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White Squirrel Girl
The Spazatic little cookie
White Squirrel Girl is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 03:37 PM

Xane gave a sheepish smile and watched his sister.
"The exact reason I chose it." Xane said, he knew he was flattering his sister a little to much but she was the youngest and the only girl so it was easy to see why he babbied her.
"Did Eron come with you and father?" Xane seemed a little excited about it, he had a gift for his brother to.

((I has a question, can we be royalty from other countries?))

Skykittykat is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 03:54 PM

Ame stood, feeling a bit like she was interupting a touching family reunion and more than a little out of place. Another whistle brought Elyse trotting back over, her mouth full of the meadows grass and a happy nicker at the sugar cube that appeared in her mistress's hand.

She smiled at the brother and sister and swung herself up and onto her horse. "Well now that Flink is out of harms way, the villagers have probably cooled down by now so if you want to go into the village feel free to do so. I'll be on my way, now. More innocent people to save and the like, you know?" She swung her leg up onto the horse and gestured a congenial wave to the prince and princess on the ground. "Have fun, and try to stay out of trouble Flink." She grinned and turned her mare towards the meadow, setting off at a slow clopping pace, she eased back in the saddle. Content from the good deed of reuniting a brother and sister.

Her thoughts drifted up like a cloud into the clear blue sky as she relaxed and led Elyse take her where she would.

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Palmoun is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 04:08 PM

William smiled when he saw the one girl come over. She looked nice and he nodded, "yes I am one of the best, thought by my father and I know everything about forging swords." he said as he looked at her. He smirked when he saw that she got stung by a bee and wondered if he should look for a nest of bees. It wouldnt' be the first time that a hive had made its home near his house. He then held out her hand and shook it gently, "it is nice to met you, I am william the black smith and weapon forager. What may I do for you two?" he asked and his voice was smooth and had a slight seductive tone to it. But you could hear the kindess to it also and it made you wonder how he stayed single.

He then withdrew his hand so that he could examin the sword he had curently carefully, "so may I ask your names?" he asked as he looked up from his sword. HIs dark eyes took in the two and he had ot admit that they where beautiful but no girl would ever win his heart. He was looking for a girl who could fight and take him down in a fight.

Sezumie is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 07:47 PM

Flink waved at Amber, smiling,"Bye Ame! Nice to meet you!~" Turning to Xane, she thought for a minute, you could almost see the smoke coming from her head as she tried to get her brain working. She was smart, but remembering things wasn't something a girl who fell down the stairs all the time was really good at. He eyes brightened when the answer came to her head.
"No, Eron wasn't with us, I remember him talking about how he didn't like arranged marriage..." She said, nodding to herself, "Daddy seemed a tad bit tense on the ride here though....You shouldn't bother daddy too much." Looking up at her Oldest brother she grinned,"Big brother got a present for him? He told me he got a tattoo, I told daddy and he flipped over older brother!" She seemed slightly depressed at the memory, since Eron didn't really talk to her as much a few weeks later, but he soon got over it, well, to Flink that's what it seemed.

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Wavi is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 08:00 PM

________Alroy the Prince
Kavik the Hunter________

The barrel caressed his forehead. Light and delicate, it hung their with such vigor and certainty. Finger wrapped around the silver trigger, his finger flexed and also caused the bullet to emerge. Realizing the risky nature of his situation, Alroy lowered the barrel of the gun to his hips. Had he mistakenly pulled the trigger here, he would have received but a small flesh wound in his foot. Compared to the previous location, a hole in the foot was better than a bullet to the brain.

Pushing himself up, Alroy slipped his slender pistol back into his proper sleeve. He had no need to be miserable, at least, not now. It wasn't the time for pity and sorrow. The sun was too bright at this point. Depressing thoughts and actions should only be conducted in the late evening when the shadows help consume a soul. With the earth crumbling below his feet, Alroy's wobbly legs finally gained their strength. Standing upright, he stretched and began his walk of solitude down to the city below.

With his wolf at his side, Alroy raced down the winding path. Feet coming together at the base of the hill, he slowed his wolf down and began to walk in-sync with the creature. His crimson eyes looked around and noticed that the townsmen had begun to stare, again. Rising a confident hand up, he waved lightly at the smiling people, his people. Yes, Alroy was to become the king of this town, but such a duty was not to be fulfilled until he was married. But to whom? Well, not even Alroy knew. The possible bachelorettes were all too young for himself and the few that were around his age were poor as could be. His family was to marry into a wealthier family as his own family had befallen into the disturbing state of debt. If the ruling family was poor, the town was to become poor as well. And this, this couldn't happen for it would forever shame the Trinivanth family.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my good, stupid friend." A male with shocking bright cyan eyes strolled up and rested a friendly hand on the prince's shoulders. "I heard you were feeling blue and thought you could use a friend." A light smile came over the brunette's face. "Shall we?" spanning out his hand, he pointed to the cleared alleyway that lead to the heart of the town. "Today's adventure is only a small walk away."

"You're a terrible fiend," Alroy said with a slight glare. "But, I do except your offer, Kavik." Walking down the road, the two would pass a few coupes here and there, and Kavik would naturally point out how the women were gawking over them. Laughing it off, Alroy finally stopped when he reached a familiar shop. "What do we have here? This is a handsome sword, would you not say?" Alroy's eyes met with William's. "How are you today, my skilled friend?"

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Old 10-03-2010, 08:34 PM

It relieved Helene that William did not notice the ring on her finger and she smiled quite smugly when she looked over at Rose. "It's very nice to meet you William, my name is Helene, and this is Rose" she gestured over to her sister, who was being abnormally quiet.

Helene thought that William was very good looking and handsome and blushed at that thought as if he could hear her. When William let go of her hand, Helene moved the hand they had just been shaking and placed it neatly over the one behind her back. She slowly started rubbing the Ruby encased in silver on her ring and then slipped it off sneakily. Placing the ring in her side pouch, she smiled at William and then said "I would very much like a small dagger, to place in my boot in case I ever need it".

Another male voice caught Helene's attention then, and she furrowed her brow when she realized who it was. She hoped more than anything that her oldest and only brother would not give away their cover. Turning her head, she gave him a discrete yet stern look and hoped that he understood. When she saw Kavik next to Alroy, she smiled sweetly and then blushed at how stupid she looked.

"Alroy, what are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant and probably failing at it greatly.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 10-03-2010, 08:42 PM

Rose quickly moved to her sisters side and placed her hand on her shoulder. Her eye's shifted to the strange man that had randomly appeared with them. Her eye's scanned the town looking for names for them quickly so they wouldn't have to give their real names. " I am.....Rue....and this is Lilly." She said as she saw the flower show Lilly's and thorns then the dress shop Lady's Rue's. She gave a warm smile as she hopped her sister would turn to leave since another approached the blacksmith. She her self wasn't sure who the man was. She ran her hand threw her long silk like pink and red hair loving the sent of rose that came from it making her smile.

She knew her father would have the guards out soon looking for them. If they where going to have any fun and not get caught the needed to hurry and get into the wilderness. It was perfect time for hunting and she wanted to see what she could find though she doubted that Helene would let her hurt a animal. She shifted her eyes as she felt something nuzzle her arm and smiled seeing Rave there. She held out her hand as Raven placed her bow in it and made her laugh. "You know me don't you. But you know we can't hunt today." She said as she patted her horse and then shifting her eyes back to the strange man. Her eye's widen as she saw it was her own brother. She prayed he didn't blow their cover if he did she would make him regret it. Father's temper was nothing compared to hers she was the deadly one out of the bunch. She glared at him hoping he got the message not to say a word to William or their father if he knew what was good for him.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 10-03-2010 at 08:46 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 08:48 PM

Alroy cocked a brow at the ridiculous look his sister gave him, but before he was about to comment, Kavik cut him off. "Ah, might I add how lovely you look today, my fair maiden." Bowing before her, he placed a gentle kiss on her hand and then bowed to the elder sister. "Rue, my lady, it has been far too long since we least engaged in a conversation." As Kavik spoke, his bold blue eyes gave his idiotic friend a stern look. Blow their cover and I'll be sure to drown you in the lake!

"Rue. Hmmmm. Interesting. And this is Lilly? Ah, the two females you were telling me about last week. My, my, what brings such lovely wanderers our way? This truly is a blessing," bending in toward them Alroy growled, "You're both so dead when this little game is done." Stepping back, he turned his attention back toward William. "You sure do have a way with women. Always drawing them in. Must be that swagger you have. Or perhaps women these days are more interested in... oh, I'm not sure, sadist pleasures?"

The back of a hand flung into Alroy's cheek. Glaring at his shorter brunette friend, the prince scoffed and added, "I'm only kidding." Not really, but sheesh, if you're going to slap me like that again, I will most certainly not mention sadistic ways again. Rubbing his now raw red cheek, he took a side step away from his friend. Kavik was not a man to offend or be rude in front of. He was... well, different.

Lady Chello
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Old 10-03-2010, 08:55 PM

Rose glared at Alory as her grip on her bow tighten. Her face stayed like that of a porcelain doll showing no emotion though her eyes said it all. Her brother would be her's once they got home. Every one knew he was weak when it came to combat and he was due a good smack. She smiled as she saw Kavik. Though she always found herself smiling in his presents. She laughed as she watched him give Alory a well deserved smack. "Why thank you my dear sir. It is good to see that not all men in these parts are rude barbarians. Maybe the women come here because there are so many vile men like you in this land need to put your type in their place. " She said as she glared at her brother. Her eyes then moved back to Kavik as she smiled warmly at him. "It had been some time and I have missed our talks. I am sure dear Lilly has as well. Would you like to join us today?"

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Old 10-03-2010, 09:09 PM

Exhaling, he raised his hands in defeat. "I'll leave you guys alone for now. Besides, I need to go search for my sisters. Father's been looking all over for them. Rose and Helena... where would they possibly run off to?" Looking Rose in the eyes, the two-tone haired male slipped past her and began his stroll down the street. He had no intentions of staying around Rose and Kavik. When those two were together it was sickening. Their physical attraction was... unbearable.

Hitching a ride to the nearby town, Alroy put up a hood and walked about the streets. The life of a prince was tedious at times, and, by coming here, he could escape that life. With Kavik not around to give him away, Alroy was pretty much free to do as he wished. And, as of right then, he wished to see what was happening between the people he would later come to know as Flink, Xane, and Amber.

Meanwhile, Kavik couldn't help but take Rose up on her offer. "It would forever put my heart at peace to spend the day with you and the adorable Lilly. We've much to catch up on," a charming grin slide onto his face. But when he recalled William's presence, he went back to his collect nature. "Later, stupid!" he shouted at Alroy's back. "Ah, how I love insulting the dear prince. He does own me. After all, I did save his life." Bowing to Rose, he pulled a bouquet of white daisies and light pink flowers from behind his back. "If I recall correctly, I do believe Rue loves magic and flowers." Handing the flowers to her, he felt that smile come back to his face. Kavik was a sucker for her and she knew it.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 10-03-2010, 09:24 PM

Rose rose a brow as she watched her brother make is dramatic exit as normal for him. It made her smile knowing yet again they had won though she knew she would hear about this from her later. Her father could look all year if he wanted to when she was ready to come home she would. She wasn't one for being tamed and papered. She would rather live in the mountains and live off the land and help others than be locked in some grand palace and papered. Her father had tried for years but the harder he tried the more she fought it and she had won. The real reason she was avoiding her father was she knew when they finally did meet and talk it would come to a fight. She resented the fact she had to be married and Alroy didn't as of now and her dear sister was next in line. Her father knew how she felt about his double standers. He expected more of her and her sisters than he ever would Alroy. No one would think that her and Alroy where once close and stuck together at the hip growing up now that you looked at them. Her father had put a wedge between them and it showed.

She blushed slightly and smiled as she saw the beautiful bouquet of white and pink flowers. She took them and brought them to her nose and took in a whiff of them that made her laugh as it tickled her nose. She smiled as she looked back to Kavik. "I love them and your memory is correct. If I remember correct my dear sir enjoys long walks in the forest and a good hunt. The forest should hold many good hunts you should see if you could join me one day for a hunt." She said as she smiled happily to be with Kavik if but for a few seconds. "The dear Lilly and I are thinking about a trip to the sea shore I am sure you could show her some of the wanders there. You are good at knowing the lands secrets.

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Old 10-03-2010, 09:38 PM

"It would be an honor to accompany you both. But please don't speak so highly of me. I only know Mother Earth's secrets because I have nothing but her to live off of. The forest is my home, and the animals are my friends... and sometimes dinner."

Resting his palm on the butt of his katana, he looked down at Lilly. "It's been a while since I last saw you two. Heh, time flies when you're away from home. How have things been going for you two? I've been gone... what? A year? Oi. I feel like I've missed a lifetime." A frown creased his face. "It is good to be back, but I feel as thought much has changed since I was last here. Is it just me, or is the town plagued by debt?" A hint of fear lingered in his eyes. "I can only pray that our future king Alroy will help us out of this disturbing situation. If the rumors are true, I don't believe I will be around here much longer...." his voice trailed off some.

Kavik was a wanderer. It was in his nature to move from place to place, but ever since he met Rose, he'd be rather permanent. Alroy had introduced them, but it was love that brought them closer. Purely accident, it was a love Kavik was more than happy to work with. Even if it was an accident, he would stay on purpose. Smiling, he leaning back against the building.

It would only be a matter of time before a guard found them and ruined everything. Unlike William, Kavik was looked down upon by their father. To him, Kavik was a rebellious outsider that would bring harm to his family. Rumor had it that it was Kavik who pushed Alroy into the river in high hopes that he would be handsomely rewarded for 'saving' the king's son. Granted, it was a wicked lie, but still, Kavik knew that, in time, Rose would be wed away to some other, 'more worthy' male.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 10-03-2010, 10:58 PM

Rose smiled as she shifted her eyes to her dear little sister. Though by this time she was quite now remembering that her sister and William where there. It was strange how she lost track of time when Kavik was around. She wandered if she left if her father would really care at this point. But if she left that would mean Her dear little sisters would have to pay. Though she herself didn't want to have to face the truth she was just a pawn to her father if he loved her he wouldn't have agreed to marry her off. She hadn't told Kavik and for some reason couldn't find the words to. He was the one person that she feared. He was the only person she had ever let into her heart and the one she had got to know so well as she grew up. He was her best friend and she knew if she told him the truth it would hurt him more than taking a physical wound.

She stood there lost for words as her mind went over how to tell him the truth. She hopped they could be going soon it was getting late and if her father wasn't steaming by now he would be. She knew her father wasn't one to take such things as her and her siblings leaving with out permission lightly. The last time he locked her in her room or tried to. To bad for him she had picked up many useful tricks from the village people and a lot from Kavik. She didn't care at this point what her father had to say he said enough when he told her she was to be married and that was that. If she had it her way she would leave and never come back. But that would only hurt the people she loved. She wandered if Kavik would just leave again and not say a word if she told him the truth. It wasn't like either of them could change it she was surprised that her brother hadn't told him but it would hurt her brother to see his dear friend in pain.

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Old 10-03-2010, 11:42 PM

William just let them talk and headed into the shop for a second. He soon came out with a delicate and yet violet looking set od daggers. He then looked at LIly, "it is nice to met you and here, try out these daggers. I made them a while ago and I was looking for someone to take them." he said as he smiled at her. He then looked at Rue, "and may I interest you in anything? I hace a few swords and a couple of daggers if you want to see anything." he said as he looked at her and felt kind of out of place here. They talked and hardly talked to him, only the prince really did and he hardly had time to answer him. But that was what life was like for him, he was only the black smith and nothing else. Just here to supply the weapons people needed and anything else they wanted.

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Old 10-03-2010, 11:50 PM

A high pitched sneeze came from Kavik's direction. Sneezing again, he sniffed twice and then looked at William. "So Sir William, you're this town's blacksmith. Hmmm. Impressive. To think, I was going to open up my own weaponry here. But of course, I'm far too absent minded to do such." Sniffling again, he turned toward Lilly. "Shall I teach you to wield those blades properly?"

Bending down to met eye to eye with her, Kavik slid his hands around her own. Guiding them lightly about, he could see the young princess smile. "Think of them as an extension of your arm. They are not a weapon. They are merely a tool to help better yourself." Looking up, he smiled at Rose. As he rose up to her, he took her hands into his own. "You seem... distant. Is something bothering you?" His dreamy blue eyes drifted toward William. Mouth becoming ajar, he stepped back in disbelief. "Wait... are you... him...", falling silent, his eyes dropped to his feet. "We need to talk. You have to tell me the truth. Please."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 10-04-2010, 12:22 AM

Rose felt in a daze as she watched William and then Kavik interact with her sister. She snapped out of it suddenly as she heard Kavik and the pain in his voice. She tried to understand what just happen and why she felt as if she had missed something rather important. Her hands gripped her bow tighter as she moved it up as if she was ready to use it. Her eye's held confusion then anger as she realized what he was thinking. She turned abruptly her bow in hand as she quickly left heading away from everything. She heard hoofs behind her and stopped long enough for Raven to catch up with her. She quickly jumped on her stallions back while he was in full trot and road away from the village. At this point she couldn't think and didn't want to she was frustrated and angry. She got off her stallion and pulled her bow out and redyed her arrow as she began shooting anything that dared to move in the forest. She had thought she had calmed down enough after killing a buck and several birds but as soon as she thought about her father and then Kavik's reaction today she found her hand bleeding as she became aware of the pain she had inflicted on herself by holding on to her bow so tight. She took a seat by the river bank as she cleaned her new wound and sat there with Raven by her side watching over her.

"Please don't ever leave me. Your the only friend I have here Raven now. Great it looks like he knows I hate being here. I hate my father. If I had it my way I would be anything but a princesses. I wish we could just run and never come back here. But if I do it will only be worse on my sisters. Is it worth being here and being in constant pain to help the ones I love and lose myself. " She said as she sat there and watched her blood mix with the river as it dripped into it.

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Old 10-04-2010, 12:36 AM

"And not for your brother, Alroy?" With his back rested against a nearby tree, Kavik's brown fringe buried his wild blue eyes. "You seem to forget the pain you would cause him." His head slumped against the large trunk. "And then you would hurt me? That is what I'm really surprised about. You would really just get up and run away? You would do more harm than good leaving. Even you are not that blind. Your absence would surely bring about some tragic news."

Kavik was swift on his feet. Being a man of the earth, he was able to keep up with the stallion by taking the high routes. Rather than weaving around trees like the horse, Kavik went straight to the ledge and ran above the two. When he realized her location, the slender male slipped away into the thicket and plopped himself in a nearby tree that loomed over the river.

Kicking a rock, he watched the ripple die down before walking over to Rose. "So when were you going to tell me your father was forcing you to marry?" Bending at the waste, Kavik let his black lace-up boots hang over the edge and just miss grazing the running water below. He was at a loss of words. Nothing he could say, think, or even do could stop the pain that grew within his heart.

"Would it be easier if I never returned?" Letting his head fall back, he rested it on her thighs. His blue eyes looked up at her face as he listened for the answer. "Or would you prefer me just to die? I'm sure I could go back to war and get myself killed then. Whatever makes you happiest, princess." The vivid blue from his eyes vanished as they became a ghostly pale hue of blue. Looking away, he felt a lump form in the back of his throat. Holing back his tears would be easier said than done from here on out.

Skykittykat is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 12:59 AM

Amber and Elyse drifted off slowly through the meadow, Ame reclining in the saddle as if she owned the world and Elyse wandering here and there with her head lowered to reach the best grass. It didn't feel like much time had passed at all since she left her morning lessons and slipped like a shadow from the castle, but it was clear from the mid day heat and the sun shining down directly on her closed eyes that it was already a ways into the afternoon.

She couldn't help but wish someone would at least realize that she was gone... But it was unlikely. Unlike her sisters and her brother, Amber was unable to cause a large ruckus in enclosed spaces. Claustrophobia and her illness caused her to feel faint and weak indoors. Not so outside, but if her father believed her to be inside she could be missing for days and he'd think only that she'd wandered off to a remote area of the castle to paint or draw. She sighed and pulled a weak smile. Babied? Indeed she was. Favorite, as her sisters believed? Well, now that was questionable. Maybe only because she was to weak to break something expensive on an hourly basis. That might qualify her as favorite...

She yawned and sat up, examining where Elyse had carried her. Into the forest a ways in a clearing with a river gurgling through it. "Ha. This is a nice place, Elyse!" She complimented the horse. The place was well secluded and peaceful, and it seemed as if untaouched by human hands so nobody had been there in a while. Unbeknownst to the young princess her eldest sister and her sisters... male friend... were just a few hundred yards away down the river and in the deeper part of the woods.

She slid off the horse and rewarded her for the find with yet another sugar cube. "I spoil you to much don't I, Elyse?" The horse nickered as if in agreement but ate the cube anyway as Ame inspected her surroundings to make sure she was alone. When it was all clear she nodded back to her horse who as if on cue settled down into a laying position as Ame began to sing. Singing was her private hobby, she didn't really enjoy showing it to others even though she was greatly talented at it.

The life of a princess,
From her birth is well defined...
She must humbly serve her country...
Play the part she's been asigned.

She guards the hopes of her people,
weak and mighty...
rich and poor...
Who could ever ask for more?
Who could ever ask for more...?"
She began in a slow warble. A glint in her eye appeared as she threw her hands into the air. And began to dance around to the words.

"Well... I wanna be like other girls!
Climb up a tree like other girls can!
Just to be free like other girls...
Get to be!"
She dove from the tree she'd climbed up into. Her arms outstretched like a bird as she landed in a soft pile of fallen leaves below, giggling as she continued her song.

"To slouch when I sit.
To eat a whole cake.
Feel the sun on my feet,
get dirty, act silly,
Be anything I want to be.
Dance around in my underwear!"
She lifted her brown skirt sillily to reveal knee length brown pants she'd worn to ride in. If she'd pulled a move like that in the castle she'd have been severly punished by her governesses.

"To run really fast,
To eat a whole cake,
Get crazy,
With frosting!

No escorts,
No manners,
No nursemaids,
No worries!
No hands folded perfect...
Like holding a lily...
She threw her tight leather shoes into the air and danced around humming out an interlude enjoying the way the grass tickled at her feets as she threw in a random cartwheel just because she could.

"I wanna be like other girls,
scrape up my knee like other girls can.
Just to be free like other girls...
Get to be...

To speak for myself...
To sing way off key...
Marry someone I've met who loves me for me..."
She switched to a gentler tone her before resuming her excited and crazy one.

"No escorts.
No manners.
No nursemaids.
No worries.
No hands folded perfect...
Like holding a lily~!
She ended on that high note and fell back into the grass giggling wildly. She didn't even realize how relevant this currently was to her sisters situations.

((Mad props (and a cookie) to whoever knows where that song is from.))

Last edited by Spring`Tyme Fresh; 10-05-2010 at 09:15 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 01:05 AM

[[OMG! I know this! I think. Ummmm... Mulan II, right? It's when the three sisters are singing in their tent, right?]]

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Palmoun is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 01:10 AM

William watched the two go and wondered what was going on. But he just shrugged and headed back inside to work on his swords. If no one wanted to talk to him they he might as well just work. Working was one of the only good things he could do and he just wondered who would want to be with a black smith. He got out a new piece of metal and started to heat it up so that he coudl start on a new piece of work. He was thinking about sending this to the king for his daughter since he had heard of a marrage. It was his way of saying good luck in a black smiths way.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 10-04-2010, 01:11 AM

Rose flashed her eye's as him as anger reflected in them for the first time. She glared at him then shook her head and looked back at the water as she just watched her wound not feeling any pain. Though she was frozen on the inside and didn't know what to say. "Don't you dare call me that nasty title again or I'll make you regret it. I'll kill him for this he couldn't keep his mouth shut the spoiled brat. He doesn't have to be married off to some strange person and forced to do so against his will." Her eyes flashed back to him as tears streamed down her face for the first time. She was not one for tears and never liked showing her soft side to any if she could help it.

"No I don't want you to die. And do you think this was my choice? To be some house pet to lord knows who just a piece of property. I would hate you if you hadn't came back and I was surprised you did I figured my dear brother with that big mouth of his would have already told you any how not that it matters we're just friends you made that clear last time. I'm not the one who got up set and just left randomly because of something some man said about him. You hurt my brother when you left I hope you know that. You didn't say good bye I figured you just left had enough of us. After that night he locked me in my room for a month and told me the news about my engagement. I searched for you for weeks but I never found you. I tried to run but I couldn't as I can't now my family would pay. I have no choice I am just a slave and a pawn. You are lucky you can go and be free. I didn't blame you for leaving my father was rude to you and out of line. I thought he and Alroy where going to come to blows for the first time. I love my brother but we both know he is weak when it comes to such things." She said as her voice faded off.

"I didn't know how to tell you because I knew it would hurt you. I can't stand to hurt others and most certainly not you. I cried myself to sleep since the day you left and finally accepted you left and that I was doomed. I just have to face the fact I'm nothing more than a pretty figure for my father to use I have no soul or life to him no heart I am to be just a figure that he uses to get what he wants and to bring my family honor. I am a princess belonging sole to my crown. My brother will shortly face the same fate as I and my sisters he can't escape it none of us can we are royal and as such we must suffer. Just go before you get hurt more. " She said as she closed her hand held it against her chest as she let the blood run down her arm and stared at her reflection in the river's water. She didn't recognize the girl she saw. The woman looked like a child who had lost her best freind lost and lonely and most of all weak something she didn't like seeing in herself. She didn't like any one seeing how weak she truly was or how fragile.

Skykittykat is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 01:15 AM

((Pin PON! CORRECT~! Wavikz get's a cookie! *hands a cookie and a sash that says "MAD PROPS" in big red sparkly letters* I felt it went FREAKISHLY well with the story line~!))

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 01:32 AM

It's weird how seconds can turn into minutes and minutes can turn into seconds. Before he would even let her continue on, Kavik had managed to straddle the princess and was now pinning her down with his own sheer strength. His own weight forced her to remain still, but just to be safe, his hands were at her wrists. Sliding her arms up, he lowered his face closer to hers. "Come now princess, don't tease me. You know I won't let your daddy sell you off like you're some little play doll. I know the consequences of my actions, and yet, I cannot shake the fear of death from my mind. Even if I must die for doing this, then I embrace death. Your lips... that's all I want. Your love... it's all I live for."

With each word spoken, Kavik had lowered his head closer to her body. It was convent for him that she wore somewhat revealing clothes. No longer using his arms to hold her down, he was now caressing her face and side. Placing a kiss just above her navel, his devious blue eyes smiled with a somewhat rebellious nature. Sliding his lips to hers neck, he kissed her twice more. Smiling, he finally kissed her lips. Even though he was kissing her, he couldn't shake the grin that was still plastered on his face.

Even thought it only lasted for a few seconds, to Kavik it seemed like a lifetime. Drawing back, he sat back on his haunches, which meant he was now sitting on her hips. His head titled to the side as he smirked. "I've been wanting to do that for about a year now." His brown hair flopped back down into his eyes. "And love, you know me better than that. I would never purposely love the best thing that fell into my life. I received a letter from your father that was requesting that I join an ally kingdom on the battlefield. You know I'm a skilled warrior."

Exhaling, he rolled off of Rose and let his feet touch the water. "So who's the dead man?" When he saw the look she gave him, Kavik laughed. "You know whomever you're to marry, I'm going to kill. I won't let me filthy man touch you. You're mine." Extending his hand, he hoped she would hold it, but he was worried she might be upset with him for kissing her.


[[Whoooooo! Now I wanna watch Mulan II. Ugh. XD]]

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Lady Chello is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 01:52 AM

Rose blushed as she at first tried to struggle but finally gave up. She felt her cheeks grow hotter as she felt him kiss her navel then move up her neck. She held his kiss and was sad when he pulled a way. She just laid there and stared at him for a moment then smiled as she laughed not quit believing him and what he had done. She took his hand and leaned over taking him by surprise and kissing him. She let it fade and looked back to the water as she dipped her hand in the removed it happy to see her wound had stopped bleeding. She knew the blush from her cheeks was telling on her but she didn't care.

"You are a dead man if you try that again. If the guards see.....and what if my brother finds out? You are the only thing that brings him happiness around here. I don't know who the man is and no William isn't it he was speaking the truth he is only a blacksmith for the town. Why doesn't that surprise me my father would do that get ride of you how convent then he has me and my brother both where he wants." She shifted her eyes from the water back to Kavik as she stared deep into his blue eyes as if she was peering into his very soul. She gently took her free hand and stroked his face as she smiled. " I have waited years to hear those words I just wish under better terms. I had already planed to kill whoever father finds. Unlike my brother I don't miss when I aim my bow. Death do us part could come a lot sooner than planed." She said as she leaned into him. She studied his face for what seemed like years and smiled as she laughed knowing how sad it was that she had fell in love with the one person her father would never let her be with. "Kavik....." She whispered as her lips hung only inches away from his own. Her eye's locked to his as she stared deep into his. " I love you." She said as she kissed him again and let the kiss fade. Her eyes winded as she looked about them realizing her sister was no where to be found. "Oh no....I left Helene by herself.....If anything happens to her." She said as panic set in.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 02:03 AM

That kiss caught him off guard, but he couldn't help but blush. It was nice knowing his love was returned. Shaking his head, he blew his hair up and out of his eyes. "Rosie, you know Alroy already knows. I confessed to him last year that I was in love with you. He said, 'I know and I'm happy, I couldn't ask for a better man for my sister.' Sadly, your father has other plans." A frown followed.

"How much do you think you're worth?" His eyes crossed when he heard what he said. "Well that came out awkward. What I meant to say, is do you have any idea how much money your family needs to keep this town running smooth? I've... acquired a lump-some of money and... I... I'm not sure if it would be enough. I would hate to have to pay to marry you, but, if it worked, I would give it all away just to be with you."

When he heard her speak ill of Alroy's accuracy, he exhaled. "You need to give your brother more credit. He sucks on purpose. Trust me, he's one hell of a hunter. Heh, he's even taught me a thing or two. But ya know, he did learn from the best," a haughty grin was now on his face. "And I was obviously referring to myself." Laughing, his white teeth seemed to accent the handsome features of his face. "But seriously, I'm not about to let you be a murderer. I'll take care of your... buyer. I've already got blood on my hands. I don't need you to have the same."

Another kiss took his breath away. "You really need to stop turning me on. I can only behave myself for so long." Just as a grin was forming onto his face, it vanished. "I'm sure William is looking after her. He seems like a gentleman. I would hope Helena's in good hands. But, I'm worried about her as well. Shall we go... rescue the young princess?" Bending forward, he placed a kiss on her forehead. "Maybe after we save her we can run away and live happily ever after." His nose wrinkled as he teased the princess. "But I warn you, I'm a rebel."

[[I'm off for the day. Later guys!]]

Last edited by Wavi; 10-04-2010 at 02:22 AM..


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