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Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 06-11-2010, 04:16 AM

Ughghh! *Sighs* We had a new comer and I missed them! Grrr. Sorry I neve came back, life has been, complicated, at best. Thank you for taking care of them for me :-) You are a most handy friend.

So, hows life?

*starts to mix herself a much needed amaretto&chocolate machiato*

Lord Frappuccino
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Lord Frappuccino is offline
Old 06-11-2010, 04:28 AM

Life is... life? :-D How have things been complicated with you? I've been pretty much dealing with city business most of this week- been interesting. But oh! I should tell this funny story about when I went to Sonic Drive-In this weekend. So I'm extremely familiar with Sonic, actually met the owners of the first one and my step mother went to school with them. Sonic just recently expanded to Washington State so I went to the new one that just opened near me. Their menu has changed quite a bit... I went with a friend of mine and we both got sundaes and a drink. The guy comes out with what I ordered and gives us the utensils and I ask him about the Grilled Cheese which is not on the menu and used to be 99 cents. He says he will check for me and walks off. Right after he walks off I realize he gave us 3 straws but no spoons. Did he expect us to eat the sundae with a straw? o.0

So about three minutes later he doesn't return so I push the button to ask about the price of the grilled cheese. The lady says "just a minute, let me check." And then you can hear in the background, "hey, kyle, how much for the grilled cheese?" and he replies "$1.30!" She then tells me the price and I order two of them and for two spoons. I then get a long pause and a response: "two... spoons?" I am guessing she thought we were planning to eat the grilled cheese with spoons.

So the same guy that served our food earlier comes back with my order and two spoons and I trade him them with the straws. I then notice his name tag... his name is Kyle.

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 06-11-2010, 04:53 AM

Hahahaha, wow.... that's really quite funny. It's amazing how much people don't pay attention to what they're doing when tey work at super simple fast food jobs like that. That's still pretty sad.

And life for me, eh, I'll tell you about it sometime in the future when I have it a little more figured out. Just marriage problems. I know I'm being an idiot, cause I already know what I need to do... it's just such a hard choice to actually make, regardless of necessity.

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 03:30 AM

*yawns and dusts the cob webs off of things* It's really to bad this thread didn't last :-(

BananaCheeps is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 04:05 AM

I'm not much of a coffee person; I tend to go for tea more often. But I just wanted to say I enjoyed the stories you guys posted in here. :heart:

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 04:17 AM

Woot! Hey we have all kinds of tea too! Thanks for stopping by! I'm heading out for the night but feel free to come back and visit us again!

BananaCheeps is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 04:29 AM

I will be sure to! *sets up a tent by the shop entrance*

Lord Frappuccino
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Lord Frappuccino is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 06:11 AM

-The front door bursts open. A chill, wet wind blows through the entryway and a dark figure stands in it. He steps in, the hood on his head covering his face. He approaches the counter, clutching a briefcase tightly and places it onto the counter top.- fI have a special delivery... From far off lands I have brought our lovely little shop... The finest in coffee beans and tea leaves! :-D Sorry I have been away, been busy. Didn't mean for our shop to die... at least the window's aren't boarded up and we didn't have a notice on the door from the bank!


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:40 PM

*shuffles in and sits at her customary table next to the window*

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 04:57 AM

Ooooh! *does a happy dance at Lf's secret special delivery* HI!!! How are you both doing?

Lord Frappuccino
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Lord Frappuccino is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 10:41 AM

I am doing grand... just been busy with work and life. Been a while since I have been here. Sorry for the delay! I see we have a few new customers too! Rather grand, I must say!

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 11:29 AM

I agree I agree!! Glad to hear your doing well :-) My life's been a roller coaster as of late. And yes, we do seem to! Your shipment of exotics may have come just in time for our Christmas "rush" (of 2 new people)

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 12-14-2010, 06:41 AM

*flips the sign to open for the night*

Wonder if anyone will come visit me tonight?

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 09:58 AM

I'll come visit today, I suppose!

I have many more tales of working on the highway, but I think I'll just settle in for now and see if anyone else arrives again. :)

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 04:20 AM

Hey there! Why don't you tell me you're favorite of the tales while I make brew you up something. What can I getcha?

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 04:31 AM

Hummm. Do you have a peppermint cocoa? I feel like toning it down tonight.

Huh, one of my favorites. That's going to be tough. Well, I guess I could try to choose. I was working Utility (cleaning, pretty much, and minor maintenance) and my partner was standing around, keeping me company and I used glass cleaner on all of the doors.
I do the doors at the same time, every day that I work, so it's not that rare for regulars to pretty much time their watch on when I clean certain parts of the place.
Well, one day, it seems there's some really nasty grime at the bottom of the door (like maybe somebody spilled coffee- we did have a Starbucks in the plaza) so I was on my knees, scrubbing it away.
Some random guy walks up to me, clears his throat to get my attention, and says, "you spend too much time on your knees! They should get you a stool or something." And then leaves.

My co-worker heard, laughed his butt off, told everyone, and no one has let me live it down since. Definitely one of the more eventful days.

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 04:41 AM

*Heats the milk carefully before pouring it over lightly bruised fresh mint sprig, then adds two full pumps of Ghirardelli chocolate syrup and stirs it to a rich foamy perfection.*

Haha, that's sounds quite amusing. So it was just some totally random dude, not a co worker or anything? Wow. Oh well, you know what they say about where the human mind dwells :-p

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 04:50 AM

*grabs the cup and grins, sniffing it* Smells so goooooood.

He wasn't even a regular! Like he whisked in one day, said that to me, and left. Haha. Haven't seen him since, either.

How about you? Anything interesting happen with you lately?

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:01 AM

Nah, I actually work in a hotel now. I work nights, so I don't see to much. We had a semi known band in a while ago, got to have some fun chatting them up because their lead singer couldn't sleep and the rest of the band got so drunk they passed out before 3, so he came down and talked to me for 2 hours. Lol. Otherwise, just been living a quiet simple life lately *makes herself a mach 3*

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:02 AM

Swan, your cosplay is so cute!

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:04 AM

Really? I go to college right now for Hotel and Resort Management.

My only close-encounter with a band was the lead singer of Forever the Sickest Kids elbowing me in the eye socket whilst being mobbed by girls after an improptu acoustic set-up. (Then I got Kyle, the drummer, to sign the inside of the battery cover on my phone.)

Pretty good story for a black eye, haha.

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:06 AM

Thank you Roxxxy! Welcome to the coffee shop btw. Can I make you a drink?

That's awesome Solaria! How do you like hotel and resort management? I thought about studying that at PTI for a while, but then my great grandfather got sick (he and my great grams pretty much raised me with the help of my regular grandparents, so he was more a father to me than my actual father ever has been) so I moved back home to take care of him untill he passed and just never made it back to school.
And you're right, that is an awesome story for a black eye. I applaud it!

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:12 AM

I love it a lot, actually. It's really fun, even the paperwork for scheduling meetings and the like. I'm actually thinking about doing an internship at Disney Florida. You live on site in the apartments, rent is taking out of your pay and it's about five months. I need an internship to get the major, sooo... Five months at Disney seems pretty awesome.

Sorry to hear about your great-grandfather. I'm glad you were with him, though. :) Must have made it a lot easier on him.

Mad Mae March
BlackSwan317 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:18 AM

That sounds amazing! I really hope you get it if you go for it :-D

I think it did. It was nice getting to spend that much time with him the last few months before he passed. And it's been *counts on fingers* 4 years now since he went to be with grams, so it's easier to think about now.

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 01-17-2011, 05:24 AM

I hope so, too! I don't know exactly which semester I'm going to apply... I'll ask my advisor. Classes start up again next week.

Yeah. Time does make it easier. It's been five years since one of my best friends died and it's a LOT easier to handle than it was.


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