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Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 12:14 AM

(Oh yeah! I was away from the computer for awhile... sorry~~! OH i forgot about the interveiw... we'll do stylist, interview, then games~~!)

Felix was prepared for the Games that would take place soon. But he forgot about two important parts. One, a stylist. Two, the interview. Damn... what will I say? I guess I'll respond however I feel like.... His stylist, Aequitas, a man with burly arms, yet a weirdly petite body, with hot pink hair. Felix smiled when he saw him. How flambount. Aequitas smiled with bright teeth, and started doing what was needed. By the end of the stylists session, he looked great, in an odd yet sinister way. He remebered while on the train, that his coach told him to go sinister for the interview, because that would make him seem like a likely winner. Suitable. Felix went down to the station where the interviews would take place. He sat next to Terra, the Girl tribute. Here we go... Right as it begun.

iirain is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 10:46 AM

Katry was brought to a salon type room, and was sat in a big chair. A women with gray hair and pastel colored clothes (I want you to think of my avatar when you think of this women) skipped up to her "Hello dear! I'm Monica, your stylist. I'm here you make you shine! I know what I'll do! sexy! That's exactly what you need!" she said in a sing song voice. Within minutes, Katry got up and looked at therself. A short-short blackdress with glowing flames spun around her. Black knee-high boots were wrapped around her legs along with more glowing fire over fishnet stockings. Her hair was cut and highlighted in red and blood red lip stick stained her lips. Oh my fucking god,Katry thought. Now she had to go to the interview.

Last edited by iirain; 04-15-2010 at 10:48 AM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 11:56 AM


MyLostEmpireKing is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 07:32 PM

(@iirain, really good with the stylist!)

Roy went to his stylist's room. His prep team shaved him, washed him from head to toe, and used some light makeup to cover his skin, damaged in District 1's harsh winters. Then Gillia, his stylist, walked in. He was a young man, flamboyent to say the least. He had colourful tatoos all over and his cloths resembled furniture. 'Oh, that's great', Roy though. 'He's gonna turn me into a sofa'. But he was wrong. Gillia blindfolded him, and ten minutes later he was dressed in what looked like pure gold (look at my avatar for a while - I'm trying to make him). A gold shirt. Golden pants. A gold cape. A gold bandana over his neck. His hear painted gold and spiked up. Gold and black eyeliner. Golden shoes, and a gold cane. He let out a short gasp. "You thought I'd let a District 1 tribute go looking like the rest of them?" Gillia asked. Roy clutched his fisted in anger. 'Just because my District is your lapdog doesn't mean you have to make me beautiful. After all, what do you care?' he thought. "Come on, come on", Gillia said. "We can't be late". He was rushed to where the chariots where. Then he saw his fellow tribute. She was dressed in silver from head to toe. A silver dress, a silver bandana under her chin, silver and black eyeliner, flowing silver hair, silver hills, and a silver bow in her hair. The anger that was in him just kept on growing. 'Oh great, now they are making it seem as if we are a team, when in fact soon we'll be killing each other'. Before he knew it, they were both on the chariot, and pulling out with a team of gold spray painted horses on one side and silver on the other. But despite his anger, he flashed a winning smile, lifted his chin, and looked as good as anyone from District 1 should. 'I'll get them for this', he promised to himself. But he just kept on waving and smiling.

iirain is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 08:22 PM

(Thanks! LOL, I wanted katry's ride to be awkward!)

As Katry wobbled around in her new black boots, Monica led her to a chariot. Troy stood there waiting in a black tuxedo. The tuxedo was lined with even more black flames. He stood there smiling at Katry's attempt to walk and couldn't hold back a chuckle. Katry scolded and clampered onto the charriot next to him. She had to hold on to him to keep from falling over. Two pitch black horses with flamed horse-shoes walked forward, sending Katry stumbling. She found her balance and started to wave at everyone. She flashed a white smile around the audience and to her much surprise, was returned by sighs of awe. Troy was having equally great luck with the audience. Katry sighed of relief at least I'm not hated like I should beshe thought Ah well, What do I care, it's not like I care about what people think of me. Life is not worth living! But Katry still smiled at everyone and won a few hearts. Troy looked at Katry Has she started to change yet? I hope she's relized....Oh she does clean up nice, doesn't she? he thought to himself.
Katry took her seat next to Troy at the end of the line of chairs. It didn't seem to be long before her name was called to be interviewed. The annoucer started to speak " So Katry, What do you think of our capital soo far?" Katry thought for a moment, she was supposed to act sexy How in the world do you do that? She decided to wing it and say smoothly " I don't know, I haven't been sightseeing. Have you? I've decided that this city is kind of boring. No one to playwith." She held back a giggle at the word play, replacing it with a satisfied grin. The annoucer blushed and moved onto another question "Have you talked to many of the other tributes much? What do you think of them?" Katry simply answered " I try not to get close to the people I'm going to kill if they don't kill me first." The people of the capital must not know about the team, she decided. The announcer nodded and smiled a cheeky grin. "Do you plan on winning the games?" Katry said aloud what she was thinking "Why? There's nothing back home to care about. My family died when I was 7." With that, the announcer rapped up the show. He did NOT want to get the capital feeling bad about the games.

Last edited by iirain; 04-15-2010 at 08:24 PM..

MyLostEmpireKing is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 10:02 PM

(@iirain, she really hatres life and the capital, doesn't she? :) )

Roy, being the boy from District 1, was the first to be interviewed. As his name was called, a few people from the crowd clapped. Then, the announcer mentioned that he was from District 1, which got the whole place shaking with auplaud and cheering and whooping. 'Lapdogs', Roy thought to himself. 'Is that what we are?'. He walked onto the stage and took a seat. The announcer began by mentioning that he seamed to be intirely made of gold. Roy smiled. Then the announcer said "You two looked quite charming together, you in gold, her in silver. This wiped the smile right off Roy's face. "Do you plan on working together during the games?" Roy thought for a moment. "Absalutly" he said. "I plan to work together at killing people who did absalutly nothing to me. And I plan on getting gifts from sponsors who have no intention to help me, but their pockets. And I plan to work with the other tributes to make your life at the capital fun". That's what he wanted to say. But he didn't. He simply anwered "The first thing they tought me at metal working class is that gold and silver don't together don't turn into gold silver, but white gold. That's what would happen if we joined". The announcer seemed surprised at the answer, but then quickly moved on to asking about Roy's personal life. How's your family? Where do you live? What do you do all day? Do you have a girlfriend? This got a sharp answer from Roy "I did before I left, but I doubt that I will after them. I'm likely to be friends with my dead grandmother and play chess in the grave". Only he didn't say that either. "I do, back at home. I hope I'll still get to see her. You know, if I win this thing". "The capital is holding it's fingers for you" said the announcer. "Give it up for Roy, from District 1!"

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 11:01 PM

(whoops, missed a bit...)

Felix didn't pay much attention to the parade. It was all such a blur anyways. He waved, kept his distance from the girl tribute next to him, and tried to smile. All that came across was a grimace... probably not the best ways to get sponcers. Oh well, at least this would be a slightly harder challenge.
It was time for the interview. He smiled at District 1's males responces. It seemed like he wanted to say different things, and it obviously showed. Then it was time for his turn. The interviewer asked him if he had a girlfriend back home. "Not a chance," He began, "I knew I would have to be a tribute at one point. I didn't want to lose her." That made silence in the crowd. "Why.. do you think you would've been picked? You don't think the competition has been RIGGED do you?" Felix knew it had, but that's not the way to answer. "haha! No of course not. All the unlucky ones seem to be picked. I'm one of them! I'm not strong, I'm weak infact. I was too scared to even LOOK at my score!" He hadn't looked actually, but he knew he wasn't weak. That was a lie. He figured he did pretty well. The look on the interviewers face looked astonished. "Are... you SERIOUS? You got a nine! That's great!" But Felix decide to try to make the crowd laugh. So he looked genuinely depressed. "A nine? UGGG!!! That's sooo bad! I wanted to get at LEAST a 13!" That got the crowd laughing. It was like that for the remainder of the three minutes. But then he had to go. A 9? Not bad. There have definetly been worse. Oh well. The tournament begins soon, I better say my last words. And so he went to his coach, and told her thanks, and went up to bed. The tournament would begin in about two hours... Then hell time.

(Okay, the tournament begins next!)

iirain is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 12:18 AM

(LOL, now I get to make the arena! WOO! You're all jealous, I know :D )

Katry looked up at her score, a 13. 13? What do you get points for scaring the hell out of the judges? Katry thought. Katry focused, any minute now, Ill be in a tube waiting for the gun shot. As Katry walked itno the tube, Katry looked around her. A frozen tundra wasteland whirled around the tube. Luckily her stylist, Monica, Dressed her extra warm with insulating that keeps heat in. Katry sqwinted and saw the cornicopia way in the distance. She deffinitly could get there in no time. The gun shot and Katry ran the fastest she had ever run before. She was the first one to the cornicopia so had the best pick. She grabbed a rifle and a silver handgun along with a backpack filled to the brim with food. As she was running away, she grabbed a knife and a slim bow and arrows. As she sprinted to a pine tree, she noticed a few polar bears, an ice pond, and penguins. They deffinitly provided the tributes with food. Katry clampered up the pine tree and looked out. She saw the other team mates coming her way and ducked. If they could see her, anyone could.

Last edited by iirain; 04-16-2010 at 10:29 PM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 04-17-2010, 01:13 AM


Felix was sent to the arena, and waited the minute he had to. when it was over, he lagged a bit at the begin, but made it there second, after Katry. Good, my allies alright I got myself a katar, and put a firm foot near the weapon stack. When someone from District 8 showed up next to me, at my right, I swung, and almost decapitated the girl. Her comrade, the male from District 8 charged at me in pure anger. I stabbed him with my katar, but he pulled out a sword, and deflected the main strike. he was still wounded fataly, but he might still hurt me. So I quickly dispatched him with my assassination skills, and started retreating. Someone was behind me, and I bumped into him. I quickly swung around, and cut off District 5's males arm. He screamed in a loud and inhuman manner. I then finished him. I started running off towards Katry, yelling "I come in Peace! Don't fire!" I noticed the guns in her hands. I wouldn't want to be shot. This was starting off well.

iirain is offline
Old 04-17-2010, 06:51 PM

As Felix ran towards Katry, she put down her gun. It would have been too easy to kill him then and there, but, Katry still had the rest of the tournament to kill him. Katry waited for him to get up the tree and then spyed around the arena. Troy was locked in battle with a tribute 2. He was better a fighter than Katry had thought. He was using a hunting knife to slice and block blows from his opponent. Within secons, the other tribute was dead. Katry kept watching, another tribute was coming up behind him with a long sword. Katry coudn't call out to him without sending a alarm to all of the other tributes exactly where they were. Katry gasped in horror, Troy had died. The cannon blew and Katry swore to herself she'd never make another friend again. They only disapointed you. Felix joined at siting at the top of the tree. Katry had a hard time keeping herself from lamenting over her fallen comrade. Instead she punched Felix in the arm and moved to another branch.

Last edited by iirain; 04-17-2010 at 06:56 PM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 04-18-2010, 04:03 AM

(WOW! I didn't expect him to die... haha... already 4 are dead... wow... Three from me too! how about... 9 or so die in total. No more than 13...)

Felix winced in a slight pain from the small blow Katry gave him. It wasn't too strong, but it definetly wasn't weak. "What do we do now? Stay for the fight, or go in flight? Your choice. I'm perfectly happy either way." I didn't care, because it was cold either way. I hated the cold, but the polar bears made me laugh almost. Too weird. The penguins too. The gamemasters probably had a cruel and sick idea for us involving them.

iirain is offline
Old 04-18-2010, 05:27 PM

(I have a question for you, how do we want to end this? I have an idea, but I think it's pretty corny)

Katry Thought about Felix's question. Should they stay and fight or leave? Katry went over the possibilties. They could wait until the others leave then stay in the cornicopia. That might work, but they also could get to the frozen lake to have a go at ice-fishing. But then again, This tree seemed secure enough. "I think we should wait until the others clear out then scavage what we can from the cornicopia. If they don't leave, we could clear them out ourselves. Oh, and don't break that bow, it slowed me down as I was carrying our food." Katry saw a tribute savanging from the cornicopia. He was all alone and he wasn't watching his own back. Katry dropped down from the tree silently and moved around the cornicopia. She shot the tribute straight in the heart. Then she ran back and clampered back up the tree silently. Perfect, another one down. Katry thought. At this rate, the tornament will be down in a week. Katry looked up at the sky. It was already getting dark. I geuss the artic has different darkness times than district 12. Katry sighed and closed her eyes.

iirain is offline
Old 04-24-2010, 01:44 PM

(Guys I edited everything we wrote! Look!)

Name of Character: Roy
District: 1
Weapon: Silver Bow (Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket)
skills: Bow and arrow, jewel knowledge, horseback rider, pet fox
SMALL background: born to a wealthy family in district one where Roy is raised to be a fashion designer
Family: Mom, dad, two older brothers
Age: 14
Roy's face turned pale as the moment registered. His voice still echoed on the walls of the district one town square. He clenched his hands into fists until his knuckles turned white and stepped awkwardly towards the stage. He joined the girl tribute on stage and the mayor read the dreary treaty. Then, the Peacemakers stepped up and took them to the waiting room where they'll say goodbyes to their families. Roy got one last look at the crowd, all looking thankful they weren't chosen. Roy gasped as he realized something: this might be the last time he'll see any of them.
Roy's family burst through the doors. The rich velvet couch almost broke when the entire family sat on it. They immediately started giving him tips on how to survive and promised to wait and watch every moment (as if they had a choice). All too soon, the hour ended and Roy's family had to go. His father gave him a tiny compass, which had a ruby, Roy's birthstone, on the back. "I wanted to give it to you on your wedding day", he said, "But it seems like the chances are all but against you". And he walked away. The doors closed. Just like that, the Capital ruined his life. Roy knew cameras would watch him come out of the waiting room and put on a brave face. He wouldn't give the Capital the impression he was just another tribute to die in their games.
Cameramen flooded the platform where Troy and the girl tribute, who's name he has bothered to find out, Perry Hanson her name, would mount the high-speed train to the capital. They were rushed through the hundreds of people and in seconds they were in the train. A seven car train, with running water, kitchens, servants, and... Food. Lots of food. Roy, being from a noble family of people who'd always had enough to put on the table, would use manners at the meals, until his mentor, a young blonde man named Skylo, winner of the 89th Hunger Games, told him 'manners won't help you in there. Put some weight on while you still can'. In seven hours they came to a halt at the Capital. A special terminal has been set up for the Games. The District 1 tributes got off the train, Roy with his father's token and Perry with nothing. As they got off and headed towards a car that will take them to meet their stylists, just before they entered, when the whole lot of cameras would surely catch it, Perry leaned in and kissed Roy on the cheek.
Roy went to his stylist's room. His prep team shaved him, washed him from head to toe, and used some light makeup to cover his skin, damaged in District 1's harsh winters. Then Gillia, his stylist, walked in. He was a young man, flamboyant to say the least. He had colorful tattoos all over and his cloths resembled furniture. 'Oh, that's great', Roy though. 'He's gonna turn me into a sofa'. But he was wrong. Gillia blindfolded him, and ten minutes later he was dressed in what looked like pure gold (look at my avatar for a while - I'm trying to make him). A gold shirt. Golden pants. A gold cape. A gold bandana over his neck. His hear painted gold and spiked up. Gold and black eyeliner. Golden shoes and a gold cane. He let out a short gasp. "You thought I'd let a District 1 tribute go looking like the rest of them?" Gillia asked. Roy clutched his fisted in anger. 'Just because my District is your lapdog doesn't mean you have to make me beautiful. After all, what do you care?' he thought. "Come on, come on", Gillia said. "We can't be late". He was rushed to where the chariots where. Then he saw his fellow tribute. She was dressed in silver from head to toe. A silver dress, a silver bandana under her chin, silver and black eyeliner, flowing silver hair, silver hills, and a silver bow in her hair. The anger that was in him just kept on growing. 'Oh great, now they are making it seem as if we are a team, when in fact soon we'll be killing each other'. Before he knew it, they were both on the chariot, and pulling out with a team of gold spray painted horses on one side and silver on the other. But despite his anger, he flashed a winning smile, lifted his chin, and looked as good as anyone from District 1 should. 'I'll get them for this', he promised to himself. But he just kept on waving and smiling.
Roy, being the boy from District 1, was the first to be interviewed. As his name was called, a few people from the crowd clapped. Then, the announcer mentioned that he was from District 1, which got the whole place shaking with applaud and cheering and whooping. 'Lapdogs', Roy thought to himself. 'Is that what we are?'. He walked onto the stage and took a seat. The announcer began by mentioning that he seamed to be entirely made of gold. Roy smiled. Then the announcer said "You two looked quite charming together, you in gold, her in silver. This wiped the smile right off Roy's face. "Do you plan on working together during the games?" Roy thought for a moment. "Absolutely" he said. "I plan to work together at killing people who did absolutely nothing to me. And I plan on getting gifts from sponsors who have no intention to help me, but their pockets. And I plan to work with the other tributes to make your life at the capital fun". That's what he wanted to say. But he didn't. He simply answered "The first thing they thought me at metal working class is that gold and silver don't together don't turn into gold silver, but white gold. That's what would happen if we joined". The announcer seemed surprised at the answer, but then quickly moved on to asking about Roy's personal life. How's your family? Where do you live? What do you do all day? Do you have a girlfriend? This got a sharp answer from Roy "I did before I left, but I doubt that I will after them. I'm likely to be friends with my dead grandmother and play chess in the grave". Only he didn't say that either. "I do, back at home. I hope I'll still get to see her. You know, if I win this thing". "The capital is holding it's fingers for you" said the announcer. "Give it up for Roy, from District 1!"
Name of Character - Felix Arcsaw
District - 7
Weapon (plus pic if you want) - Katar
skills - Assassination skills
SMALL background - His father was an assassin for the Capitol, and he picked up on the skills along the way.
Family - Father and a sister
Age - 17

The awkward moment passed as Felix went onstage with the girl tribute. Unfortunately, she was only 13, making it unlikely for her to win. Fortunately, that would mean it would be simpler for him to kill her. He would try to team up with her later on, if she was still alive after the first day. If she could survive that initial onslaught, she could survive a whole lot more. Then an idea came to Felix's mind as he was thinking about this. He could try to be one of the careers, and when it was his turn to take watch, as they always did in the careers camp, he would kill them all. Interesting plan... Felix thought, It might work. He went onboard the train, headed for the capitol, along with the girl tribute, whose name was Terra, and with a previous winner from District 7, Ali. This would be interesting at least.
Felix's father decided to help him learn a quick skill which would prove to be useful in the field. He taught him to move. In trees without making a sound, while walking, while running, while swimming, and all sorts of useful stuff. He even taught him how to stalk someone while killing him and 4 others without making a sound. That skill would be useless however, because the cannon would sound when he killed one of them. Then the sun fell from the sky, and it was dark. A peacekeeper came into they're house, and they had to part from one another. He left the house and went onto a train which took him to the Capitol. Ali tried to teach him and Terra some skills, but none were learned by him. Terra seemed to pay attention and learned a lot. Maybe she would be more useful than he originally thought. They decided that Terra and him would be partnered up at the start, and they should not fight unless they were attacked. At least at the initial onslaught. Felix didn't like that idea. He kept him mouth closed though. Soon, they reached the Capitol.
Felix, Terra, and Ali had exited. They had their tiny parade which he didn't pay much attention to. He went in, ate, and went to bed. Nothing too exciting. The next morning however, it was time to have a private training session. He went in and scanned the crowd. Nothing too interesting. As usual, the people from 1 2 and 4 were together. He would kill them off ASAP. There was a depressed girl from District 12. One of the people from District 1 wasn’t a buff meathead that would kill on sight. He seemed to have a brain. Interesting. And I thought I wouldn’t think of teaming up with anyone this early. Maybe he would team up with him. Plant a spy in the Careers. An idea for later. He went to the bow and arrow section when it all began. He picked up a bow and placed an arrow in it. He pulled back, and let the arrow fly. It hit the human target, but in the arm. Not much damage. And it didn't even move. I'm not too good at this... I'll stick here for awhile. And so Felix stayed there until he could hit the dummy while it was moving in the chest. He then went over the trapper, who tried to teach him some basic traps, which were pretty simple. He at least seemed happy that he got someone over their. He went over to the camouflage person, and learned about camouflage. If he could camouflage himself in the arena, no one would see him, OR hear him. That would be good. He decided to go to the spear throwing station until lunch, which was only an hour away. Over all, very interesting.
Felix looked around the lunch room and looked around. The tributes from District Twelve seemed to be sitting together. So did the tributes from 1 2 and 4. The rest was pretty spread out. Felix decided to sit with the district 12 tributes. They seemed to be halfway smart. "Hi, I'm from District 7. You're from 12, right? Mind if I sit with you?" He was fairly certain they would say yes, but they might surprise him.
Felix smiled at his carelessness. He honestly didn't give a shit. She seemed a confused at first, but went with the program. He sat down next to them. "My name is Felix. I think that we should team up for the Games. The Careers will team up and easily kill anyone if they're by themselves, but if we're not alone, we'll have a chance against them. What do you say? Teams?" He knew that he could probably kill all of the careers by himself on the first day, but if he doesn't manage to do that, they would have weapons, and thus, more powerful. This would be annoying if that would happen.
Felix looked at them and smiled when they agreed to team up with him. This would be good. He said his thanks and went back to his room. He went to bed and fell asleep shortly after. When he woke up, he was feeling good. It was time for Private Training session. He went to the room in the middle, so the gamemasters were still paying attention. He made himself invisible with camouflage in the room and decided to silently run across the room, destroying the dummies for the archery with his knife. He then switched to the katar when he realized there was one, and used it skillfully for them. He then undisguised himself, and bowed for the Gamemasters. He waited until they told him to go. He went to his room. Tomorrow the games began.
Felix was prepared for the Games that would take place soon. But he forgot about two important parts. One, a stylist. Two, the interview. Damn... what will I say? I guess I'll respond however I feel like.... His stylist, Aequitas, a man with burly arms, yet a weirdly petite body, with hot pink hair. Felix smiled when he saw him. How flambount. Aequitas smiled with bright teeth, and started doing what was needed. By the end of the stylist’s session, he looked great, in an odd yet sinister way. He remembered while on the train, that his coach told him to go sinister for the interview, because that would make him seem like a likely winner. Suitable. Felix went down to the station where the interviews would take place. He sat next to Terra, the Girl tribute. Here we go... Right as it begun.
Felix didn't pay much attention to the parade. It was all such a blur anyways. He waved, kept his distance from the girl tribute next to him, and tried to smile. All that came across was a grimace... probably not the best ways to get sponsors. Oh well, at least this would be a slightly harder challenge.
It was time for the interview. He smiled at District 1's males responses. It seemed like he wanted to say different things, and it obviously showed. Then it was time for his turn. The interviewer asked him if he had a girlfriend back home. "Not a chance," He began, "I knew I would have to be a tribute at one point. I didn't want to lose her." That made silence in the crowd. "Why.. Do you think you would've been picked? You don't think the competition has been RIGGED do you?" Felix knew it had, but that's not the way to answer. "Ha-ha! No of course not. All the unlucky ones seem to be picked. I'm one of them! I'm not strong, I'm weak infact. I was too scared to even LOOK at my score!" He hadn't looked actually, but he knew he wasn't weak. That was a lie. He figured he did pretty well. The look on the interviewers face looked astonished. "Are... you SERIOUS? You got a nine! That's great!" But Felix decides to try to make the crowd laugh. So he looked genuinely depressed. "A nine? UGGG!!! That's sooo bad! I wanted to get at LEAST a 13!" That got the crowd laughing. It was like that for the remainder of the three minutes. But then he had to go. A 9? Not bad. There have definitely been worse. Oh well. The tournament begins soon; I better say my last words. And so he went to his coach, and told her thanks, and went up to bed. The tournament would begin in about two hours... Then hell time.
Felix was sent to the arena, and waited the minute he had to. When it was over, he lagged a bit at the begin, but made it there second, after Katry. Good, my allies alright I got myself a katar, and put a firm foot near the weapon stack. When someone from District 8 showed up next to me, at my right, I swung, and almost decapitated the girl. Her comrade, the male from District 8 charged at me in pure anger. I stabbed him with my katar, but he pulled out a sword, and deflected the main strike. He was still wounded fatally, but he might still hurt me. So I quickly dispatched him with my assassination skills, and started retreating. Someone was behind me, and I bumped into him. I quickly swung around, and cut off District 5's males arm. He screamed in a loud and inhuman manner. I then finished him. I started running off towards Katry, yelling "I come in Peace! Don't fire!" I noticed the guns in her hands. I wouldn't want to be shot. This was starting off well.
Felix winced in a slight pain from the small blow Katry gave him. It wasn't too strong, but it definitely wasn't weak. "What do we do now? Stay for the fight, or go in flight? Your choice. I'm perfectly happy either way." I didn't care, because it was cold either way. I hated the cold, but the polar bears made me laugh almost. Too weird. The penguins too. The gamemasters probably had a cruel and sick idea for us involving them.
Name of Character: Katry
District: originally 13 but ran away to 12
Weapon: carries a small wooden gun, as well as a slender bow
skills: small bow and arrow skills, artist, and sharpshooter
SMALL background: born in district 13, when the capitol started killing, she ran to distirct 12 where she grew up.
Family: none, died in district 13
Age: 16

As Katry's name was drawn from the jar, she smiled. She didn't need to live her life; there was nothing worth living for. All of her family had died from the capitol and Katry ached to join them. She didn't care if she lived or died, life wasn't worth living in district 12, much less district 13. Katry walked casually onto the wooden stage. She beamed down at everyone and they returned her beam with faces of horror. Katry's golden hair bounced as she shook the mayor's hand, she used this moment to sneak a peak at the male tribute. He was a muscular fellow with pitch black hair and eyes. Katry thought for a quick moment, I think his name is Troy, she thought. Best not to get caught up with friendship or anything as silly as that! The mayor clapped trying to encourage everyone else to, but no one did. Just then an old man volunteered to take Katry's spot! "NO!" Katry cried "I want to!" The old man pleaded that she would let him take her place, that she was too young to try! He stepped onto the stage, so Katry shoved him off. Everyone in the crowd gasped and ran to him. He was dead, all because of Katry; all he did was try to help her.
Katry pushed through the door and sat shocked onto the rich velvet couch. What happened out there? She thought. Had she really just pushed and killed an old man trying to help her? Another reason life wasn't worth any trouble. The door pulled open and a dozen reporters shoved their way in. "Katry! Katry! Why did you shove the old man? Were you afraid to have all blame on you?" they asked. Katry couldn't answer them all but they kept on demanding. Then Troy stepped in and hustled everyone out. "Better?" he asked. Katry just sat there gapping. Why was he being nice to her? At the moment, she was possibly the most hated girl in district 12!
Katry and Troy sat on the train across from each other. Troy seemed to want to make great friends with the other tribute, but, she didn't want any part of a friendship. "So, does it make you feel any better that the old man had brain cancer and would have died anyway?" Troy asked. Katry sighed, "I’m afraid not." Troy chuckled and replied "Good, I was lying." Katry sighed again, she had the worst of luck; she hated chatter boxes. But to her mush surprise, Troy stayed as silent as Katry herself the rest of the dreaded train ride to the capitol. During the ride, Katry ate in silence at dinner with the man supposed to be helping her (Gandolpho) and troy. She was in no conversing mood until they were at the capitol.
Katry glanced around the room, eager to see her components. Over by the bow and arrow range was a boy from district 7 who seemed to be having trouble with shooting. But he seemed sly and smart; she'll try to stay on his good side. But Katry was feeling a little cocky and strolled up to the moving dummy. Off of the weaponry wall she took a simple handgun. As she walked to the other side of the room, she felt all eyes on her. So she got in position to aim. In no time the bullet was straight through where the dummy's heart would have been. She smirked, too easy. She put down the gun and walked to the camouflage set and painted the floor. She painted a river flowing under their feet. Flowers of all types seemed to reach up towards everyone. Another good job Katry told herself and almost skipped to the trap set. This was her worst spot and she might as well practice. Troy joined her and had excellence at it. He showed her how to set the more simple traps, and then taught her a few harder ones. "That was some sharpshooting, and I thought I was going to drown in the river!" He whispered. Katry smiled a small little smile, and that was all it took for Troy to know he had succeeded at becoming her friend. DARN IT! Katry thought. He's too good at this.
Katry looked around the lunchroom but the district 7 fellow seemed to be talking to her and troy. Katry nodded her head uncertain. Troy had a mouthful of taco but still beamed and shouted " Sure -munch- we wone bie (we won't bite) -munch"
"Hello. I’m Katry and this is Troy." Katry replied to a boy trying to team up with them. He said his name was Felix. She didn't want to answer the question of teaming up. She didn't even want to team up with Troy. But of course, Troy smiled and almost shouted "Of course I will, but I don't know if my friend, Katry, here will" Oh Troy, Katry thought, why did he put her in this position? Didn't he know she wasn't outgoing like he is?

Katry finally nodded after a minute or so to agree to the team. She didn't seem quite into it though.
Katry feel asleep thinking.....was she actually good enough to play the games?

The next morning, Katry was awoken by Troy leaning over her. "WAKE UP!" He shouted and trotted out of the room. Katry groaned and got dressed. A she went into her private training session; she instantly looked to the gun wall. There it was! A silver double barrel shot gun! Oh Goody! She thought. So she took the gun off its hinges and looked down the barrel, perfect scope too! She saw that the gamemasters weren't looking so she decided to MAKE them look. She set he moving dummy right next to the gamemasters table. The master next to it eyed her suspiciously, but didn't do anything else. Katry walked to the furthest side of the room and landed a clean shot through the heart, making a lovely boom. The gamemaster closest to the dummy screamed and all of them saw the bullet hole. Katry smirked and said "oh, did I startle you? It's just this is such a pretty gun, it would have been a shame if you hadn’t seen that shot." So while the gamemasters were still watching her, she painted herself into the trap section where she set a few traps while she was painted. The gamemasters seemed impressed enough so Katry left the room. Let the games begin.
Katry was brought to a salon type room, and was sat in a big chair. A woman with gray hair and pastel colored clothes skipped up to her "Hello dear! I'm Monica, your stylist. I'm here you make you shine! I know what I'll do! Sexy! That's exactly what you need!" she said in a sing song voice. Within minutes, Katry got up and looked at herself. A short-short black dress with glowing flames spun around her. Black knee-high boots were wrapped around her legs along with more glowing fire over fishnet stockings. Her hair was cut and highlighted in red and blood red lip stick stained her lips. Oh my fucking god, Katry thought. Now she had to go to the interview.
As Katry wobbled around in her new black boots, Monica led her to a chariot. Troy stood there waiting in a black tuxedo. The tuxedo was lined with even more black flames. He stood there smiling at Katry's attempt to walk and couldn't hold back a chuckle. Katry scolded and clambered onto the chariot next to him. She had to hold on to him to keep from falling over. Two pitch black horses with flamed horse-shoes walked forward, sending Katry stumbling. She found her balance and started to wave at everyone. She flashed a white smile around the audience and to her much surprise, was returned by sighs of awe. Troy was having equally great luck with the audience. Katry sighed of relief at least I'm not hated like I should be thought Ah well, What do I care, it's not like I care about what people think of me. Life is not worth living! But Katry still smiled at everyone and won a few hearts. Troy looked at Katry has she started to change yet? I hope she's realized....Oh she does clean up nice, doesn't she? He thought to himself.
Katry took her seat next to Troy at the end of the line of chairs. It didn't seem to be long before her name was called to be interviewed. The announcer started to speak " So Katry, What do you think of our capital so far?" Katry thought for a moment, she was supposed to act sexy how in the world do you do that? She decided to wing it and say smoothly “I don't know, I haven't been sightseeing. Have you? I've decided that this city is kind of boring. No one to playwith." She held back a giggle at the word play, replacing it with a satisfied grin. The announcer blushed and moved onto another question "Have you talked to many of the other tributes much? What do you think of them?" Katry simply answered “I try not to get close to the people I'm going to kill if they don't kill me first." The people of the capital must not know about the team, she decided. The announcer nodded and smiled a cheeky grin. "Do you plan on winning the games?" Katry said aloud what she was thinking "Why? There's nothing back home to care about. My family died when I was 7." With that, the announcer rapped up the show. He did NOT want to get the capital feeling bad about the games.
Katry looked up at her score, a 13. 13? What do you get points for scaring the hell out of the judges? Katry thought. Katry focused, any minute now, Ill be in a tube waiting for the gun shot. As Katry walked into the tube, Katry looked around her. A frozen tundra wasteland whirled around the tube. Luckily her stylist, Monica, Dressed her extra warm with insulating that keeps heat in. Katry squinted and saw the cornucopia way in the distance. She definitely could get there in no time. The gun shot and Katry ran the fastest she had ever run before. She was the first one to the cornucopia so had the best pick. She grabbed a rifle and a silver handgun along with a backpack filled to the brim with food. As she was running away, she grabbed a knife and a slim bow and arrows. As she sprinted to a pine tree, she noticed a few polar bears, an ice pond, and penguins. They deffinitly provided the tributes with food. Katry clampered up the pine tree and looked out. She saw the other team mates coming her way and ducked. If they could see her, anyone could.
As Felix ran towards Katry, she put down her gun. It would have been too easy to kill him then and there, but, Katry still had the rest of the tournament to kill him. Katry waited for him to get up the tree and then spied around the arena. Troy was locked in battle with a tribute 2. He was better a fighter than Katry had thought. He was using a hunting knife to slice and block blows from his opponent. Within seconds, the other tribute was dead. Katry kept watching, another tribute was coming up behind him with a long sword. Katry couldn’t call out to him without sending an alarm to all of the other tributes exactly where they were. Katry gasped in horror, Troy had died. The cannon blew and Katry swore to herself she'd never make another friend again. They only disappointed you. Felix joined at sitting at the top of the tree. Katry had a hard time keeping herself from lamenting over her fallen comrade. Instead she punched Felix in the arm and moved to another branch.
Katry Thought about Felix's question. Should they stay and fight or leave? Katry went over the possibilities. They could wait until the others leave then stay in the cornucopia. That might work, but they also could get to the frozen lake to have a go at ice-fishing. But then again, this tree seemed secure enough. "I think we should wait until the others clear out then savage what we can from the cornucopia. If they don't leave, we could clear them out ourselves. Oh, and don't break that bow, it slowed me down as I was carrying our food." Katry saw a tribute savaging from the cornucopia. He was all alone and he wasn't watching his own back. Katry dropped down from the tree silently and moved around the cornucopia. She shot the tribute straight in the heart. Then she ran back and clampered back up the tree silently. Perfect, another one down. Katry thought. At this rate, the tournament will be down in a week. Katry looked up at the sky. It was already getting dark. I geuss the arctic has different darkness times than district 12. Katry sighed and closed her eyes.
"Hatter,why is a raven like a writing desk?"-Alice in Wonderland

I haven't the slightest idea!

Click please!----->

supermango is offline
Old 04-24-2010, 03:30 PM

(Ooh! I'd like to join!)

Name of character: Astrid Binstock
District: 11
Weapon: Twin knifes (link: )
Skills: Hunting and was hardened from the work in the mills
Background: Astrid grew up on a farm with her family. Her mother, father and older sister were all killed by the peacemakers one day, so she was adopted by a foster family that took her and her baby brother and sister in.
Family: Foster family (Mr and Ms Courd and their son Ferr), her younger sister, and her younger brother
Age: 15

(So, where are we now in the RP? ^_^)

iirain is offline
Old 04-25-2010, 12:30 AM

(supermango: HIYA! Thanks for joining. You may want to jam everything from the day the name was picked to the first night of the tournament)

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 04-25-2010, 01:03 AM

(YA!!! Sorry, i've been off for a litle while... I have buisness I have to do...)

supermango is offline
Old 04-29-2010, 11:38 AM

Astrid grimaced as they called out her name. She snapped her head up, turning to see if everyone was still there, if it wasn't a dream or hallucination. But no, everyone was there, looking at her, their dark eyes boring into hers. Why was everyone staring at her? She stood there for a second, then climbed up the stairs to the platform. She looked over at the boy tribute. He had dark brown eyes, tanned skin, and dirty blonde hair that clung to his neck. She snapped back to attention when the mayor began the dreary treaty. Astrid stood still as a statue for the rest of the treaty. When the treaty was over and it was time to go home, she realized something. I might never see them again. Tears began to well up in Astrid's eyes, but she brushed them away furiously. I'll see them again.. I'll make sure of it.

The next day, it was time for her to say goodbye. She sat in the cramped room, waiting for her family to come bursting in, but no. Only Ferr and her younger sister came. She stood up, confused. "Where are our parents? And Michael? She asked, her voice rising a bit in irritation. She sat down, sinking a little into the plushy couch. Ferr walked over to her, and put his arm around her. "They don't want to come." Astrid looked at him, wide-eyed. "But--" Ferr stopped her with a tentative hand and said, "Mom's in a depressed state and Dad's at the mill. But don't worry, Mom's taking care of Michael." Astrid relaxed a little. "Oh." Ferr smiled a little at her. "Yeah." Her younger sister, Arita, climbed up on Astrid's knee and kissed her softly. "I'll miss you, Asty," She said, hugging her. Astrid smiled. "I'll miss you, too, Rita." Arita climbed off of her knee and sat on the floor. They said nothing for a while, silence filling the room. Ferr sat down next to her, smiling a bit. Astrid smiled back warmly, and hugged him. They talked for a while, talking about life, and what lies ahead in the Hunger Games. "I'll watch you on TV," Ferr said, leaning in close to her. Astrid smiled. "I know you will be." Her head loomed closer to his, and they kissed. Astrid eyes widened, pulling away from him. He grinned, and stood up, picking up Arita, who had fallen asleep. "Bye," he said softly. Astrid stood up and hugged him. "Bye," she said. They kissed, and he left.

((OOC: I'll do the rest later.. I got to go to school.))

iirain is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 07:40 PM

(nobodys posted in a while....)

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 05-23-2010, 04:38 PM

(okay, this will be my last oh shoot i have to go... boss is calling... damn. plz just keep posting... I dont care about double postsx at the moment)


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