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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 09:45 PM

Catching the grin with the corner of her eye, Claire found herself wondering how to make him smile again, and what had caused it. Then he was grimacing after her words and began mixing something with all the mysterious things in the vials. She watched fascinated, wondering what he was making. Then Barlios was pushing the small bottle into her hands, making her blush resurface at the contact of his hands on hers. "Thanks," mumbled the young woman.

Claire trusted him, actually so far the naga was the only person she trusted. Claire hadn't really spoken with the others, and even after Barlios had vouched for Soturo she still felt like she needed to get to know someone before placing her trust in them. Glancing up at him, she uncorked the vial and gazed a little at the liquid before drinking if carefully. It didn't taste like anything she'd ever had before, but was quite good. Instantly the brunette felt the gnawing huger she'd gotten used to disappear. "Barlios, I'm curious... How did you get those scars?" Moments earlier she had noticed the circles around his wrists. As she spoke, she touched one briefly to show which she spoke of.

Feeling Soturo's eyes on him, Vladis could not help but grin widely at the attention. His white teeth flashed in stark contrast against tanned skin. After he was finished speaking, he was glad that she agreed. The centaur beat a hasty retreat outside after checking on the others. Seeing that they seemed to be getting along he raised an eyebrow. It was an unexpected development.

Shrugging he turned around and cantered off to get the picks needed to clean his hooves. Vladis returned and gave them to Soturo. " Would you prefer if I stood, or if I lay down on my side? The second would be more difficult for me, but easier for you." This was said after he had explained the use of the pick. It was quite rare for a centaur to trust anyone not from his herd to take care of him, nearly unheard of. Vladis though, wanted to get as close to Soturo as possible. The fact was, it was ammunition for latter. She would be running her hands all over his equine parts for the second time, if would only be fair for her to satisfy his own curiosity later on.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-07-2011, 11:17 PM

His head turns his head towards her his face neutral. Most people called him unreadable because his face we never very expressive but it had not always been so. His eyes had been his most giving feature, now they were Soturo's. He smiled grimly when Claire traces one of his scars. He leans over, taking her hand and pressing it more firmly against the marred flesh. It those scars had less feeling to them so a soft touch would go unnoticed without wording it. "Most are from my life as a slave. Whip marks and beatings" He says no shame in his voice. He had been a very proud man even as a servant, his world was simple, do as you were told and you were not beaten. Something Barlios had never took to heart and he took his beatings knowing one day he would be free. His magic had started developing when he was young and he nurtured them even before knowing what they were he hadn't even received a proper education till he was will into his late teens, if he were to compare it to human ages.

He guides her hand to another jagged scar near the cleaner ones. "This is a battle scar, given to me by a former master." He moves her hand again placing it on the joining of flesh and scale running her fingers along the line to a scar that was barely visible but rough to the touch it seemed to go half way around his torso. "I was nearly cut in half by an enemy blade during Onil-anja's war against his father." He moves her hand again to a rather nasty looking scar that was two points with jagged edges going down his face from the cloth covering his eyes to his chin. It bore markings on each edge that were almost the small tone as his skin. "This is my contract with Soturo."

Soturo turned to the centaur and listened to his explanation of the equipment. A lot of trust had to go into something like this. One wrong move and she could easily destroy his hove, make him unable to move. It was interesting that he would trust her not knowing what she was, what she had done. She was a complete stranger to him and him her. She figured everything had that base instinct to stay away from what she was. Be frightened and avoid her but this was. This was something else; there were no words for it. Soturo gave a short laugh as she motioned for him to lift his leg.

"Standing is fine, I think I understand how this works." She says her lips turned up at the corners. She went about picking at his hove her fingers working delicately as if they had done this before. She supposed in another life she might have, but she was certain it wasn't as a centaur. A small memory flashed over her of a young woman caring for horses. And as soon as it is there it is gone and she is left in slight wonder. Ignoring it however she moves about the task without hindrance. "I am quite surprised that you trust me to do this." She says an amused lit in her voice.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 11:45 PM

Jumping a little, Claire was surprised by Barlios's actions. She hadn't expected him to show her his scars, having her hand touch each one. His voice held no shame, no anger... It was simple acceptance she supposed. With every touch, the feel of his skin under hers even as scarred as it was, she felt herself grow warm. Claire could feel herself melting, her heart was opening up to him when she didn't want it to.

"Barlios..." said the young woman as her hand rested beneath his on his face. If the naga had been able to see, he would have been faced with a soft tender expression devoid of the fear that had at one point filled it at the sight of him. Moving, shifting, Claire placed her right hand on the rough scar that ran across his torso at the joining between scale and flesh. She sighed, leaning her head on his chest, armored as it was, unable to speak what she so desperately wanted to. It was wrong, to feel so strongly for someone she had just met, and doubly wrong when they came from two entirely different worlds in more ways then one. The fact that he showed no sign of feeling the same way made it much worse. "You didn't say anything about your horn," muttered the young woman softly without moving. Claire couldn't think of anything to else to say, that wouldn't point to what she felt and refused to voice.

Vladis smiled at her words, while letting her take care of him. "You shouldn't be. Does Barlios not trust you enough to aid him with the things even he cannot manage because of his blindness?" It was not at all why he trusted her, but Vladis refused to embarrass her so soon with the fact that he had seen her blushing. He liked teasing yes, but he knew there were limits.

The centaur shifted slightly, impatiently waiting for her to finish. He wanted to show her something, a place he had kept ot himself. It was strange how much he wanted to please her, almost as if she was... Vladis shook his head, remembering what the elders had said when he was young. Mates, a centaur always knew his mate in the first few hours of meeting them. It was instinctive, a way of preserving their hearts. They had never said anything about what happened if one's mate was of another race, without that certainty that grew with every passing moment. Vladis shook his head slightly, not quite sure if it was from frustration, confusion or denial.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-08-2011, 12:52 AM

"You did not ask of my horn." He says feeling her lay against his chest. He is rather surprised by the development. It was strange to have someone try to get near to,especially something so fragile. He wonders if she knows what she is doing. His tail length curls up loosely around him leaving a rut in the sand.

He had always thought humans to be basic simple creatures this display was rather complex. Then again Barlios had not had to deal with too many humans. And bandits and hunters did not bother the naga as they knew rightfully to fear them. He was a nightmare opponent he knew that himself. He had a thirst for blood that was only quenched by the last dying cry of his enemies be there no more left. It was controllable but it was always a part of him. He did not deny that.

He had had to come to terms with a lot of things. Pledging his honor to Onil-anja, fighting against his father, killing those who got in his way, even women and children. Barlios would not say he was proud of the things he had done but he certainly did not regret them. He was under order with magic his only solace. This would not change. "Near the end of the war I fought with Onil-anja's father to near death, her gave me the separating scar and many of my smaller ones." He turned his head towards the doorway his ears picking up small sounds he was sure this had not gone unnoticed by Soturo.

Soturo shook her head finishing up his last hove before setting it down and patting this thigh lightly. "Master Barlios is very much capable of doing most things himself. He has not let that fact that I have his eyes hinder him." She says absently brushing at his thigh. She glances up at him watching the expressions play across his face at his thoughts. She was curious but she would not pry or pray on his thoughts. Barlios had forbidden that from the start, unless given permission but she had never had to ask before so she never did. Her and Barlios slipped between each others mind frequently enough. She could 'see' that the human was getting rather comfortable with him. His confusion was hers. This human was getting rather attached for some reason.

A small sound very low echoed from a little ways away. She turned her eyes on the forest not too far off from them. He ears lowered slightly as her pupils turn to slits. It was rather dark she could utilize the original sight of these eyes and what she saw made her eyes widen and her head whipped around to stare at the hut where Barlios and Claire were. At the same time the tree line lit up and a volley of arrows was fired down upon them. Soturo acted shifting forms, a bright light guarding them as she throws her arms out in front of Vladis and the arrows bounce off harmlessly. But the ones that don't catch the makeshift hut and it catches fire and is quickly consumed. "Master Barlios!" She shouts as it collapses over them.

Barlios curses wrapping his arms around Claire his tails curling around the both of them as the roof falls. The fire was nothing as he pushes his arms under Claire's knees and curls further around only to push the wood from his back. Raising himself he grimaces. "We're all right." he says calmly before a group of men come rushing from the tree line swords drawn. He knocks them back with little effort but another group cry shows that they are not alone.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 01:35 AM

(Oooo I'm going to say they are bandits)

Before Claire could say anything, she heard Barlios cursing and suddenly was wrapped up in his arms, protected from danger by his body. She was so shocked she couldn't even scream as she glimpsed things falling all around them, burning up the hut or at least it's remains. Claire was terrified. The young woman had never been faced with such danger before in her life, and it appearing so suddenly without warning nearly made her freeze up completely. Yet she didn't because of the nage protecting her.

Claire felt Barlios putting his arm under her knees, and then they were free from the wreckage. After that Claire saw the men rushing forward with swords drawn,heading straight for them. She screamed, unable to help herself but subsided after Barlios pushed them back. The young woman trembled from head to toe, but still managed to think trough her fear. "Put me down. You won't be able to fight any other way." Her eyes were searching for someplace she could hide. After reading, always reading, she knew that these were probably bandits. They wouldn't hesitate to do unspeakable things to her if they caught her and she was well aware of that.

Her eyes met those of the centaur, before moving to a different looking Soturo. Vladis moved to stand beside the woman, ready to plunge into action. His hooves were his weapons and he wasn't at all afraid to use them against the intruders. He was torn between racing to tell the herd, and staying with the guests. The other group approached them. They separated into two large groups, one for the centaur and the lady, the other for the naga with a human in his arms. Behind them all was a cloaked figure who stood near enough that their muttering could be heard even over the din of screaming men.

Vladis bucked at some of the men, crushing bones with his hooves. Somehow he managed to grab one of the swords and set about with it. He knew very well that Soturo could defend herself after her display, but he still felt the need to protect her. Clumsily he parried an attack, and searched out the naga to see how he fared.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-08-2011, 02:20 AM

(Works for me. :3)

Barlios angles his face down towards her his mouth in a stern line. He would not put her down, even at her request. She had no way of defending herself if he did and she hand no cover here. She was going to stay where she was whether she wanted to or not. "I would suggest you cover your eyes little one." He mutters to her before knocking back a few of them with his tail.

He curls her towards his body before his body begins to glow in a white light and his armor dissipates leaving his chest bare. His jaw stretches slightly as his teeth lengthen and sharpen against his maw, his ears pointed in much the way Soturo's were. He whispers a few words in a cryptic language before another light pushes at the men rushing for them. They seemed to be bandits, raiders. He clenched his teeth as he felt for their where-abouts. With some many people it was hard for him to discern who was who. He knew where Soturo was however and knowing where she was he knew where the centaur would be. He could not afford to send off a wayward spell in their direction.

Soturo guards against a blade aimed for her. She side steps another, and another before drawing her own sword and parrying their attacks cutting down two. She would use no more magic seeing that Barlios was using spells instead of fighting. She would not risk weakening him against the hoard. One foot forward she drops to one knee, pushing off against the ground she propels herself past Vladis cutting out the legs of two more men and landing in a role. With no hint of disorientation she goes back into a kneeling position glaring up at a few of the men surrounding her. They leer at her with vicious grins and she can feel her skin crawl with disgust; she'd never let them touch her. She could hear their thoughts and feel their intentions and she was feeling rather murderous.

She glances over her shoulder to see how Vladis was fairing. He seemed well equipped to take care of himself. She was rather captivated by the fact he felt the need to protect her. It was very flattering and he didn't look half bad doing so. She grinned wickedly as she pirouettes on one foot rotating her leg up and backwards sending her heel into one mans chin and then anothers chest, throwing him away from her. She turns to Vladis instantly a wide grin teasing grin on her face. Murderous and feeling like she wanted to put on a show. It wasn't really a good combination but she was rather impressed with Vladis' display of power, he would be a rather interesting opponent to have. She hadn't really noticed the man in the back chanting, she wasn't really paying attention from the sheer rush of the battle.

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Old 05-08-2011, 02:42 AM

She didn't know why, but the importance of the request got trough her fear. Silently Claire closed her eyes, knowing that the naga was certainly not going to let her go. Despite the dangerous situation, the young woman was glad for that small fact. She buried her face in his neck when a bright light made orange flash beneath her eyelids. Feeling Barlios draw her closer, Claire couldn't help the fact that her heart began beating faster and not all from the fear and adrenalin that rushed trough her. "Please be careful." The young woman wasn't just worrying for her own safety anymore, but for Barlios's too. She was afraid that if he kept protecting her, harm might come to him.

Vladis whirled around, caught in the battle with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Crushing people with every movement, he was bound to fight till they were all gone. Unlike the others he was defending his home, and his mate whispered his mind silently. At the thought his gaze found Soturo's, and answered the murderous gleam in them. Used to the weight of the blade in his hand, he caught a man in the face with the hilt. He would be trampled by his fellow bandits.

The cloaked man was muttering still, and felt the expansion of power from the naga. It was then that he sent his own magic up. He only knew how to do one thing, and that was blocking off the magic of others. It was the man's only gift, which made him incredibly useful to the raiders.

(Sorry for the unusual shortness)

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Old 05-08-2011, 04:10 AM

Barlios growled low in his throat the sound reverberating though his chest as he charged at the men making sure to secure his arm around Claire he strikes them down summoning a blade or trying to. He is slightly confused when nothing appears in his hands. Thinking quickly he turns his claws on them, slashing at a few with his tail. His anger intensified he makes sure to keep a steady grip on the woman in his arms and defend himself and her from the on-coming assault. She may not understand his abilities but that didn't mean he didn't. He had been trained as a slave and trained as a ruthless killer, he knew how to take and deal a beating, of course she didn't know the later part and he would not because it was done and over with. He was no longer that war bound mage who slew all those in his path. Though the sweet sanguine lust called to him as he brought down more who faced him. They just never seemed to end. Something in the back of his mind told him something was wrong but he could not see to figure out what it was. His main focus on not dying.

Soturo smirked at Vladis, he was certainly an impressive figure. She whirled on a man behind her the bloodlust shining in her eyes as she licked her lips. The manic grin on her face would have given them a fright if they looked directly into her eyes. She was feeling more vicious then she had since the war. And she liked it. At the last second she saw the mage behind the fray of men, she made to step forward until he finished the enchantment and she was struck where she stood. Her connection with Barlios severed she stood stalk still. Her eyes went wide as she could feel strength drain from her. Her magic was tied to his because she drew from him while they were contract not only that but she was inherently magic as it was, at the moment she wasn't connected with him."Damnit." She curses in a low his raising her sword against another bandit only to be knocked back. She grimaces as her back hits the ground still blocking the sword/mace aimed at her. Her eyes a hard glare against the man above her. She curses against throwing him off her with raw strength throwing her legs under her as she does so. Soturo's eyes were set on the castor behind the hoard. With a small shout she runs forward pushing through the wave hacking and slashing at them to get at him.


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Old 05-08-2011, 03:16 PM

As Claire heard the battle rage around her, she instinctively clutched the naga's neck to steady herself. His growl reverberated trough her body. The young woman was frightened, but she felt safe at the same time because Barlios was taking care of her. Eyes shut tight, her ears seemed to work overtime. Blades clashing, the yells of the bandits, their dying screams... It seemed like she would never be able to forget those sounds. Conflicted about it, she knew that they would kill them all given the chance. Still the taking of life was hard to swallow for her. A small frightened sound escaped her lips, an unwilling testament to how terrified she was even with the reassurance of having Barlios as her protector.

Caught up in the battle, Vladis did not at first notice Soturo's direction change. He parried and slashed, whirling his blade around as he defended himself with his hooves. Men began avoiding him, afraid of the centaur caught up in a battle rage. Then he caught sight of Soturo trying to reach a man clad in black, his face hidden by a cloak. Without thinking he ran to her, making the bandits scatter before his flying hooves and enraged scream. "On my back," stated the centaur simply while slashing at a nearby man. His back hooves reached out, making others fall away from them.

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Old 05-08-2011, 05:54 PM

The small stagger did not go unnoticed by Barlios. His connection cut off he was glad not to be able to use magic at the moment. Blind he had no idea where the other two were. His senses were better then most but either way he was fighting blind and for the first time in a long time he was slightly worried. He couldn't see, even before he had a link to someone who could and he could guess as to what he was doing or Soturo would steer him int he right direction. Right now he had no idea. There were too many sounds, men screaming in pain, hove beats, chanting. The battlefield was a daunting place for someone who wasn't blind, sometimes foes were struck and friends but he moved back as he felt another heat source. It seemed they were not out of archers. A wave of heat struck him and he turned before the arrows could peirce the body he was protecting. His breath was slightly ragged as he took in her shivering and whimpered sounds. This had to end soon. A wind blew through the area and another wave of heat moved towards them and he ducked curling his scaly tail around then and it went over them striking the dry earth. He didn't notice it right away but the stray trees and things had been caught by the flames as they were fanned. The wind carrying embers farther up the tree line as more caught fire.

Slightly daunted by the what was going on around Soturo gritted her teeth as she parried another attack,dodging and weaving between blade and body. Her main focus was on the mage, he didn't seem to be casting any spells whether that was because he had none or he was waiting for another attack she didn't know but she was getting more tired by the second. Demons did not get tired they got hungry and the change would not go unnoticed if she were to pass out suddenly. With a small shout she throws another man to the side only to have Vladis come up beside her. She raised an eyebrow at the man an appraising look on her face. But instead of her usual retort she does as she's told mounting the centaur and kicking at another man running towards them. She was feeling loads better now that she wasn't on her feet and she pointed her sword towards the cloaked mage.

More kept coming at them as they battled them away, waves of them until suddenly they stopped all together. At the abrupt stop both Soturo and Barlios were left slightly confused. They were connected again and relaying information back and forth. Soturo informed Barlios of the mage that had been blocking their magic and Barlios about the brush fire that was becoming rather dangerous and the threat to Vladis' herd. But what had stopped the onslaught of men they had been fighting? As Soturo looked around she saw that there were only maybe 20 or so men scattered around on the ground, not at all what she thought it was. They were both confused until they heard a deep laughter coming from behind the cloaked mage.

A man standing nearly seven foot tall decked-out in rather intricate armor steps up behind the smaller mage. His eyes glare in the darkness ad the fire spreads behind them. He places his hand on the cloaked mans shoulder pulling him back under the shadow of the trees. And just like that they're gone. Soturo stares after them wide eyed and Barlios uncurls himself and Claire from his body. "Wha-what the hell just happened here?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 08:24 PM

Throughout the whole ordeal Claire had clutched herself tightly to the naga. A sigh of relief escaped her when the sounds of battle faded away, tough with her eyes finally open she could see the blaze approaching them. Instead of panicking as she had earlier when caught within, the young woman tried to think of something, anything, that would be able to suffocate the fire. Then the idea struck her, but she didn't know if Barlios and Soturo would understand. "You can stop the fire instantly by removing the oxygen from it. Fire dies without oxygen, it's an essential element of it." Looking up at the naga, she sighed a little. "Look into my mind again if you have to in order to understand what I'm talking about." She didn't know exactly how it worked, but she knew enough.

Vladis stood staring for a moment at the blaze heading toward his herd. The centaur began prancing about nervously. He couldn't simply start running with Soturo still upon him... Yet it was urgent for him to warn his family, and tell them to run as far and fast as they could. Agitation forced him the run about, even as sooth and cinders began flying trough the air accompanied with large embers. Heath seemed to push forward before the blaze, urging them all to run before it's cleansing destruction.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:54 PM

Barlios paid no mind to her words. He already knew what she was telling him, alchemy was another branch of magic that included working with the elements. He couldn't see it however it was up to Soturo to do something about it and she seemed rather distracted. "I can not stop the blaze without seeing it." He says curtly. "In order to manipulate an element I need to be able to pull it from its place in the air. If I did that right now I would encompass the area and kill us all." He frowns placing Claire on her feet gently.

He nudges at Soturo's mind looking over her memories before she even notices he's there. He was worried when his presence there surprised her and she almost retreated. They exchanged words briefly before he pulled her from her stupor with a stern word. Her eyes stared into the black of the trees before she dismounts Vladis waving her hand over the blaze and pulling it to a stand still. The flames stood still against her hand then with a small burst of energy she shattered it like glass and dissipated into the air.

She sighs throwing an apologetic glance towards Vladis then Barlios. She'd been any later then she might not have been able to do anything. The energy she was drawing from him was dwindling and he would have to sleep soon. She rubbed the back of her neck agitatedly a worried look on her face as she glances back at where the hooded mage and the other man had gone. Her eyes were shadowed with pain and her head was reeling. Soturo was however managing to keep it from Barlios who had decided not to pry...for now.

For now he grabbed Claire's hands, moving up her arms and shoulders checking for any injuries. His finger nails graze over her neck and ears to her brow. He dared not check else where as he dropped his hands to his sides turning his face to her. "Are you alright?" He asks his mouth still in a grim line. There was carnage all around them and even though he knew that most of it had been illusion he still knew some of them had been real. Soturo had relayed to him what happened. He felt rather useless not knowing what was going on but he let it be turning his attention back to Claire.

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Old 05-08-2011, 09:15 PM

His tone of voice hurt, when she had only been trying to help. The young woman shivered despite the heat, as her eyes ran over bodies laying about. She could see some, destroyed by claw marks that she could only assume had been Barlios's contribution to the battle. Her eyes flinched away, then returned. She knew he had been protecting her the whole time, making sure that she survived a battle when otherwise she would have been simply another casualty.

A wave of relief ran trough her when the blaze abated, to be replaced by surprise. As Barlios checked her for wounds, she could feel that melting within her heart again. This time though, Claire didn't even try resisting the feeling. Already she knew that nothing would stop her stubborn heart from feeling what it wanted, for whom and she didn't want it to stop either. "I'm alright, because you protected me the whole time." The young woman placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed a little. "Are you alright?" Worry was plainly in Claire's voice, as it filled her eyes.

The moment the fires abated Vladis was finally able to notice how the whole ordeal had affected Sotoru. Without asking her permission he put his arms around her for a moment, offering her support silently. Backing away he regarded the clearing sadly, before deciding something. "After a brief rest, I shall lead you all to where my family lies. They will be angry at first, but as soon as all is explained there will be no need to worry." The words reverberated in the now empty clearing, rising over the fallen and washing over the living. Sighing, his eyes examined the place, falling upon the unlikely scene of the worried human, Claire, trying to see if Barlios was alright or something of the sort. Somehow, the centaur found comfort in that. It was a show that the races could indeed get along, if only given the proper circumstances.

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Old 05-08-2011, 10:11 PM

Barlios sighed patting his hand against her head. That was a relief. He thought he might have crushed some part of her. When he went man-hunter her used too much strength and it wasn't his magic he used. It was pure and raw energy. His race had the ability and it was almost never used much like a berserk human only with a little more control. It was their primal state but he could slip back and forth between the two easily. It was maddening sometimes and another reason for his further scorn. The cage/room Onil-anja provided for him was to keep him from the rest of the city. At his passing his people did not look his way nor did they shudder in fear. They ignored his existence because he was so far above and beneath, as Onil-anja put it.

Soturo swallows thickly her eyes still glued to the forest. That hadn't been... No it couldn't have, there were no more summoners in the area how would it be possible. She blinked trying to rid herself of the image but the sight of those eyes in the back of her mind were burned there. She shuddered visibly letting the comfort Vladis offered sink in. No there was no possible explanation she let the thoughts sit in the back of her mind as she turned to him. She hoped no one would notice but Barlios always would notice and she couldn't have hidden that shudder if she wanted to. he best bet was to hope no one asked. She would always answer truthfully because she had no reason to lie. Much like her demon brethren.

Shaking his head he dispelled his rampant thoughts turning his gaze over to the other two. He reached down to grab Claire's hand and moved over to where they stood. Her kind eyes were wasted on him but her touch was reassuring further solidifying her safety. "I am fine. You needn't worry about me." He mutters on his approach. Soturo looks at him a delicate eyebrow raised.

"He lies." She says her arms crossed. "He is injured, just look at his back."

"Nothing that I can not take care of. Silence yourself."
He mutters tiredly with a small grimace.

"I only worry for your well being Master Barlios."
She smirks leaning on one leg, hip cocked. He curses her silently before nodding to Vladis. "Very well. Though I would hate to cause a problem. Later when you go I and Soturo shall remain here." He could imagine the uproar they would cause he did not want to be an upstart though he had done plenty of that in the past. Sighing heavily he collapses against the curling of his tails around him letting go of Claire's hand. His laying against the top of it his hand underneath and one arm hanging loosely over the side. The injuries he received, burn marks and deep cuts bleed lightly against his back and Soturo placed her hand on his shoulder cautiously.

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Old 05-08-2011, 10:43 PM

A small smile found itself plastered on Claire's face as she let herself be reassured, and taken by the hand. Following him, she thought everything was alright until Soturo said otherwise. Her heart beat frantically against her chest as she witnessed Barlios collapsing. If anything, this was what frightened her the most of the whole evening. The wounds on his back, each cut and burn, she knew it was because he had been protecting her. It was the most horrible feeling in the world, to know she had been the cause of those hurts. Claire was certain he would have had no trouble at all, had it not been for her. Un-shed tears filled the rims of her eyes.

She reached out, placing a hand gently on his head after glancing up at Soturo. "I'm not going anywhere until you're feeling better." Claire began running her hand trough his white hair, even as her voice brooked no room for argument. The young woman was being as firm as she could be considering the circumstances. Inwardly, Claire hoped Barlios wouldn't argue, that no one would argue, against her staying with him.

Vladis watched the exchange, glancing from Soturo's worried face to the nearly crying one of the girl. The human was beginning to grow on him, if only for the fact that she was trying to be strong when every single circumstance seemed to be piling up against her. He rose up on his hind legs, beating the air with his fore feet, before running away. The centaur galloped the distance to his village at a sickening speed. Breath harsh, he found the healers and explained everything to them. The reluctance of the women to leave the injured naga, and his fear of causing panic within the herd.

The two roans quickly went about gathering some of their most potent healing salve, and trust them towards the centaur. They would not go, and he knew very well why. The two were the herd's safety net, and would always remain with it. Speaking his thanks he rushed back to the others, and trust the healing salves at Soturo, before kneeling. Sweat covered the centaur after covering such a distance twice, as fast as possible. Vladis's eyes searched out those of the dark skinned woman, and he smiled weakly at her. The battle then the run had exhausted him, but he had not been hurt. Only a few small cuts on his arms, but nothing serious.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-09-2011, 12:07 AM

Soturo chuckles placing replacing her hand on Claire's shoulder. She mistook what she said for worry. The old naga would be fine. As he rested his wounds would heal and he would be right when he awoke. "Do not worry child, he'll be fine." She says motioning to the motionless naga. He did not respond to their ministrations at all as he lay there his breath even. He was curled up in a warm place much like any sleeping naga and occasionally he moved towards Claire's warm hand but nothing more. "He is only sleeping. But you can do as you will, we have no hold over you remember." She grins widely watching Claire interact with the naga. The sight she made, the fright in her eyes and the worry for his well being. It was cute. She thought it was anyway. It was about time some one gave this man an honest look because he was lowest of the low for his race. He understood things that no mortal ever knew. And she would know since she told him. Soturo didn't know everything but she knew enough.

Still smiling she turns to Vladis only to find him running off. She stares at his trail wide eyed, not knowing he could move that fast. Barlios and Soturo thought he meant to rest but apparently he had mistaken her thoughtfulness for worry too. She frowns slightly, ears slightly drooped as she stared after him. It would take them a while to figure out there mannerisms. At least she hoped they would. Barlios would never admit to himself or to anyone that he was a lonely soul. She pitied him that but never spoke it, there was never the time or place to try and lecture him. It would only make her a hypocrite.

Almost as fast as he had left he had returned and Soturo was again left quite surprised before somethings were shoved at her and she fumbled slightly in taking them. She peered down at them to find them healing salves then looked back at Vladis as he kneel ed eyes searching. She wanted to tell him it was not necessary but he had already gone through the trouble of getting them and he looked so tired. She smiled sheepishly at him wrapping her arms around his shoulders gently and kissing his cheek. "Thank you." She whispers before turning to Barlios and climbing onto the coil he had made for himself. Sitting on the other side from where Claire stood, legs hanging off the side a good three feet off the ground she smeared the salves on his wounds gently. With an angry hiss the naga pulls his head away from Claire and sinks his teeth into Soturo's arm. He was still very much asleep but his jaw was clenched around her now bleeding at. She expected such, other wise she would have let Claire do it. Without even flinching she continues rubbing in the salves her fingers warming with her touch. "You're going to have to let go sometime." She mutters pressing her fingers to his forehead. Almost instantly his jaw slackens an d his torso falls back against the rest of his body.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 12:31 AM

Claire nodded after her initial surprise at Soturo actually trying to reassure her. She relaxed a little, paying the departing centaur no mind. It was hard, terribly hard, to quell the worry she felt. At least now Claire wasn't afraid that some irreparable harm had been done to Barlios. It was strange to see him sleeping, stranger to realize that he wasn't human. Of course, she had known but it hadn't really mattered and made no difference. It still didn't, but Claire was more aware of the difference now.

Her gaze never moved from the sleeping naga, even when the centaur returned. It was when Soturo began putting the salve upon the naga that a small surprised sound escaped Claire. She had expected anything but Barlios jerking his head away from her hand to bite Soturo. After he had relaxed once more, Claire began running her hand trough his hair again with a determined look on her face. Her eyes flicked up to meet Soturo's for a moment. "Thanks, for telling me not to worry... For taking care of him." The last few words were whispered, because they were very hard to say.

Vladis smiled as Soturo came to hug him and kiss his cheek. He remained awake long enough to see that the salves were being used. Then with a yawn, he leaned over so his head rested against his arms and promptly fell asleep. His tail flicked occasionally, pushing away imaginary flies as he dreamed. The centaur was tired, but it would not take too long for him to be restored from his long run.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-09-2011, 01:29 AM

Soturo turned her head towards Claire as she spoke. She seemed to be giving everyone odd looks today. A grin spread across her face as she slid off of Barlios. "He is my master and has been for a while. I will take care of him until he is no longer my master for he is no more than that." She says a forced smile on her face. Of course she didn't really believe but she had to keep her detachment from him, even if he didn't believe it, if she didn't believe. Her eyes were closed against the thoughts that spun in her head. They didn't need to understand their connection and

In the morning she would see to the rest of his wounds...and hers. She was cloaking them with little effort no one needed to worry about her. Compared to things she had received in the past this was nothing. Sighing she plopped herself down next to Vladis laying against his torso lightly. Of what she'd seen of him he wouldn't mind if she used him as a pillow. She wasn't going to be able to sleep but she could rest like she had planned too. She was used to using Barlios as a pillow so even if he did mind she would do it anyway. She sighs running her hands over his fur absently. She turns her head towards Claire. "Why do you care so much for master?" She asks eyes never blinking. "You know nothing of him or what he has done. He could probably swallow you whole if he ever let his hunger take over and it has happened before. My loyalty to my master is scared...What is your angle?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 01:47 AM

Turning her head Claire slid down to rest her back against Barlios's scales. The young woman yawned, finally sleep seeming ot want to take her. She thought about Soturo's question, just as she had been trying to figure it out herself. "I don't need an angle," said Claire a little angrily. Instead of meeting Soturo's eyes, she lifted her head so the stars were clearly visible. The glowing lights in the sky were not all that different from the ones in her own world.

She swallowed loudly before saying anything else. "Barlios was the first person to trust me in this world, and I place that same trust in him. He fascinates me, in a way I never thought anyone could. I want to know everything he'll allow me to about his past, his likes, dislikes. After such a short time, but intense mind you, I want to know what makes Barlios smile, so I can get him to do so. " Lowering her head, the brunette regarded the other woman seriously. "I don't care if he ends up swallowing me whole, or hurting me. I just.... I don't know I just want to spend as much time with him as I can before I'm forced to go back to my world, or whatever happens to me. Because then, it'll be impossible to see Barlios again." There, it was all out. All the thoughts that had been swimming in her mind for most of the night. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, or pretend to anyway. Claire wasn't sure if she wanted to hear what Soturo had to say about her confession of feelings.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:14 AM

With smooth grace and without a sound Soturo was standing over the girl and angry glint in her eyes. How dare she speak to her in such a manner. She admired the girls effort but she was never convinced by mere words. Soturo moved to crouch in front of her staring her directly in the face. "I would place caution in how I choose my words next time human. You are a guest in this world and know nothing of its ways." She frowned her eyes boring into her. "Do not mistake my kindness for it does not reach far. I trust you about as far as I can throw you and trust me when I sat that is very far but that is only in terms of myself. As for Master Barlios." She pauses glancing over towards him. "You were right to say that you might be returning, do not attach yourself to him. If or when you go back home, you have friends and a family who loves you. You have a job, a career but him, when he goes home he has his cage, myself and Prince Onil-anja. He is an untouchable in their kingdom and though he may never say it he hurts in more ways then I can think of. He has no friends, no family, not even a real purpose any more. I stay with him because he allows it, you however will have a home to return to." She sighs taking a calming breath before she backs off returning to her original resting place.

In a more solemn tone she continues."I caution you, not for your sake but for his. Now sleep we have a lot to discuss tomorrow." Soturo turned her back towards Claire, angry her eyes red. Their situation was dangerous and with the introduction of this new threat they didn't need any casualties. Barlios couldn't handle it or worse, he would, and that was an even scarier thought. 'What happens when you fix a broken war machine...'


The hours rolled by and Soturo stayed awake watching the sun rise over what was left of the trees. She grossed her arms over her chest still leaning against the centaur as he slept. She glanced over to find the sleeping Naga had curled himself around the young woman in his care. Naga acted very much like snakes and since she was the only real heat source he had wrapped himself loosely around her. The sight caused her to smile thinly before staring off into the distance once more.

Last edited by Soturo Ayami; 05-09-2011 at 02:17 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 02:37 AM

Waking up, Claire looked around fuzzily before remembering the words that had fallen like blows upon her the night before. Soturo was right, exactly right. Those had been basically the same things Claire had been telling herself ever since she felt the stirrings of her heart. She refused to hurt him, the young woman simply couldn't take that chance. Small unshed tears formed at the corner of her sea green eyes.

One or two escaped as Claire gently, carefully, disentangled herself from the coils Barlios had wrapped around her during his sleep. She shivered a little, but stood tall looking at the rising sun which had woken her. Sighing the young woman shook her head and took a deep calming breath of the crisp morning air. She walked a little ways away from the group, to examine a small flower that had survived both the battle and the fires. Her back was turned to everyone, she was intent on from that moment ignoring Barlios and Soturo as best she could, for two different reasons.

Vladis snorted a little in his sleep, then abruptly woke. A strange weight was leaning on him, yet he didn't feel threatened one bit. Then he remembered what had happened, and smiled. "Soturo, please tell me I'm not the only one awake at this crazy hour." Vladis was glad she had chosen to sleep on him, he didn't want her out of his sight. The centaur was actually contemplating leaving his home so he could follow her. Much like a lost puppy he supposed. The smell of fresh morning air was invigorating, even with the tinge of smoke that permeated the clearing.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-09-2011, 04:04 AM

Barlios blinks groggily behind his mask. He was suddenly very cold he wondered why he was really cold. He grabbed around for Soturo but found she wasn't there and for a moment he panicked until a small chuckle resounded through his ears.'Good morning...' Her voice chimes with amusement. He sighs in relief before moving about some more. The scorched earth beneath him was course against his scales but he was fine with that roughness. It was normal, almost comforting.

He gathered himself slowly as he felt around uncurling himself from his coils and stretched his arms out giving his muscles a small flex all the way down to his tail. He was still in the cusps of sleep as he moved about. Truthfully he was looking for Claire. When he had asked Soturo she had simply gone quiet that was never a good sign. He didn't like when she did that it meant she was either ashamed of something or hiding it. Neither was better then the other so he was stuck with finding the girl the old fashion way. It wasn't really hard considering, she hadn't wondered off far, just on the edge of the clearing. He stalled a few feet behind her. "How did you sleep?"

Soturo opened her eyes when she felt Vladis move. She blinks looking up at him curiously it dawned on her that he had no idea she did not sleep. She never slept in this realm, she had never had to. While she was resting however, she had the urge to just close her eyes and not open for a long while. Having a warm body next her felt good, and she didn't really feel like moving. She hoped that was why she was so comfortable. She had not bothered to check her own injuries at all during the night and she knew the small cuts and bruises had already healed but she had left all of her natural healing for Barlios so he would heal quicker. Instead she smirks lightly rubbing her cheek against his side eyes closing again. "I do not sleep." She says, "I was watching you sleep actually." Her hand brushes over his fur gently. "You make a rather comfy pillow actually."

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Old 05-09-2011, 11:39 AM

The flower was a delicate little thing, with startling blue petals. Each one was tear shaped, with little flecks of white upon it. The leaves framed the tiny flower, as if protecting it from danger. Claire had become engrossed in examining it, until Berlios arrived behind her. The young woman clamped down on the urge to jump up and ask if he was feeling better. Instead she remained in her kneeling position and grabbed a nearby branch to poke at the ground with. She pushed the dirt back and forth, drawing lines then making them disappear with a twist of her hand.

After a few moments of silence she finally spoke. "Fine," said the young woman a little roughly. Claire kept playing with the dirt, and concentrated on how horrible her jeans looked. She wondered how long that flower was going to survive, then shrugged and moved forward as if to crush it. At the last second she simply brushed her fingers against it with a sad look on her face. For once she was glad Barlios couldn't see her, it would make her decision so much easier.

Vladis's eyebrows rose a little at the sudden difference in the girl's attitude towards the naga. He seemed to remember a conversation vaguely, but he wasn't sure if it had been a dream or fact. Shifting a little he regarded the woman leaning on him and sighed. The centaur hoped it hadn't happened. Harsh words, hurtful words, had been said and without a hint of remorse.

She didn't sleep, and appeared to love battle. Soturo had a thirst for it as far as he could tell... It made Vladis feel horrible, to think that she could treat someone so badly. Then again, he had been guilty of the same before getting to know Clair even a tiny bit. "Soturo, do you know what might have happened to Claire for her attitude to change as much as it has?" He had grown to like the human, the naga and felt much more then a mere liking for Soturo. The centaur was even beginning to consider them to be his herd after the events which had happened the night before.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-09-2011, 01:35 PM

Soturo sighs pushing herself to stand. She frowned crossing her arms under her chest eyes focused on the ground. "I will not apologize for speaking the truth." She says firmly no waver in her voice. She it wasn't that she disliked the girl, she was nice to Barlios and like any normal creature she had had an instant dislike of Soturo. But facts were facts, Soturo had a temper, her contract was sacred, her motives very clear. Barlios had a destructive attitude towards things for the last fifty years. He had nearly drank himself to death and for a naga that was hard to do. He very diligent in his studies of the many arts that covered magic, working himself to exhaustion some days.

She sighed again hair falling into her face. The truth was harsh, it always was, she wasn't going to curtail herself because the girl was a little more sensitive then the rest of them. In fact it was just the opposite, she did it to see how far Claire would go. Anyone can declare words but it was another to go through with them. If Claire held any truth to what she said she wouldn't let Soturo's words have and affect on her. If she succeeded she would have a new found respect for their race and Claire specifically but if she didn't... Well that was her own problem. Soturo had no choice but to stay with Barlios and if that girl wanted to persevere, be able to stand the environment here, she'd need a tougher skin. Especially if she was still here when they went back to Onil-anja's broken kingdom.

Barlios sighed placing a hand on Claire's shoulder. Okay, so he understood the situation a bit better. He slipped easily in and out of the Soturo's mind with enough stealth that she hadn't even noticed. She had not elaborated however on what was said but since Claire had not gone running for the hills afterward he supposed what ever was said could be placated. "You do not sound fine. Do not try to fool these old ears." He says softly resting beside her. "I do not know why over night you have become afraid of me, but I will leave you be if that is what you wish." His expression was soft, his mouth in a neutral line. Of course he knew this was not what she wanted, even if her opinion of him had changed but if she did not want his help he would not force it on her.

With a small pat on the head Barlios moved along the burnt clearing finding the edges of burned grass and weed, following the smell of smoke and where it traveled. It was unfortunate the events that transpired but fire was not all destruction. Lazily he dug his hand into the dirt beneath him, turning the burnt soil over to fresh soil. This would grow back with time, unlike some things. He gingerly touched his horn, remembering with a rueful smile. Yes some things would never grow back.

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Old 05-09-2011, 02:03 PM

With a heave Vladis righted himself to stand behind Soturo. He rested a hand on her shoulder and remained silent until he could collect his thoughts. "Aren't you the one who told me that Barlios can take care of himself? You are putting lie to your own words Soturo." The centaur squeezed her shoulder gently, and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. He wanted her to see that she needed to let events unfold between the two without interference, just as things evolved between them.

Claire said nothing as Barlios came to rest beside her, putting his hand upon her shoulder. The silence she held was deafening to her ears. Her eyes lifted of their own accord and searched for the naga after he had left. She couldn't let him believe she was afraid of him! She was fighting with herself, and it seemed like a turning point. Claire decided that she didn't care what Soturo thought. Whether she had one more day there, or a few decades she would not turn her back on what she felt.

With a determined look in her eyes the young woman stood and brushed off the ash covered dirt from her jeans and hands. Claire was no hypocrite, she would not destroy what she had already said by going against it. Her eyes searched out Soturo's before she moved to join Barlios. They were filled with determination and a stubborn will which had sometimes gotten the young woman into trouble. Claire was beginning to feel more like herself again, after the days spent fearing everything in this strange new world.Turning away briskly she went to find the naga and stood beside him. "I'm not afraid of you. I don't want you to leave me alone either Barlios. The green eyed woman reached out to place a hand upon his shoulder, but wasn't brave enough to do so. It hovered above him, like a butterfly before landing with her uncertainty.


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