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Old 11-13-2012, 05:04 PM

I went into my dresser and pulled out a leash. It was thick and you could tell it was very old and I looked down at him, and knelt at his side. "I hate to do this to you boy, but its against the law to have an unleashed dog... I promise this will all be over and Youll be free soon." I latched the leash on to he loop on his silver collar and grabbed my purse and headed out. Nate was sitting on the couch watching the small 13" TV and without looking back, gave a two finger wave as we left.

Sirens filled the air waves as we walked into town and through the streets. The smell of smog and sewers slowly dissipated as we got into the city and approached the building. It's neon sign "The Cage" reflected in the puddles in the street making it look more glamorous than it actually was. I approached and the bouncer known as Tony, stopped the line to let me in, eying the familiar dog. "Whatcha got there, sweets? An escape artist? The boss will be pleased you're bringing him back." I smiled at him as he cracked his knuckles and opened the rope to let me in.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 06:19 PM

Kale backed up, ducked trying to avoid the leash. She finally managed to catch him and latch the thing on, unfortunately. He stared at the cord before looking back up at her. Unamused he stood and followed her out. Before they headed out the door, He glanced over at Nate who gave her a salute.

It wasn't too long of a walk... at least it wouldn't have been if he was 100%, but even with the meat in his belly walking a distance was a little bit of a stretch for him. Several smells passed, but none of them hinted to Em and the Gang. He would occasionally put his nose to the ground, but he never found any of their smells... not even faint ones. The only thing he could imagine was that he was in a different city all together.

When they finally reached the cage, he stopped. He could smell them. Both his kind and theirs. He looked up at the building in disgust, and wanted nothing more than to hightail it out of there.
As she spoke with the bouncer he turned around to look at the patrons. Some were neck suckers, some where human and some.... some he had never encountered before. He stared at them, before he felt the tug of his leash and followed her again.

A woman walked up to them, her black hair was long and straight, eyes red as fresh blood and skin as pale as the full moon. She didn't hide what she was, and showed off the body she seemed rather proud of. He knew who she was, and immediately his hairs raised. Ebony Vedour was her name, and she was the head of the Vedour Clan and he was guessing she had a firm hand in this blood bath too. Emily had been searching for her since he could remember.

Her hips swayed as she talked even when she didn't need to with all the sensuality that she put into her voice. "Well, good to see you back dearest..." She said cupping the girl's chin with her finger with a smirk. "You're looking rather nice tonight..." She glanced down at Kale and then to the collar, the show of fang fading. "I see you brought some trash back. And here I pinned you as the merciful type... one to put vermin out of their misery... Guess I was wrong." She said before looking back up at Sophie. The smile she flashed had enough teeth to fill a sharks mouth. "Throw it to the pits and get to work." She said before walking away.

Kale looked up at Sophie with a bit of disgust on his face. He wondered if she was one of them too, a vampire? He hadn't smelt it on her, and he prided himself on his nose.

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Old 11-13-2012, 06:28 PM

"Hello Miss Ebony, thanks. Ill get right on that." I said as she walked off. I looked down at the wolf and patted his head and gave him a 'dont worry' look. I led him inside deeper as the music pounded and some female dancers some nude some not, were dancing in bird cages surrounded by men drinking, smoking, eating. Having a good time. I saw Tina at the bar and waved, walking over, many of the patrons not even realizing I had a dog with me.
"HEYYY Sophie, early tonight heh?" Tina said, pouring me a glass of shirly temple with excessive cherries. I shook my head and leaned into her ear. "Can we go into your dressing room? I have a favor to ask... a huge one." She nodded and opened the door behind the bar and let me in, of course grabbing my drink, and she soon followed, almost tripping over the wolf.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 06:57 PM

He watched one of the dancers in the cages, his mouth falling open. He knew her, she was one of his kind and they has spoken a couple of times before they pulled her from the ring. He finally knew why, apparently she had served more of a purpose letting men gawk at her than fighting. It was probably for the better anyways... she wasn't great at fighting...

When she tugged on the leash again, he turned to look and see Sophie stand and slowly followed her. As Tina was about to trip over him, he quickly jumped to the side and looked up at her.

Learn how to walk, human.

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Old 11-13-2012, 07:05 PM

Tina shut the door behind us. The tiny room was only suitable for maybe 4 people, in the campest of styles. She plopped down on her fluffy small sofa and looked at her. "So... you found our escape artist. He lost last time I saw him." she said, leaning forward to see him. "He looks in rough shape, but I see hes been bandaged up. Got a soft spot for him, Soph?" I sighed sitting down on a chair across from her and I held the leash tightly in my hand. "I know the Cage manager, or his goons captured him from the wild... hes in pain and in no way able to fight... can I please set him free?"
Tina sighed, looking at the dog and bit her lip. "You know, I can get in huge trouble for something like this..-" I butted in. "But please! If hes let back into the ring, he'll die! Hes in pain! I found him this morning bleeding and almost dead on my doorstep..." I dragged my hand gently over his head repeatedly and scratched behind his ears. "He... even saved me from being raped... please.... I owe him.."

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 07:26 PM

He remained standing as they sat down in the room. His eyes didn't leave Tina. It was amazing that both of them were so immersed in something they had no idea about. Could they really not know of werewolves or vampires? He thought for a second. Yeah, a vampire's look could easily be replicated, but come on... Could they really not know that they were watching men and women fight to the death? Own pack members?
He waited for a long time, his tail sweeping the floor occasionally. If this Tina didn't help, the only thing he had left was to wait for Emily... and that might never happen.

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Old 11-13-2012, 07:36 PM

Tina sighed and stood, going to a small side table and pulling out a silver skeleton key. She walked over to where I was sitting and put it in my palm. "You... didnt get this from me. Return it as soon as you can.." A knock on the door broke the somewhat silence of the tiny room and I jumped up. "Tina, whos in there with you?" The deep raspy familiar voice and thick New York accent was all too familiar. Tina hurriedly shoved me into a small closet and I dragged the dog with me, Tina shut the door just in time as Jack came in.
Fat Jack was the owner of the Cage and Tina was his personal pet and playmate.
"Hey sweetheart, who was in here with yeh?" He said, cigar smoke pushing though this teeth. Overweight, wearing tinted glasses, slicked back hair and a suit he sat down on the sofa. Tina smiled and sat next to him, her leg up on his thigh. "Noone sweetheart, I think youre hearing things." She laughed.
In the closet, which was only big enough for one person if there wasnt clothes in here, I was standing, the dog on his hind legs pressed against the front of my body. His face was very close with mine. I looked into his pleading eyes and I "shh'ed" him silently. "We'll be out soon boy, just keep still and quiet." I whispered into his ear. On his hind legs, he was about 3/4 my height.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 07:55 PM

His nose curled up at the smell of the man. He turned his head as the man beckoned to Tina. The corners of his mouth went up as a low growl rattled his throat before being cut off by the pull of a leash and then shoved into the closet.

Well this is great...

He thought to himself. He looked down at the key in her hand and nipped at it. He might still be able to get revenge...

C'mon. It's not that hard... just take off the collar...

A couple of minutes ticked by before the door slammed open. "Jack..." She looked at the situation and rolled her eyes, "Get your whore off of you and get your ass down stairs with your men. We've got company."

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Old 11-13-2012, 08:05 PM

Jack stood up and reassured her pet hed be back; he paused for a moment when he saw the glass of shirley temple and snuffed, thought for a moment...and left, shutting the door behind him. Tina sighed and ran to the closet opening the door. I fell out onto the floor and Tina helped me up.
"If you wanna set him free, you better go now. Use the back door that leads in to the 2nd street alley. If anyone asks Ill let them know you got sick and went home and may be back." She hugged me. "Good luck...don't get caught." She said. I nodded and tightened the grip on the leash leading him to the door and I opened it only a crack and peeked out.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 08:20 PM

Kale fell out with her, he sat there for a second before slowly standing up and shaking off the smell of the closet. He turned to look at Tina, shaking his head before turning and following the pull of the leash. He honestly couldn't wait for that thing to be off.

As she cracked the door, he could smell the soft musk of guns and the residue. He looked up at her knowing she couldn't. He acted quickly taking the key from her hand and backing up pulling the leash taught, snuffing at the door. Hunters were coming and everyone was free game here.

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Old 11-13-2012, 08:24 PM

Tina looked down at the beast who was backing up and now had the key in his mouth. I shut the door again and looked down at him, feeling the pull of the leash.
"What is it boy? I know you dont like the leash but i need something around you to lead u out of here." I knelt down beside him and put my palm next to his muzzle. "Drop it." I said firmly.
Tina folded her arms. "Maybe the collar is too tight? Take it off and make the leach only go around his neck? Like by linking it to itself maybe?" I looked to him and sighed in relief. "Drop it."

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 08:32 PM

He looked at the door as she closed it, before sitting down. Already they were trying to think of what he was trying to say, and not understanding the situation fully. They would if they were found. He looked to her as she gave him another order. It was amusing really, but he did as he was told and dropped the key into her hand, before scratching at the collar with his front paw again.

C'mon... Just take it off. We don't have time for this...

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Old 11-13-2012, 08:35 PM

I went close to him and lifted his head to find the key hole of the collar. I unhooked the leash and I inserted the key and turned. After a loud clank, the collar came unhooked and fell the the floor, leaving his neck fur flattened. The collar was a good ten pounds. I picked it up and gave it to Tina and the key. "Thanks so much Tina." I said. She smiled and simply nodded, putting the key back in the drawer and tossing the collar into a bin in the corner, full of more collars. I turned to put the leash back on him.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-13-2012, 09:00 PM

As soon as the collar fell off, his body started to gain strength and mend itself on its own. He let out a heavy sigh of relief.

As she went to put the leash on him again, there was a loud bang as the door buckled from the force before finally breaking causing something of an explosion. As debris cleared there was a brief pause before a male's voice spoke, "Check them... Kill the wolf."

Several screams from outside could be heard before being silenced as several gunshots went off. Beyond their room, a massacre of several species was taking place.

A pair of large hands grabbed Sophie by the wrists with a clench that could crush bone and forced them behind her back. "Don't move..." The man ordered as he plunged a syringe in her neck. Another Hunter gripped Tina by the base of the neck pinning her to the floor and following the same procedure. The sound of a gun being loaded could be heard before the low familiar growl.

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Old 11-14-2012, 02:36 PM

My eyes widened at the sudden burst of people entering Tina tiny hide away room. I flinched at every gun shot and I wanted to run but my feet were frozen. Was this all because I wanted to save this wofl? My eyes filled with tears as I felt someone grab me from behind and the sharp pain of a stab into my neck. "TINA!" I yelled after seeing her on the floor then I blacked out, body falling limp, my last glance seeing the wolf bristled up and Tina passing out.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-14-2012, 05:58 PM

When she finally woke up, she wasn't in any place she might've recognized.

The building creaked around them as traffic could be heard from outside the broken windows. Dim yellowish light from the streets illuminated the silhouettes of the barren room whose wooden floor spanned the length of the entire building. What wasn't hidden in shadow was covered in thick layers of spiderwebs, dust and dirt.

She laid on a couch in the dead middle of the open room. With the ghosts of old machines littered and toppled in areas it was the only piece of furniture in the room and with closer inspection the only thing without dust.

A man with his arms crossed stood looking out the window. He was bare with the exception of a pair of very loose pants, showing off the tattoos that knitted themselves from his neck to the ends of his arms. His deep brown hair was every which way, as if it hadn't been brushed in weeks. He was too far away from her for her to notice his blue eyes, but the red splattered and crusted on his body was as clear as day.

Last edited by Kriddles; 11-14-2012 at 06:04 PM..

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Old 11-15-2012, 02:46 PM

My neck throbbed from the injection but I laid perfectly still taking in my surroundings. Oh my god was I kidnapped? My eyes darted around the room to finally settle on the only figure in the room. A man standing beside the window. I slowly sat up, in hopes he wouldnt see me, but my arm cracked from the long sleep and I flinched at the sound, waiting for some kind of retaliation because I had awoken. The coldness and dust of this, looking to be, abandoned warehouse was unsettling. I sighed a heavy sigh and glanced over at him again, wanting to run, but my body was tired, scared and frozen.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-15-2012, 03:00 PM

His head half turned before pausing, listening to the sounds. She wasn't very sneaky, despite her attempts to be... then again, [very] few humans were. He turned completely to face her. "If you want to run, you are free too... But they are still out there." He said dully. His voice was deep, and husky. "Not too mention the other things that are out there..." he said as an afterthought.

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Old 11-15-2012, 06:33 PM

I sat up, my coat slid off me. I picked it up and put it on; it was a little cold in here, especially with myself in this skimpy outfit. "W-who are they? Why did they attack me? Who are you?" I said, scared and my voice a little raspy from sleep. I had to have been out a few hours or so...right? I looked around. "Wheres Tina? What did you do to her?" I said a little more stern.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-15-2012, 07:18 PM

He shook his head, "You are just full of questions aren't you?" He said with a cocked eyebrow. "My name is Kale Donavon... those hunters weren't after you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." He said as if it were supposed to be common sense. "Your friend Tina was taken before I could help her. I was only able to get you out." He continued, as he uncrossed his arms and took a step towards her. "Sorry..." He added after a second, realizing he needed to be a little more sympathetic.

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Old 11-15-2012, 07:21 PM

"How... did you find us? They... who took her? I need to go, I need to help her!!" I stood up quickly and looked around, tears in my eyes. "Thanks for your help and hospitality, but I need to go." I said in a hurry. I looked around frantically for an exit. Everything in this place was so dark, I had no way of knowing where to go. I sighed, rubbing my forehead, looking back and fourth, for any sign of an exit.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-15-2012, 07:26 PM

He shook his head. Should he tell her? She'd find out eventually if she was serious about finding Tina.

"I didn't find you... you brought me there." He started, "And if you are looking to head off to your friend, I suggest you prepare yourself a little better. In that get-up you'd be eaten alive..."

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Old 11-15-2012, 07:29 PM

I looked at him dumbfounded. "Brought you? mustv'e been following me when I went there... ugh, ok ok." I sighed and looked down at myself. "Youre... probably right. Can you show me outta here so I can go home and then look for her?" I said my eyes glistening with tears. "I..." I looked him over and shook my head. "Why are you all bloody? Where are your clothes? Youre telling me to get dressed but youre only wearing pants."

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 11-15-2012, 07:37 PM

"I'm not a meal either." He retorted, crossing his arms again. "Do you even know what you're facing human? You couldn't even fend off that damnedable fat man, what was his name? Curly?" He asked, but wasn't looking for an answer. His voice started to raise a little, "Let her go... Maybe she'll get lucky and they'll..." his voice trailed off as his body immediately straightened. His blue eyes darted back and forth through the room as his mouth hung open slightly.

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Old 11-15-2012, 07:42 PM

I furrowed my brow at him. "Why did you even save me, Mr attitude? Whatever, we're done here. Thanks, I owe you my life yadda yadda, see you later." I zipped up my coat, walking past him and headed into the darkness, tripping over something but caught my footing and kept going forward. As I made my way off, I heard his voice telling me to let her go.You Kidding me? I stiffened and Spoke, my back to him. "She would never give up on me If I were kidnapped. Thanks for your help anyway." I sniffed and walked forward, finally stumbling ton the top step of a flight of creaky stairs. I took a grip of the rickety railing and carefully made my way down the steps.

Last edited by SonicSweeti; 11-15-2012 at 08:01 PM..


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