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Staria is offline
Old 04-06-2010, 11:39 PM

Miya gave her a small smile, scratching behind one of her ears before scratching along her chin gently. She really was an adorable thing…acted more like a pet then a wild pokemon… It would likely be captured soon at this rate… hell … if she didn’t know better she’d say it wanted to be captured…Apollo relayed her message and she knew it now…

She glanced over as niko spoke, tilting her head to the side."Thanks?!" She was caught between her instinct at seeing the R to attack him and her kinder then it appeared heart’s urge to protect him… He seemed so… lost somehow to her. She shook off the thought, he was a rocket, he wasn’t her responsibility or problem. She’d help him release the magikarp, he’d leave, and that’d be that.

She then turned to the leafeon, tilting her head to the side before getting out a poke ball with the symbol of a violet orb on the surface and setting it next to the leafeon. She turned to Apollo, saying something to him telepathically which caused him to nod. Apollo turned to the cute little creature and indicated the ball with it’s tail, If you desire to be captured my mistress would enjoy your company, but she forces herself on no one. Touch the round button at the center and let the ball capture you if you want… or you can simply journey with us… the choice is yours.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 12:16 AM

Nikolai blinked when he saw that pokeball. For a moment confusion was on his face, was the girl gonna catch the Leafeon? If so..she was going about it in a weird way. "Uhm..What...what are you doing?" He asked a bit hesitantly and curiously. Though it did seem as if her Espeon was conversing with the Leafeon. He would watch and see what happened.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 12:25 AM

She glanced towards him and stood, tilting her head to the side. “Apollo says she’s bored of being wild…. I’m giving her the choice to stop being wild of her own free will.” Miya paused and shrugged lightly a moment, putting her hands on her hips as he studied her. He knew her habit of communicating with a pokemon and giving it a choice was an unusual way to capture pokemon…. But it was what she preferred. She sighed lightly, studying him. “will you get down from that chair? You’re making her feel all guilty for scaring you….” She said matter of factly.

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xLilNekox is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 01:23 AM

Really? Captured? That's great! Delphi said delightedly. Stepping towards the little pokeball, she nudged the center button and there was a flash as the ball pulled her in. This was a bit startling as at the moment it was dark in there, but Delphi reminded herself not to struggle or she'd break out. After a couple seconds she heard it click and things started to lighten up. This is great! I have a trainer now! Delphi gave a little wiggle of happiness.

(( sorry.. no idea what the inside of a pokeball looks like so kind of vague on that... xD))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 01:33 AM

][ s'alright. I always imagine there's a cushion in there and the pokemon just lays around on it. but can still somehow tell what's going on around it in the outside world.][

Nikolai had started to shake his head, but then Leafeon tapped that pokeball and put herself in it. He watched anxiously as the ball barely wriggled and then clicked. Hurray. Now maybe he could pet the Leafeon and tell her how cute she was, now that she wasn't wild and scary. Nikolai moved to get down from the chair, when the thing, sitting on uneven ground, tipped backwards. For a moment, as he fell back he flailed his arms. His vulpix being the quick thing she was suddenly leaped from his shoulder and landed unharmed on that table. Nikolai hit the ground a bit hard and groaned softly. One of the two pokeballs on his belt came loose, rolled away, the button tapping against a rock and releasing the Umbreon that it held. For a few moments Nikolai just laid there looking at the Umbreon and then he had jumped to his feet.

"Oh...Did you want some fresh air. I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd wanna lounge around all bored outside..You don't seem to like anything." He moved slowly, almost cautiously to that Umbreon. The pokemon laying down and not looking at it's surroundings, only watching Nikolai as the team rocket boy reached into his pocket. "I did bring some treats incase you wanted something delicious." He held his hand out to the rather depressed looking pokemon. Almost easily ignoring his throbbing head. Honestly, hitting it twice in one day.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 01:52 AM

Miya nodded and slowly reached out as the pokemon disappeared inside the poke ball. She smiled to herself a moment, Apollo jumping on her shoulder with one easy leap. She turned, about to tell him he didn’t have to be scared anymore when she noticed him being tipped backwards. She started forward but he was falling back, causing her to push the poke ball into the pocket of her hooded top a moment. She’d help him then release the pokemon from its ball..

What she saw next though made her freeze where she was. It was so familiar… that scar over one eye… it couldn’t be…. It just…couldn’t be. She rubbed her arm where a scare from the beating she took protecting an umpreon….that umbreon had a scar just like that…. She walked over, kneeling next to it and reaching out to touch near the scar. “Can’t be…” she muttered, her eyes wide as saucers…

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 02:00 AM

"He bites!" Nikolai warned as she moved to touch the umbreon. "He bites really hard." He winced softly at that memory. But still. Whenever it was out of the pokeball he did shower it with attention. Always trying to make it feel less depressed. The poor thing. Nikolai was kneeling near it, holding his hand out to the Umbreon. Offering it those delicious pokemon treats. The pokemon sniffed at his hand and turned his head towards the girl, about to grow at her from coming so close to it. It stopped and blinked. Staring at her. "Bre?" Nikolai reached over with his free hand and grabbed the fallen pokeball that the umbreon had popped out of.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 02:18 AM

When she’d seen the umbreon she’d tried to save it had been a bleeding wound there… she could hear her own voice crying out ‘what did they do to you!’ which alerted the rockets to her… Apollo, then an Eevee had followed her plan quickly, both good at thinking on their feet. As he head butted the closest rocket she grabbed the umbreon and it tighter in her arms…. It’ll be okay, she had promised, and the guilt of not being able to keep that promise still broke her heart.

“b…bites?” She said aloud, trying to not look as confused and almost scared as she was. She leaned forward so she was almost on all fours, her hand going outward to gently touch the scar and then stroke over behind the umbreon’s ear cautiously. “ You…” She said quietly to the umbreon, about to say something but ultimately unable… Apollo meanwhile had taken the poke ball from her pocket and released the leafeon.

((so you can do something but sit there Lilneko lol I didn't forget about you don't worry but Myas all distracted XD. A pokemon she thought she failed to the point it may have been killed looks like it might be okay XD))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 02:26 AM

The umbreon ignored Nikolai and his treats. His eyes were on the girl. A flicker of a memory. Then a spark of life flashed in those almost dead looking eyes. That umbreon lifted it's face to her and licked her cheek. "Bre!" It exclaimed almost excitedly. Standing and nearly bouncing on it's feet as it licked her face again.

Nikolai blinked several times. " doesn't like anyone." That expression of confusion quickly turned to happiness as he beamed at the umbreon and the girl. "Hehe. He seems to like you a LOT. That's awesome...That's really good." Nikolai was up and bouncing on his feet, those poke treats dropped and forgotten about as he wriggled happily. That umbreon just looked at him for a moment and nuzzled the girl. Nikolai was still smiling as he held out that pokeball to her. "H-here. He likes you, so you should take him."

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xLilNekox is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 02:28 AM

Delphi popped out of the poke ball and watched what was happening. There was an umbreon there and it had a strange cut on it's head. Feeling very confused, and like she had missed a lot, Delphi wandered around beside Apollo. Ummm... this is odd.. Guess I missed a lot.

((haha I i get it, dont worry ;D ))


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 02:44 AM

Miya couldn’t help but gasp at the lick, watching it a moment. It was… it had to be… so it had survived! And it was here now healthy…! She hadn’t failed as much as she thought… Her eyes seemed a little teary and she quickly reached out to hug the creature close. She held the dark pokemon though part of her whispered “I’m so sorry…I failed….”

She looked up to Nikolai, her eyes holding hurt and almost anger as she looked at him. She was about to demand he get the umbreon away from team rocket, that she’d take it by force if she had to when.. He held it out to her. One hand took the ball but she looked ….struck. As her free arm stayed tight around the umbreon she looked at him with a literal dropped jaw. How could this man… how could he be so nice? He was a rocket…. The ones who did this to the poor pokemon….that left her in a coma…”wh….how…” She couldn’t even think of anything to say.

Apollo was not quite as emotional as Miya but was still watching the scene, knowing how guilty she had felt. The apollo turned towards Delphi as she spoke, nodding and looking towards the scene again. “You‘d have to have been there years ago… when I was still an eevee and Miya was young she got lost and found a team rocket facility. She saw a pokemon…an umbreon being experimented on…tortured..” The pokemon paused, almost growling at what they had seen together. “She couldn’t resist trying to save it. The rockets caught her and nearly beat her to death for it…. We thought…we thought that pokemon was dead by now….” The guilt from being unable to protect her, barely evolving in time to save her life, hung over the espeon a moment.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 02:52 AM

The umbreon cooed and nuzzled against Miya happily. It was glad she was alright. Nikolai just looked a bit sheepish and uncertain for a moment when she took the pokeball. She seemed rather emotional over a random umbreon. He took a step back, rubbing the back of his head and glancing to Rokon, the vulpix watched curiously from her perch on the table. Nikolai's gaze returned to the girl. "Uhm..So.." He frowned slightly. The pokemon and the trainer were both acting as if they were being reunited after years of being separated.

He took a few more steps back. Team Rocket did have a habit of stealing pokemon..Maybe they had..? He shivered, not wanting to finish that thought and only mumbled a soft. "I'm sorry?" Maybe he should leave the pokemon and trainer alone now. He turned. Moving back to his table, picking that chair up and then his vulpix. Hugging her tight. He'd die if someone ever tried to take his Rokon from him. She meant the world to him. He nuzzled her softly and she licked his chin.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 03:41 AM

Miya slowly put the umbreon’s and leafeon’s poke balls in her pocket with her free hand, still not sure. She held the umbreon close as she slowly stood, nuzzling back a moment. “You do remember me…. “ She said quietly, watching the umbreon a moment longer before turning to look at the rocket. He wasn’t anything like the other team rocket members….he wasn’t…cruel…He cared about the pokemon. She glanced at her two other pokemon, smiling faintly at the leafeon, then before looking at the rocket. “Why?” She asked quietly, so many questions in her tone. Why was he a rocket? Why did he give the umbreon to her? Why was he…him?

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 07:36 AM

Nikolai's vulpix had perched herself on his shoulder and he had begun to pull some of the empty boxes out from beneath that table. Instead of just sweeping his arm across the table and knocking all the pokeballs that would fit into the box, he gently picked the pokeballs up one at a time and placed them softly into the box. As if trying to be careful to not jostle them too much. He blinked and looked at her. "Why?...Why what?" He looked a little confused at her question, but shrugged a bit and went about what he was doing. Being careful. Being gentle.

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xLilNekox is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 12:52 PM

Oh... well, you don't have to feel bad anymore, do you? I mean, it's safe and okay now, except for the little scar. That was a very nice thing of you to do, trying to save it. Delphi said. She watched as Nikolai handed the poke-ball to Miya. Oh, he's giving it to her! That's really nice... Well it does seem to like her a lot. Leafeon sat down, happy enough now because she knew what was going on.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 05:34 PM

Why are you so nice? Why ….how can you be with those people…” She asked quietly, pointing to the R on his uniform to make it clear who she meant. She shook her head, frowning and confused a moment before she walked over towards him. Slowly she began to put the poke balls in the boxes with him, perplexed…. She still held the umbreon close with one arm, unsure why it was so affectionate. Yes she’d tried to save it but…but she’d failed. She’d been too weak to get it out of there , to protect it…. Still…now, now she’d make sure nothing ever hurt it again…

Apollo nodded but said quietly I doubt she’ll stop feeling guilty completely for a long time…. That girl… she expects herself to be able to save the world….ah well, lets go help. With that the espeon playfully reached up and gently took Delphi’s ear in between its teeth so it could tug it ever so slightly. Releasing her it hoped up onto the table, using it’s tails to pick up poke balls and set them in the boxes.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 05:57 PM

Nikolai blinked at her when she asked those two questions, smiling softly at the first. "I dunno...I'm nice because that's just who I am, I guess." He had shrugged. She thought he was nice and for some reason that made him feel happy. Like..warm and fuzzy on the inside kind of happy. The second question made him frown deeply though. He shrugged again. "I suppose you could say I was born into it." He had mumbled that softly. Trying to look as if he were completely concentrating on the task at hand and nothing else. Careful with those pokeballs. Once that box was filled, he would carefully set it aside and grab another one. Her second question had immediatly squashed that warm and fuzzy feeling and now it just left him feeling empty. That was alright though, because at least he still had his Rokon. That vulpix made a soft sound and nuzzled against him.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 06:03 PM

((awwww *just wants to hug Niko so much now xD*))

“That makes no sense……” She said to the last bluntly, though she noticed the frown. She shifted uncomfortably, feeling rather guilty for it. She sighed a little, helping him fill the next box just as before as she shuffled on her feet. Why did he have to be so nice, good looking, and just plain adorable? Really? It was starting to make her want to protect him….but…maybe it was an act? Or something?

She grasped at the straw but ultimately there was one thing even more powerful then her temper… her kind nature. Accordingly she sighed, mumbled “Sorry…” and patted his shoulder in a comforting way only to go back to putting the poke balls away… She was frowning in thought again, one hand reaching over to stroke Apollo’s head and Delphi’s if she followed Apollo.

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Old 04-07-2010, 09:12 PM

Delphi helped pack away more of the pokeballs into the box, using her tail. Kind of hard to grip something like that, but it was going pretty well anyways. At least Nikolai wasn't hiding from her, falling and collapsing tables or banging his head on anything. Silly, to be afraid of wild pokemon...We're usually more afraid of them then they are of us! Delphi thought to herself.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 09:16 PM

Trying not to feel guilty Miya absently reached out and stroked behind Delphi’s ear, watching as she helped. She really was a sweet natured pokemon… Miya couldn’t help but wonder why. Then again… she had always wondered what it was like to be a wild pokemon…or a pokemon period really.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 09:47 PM

He had shrugged again. Silent for awhile before he stopped putting the poke balls away and sat down on the ground near his chair. Taking his hat off and wiping his forehead as he looked to the female trainer. "Well..both my parent's are members of Team I really had no say. But I can choose what to do and how to act when they aren't around..and when the other Rocket's aren't watching me." He put that hat back on his head and pet his vulpix softly.


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 09:53 PM

Miya sighed, finishing the last of the poke balls. She turned towards him, crossing her arms as she looked down to where he sat on the ground. “You sound like a prisoner, you should just run.” she said bluntly, tilting her head to the side. She turned to look at the poke balls a moment before shifting her attention back to him. “… when you going to be done here anyway?” she asked almost cheerfully, deciding to change the subject.

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Old 04-07-2010, 10:58 PM

Delphi had always seen these Team Rocket humans everywhere and thought they were bad types, all of them. They weren't nice to their pokemon at all. Delphi always heard the pokemon talking upsettedly to other pokemon when they were out of their pokeballs. The rockets were not even nice to other members of team rocket. This guy was obviously different though.. especially seeing as he had been scared of her.

She had shown that she was nice, though! Delphi walked towards him and sat in front of him again trying to say, 'I am nice and I don't hurt people!'

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-08-2010, 03:08 AM

His eyes were on the girl and when she mentioned him being a prisoner and just running he shrugged. "Sometimes I feel like it...and I have thought of trying to leave..but Rocket members are everywhere. I'd have no where to run to." He forced a smile "We're almost done here. Just need to get all the pokeballs in the boxes and the boxes in the truck." He tilted his head back a bit to motion towards the truck that was parked to far from them. When the Leafeon approached him he eyed her critically for a moment. She wasn't wild anymore, so she couldn't possibly be dangerous. He smiled at her and reached out to pet her softly. "Heh. Pokemon are so cute." when they aren't wild. He finished that sentence in his mind.


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Old 04-08-2010, 07:35 PM

As the leafeon grew closer to him she gave Delphi an approving smile. She nodded subtly before looking over at Nikolai and frowning a little as he spoke. She watched him a moment, about to say something only to shake her head and turn back to tossing the last of the poke balls in the boxes. She wanted to shout at him to run anyway and just never stop…She had money…

Finally she simply muttered, “Yeah…. Pokemon are cute…” Miya was annoyed but there was little she could do really… It was his life… and there was a hidden benefit. With him in team rocket that meant there was also someone within who could stand in there way…or relay information to those who would…


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