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I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 12:39 AM

Neva nodded when she listened to him and guessed she didn't really have a choice in whether or not she wanted to go there or not. But at least she might have a house of her own... but did she want that. It would be hard to mantain since she couldnt' see and she would be alone. She thought about this till she heard his footsteps leave her. She then let herself lay down on the ground and found that it was very comfrotable. She was almost completely asleep when he came back into the room and didn't even heard his harsh tone.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 12:58 AM

Seeing that she clearly hadn't heard him, Alex debated leaving her there. Sighing, He picked her up carefully. As he carried her over to the guest room, he noticed that the cloth of her blindfold was tattered and dirty. Her clothes were not bad, but could do with a washing. When he put her down in the bed, before he put the covers over her, he summoned a bunch of bandages and got ready. When it seemed she was asleep, he quickly removed her old blindfold, and fashioned a new one out of the bandages. He waited a bit, then certain that she hadn't woken up, he got ready. Turning bright red, he gently pulled her clothing off, studiously not looking at her. He quickly covered her with the blankets as soon as he was done. When that was done, he put the clothes in the washing machine, hoping she didn't wake up. He really, REALLY hoped she didn't wake up.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:07 AM

Neva mummbled something when he picked her up and didn't wake up. She needed to sleep more then anything else since she hardly ever got a good sleep. She felt herself in a softer place, probably a bed. When she felt a hand on her head she didn't even freak. She hardly noticed anything, she was just tired. But when she felt nothing on her and in bed she woke up. She listened and heard nothing but didn't feel her clothing on her. She pulled the sheets closer to her and wondered what Alex had done to her. It wouldn't be the first time but she didn't expect this from Alex. Quickly she ducked under the covers and curled up into a ball, hoping that this might all be a dream.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:17 AM

When the Washer was done, Alex pulled the wet clothes out, and put them in the dryer. When they were finally dry, he walked to the guest room. He saw that she was bundles up into a ball under the covers, and he froze. Seeing no movement, Alex softly closed the door behind him, and pulled the covers back. When he first started there seemed to be a little resistance, but it went away quickly. not looking, Alex did his best to dress her, but he put her head in the arm hole by accident a couple of times, and only got one leg in the one time. The shirt was probably on backwards, but it was on. He backed up and mumbled softly, "Night, I hope that your life only gets better from here on out.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:27 AM

Neva had drifted back off into a slight sleep as she curled up under hte covers. She heard someone come in and then felt someone touching her. But she was to tired to do anything. When she felt her clothing back on she was surprised and slightly more awake now. Her shirt was on backwards but everything else was fine. She then heard him mumble something and slowly poked her head out from teh covers. She heard nothing and knew he was gone so seh went back under the covers and slowly fell back into a deep sleep.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:36 AM

Alex walked up the stairs, and got into the shower. Letting the hot water run over him, he thought about the days events. He tried to rationalize it, but the faces of those kids he murdered kept floating in front of his face. There was not word for what he had done except for murder. He yelled and slammed his fist on the wall. "Why does it ALWAYS end up like this ?!?" he shouted. As per usual, the walls remained silent. Turning the shower off, he went to bed. He fell in and was swiftly drawn into merciful sleep.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:44 AM

Neva woke up when teh sun came into the room and made it too warm to stay under the covers. Slowly she poked her head out and listened to make sure that she was alone. Once she was sure she slowly got up, moved her shirt so that it was on the right way and then headed towards the door. She followed along the wall easier then before and managed to get to downstairs without much trouble. She then stared to feel around the house and check to see where everything was in this house.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:53 AM

Alex woke up when he fell out of his bed. Grumbling, he got dressed and headed downstairs. He was brewing a pot of coffee when Neva walked in, arms outstretched. Watching he let her explore for a while while his coffee brewed. When he had a cup in his hand. Taking a sip, he said, "I have time before I head out to work. Would you like me to show you around?"

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 01:57 AM

Neva headed into the kitchen and heard someone in here, probably Alex. When she heard him she couldn't help but smiled and shook her head, "no, I am fine. I can find my own way, I have for years." she said as she continued to look around and then finally maped out the kitchen in her head and sat down in a chair. "when are we headed to your friend?" she asked as she kicked her feet like a little kid.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 01:08 AM

"When i get back from work." Alex replied, "He's busy with another client until then anyway." Before he left, Alex said, Don't open the door for anybody. Whoever has the right nor need to enter will have a key. Anybody else will be trying to break in. I'm off then" He walked out the door. After an hour of standing on the subway, Alex finally arrived at the Anti-Skill headquarters for his section. Sighing, he muttered to himself, "How bad could TODAY go?"

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 01:32 AM

Neva nodded when she heard him and followed him towards the door when he left. She then slowly managed to make her way to the couch. Once she was there she sat down on the couch and grabbed one of the pillows that was there. She then snuggled up against it as she layed down on the couch. She was still slightly tired and wanted to sleep for a little while longer. Slowly she started to fall asleep and as she snuggled into the couch it tugged on her blindfold and it started to come off.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 04:49 PM

"Not so tough now are you?" Shouted one of his "teammates". Alex was currently underneath the instructor's knee, in a position that could only be described loosely as "uncomfortable". An hour in and already they wanted him broken. Sighing, he tapped out. After a lecture about how he wasn't supposed to ever, and they mean ever, give up, Alex changed and started walking home. On his way, He grabbed a few pizzas for lunch, then continued on his way. Walking in the door, He saw that Neva was asleep. Trying not to wake her up, Alex quietly walked through to the kitchen. When he set the pizzas down, He knelt by Neva's head and gently shook her. "Wake up. I brought lunch."H wasn't sure how to do this. He thought that he sounded unkind, but that probably was his imagination.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 12:45 AM

Neva stayed asleep and didn't even hear him come in. But when he shook her she jumped slightly and her eyes flew open. Right when she layed eyes on him information poured into her. She started to see everything, everything from when he was born to now, what powers he had, what was his strength and what was his weakness. She screamed slightly and quickly covered her eyes and curled up into a ball, trying to get away from all the information. She slowly wiggled her way away from him and wondered where her blindfold was.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 01:28 AM

Seeing her huddle into a tiny ball, Alex worried that there was something behind him. Spinning around rapidly, He summoned a giant machine gun from the air, and he saw........ nothing. There was nothing there. Turning back, he dismissed the weapon, and tried to move closer, but she was moving away from his as fast as she could. With a jolt, Alex realized the easiest solution. "What's up?" he asked, concerned.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 02:05 AM

Neva shook slightly as she tried to sort threw all the information and get back to hwo she was before. When she heard his question she whimpered softly, "i-i-its my power, I cant see you or anything. If I do I will see any information pertaning to you. I know everything you have ever done or anywhere you have been. I even know what your power is and how to use it against you. But it hurts." she whispered softly as she reachedo ut blindly and started to look for her blindfold, "where is my blindfold? I need it." she said slightly paniced.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 02:20 AM

Frowning, Alex looked all over, but couldn't find it. "Hold on a minute," he said "I've got an idea." He took his shirt off and summoned a knife. He tore his shirt into strips with the knife. He summoned a surgical needle and thread, and sewed them together. He gently removed her hands from her face, and tied it onto her. "Better?" he asked kindly.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 02:26 AM

Neva slowly let her eyes open and when she only saw darkness eh calmed down and nodded. "yes, alot better." she said softly and then smiled up at him, "thank you, sorry about the trouble I just caused." she said softly and wondered if he would kick ehr out. She knew that she was only a burden to some people and caused trouble because of the blindfold so she wouldnt' blame him if he did.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 02:36 AM

Sighing, Alex rubbed the back of his head. "We still have time until your appointment. Give me a minute to change, and then we'll eat lunch." Alex walked upstairs, and entered his room. Throwing his pants into a basket in the corner, he threw on a pair of jeans, and a black t-shirt with dragon print. Walking downstairs, something occurred to him Entering eh kitchen, he asked "Do you like pizza? I forgot to ask before i left."

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 03:02 AM

Neva nodded and then watched Heard him leave. She stayed where she sar and slowly pulled one of thenpillows close to her, hugging it to her chest. She wasn't sure what to do as she waited but soon smiled when she heard him come back. "I haven't had pizza before so I don't know if I like it." she said as she wondered what it tasted like.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 03:10 AM

"Haven't had pizza before?" Alex said in mock surprise, "Why, that is a crime against humanity, and should be addressed immediately!" Grinning, he served her up a few slices of each kind. Holding her hand, he showed her which pizzas were which. Eating a few slices himself, he began pondering, what to do with this girl. She was obviously powerful. Why was she only classified as a one? why was she so convinced that ones were underprivileged? what made her parents abandon her? And most importantly, what would come next?

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 03:25 AM

Neva smirked when she heard him and was glad when he showed her were the pizza was. "thank you, I hope it taste good." she said and then took a bite. Right away she loved the taste of it and just closed her eyes. It was better then anything she had eaten in a long time. She continued to eat and ate any piece that she could get her hands on.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 03:32 AM

Seeing the obvious joy on Neva's face made Alex laugh. "Whoa, whoa whoa, slow down. There's going to be plenty more." he said through a smile. When they had finished, Alex sighed and said, "Too bad about needing the blindfold. i was going to take you there in a helicopter. No matter." Snapping his fingers, he created a scout car. It was simple really. 4x4 driving, with off-road wheels. Lightly armored doors, and it was painted in olive drab. Groaning Alex said jokingly, "Why couldn't my power be to make Ferraris?" he showed Neva where to sit and began to drive to their appointment.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 06:12 PM

Neva sighed, "I have missed out on alot of things because of the blindfold but I am happy with life." she said as she smiled at him. She then followed him to the car and chuckled slightly, "sorry, but your power doesn't work like that. I should know since I know how to use it." she said as she sat in the car and then thought for a moment, "but if you think of a farrari with armored plates and a few weapons your powers could work." she said as she looked at him.

My heart and world are hers, and...
Send a message via ICQ to Alex_Silvermane
Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 06:36 PM

Laughing Alex said, "Sorry, i've already tried that. For some reason, my power only work with things that some military somewhere is using, and only for the larger countries like England, America, Russia, and Japan." Smiling he continued, "It was a good thought though." After a few minutes driving, Alex said, "Before we go to the professor, is there anything in your alley that you want to pick up? I'll be more than glad to swing by there."

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 06-06-2011, 01:34 AM

Neva nodded when she heard him, "well that sucks, do you know if your powers work when it comes to the FBI or the CIA. They may not deal with the military but they work with the goverment and you." she said as she thought his power over. "oh and I forgot to say but be careful about using your powers. If a enemy were to watch you they might find your weakness, it is a obvious one if you look at it from a certain angel." she said as she looked towards where he was. She then shook her head, "and sorry but no, I have nothing in that Alley I want, I had nothing." she said.


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