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Couture_myass is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 10:48 AM

[[ The charrie said Ew because she's trying to sound like a b****. She's trying to run away from her insecurity by being mean to others. Soz if it was a bit harsh^^]]

Keely instantly felt Shy around the hot guy but she pushed that feeling down and turned around and faced him.
'Hiya. What's up?' She fluttered her eyelashes and gave him a flirtatious smile. She was actually repulsed slightly by his vulgar attitide. This was the type of guy she would never date. But it wasn't about her anymore, it was about the new Keely.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 03:06 PM

Neo grinned a moment and then held out his hand. "Im Neo future captain of the football team."
He looked them all over a moment and decided he liked this one who was flirting with him best. He stared at her a moment and then flexed a bit showing off his build.

"Whats your name dumpling?"

I posses your kookies keebler el...
♥Martyr♥ is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 03:06 PM

Alex blinked at the girl standing next to her. The guy was apparently trying to flirt and show off, not Alex's type. Alex turned and back out from the two people. She felt unwanted there. She made her way to the door, no one had gone in yet, the bell probably hadn't rang yet. She turned and sat down on the small bench and continued with her music.

white2fire is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 04:21 PM

James had stepped into the mass of teenagers and yet was not exactly pushed about. He had the bad reputation around school. Even though he wasn't that type. He noticed a boy and a girl starting the flirting game. "What a fun game," He thought. And yet one he wouldn't play often.

He walked up to the two of them. Not something he would do everyday, but today seemed different to him. Something about it made him walk up to the couple and but into their conversation. "Good morning lovebirds," he cheerfully said, "And what might you two be up to on such glorious Monday morning?"

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 04:26 PM

Neo looked at the newcomer and glared "Get your own pal. Shes mine" He looked at the guy who approached him and smirked "Not like you stand a chance anyway. Your a shrimp. Ill bet your not even gonna try out for football today." He stood there looking at the guy. "Ill bet you ten dollars that I can make the team before you would even stand a chance. If you make the team ill pay you ten if You dont you owe me buddy."

white2fire is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 04:34 PM

"I didn't think girl's could be owned," James smiled, "Besides my game isn't football. So I won't take you up on your bet." James didn't have much he could waste away on something so trivial as this. "Besides you wouldn't last one day in my 'games,'" he chuckled at the boy trying to be all macho in front of his 'prey.'

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 04:37 PM

Neo growled at him and stood in front of him totally forgetting the girl
"I can beat you in any game you come up with. I dont care who you are I am the best."

((isent it fun making fun of guys ftw XD))

I posses your kookies keebler el...
♥Martyr♥ is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 04:43 PM

Alex saw the two people who were talking to her before, through the crowd. She shifted to the side and laughed at them. This was just the first day of school; who would have thought you could make friends that fast. Alex watched them with a small grin, the guy...apparently called Neo...was acting all tough in front of this new guy who had just walked up to them.

Couture_myass is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 04:44 PM

Keely forgot about Neo when the boy with the cut up clothes approached. Her fake smile dropped as she looked at the boy, her real smile appearing. The top of her cheeks turned a light pink when she registered what he said.

Keely frowned when the Neo said she belonged to him. She turned away from Neo and looked straight at the guy. 'We're not lovebirds. I don't even though that guy!' said Keely, slightly laughing and pointing at him with her thumb over her shoulder. 'My name's Keely by the way. Nice to meet you.' Keely gingerly put out her hand. She was slightly shy but this time it felt more natural than speaking to the other guy.

[[Look alive people]]

Last edited by Rosebleed; 10-18-2009 at 04:01 PM..

white2fire is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:13 PM

James looked at the boy. "No one can be best at everything," he started, "I'm sure you don't excel at chess."

Being polite he gave his hand to the girl, Keely. "Nice to meet you. You can call me James," he noticed a slight difference in Keely. It seemed like she was more open but he thought nothing of it. "I was only making playful conversation earlier. I'm not always in the know how of the school's couple situation."

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:21 PM

Neo stared at him a moment and then laughed loudly "Chess is for little children and nerds." He looked at the girl and sighed. "Look Im sorry for my behavior. Im not normally like this. I only take on this persona to be cool and if I insulted you Keely I apologize. Its just I am used to being popular and this is how I have always behaved."

(sorry just sick of playing a jerk ftl)

Couture_myass is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:24 PM

Keely steeped closer towards James so she wouldn't have to be so near to Neo. The thought of him filled her with repulsion. Right now she was supposed to be all over the big-headed jock, that was they type of girl she had to pretend to be. But suddenly that plan didn't suit her so much anymore. She looked down at her clothes and suddenly felt completely out of place.

'That's fine,' Keely said to James. 'I mean any other time I wouldn't mind being mistaken for looking like I was going out with some guy... but him....' Keely briefly glanced at Neo. How dare he say that Keely belonged to him?

'By the way, I love chess. I would always play by myself-' Keely quickly slapped her hand over mouth, accidentally revealing her lonely past. 'I mean, I mean, I'd always myself sometimes when I didn't have a partner to play with...because....I entered the state championship. Yeah. How great is chess?' Keely smiled at James, holding her fingers tightly behind her back. She sighed in relief, hoping that was a good save.

white2fire is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:42 PM

"Chess, is rather intellectual. Lots of strategy involved. And planning," James replied to the boy. He was surprised when the boy turned around and apologized for his behavior.

"I enjoy chess ever-so-often," he told Keely surprised at her state champion statement, "I never made a sport out of it. It's mostly something to pass time with my dad," He shrugged. James had noticed her sudden movements. Not much passed his eye, but he figured he'd let it go. She might be trying to hide something, and he wasn't one to pry into other peoples secrets. "Are you new around here?"

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:45 PM

*suddenly the school bell rang*
Neo ran inside the building before the traffic jam started. He made it to first period class before the others and sat down at the front of the room. He smiled up at the teacher.

(what class should first period be?)

I posses your kookies keebler el...
♥Martyr♥ is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:47 PM

Alex sat on the bench and watched the people walk by; she felt somewhat lonely. She decided to head back over to the group of people she was speaking with before. Plugging out one of her headphones she stopped at the sound of the bell. She sighed and turned around to head into the school.

xXxRitsuKoruxXx is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 08:51 PM

Karma finally awoke from her alarm. she looked at the time and her eyes went big. "eh, im gonna be late!" she got on her plaid skirt, white shirt, striped knee-high stockings, and her black boots. she took her panda jacket off the hanger and ran to school.

when she got there everyone was already starting to go to class. "yay I made it...just in time" she says out of breath. and walks to her 1st hour calmly.

white2fire is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 10:30 PM

"Looks like we better get to class," James told Keely, "Maybe we can finish this conversation later?" He headed off to his first class excited about the fact he had met someone new.

((hear's a question. Should we play through the class periods or should we skip those and go to lunch? Just an idea.))

Couture_myass is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 10:37 PM

((Yes, yes, classes are boring))

xXxRitsuKoruxXx is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 10:41 PM

((well if anyone has or wants the same classes together, then you can play in the class periods. but if we do, it will probably be short))

The teacher wasn't in the class yet so she went to sit in the back next to a boy with brown hair, blue eyes, wearing fingerless gloves.

I posses your kookies keebler el...
♥Martyr♥ is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 10:44 PM

Alex walked into the school and all ready felt emotional, it was so pretty and she pushed those lovey thoughts out.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 10:50 PM

Neo saw some girls walk in and smiled at them politly. Maybe if he acted less like a jock and more like a nerd they would like him more. THe teacher showed up and began to teach the class. He sighed and went to drawing on some paper. He liked classes enough but this was math and he hated math.

white2fire is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 10:58 PM

James had just sat down when he noticed a girl wearing a panda hoodie walked into his class. "Cute," he though. He noticed her sit down next to him and wondered what she was doing. Not very many people would willingly sit next to him during class. He had that type of effect on most people. "Well this day get's stranger and stranger," he accidentally said out loud.

I posses your kookies keebler el...
♥Martyr♥ is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 11:00 PM

Alex walked into the classroom with people she had seen before and sighed. She didn't fit in so well; black tank, black skirt, stripped boots, and blonde hair...weren't blondes supposed to be preps. She smirked and sat in the way back ignoring the stares of some people.

xXxRitsuKoruxXx is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 11:02 PM

Karma heard the boy next to her mumble something. "what was that?" she asked while turning her head in his direction. then regreted talking and slouched into her seat while grabbing a notebook and started writting, pretending nothing happened.

white2fire is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 11:09 PM

James was startled at the girl's question. "Did I really say that out loud?" he chuckled, "It wasn't all that important." He noticed how shy the girl was acting. But before he could say anything else the teacher had come in and started class. Starting with roll call.

When the teacher called his name he gave a clear "Here," and under his breath muttered, "for once." He payed close attention to the roll call, he was slightly curious of this panda hoodie girl and wondered what her name was.


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