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did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 03:33 AM

(( Yeah, okay, no problem ^^ ))

Laurent suppressed the urge to paint as he listened to the teacher when she walked in. When she said that today was a free day, he smiled to himself and continued painting. He pulled out an image from when he was a child and made it grow, then painted what he thought it would look like from the old him, the simpler, less serious, more emotional him. Art was his vent. When he was too much of one emotion, he loved to come to art class and paint. But because of the night students, he never got to stay after school, and he never had the chance to doodle during class because he was always too busy doing something else, or finishing a book, or even taking notes on occasion. He only noticed that Cora was right next to him when he finished his first painting and smiled at her, trying to get a peek at what she was working on. Most of whatever Cora painted originated from her sketches, he noticed, while he, went straight to the paint, completely ignoring the planning. He always thought that if he made a mistake, he could just cover it up by fixing everything else with it.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 04:43 AM

((OMG... sorry sorry sorry... Now i feel really bad.
Hey did that girl ever write back in the OOC thread... I forgot to check))

Cora finished up the outline to her painting. It had no words of course but it was pretty cool how she was able to integrate each girl to look like the one in front of it with a slight change in expression of physical appearance. She grabbed some of the paints that were near her work station, on the counter. Thats when she noticed Laurent. He had painted a beautiful, flowery picture that just jumped off the page. She stood behind it for a minute to look at the way he had painted it, the way he had blended the colors together. It was simply amazing to her. Thinking that he might think she was stalkerish she backed off and went back to her work station. She started to work on the colors for the people in the picture and once it was done, she set it down on the drying rack. She took another canvas and started to just paint with the colors she had. Drawing inspiration from Laurent, she smiled and looked at him for a second then went back to painting. She didnt know why she had done it this way but without the outline it was really good. No it wasnt a flowery picture. It was more of one of Laurent himself that she could paint instead of outlining first. When she was finished, she turned the painting over and kept the picture on her eisle in case he wanted to look at it. Thats if he even noticed that she had done something like that. The bell rang, so she grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom in search of her friends.

Artimis looked at the girl then down at the plate she was holding. "Oh right." She said, finally getting the memo about the dish. With that, she knew that they would probably need some soap. So she went in search of it, checking every cabinet that could possibly have it inside. She checked one under the one with the plates and there it was. The soap she was looking for. It wasnt the pour over soap. No this one was the cubed soap that humans had made so that all you had to do was stick it inside and it would be the right amount, instead of having to measure it all out. "Alright cool." She opened up the package and threw the soap into its little container thing, closing the capover it. "So we ready to get some chocolate? Or do you want to wait until after class?" She smiled devilishly at the girl as she began to walk back towards the stairs to get to her room.

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 10:34 PM

(( I havent heard anything from her in awhile... And its okay, I've been swamped with RPs so its been quiet conveinient for me. Sorry its taken so long to reply, though ))

Laurent smiled a little at her canvas. It was a beautiful picture that somewhat resembled himself but with angelic wings on one side and demonic ones on the other. He chuckled, thinking it suited him and went back to his own station. When he saw that he was out of a specific green that he needed, he went to the front of the class to retrieve it, but the bell rang before he could do anything. He sighed in disappointment and went to his backpack to pack up. When he was finished cleaning up, he walked out of the room and went straight to the cafeteria. He never sat with anyone important, but the people called him their friend, and he never really hung out with anyone specific, so he went along with it, and pretended that they were his friends. He never had anything bad to say about them, but if he had the choice, he wouldn't even be at this school. He grabbed his lunch tray of a large hamburger, fries, some tater-tots, and a chocolate chip cookie, and went to the table with a clear face. He sat down and pretended to listen as his "friends" all started to tell him how their day had gone so far.

Mika took the plate that she was given and put it in, next to hers. Moments later, when Artemis came in with the soap, she watched as she inserted it in the cartridge and turned it on. "Great. It should be done before he head out to school..." She thought aloud. She was glad that Artemis knew how to work the strange machine, because she had only seen it done by her maids. She followed Artemis to the base of the stairs and smiled up at her when she asked if she wanted the chocolate now, or after school. Mika's answer was almost automatic. "Now." She smiled. Then she remembered her manners and quickly added, "Please and thank you."

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 03:24 PM

Teran came running down the stairs, his stomach making him feel like he wanted to throw up, he was so hungry. When he saw the two girls standing there, he tried to skid to a stop. He was successful, except he managed to stop with his face inches from Jaden's, his arms pressed on the wall to either side of her. His eyes gleamed in the low lighting of the stair-case, very very wide. This was the closet he had gotten to any of the demons since he'd been there, with the exception of fighting during training. He pushed himself off the wall, obviously a bit freaked out. "Uh, er, I mean, um, Sorry." He said really quickly as his stomach growled menancingly and then dashed the rest of the way down the stairs to the kitchen. He flew through it, finding jerky to snack on until he could fix a real breakfast. He shuddered, thinking that he could have gotten into a fight. He noticed the night students tend to be like that here. He frowned as he poured some milk into a bowl of fruit loops. They didn't seem too bad. Maybe cuz their girls, he thought.

Kiona was scowling as she walked around the halls through the dorm rooms. She was really unhappy. She had forgotten her paints, of all things. She couldn't help it but had a dark storm cloud over her head with lightning striking at her head every now and then. She didn't mean to place it there but it was there anyway. She was very VERY unhappy that she had forgotten the one thing that actually made the rainbows she wanted, and there was no way she was going to ask her family to bring them to her. They knew she had them but they thought she only used the darker greys and blacks. If they brought them, they'd notice the lack of paint in the brighter colors. She sighs, waving her had at the cloud, making it disappear. She walked back towards her room, thinking that maybe her colored pencils will work for to rid her of her foul mood for now.

(I know no chat on her but let me know if the blue is hard to read and I'll fix and erase this message :) )

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 05-17-2010 at 03:30 PM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 05:08 PM

((Hey were doing it to LMAO))

Artimis was turning around, giggling from the sudden add in of manners, when the girl said an absolute NOW about the chocolate. She was about to go up the stairs when a boy came running down them. It looked like he was in a rush and had almost hit her while trying to stop, but instead he ended up pretty much pinning her to a wall with his arms on either side. She tried to hide the blush that was slowly creeping onto her face. The boy pushed off though his eyes were wide. She had an almost shy dumbfounded look on her face from surprise of him being there. This was a situation she had never been in. She had never been so close to a guy demon, or any guy for that matter. Now she was face to face with one. He apologized to her in a way which told her that he was freaking out about what happened as well. It was hard to get her voice to say work so that she could say it was ok what he had done, but it wasnt coming out. So she just stood there and watched as he ran off into the kitchen because his stomach had growled. The boy had an extremely handsome face which was another reason she was blushing as much as she did. With a curious yet shy face, she stared at the boy then shook her head out of it looking back at Mika. "Ok... Lets go get some chocolate."

Lunch time. The best time of day for Cora. This was when all of her friends hung out and talked like normal girls. They would talk about the newest party coming up, the latest car their dads had bought for them or even the boys from both the night school and the day school. This was the time of day where Cora actually let her friends talk about the night students near or to her. And it was also the time of day she would talk about them back to her friends. She and her friends usually didnt eat much but when they did, you wouldnt be able to tell. Cora had actually gotten a good amount of food for lunch today. It was going to be a big hockey game that she needed to win so she needed to keep her strength up, though not kill her body too much. The calorie count usually got higher on game days because those were the days she worked extra hard. Other times she just ate a little bit of food that made it enough to keep her weight low. Like all girls, she liked watching her weight to make sure she still liked the way she looked. It wasnt for approval from boys but that was usually the result of it anyways. Today her friends were talking about the hockey guys and the hockey guys seemed to be watching them carefully, pointing and laughing or just smiling while they talked about the girls at the table. Out of all the girls at this table she was the only one not labled the usual popular girl status of whore. This was only because she hadnt really dated many guys like most of her friends who would pick up a guy and then, maybe two months later, dump him on the grounds of cheating or not liking him or something like that. That was usually the case anyways. Cora looked around for a minute to see Laurent sitting with friends that didnt seem to suit him. She watched them for a couple seconds before she was called by her friends again to the talking business.

Last edited by Daeman35; 05-17-2010 at 07:12 PM..

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 09:00 PM

Kiona went into her room and took out a sketch pad and her small collection of colored pencils. She went to her window and sat on the sill, looking outside. She had a perfect view of the day students lunch yard, as well as the art room. She smiled, realizing that it was lunch time for the sky students. She grinned, liking the nickname she just gave them. She set about to work, sketching first with a regular pencil, keeping the lines really light. Then she began with the splashes of color. She had noticed a group of girls, well, one girl really that had brown hair but a blonde streak through the front of it. She grinned. She was perfect for what she wanted. She looked for the male specimen for her drawing. She grinned bigger, finding Laurent in his group as well. She drew the two groups but with the pair of humans that she picked standing out. She closed her eyes for a minute, concentrating then opened them again. She saw colors swirl around the humans, their auras. This was one talent her family had exploited multiple times. You could tell a lot about somebody from the color of their aura. She colored and scribbled like mad. She hoped they wouldn't notice but didn't care that they did. It was just... she had this cyan blue hair and that was unusual for humans. Maybe they'll think I dyed it, she thought. She smiled, continuing what she was doing.

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 09:13 PM

(( Yay! More peoples! ^^ ))

Mika smiled thankfully at Artemis when she nodded and said that they could go up and get the chocolates. Just then, a strange looking male came rushing down the stairs and nearly made Mika topple over! But when she regained her balance and looked over to Artemis, it turned out that he had failed at skidding to a stop and had her pinned to the wall. She could smell the awkward. She looked closer at Artemis and noticed a slight blush on her cheeks. The boy has eyes as wide as dinner plates and was stumbling for words to apologize to her. It was tragically funny to Mika, but she bit her tongue so that she wouldn't laugh. Mika watched as he found the words, then continued to rush down the stairs in a heap of busy. She smiled at the back of his running form and when he seemed to be in the kitchen, she turned back to Artemis with a raised eye brow. "Well..." She smiled mischievously. "That was...interesting?" She giggled, then grabbed Artemis's arm. "Come on, you look like a deer in headlights, while I'm sitting here craving for chocolate." She smirked. "We should go talk to him later." She added on conspicuously, wanting to see what would happen if they met again under not so personal circumstances...

Laurent frowned at his empty tray. He had finished eating and was slightly listening to what the people around him were saying. He stood up and smiled at them. "I'm still hungry. Be right back, guys..." He shrugged and came back moments later with twice the amount of food as before. He was always hungry for some reason, but his high metabolism often left him with a healthy looking body. His muscles weren't as big as the hokey player's but at least he had them, unlike his group of friends. Out of all of them, he seemed to be the best looking one, and out of all of them, he seemed to be the one that was turned down by women the most. It was tragic to him, really. He scarfed down a hot dog and spurted more ketchup on his burger as his friends started to pay more attention to him. He ignored their direct questions to him and slightly felt a pair of eyes on him. He started looking around, but failed to find anyone staring directly at him. He shrugged it off as his imagination and then went back to his tray of food. It was pretty good considering how he would eat practically anything, and the only thing back in the dorms were healthy foods that he never liked to eat, much less, snack on... Finally, he felt the eyes on him again, and he had the feeling to take a look up outside. He turned his head and was surprised to find a girl at a window looking down at him. She had strange blue hair, that had to have been dyed, and finally, he noticed where she was. In the night-student's building. He gave the girl a scowl and turned back to his plate of food, quiet frankly, annoyed by just the slight look at a night-student. Even if she was female, there was something about all of the night-students that just bothered him. Something wasn't right about them. Something not right at all...

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 12:50 AM

((Im dying of laughter right now from Mika's post... Ill post when i can get my barings back))

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 01:11 AM

(( Hahaha! Thanks ^^ ))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 01:16 AM


She could smell the awkward. She looked closer at Artemis and noticed a slight blush on her cheeks. The boy has eyes as wide as dinner plates and was stumbling for words to apologize to her.
Mika watched as he found the words, then continued to rush down the stairs in a heap of busy
"Come on, you look like a deer in headlights, while I'm sitting here craving for chocolate."

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 01:20 AM

(( THANK YOU! Its nice to know SOMEBODY recognizes my ingenious talent as a comedic writer!! >.< My darn Language arts teacher gave me a C for what truly deserved an A-A-A-A-A Perfect grade! >.< ))

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 01:50 AM

(I agree with you guys, its was really funny :XD)

Kiona had been scribbling when she looked up for to check a point of reference for the boy when she noticed he was looking at her. She was surprised at first but she managed to put on a little smile and waved, then went back to her drawing. She was almost finished. Once she was done, put it down, and looked back at the courtyard, watching the students who were free to be in the daylight. She paid close attention to the girl and boy that had caught her attention to be in her drawing. She had to grin. She noticed that both of them had to have come from art class because they both sported spots of paint. For once, she was glad she had eyes of a hawk. She grinned even more when she came up with an idea to put in motion for tonight.

Teran finished eating, putting his things away and washing his dishes by hand. While he was washing, his mind started to wander, like it always did when he did normal, repetitive tasks such as these. He thought about his run in with the demonesses in the stair. He ducked his head, blushing when he thought about how close he had gotten to one of them. He mumbled, "She was pretty though." He shook the thoughts from his head and finished drying. He brushed his hair from his face and then headed to the living room. He sat in one of the empty seats, leaning back, closing his eyes. Another term. I better get through this without more interactions. He put a hand over his eyes. Maybe I can make human friends this term? He laughed quietly to himself. I'd get expelled. Still, he thought it would be worth it to make at least one friend.

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 05-18-2010 at 03:24 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-18-2010, 01:12 PM

Artimis really did look like a deer in the headlights after the encounter. It was Mika who pulled her out of her thoughts of the boy even more. She had said outloud what Artimis looked like which made her laugh a little bit. Finally instead of getting dragged up the stairs, she went in front of the girl and walked ahead, going straight for her room. There would be alot of chocolate sitting there in the closet, waiting for the girls to eat it. When they finally reached her room through the maze like dorm room, she unlocked the door and walked inside. "Here it is. My dorm room of sorts." It was a pretty modern looking bedroom with stone walls and a balcony like every other dorm room in the place, but the balcony was probably not large enough for people to really go outside. She had just unpacked this place a while ago, but it looked nice either way. Moving towards the book shelf, she picked up one book that seemed to have fallen off the shelf. Putting it back on, she went behind the bookshelf. "The chocolate is over here." Behind the book shelf was both her bed and and her closet. The closet being more towards the door than the bed was. Opening up the closet, you could see mounds and mounds of different kinds of chocolate bars. They were inside the small walk in closet that everyone else had as well, for this was a magic dorm room, so even though the dorms were close, they were alot bigger on the inside than anyone might imagine. "What kind do you want first?"

Cora had been sitting with her friends at the lunch table when she felt eyes watching her. At first she looked over at Laurent to see if it was him. She wouldve been a little flattered if it was, but it wasnt. He seemed to be looking around to until his eyes locked on something in the distance. She followed his gaze up to the window where a blue haired girl sat and waved at Laurent. Isnt that one of the night students? She contemplated on this for a couple seconds. Her friends decided to follow her gaze but couldnt see where she was looking so decided to shake and poke her, making it feel like she was being tickled until she turned her attention to them. "Hey stop." She said giggling as they tickled her. "Ok ok i get it stop."
"Ooo where you looking at the night students dorm room?"
"Be careful Cora, you might be heading for the dark side." The girls started to laugh and then talk about the night students all over again since they were back on the subject.
"I was not...." Cora said laughing a little with them, only because they had tickled her.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-19-2010, 03:00 AM

Teran was bored, sitting in the living room. And a bunch of other night students came in. He stood up quickly and then headed past them and up a stair case to head to his dorm room. He heard the whispers, like he always heard the whispers, about the one demon that had strength but didn't use it. The one that grew up with humans, who didn't know his true parents. He was getting tired of it. He was a senior and shouldn't have to deal with this crap anymore. So he shot a glare back at the kids, his glowing eyes making him look, well, deadly. He had no idea that that was how he looked but they instantly shut up and went farther into the room. Some had shivered. "Did you see that?" "Yeah, totally scary. Worse than the other seniors." "Yeah, what got into him?" Of course, he didn't hear that part. He went to his dorm room and laid down on his bed. He growled to himself. He suddenly stood and roared, hitting the wall next to him, accidentally creating a hole larger than his fist. The glow around his hand disappeared. He will no longer take crap for being who he is. He had punched a hole into the wall and then burned it bigger within a few seconds. At least I calmed down, he thought as he took his hand from the wall. He sighed. He grabbed a poster of a wooded area off the other wall and put it over the hole, hoping that would conceal it for now. He walked out to his balcony, leaning over the railing, keeping his lighted eyes away from the ground. He had to, otherwise the humans would figure out something was wrong. And he figured the white streaks in his hair would just make him look emo or something to that effect.

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 05-19-2010 at 03:09 AM..

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 01:19 AM

Mika sighed and followed Artemis through the maze of dorms and walked in her room after her. It looked a lot different than her own, but she still liked it a lot. She smiled and lightly plopped down on the bed, contemplating what Artemis would like to do after they ate chocolate. She followed Artemis with her eyes and stood up when she was out of sight. She came right behind her when she opened a door, revealing tons of different types of chocolates. Her eyes went wide, she began to drool slightly, and a single sweat bead was beginning to form on her forehead. "I. Want. It. All." She managed to choke out, before diving into the pile, creating a huge mess. Moments later, she popped up and out of the pile with chocolate lining her lips like a new Victoria's Secret lip stick. "Want some?" She asked with innocent looking eyes.

Laurent scoffed as the girl with blue hair smiled and waved at him. She probably didn't know how much he despised all of the night students. He stood up, then noticed that she had turned her attention to a different spot in the cafeteria. He peeked over to follow her gaze and had to double-take when he found Cora smiling up at her. This made him growl, but he kept his face straight as a line and threw his tray into the trash can. When he was done, he gave one last look at Cora, then stormed out of the cafeteria. He passed the art room, knowing that his picture probably wasn't done yet, and due to the fact that he didn't want anymore paint splattering his clothes, so instead, he walked into the music room. He wasn't as good playing instruments as he was painting pictures, but he liked to do both, so he stepped over to the piano, took a seat, and sighed. He lightly placed his fingers over the correct keys and began to play his soul out. It was an old Beethoven song. A song he had written when he was depressed about being deaf. It wasn't as popular as any of his others, but it was Laurent's favorite. It was dark, low, and mostly, very depressing, but Laurent was very good at playing it.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 01:38 AM

Kiona sighed, a sadness replacing her joy at watching people. The boy had scoffed at her. What had she done? She just smiled and waved at him. She finished the last touches on her art and set it on the sill, so she wouldn't forget it later that night. She looked around her room, wondering what to do now. She was incredibly bored all of a sudden. She went out her room, locking it behind her, than started wondering the hallways, wondering if she would meet up with anybody. She hadn't met anyone yet and so she wanted to meet somebody, maybe actually make a friend. She snorted. I don't trust people, what makes me think I can have a friend? She sighed with the thought. She hoped classes would start soon so she would have something to do.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 01:49 AM

((I don't know what to say since I'm new so i'll just throw my character in somehow > . < ))

Katie sat on the steps while everyone was off doing something,she usually didn't talk much even though she hated being alone.The only reason she was being shy was because she had no clue who any of these students were.She looked down at her book while listening to people talking in the distance.She sighed to herself and leaned her head against the wall,looking at the words on the page.
'To Kill A Mockingbird '
It had many things that would speak of men with guns,courage,children and language.But best of all it had no clowns.She cringed even when she thought of the word and pushed her dark black bangs out of her teal eyes.

((Help meh D: ))

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 01:50 AM

(( You could stumble into the human's dorm kitchen. My character, Laurent, will be in there in a minute... Teehee... ))

Laurent stopped in the middle of the song and stood up. He hated it. Not the piano. Not the song. Not the way he was playing. He hated the fact that he was just escaping from what he didn't wan to deal with. There was one more period in the day before the night students came and he was going to get back at them. He was going to make them pay for all of their special treatment. It wasn't fair. Not at all. He grabbed his bag and began to jog out of the music room. Nobody would miss him if he skipped the last period of the day, right? It was just science. And it was super easy, too. He skidded to a halt at the exit doors and slowly and casually walked towards the dorm. He skipped up the steps in twos and entered into his dorm room. It was very messy, and sort of stank, but he liked it just fine, and refused to clean it until it was time for dorm inspections. He went to his notepad and began to brainstorm some of the ways he could get revenge on the night students.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 02:05 AM

((K xD))

Katie stopped reading and looked down at her grumbling stomach,she was of course hungry.She stood up from the steps and put the book in her side bag that went over her shoulder.She noticed a door that was labeled 'KITCHEN' and walked inside,looking around at the room.She was hopelessly lost in this place and so far she had no one to point her out to anything.She realized she was probably in their dorms kitchen since she had been on the steps to the dorm rooms.She knew which one was hers and had already settled in but still had no idea where anything else was.

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 02:13 AM

(( I think this is the shortest post ever in this RP. haha ))

Laurent smiled down at his notepad and shoved it into his jacket's pocket. He chuckled on his way down and pulled into the kitchen. There was a girl there with wavy long hair and smiled a bit. She could help me... Laurent grabbed a juice box and pulled another out, handing one to her with a gentlemanly smile on his face. "Welcome to Sol La Luna. You new here?" He asked.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 02:20 AM

((Lol,I would be typing more but.. i'm completely lost > .<))

Katie looked up when she heard the boy come in since she had been looking at the ground and smiled a little,taking the juice box."Thanks.And unfortunetly I am new here and I don't know where anything is except my dorm room."She said,taking a drink of the juice."I'm Katie Divine by the way."She said,thinking it sounded better with Scarlett in the middle."I mean..Katie Scarlett Divine."She said since her actual first name was Katie Scarlett,or atleast thats what her mother had her go by."And you are?"She asked,looking at the boys features.He was quite handsome and she guessed he was atleast a year older then her.Maybe he could help her with trying to find places in this school..and maybe be her friend since he was the only one she had talked to since she arrived.
She looked at her black shoes that had a bow on top of them and smirked a little,her style was a bit odd.She was a fan of the nightmare before christmas so she had a bag with jacks face on it that had a teal strap to go on her shoulder and black and white stripes on the bag,her shirt had escape the fate on it.She looked back up at the boy since he was taller then her and admired him for a moment,her face staying the same so he wouldn't realize that she was sort of ..'Checking him out'.

did somebody say cookies?! those...
gekkogeeko is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 02:50 AM

(( By the way, I love Escape the Fate. I'm also a really big fan of Bring Me the Horizon ^^ ))

Laurent nodded as he listened to her and went back to his smile. "You can call me Laurent." He grinned, noticing her odd sense of style, and finding that it suited her well. His plain boring jeans and white shirt and black jacket looked so unnoticeable, and he knew that in a large crowd, he wouldn't be found for days. He tossed his brown hair to the side and began to sip slowly on his juice cup. He touched his jacket pocket, remembering his plan and smiling. He threw the now-empty juice box into the trash can and leaned back on his chair. Cora would have to help a little too, but he knew that she and her group talked about the night students all the time, so they had to know something that was provable in court. He looked back over to Katie and frowned. "So have you met any of the night students yet?" He asked, trying to make it sound casual, but anticipating her answer with held breath.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 04:03 AM

((Will post tomorrow when i have the most time))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 01:35 PM

Artimis of course was a little aggrivated when the girl just dove into the chocolate and decided to eat basically all of one stash. It was a funny sight to see when the girl emerged, chocolate faced. She couldnt help but laugh. Then with a sigh she took the girls hand and pulled her out of the closet, closing and locking the door. "Ok, now i know who to hide my chocolate from." She turned to face the girl. "Didnt think you were going to attack it. Besides, if you kill it now, you wont have any for later." It was the best dialogue she could come up with that might make the girl turn away from the chocolate filled closet. "Come on... Lets go find that guy and talk to him ok?" She started to move towards the door. For some reason ever since the encounter with him, she couldnt take her mind off of him. It was sad reallly but thats the way things worked out it seems. He was kinda cute anyways, what with the black hair with white streaks.

Cora watched as Laurent scoffed at her. It was hard to believe that the guy that had asked her on a date for the next day had just scoffed at her.
"Whats his problem?" One of the girls asked almost sarcastically.
"Maybe its that group of friends hes got. What a loser." All of her friends started to laugh on that one.
"Hey guys, come on dont do that." Cora grabbed her bag and belongings and started to go after Laurent. The only thing was was that he was much faster than she was when it came to walking. The guy went into the music room and started to play the piano beautifully. She had to hide when he came out again, though he hadnt come out in the direction she was in. She followed him again towards the dorms which he was almost sprinting to and then to the kitchen where he was going again. Lucky for her, she didnt have a last period class today so she wouldnt really get into any trouble. All she wanted was to apologize to him for her friends but it would seem that now she was sort of stalking him. When he entered the kitchen, she waited a few minutes while listening to Laurent and a new girl before she entered. A few minutes later, she entered the kitchen casually as if looking for a fruit or something. She went over to the refridgerater and took out an apple. Upon turning around she pretended to jump as if seeing them for the first time. "Oh... Sorry. Didnt mean to interrupt anything."

((Hehehe shes a stalker))

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 05:58 PM

Deciding he would no longer hide from who he was and what he could do, Teran left his dorm room, looking it behind him. He will not take anymore shit from the other demons that made fun of him because he grew up with humans. He walked down the stairs, towards the kitchen again. His mind flashed to girl that he had pinned to the wall, a small blush creeping up. He let it go and continued down. He was really tempted to go out the back door that was in the kitchen, go out into the light. He sighed, knowing that he technically couldn't. Instead he went into the kitchen, looking for a bottle of water, to "cool" himself off.

Kiona continued to wander, going from spot to spot with no real destination. She thought about playing with her powers a little bit but she wasn't really allowed to. Then she turned towards a door, randomly, deciding to see if anybody was home within the room that might be able to tell her about the school or something silly like that. She was just about to knock when the door opened to reveal two girls, one who's face was still covered with chocolate. "Uh....Hi." She lowered her hand and smiled.

(I do not get how you guys can write so long of paragraphs XD)


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