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Staria is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:20 AM

"....To bad you're just going to have to keep it all to yourself, because the only one who decides how I spend my time is me so you're talking to the wrong person......and all your doing IS bothering me, not making me want your ugly ass. Idiot..." She responded, not letting anyone else respond as her patience broke. She was half glaring at him, only to glance at the Jedi. She'd heard a few rumors but hadn't thought them real, or at least that she wouldn't ever see one. She blinked, Jedi? Oh well, they were just glorified police officers in her mind, so ignorant about it all was she.

So much for her eating peacefully... she sighed and started turned away. She was starting to step away, giving a brief look at Viado. He had her curiosity but this was getting a bit to... public. She was frowning ot herself, she turned her back to the group and started taking a step.

"Much as I loooooooove the company, I was trying to eat lunch..."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 02:54 AM

Viado scowled at Lucky, frowning deeply at him, then at Fable and Zyras. He had wanted to keep them from noticing him, well that hadn't worked apparently. All thanks to this Pantoran. Viado's lips parted to speak, but the female spoke before him, he glanced at her and smiled a bit. She was a tough one. He glanced at Lucky again.

"She doesn't want you, go find someone else to lick your wounded pride." Viado nodded just slightly to Zyras, a nod that could have been one of greeting or parting. In this case, one of parting. His hand still rested on his light saber and he turned on his heels. Intending to follow the female. She was a fighter, he could tell that already, still. He wasn't sure how long that would keep her alive..though..that wasn't his main concern. Not really. She intrigued him.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 03:10 AM

"What did i tell you last time lucky, if i caught you trying to buy or sell slaves again, that i would drag your ass to the local authorities and lock you up myself" His fur was standing on end and he looked a little bit cranky >:(

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 03:22 AM

"Considering that I wasn't trying to purchase her as a slave, I'd spend, maybe, an hour or two in a cell and be released. The last time we discussed the issue of slavery was when we were outside the Republic. So I don't want to hear it." Lucky turned back toward the girl and frowned, seeing that she was leaving. But something was bugging him now. The word 'slave' was being thrown around a lot and he was the only one who hadn't brought it up. He tapped the screen of his data pad and stepped away from the Jedi a bit. He scrolled through recent messages, trying to find something that even mentioned a girl of Sey's description.

Zyras watched the man turn and start after the girl. Something in her gut suddenly popped and she found herself speaking before she even realized what she was doing, "You're a Jedi...aren't you? ..Or were? ..At some point in your life." She wasn't sure how he was going to react, but she hoped he'd engage her in conversation, at least. Even if it was to fight tooth and nail to make her believe she was mistaken.


Staria is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 03:36 AM

Absently Sey noticed the smile of Viado's, thinking absently that he approved with some of her own curiosity. Not all found her basic defiance pleasing.... Some even acted as if it was somehow wrong. Something she had no right to do. She shook off the thought, noting that Viado was starting to follow her as she lifted to put her hood back in place. She frowned in the shadows of it, unsure. Should she trust him? He seemed harmless enough.... maybe he just thought she was cute or something?

She glanced back at Lucky and looked between him and the Jedi. Wait.... Slavery was illegal in this realm? She'd gone through planet after planet trying to get as far from HIS planet as she could and hadn't really studied the law. She hadn't even realized that slavery was SUPPOSED to be illegal. She couldn't help but smile under her hood. If only the universe worked that way. Instead of speaking of this she spoke in a deliberately careless tone as if she didn't care.

"I believe he was trying to purchase me as a prostitute, or at least that'll be what he'll tell the judge... though why he would assume I answer to anyone but myself about how or who with I make my money ....well I never said this... Lucky was it? was very smart. Ugly and stupid and a slave trader... what a combination." She said in a laughing tone, acting unafraid and more confident then before. It wasn't that she genuinely was but rather that she could see the wheels turning in his head. If he saw fear he'd think she was afraid he'd know...

she turned and began walking again, only pausing as the Jedi chased after Viado. She raised her eyebrow in curiosity but said nothing. This seemed a good way to escape them all so she began to walk again. She was trying to slip away unnoticed, now even more determined now that Lucky had that expression of suspicion. damn...

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 03:39 AM

Zyras' words stopped him in his tracks. It had been too much to hope she would ignore him, though he had thought that maybe dealing with Lucky would take her attention. Though it seemed her companion had that under control. Leaving her free to confront him. For a moment, Viado's fingers curled around his light saber, then let go. Leaving the weapon in it's place as he turned to look at Zyras. "I was...What of it?" His brow creased slightly. What was she playing at? He glanced off in the direction of Sey. Every second he stood there, she moved further away. Viado was frowning again, glancing to Lucky and then looking at Zyras again.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 04:29 AM

Fable kept on egging on lucky, going from his angry face to his tongue hanging out of his maw as he chuckles, trying to make lucky angry, and i bet he was doing very well at it, he kept his ears on zyras and the two others "I bet i could 'convince' them to keep you around longer"

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-28-2011, 09:32 PM

Lucky looked up to the girl when she spoke. He remained still for a moment, then shook his head lightly, "What I would tell the judge would be nothing bu the truth. I offered thinking you answered to him, yes, but not in the form of slavery." When she accused him of being a slaver, Lucky actually looked offended. He rose to his full height, his hands going to his sides calmly, his datapad still clutched in one hand, "Ugly? Not so much. Stupid? ..Perhaps, a little. ..But a slaver? Far from it, wench. I deal in stolen goods. That's all. Sometimes, those goods are slaves, but when you live like I do, you don't have much of a choice. I would never, ever enslave someone. Why? I'm not into it, personally. Do I borrow slaves for personal reasons? Yeah, I admit to that. Do I keep them? Nah. I don't deal in slavery. I just return the unruly ones. Next time you open those pretty lips, might I suggest wrapping them around something. That's all they're good for, it seems." With all that said, Lucky slipped his datapad back into his bag. He turned and pushed passed Fable, whom had become less of a concern after being called something he wasn't. He headed off at a slow pace.

Zyras raised her chin slightly and gave a small shrug, "I had just thought that when a Jedi disgraces himself and leaves the Order, he gives up the right to carry a lightsaber. ..I'm merely curious as to why you think you still hold that right." She knew she could potentially be playing with fire, but she didn't care.


Staria is offline
Old 05-28-2011, 09:49 PM

As he stood to his full height he still didn't seem to intimidate her, a small amused grin touching her lips beneath her hood. As he spoke she couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head as he offered excuses. "Yes, because giving a person to another someone who thinks they own them for your money isn't enslaving or dealing in slavery at allllll" Was her sarcastic reply, not caring if he heard her or not.

She simply rolled her eyes, ignoring his comments as she'd heard far worse about her lips, though she was surprised faintly he still even sarcastically called them pretty. It wasn't the first time she'd been called a prostitute either, it was the fact he thought that she'd answer to anyone that pissed her off.

She shook her head, glancing at the Jedi and realizing that they were still distracting each other. With a smile she nodded to herself and began to slip into the crowd, surprising as despite her height it seemed to be working. She was soon digging n her bag to take out her food and begin to nibble her lunch, thinking she may finally be alone. The only one that could follow her was likely Lucky and she had finally pissed him off enough that he would go away it seemed and distracted him from the data pad as had been more her intent then anything. Not to mention the other Jedi seemed to be bothering him so that may prevent him following unless he nearly ran. So many lies he was telling himself, he'd been far easier to irritate then she'd expected. A sigh of relief escaped her... Finally alone and able to eat...

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-28-2011, 09:57 PM

Viado only half listened to Zyras, focusing more on Lucky as they were still only feet away. Those eyes narrowed and he was filled with a sudden desire to bury that lightsaber within the Pantoran's chest. Slave, prostitute or not, no female should be spoken to in such a manner. The only thing that kept Viado from moving, was Zyras' presence. He didn't need to act violent and uncontrollable in the presence of a Jedi.

Those blue eyes were narrowed, and they were furious as he looked from Lucky to Zyras, and then glanced off to see if Sey was still within sight, Zyras words, even half listening to them, did not do much to help the anger he felt. He was silent for a few moments, inhaling deeply and calming himself before he spoke. "It is a part of me, an extension of my arm. As I have a right to wield both my arms, so then, do I have a right to the lightsaber that I made, to the weapon that is more than just a weapon. I'll have to be killed to be parted from it." Viado turned from Zyras, ready to run off and attempt to catch up to the fleeing female.

Last edited by Kry; 05-29-2011 at 04:38 AM..

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-29-2011, 04:57 AM

Fable smiled at the young man, patting his own prized kill-stick "Now that, friend, is something i can agree too, probably the first thing i have heard all day at that" He gave zyras a look for trying to make him dress down in plain clothing

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 04:29 AM

Lucky had full intentions of walking away and finding someone else to 'bother', but he didn't get far. She was nagging on his mind and he couldn't stop thinking about her. He grumbled and fished out his data pad once more. Taking a sharp turn down a thin alley, he headed back to where she was a moment ago by route of the darker shadows of the Underworld. He wasn't exactly sure why he was bothering, but the nagging feeling was bigger than it usually was.

Zyras clasped her hands gently and gave a small smile, "It is a part of you. That, I will not deny. As my first was a part of me and now, my second holds the same right. However, the Jedi inside you died the moment you spat in the face of the entire Order. As the Jedi died, so did your right to carry such a sacred weapon." When Fable mentioned agreeing with Viado in his love for his lightsaber, Zyras glanced to him. She raised an eyebrow at the mention of it being the first thing he agreed with, catching his meaning. The look spoke the phrase 'Are you kidding me?' without Zyras having to part her mouth.


Staria is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 04:50 AM

She was humming to herself now as she appeared to get out of the sight of the group. She was finally relaxed, her hand reaching into her bag to pull out her food so she could finish. She let out a soft purr of contentment, nibbling at the meal. Her walk seemed to change subtly, become a more relaxed, swaying, powerful, feline motion now that she appeared to be away from the group.

She no longer had to blend in with the more humannoid creatures as she wasn't trying to steal anything or push away others. Still, something seemed slightly off to her. She wasn't sure why... Her ears flickered but this was the only sign of her suspicion and could have simply been a fallen object as the underworld was a noisy moving place.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 07:43 AM

Viado had turned from Zyras, though he turned back still rather angry at her and nodded a bit to her companion. Though as Zyras answered him, that look of anger changed, it changed to a look of hurt. Pure hurt. A deep hurt that was indescrible and Viado couldn't find his voice for a few moments. His hand rested almost protectively on his lightsaber, and his other clutched at his heart. As if Zyras had just stabbed him there with her own sacred weapon.

"....How cruel you are." Viado found his voice, but it was a whisper. A voice filled with pain, not physical pain. A pain that ran much deeper than that. "...You know nothing of my circumstance...yet you stand before me...insulting me and passing judgement about something you do not understand....." He lowered his hand from his heart so those fingers could trail down the two scars on his torso, he stood a bit straighter. Still looking very pained, but the emotion had gone from his voice and he no longer whispered. "The Jedi inside me lives, as strong as ever. I am not the one you should be accusing of 'spitting in the face of the Order'." His brow had creased slightly. Right now, all he wanted to do was get far away from Zyras. Thoughts of following Sey were gone.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 06-01-2011, 06:44 PM

He gave his knight-master a dumbfounded look! How could she feel like her lightsaber is apart of herself? Fable's mastercrafted Tebbo lightsaber was so finely attuned to the flashy farghul that if someone were to try and sense his lightsaber it would be confused for himself! He grabbed viado by the arm and started to walk

"Sooo my new friend, tell me, who crafted your fine lightsaber? Was it done by any of the great masters? Or is it perhaps a design of your own?"

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 06:31 AM

"If a Jedi still lived inside of you, you wouldn't have abandoned your oath." She would have continued, but Fable stepped in and began to lead him away. With a heavy sigh, she clamped a hand down on Fable's shoulder. She fished a few credit from a pouch on her belt and offered them to him. "Go and get us some hubba chips. I'm still starving."

Lucky stayed at a safe distance for now. He knew better than to get too close to prey. He wasn't the best hunter in the galaxy, but he could hold his own. With a frustrated sigh, he pouted his lips, hoping that sometime soon, he'd be able to get a good enough look at her. He hoped she was a runaway. He could seriously use the cash and he slavers always paid more for women.


Staria is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 06:59 PM

Sey paused, sniffing the air to try and place the feeling tugging at her mind. Her kind were built to be hunters, to track, and to fight. Which is why those of true Trianii decent were rare, capturing the women warriors who were even stronger and more agile then their male counterparts was not an easy task. Her own mother would never have been captured if she hadn’t been pregnant at the time and weakened by the fact it was not an easy pregnancy with several complications. Apparently inter species breeding is not easy even on the rare occasion a fetus manages to form. It had nearly killed her mother…

Now it would be what would tell her that something was wrong. She couldn’t place it and it was irritating her, causing her tail to lash the air a little faster then before but this was the only sign. She continued to walk, finishing her last few bites of her meal. At least she managed to eat if not in peace. Had a slaver being so close really unsettled her this much? Or was there something around her? She continued to sniff the air subtly, the motion hidden by her hood. She would turn down varying side streets, never going to far from the jedi, tracking the scents and sounds and feelings she was getting. Her connection with the force could only tell her something was wrong, it would be her mothers blood that would tell her what…

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 07:25 PM

Confusion filled Viado's eyes when Fable grabbed him by the arm and started to pull him away. Though for now it seemed the young man was interested in speaking of lightsabers. Well..That was fine, though this hardly seemed the right time to do such. Those lips parted, just as he was about to respond, Zyras caught Fable by the shoulder and ushered him off to get food.

That tense body relaxed a bit and a soft sigh passed his lips. He had almost welcomed the distraction the young man was offering, though it seemed he would have to continue to face this Jedi or turn tail and run. Viado wanted to leave, but he did not leave. Another sigh passed his lips as he stared at Zyras intensely. "I abandoned the Order, not my oath. The two are not one and the same!" Anger flashed in his eyes, only for a moment and it was gone. His voice was soft, a whisper. "There is corruption in the Order. I have witnessed it." Unconsciously his hand had risen to his chest, tracing the two scars that had undoubtedly been made by a lightsaber.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 06:04 AM

He sighed and just shook his head. The young cat had also seen signs of the corruption but has decided it wasn't his place to comment on it. After all he was still a padawan. He smiled to try and lighten the mood, he pulled the miraluka halfling away from the rest of the group.

"So tell me new friend, what is your name? I am Fable"

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 07:08 AM

Heaving a slight sigh, Zyras followed the two. She reached up and pinched, very lightly, Fable's ear, "Padawan," she warned. She offered him the money again, "Go and find us food, young one. Bring enough for our new friend." She looked Viado over for a moment, "I confess that if I leave now, I will lie in bed every night, kicking myself for not asking you to elaborate. Please, tell me what you are talking about and I will ignore everything I said before and allow you to continue on with your business."

Lucky followed in the shadows still, trying as hard as he could not to give away his position. He wasn't sure how long he could keep it up, however. Eventually, he'd end up making a noise or getting too close. For now, he tailed her carefully.


Staria is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 09:45 PM

Sey continued to strain her senses, trusting her instincts. They said something was wrong so it was. If you lived as she lived, you learned the hard way to trust your instincts above all others including logic. Better to trust your instincts and look like a fool then to trust logic and end up dead. So she walked, acting as if everything was alright even as she turned through corner after corner without never actually getting far from the same area.

She sniffed the air subtly each time she turned, separating each scent slowly. She looked for a scent that matched, one that never left. It would take a long time, maybe even an hour but it would work if Lucky didn’t leave. The distracting scents would help him, for the muddle of so many scents so close together was distracting even for a being like her, but not forever.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 12:11 AM

Again it seemed the Padawan was trying to distract him with idle chatter. "I am Viado Armande." He eyed the male for a moment as Zyras pinched the young feline's ear. Blue eyes flickered from the feline to Zyras and he watched her critically for a few moments. Then he shrugged. "Such things should not be discussed in the open." Those eyes had then glanced this way and that, no one seemed to really be paying them much attention anyway. But still. Somethings were not for the ears of everyone or random eavesdroppers. Viado frowned slightly.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 05:31 PM

"Ow ow ow! ooookay i heard you the first time"

He tilted his head, trying to pull his ear free, he shook his head, once his ear was free, he turned away from his master, not wanting to be part of this conversation

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 10:52 PM

Meanwhile, not too far away, a battered and heavily damaged Dynamic class freighter, the infamous Sun's Shadow touched down on a dirty and stained landing pad, one of many popular amongst some of the galaxy's seedier citizens due to it's location in the underbelly of Coruscant. The docking authority, a smelly Dug, approached the ship as it opened with a hiss as a single man stepped out dressed in a rag tag outfit, all leathers, possibly a former military or prisoner uniform, but heavily patched with some reinforcement plates here and there. The man's boots stepped softly as he walked down the ramp, tipping his wide brimmed hat at the docking authority with a pleasant smile, saying, "Heya there sir, I'd like to make use of your dock's repair shops to get my fine vessel up and away once more." The docking authority sneered, saying, "First is the matter of the main docking fee, and the matter of what kind of cargo you're carrying. How many crew members?" The man scratched the back of his head sheepishly, saying, "Uh, actually, I don't have any crew members. They, uh, got... sick on the way over and died. So, yeah, just me. As for my cargo, well, do you really need to know?" He held out a large pouch obviously filled with credits. The dug peered around before quickly taking it, putting it in his pocket, saying, "Very well, that's the docking fee and your cargo, a shipment of Gizka. As for the repair fee, looking at your ship, it'll come around to about 2,500 credits and it'll take a month." The man groaned, saying, "I'll toss in an extra 500 if you can get it done in a week, I really don't have that much time." The dug shook his head, saying, "Can't be done in a week, physically impossible, it'll take a month." The man swore, saying, "Fine, 5,000 if it's done in a week, how bout that?" The dug gave a nasty smile, saying, "A week it is then. Sign here please?" He held out one 'hand' to take the money, and held out the data pad with the other. Grumbling, he tossed him another bag of credits and took the data pad, signing his name. The dug took it back, saying, "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Dereck Zelna." Dereck nodded, closing up his ship and heading out of the port, thinking, "Damn, broke again. Well, I've got the other half of my payment waiting on Nar Shadda, but I'll have to find someone to help me fly the damn thing and some paying passengers who want off world so that I can pay my new first mate. Damn Trandos, why'd they have to go and attack me!" He continued his grumbling as he walked down the street on his way to the cantina.

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 04:51 AM

Lucky just continued to trail her, even as she turned the many corners, obviously attempting to throw him off. He was sure she could sense something following her, but he was sure she still didn't know where he was precisely. When he found an opportunity, he ducked behind a large stack of crates pulled his data pad from his bag. He quickly began to search through the files of lost slaves, looking for some sort of connection between Sey and the slave ring.

Zyras pat her young companion's shoulder and motioned to a cantina not far from where they stood. "We will be in there, my young Padawan." She placed a hand on Viado's arm in as friendly a manner as she could, "Shall we? I am eager to hear what you have to say. For if it is true, action must be taken. I will not stand by and allow corruption to run free in a Temple where children live and learn."

~: I am so sorry that it took so long >< I had a really busy week :~


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