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YumeBott is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 06:59 PM

Jack leaned forwards, set his elbow on the table and propped his chin up on it, giving Jun a sideways, devilishly innocent look. "So, where did you learn to fly?" he asked, alluding to the situation of truly asking "Why the hell are you trying to commit suicide, jumping off of buildings so much?"

[[ Rofl, what would happen if Jack hadn't saved her from the building and she just fell? xD... ]]

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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 07:08 PM

[[ her aunt would've pulled up and prayed to the heavens in which would've caught her, hehe ]]

Jun stuttered and sank in her seat. "Television... I used to watch the news and watched them, of course they were stunt masters or whatever they were called..." She brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly. "People treat me like a slave and my brother's not around anymore... He made them stop because I'm afraid to stand up to them..."

YumeBott is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 07:45 PM

[[ Roflmao, for real? ;o! ]]

Jack looked away for a moment when Jun brought up "stunt masters," stunt doubles. "How do they treat you like a slave? You looked pretty free to me when you flew last time.." he muttered, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh.

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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 07:46 PM

[[ *nods* mhm. Rie's going to appear later after Jun goes to her aunts house ]]

"At school... They want me to do everything for them.." She answered in a quiet mutter, hoping he knew what she meant because she really didn't want to think about it.

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 07-23-2011 at 07:48 PM.. Reason: forgot to reply~

YumeBott is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 07:55 PM

[[ Oooh, Rie isn't always by her side? ]]

Jack raised an eyebrow and looked off past Jun with a slightly pained-to-breathe expression. Shaking his head, he leaned back and stretched. "Nah, that's a guy's job sweetheart---- OoooOOOOHHHH!!" he realized, shifting in his seat. "You mean homework wise?" He felt a wave of heat cross his face as he put a hand to the back of his neck. I wonder how old she is... xD;;;;, he thought. Better to just not bring THAT one up...

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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 08:35 PM

[[ not yet~ ]]

Jun glanced at Jack, after realizing what his first thought was she turned a bright red and hid her face within her knees. Omg.... >///< When he mentioned homework she gave a slight nod. "Homework, classwork, everything." She sighed a little and managed to glance at him without a red face.

YumeBott is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 08:50 PM

[[ ;o! ]]

Jack bit his lip when he heard the word "everything." He just couldn't help it. Well, what else do girls do? D:! "And you don't ever say no?"

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Old 07-23-2011, 08:57 PM

"Im afraid of them so no. My brother made them stop when he was around but now he's not so I'm doing my best at standing up for myself." She answered in a small voice. Jun missed her brother very much and it pained her to know he wasn't there anymore..

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 07-24-2011 at 11:09 PM..

YumeBott is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:46 PM

"Is he off someplace?.. Like... Lots of people here are over seas..." Jack had never had any serious losses in his family, so it was hard for him to step into the shoes of the idea that maybe Jun's brother really was...

[[ Sorry for the 1-ish liners x.o Btw, if you commit suicide aren't you going to hell? D; Is Rie trying to prevent that? ]]

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Old 07-25-2011, 04:01 PM

[[ yesh, well that and Jun's only 17. ]]

She shook her head. "He's dead.. Brother had a sickness that no one knew how to cure when we moved here and it killed him.." Jun took a deep breath and gazed at him.

YumeBott is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 11:18 PM

Jack leaned back a bit, staring through the table at the thought of losing someone. It was something that got under his skin and made him uneasy. The words were skewed when they crossed his mind. "Oh.. I'm sorry," was all he could say. He'd only heard a few stories about people being gone from families. It included lots of tears. "So you're stuck with a little more than a loss, more like a sick give and take."

Still glancing down, Jack looked to the left for a moment. Sick... Lose a brother and then get crushed with the rest of the world.

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Old 09-03-2011, 10:25 PM

Jun gave a small nod and hugged her knees tightly. "Pretty much..." She muttered quietly under her breath, but made sure Jack could hear her. It was then a waiter came to the table with two menus and set them down. "So sorry about the wait guys, we were having some trouble back in the kitchen, it's been taken care of though." He said apologetically. Jun blinked several times before looking at the man. "I'd like some water." She said simply.

YumeBott is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 11:46 PM

Jack's eyes softened when he looked at Jun. "You know..." he started to say, before the waiter interrupted him. A spark of annoyance and anger flickered across Jack's eyes, but he clenched a fist to get the rage out. He clasped his hands together and rested them on the edge of the table.

"Make that two," he added, referring to Jun's request. "What was going on back there? The wait was despicable."

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Old 09-04-2011, 08:39 PM

The waiter gave a small nod at their drink orders. He glanced at Jack before answering, "um... There was a fire; we don't how it started but it's been handled. I'll be back with your drinks shortly." He said before turning and walking away. Jun put a hand on her head and sighed a little. "He forgot to say his name was Jake and would be our server thus evening..." She knew the guy and most of the other workers since she came here often. Jun jumped when heard something go 'BOOM!' and blinked several times. "..the hell was that?"

YumeBott is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:06 PM

Jack blinked once at the fact that Jun could remember the waiter's name. He looked around the restaurant. It was a decent place, but not in the way that he'd go there enough to remember what waiters and waitresses said...

The loud sound from the back of the restaurant hardly startled Jack, but he turned around anyways. Looking to see what it was, he turned to Jun. "Really? We should get free stuff for this mess." He had a habit of tearing things apart with criticism, thankfully though today wasn't the day he'd elaborate.

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Old 09-04-2011, 10:12 PM

Jun shook her head and stood. "I'm going to check it out, they've never had this problem before..." She said in a completely calm voice before walking towards the kitchen. A mid-aged woman got in her way. "Please have a seat, we're handling it." "What's going on? This has never happened before." She was worried. "Miss we're handliing it, please have a seat." The lady told her, but Jun didn't move.

YumeBott is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 06:15 AM

A look of frustration and curiosity positioned itself right across Jack's face. He'd never heard of fire breakouts in restaurants that were bad enough to cause big noises. What kind of fire makes an explosion? Only bombs would do that! Jack sighed, looked down, and took a breath, Americans. What did Jun do to deserve them?

"We could go ask questions like the rest of those people.. I'll go if you go, but I'll stay if you stay, Mademoiselle~" Jack smiled and tilted his head a bit.

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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 06:33 AM

Jun spun around to see Jack and she sighed. "Who wants to be apart of everyone...?" She asked quietly with a small playful smirk. "It was a bomb, which means terrorist season came early this year." She lifted her head and flickered her gaze to the front door as the culprits made a break for it from the backdoor the shook her head. Don't get involved... She thought to herself more than once then went to sit back at the table with Jack.

YumeBott is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 06:57 AM

[[ ..My friend Momo says that Jaqcues looks like someone from Togainu no Ichi xwx;; ]]

Jack raised an eyebrow. He would have been having fun, but life made sure that death was permanent, eliminating everything worth a laugh in the situation.

"So it did." Jack replied. His gaze followed Jun's as he, too, scanned the room. "..Maybe we shouldn't stay around it, just in case there are more seasonal explosions?" There was carelessness in Jack's mind, but caution made it's mark when it needed to.

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Old 11-26-2011, 07:08 AM

[[well... ano... he does look a little like Shiki but at the same time he doesn't... ^-^;]]

Jun gave a light nod, she didn't ever actually sit. "Okay." She answered and waited for Jack to take the lead this time. There was definitely a hint of uneasiness in the air

YumeBott is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 07:32 AM

[[ Amg you knowwww <3 ]]

Jack stood up and placed a $20 on the table, to pay for the drinks they partially ordered and to leave a tip. He brushed off his untainted jacket, as if the restaurant had left an invisible mark on it. Then, he spun lightly on his heels and started to walk for the door, occasionally glancing back at Jun to see her.

I can't wait until we're out of here... It's too eerie..

[[ Aaand cue bomb explosion~ x3 Can you refresh me on the fullout plot..? ]]

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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 07:46 AM

[[I've only seen a few episodes :P heehee~]]

Jun quickly followed behind Jack. Her highly-sensitive ears hearing the faint sound of beeping caused her to flicker her eyes around as she walked and before either of the two could make it out the front door an actual bomb explosion blew the kitchen out and the rest of the building easily started to fall apart rather quickly.

[[eh? a-ano... i forgot the original plot so i'm kind of just winging it o.o']]

YumeBott is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 08:36 AM

[[ Winging it is fun! We can take flight and be free! ]]

Jack felt his heart start beating faster. He was utterly and completely paranoid. The relieving strength caused by getting away from danger was empowering to Jack. Except that strength never came. What did come was a shock wave from the kitchen. The sound of glass shattering and various objects performing spontaneous combustion rang through his ears like a wildfire. Which it was.

He had been in the middle of looking back for Jun, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the bright flare. In a matter of moments he was getting off of the ground and looking frantically for Jun. His vision wan't distorted too severely, but between the bright orange and growing smoke it was indeed challenging to put names to shapes. Before he could even think, he began screaming.

"Jun! JUN!! Jun where are you!?"

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Old 11-26-2011, 05:06 PM

[[gomen Yume-chan, i forgot to say goodnight ;-;]]

Jun pretty ducked and covered when a fairly large piece fell off and was coming towards her but for some odd reason it landed behind her (<- Rie's doing). She blinked a few times and slowly stood. ~What...?~ Jun shook her head and fought the urge to cough without any problem. Little did she know she had a guardian angel hovering above her head. Jun made her way towards the large pile of rubbish in font of her. "Jack! Go to the firehouse and get help!" She called to the other side of the rubbish.

She was scared to the very core but she a habit of having a tough-guy-act no matter who scared she was.

YumeBott is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 05:31 PM

[[ It's okee~ ;o ]]

Jack flinched when he heard the building parts starting to fall, and a loud crash nearby. He could hear and somewhat see Jun a few yards away. I could have sworn she was right behind me.. His thoughts were blurred by a distraction; part of the building fell above Jun and completely missed her. His mouth fell open wide- a "Straight A" student knew his physics. Rocks don't make sharp turns like that...

Again jumbled by speech and chaos, Jack's shock turned into anger. "And just leave you here!? I can't do that!" he screamed, but by that time he was already on his feet and ready to bolt. "Alright, alright! I'll go as long as you keep this promise- don't get killed!"

Those were the last words he remembered, because the rest was a medley of colors. Bright orange faded into thick smoke, as did the smoke to bright rays of sunlight. Half mad and blind all the same, Jack powered up all his might and ran for Jun's life.


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