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Phantom is offline
Old 05-01-2011, 11:58 PM

The steady hum of chatter and movement from the front of the stall had kept his mind busy for a while. He could see little from where his cage was positioned (the younger slaves had been pushed to the front, since they tended to sell more quickly), but he had occupied most of the morning with imagining the faces and histories behind the voices he heard. Now, however, the werebeast had grown bored with the activity and set himself to pacing around the tiny space he'd been allotted (in his leopard form, since his human form would have been to large to do so).

Eventually he sat down and--after transforming back into a lanky, and incredibly pale man--began to fiddle absently with the cheap flute he'd been given upon arriving at the slave-trader's stall. He played a few notes on the thing quietly to himself, but ultimately resigned himself to tossing it up in the air and catching it again, or twirling it around his fingers.

A sudden spasm in his left arm (likely a result of muscle strain from being kept in a cage that was a tad too small for him) cause the man to accidentally send his toy instrument flying between the bars of his enclosure. It rolled between a couple of crates on the opposite side of the room.

Themius sighed, watching the thing's progress until it had disappeared from his sight, "..figures."

Roka is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 12:22 AM

[ Here Comes Jewel! >:D ]

Jewelsat in her cage, watching everything that went on around her. She sighed softly, watching as many people passed her up, or on the slight occasion, looked at her collar and charms before walking away to examine the others. She fiddled with her hair, twirling and winding it around and through her fingers, as she stared at the ceiling of her cage with her bright, blue eyes. What if someone who picks me is über-rich? she thought, smiling mentally. He'd be tall and handsome, dark hair and bright eyes for sure, and a well-built body - not too muscular. And he would be dressed in only the fanciest - but stylish - clothes. She was completely in her own world before she noticed that an older, sleazier man had his face pressed to the bars, watching her with a creepy smile.

"Girl," he said, "what's your name?"

"Jewel," she replied with hesitation. Surely, this ancient man wouldn't buy her! ....Would he?

"Well, my little Jewel, I can tell you you'll be coming home with me.... Don't worry. You'll absolutely love my home," the man said with another creepy smile, and then shoved one of his dirty hands between the cage's bars to grope at her chest. She screamed, kicking and swatting at his hands until she had pushed herself to the back of the cage where he couldn't reach her.

"Someone get this creep out of here!" She screamed, just as the man began towards the door.

"You scratched me! What a bitch," he spat back at her before he reached the door. "Just like your mother, I'm sure," he said, just loud enough for Jewel to hear before he exited the building. Jewel put her face in her hands and began to cry. It felt horrible, everything - him groping her, and the insult to her and her mother. All she wanted to do now was isolate herself, and maybe even sleep for a while, though she knew now that her happy place inside her head was ruined.

Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 12:22 AM

He turned around and saw a young man asking to make a purchase. "Oh, hello. Sorry to keep you waiting. My name's Raek Knight." He said as he put out his hand for Sam to shake. "So you would like Makoto I see. Well, the price for him is pretty fair. His personality is calm but, he has had a rough past so I would recommend not bringing it up in front of him. I've never seen or met him quite yet but, I do have some information on him." Raek looked behind his desk and found the folder on him. He pulled it out and handed it to Sam. "You can look at it as much as you want."

Last edited by Knerd; 05-04-2011 at 03:40 AM..

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 12:39 AM

Sam then nodded,"I am Sam, pleasure to meet you Raek." Before taking the folder, the blond looked to the cage that P-KO was supposed to be infront of.

"Err, I'm afraid that won't be nessassary Raek, it seems that my cousin has bought Mr. Makoto already..." He pointed to the empty cage with the said amount of money inside, which replaced said slave. Sam smacked his forehead,"Crap, where did P-KO go with that boy!?" He said in frustration, looking at Raek, he bowed nervously, trying to apologize for his cousin's horrible thievery.

"I think P-KO is going to get it when I find her..." He muttered, frustrated at himself for not keeping watch on the mischievous, purple-haired girl.

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happydeath is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 12:41 AM

((is it just me or do we have too little of slave masters. x3))

Right when P-KO had placed the money onto the corner of the cage, Makoto was already outside of the cage as he stood there looking back and forth contiously to see if the owner of the shop saw him come out. If he was caught leaving the cage without premission from that man first; chances were Makoto could be locked up into the cage once more and no longer be up for sale. So looking back at her once more, he had noticed how she jumped right back out of the dark portal only to land onto her butt. With his eyes widened up, he backed up only slightly with his wings flinching a bit from the suddenness of her falling out from the same side he had come out from. All of a sudden hearing how excited P-KO was, Makoto just nervously gave a little smile and followed her quietly. The chain collar on his neck at this point wasn't really much of a problem; that is until the thought about being caught overcame him. Making the pain of the chain collar even more painful than it already was. It almost felt as though it were choking him as he just continued to follow her trying to get out of this shop first off.

"Ah, so thats what the note pad is for." Daigo stated when Suzmiko brought up the fact that she never really talked to anyone else in this shop. He had originally remembered when he first her, she wrote something into her note pad but immediately ended up putting it right back under her bed. All of a sudden, hearing her thank him for both helping her and buying her. Daigo just gave a little smile as he turned around once more to look at the shop owner; just to notice how he was starting to finish up at least. "One minute. I'll be back." he said, getting up to his feet and approaching the owner that was speaking with another male. "Hello sir, could I buy that girl over there?" he asked politely, giving a warm smile. Pointing right over toward Sumiko.

Phidefya is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 12:41 AM

Juu heard the rolling of an object, and curiously, he looked up, out into the isle ways again. A cylinder shaped object was rolling across the way.. and he watching it curiously.. it looked like some crappy instrument.. cheaply made. He crawling over to the door again, and watched as it hit the cage next to him, one that had been un-used for days. His tongue slithered out like a snakes and he snatched it, bringing it back inside and examining it. It tasted horrible, looked horrible and would probably break easily. He fiddled with it, before beginning to throw it around to catch it. "What junk." He muttered, throwing it out again, causing it to roll back to where it came from.

Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 12:52 AM

Raek looked at the empty cage. "Ugh....I guess I will collect the money that is there and see how much more or less needs to be paid. Please wait here." He walked over to the cage and bent down to pick the money up. But he stopped. Raek heard a scream from one of the Slaves. A man was harrassing her. He looked towards the door. Good. He's leaving. People like him disgust me... Raek ran towards Jewel's cage. He looked inside and saw a distressed girl crying. "Jewel was it? I'm sorry that happened to you. Here, take my hankerchief." He set it inside her cage. "I'm Raek, the shop owner. I won't let that happen to you, okay? I do my best to take of the Slaves before they're sold." Raek sat down in front of her cage. Poor thing. I hate to see this happen to innocent girls.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-04-2011 at 03:40 AM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 01:06 AM

{I have one I was just waiting}

Sumiko nodded when Daigo left and headed towards the store owner, she turned and walked abck over to her bed and sat down on the floor infront of it with her back towards the door. She pulled out her not pad and pencil and started to sketch something ot on it while she waited.

Miko noticed that the store owner and the other man had left and then walked up to the cage that the girl was sitting in and said "Hello there how are you?" He looked down at her it looked like she had been crying but he pushed that out of his mind. He waited for a moment then said "So what is your name?".

{He is talking to Arianna}

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happydeath is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 01:12 AM

((O.O The shop owner completely ignored meh. X_x :lol: ))

Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 01:22 AM

Aria grabbed the hankerchief Raek had kindly given her. Although the tears were wiped off, you could still see the stains of where they were. Well I'm not going to find a Master with old tears on my cheeks... But she had been proven wrong. She looked up and saw a man about her age asking for her name. She quickly sat up and looked at him staright in the eyes. "Oh, I'm fine....I guess. My name is Arianna, but you can call me that or Aria. Anything you want is fine." She wiped her face off again with the hankerchief. She was feeling better now. Especially since Miko was talking to her instead of someone with no decency. Aria gave a slight smile to him. Usually she liked to play tricks on people, but not on Masters or someone with a higher rank like the person who talking to her now. Thank you sir......for me.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-04-2011 at 03:40 AM..

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 01:50 AM

P-KO weaved around the store in what seemed like forever. Just as she was about to give up, her red eye had found the exit. The purple-haired girl was excited, and opened the door, and as quickly as she could, tried to usher Makoto out the door as well. The girl took a deep breath in, savoring the feeling of fresh air. As she exhaled she looked at Makoto, and her look of excitement turned into worry.

"Hey Makoto, you don't look too well, something wrong?" Concern was laced withe the worry in her sentence. Maybe he didn't want her as a master? She thought worriedly,"Do you not like me as a master Mr. Makoto?" She had forgotten that, even though he was of lower class, he was still older, and no matter what, as her mother said, she was to address him as such.

Angelo is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 01:52 AM

Jaycie lay on her bed of warm ashes, staring up at the roof of her cage. The ashes were a sick joke by the employees that made fun of her heritage as a Wisp. The same thing went with the bird feed that they fed her. Her Pull-up was cold and clammy by now, her body having expelled the urine subconsciously a couple of hours ago. The beatings necessary to break her had also unfortunately left her with permanent bladder incontinence, a condition that added to her unappealing nature. The employee that had done the deed did get fired, as he severely diminished the value of one of Raek's rarest and most valuable slaves. She usually would have changed out of the sodden undergarment much earlier, but she was out of Pull-ups, and Raek hadn't come around in a while. She would definitely need to tell him she needed more.

That was actually all she was dressed in; the soaked Disney Princess Pull-up that was so childishly decorated with three ladies dressed in what would be gorgeous gowns in real life, not the Jaycie knew the names to any of them. As she was only the size of a pre-pubescent eleven year old, she was very flat-chested and stick-like, her inability to grow physically meaning that she'd forever remain that way. That was another problem masters had with her: she wasn't sexy. She looked like a little girl most of the time, only appearing to be her actual age under the right light. She couldn't say she minded her inability to get bought though. Raek had always treated her with a fair amount of kindness, and was someone she could depend on.

The screams and such of other girls had actually woken the petite, flame-haired girl from her nap, and she couldn't help but wonder if anyone would be interested in buying her, despite the unusually high price. Or at least, Jaycie guessed that it was unusually high. She couldn't read, nor write, so therefore could only guess what was going on from the conversations Raek had with potential masters. Absently, Jaycie sat up, curling her thin legs underneath her as she watched the people around her.

Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 02:01 AM

Raek turned around and remembered that a man asked to buy a Slave. Oh, how could I forget? Maybe it was when I saw Jewel in distress that I forgot everything. Raek turned back to Jewel. "Jewel, I have to go help a customer. I promise you, I'll be back soon." Raek gave her a warm smile, then stood up and left. He walked quickly to the man, Daigo. He touched his shoulder gently. "I am so sorry to leave you. I was just trying to take care of one the Slaves becau-...well I don't think that really matters to you." He said and smiled.

He looked at the Slave Daigo was talking about. "I believe that's Suzmiko. Very nice choice. But as you must know, she does wear a Chain for a Collar so if I were you, I would take it slow with her at first. I haven't had the oppurtunity of meeting her yet but, I do know her past and other information on her if you would like to know it. Her price is about 2,500 dollars. She has a skill for cleaning also. So, what do you say?"

Last edited by Knerd; 05-04-2011 at 03:40 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 02:22 AM

Vera entered the slave shop with curious eyes. There were many people milling about, and many more cages. She didn't want to be where the large congregation of people were. The orange haired woman wandered inside, going deeper into the store then anyone else had. There were many empty cages where she stood. Her eyes wandered, looking for someone who might inspire her artistic drives. An object nudged up against her boot. Vera bent down to pick it up, and her eyes fell upon a white haired man, caged like many others. At the sight of him, her thoughts went whirling into what things she might create with such a model for her works.

Picking up the flute with the tips of her fingers, Vera mustered a smile for him. "Hi there. Would you be interested in becoming my model? I am an artist you see. For years I've been on hiatus, trying to find inspiration, and you seem to be just that." Her voice was much warmer then it usually was, because all her thoughts were intent on her art. Vera failed to notice the chain collar around the older man's neck, as well as the many charms upon it. Even if she had the woman wouldn't have known their significance.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 05-02-2011 at 02:39 AM..

Phidefya is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 02:49 AM

He looked up at the woman quietly, and his mouth turned into a twisted grin, his tongue slithering out five or six inches. "You want someone like me to be an art model? Trust me, I'm nothing beautiful." He hissed at her, sitting still, his tongue beginning to stretch out more. "You should look somewhere else. I guarantee that you'll regret ever setting me free." He said.

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happydeath is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 02:52 AM

By the time P-KO had finally found the exit, Makoto's eyes widened up as he rushed himself outside along with her. He couldn't even imagine the last time he had actually been outside and been able to smell the fresh air against his own body. Although, even with the feeling of fresh air against his body; the chained collar was still causing much pain to his entire body, but mostly at his neck. Even though his neck was mostly in pain from the collar, his wings felt much more alive outside as both of his slightly white feathered torn wings flapped themselves a bit from finally being able to get outside. Taking his attention straight back over at P-KO when she asked if anything was wrong. Makoto's eyes widened up a bit as he gave a little nervous smile shaking his head. "N-..n..nothing is wrong. D-..dont worry." he said once more, still sounding really nervous. All of a sudden, when she said that he didn't want to belong to her. His eyes widened up even more brightly as he shook his head more quickly. " no it..its not that.." Makoto said trying not to raise his own voice as he placed both his hands onto the chained collar, trying to loosen it a bit; only to end up in failure. "I..Its th..this thing."

When the shop owner had returned to Daigo to tell him about Suzmiko, he just nodded to most of the things the man had told him. "It's quite alright. I understand about taking care of your slaves, some people don't tend to have much respect for people like slaves." he stated listening to more about Suzmiko, when he was told about her wearing a chain collar; Daigo's own eyes widened up a bit as he just realized now that it was true, she was wearing one of those chained collars; but to his thought, Daigo thought that all slaves wore the chain ones. So when the man offered to tell him about her past a bit, he just tilted his head to look back at her only for a moment with a small frown. He wasn't exactly sure if her past was good or bad, so it was probably a good idea for him to figure it out now. "Yeah, could you tell me about her past?..I'm still going to buy her for that 2.5k though."

Roka is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:01 AM

Jewel looked up at the shop owner - Raek, had he said? - and inched her way over to him, slowly. His voice soothed her almost instantly, but as she took his handkerchief to wipe her eyes, she was still a bit shaken from everything that had happened. Where was her boldness when she needed it? As of late, she was becoming less and less courageous. Maybe it was because she knew she'd probably never get out of here...

She looked up as he addressed her again. She nodded her understanding as he left, but wasn't really sure if he saw that. All around her, she heard some of the other slaves being sold off or being priced, and a fresh wave of tears threatened to spill over her eyes. Glancing around, she backed up from the cage, just out of arm's reach, so that she was nearly in the middle. She'd wait for Raek to return. Maybe he'll have some idea of when I'll get out of here, she thought.

[ So, erm. I think I'm going to make a Master's profile. There's not many Masters in here, after all. ]

Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:06 AM

"Instead of me telling you her past, why don't you just take her papers with all the information you need. If you could just step over here please." He said as he gestured to his desk. Once again, he pulled out the folder with the information of all Slaves inside the shop. Raek flipped through the pages looking for Suzmiko's background. "Ah. Here it is." He flipped to the page about her past. Raek handed him the page. "If you like, you may keep it. I always have copies. Now if you'll please excuse me there's a young slave girl I'd like to attend to. If you have any more questions, I will be over there." He pointed towards Jewel's cage because, of course, he was talking about Jewel. Raek walked back to her cage. He looked back inside. "I told I'd come back." He gave her a big smile. He wanted her to feel special. "Tell me if you ever need anything, okay?"

Last edited by Knerd; 05-04-2011 at 03:40 AM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:19 AM

Miko looked at the girl and said "Nice to meet you Arianna, my name is Miko", he sat on the floor on infront of her cage and then said "If your fine then why would you have been crying?". He used to sit on the floor when he was little when ever his parents cam here so he thought nothing different of it. Of course he had a soft side and it seemed thatthis girl needed someone to talk to at the moment. She smiled kindly at the girl then said "But if you rather not talk about it that is fine with me." he looked at her collar it didn't look like she was that bad she had basic skills that he could use around his home. He thought about it for a moment then said "You seem to be a very.. useful person by the looks of your collar and I would like you to come home with me. Would you like to come home with me?" He smiled again thinking about his childhood comming here, his parents always seemed to be a bit tougher on the slaves but he knew that respect was always better so he decided that he would respect them no matter what.

{Oh and her name is spelt Sumiko}

Last edited by Shania583; 05-02-2011 at 03:35 AM..

Phantom is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:28 AM

ooc: Erm...Can't tell if Themius is being spoken to or not. xD


He heard the flute roll back across the floor, likely kicked by an absentminded customer or something. His sharp grey eyes peered at it as it slid back into view, but it remained out of his reach. He sighed; the life of an obedient slave, though safe, was rather dull..

In the blink of an eye, he changed back into a snow leopard, uneasy about the light coming through the door and windows of the stall. While in a cage, too, he was only able to rest comfortably while as a feline. The cool floor of his cage felt pleasant against his thick fur and he stretched out such that all four of his massive paws was pressed against each side of his enclosure.

Phidefya is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:30 AM

[[ I was only able to tell the difference between our characters because Thermius has a Leather Collar, and Juu has a chain ^^; ]]

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:43 AM

P-KO looked at him worryingly, then her eye widened when he made attempts to loosen the tight chain collar. She gave him a sad smiled,"I wonder whose idea it was that you were dangerous? I've never seen a shyer person than you before in my life." She touched the collar, luckily, the sun when behind a cloud, so there was a large shadow above the two, which was good luck for her because it quickened her recharge time. "I'll see what I can do Makoto, well, if I can call you that..." She closed her eyes in concentration, she needing to keep her head in what she was doing for it to work, slowly, the collar became darker until it was completely black. She let out a breath of exhaustion from the sheer power the skill needed to use for it to even activate. She opened her multi-colored eyes, and her blue one glowed slightly. Minute by minute, the black chain expanded until it was around his neck loosely, but not enough for him to take off.

She kneeled on the floor, completely exhausted, her face going close to Pink from using all that power at once. Panting, she stood up, giving Makoto a smile to reassure him, and said,"Let's go get you some clothes, and some food first before we go back and get you and I another companion hmm?" P-KO wasn't much of an athlete, so she never had much stamina, you can imagine what more powerful skills will do to her health.

Roka is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 04:10 AM

Jewel looked at Raek as he approached her cage, eyes wide. "Do you think I'll get out of here?" She asked, clutching his handkerchief. She was glad he'd come back around - he made her feel more... herself. She dropped her voice to a whisper. "I heard yesterday that there's a rumor of... of Storm coming around here. To get a few slaves. Do you think he'll..." She choked and broke off, wincing at the thought of becoming one of Storm's - an infamous assassin (and one rumored to be a half-vampire) - slaves.

"Does anyone even know what he looks like?" She asked Raek, now somewhat interested, but still afraid.

[ Storm is the character I'm going to make, if that's alright with you. Just a head's up. ]

Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 04:19 AM

[Please Do :3]

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happydeath is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 05:10 AM

When the shop owner had insisted Daigo to go look at Sumiko's file and read about her past from there. He just gave a little nod and followed the man over toward his desk, from there he just stood there waiting for him to find her file and looked around a bit. This place was much bigger than he had expected; but it made sense to him that it was this large. To have so many different slaves here, it wasn't much of a surprise that they needed a large home to be living it. Since each of the cages weren't exactly that small. By the time the owner had found her profile, Daigo immediately took his attention right back over to him with a little soft smile nodding. "Okay. I think I'll keep this one. Thanks." he stated, flipping through Sumiko's file until he had finally come to a stop at her history. There was alot of information, but thanks to him being a fast reader; Daigo began to walk back to her cage while reading her profile on the way. So exactly by the time he reached by to her cage, he just knelt right on down at her cage looking back at her with a warm smile returned on his face. "Hey there. Sorry I took so long. I read about your must be have your parents leave you like that..but don't worry. When your with me, you don't always have to talk. I understand, just letting you know. I'm not going to be treating you as bad as you might think I be honest, I just wanted a companion was really all." Dagio added still giving his little warm smile and reaching toward the handle of the cage door. "Now, lets get you out of here. hmm?" he said, finally grabbing ahold of the door and pulling it open with all his might.

Makoto just stared at P-KO with a little nervous smile on his face when she told him that he didn't seem really like the dangerous type. Yes, it was true; at the moment he didn't seem like that type since he was sane for now; really whenever his past was mentioned to him, that was usually when he would go berserk and lose his mind of whatever he was doing. By the time he would usually regain his own sanity, he would have a complete memory lost of what had happened because of him. Suddenly hearing from P-KO that she'd help him with the chained collar; Makoto's eyes began to widen up at the thought that she was planning to help remove it for him. Out of no where, when she reached and touched the collar, he looked up and down between P-KO's face and the collar she touched. Completely unaware of what she was doing, when the collar itself had began to change to a complete black color; only to see that it was beginning to loosen up even more than it ever had been. Makoto gave a quick gasp for air as he noticed how she dropped for a moment. Right before he could kneel down to help her stand up; he had noticed how she was able to do it right on her own a bit quickly. No doubt about it, this girl was alot stronger than she looked. " you..P..P-KO." he thanked with a warm smile slowly beginning to form right onto his face once more.


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