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Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 09:58 PM

"My people can," Amarantha said. "But I am cursed to only be able to change on nights when the moon is full. And should the sun come over the horizon before I am back in water, I will die." Her eyes were full of sadness. The curse had come before her time and she knew not why she was cursed to be like this. There had once been something said of true love's kiss lifting the curse. But she knew not if that was true or not, and who would fall in love with her. The merfolk shunned her and no human would fall in love with a girl who was half fish.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 10:37 PM

Seriena frowned as the man she was watching snuck aboard a ship. Looking over the vessel, she smiled softly. Remembering when she had once braved walking on land, the things that the female had learned passed through her mind. But then remembering the man who had promised to protect her had hurt her, her pale hand brushed over the scar on her side. Having barely escaped with her life, the mermaid feared going upon land at all anymore. Turning from the docks in which the land people clustered and walked, she dove deep and began swimming towards the open sea. Back home at her island her only friend awaited, and soon she too would wait. Wait for a ship to come close to her island, and maybe even have humans once again explore it, though for now she just swam, keeping her eyes open for meddlesom nets.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 12:54 AM

Aqua saw her sorrow and felt the depthness of it. Her empathy struggled to find a way to sooth the girl, but no answer was at hand. Sighing, she wished the girl a blessing, "May you find happiness yet my dear." Fading completely into her water state, she swirled in currents around the girl and then made her way to the surface. Using a wave, she crashed up against the side of the ship, materializing into a human as she reached the railing. Vaulting onto the balcony, she smoothly and calmly walked to her hammock.

Destiny eyed the sprite from her place on the mast. Aqua, always so gentle and calm, gave no sign that anything had happened at all. She wanted to come down and find out more, but held back. That was the captain's job. Sassy would check and see what had happened or if anything of danger was below them in the sea. She turned her attention back to watching seas.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 03:57 PM

Amarantha watched the water sprite disappear and reappear on the ship. She sighed and turned to Areaus. "Lets go for a swim big boy," she crooned, swimming away from the ship. The big male orca swam close to her side, knowing that his friend was sad. The mermaid swam towards the far off port, hoping to find maybe some other ships to watch.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 09:47 PM

Jess kicked an empty barrel, and sat down hard on the ground. "Curse it, Meeks! I'll never find a job. How'm I to pay for Papa's and Mama's cottage?" Jess dropped her head into her hands and let out a frustrated moan. They had taken a ship to this island on a rumor that there was an abundance of work available, and also to escape the horrible rumor her last employer spread up and down the coast about her, preventing Jess from working. Jess and Meeka had been there a full week and had found nothing. Not even net repairs.
Meeka, Jess's cat, nuzzled her companion's cheek. "Aw, come on, Jessie. Don't be like that. You'll find work soon enough. Cheer up, lass." Jess stood up, her grayish blue eyes like hard flints. "Ale. I need ale." She set off towards to nearest pub.
Meeka leaped off Jess's shoulder and landed in front of her. "Stop!" Meeka growled. "I have had it up to here with your drunken stupors! You are a respectable sea woman, not a vagrant!"
Jess blinked in surprise at Meeka's sudden harshness. Her companion of the past five years had never taken a tone with her like that, but Jess understood Meeka's anger. It hurt the young Aquos feline to see her human companion always drink herself half to death. Guilt flared up in Jess's chest, making her eyes sting and her throat constrict. She hadn't realized she was hurting Meeka so badly. She had been so selfish and it hurt her best friend.
Meeka, seeing the guilt dawn on Jess's face, took a softer tone. "Come now. Sit over here in the sand and get a fire going. I'll pop into the water and catch us dinner. You've gone without food for long enough."
Jess numbly walked over to the sand and sat down. She began gathering everything to start a fire while Meeka set off towards the water, her orange and black tail pin straight as ever.


Meeka reached the water and dipped a paw in. Cool, just as she liked it. She backed up and stretched. Her toes spread, revealing tiny webs between each one, and her tail fanned out, now a fin. As she stepped into the water, her gills appeared along the sides of her neck. Her ears laid flat along her head, giving her a more aerodynamic appearance. Gracefully, she slid into the water. She swam in loops and spins, glad to be back in the water. It had been weeks. After one last loop, she set off towards deeper waters, keeping her eyes sharp for their dinner. With any luck, Meeka would catch a decent sized fish and they could save some for breakfast. Happily, she swam along, darting here and there, frightening the smaller aquatic creatures for sport, energized by the hunt.

Last edited by Tancileena; 10-02-2012 at 09:28 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 09:47 AM

Father Blake slowly walked down the street, heading towards the waterfront. The smells of the bakery filled the air. He paused and looked over at it. He had already eaten breakfast, but that didn't mean he couldn't appreciate the smells of good food. Turning, he continued on his walk. Seeing the flowerbeds in front of the bed and breakfast house, he paused and stretched out a hand. They were slightly wilted but immediately seemed to gain strength and a tad more sparkle. Smiling, he continued on his way. Soon he reached the smells of fish and the ocean air. The sun was higher now and the sparkling sea lay before him. He stepped off the main road going to the docks and headed down the sandy path to the beach at his own slow pace. The breeze whipping his spiky blue hair and robes.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 10:29 AM

Jess set the last stone into her impromptu fire pit, and took stock of her firewood and kindling supply. A decent amount. Since Meeka probably wouldn't return for another hour, Jess held off on starting the fire. If started too soon, the fire could be too low by the time the fish is cleaned and set to the flame. If set too late, the fire could run too hot and burn the fish within second of it sitting on the shot stones. Satisfied, Jess took off her hat and coat and set them next to her on a nearby plank jutting up from the sand. Kicking off her boots, she stood up and stretched, then set off for the water. Letting the cool water swirl around her feet, Jess bent down and splashed some on her sun-baked face. Cooler, she stood and looked out over the sparkling waters, eager to be standing on the deck of a ship, feeling the salt water spray sting her face as the prow breaks through a large wave. With a sigh, Jess turned and trudged back to her spot and sat down. She brushed her sun-bleached hair out of her face and leaned back onto her hands and surveyed the activity buzzing around her. A flash of blue caught her attention. Jess scanned the area again and noticed a young, blue haired man making his way along the beach. A glimmer of hope flared in the back of her mind. "Perhaps he will know of some work to be found." Jess thought wistfully, but then reality hit and she shook the thought away. "Impossible. I've looked everywhere on the island except the monastery. There is no work. Tomorrow, Meeks and I will find a ship heading home and hope we can secure a spot on it." Tearing her eyes away from the young fellow, she leaned farther back onto her elbows, turned her face towards the sun and set about waiting for Meeka's return.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 11:36 PM

His eyes lazily slid across the ocean. There was a disturbance of some kind coming. Hurt, angry, bitter, cautious. These words described in one way or another the type of people coming his way. He could attempt to heal them but their injuries were emotional and mental. So he would just have to ignore them when they arrived. It did bring up a memory or two. When he was younger and an apprentice to the previous Father, he had been taught what these sudden vibrations meant. Used to dealing only with the local population, having more people in large numbers approach was noticed. It usually ended not in pilgrims seeking solace but pirates seeking treasure.

Father Blake thoughtfully considered his options. He could slowly mislead them to the church in town, but it wouldn't take them long to learn of the monastery on the mountain side above the cliffs. He could slowly led them there via the scenic route, but they would eventually still arrive. Two plans ending in failure. His master had been an excellent swordsman and strategist. He was not. Blake could only steal the remnants of those plans and adapt them for himself. Minus the blade.

Turning he continued along the beach, when two things caught his attention. Pain was the first. It was emotional and deep. Something he couldn't help very much. Second was blonde hair playing in the ocean breeze. He kept up his slow walk but adjusted it to cross in front of this lady. Pain like this would have been noticed before. She must not have been born here. He should start meeting the ships at the harbor. Now there was another idea for misleading the pirates. Meet them and start blessing them. Maybe turn a few of the boards in the side of their ship into growing trees. Then mislead them to the church. Then take them on a scenic route to the monastery. What then? Get them to walk over the cliffs?

Coming to stand in front of the beauty and her unstarted fire, he paused. Stopped. Slowly turned and looked down at her with his gentle eyes. "An angel from above. What has brought you to grace this lovely beach on so beautiful a morning?" He spoke slowly in his calm way. No point in rushing since they had all morning to talk. No point in every rushing since it rarely gained a person anything they might have achieved at the more preferred pace he kept.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-03-2012, 08:35 AM

At the sound of a gentle voice, Jess broke out of her sun induced drowse and turned her sun kissed face towards him. It was the blue haired man she had seen moments earlier. A smile played on her lips at his compliment. "Seductive, although unfortunately empty promises of employment. Tonight is my last night on the island. At sunrise I'll offer my skills as a sailor on one of the departing ships so I can go home." Jess's blue-grey eyes sparkled at the thought of seeing her parents again. "Come, sit. My companion will be returning from hunting soon. You're welcome to join us in our meal." Jess cleared her swords from the spot near her and stuck them in the ground next to her hat and coat. She stuck her hand out to the kind, handsome fellow. "The name is Jessie Rose. You can call me Jess, Jessie, or Rose. Whichever suits you. I ain't particular to any one of the names. What do I call you?"


Meeka spotted the fish lazily swimming along the reef. It was a decent sized one at that. Close to a foot in length, probably close to two pounds. Fish that could last them until afternoon tomorrow. Moving quickly, Meeka placed herself above the fish and watched for signs of other predators. Noting the lack of competition, she double checked to make sure the fish hadn't seen her. It hadn't. In a burst of motion, Meeka swam straight down for all she was worth. When she was getting close, she pulled her feet in close to her body and used her tail for propulsion. Before the fish could notice her, Meeka collided with it, driving it into a clump of coral and pinning it while she crushed it's skull with her back feet. Satisfied that it was dead, Meeka found better purchase on the thing and began swimming the mile back to shore, smug that she had caught dinner so easily this time.

\ (•◡•) /
Superstition is offline
Old 10-03-2012, 07:40 PM

Scarlett took the elf’s extended hand with a smile, turning back to gaze upon the sea. Land was a sliver on the horizon by this point. It was time to reveal some truth for the naïve girl. “So, you know human customs?” she asked casually. The reaction on the young one’s face was hard to miss.

Before the girl could speak, O’Malley came up from behind to stand next to Scarlett. “I’m sure you’re tired from your journey. Mr. O’Malley? Please show this lass to my quarters.” She smiled at Lúthien kindly. “I don’t think you would want to bunk with the rest of the crew.”

Last edited by Superstition; 10-03-2012 at 07:46 PM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 12:24 AM

Accepting the hand, she squeezed it firmly but carefully as he sat beside her. Noting the roughness of her palms and taking in the swords, he felt inspired. Taking a moment to form his thoughts before responding, he allowed a question to appear in his eyes as he turned back to her. "You may call me Father Blake. It is a pleasure to meet you Jessie Rose. I like your entire name and if it isn't a burden for you to hear it, I would like to call you by your full name." He paused to soak in the warmth of the sand as he sat next to her. So she was looking for employment? If she set sail on a ship tomorrow, she might still be around when trouble arrived.

Turning to her, he let his question out. "Jessie Rose, you mentioned you are unemployed. Could there be any hope that you are a skilled swords lady willing to lend your skills in protection of my monastery? Even if for just 24 hours?" He tried to stay calm. Calm was his way. However he felt his heart pick up a few extra beats. She was charming and could easily fool an untrained eye. If she was here when the trouble landed, then she would be the perfect addition to his defense plan.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 12:51 AM

Employment! Her heart leaped in her chest. Of all places, the monastery! Mentally slapping herself in the head, she turned to face Father Blake. "You can call me by my full name. It reminds me of home. My mother uses my full name." Careful not to let her excitement show, she chose her next words carefully. "As it happens, Father Blake, I am a well trained fighter. I grew up on a pirate ship, and I can handle myself well with men and women alike. If your monastery needs protection, I would be delighted to offer my skills." She took a moment to compose herself. Jess had never been in a monastery before, and she was unsure of proper etiquette. If her mother were here, she would know precisely what to do. "If you don't mind my inquiring, may I ask why the monastery requires protection? If I remember correctly from my time on the water, places of worship are off limits."


Meeka climbed from the water, dragging the fish behind her. She looked up and noticed Jess sitting by a young man with blue hair. Both seemed to be quite excited by something, but careful not to let the other see it. Meeka could understand the instinctive wariness. They had spent the past month travelling up and down the coast, getting denied every time they applied for a job. After so long, rejection starts to do more than sting. It eats away at your confidence. Dropping the fish at Jess feet, she looked over at the male. "I'm Meeka. Jess is my companion. You hungry?" Without waiting for a response, she jumped onto Jess's shoulders, turned once, settled down, licked a paw and dozed off. Jess had already covered the formalities, no need to duplicate them. After Meeka's time in captivity, she was always wary of men. She wasn't unkind to them, but they didn't get her trust right away. It had to be earned, and she had a sneaking suspicion this man would accomplish just that. Whatever it was they were discussing, Meeka was soon to find out, no sense in asking.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 01:29 AM

To hear the captin say the next words uttered from her mouth had the elven girl realize how much she had underestimated her knowledge base. Feeling embarrassed and surprised, the young royal flushed slightly and bowed her head. "Thank you Captin. I appologize for not revealing myself right when we first spoke." Luthien said smoothly, straightening when she was finished with her words. Respect was the highest unspoken law in the elven world, and it was only right to bow and appologize when wrong. Shanniel laughed lightly and then winked at the captin. "I like you." the sassy fox stated as the big man approached them. Deciding that her hood was no longer needed, Luthien took it off. revealing both her insanely bright red hair, and her twinkling earring, marking her as royal elven blood. "Thank you once again captin." she said thankfully and turned to follow the man who was Mr. O'Malley. She never knew human men got huge too, she only thought the forest and earth elves got huge like this. Interesting new things she was learning.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 02:54 AM

Father Blake was startled out of his thought processes by the fish. Cat? Creature that had spoken and now rested on Jessie Rose's shoulders. For some reason, Meeka as she called herself, was a compliment to the female. The negativity that circled and decayed at their souls both seemed to slow with their combined presence. He felt a bit of relief at their evidently fondness for each other and relaxed in such an atmosphere. Slowly, he forced himself to return to the thoughts that he had been contemplating before the arrival of fin and fur.

He did need to address why the monastery might need protection. She was completely correct in such places being a place of sanctuary. So hiding the truth from her would pretty much not work. In his slow way, Blake replied, "Nice to meet you Meeka. Glad that you are willing to consider my offer Jessie Rose. You are right. Normally a monastery would not need security. However, my monastery is the resting place of a dangerous artifact. Deadly to even those who knowledge of it's use. Priceless to the treasure hunter. My strong empathy senses a lot of pain and cruelty coming this way. Such waves of people are usually pirates who have learned of it's resting place. Which just happens to be the crypt below the main room. If you are willing to help me in my strategy to delay and detour any who come for it, I'm more than happy to pay you and ease your mind however you wish." He stopped talking and held his breath. The rest of what was to happen depended on her. It was her choice. He had given her the basics in all it's ugly truth. Ugly it was. If that artifact was placed with the other two similar to it, then they were all in trouble.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 03:52 AM

Jess blew out a sigh. Whoever had placed the artifact under the monastery was not very smart. Since monasteries are off limits, they do not require security. She could understand that a monastery is the last place you would think to look for a powerful treasure. However, once the location of the artifact is revealed, what little security it once had is gone. It is now vulnerable. Personally, if Jess were to hide a treasure, she would put it in a well guarded spot. The location may not be well kept, but it has a better chance of being protected and not ending up in the wrong hands. Jess understood how dangerous the job would be if she were to take it. She may end up being the only person guarding the artifact against a dozen people. Her skills as a fighter aside, the sheer number could alone end up being too much. She can't keep an eye on everyone were they to break into the monastery.

Slowly, a plan started forming in her mind. But first, she needed the monastery blue prints. Jess faced Father Blake. "Father, you have my protection. I will guard the artifact for as long as it is necessary. If I am so killed in the process, please send my wages to my parents. I will provide their place of residence for you later. Now, is there any other people protecting this artifact? If so, I may be able to coordinate a plan of defense. If there is enough, I might be able to put together a small group for offensive attacks in hopes of holding these people at bay." Jess got a fire going and reached for the fish at her feet and began cleaning it. Satisfied, she set it on the hot stones. The sizzle set her mouth watering. It had been quite a while since her last meal. She had stupidly spent the last few days in a drunken stupor, and now she was sorely regretting it.

Last edited by Tancileena; 10-04-2012 at 03:55 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 07:10 AM

Looking slightly guilty, Father Blake responded, "I have good news and bad news Jessie Rose. The good news is that despite repeated attempts in the past, no one has ever managed to actually get the treasure. The bad news is that it used to be guarded by my predecessor, Father Moses, who was an excellent assassin. So there is actually no one guarding it. This is the first threat that has come under my watch and I am not exactly a man with the means to physically protect it myself. Settle yourself down and let me explain a little about this treasure and the defenses in place."

He paused to collect his thoughts. She needed to know as much as he could provide her so that they could develop a good strategy using his best weapon, innocent sabotage. "The treasure itself is a single artifact that is part of a threeson set. The first piece I have hidden is a small blue orb. This is the energy source. The second was hidden on a sister island but since has disappeared. It is rumored to be with the Mage of Deals and is the chalice the orb floats in. The final piece is the simplest and most misleading of all - A simple caged metal lid to cover the top. It's whereabouts were last heard of to have been sold by a boy thief for food. Since then, it is missing and most likely in the hands of a merchant or art collector." He stopped again. The smell of the roasting fish was most enjoyable. Meeka had a fine catch. He had already eaten though so was not really hungry as much as enjoying the enticing scent.

However the feelings of pain increased slightly. Those harboring such ill will and negative pasts were closer and more than likely would arrive before sunrise the following day. Jessie Rose needed to know what he did have in mind so far as well as the layout of his monastery. Father Blake continued, "I've had in mind the clue that would lead them here. The clue anyone looking for the piece will have heard is 'it is under a holy place, soaked in blue.'" He smiled at her, "I made sure to have something besides a blue orb in a place considered holy to distract them. There is a protestant church in town with blue stained glass windows. Sun and moon shine through onto a podium. The podium is beneath a cross and the steeple too. On it is a gorgeous sapphire gem stake that resembles what might have pierced the hands or feet of Jesus. So far that ploy has worked with about 75% of those searching for the 'treasure.'" He rubbed his neck and sheepishly added, "Then there is the other 25%."

"They eventually learn of the monastery which I used to, as a boy, slowly lead them to via the scenic route. My master, Father Moses, knew how to get ahead of us to set traps and dwindle the group down. If they managed to get into the monastery and into the sanctuary, we finally told them the truth. They would find the orb if they drank a brew from a cup from my hands. The brew allowed them to see the slight blue glow of the orb and follow it to it's burial place beneath the dirt floor of the crypt, which is below the sanctuary of the monastery. Suspecting poison, they all declined. None realized my weakness, the inability to bring harm to others. So accepting a drink from my hands was safe."
He laughed softly and added, "And yes, I'm a vegetarian. I can't eat what I can't kill." Stopping looking out across the beautiful deep blue sea, he let his words soak into the young girl's mind and into her pet's mind as well. Glancing at them, he waited to see if she had any questions or would stomp away claiming him mad.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 06:29 PM

Jess laughed at the bit about not eating what he kills. She should have been able to guess, based on his gentle nature, but was side tracked by thoughts of work. "A most clever plan, Father Blake." Jess sent him an approving smile. "I can see how it has worked for you. I would have refused the drink as well." Thankfully, after spending a week wandering the island, she had become familiar with the general layout of the island. "From personal experience, I have learned not to try and fix something if it is not broken. So, we will continue with Father Moses' plan with a few tweaks. I will lay traps along the way, as usual. But if you would not mind, I would also like to booby trap the crypt that holds the orb. If one does choose to accept the drink, you will be in serious danger of losing the orb. I can set in place a few false bottoms along the floor that can... deter the person, should they get close."

As Jess removed the fish from the stones, she felt Meeka stir awake. Jess took two bowls and the remainder of their rice out from their pack. She divided up the rice and fish accordingly, making sure to leave enough for later, and they set about eating. Jess was grateful to put something other than sour ale in her belly again. She could feel her strength eking back into her bones, a welcome feeling.

As she ate, she took the time to study Father Blake's profile. Despite the title, he was young, possibly even younger than her. His blue hair ruffled slightly as the ocean breeze picked up. Even though it was early in the day, she could see a light sprinkling of stubble along his jaw and wondered briefly if he had blue facial hair. An image of Father Blake with a massive blue beard bloomed in her mind, and she fought the urge to laugh that was bubbling up inside her. Jess noticed his lips turned down slightly if he was deep in thought or choosing his words carefully. Where most people would have viewed it as patronizing, she found it endearing. Besides his gentle nature, Father Blake can only be classified as a wise, gentle soul. Everything he did, was thought out and completed in a manner that did not hurt another person. She felt more at ease around this stranger, in spite of her instinctive cautious nature. His features were delicate, although still masculine. He certainly was handsome, even though Jess was more drawn to the rugged type. Jess had already noted his bare ring finger when he first approached her. Wildly, she wondered if men of the faith were allowed to marry out here on the island. She knew of quite a few on the mainland that did. Jess found herself with her last bite of food suspended halfway to her mouth as she stared at Father Blake, these crazy thoughts racing around in her head. Hastily, she shoved them away and finished her food. Marriage was not her thing anymore. She had tried that once and went half mad trying to sew and sweep and cook like other housewives did. No, Jess preferred her freedom, out on the water. There, she could drink, curse, belch, dance and spend nights with men and not feel the guilt and constraints society would place on her.

Taking a moment to steady herself, careful not to let any emotion show on her face, she spoke again. "If it isn't of any trouble, Father Blake, I will require a room at the monastery, so I can better protect you and the orb. I do not need much. Just a room with a bed and a washbasin. Windows can be optional. God knows I've spent months without sunlight, working in the bellies of ships." She forced out a small laugh. "Meeka sleeps with me at night. She thinks of me as her personal pillow, so she doesn't require a pet cushion in my room. You won't notice me there, as I tend to keep to myself most times and I will be busy preparing the traps..." Jess trailed off, unsure of what to say next. Curse this man! He robbed her of her usual lazy confidence. Jess had a job to do, so these feelings must be locked away in a dark corner of her mind, where they cannot distract her. And quick, for she found herself staring at him quite a lot.

\ (•◡•) /
Superstition is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 04:37 AM

O’Dell made his way to the Captain’s quarters where their new passenger was staying. Captain Mealla had prepared a meal for the four of them to dine, during which she would explain their important mission to the young girl. He still didn’t understand why the captain had brought her onboard. Children on a ship were a bad omen, an animal made it even worse. Even more baffling was Mealla’s order to build a compartment on the stern of the ship and to fill it with coal. But he had followed the strange orders to the letter for the wise captain always knew what she was doing. Being more than pirates, they had to learn to outthink the enemy in...unique ways.

He stopped in front of the aged door and tapped lightly. “Miss? I am here to escort you and your friend to the Captain’s table,” he called, his eloquent English accent making every word flow seamlessly.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 05:00 AM

He glanced over at her, taking in her halo of golden hair and uncertain eyes. Of course a room would be offered as would meals. He wouldn't even think of degrading any room to the level she was describing. Smiling, Father Blake stood and turned to Jessie Rose. Offering her his hand, he gently chided, "That's all? You don't ask for much. The monastery has guest quarters for any wondering traveler. Few take the offer though, preferring the tavern. You will find the room with a full sized bed, plain but soft blankets and a desk set up with both writing supplies and hygiene products. There is a ladies washroom and a gentleman's washroom located in the same hall. Spring waters warmed by the furnace flow through them. The facilities, including the kitchen, are at your disposal." Seeing what kind of traps she set up would be interesting to see as well. He was curious what creativity she possessed and what degree her skills were at.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 09:00 AM

Jessie took the proffered hand, baffled at his hospitality. After spending so much time getting turned away at jobs, she had grown used to reject. This display of kindness, coupled with the feeling of her hand in his, sent her belly doing unnatural flips and flops.

Taking a deep breath, she swallowed and smiled back. "Thank you, Father Blake." Jessie said, suppressing her rising emotions. "I am not used to much, and so I tend to think frugally, but I do humbly accept your offer of a better room. I can see Father Moses chose his successor wisely. You are a generous host. I am all the more eager to protect you and the orb. Such a gentle soul cannot be taken from this earth so early. Many a life can be saved by simple acts of kindness such as yours. This world needs more people like you."

Jessie jammed her feet into her boots, sheathed her swords, placed her hat on her head, and draped her jacket over one shoulder. She smiled at Father Blake, letting him know she was ready to walk.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 03:28 AM

Lúthien and Shanniel had found themselves gratefully in the captin's quarters to rest up. Laying upon the bed, the elven princess's hand rhythmically had ran through her fox's fur, who was laying right next to the bed, and drifted off. They had been traveling for about a week, and the poor elf hadnt rested well, fearing her father's anger if he found her. Now that she knew the captinwojldnf let any harm come to her, the red head had fallen into a peaceful sleep. Having awoke hearing some being built, she had used some water to wash her face and hands before happily brushing Shanniel. They converesed about everything that happened, and both were optimistic about the future with this crew.

Lúthien had been finishing getting dressed in her blue outfit which was nearly identical to her white outfit that she had bee wearing previously. Hearing approaching feet, she snatched her cape and then walked towards the door with her sassy friend upon her heels. "Alright, remember all those human customs we reviewed..." Shanniel whispered. There was a knock and the elven female opened the door. Looking to the man who was at the door, she noddded and smiled. "Thank you sir, please lead the way." she said smoothly, her accent apparent, her cape not covering her, and her ears a dead give away.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 03:44 AM

Smiling delightedly at Jessie Rose, Father Blake offered his arm and slowly resumed his walk along the beach. Slowly curving them around back towards town. As he reached the port, he pointed out that this was the most likely entry point anyone would take. In the past, everyone else had always done so. "They will be asking after a holy place first thing. So of course the church, which is in the middle of town, would be their first priority buying us precious time." He began walking in that direction. He wondered momentarily what Meeka thought of all this, but didn't bring it up. The feline was a very practical lifeform and he didn't want to impose light chatter on her.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 05:11 AM

Jessie listened intently to Father Blake, taking everything in, a plan slowly forming in her brain. He was right about them going to the church first. She could see the monastery off in the distance, standing regally on the hills. In her experience, every time they came ashore, they would visit the nearest church. Jess remembered never visiting a farther holy place, as sailing was exhausting work, and most of the crew needed a quick blessing so they can turn in for the night.

The small port city was nothing out of the ordinary as far as port cities go, but it had a special air of protectiveness and familiarity. Most people on the mainland are not native to the city they reside in, so most cities felt like sprawling hotels, just stops along the way to the next city, until they reached their final destination and would have to turn around and do it again. Being on an island, people tend to stay where they are born until they die. This city felt more homey than the rest. Jess could tell this little city on the sea worked hard to survive, and the people living there had known each other their whole lives. Women stood idly on stoops, chatting with other mothers who had small babies on their hips, fantastic smells wafting from the insides of their little row houses. Children scampered about, shouting at each other in the midst of their games. Men bustled along the cobblestone streets, loaded down with their wares from the market a few streets over, or carrying the tools of their trades, streaked in sweat and grease or sand. Most of the houses or shops looked the same, but each family had done one small thing to their home to make it more unique, less identical and boring. Everywhere you went in the city, you could still smell the ocean on the cool breeze. That, coupled with the individual scents of the city had Jessie taking in giant sniffs, eager to process it all.

Back when she was a little girl, before she grew to love the sea, she had imagined settling down in a town like this. After the explosion, she had her opportunity. Gerald York was everything she had imagined when she was younger. Tall, dark, handsome, well off, supremely mannered, and owned his own business manufacturing burlap sacks for packaging flour and potatoes. Being only sixteen, she was of marriageable age, and Gerald was one of that cities most eligible bachelors. Plus, he was still young. Only twenty four. Their courting was brief but passionate, and he proposed after a month. Jessie accepted and they were married the following month, in November. The first few months were wonderful. Jess was the consummate housewife, cooking, cleaning, doting on her perfect husband. She had even tried to become pregnant, at one point. But it drove her mad, she missed her freedom out on the seas. She kept that to herself, careful not to guilt her husband.
Once summer came, Gerald drew inward. His closest business associate embezzled thousands of dollars from the business account and left town, leaving Gerry to pick up the pieces. He took to drinking more as things got worse. Whenever he was in one of his black moods, he would push Jessie around, call her names, become agitated at the slightest mistake. And despite her abilities with fighting, Jess never fought back, because she didn't want her husband to leave her. It went like that until Jess turned twenty and the business finally collapsed.
During one particularly horrid episode, Gerry took a belt to Jess. In his drunken stupor, he mishandled the belt and ended up hurting her with the buckle side. Jessie locked herself in a closet and cried for hours while he ranted, raved, threatened, pleaded and cried just inches away on the other side. Eventually, he passed out and she fled, taking refuge at her parents house. She stayed there for a few days, with complete silence from her husband.
Out of the blue, he turned up stone cold sober, but twice as mean. Somehow, his abusive nature had been revealed around town, effectively ruining his reputation and he had come to punish Jessie, even though she and her parents had said nothing. Jim, Jessie's step-father, whom she loved dearly, aimed a revolver at Gerry's head and told him he had 72 hours to file for divorce, leave Jess with half of what was in the bank (which was a pittance, not even fifty dollars) and clear out of town, or he was going to shoot him. Gerry disappeared, taking everything with him and sold the house with everything inside of it, which was expected. But he failed to file for divorce, which was a silent warning of his return. Jessie hit the streets and took whatever employment she could for a year, until the market dried up and she had to take to the sea. It was like riding a bicycle, and she had been jumping from sailing job to sailing job for years ever since. She waited to run into her husband, though. She wanted to show him the little girl he tormented for years was gone, and in her place was a woman who was eager to knock him down a peg.

She was twenty eight now, and was currently strolling arm in arm with a handsome man through a city she had longed to live in so long ago. Jessie smiled at the irony of it all. Eight years ago, she would have scoffed at the notion of settling down again. Hell, she would have scoffed at the notion three hours ago. But now, something inside her told Jessie that with the right man, settling down might be possible once she retired from sailing. It didn't have to be with Father Blake, it didn't have to be this city. But now that she had her head firmly on her shoulders, and she had time to mature, once she found a good man, they could settle in any port or island city where she could own her own sailboat, and she would be happy for the rest of her life.

Jessie shook herself out of her thoughts and directed a smile towards Father Blake. "Perhaps we can go the scenic route." She said matter of factly. "I think I can better plan my traps if I have an idea as to where I am setting them."

((Oh that was a rant, I apologize for the length!! :/))
Is breá liom tú go dtí an ghealach agus ar ais, mo daor.
I love you to the moon and back, my dear.

\ (•◡•) /
Superstition is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 07:23 PM

The table was set. It was a bit modest but the captain wanted to show respect for one of royalty. After all, one who did not feel respected would not wish to share their talents and abilities. There was fruit, vegetables, different types of bread, and many kinds of desserts made to satisfy the sweet tooth. Remembering the fox, she had made sure to prepare something the animal would enjoy. Scarlett sat at the head of the table, staring off in thought as she munched idly on a roll. "That should do it, C'ptn," the cook said as he put the suckling pig down. Another crewmember lit the small candelabra. Scarlett smiled at the overweight chief. "Thank you, Tar Kin. You too, Rollin’s." They left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Mr. O'Dell should arrive soon with Lúthien and Shanniel.

The door opened and O'Dell stepped through. "Our guests, Captain." He stepped smoothly aside allowing them to pass as Scarlett stood up. "Thank you both for coming. Won't you sit down?" She motioned to her left and when they were seated, Scarlett and O'Dell took their seats, his being at her right hand. "I hope everything is to your satisfactory." She paused as if gathering her thoughts. "I thought it was time to tell you about our mission." As the elven and fox began their meals, she told them the story of the N’veesh. After she finished, she sat back and waited for their questions.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 10-08-2012, 03:16 AM

Lúthien and Shanniel had followed Mr. O'Dell into the cabin that held the lovely feast. Their eyes had grown in surprise by the surplus of food, and how well they were prepared. Happily sitting in a chair after pulling one out for Shanniel, the elf bowed to the captin. "Thank you for such a wonderful meal." she said happily and then sat. The fox on the other hand gracefully jump into the open chair and sit easily. "I thank you as well." she chinned in, looking at the meal herself. She didn't mind if the male was stunned to hear critters like her talk, he could deal with it. They then began to eat, the way that both had been taught spoke volumes about their culture. Hearing the captin Lúthien was about to reply but her sassy friend chimed right in. "Honey, this is amazing. You really out did yourself." the fox spoke happily and the red head nodded in agreement. Soon they were informed about their mission, and the elven girl was surprised by the treasure. She had heard about it from other pirates as well. "I think we may be good help then in this mission." the royal said and the fox nodded. "Dang straight! This here girl is a protiegy fighter and fire weilder just like her mother! I myself am a pretty good tracker." Shanniel said and Lúthien shot her friend a glare before shaking her head. Her friend was such a loud mouth sometimes.


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