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iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 11:31 PM

Anthony sighed as he watched the last bit of the sun etch away and the moon replace it. Now that he thought about it, it did look like it was almost nearing full moon. The words he heard from Karah were not ones he expected. Turning to look at her, with a frown planted on his face, he asks, "Your brother? Is there something wrong Karah?"

(( Hey.. I love the name and all, but for some reason I keep thinking its Katsa.. mind if I replace it..? I know its not in my place to ask, since thats your character and all.. but.. this ain't a demand, if you like Karah more, fine with me. ))


(( I need to go, so yeah. I'll post tomorrow. I'll probably stay on to see your post xD ))

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 11:45 PM

((nah i don't mind Katsa is cute :3))

Katsa sighed. "My twin brother. He died before birth but his soul is connected to mine. He seems to want to kill me." She looked up at the moon. "He likes nights like these because I find it harder to fight him off." Katsa, are you badmouthing your brother? You know I love you He cackled as if that were funny.

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 11:57 PM

(( I might stick around for a bit longer ))

Anthony processed the information. "You may want to talk to Diamond, she might know some sort of way to get rid of him.. or his evil thoughts.. or.. well.. at least do something." he says, stumbling on his words. He had never come across something like this. He sighed. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help."

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 12:01 AM

((I have to go soon too))

Katsa shrugged. "I am quite used to it. He's been doing so ever since he learned he could."

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 12:07 AM

Anthony shook his head, stubborn.
"If it bothers you.. you should try and get rid of it." he explains. "You're not convincing me, I'll talk to Diamond about it. If you like we can keep it a secret, but it doesn't sound like one, considering you've told, a guy you just met."

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 12:12 AM

"Oh it's no secret. And you'd have found out sooner or later I suppose." Sooner...I want control Katsa shivered. He sounded closer. He was regaining power. It wouldn't be for a few days though before he had control again. "He will sometimes speak through me if he feels like it"

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 12:14 AM

Anthony struggled to get hold of what she was saying.
"You mean.. he can gain control over you?" he asks, and he doesn't let her answer.
"Katsa, that's bad, that's real bad. He can make you kill yourself if you don't try and stop him."

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 12:23 AM

"It only if I let him. I Don't exactly go down without a fight. My injury tonight was from him." Katsa said she sounded as if she'd gone through this before. "No one's been able to fix it. But he hasn't killed me yet"

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 12:31 AM

Anthony still wasn't agreeing. "Even if he can't control you without a fight included, you've seen what he can do to you. He can do worse."
Anthony sighed. "Don't you want to try and gain more control over your brother?"


(( Need to go. Cya tomorrow! :) ))

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Old 02-21-2010, 09:06 PM

The elven magician quickly made her way to her snow white winged horse, known with the name yuuki. She dashed rather quickly, needing a bit of energy-loss. A big smile played her face, she herself though didnt know why. The horse said already raised her neck and head to look at the woman approaching rather quickly, surprised by the smile but none the less patient to know what the woman had to say. Dia stopped for a moment to throw her head backwards, to look at the horse.
''Yuuki, what should I do? Im feeling a little suspicious about myself, am I being naive? Am I supposed to trust everyone entering my house for help....? I dont know lately... Im not social at all either... Will it end up the same way as my parents?'' she asked, looking rather hopeless at that moment, totally defenseless.

Yuuki Point of view:
What to say, Yuuki looked at her master for a moment, nuzzling her nose in Dia's chest.
''I think you should learn from experiences like these, though doubting yourself is a weakness. Dont. It will just make you anxious, and youre to used to not being that, at all. Youll slipp if you dont watch everything, and you cant when ur worrying now can you? she said, wondering or her answer was subjective enough not showing her real opninion in all this. Dia didnt seem happy, but contend for the moment.
''Lets go, you need a ride too dear, and the air will fix me.'' Dia smiled and to yuuki, this was like her master playing one of her magically enhanced music.

turnip is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 10:20 PM

"Yes, im in here", Arthril called to the Xa Thian. "Ive been working on some ideas on how we can get into their complex". Arthril paused for a moment waiting to see the Xa Thians next move. Arthril had to play it carefull now, he didn´t want to loose these peoples help. He had to save his sister, at any means.

(sorry for the kinda late post) didn´t see the post about the new thread

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-24-2010, 09:45 PM

Katsa frowned. "I doubt that I can. And he would have been my brother. I feel some loyalty to him." It's misplaced. You'll end up being killed. Or maybe you want to join me, sister? Katsa's frown deepened. "No" She said suddenly. It was directed at her brother not Anthony.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-25-2010, 08:54 PM

((^_^ Good to see you joined us again, Arthril. *laugh*))

Marr moved to sit beside Arthril, shrugging off his bad feelings. "What do you have so far?" he asked, clearing his throat. He'd be friends with this man - he'd fought for his family. Marr would do the same, so why be mad at this human? "And good ideas?"

((Sorry for the short post. :XD))

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 04:43 PM

The girl was clearly blinded by the brother, this guy was trying to kill her, and she said it was ok? He frowned, shook his head, and opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted by her. No? What did she mean no? And what was her answer directed to? He shook his head, his forehead creasing as he tried to make sense of things, before he asks, "What is he saying?"

(( Welcome back you two! <3

By the by, clearly this thread remake was a fail, since we only got one more person to join. We need to advertise and stuff.. ))

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 04:49 PM

"He asked if I wanted to join him" Katsa said absently. "I don't" Of course you don't. But I'm quite lonely.
Katsa's golden eyes turned to Anthony. "I suppose we could try...nothing has ever worked though"

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diamondt is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 06:11 PM

((Im busy with coloring lineart and still make it look pretty but ill get a dia pick soon enough ;D))
The ride was smooth, fast and totally relaxing, so as soon as Dia swung her leg over Yuuki's back, she was almost beaming with a contend and happy atmosphere. She gave Yuuki a kiss on her soft nose, and entered her house through the back door. Yuuki went pretty tired to her own stable and laid down there for a good night rest on her hay. Dia went happily to the kitchen, making herself some tea thinking she should give all her visitors some time to talk and whatever else. She was tired and wanted to sleep and still have a mug of tea.

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 08:40 PM

Anthony thought long and hard, and the silence that enveloped the air around them was peaceful, but he still that itching curiosity to know what her brother was saying. He would talk about this to Diamond and thinking of it, he tried to summon her with air, calling to her. After that, he turned to the girl.
"Where did you come from anyway?"

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 09:39 PM

Katsa looked around. "Some place like this. It doesn't have a name. My people populate most of it" Katsa, dear sister, do you not like talking about our home? She left her face unreadable. "I didn't want to stay when my brother was trying to kill me. He gets violent with whomever tries to help" No one needs to know. You could simply give up and join me.

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Old 02-27-2010, 09:48 AM

Dia felt anthony his way of trying to summon her and couldnt help but note it was a pretty creative way to ask someone for help, sighed pretty hard since she was having a nice calm and serene moment here, but still went to see anthony and the most recent visitor. So she opened her front door and leaned against one side of it, waiting for one of the two to reason why she was summoned here. She still was a bit dreamy, so she must have looked like some happy drugged kid or something, a purple haired with half open golden eyes at that... But ok.

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 02-27-2010, 10:37 AM

Anthony watched the sky as the girl answer, and it wasn't before long that Diamond answered his call. He smiled a thanks before glancing at Katsa.
"Soo.. we have a minor? No, a bigger problem here, which won't go away with your healing. Katsa, if you will, you can explain, I can though, if you like."

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Old 02-27-2010, 10:56 AM

She smiled a half smile back, feeling pretty sleepy.
''Problem...?'' she said halfly....

turnip is offline
Old 03-01-2010, 12:55 PM

Arthril looked at the Xa Thian as he sat down next to him, "okay", he said, "well, i have some schematics for the location where my sister and that machine are being kept." Pausing to catch his breath Arthril went on," Well, the ground is heavily guarded, that just leaves getting in through the sewers or from the air. From the air we can get into the air system, under the ground their are the sewers, however i dont know where to take it from there". Arthril then, looked over at the Xa Thian, "do you have any ideas, on a plan?"

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 03-01-2010, 01:50 PM

Katsa looked down. "My injuries tonight were inflicted by my brother. His soul is tied to mine. He was trying to kill me" She said softly.

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Old 03-01-2010, 03:34 PM

Dia halfly nodded, but barely understood. ''Sooo... ur brother tried to kill you? But.. He's tied to you... Wont he feel pain too?'' she asked, taking another sip of her tea, wondering or she shouldnt have taken coffee instead.

Ultiimate Sexiie Zombiie of Amaz...
Blissful_Nightmares is offline
Old 03-01-2010, 08:25 PM

I'm lonely... "He just wants me dead" Katsa said. She was having trouble really seeing why she should get rid of her brother who never got the chance to live. But...might as well try.


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