui into anything he wasn’t comfortable with, but Kamui did say that he was up for cuddling at night. So, by god, there was going to be cuddling, and maybe a little licking… and biting, too.

Kamui’s ‘little kitty’ snuggled close, a purr vibrating within his chest as he placed a few soft kisses close to Kamui’s ear. “I was meaning to ask you if we could get some new groceries while we are out tomorrow…” He purred between kisses. Abel’s rough tongue flicked out and licked Kamui’s ear before he continued. “I was hoping to update your spice cabinet and maybe get some lamb or something, so I could cook you one of my favorite dishes from Egypt…”

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-31-2009 at 01:57 AM..


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