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Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-22-2012, 06:57 AM

Laguelle had moved to the stage, watching the circle of spectators with barely hidden contempt. The smell was absolutely HORRID out here, his nose scrunched in reaction the burning. The barmaid already put him on edge, her nonchalance to having demons a sign of possible below-the-counter dealings with higher demons. The scent was strong enough to hide the scent of those gathered, including the man on the table and the one in the far corner, a shady and sly look about him.

But it was the woman who had just sauntered in that caused his hackles to raise, so to speak. Vampire. And proud of it. A low growl grew in his throat at that, the sound low and guttural, reverberating lightly in the stage. He forced it's silence at that, a tad annoyed that the stage was well made when it came to sound quality. Normally, he would have found no problem with it, but he wasn't performing now and him revealing himself to a vampire would not be ideal. Not in this setting. It was bad for business. Blood feuds and what not.

Quietly, he leaned himself against the wall near stage-right, pinching the bridge of his nose, hoping, by some miracle, the burning in his sinuses would recede from the action. It did not. In fact, it only seemed to make it worse.

is currently looking for a good ...
VIEW FROM ABOVE is offline
Old 06-22-2012, 12:52 PM

The man slouched in his seat, eyed the barmaid, then, the moment her back was turned, Roen raised his hand to flip the bird at her. Authority figures ruining the fun... His bottle of Jack was almost empty, but he was pretty certain none of the tavern's employees would let him get another. How he'd even managed to get through that one without dying of alcohol poisoning was a mystery. He poured himself the last of it and fiddled with the shot glass, watching with quiet indifference as people slowly went back to their seats.

From his spot behind her, in his corner, Roen answered the newcomer. "Someone's been killed, if that's not obvious." He motioned towards the lesser demon that was still pinned to the wall.

One of its friends grunted in agreement before flopping down into his seat again.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 06-23-2012, 09:14 PM

Sara nodded, it was hard to find trust nowadays. The commotion apparantly disturbed the man deeply. She knew he was...different. Like herself in a way. Reaching under the hem of her dress, Sara pulled out a dagger. 'There's more where that came from. Not to mention the scent of a vampire near by...',she thought. Standing up stiffly, she said to Leguelle,"I am sorry that your performance has been canceled. But I am sure you have sensed a vampire too. And unless you intend to sit by and watch more blood be shed, I suggest you do something. Your abbility with your knives isn't just for amusement! At least deal with driving the vampire away from here. It is thirsty." Walking back towards the way she came, Sara tuened and looked back at the man one last time. "I hope we can meet again. On less pressing matters. But you must excuse me. There is something I must deal with." Quickly turning away, she carried on. 'I hope that you'll come to trust me.',she thought to herself. Arriving back in the dining room, Sara courtseyed towards the couple. "I am sorry for the wait."

Gemini is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 03:35 AM

Gemini sensed the vampire, and was immediately uneasy.vampires were often trouble, especially ones who did so little to hide their true nature.taking a moment to think, Gemini ran through a mental checklist of weapons.dagger in her boot: check.pistol in her waistband: check.wooden stake strapped to her thigh: check.knives strapped to wrist holders on each arm: check.poison needles in hair: check.claws and fangs: check check.good, she was armed to the teeth- quite literally- and ready for trouble.with that reassurance, she went about her job again.soon enough, she would wait on the vampire, to get a sense of power level and intent.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 11-02-2012, 05:06 PM

Sara sat down once more after having her apology accepted. And of course, the old man started chattering once again. Picking up her wine, she caressed it lightly in her hand, continuing to nod at the man's words. But Sara couldn't concentrate. She kept getting sidetracted by her conversation with the knife-thrower and the vampire entering the pub. "Chelsea. CHELSEA!",a voice growled at her. Shaking her head wearily, Sara saw it was the women who had so kindly interupted her thoughts. "My husband asked you a question. Pay attention!"Sara cringed at her words, the woman obviously didn't care how blunt her language was. "Yes ma'am. I emensly sorry my lord and milady.",she said calmly. "Well then",said the old man,"I'll repeat my question. How would you like to marry my son? He's about your age, very handsome, intelligent, and could provide for you easily." Sara almost threw up. 'Marry his son?!',she thought,'How repulsive!' But instead of saying what was on her mind, Sara just smile and said,"It would be my honor, sir." Seemingly happy with himself, the lord nodded and smiledat his wife, which looked like she would rather eat manure than have Sara as a daughter in law. Excusing herself from the dreadful converstation, she said,"I must take my leave now. Thank you for your kindness." Getting up and leaving the dining hall, Sara entered the main pub, and sat down at the bar. She must've looked silly sitting at the bar in those fancy clothes, but she didn't care. Sara neededa drink. 'That man can go to hell for all I care!',she thought. 'I'm not protecting him any longer!' Looking towards the stage, she remembered Laguelle's discomfort.

CelesteStar is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 05:01 AM

((I'd like to jump in, but could someone give me a quick summary of what's happened so far? I'm also reading through the roleplay too, but a summary would be nice to refer to. XD; ))

Gemini is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 06:08 AM

((I wish I could telly ou.this roleplay came to a screeching halt a while ago,and I have no clue weather anyone's still interested in it...))

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 06:14 AM

(I would continue with this, but I've changed Laguelle so much more after this one sputtered to a stop that all of what he is doing now would be quite out of character for him. So, I'm sorry, but I won't be coming back to this. Or....I might if people really want to continue with this? I already told Bloodyrosethorns I won't be here anymore, but if everyone wants it back so be it, eh?)

Gemini is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 08:17 PM

((Id love to continue, just to see where it goes.I liked this rp))

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 11-15-2012, 03:43 AM

((I honestly forgot myself.... xD))


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