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Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 05:57 PM

Yuki held onto Kyo as they climbed out of there hole. Yuki was still surprised by the mini army of cats and rats. He smiled, till he realized how bad the damage was. There was no way the two of them, could fix all of this. Shigure would not be pleased at all.

" But, Kyo, you can't do this all by your self, what will happen if you get hurt?" He asked softly. He didn't want Kyo to be hurt at all. He eyes shone with concern for the other.

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 06:42 PM

"Don't worry," Kyo laughed, "I know you don't think I'm very tough, but I'm quite capable! You just rest that ankle."

He lifted Yuki up and carried him to the better half of the house, resting him in his own warm bed. "I can do this," he smiled. He turned away from Yuki and worked well into the night.
By late night, Kyo strolled into Yuki's room to check on him and found he was missing. He searched everywhere, until he heard water running.

His heart raced....

The images of that flashback flooded him. Yuki, wet and innocent, humming as he cleansed himself in the shower. Should Kyo care to even peek again? Perhaps he wouldn't mind. "Nothing I haven't seen before," Kyo laughed softly. He started towards the bathroom.

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 07:51 PM

Yuki went to protest, but he found his self carried up to him room. He unable to go back down the stairs to help. Eventually the day went on. Yuki got off his bed and limped over to the bathroom. He undressed and decide instead of a shower, he would take a bath. Which was he was doing. He knew he wouldn't be able stand long enough to shower.

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 11:40 PM

Should he knock on the door? Or perhaps blindly walk in and pretend it was a mistake? Either way, he knew he had to see Yuki again... Any trace of good conscience was abruptly overshadowed by want and longing.

He gathered up his courage, and pressed onward. He ran the perfect excuse through his head, about how he had been working all day and thought himself dirty enough to for a brief shower. Yes it was perfect!

With deep breaths, he creaked the door open and slid in. His eyes traced Yuki in the bath, only for a moment. His satisfaction of seeing his love's body was worth his impulsive behaviour. But where was the excuse? Those beautiful eyes were staring at him directly, rendering him speechless of anything to say. He stood there, mouth slightly agape, completely captivated by the beauty before him.

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:15 AM

Yuki been enjoying a nice soak before the door opened. He might have been alarmed if he didn't know that the only other person at home was Kyo. His head turned and his purple orbs stared at Kyo. He waited for Kyo to speak, wondering what he wanted, but it seemed that he was speechless.

Yuki titled his head, and then chuckled, he never thought he would render Kyo speechless. He then grinned wickedly, the bath was big enough for two. He raised his arm and with his fingers beckoned Kyo to come to him. " Come join me?" He asked.

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 02:56 PM

((OH MY GAWD my heart is racing for Kyo!! GO GET HIM BOY!))

Kyo stood for a few moments then smirked, bringing him back to his usual character. He was amazed that he was speechless. That occurrence rarely happened to him... but that body. That form. He had to have it again. Though he worked tirelessly that day, his mind could not wander away from Yuki.

Slowly, Kyo stripped off his dirty clothes and tossed them aside. He noticed Yuki glancing slyly at him, rendering him both nervous and excited. He slipped into the bath, never breaking eye contact with his beloved.

"The house is coming along," he said, allowing the cleansing of the water to wash over his aching body. "I think you'll be surprised at how easily I can build something that you knocked down!" He saw Yuki's expression of 'you mean you who knocked it down' and laughed. This laughter came from the depths of his belly. His teeth shone white and glistened, his expression welcoming and warm. He hadn't laughed like this in a long while-- especially not with Yuki.

"We are..." he started, "becoming closer. I can feel it..."

Kyo inched closer and closer to Yuki in silence, feeling his body under the refreshing water. "I don't want to let this feeling go. Whatever we have.. I can't get enough..." Kyo leaned in for a kiss, his heart soaring when Yuki returned it with an equal amount of desire. This wasn't a dream.

Yuki was truly his. But how will they hide it when their family members-- and Tohru-- arrive home?

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 01-10-2011, 03:10 AM

Yuki watched Kyo with hunger eyes, he licked his lips, and his eyes trailed over Kyo's body as he watched him undress. Yuki moved forward to allow Kyo space to get into the water. Once he was in, Yuki moved closer to Kyo, pressing in him to fell his warmth, and tone body against his.

Yuki listened to Kyo speak loving the way Kyo's voice seemed to wash over him, and made him feel very peaceful. He gave Kyo a look when he mentioned the breaking of the house being his fault. It seemed that look alone, had Kyo laughing, and not just a simple, ha ha real funny laugh, but a true deep laugh. It caused Yuki to smile.

When Kyo spoke once more, his words echoing what Yuki was already feeling," I feel it too, and I never want to let it go" He mummered before, he returned Kyo's kiss with equal passion.


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