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Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 08-29-2011, 09:38 PM

"i'm anabeth. leader of the neko fighters. you are welcome to join us and you migh prove to be a valuble asset. can you tell us anything about them?" she asked.

Iv got two twin sisters a dad wi...
dylan736 is offline
Old 08-30-2011, 01:21 AM

then Conner sees the man in the push tent Anabeth and Zema to the side then he draws his sword and points it at makoto and says were just fine but I think your a bit lost half breed what are you doing here

Last edited by dylan736; 08-30-2011 at 01:30 AM..

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Old 08-30-2011, 01:51 AM

Noticing how the first thing when Makoto stepped into the tent, he was immediately threatened by the male neko. Only to see that his sword was directed right toward him, there was indeed a small flinch that came from Makoto when he saw how the sword was drawn quickly but this was something he was still trained for. Being one of the neko knights of the holy kingdom trained him for the unexpected such as this. Hearing how the male said that they were fine and that he thought Makoto was lost of being called a 'half breed'. Giving a little sigh, he placed a single hand onto the man's sword and moved it down slightly. Thankfully enough, he didn't get cut thanks to him wearing armor. "Becareful on who you choose as your enemy. I may be a half breed..but I'm on the nekos side.." he stated giving a little shrug before turning his attention over toward the female neko as she spoke her name and welcomed Makoto if he'd like to join them. "Ah..neko fighters..So I'm guessing you and your allies are like freelancers..? I would indeed join if I were not already under the oath of the neko knights of the holy kingdom. I serve the king and queen at the moment. Thank you for the offer though."

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 08-30-2011, 01:54 AM

"both of ya calm down and its nice to meet someone who works for the king and queen" she said.

Iv got two twin sisters a dad wi...
dylan736 is offline
Old 08-30-2011, 01:58 AM

Forgive me sir Makoto im still dazed frum the fighting "because conner lost his left eye" I lost all my men but im no freelancer I am also a Knight I was sent to the front lines by my battle master but then I was ambushed bye vamps then they killed my men

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Old 08-30-2011, 02:34 AM

Shaking his head lightly to the apology of the male who held his sword up toward Makoto, he just kept a little smile across his face and wiggled his own ears. He didn't want to start any trouble anyway; especially with his own kind, so when he heard that this male was also a knight as well that had just been through battle. He simply nodded his head in agreement, fighting long battles usually gave out bad feelings throughout a person's body; especially when the thoughts were that anyone could be the enemy. " you people are not freelancers. Why are you out here in the middle of the woods?" he asked the two nekos only to tilt his head and look at the young female vampire. "And what is a vampire doing here?.." he asked even more curious on both the questions than ever.

Iv got two twin sisters a dad wi...
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Old 08-30-2011, 02:56 AM

Conner sheaves his sword then slowly grabs his eye patch then says from what I was told she ran away from hey people then was shot by her leader in her arm so then she found her self running toads this camp where Anabeth found her and then just after anabeth was done cleaning the wounds she found me just out side of the woods all most dead from loss of blood

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 08-30-2011, 11:56 AM

"yeah. i stayed out here because there is to much to deal with at the castle and in the city. Out here we can fight them before they get to the city. My troops and i have been out here for ever." she siad.

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Old 08-30-2011, 04:54 PM

When the male neko had explained how the female vampire had gotten here along with how he had also gotten here. Makoto simply gave a little nod noticing how he sheathed his sword, it was rather strange indeed how all this was happening in the woods right near the kingdom. Although when the leader of the neko fighters, which was the female neko in the group said that they had been fighting off the vampires outside of the kingdom forever now only because it was better off to hold them off before they reached the kingdom and city itself. Makoto simply nodded once more in agreement, true that made sense; it was better to take them out before they reached the city to cause some real damage so it was better to deal with them before than so that it wouldn't be needed to keep rebuilding houses for people over and over. "So...I'm guessing this isn't your main base. Is it?" he asked crossing his arms and continuing to stand there wondering what their plan of action was going to be.

Iv got two twin sisters a dad wi...
dylan736 is offline
Old 08-30-2011, 04:57 PM

Sir makoto where were you going befor you found this camp I was sent to the frount lines but you still havent told us where you were going

Last edited by dylan736; 08-30-2011 at 05:04 PM..

rosie_poisy is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 12:22 PM

Zema stayed quiet and in the small corner she was in. She was hungry,really hungry. She stood up collapsed onto the floor. She turned onto her back. "blood" she whispered. She could die or even go into a rampage if she didn't get any blood soon. "blood, please get me some blood". She released what Connor had said early about her craving blood. She couldn't do anything if he attacked her. She breathed heavely till she passed out.

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 09-05-2011, 02:21 PM

"hang on" anabeth said taking a cup and going outside. you here the noise a dear makes when they are scared or killed and then anabeth came back wth a glass full and helped the girl drink it.

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Old 09-06-2011, 06:51 AM

While Makoto stood there, he had heard how the male neko stated the question on what he was doing around these parks. Indeed, he hadn't told these people what he was doing out here this far away from the kingdom himself and that would probably be a good idea to tell them or else they'd probably get suspicious about him on what he was doing this far out. "I was sent out here by the King and Queen's orders themselves to recon the area for any signs of enemies." he stated turning his head over with his own eyes widened up in shock when he noticed how the female vampire that laid there had gotten up only to say that she needed blood. That was a normal feeling for a vampire and not to mention even Makoto had gotten those feelings once in a while. So right before he could say anything else, noticing how Anabeth left the tent only to end up killing some kind of deer and come back with a cup of fresh blood for the girl. Makoto simply had his arms crossed quietly as he watched her. "So..she wants to join the neko resistance against her own kind?"

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 09-06-2011, 11:19 AM

"i guess seeing as she was attacked by her own kind" she said.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 09-08-2011, 04:35 AM

name: Nik (real name is Nikita)
age: 18
specis: half neko/half vampire
bio: Nikita's family wasn't like most families since she had mixed parents. Her mother had taken pity on a vampire who was badly wounded. She secretly taken that vampire in and took care of him. As time passed the two of them fell in love. The two of them moved from place to place a lot to keep hidden so they could try to live in peace. After Nikita was born they continued to keep up the routine of never staying in one place for too long. When she was eight she witnessed the murder of her parents. They had hidden her in one of the secret places in the wall of the living room. Due to this trama she doesn't really remember much about her life before that point other then her parents told her to keep her gender hidden from others, no one could be trusted and to never stay in one place for too long. Those were the rules she has lived by. Because of them she has been able to survive so far. She found it harder to hide her gender as she grew older, but has successfully done so far. Currently she is on the move again because of the war.
other: Nikita hates vampires because they were the ones that killed her parents and has never let herself open up to anyone.

rosie_poisy is offline
Old 09-08-2011, 10:22 AM

Zema saw the cup of blood and jumpped upon anabeth with the cup of blood. She gulped it down and sat down wiping her mouth from the blood. " I am sorry, I had been locked in a cage for 3 weeks before I got out and ran into this camp". Zema walked towards Connor, and got down on her knees " I am sorry, I disobeyed you Connor, I am sorry." zema started to cry, when in the vampire camp she would be stabbed with a sword or hit till she bleed because she was disobedient. Connor had said if she showed signs of craving blood he would kill her, would he pull his sword out and cut her head off, would he do anything?

Iv got two twin sisters a dad wi...
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Old 09-09-2011, 07:43 PM

Conner looks at Zema with not anger pity he pitted her he didn't no why but he did so Conner in frustration he walks out of the tent this is when he started to get angry he saw a training dummy and went all out he took the thing out in a power full blow to the head area not noing what was going on he sits on a plank of wood and then out of nowhere a jolt of pain shot him in the eye so he grabs his eye

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Old 09-09-2011, 08:51 PM

Keeping his arms crossed most of the time, hearing from Anabeth that this other young vampire female was attacked by her own kind. Just being told that this young girl was attacked by her own kind and now she had the thirst for blood, and not to mention now she was also bowing toward this other male neko for forgiveness; Makoto was simply in a lost of thought. This was all very strange indeed, for what reason did this young girl need to apologize to that male neko exactly; whatever the case was noticing how the male just left kind of got Makoto curious on what was happening in here before he even came in. Although that was not the only thing that had got him rather confused, another was the strange fact on why this young female vampire was attacked by her own people, he had thought that all vampires treated one another as comrades and equality just so that they could defeat the nekos. Especially after he had to watch his parents and village get raided by vampires and seeing how they worked so well together. Keeping his mouth shut the entire time, Makoto simply watched everyone and all the events play out.

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 09-09-2011, 09:47 PM

Anabeth ran outside to conner "are you ok" she asked.

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Old 09-09-2011, 11:27 PM

Zema walked outside to see Connor on plank of wood. "Connor..." she sat down next to him" can you show me your eye, when I was small my mother was a doctor and teached me a little about healing. I may be able to help the pain go away" she looked over to the training dummy and saw what Connor could do. Zema started to tremble, she though to herself, he toke the anger he had and gave it to the dummy, that could have been her, laying headless on the floor. She looked at Connor, hoping she could see what layed behind the eye patch he was wearing.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 09-09-2011, 11:46 PM

name: Princess Dawn Star Hellsing
age: 1200
specis: Vampire
bio: Dawn Star is a princess of the Hellsing family. She is spoiled to the core but loves to be around friends. She had the unliklyhood to befriend a neko girl when she least expects it. Dawn Star loves being in wars but the one that is currently happening is starting to annoy her. HEr family had refused to be in sure a wolf that they placed their whole kingdom in a barrier to prevent any outsider from the war to enter. Dawn Star is currently the oldest and heir to her whole kingdom and is proud to be a vampire.
other: The only way to the a Vampire is part of the Hellsing Family is their Blood red eyes and Long silver hair

name: Mirabella La'Gorá
age: 18
specis: Neko
bio: Mirabella is a 'princess' of some sorts. Her family rules over a small clan of nekos and she isn't really spoiled about anything. She loves making new friends when she can and loves to explore. Mirabella often considers herself ugly because she believes that no one can love her for how she is and is often alone because of it.
other: She wears a rosario choker around her neck.

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Old 09-10-2011, 02:14 AM

Noticing how both the females had ended up leaving the tent to follow the other male neko outside. Makoto simply turned his head over his shoulder to see them leave the tent as he looked back around the tent for a moment just to notice that this tent that he was in had almost everything needed for any kind of wound there ever was for any kind of solider it seems. So simply giving a little sigh of boredom, he just shrugged off the thought of doing anything at all in this tent; Makoto just turned right on around and headed out of the tent only to see that both the females were over toward the other male neko who seemed to have been having problems with his eye. Tilting his own head while staring at him, Makoto was rather intrigued about what was going on with his eye. Soon enough, his own eyes caught the attention of one of the training dummies who seemed to had been almost looking as though it was mauled. Lowering his arms from being crossed, Makoto simply gave a little nod to the three of them before making his way back over toward the entrance of the forest once again. "I bid you all farewell, safe travels to all of you and good luck on your resistance against the vampires. Maybe our paths will cross again one of these days." he stated with a final bow farewell before heading into forest with his red hood covering his ears and most of his face once again.

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Old 09-10-2011, 10:38 AM

"don't go that way!" Zema ran after Makato. If he walked that way for long enough he would entre the vampire camp. She couldn't let that happen. "please stop, she ran out of Veiw of the others. " please, if you go that way you will be killed, please stop". Where was he. She saw a glimer of silver pass her left eye. She ran towards it. Her silver hair got tangled in the trees and slowed her down.

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Old 09-10-2011, 02:30 PM

While Makoto walked away into the darkness of the woods once more, he had heard from one of the females back behind him call out to him. From the sound of her voice, he could easily tell it was the young female vampire from earlier; a small little sigh came from his lips as he stopped in the middle of his tracks only to end up turning around to hear her more carefully. Once again, this was one of the points where both his half neko and half vampire abilities came in handy as he could hear things from a distance perfectly without too much trouble. Hearing that the female vampire was trying to tell Makoto to stop going in this direction, simply because that this path lead toward the vampire came; his own eyes widened up slightly as he noticed how she continued to look for him throughout the darkness of the forest. Turning his head over his shoulders once again to look down the path only to tilt his head in thought that this lead to a vampire camp; a small nod came to him. Being half neko and half vampire, that would make it rather difficult still but it would still give him a fighting chance against the group of vampires. Turning his attention back toward where the girl was running to find him; Makoto simply went right back toward the direction where she was searching for him until he finally found her. "A vampire camp...? around here...? Than I must go there; its my duty as the King's and Queen's orders. To eliminate any threats to neko village and kingdom nearby."

Iv got two twin sisters a dad wi...
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Old 09-10-2011, 04:40 PM

Conner stands up and starts to take off the pach when Makoto started to walk tord's the dark woods then he sees Zema run after him to get him to stop him then she gets her hair tangled in a bush Conner looks at anabeth and with a smirk some times I wonder how she got away with her luck Conner starts t walk tords Zema when he finally gets there he sees zema fighting to get the twigs out of her hair stop moving you stupid girl Conner draws his sword and holds it in to the air and with a swing of the sword he cuts the branches that head zema


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