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Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by Clair Voyant View Post
Knock-off items? What are we talking about here?

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Liztress is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 06:09 PM

Yeah, I have to say that I'm curious about what you consider a knock-off?

Multi Media
Vickyll3 is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 07:04 PM

I'm guessing like in the take me to your leader CI
There was a knock off version of the cow
which is the How now? and the blue gow


EirianHikari is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by The Auctioneer View Post
If you check the link in my signature, you'll see that I'm having a bit of a sale. I'm not the only one selling Valentines Day 2007 rares, though! So if you've been looking high and low for them, get to the Marketplace!

And now for the question:

As you've likely noticed, it has been some months since the last time I've auctioned rare items off. I could probably talk to sources and get special knock-off versions of some of the items from the previous months - but do you think I ought to?

Please post your thoughts on retroactive rares! And thank you in advance for the market research!
I think this sound like a good idea.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 09:42 PM

i definitely think it would be worth it for certain items that are very very rarely sold... the rares from 07 mostly.... but if you do too many then it could have negative repercussions for the marketplace overall right? so probably dont do too much of it.

wish is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 09:50 PM

i'd like for more of the normal colored ones auctioned off. some are pretty rare and getting expensive. :(

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Jesmond is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 12:41 AM

I have absolutely LOVED when you've taken a single pose from a CI and made a "knock-off" item from it. Those Traitors items especially.
I think doing things like that in the future, such as, maybe. with Hawtness hair... :ninja:
...would be especially awesome, provided it stays in line with them just being single pose items and not recoloring a whole CI.
The previous ones have been very tastefully done though. <3

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 01:57 AM

There seems to be some confusion over my post, so I will clarify and hope that helps refine the answers.

By "knock-off" I do mean "single-poses from previous CIs recolored" as I have done with other items.

All of my other items are purchased from my dealers (what you would refer to as "from banned accounts"). I am not talking about finding a "fresh supply" of old rare items.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 02:01 AM

I'd personally love to see some of the old CIs in new colors, such as a silver version of the King and Queen's Crowns, Winter's Flight, differently colored wings, and etc. :)

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 02:25 AM

I never keep enough gold on hand to be able to compete in an auction. Unless I'm misunderstanding and they're coming out at a flat rate. But even then I doubt I'd be able to afford any of it.

I'd appreciate the new items eventually, but now? Meh. I just don't hoard the funding required to be competitive with other buyers.

Mystic is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by The Auctioneer View Post
There seems to be some confusion over my post, so I will clarify and hope that helps refine the answers.

By "knock-off" I do mean "single-poses from previous CIs recolored" as I have done with other items.

All of my other items are purchased from my dealers (what you would refer to as "from banned accounts"). I am not talking about finding a "fresh supply" of old rare items.
This I have no issue with at all.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 05:31 AM

i would, personally, love a teal re-colored rubber chiken!
i think all of the re-colors, like the blue gow, are spectacular.
i'm excited to see if we get some new items regularly, again.
thank you for asking our opinions.


Roachi is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 08:38 AM

I give this the thumbs up. Any new items would be great :)

\ (•◡•) /
Smellerbee is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 01:57 PM

If you implement the same rules as before. I don't think people who already own the rare items should be allowed to bid because that defeats the purpose in my opinion.

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Siri is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 02:48 PM

I liked the recolors we got in the past, but it getting the items via auctions was a horrifying experience for me. xD;
The items ended up being too rare and too expensive. I really struggled to get them, and I feel like I'm mostly 'set' on Menewsha with funds left over from exchanging over the years...

Can you guys put in a filter that only lets people win one of each item in an auction? If this were the case, I would feel a lot better about having these items released.

Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 03:29 PM

I have to agree with Siri on this. I generally do not compete in auctions for the reason I don't need the items. However, if making them rare, it will boost the price up and people with a metric-fuckton of gold will be the ones who win them. Which will just result in people to have less of a chance to win them due to the lack of gold. Then it turns into a quest item in-which they must pay even more off a seller in the exchange for a stupid amount of gold.

However, would not be opposed to doing a raffle for them with allowing users to purchase one ticket per account, giving them two chances at winning them. Then a month later releasing them on the auction house.

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 08:06 PM

My main problem is that it seems that your auctions always end in the middle of the night for me, so I can never get anything, because I'm always outbid, and I can't be here to put in a final bid.

I agree with Bartuc...I'd like to see a raffle for these items.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 08:42 PM

I like what Siri said about people only being able to win one of the auctioneer items. Its frustrating to get in a bid war with someone just to see them put it up in their store minutes after for 1-5k more.

And I also have to agree with her that while I have no hurt for gold right now, I'm saving it for other items. I don't really want to have to spend 5-10k here and there on items that I'm afraid I won't be able to get just for the sake of getting them. I know I know, no one is going to force me. However as a collector I beg to differ. Some people have compulsions that they CAN'T control. Even if they try too.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by The Auctioneer View Post
There seems to be some confusion over my post, so I will clarify and hope that helps refine the answers.

By "knock-off" I do mean "single-poses from previous CIs recolored" as I have done with other items.

All of my other items are purchased from my dealers (what you would refer to as "from banned accounts"). I am not talking about finding a "fresh supply" of old rare items.
ohhhhhhhh.... wow did i ever misinterpret that or what! :oops:

umm... yeah that might be nice. oh oh can you do a recolour of the dove and/or raven head and/or ankle wings? do like a red one or a teal one or even brown ones? that would be epic!!!! oh oh and maybe even a different flower colour for the sunny side up petals around the head pose? or maybe the perfect pastry hair bow in other colours like lavender?

are you looking for approval or ideas? im not sure. but i say do it! and im going to give suggestions too because some of these ideas are awesome!!! lol

Last edited by bloodstainedwings; 05-30-2012 at 12:52 AM..

Divacita is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 09:40 AM

Sounds interesting but I could not afford those either. xD

Mime From Hell
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The_Crow is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 11:31 AM

I think that you should do your best to keep a fresh supply as often as possible. Be sure to look in drawers. Double check. The active users are the ones who deserve the items in circulation.

I wasn't aware of any previous "knock offs", can you point me to an example of one?

I also think your store is far too empty far too often and the bar is set too high because many menewshans such as myself have any 'wealth' in items and not in gold. Even trying to get gold for items is difficult. I set a Mad Monk with a starting price of 999 and it never rose above that. I did have it set at the 'average' but there were no bites. I somehow really feel like I lost out on that one.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 12:01 PM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I like what Siri said about people only being able to win one of the auctioneer items. Its frustrating to get in a bid war with someone just to see them put it up in their store minutes after for 1-5k more.

And I also have to agree with her that while I have no hurt for gold right now, I'm saving it for other items. I don't really want to have to spend 5-10k here and there on items that I'm afraid I won't be able to get just for the sake of getting them. I know I know, no one is going to force me. However as a collector I beg to differ. Some people have compulsions that they CAN'T control. Even if they try too.

i have to agree with this.
it's sad to see it be sold/auctioned off when people are still looking for their first one of an item.
im not sure what can be done, however.
i just know if there is ever a recolored rubber teal chicken
you will have to prry it outta my cold dead hands!

Annihilator of Cookies
Snowberry is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 12:15 PM

Too vague for input from me. How do you plan on circulating/selling them?

Multi Media
Vickyll3 is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 01:25 PM

I think he means the most resent CIs like from when he stopped the knock offs till now?
But I'm still okay with the idea, and I love the idea of a raffle too

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Liztress is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
I think that you should do your best to keep a fresh supply as often as possible. Be sure to look in drawers. Double check. The active users are the ones who deserve the items in circulation.

I wasn't aware of any previous "knock offs", can you point me to an example of one?

I also think your store is far too empty far too often and the bar is set too high because many menewshans such as myself have any 'wealth' in items and not in gold. Even trying to get gold for items is difficult. I set a Mad Monk with a starting price of 999 and it never rose above that. I did have it set at the 'average' but there were no bites. I somehow really feel like I lost out on that one.
An example would be the Blue Gow and How Now Cow. They are recolors of the cow and gow from the Take Me to Your Leader CI.

Yeah, most Menewshans don't save up large amounts of gold as hoarding items tends to be easier.

One thing I'd like to see be done is for the Auctioneer to use an Exchange thread so that there can be item trades. I know that it would create more work and then you got the issue of people complaining about the Auctioneer being impartial if their offer isn't accepted... But it would help stock up items that can be sold in the MP under the Auctioneer name while also making things a little easier for those who lack gold funds.


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