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Old 11-23-2010, 05:06 AM

He hurried and found himself at the entrance to the great hall. Composing himself, he walked in and approached the king. Bowing low, "Your Majesty. You sent for me sire?" Standing back up he waited to see what King Thorn would say to him, keeping his face neutral. It would not do to show anything but a calm front to the Father of the girl he intended to marry.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 05:18 AM

"Yes I did sent for you I would like to talk to you. about something that you should know about my daughter." King Thorn says to Prince Naill his voice was quit yet showed kindness to the young man. he was standing up his hand behind his back. "Wile the war has gone on for so long it. had taken 3lives that were really importance to Rose 2 of those lives. was my wife Queen Sakura and my only son Prince Earth. they both got killed when traveling to a other kingdom." he says but would never blame the Elf kingdom for there deaths at all.

it was one of the other enemy kingdoms that had done it. "As for the last death was Rose's best friend Florinda. she got killed by mistake by a enemy kingdom. at the time she was traveling with my Daughter to Flower spirits kingdom. ever since there death's she would all ways make time. go to there graves here in are kingdom on the day they die. to lay flowers down since she'll be moving to your kingdom. the move will be hard on her so please take good care of my only daughter." King Thorn says to Prince Naill hoping he would understand what. he had just explained to the prince of Elf race.

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Old 11-23-2010, 05:29 AM

Naill nodded his head as the king finished speaking. "I thought perhaps she had lost someone important to her when she became so upset in the gardens. Of course I'm sure you are aware of that your majesty." He smiled, having noticed the almost invisible guards in the garden earlier. He had not said anything to the princess, aware that she would not be allowed to go into a strangers presence, especially his own seeing as their kingdoms were at war at the moment.

"I will do my best, sire, to try and make the transition less of a burden to her. I know it will be hard on her at first, but I feel that she will do much better after she has spent some time in my kingdom. I will try to make her as happy as is in my power and please know that I will treat her gently. I know you treasure your daughter, sire." He made sure to look at King Thorn while he spoke so the man would know he spoke the truth.

"If I may take your leave sire? I promised your daughter that I would dine with her this evening." He waited to be dismissed.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 05:36 AM

"You may leave and thank you Prince Naill." King Thorn say looking the prince of Elf's in the eye's. before waving his hand to let him go eat with his daughter. he could tell that Naill would be a good husband for his daughter once. they get a long with each other long enough after finding out each others habits.

Princess Rose sighs out waiting for Prince Naill to come eat with her. the food was all ready on the table by now. it was still hot lucky for them the chef all ways like to cook a lot of fresh hot food. even the king allowed his head chef to cook for the servants meals when they work.

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Old 11-23-2010, 05:50 AM

Prince Naill bowed low again before turning to leave the great hall. Unsure of where the dining hall was, he stopped one of the servants in the hallway. "Could you take me to the dining hall? Princess Rose is waiting on me. "Right this way my lord"

Naill followed the servant down the hall. As they got closer he could smell the aroma of food, making his stomach rumble again. Coming into the room, he saw Rose sitting by herself at the end of the table. His mouth watered as he saw the spread of food on the table. Roast duck, roasted potatoes with carrots, dark bread and all manner of deserts littered the table.

He sat down across from Rose. "This looks delicious."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 06:02 AM

"Please eat as much as you like till your stomach is filled. Prince Naill I just hope you like are chefs cooking." Princes Rose says her voice was filled with warmth and kindness to Naill. as she gets some roast duck on her plate some vegetables. there cup were filled with white wine with floating fruit in it.

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Old 11-23-2010, 06:20 AM

Naill sat back, relaxing as he finished his food. "Your cook is amazing. Perhaps I should steal him and take him back with us," he teased, a twinkle in his eye. Unable to help himself he yawned. It had been a long day and he found he was exhausted. "I'm sorry, princess. It seems that I am exhausted. Please excuse me as I take your leave. I shall see you in the morning I hope? Perhaps you could show me more of your kingdom." He gave a bow and retired to his rooms the page had shown him earlier.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 06:26 AM

The next day Princess Rose woke up early getting dress. in one of her favorite dress's that she like to walk around the kingdom in. right now the fairy young woman was eating breakfast with her father. Rose had ask her father if it was okay to show Prince Naill around. there kingdom with only a few guards not to many since he had his own as well. king thorn had said yes to his only daughter but tolled her. not go outside of there kingdom at all in fear of the other enemy kingdoms. may try to kidnap her before she would leave to be married next week to Prince Naill.

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Old 11-23-2010, 06:30 AM

Prince Naill stretched as he woke with the sun. Perhaps I can get to know my bride better today Pulling on his breeches and tunic, he walked down to the front of the castle after having grabbed a bite to eat in the kitchen. It was going to be a beautiful day. He had already informed his guards that the princess was going to show him around the kingdom.

He stood there in the sunlight with his eyes closed for a moment, letting the warmth soak in. He decided to sit on one of the benches in the courtyard to wait on Rose.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 06:35 AM

Princess Rose by now had finish eating then heads out. to the courtyard so she could meet up with Naill. once she gets there she walks over to him but sighs out shooing a guard away. "Good Morning Prince Naill did you sleep well?" Rose ask him with a happy smile on her face to him. thinking about getting to know him would be helpful. yet even after there wedding the mighty have some time to spend with each other maybe? if so they could get to know each other some more if they could not in this week.

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wickedwonderland is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 06:39 AM

Naill turned and smiled at Rose. "Good Morning Princess. Yes I did sleep very well. Did you?" He looked her over appreciatively, his eyes scanning her dress. "That is a lovely dress. Would you prefer to walk or ride today? I don't think we should roam very far. There could be fools who would wish to take you from me. That would not end pleasantly....for them." He said the last part darkly.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 06:46 AM

Rose smiles back at Prince Naill before speaking watching for the guards. "I slept really well and I'd must agree with you. lets ride oh why thank you looks quite handsome your self." she says trying to tease her future husband little just for a bit of fun. Princess Rose sometimes like to show her playful side when trying to have fun.

"Well only stay inside the kingdom and I can't wait. to see your kingdom I just hope my wings don't get stuck. in the back of any clothing my wings can't shrink. they only fold up when I sleep just to let you know." Princess Rose says letting him learn about her wings. as well her self at the same time.

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Old 11-23-2010, 06:50 AM

Naill motioned for the stable boys to bring them their mounts. "Oh? Well that shouldn't be a problem. Any clothes you want to bring with you are fine and I'm sure we can have other clothes in elven style modified if you decide you would like to wear them."

The boys brought them their mounts and Naill went to help Rose up on her horse. They were beautiful animals. His was dark as night and the stable hands had brought her a white horse dappled with grey. He deftly mounted and adjusted the reins to his liking. "This is Storm," he said, patting his horses neck. "Shall we Milady? I will follow wherever you wish."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:00 AM

"That sounds like a great idea to bring some of my own cloths. once I get use to your kingdom enough. I would like to ware elven clothing so I don't stick out to much." Princess Rose says in a happy en soft voice laughing a bit at her self. knowing it was normal for a fairy to stick out in other kingdoms.

"All right lets head in to the kingdom first I wish. to buy a few things wile we are there. Blossom here is my favorite horse to ride she was my mothers horse first." she says in a bit of quite,soft yet happy voice as she makes the horse start to move. Rose was not crying at all this time going out in to. her own kingdom is so much fun to her since. soon she'd would be out of this place moving to a new kingdom. the princess wish to buy some new cloths today and some flowers to put on the graves

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Old 11-23-2010, 07:03 AM

"As you wish princess." He urged Storm to move and came up beside her, matching her pace. The kingdom was very beautiful although he noticed people tended to stay out of his way. It was only understandable since the war was still going on. Each kingdom had called back their troops in preparation for the unifying of the kingdoms with their marriage. "So tell me about yourself Rose. I would like to know more about the woman I'm to marry."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:10 AM

"Well I like to read books,taking long walks,shopping,trying to cook on my own. I sometimes go swimming or try go to my private garden. when I need some a lone time I'm sacred of animal's. that are way bigger then my self in height,flying around the kingdom. is sort of a hobby of mine and I really like music a lot but this one. is to shy to try sing or dance in front of others only at ball's I'll dance cause. got no choice but to do so cause of the rules of being a royal." Rose says noticing a lot of her people were staying away. form Prince Naill that was normal right now due to the war.

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Old 11-23-2010, 07:18 AM

"You wouldn't sing for me lovely lady? I would love to hear you sing sometime. I also enjoy books and taking long walks. Animals don't usually bother me. I usually don't travel unarmed and I try to practice with my blade daily. I do enjoy taking rides in the forest though. Dancing...well I can dance even if I don't particularly want to at times."

They rode father out into the kingdom, coming up on a vast market. There were all manner of things for sale. Clothing, weapons, jewelry and much more. A music stall caught his eye. He pointed to it. "Do you mind if we stop there for a moment. I am also a lover of music and am able to play some things. I didn't bring anything with me however and would like to see what they have in stock."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:25 AM

"Sure we can stop there as long you don't mind. later on we stop so I can buy some new cloths. that I can bring with me to your kingdom with some of my old cloths." Princess Rose says as they ride in to the market place. she was not the type of girl that like jewelry to much. but would ware some jewelry when need to are fleet like it. yet she wonder if her wedding dress was being made in his kingdom or her kingdom? that Rose did not know at all she knew that she'd have to ware. some jewelry for the wedding with her dress.

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Old 11-23-2010, 07:47 AM

Naill dismounted and went into the shop. There was a vast assortment of instruments inside. He went among the displays, picking up some here and there then setting them back down. He was almost though went a beautiful violin caught his eye. He picked it up and marveled at the excellent craftsmanship of the instrument.

"May I help you my lord?" He turned towards the shop keeper and was surprised to find he was a dwarf. "Yes, this violin. How much are you asking for it good sir?" The dwarf looked at the violin in Naills hands. "Ah, that particular violin is very unique. It came from across the sea made by the dwarves of Slonde. I can not take less than 400 silver for it my lord." Naill was very impressed. It was said that the dwarves of Slonde made the finest instruments in the world and that they all responded differently to their owners. "400 you say?" Naill smiled. He was very good at haggling. They haggled over the price for a few moments before finally deciding on the price of 315 silver. It was still a steep price but the violin was worth it.

Satisfied with his purchase, he returned to Rose. The violin had been wrapped tightly and stored in a leather case with a strap for carrying it. Naill placed it on his back and then mounted his horse again. "I am done here Princess. Let us move on and find the clothes you came for."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:01 AM

"Okay and I see you bought something it looks like a violin." Rose says to Naill as her voice was happy as she was still. sitting down on Blossom petting her a bit on her neck. after a bit they left to go find some clothing stall's she could go look at some cloths. it had not taken all that long or to many stall's for Rose to find some. lovely new dress,some skirts,blouse's and shirt lucky for them it had taken only.

Too different stall's for the princess to find clothing that she like. some of them were fancy a little one dress she had bought. was made out of really rare moon flower's silk the moon flower was pure white. it only bloom's every 10,00years so Princess Rose paid full price for that dress. knowing how rare such the flower silk was worth a lot of more in its pure form. on dress's the price's was okay for royals are nobles to buy dress made out of it.

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Old 11-23-2010, 08:12 AM

He nodded approval at Rose's choices. He found him longing to see her in the moon silk flower dress. It would be beautiful on her. "It looks as though we may be done here in the market. Was there anywhere else you wanted to go today Princess?" They only had a few more days before the wedding. They would have a proxy wedding here before heading to the eleven kingdom for the actual ceremony. It would still be like the real thing here in the fairy kingdom but unlike the one in Naill's kingdom they would not be allowed to consummate the marriage.

He had heard that a dress was being made in both the elvish and fairy styles, to show the merging of the kingdoms. It was being made at the border of the 2 kingdoms. For the proxy wedding, Rose would be outfitted in a fairy realm style dress. He found he was anxious for the wedding to begin in a few days.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:20 AM

"I wish to buy some flowers and stop at one last place today. I won't be able to do it any more once. I move with you to your kingdom so I'd mighty as well do it today." Princess Rose says to Prince Naill before making sure the clothing she bought. were on her horse would not fall out of the carrier bags that held them in.

They ride off stopping at a flower stand she buy the flowers quickly. it was all most time go back to the castle for lunch. Rose handed the flowers to one of her body guards telling the man. to not drop them at all they were going to the grave yard before heading home.

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Old 11-23-2010, 08:24 AM

Naill looked up as she mentioned the graveyard. He remembered what he father had said about her losing her mother, brother and friend. He followed her as they rode towards the graveyard.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:32 AM

Once they got to the graves Princess Rose gets off of her horse. the guard that was holding the flowers gave them to the princess. "Mother,Earth and Florinda. I came to say good bye to you all I'm sure you 3 are watching over me still. so I bet you all know what is going on in the next few days. so here is some flowers for each of you please let your spirits be at rest." Rose says her voice was sad,soft and even low sounding. before placing the flowers on each of the 3 graves then hops back on blossom once more.

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Old 11-23-2010, 08:35 AM

Naill stayed on his horse while she had her moment with the grave site. When he remounted he placed his hand on her arm. "I'm sorry for you loss Rose," he said tenderly in a soft voice. He felt the sudden urge to take her in his arms but did not. He didn't need tales of the wrong kind circulating about the palace. "We can go when you are ready. Take all the time you need." He waited patiently for her, keeping quiet so that she could have her moment with her kinfolk.


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