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♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-10-2010, 04:27 AM

(Your dude's? It was more purple-y...And yup, you're smart! :3 I knew you'd get it without me right out saying it! Hehe!)

Vanyel's blush deepened at the other boy's comment, and Vanyel stepped out unto a limb, which, considering he was a wolf, was something almost never done. "I can bite...If you want me to..."

Vanyel only paused for a moment, tilting his head down and gazing at Yuki shyly, though he turned quickly, laughing. He moved to the left bed, two small suitcases in stages of disrepair laying there. He opened them slowly, fighting with the zippers before shrugging when one popped off in his hand. "Stupid rusty hand-me-downs..." The zipper was tossed unto the bed, and Vanyel pulled out multiple jeans and shirts depicting various Japanese artists from Aiko to Malice Meizer. Almost all the clothing showed various tears, and from some of the jeans, it was very probable that Vanyel had chewed them as a wolf. Multiple books were taking up the majority of room, the clothing seemingly tucked around the tomes.

As the red flush in Vanyel's cheeks slowly drained, the shifter began talking again, "So what's it like? Being able to talk to dead people, I mean? You don't seem like the type of person to have that power, though." Vanyel shot a glance at the other male, "Like, you'd think someone who could do that would be bad...mean, maybe. But you aren't. You don't smell bad and you stood up for me...When did you first know you had that power?"

the one and only

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Old 03-10-2010, 05:13 AM

Yuki let out a smile, I might want him to. He also moved to the beds though to unpack his things. His bags were pretty well kept but had obviously seen some use. He'd used them many times before as he moved from house to house. Which didn't really bother him any, but he took good care of the bags just in case.

As he pulled out clothes and started organizing his dresser he kept glancing over at the strange shapeshifter, books galore coming out of his bags. Yuki was rather curious what the books were, but he was sure he'd get around to reading the titles later. Or even asking later of course, but right now he was still stuck in his thoughts and was using packing as an excuse. When he finished with the clothes, ending with all of the shirts being hung up in the wardrobe thing above the 4 drawers of the dresser, Yuki moved on to his personal belongings. Here's where he hesitated. Some things might be clear once he started unpacking. Though, he really should have thought of that before he decided to move into a dorm room.

Shrugging it off he started pulling out some posters, 5 or 6 probably. Some posters of Tokyo pop manga's, and a couple posters of his favorite korean band. It was a boy band of probably 50 males with the most amazing clothes, hair, and voices he had ever heard. The one poster was of the entire band, the second was off his favorite member, the violinist that would randomly start playing this intense violin solo in the middle of their pop-rock music. It was amazing. He pulled out a thing of tape and kneeled on his bed holding the tape dispenser between his teeth so that he could pull off pieces and put it up.

After the posters were up he moved on to pulling out a few books, and a music player, all of which he set up neatly on his desk. He scratched his nose thinking. "Well it's not that bad, you just look completely insane, and it drives you insane." He shrugged pulling out stuff for the bathroom, which he disappeared into carrying them. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toiletries. He'd brought a decent stock for it. The bathroom escape was a way for him to figure out how to answer the rest. As he returned he replied, "I was talking to far to many things that weren't there, and finding out to many secrets."

When he returned he moved to making his bed, setting the still not quite unpacked bags on the floor. What he pulled out was light blue sheets, and a dark blue comforter with pillows to match, they'd miraculously been shoved into one of the bags.

(actual band.. if you happen to know who they are please tell me, I've been trying to find them since i saw two of their videos 8 or so years ago, and I'm dying to see it again, it's been stuck with me since than )

Last edited by Shadami; 03-10-2010 at 05:16 AM..

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-10-2010, 10:06 PM

Vanyel had puttered about the room, lifting a small box of tacks from the bag, biting the box with his teeth as he climbed unto the bed, where the shifter was standing as Yuki returned to the room. Spilling the box and almost falling off the bed-unto said tacks- Vanyel had given a small eep, grinning sheepishly at the taller boy. "Don't tease my decorating, okay?"

Vanyel spoke as he gathered up the multi-colored tacks and placed them into the tiny plastic bin, "And I won't let you go crazy..." Biting his lips momentarily, as if debating whether to share something, Vanyel shook his head, offering Yuki a forced smile, "I can understand how tough that would be though." Pressing a finger to his lips, Vanyel stood, "But, imagine the people you could help with that power backing you up...."

The silver/rust haired boy climbed back on the bed, gathering up the shirts that were coating it with the hand not holding Vanyel's tacks. Most of the shirts were placed on the wall, a pin through each 'shoulder'. Finally done 'decorating', Vanyel gave a small jump off the bed, leaving the leftover tacks scattered on the bed. "We'll be wearing the uniform most of the time, so I only kept my favorite shirts down..." The slender male shrugged and gestured to the tiny pile next to him, before sighting Yuki's wall. He smiled softly, glancing from Yuki's side to his own. Even with the posters, his side looks so much better...Mine looks like a patchwork quilt...I like it! Gesturing toward the poster, Vanyel gazed questionably at Yuki.

"Kankoku-jin?" Frowning slightly, the male tilted his head, speaking softly, as if he wasn't entirely sure he was saying it correctly. "Korean? Right? I only know Wheesung and someone from a long time ago...I think they were called U-2...? He's pretty, though..." Vanyel flustered, speaking quickly to cover his loose lips, "Pretty good, at the violin....I mean, to get accepted and stuff...They look good..." The shifter's form was shimmering again, Vanyel being overwhelmed with nervousness for a moment.

the one and only

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Old 03-10-2010, 11:51 PM

Yuki smiled to himself at Vanyel's clumsiness, leaning slightly against his own bed. "I don't think I could help anyone with this power." It was a casual response at the most, didn't really say anything about how he felt, just kind of a shrug it off the shoulders response. The one thing it did show was that he didn't really want to talk about it.

His attention turned to his 'closet' filled with clothes and he tilted his head in a very raven like manner. "Why in the world could we bring so much clothes if we aren't even allowed to wear them?" He'd packed all of his favorite outfits, and had forgotten about the school uniform moving it off his bed when he moved his bags off the bed. Now he went over and picked it up. "Kind of blah isn't it?" He turned it holding it out, "I don't like wearing suits." He threw it onto the bed and picked up his bags putting them on top of his now made bed. He'd finish unpacking them soon.

"Yeah they're a Kankoku-jin band. And they are absolutely amazing." His eyes turned up towards the poster and sparkled with admiration, his hand slowly clenched into a fist because he was also jealous of them in a way. They were lucky to have what they did. It wasn't really accepted in most places. Than he looked up startled, "I thought U-2 was an Irish band," which made him notice Vanyel shimmering, and he stood up and strode over. Why he had strode over he had no idea but as he got there he came up with the first thing he could, which was reach right next to Vanyel to pick up a few tacks. "You would have hit these if you had sat down."

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 12:40 AM

Vanyel frowned at the other male for the first time, "You could help those people, the dead ones I mean...Or someone they loved...And we could bring whatever we wanted to...We only have to wear the uniforms during class...Did you read the brochure?" Vanyel's smile returned as he teased Yuki. "Besides, I like them. It would be strange to wear my clothes when there are a lot of creatures here from rich families..."

Vanyel's suitcases were empty, the books piled on the desk. The clothes that weren't pinned to the wall were thrown in the bottom of his designated closety-thing. And the suitcases got slid under the bed. A sigh of relief was held back as the other boy had moved closer, just lifting Vanyel's tacks. "I would have noticed them and taken care of them then." Vanyel was clean-wolves are very adamant when it comes to their pelts. It was just items Vanyel didn't care much about. Curiosity gripped Vanyel again as he questioned Yuki, his voice just above a whisper. Yuki was awfully close.

"What was your family like?"

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 12:59 AM

"Pssh, I'm not rich, and I don't know how to help them." He leaned against Vanyel's bed with his elbows, eying the wall curiously. Pinning clothes to the wall, that's definitely different. As Yuki thought of how to answer that final question he mumbled other things. "No i didn't read the brochure, i just came here."

My family... "There's nothing important about my family. I'm a foster kid, moving from home to home. It's boring, you don't get attached to anyone, and you sure as heck have to seem like your behaving. Though with vampires or werewolves or whatever matter of dark creature that decided to take me in as my multiple parents you learn to be tough and not care about them." He blinked slowly and turned to Vanyel. "Hey..." He leaned in so that their noses were almost touching. "Don't trick me Shorty, I don't want to talk about my family. Deal?"

(i really hope i have this character right. XD i may be getting two of them mixed up.....

I gotta say this roleplay fascinates me and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. XD)

Last edited by Shadami; 03-11-2010 at 01:07 AM..

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 01:11 AM

(^.^ Still sounds like mean Yuki, you mentioned the foster family stuff before.)

Vanyel's eyes widened and his face formed a small 'o' as he leaned away from Yuki. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't...That is...I..."

Vanyel faltered, shaking slightly as his form began twisting strangely. After a moment, his eyes dropped to the tennis shoes on his feet. "My Haha...she...She didn't know what my father was. Jaguars only come together to mate. That's what he did, without showing her what he was. When I was born, she was alone, and didn't know why I kept changing." He paused, adding softer, "I didn't either..." The male shook his strange locks, "But it was easier for her if I just stayed a wolf. She would just drink and treat me like a big dog...Most of the time..." He raised his eyes to Yuki once more, the shimmering around his body almost gone. "I didn't mean to be pushy or intrude on your life...I was just curious...You aren't eveil or bad or mean, but you were raised by things that were. It's be alone. You show it by lashing out at everyone, and I try to make everyone happy, for the same reason. You don't want to be hurt."

Vanyel sniffled slightly, shaking his head a bit harder, "You don't have to be like that with me...I won't fault you for being you, Yuki..." Vanyel's voice faded off, and his eyes dropped to his feet once more, letting his hair fall into his face, obscuring his eyes. Slight sniffling sounds came from the unruly hair, and Vanyel began shaking again. He had no idea what Yuki's reaction would be, but he was already shaken up by his own. That was something he'd never revealed-Never been able to and never wanted to, but he'd just blurted it out to the boy in front of him like it was everyday conversation. "That's why it's hard for me to keep my human form when I'm upset or frightened..." Vanyel finished lamely, wiggling his toes slightly.

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 01:24 AM

(Oh good, i had tried to find it before to double check and couldn't XD. that's why i wasn't sure. Found it now, i had just skipped over it in skimming. )

"Woah, hey..." Yuki started to panic, he hadn't meant to make the kid cry, he was just messing with him cause he didn't want to talk about his family. And he was crushing hard and new that Vanyel was as well. He just didn't want to admit it, people tended to be meaner to people like them. "Calm down, I didn't mean that harshly." For a moment he hesitated, and than he pulled Vanyel into a hug. Wrapping his arms gently around him so that Vanyel's head would rest on Yuki's shoulder. "Shhhh."

What the hell is coming over me!

"People are just like that sometimes, you have to ignore them." He was thinking over everything that Vanyel had said, it was scary how accurate he was, and he hadn't even thought about why he lashed out at people, just figured it was something to look cool. To keep friends with the people he hung out with. They weren't true friends than, were they? They didn't know the real Yuki, and somehow this boy did, and they'd only met earlier that day.

Should I do it?

He knew Vanyel couldn't see his face or his hands, so he frowned, and watched his hands that were on the shapeshifter's back. They began to glow, ever so slightly with a pale light, as if he had a flashlight on the other side, making the edges of his hand glow a pale red color. The light got brighter and spread across his hands touching Vanyel's back and spreading out. The light faded sinking into him. It was some kind of healing or calming light spell Yuki had learned when he was young. Hopefully it would help.

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 01:35 AM

Vanyel's shaking had intensified when Yuki stepped closer, although he managed to keep his form. The shifter lifted his human head, wanting to face the attack head on. He wouldn't be a coward. Here it comes. The attack was....a hug? Yuki was hugging him?

The first instinct to touch Vanyel was to fight, to get away from what was trapping him. That instinct seemed to fade, a new feeling spreading through his chest to the very tips of his fingers and toes. His face lowered slightly, burying into Yuki's chest. Vanyel inhaled greedily, a soft sigh escaping his lips at the other boy's scent. How could he have ever thought Yuki wanted to hurt him? This was right...This was...Not natural, in so many ways. He was letting another male hold him, for one thing. For another, Vanyel didn't calm down this fast. This feeling that spread through him...Yuki tried to think through the haze of contentment settling over him...It had started in his chest-No it had started in his back, but spread through his body. His back, where Yuki's hands were.

Another sigh esacaped Vanyel before the boy mummured, "See...Don't know how you did that, But you can help people..."

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 01:42 AM

(i think i need to make Yuki taller XD cause we've both been acting as if he is. apparantly i put it as only one inch taller o.O Could of sworn it had been more than that. :S )

Yuki rested his head in Vanyel's hair, his love for male instinct taking over with hardly any restraint. He was usually able to keep that at bay. He kept still, letting Vanyel calm down. "I don't know how." He mumured it quietly. He really didn't. It was a light magic, how could he possibly combine that with the death magic he possessed to help people. It didn't make sense to him. He slowed his breathing to help calm them both down.

Honestly, he hadn't noticed that Vanyel had calmed down so much, he himself was reveling in the hug. It felt right to him.

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 01:55 AM

(Oh...whoops...Not a good judge on those types of things...Bad Kisu! >.< Bad boy!)

Vanyel snuggled his head a bit more, his wolfish side demanding to push his scent of Yuki. The boy's head moved carefully, however, not wanting to disrupt Yuki's own head laying on his. His fingers began curling of their own accord, one remaining at Yuki's chest and entangling in his shirt. The other hand traveled quickly up, twisting around Yuki's neck to intertwine in the hair located there. "Yuki...Even if it wasn't to help the dead, this could help a lot of living people...I don't know how to combine this and speaking to the dead, but I'll this on it...I've never known anyone who could do this...It's amaz-"

Vanyel was cut short by a knock at the door, making him jump backwards from Yuki and flip into the wolf form. He was calmer, but the knock had frightened him. Throwing a glance towards Yuki, Vanyel was amazed at the thought that butted into his mind. Couldn't have had worse timing.

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 02:01 AM

(you're a boy? huh. lol, actually I just had made it so Yuki would be taller and somehow read it as 4' 6'' i think... uhhh no clue how that happened.)

Yuki nearly had a heart attack when someone knocked on the door and he quickly put a lazy grin on his face. keep your cool, keep your cool. He had chills everywhere, they wouldn't go away. School here would be problematic he was falling incredibly fast, and the feeling were maddeningly strong. He cleared his throat and walked up to the door pulling it open. "Yeah, what's up?"

He could still feel Vanyel's fingers on his shirt and hair, and he wanted to shiver, but he had to keep calm. Stupid, you should of checked through the door first. Than his thoughts continued on that. Idiot, what are you doing crushing on him!

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 02:17 AM

(Oops...Typed wrong. Nope. I'm a girlie. Didn't know if you wanted to be someone at the door, so I figured I'd leave it open, but that it would frustrate our boys a bit. Four six...? And he was calling me shorty....? >.<)

The door opened, admitting a few boys from the dorm. A vampire, two warlocks, and someone that made Vanyel very glad he was in his wolf form, the Tiger shifter. (Hehe! ^.^v Hope you don't mind...I just love drama in roleplays!) The wolf backed up, his rust fur shining through the white as hairs all over Vanyel's pelt rose.

"Thought we'd see who else was one our floor..." The tiger/boy's eyes were cold and he sneered at Vanyel's retreating form, choosing to focus on what was viewed as the weaker target. "I'm Tora....but for you two, it'll be a basic 'Sir'." He moved a bit further in the room, glancing at both of the walls and snorting slightly. The creatures that had entered the room with him chuckled as well.

Knowing Yuki would step in if Vanyel didn't to something, the wolf began changing, a shimmering, trembling, white haired boy trying to look tough as he glared at Tora. "G-get out! W-w-we don't w-want you in here..." Vanyel gave a little gulp as Tora's eyes focused on him, causing the smaller shifter to step back, bumping into the desk.

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 02:38 AM

(no, rofl, I meant that i had thought it said Vanyel was 4'6'' i read it wrong. Yuki is now 6' 1'' to make up for it.

and i figured that it was tiger. >:] that smiley doesn't look evil enough for what i'm feeling hahaha )

"Awwww hi Tora, it's nice to meet you, that's an adorable name for a baby female kitten." Yuki's eyes were already sparkling with anger, and his gaze quickly shifted to the vampire that was about to enter the room. "If you place one foot across that threshold you will go up in a puff of smoke as designated by the laws of your race. " His eyes sparked ferociously, "You are not welcome in here." He than spun on the remaining three.

"My threat still stands kitten, and it goes for you two now as well if that's how you feel you would like to side your allegiance. If you mess with anyone of my friends. The dead will come for you." And as if on perfect cue his necklace lifted to point at someone standing just over the shoulder of the vampire in the door. It's head was tilted and by looking carefully Yuki could see the hollow edges of the eyes, the only thing that showed that it was someone dead. "And your luck seems to be running out very fast."

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 02:49 AM

(Ohhhh! @.@ My hair is blond for a reason, hehe! Hehe, I was debating whether it should be him or that witch girl from the begining...I think she should develop a crush on you and try to chase after you...Hehe! Ish ist so bad! I did forget legends said that about vampires....This is why reading Twilight out of curiosity is a bad thing....*Mumbling about stupid shiny Vampires.)

The Vampire had frozen, baring his fangs at Yuki, although the fierce look left his face as Yuki's necklace raised. The undead glanced behind him, his eyes following the trail Yuki's took. Vanyel wasn't sure if the creature saw anything, but Vanyel was pretty sure the Vampire didn't want to take a chance with something else not-quiet-dead. He was gone in a moment.

Tora, however, snarled, once again shifting into the large cat, his form seeming to fill the room. The male witches, however, stepped forward, flanking Tora, one calling dark energy to surround his fists, and raising them high. The other called a strange golden fire, holding it between his hands carefully. The tiger's tail lashed. Clearly an unhappy kitty. The magic the warlocks were preforming and the control Tora showed over his powers screamed at Vanyel: These boys have been to the school before...

Although Vanyel saw Yuki's necklace raise and knew the other male wasn't bluffing, he didn't wish Tora to hurt Yuki. Flipping back to his wolf form, as Vanyel wouldn't be able to hold the weak human body anyway, Vanyel stepped in front of Yuki, his tail and rump pressing against the boy as the trembling wolf let out a tiny growl. A sound Vanyel commonly reserved for someone trying to touch his food.

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 03:11 AM

Yuki scowled, "Oh please, do you three mind i need to have a conversation with someone." He gave the smallest of bows in response to the bow the man at the door had given him. The man had on a nice suit , it showed that he was formal of some kind.
"I'm sorry sir, I hadn't noticed you standing there right away." He traveled his powers along the ground, only a small thin line of light barely visible tracing over the floor to the figure. The man straightened, his outline glowing lightly. To anyone else in the room it would seem as if a ghost was standing in the room, though Yuki knew better.

With this quick interaction he turned back towards the three standing before him. Briefly Yuki took note of Vanyel pressed against him and cursed his body praying that nothing happened to show.. anything. His eyes sparked as he focused on Tora, the one who really had his anger here. "I warned you Tora." The figure by the door turned and tilted its head, it was clearly happy that Yuki had acknowledged him, but annoyed that no one else had, and in fact were by the looks of it planning to attack him.

The figure seemed to float forward and it reached forward, as it reached out and touched the warlock with the dark energy on his fists. The warlock felt a freezing cold presence pass through his wrist and the most eerie voice in the world echoed throughout the room, it was painful to their ears, all except Yuki who heard them as normal voices. It was like hearing something from every direction, including inside your own head. "What is going on here boys? Why would you think violence solves anything."

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 03:27 AM

Vanyel's jaws opened in a gasp, although it seemed as if the big wolf was panting. His fur stood a bit straighter as he viewed the pale form. It appeared to be an outline of someone, possibly a male. Vanyel sniffed the air gently, acknowledgment and curiosity in the gesture. This was, after all, how wolves greeted each other.

The warlock that had been touched shivered, the energy around his fists evaporating as he jerked his hands away. He was backing quickly towards the door, though his gaze darted to the other warlock and Tora. The other warlock was staring at the 'ghost', ready to follow at the slightest noise. The cue came, as the ghost spoke, making Vanyel cringe into Yuki a bit more. So loud! The wolf's head shook, and Vanyel whined slightly.

Tora was as bothered as Vanyel, his rounded ears pressed into his skull, the whiskers around his face bristling as the large cat hissed, sounding remarkably like a house cat. As the voice stopped, however, Tora stared at Vanyel, talking to the other in his stance, a flick of his whiskers, a lash of the tail and such things. *Let your little 'Ghost Boy' know he doesn't scare me. The dead can't truly hurt us!* A coughing sound came from the cat, Vanyel ears picking the sound up as mocking laughter. *Everyone knows that! And as soon as I make you into Kibble, Dog, I'll make him eat it up!* Snarling, the large orange cat gathered it's hind legs under it, leaping towards Vanyel in one fluid motion with outstreched forelegs.

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 03:45 AM

Yuki saw the hind legs crouch, cats being his favorite animal, and instantly prepared for a fight. The sudden lunge still surprised him and he brought his right arm up from his side in a fast arc motion a brilliant light arcing from his hand. If he had been given a few more seconds to react he would have had a blade of light, and he was incredibly thankful he didn't. Hurting someone on his first day at school would have been a horrible thing to go on his record.

The ghost was also very surprised, and angry. Yuki watched in shocked horror in the seconds that it took for the leap and his swing it seemed like everything was going in slow motion. He watched as the ghost seemed to change before his eyes. It's true, he had never really messed with his powers, or with the dead, acting as if they were normal people. Everything he had said he had made up on a whim. It was working amazingly in his favor. The eyes of the dead creature before him and started to glow with an inner fire, and the hair seemed to go wild as the man seemed to die before his eyes lounging after the cat. It spoke again as it's hand graced the tail, having not acted fast enough.

"Do not harm him!!" It had the same effects as earlier but it was angry and seemed to be yelling,

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 04:11 AM

The wolf had acted as well, his head sliding up to tear at Tora's stomach. Tora had know he'd be exposed, naturally, but the large cats normally attacked from behind. Perhaps he'd been trying to use his weight to pin Vanyel. He would have been able to pin down the wolf-large as he was- and swipe at the other male. Somewhere in Vanyel's mind, he was screaming at himself to stop, but his only instinct was to protect his mate. Now where did that thought come from?

Tora yowled, something between a snarl and a yell of pain. His eyes were blinking rapidly, his sensitive eyes not dealing well with the light Yuki had brought forth. His tail felt as if it was on fire, although it was burning from cold, Taro's nerves causing the large tail to whip about desperately. The side of his stomach was bleeding from a large gash-But the cat was still aware it had landed where it wanted to. He was on Vanyel as if trying to mount the wolf, although from the front. The wolf's legs were shaking visibly, and looked as if they would drop any moment.

Both the shifters froze and let out sounds of pain, flicking their ears as if that would rid themselves of the voice. The cat actually lifted a paw and ran it over his temporarily blinded eyes, causing Vanyel to lose his balance, dropping to the floor with the big cat's claws digging into the fur on his back. The cat turned it's head, snarling in the general direction of the ghost, but continuing to claw Vanyel, pain causing Taro to throw his own well being into the wind. Surprisingly, the shy boy seemed to have changed into an actual wolf, the intelligence leaving his eyes as his neck twisted, snarling and snapping at the striped pelt, seeming oblivious to the dark red seeping into the rust colored undercoat.

Both shifters were mad, and in pain. Even knowing they were in a school wouldn't stop their actions, wild animals had no use for school, after all. Both were past rational thought, Taro now attempting to hurt the things that caused him pain, and Vanyel attempting to protect what he'd previously thought of as his mate.

the one and only

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Old 03-11-2010, 04:29 AM

Yuki pulled desperately at the large cat. "Stop it! Get off of him!" And than his eyes widened as the dead man in front of him touched his own hand, Yuki's hand, and seemed to sink into him. Yuki was frozen in place screaming in pain inside his head but nothing came from his mouth. This dead creature had taken over his body and was now raising his own hand creating a beam of light. A sword of light to be more exact and Yuki watched in horror as his hand moved forward and sank the sword into Tora's pelt. The light spreading quickly through the cat, suddenly the large tiger lifted into the air, raised by the light. The dead that had entered Yuki had to have been a light affinity creature when he was alive. He never would have known how to do this, Yuki didn't even know how to do this.

His necklace was spinning like crazy at his neck, and Yuki's other hand lowered to place on Vanyel's head, light passing through him as well. In his mind he shivered at the touch of the boy, and watched as the light started to heal and calm Vanyel. Tora on the other hand was writhing in pain, the only cut being from Vanyel, and a single burn mark where the sword had gone in on his back. Suddenly the light creature chucked the tiger out the door and a beam slammed the door shut, a faint click could be heard as the door locked.

Yuki than collapsed on the floor shaking and sweating uncontrollably. It was bad enough when a dead creature passed through you, it was another story entirely when they took over your body, and the thing had used his own powers, had grown an attachment with that single bow. The smallest amount of 'life' that Yuki had given him by giving him an outline. Something that had apparently made him strong enough to be heard by the others in the room. Or had that been the light affinity the creature had naturally.

Yuki was shivering and closed his eyes, his tall thin frame curling up slightly, like a cat. His favorite animal. His thoughts were as simple as he could keep them. He was freaking out. The figure still lit up by his gift earlier knelt next to him watching him with concerned hollow eyes. His figure was normal again, and slowly the light faded. Yuki's necklace still floating pointing at him was the only thing that would give away to Vanyel that the ghost was still in the room.

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 04:43 AM

Vanyel had snapped at Yuki's hand, an animalistic reaction: To hurt whatever was near you, even if it was trying to help. He calmed quickly, the same warmth he'd felt earlier rushing through his body. It was different though-Something about the warmth wasn't right...wasn't...Yuki.

Dimly aware the tiger was off him and Yuki wasn't pressed against him made Vanyel lifted his head, momentarily panicked. Seeing Yuki nearby, curled into a ball, Vanyel moved closer, nuzzling him, trying to get his thoughts in order. The yowling and scratching on the door made this difficult. Trying to decipher the light Vanyel had seen, Vanyel was dimly aware of the treats the cat was hissing. *I'll get you-Dog!* A human voice could be heard a moment later, "I'll find out how you did that! I'll find out how you did that and how you call those-those DEMONS to you, and I will get to you, and the half blooded mutt!" The screaming faded, leaving Vanyel alone with his thoughts. He still didn't understand most of it, and it would have to wait.

Snuggling up to the other male, Vanyel gazed around the room, not seeing the strange ghost that had been there. But Yuki's necklace, it was pointing. Vanyel's eyes followed the line, gazing at where he judged the 'ghost' to be. He chuffed a thanks, not sure if it would be able to understand him, but not caring too much at the moment. He was still feeling slightly shaken up, surprised at the events, and didn't think he'd be able to shift. Instead, he did the best he could do as a wolf and curled around Yuki, ignoring the memories it forced in Vanyel's mind of curling around another figure. A female, who was crying and reeked of vodka, gripping the wolf's fur hard. He licked Yuki, a simple gesture that was surprisingly spit free, wagging an apoligy to the boy, but also conveying a worried tone with a whine.

(Off to bed now, but I look forward to roleplaying tommorrow! :D)

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 04:55 AM

(i know me to! This one is very addicting i like it. XD
haha i love the Colbert report)

Yuki buried his face in the fur that came near him, he was still shivering and soon he passed out. The energy drained from him after being so cold. It was almost terrifying how weak he was.

The figure moved from the room after placing a hand on Yuki, in apology probably. It couldn't speak anymore, having used up Yuki's energy on accident. It was why so few people saw ghosts, they required alot of energy to even seem alive. The necklace finally lowered and Yuki mumbled in his sleep. It was inaudible but at best it sounded like, "dontachmameurghflazzzzzz" As if he'd been trying to say something and had drifted off into sleep. His breathing and slowed and he had a small snore. Really light and almost nonexistent, but he was definitely snoring.

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 05:21 AM

(What's a Colbert report? And I can't sleep...thinking of the rp...)

What the hell is a meurghflazzzzzz? Vanyel wondered as his jaws opened in a silent laugh. Feeling a bit better, Vanyel shifted forms, cuddling Yuki for a moment before standing and hefting the other boy onto his bed with quiet a bit of grunting. He won't feel that when he wakes up... The shifter assured himself as he bumped Yuki's head into the wall. If only he had the wolf's strength...

Heaving a sigh, Vanyel forced himself unto the bed next to Yuki, curling around the sleeping form. I really should wait till he'd awake to do this... The thought was the last one Vanyel had before the days events hit him like a semi, and he fell asleep, his arms wrapping around Yuki gently.

(Would you like to skip time?)

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 05:29 AM

(it's a democrat comedian who tells the news pretending he's republican. It's absolutely hilarious. Comedy central news shows basically. I enjoy them. Helps that the show i'm watching now, the talk show host is cute as heck. XD )

Yuki was out good, when he woke up he was curled up next to Vanyel, and blinked his eyes in confusion. He figured it was just a dream so he closed his eyes again and curled back up. He was exhausted and the memories of earlier was foggy. In fact, he wasn't sure how he was in his bed, or what had happened. He must have missed something. How had he ended up in bed with Vanyel even?

♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 05:37 AM

(Oh...that explains it. I have trouble with t.v. It's hard for me to understand...Sounds funny tho...)

Vanyel twitched, sniffing slightly. His legs gave a little twitch. Almost exactly like a dog dreaming of chasing a rabbit. Although Vanyel was chasing a roasted chicken. Damn thing kept waddling away so fast. Who'd known two little bones could propel something like that? His finger's tightened around Yuki, a tiny growl rising from his throat.

Woke up right as he caught the damn chicken. "Stoopid 'kicken..." Vanyel mumbled softly, sitting up and staring around the room with wide eyes, rubbing them with clenched fists. This wasn't the apartment... Everything hit him at once, and his gaze swiveled to meet Yuki's. "'orry..." A large yawn, "Shouldn't have fallen asleep on your bed and stuff...Just wanted to make sure you were okay..." Vanyel glanced at the male's head, a guilty expression ghosting over his face for a moment.

"So...You okay?" The shifter asked, rolling off the bed to look down at Yuki. He gave the other boy a shy smile, although his eyes were wary. He'd be pretty upset to wake up with someone he barely knew.


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