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Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-12-2010, 11:59 PM

Elliott nods slowly. "All right. Are you hungry or anything?" He looks unsure what to do. Akira walks to the door. "May I talk to you Elliott?" Elliott nods, wary of the tone of Akria's voice. Akira leads him out and a bit away before asking, "Why'd you fight to keep him alive? What's so special 'bout him?" Elliott sighs. "He wasn't violent towards me. And he's close to my age. You know I won't let people my age or younger be hurt for nothing."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 02:44 AM

After Elliott left, Wyatt contemplated trying to find a way out...but, the fact still remained that Elliott had disturbed him in the middle of his sleep, and he was incredibly tired. Giving in to his fatigue, Wyatt ambled over to the bed and crawled into it, finding that it was cushy and soft. He curled up, closing his eyes wearily. He just wanted to regain his strength. He didn't have enough of it, or enough willpower, to figure out what to do about his current situation at the moment. Sleep would do him well...

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 03:27 AM

Akira ponders that. "You could give him away." Elliott stares. "You make him sound like a sweater my grandmother gave me or something. Let's just try this out. ...Or do you have an issue?" Akira shrugs. "I dunno. I just have a funny feeling about him." Elliott rolls his eyes. "You said the same thing about Akitoshi. And he's harmless. You're just weird. And so are your feelings."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 03:37 AM

Sleep came to Wyatt quickly enough. This time, his sleep was dreamless. It was rare for him not to dream, but he had been so tired that his mind had been too fatigued to produce a dream of any kind. He was a deep took a lot to wake him up once he had his mind set on sleeping.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 04:21 AM

Elliott sighs after finishing his conversation with Akira. He then heads to his spot outside of the princess's room. He leans against the wall boredly. Looking around diligently, he begins to hum random songs to pass the time.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 03:52 AM

A while into his sleep, Wyatt finally began to dream. He had weird dreams most of the time--he didn't know why. He dreamt that he was running through a dark field, towards a light...but the light kept flitting away.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 04:06 AM

Elliott stays at his post, bored. He chews his lip, still humming. He wonders idly how he's going to train Wyatt. Maybe he could find another thing for him. Gate guard is easy, just opening and closing the gate as needed. He sighs thoughtfully, still chewing on his lip. He leans more against the wall.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 04:18 AM

After a moment, Wyatt woke up, sitting up quickly. He'd been shocked out of his dream, but he couldn't for the life of him remember what shocked him. He rubbed at his eyes, feeling refreshed, but he just sat there, not knowing what to do, now.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 04:27 AM

Elliott grumbles annoyedly. "There's a better chance of me growing boobs, than there is of her getting attacked. Seriously, why can't I just check on her?" He pouts, wandering around in circles. Akira wanders by him. "Oh chill, Elliott."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 04:41 AM

Wyatt scuttled over to the door of his room and opened it just a bit, peering around the hallway. He had no idea where to go, or what to do. He wondered where Elliott was.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 02:34 AM

Elliott stares at Akira. "Watch my post. Imma go check on Wyatt." With that he slips back down to where he had been. He waves when he sees Wyatt. "You're up. Need anything?" He doesn't feel like going back to guard, but without having a reason, he may have to.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 06:08 AM

Wyatt simply glanced around the hallway, nibbling on one of his fingers. "...Sweets. I'm hungry. I only eat sweet, unhealthy foods..." The way he declared this made him sound like he didn't get out much...didn't have many friends. Everything about him seemed socially awkward.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 06:11 AM

Elliott nods. "Let's see what we have." With that, he heads down down the hall, glancing behind him to make sure Wyatt's following. Once he reaches the kitchen, he gestures around. "See what you can find." He ambles over to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.


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