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Kilia is offline
Old 11-14-2012, 03:12 AM

"I am Lilly. I own the pet shop." she said with a smile on her face before she pulled Anyo from around her neck and showed him to her, chuckling softly. "This is Anyo, he tells me that he is a green-brown miniature chinese dragon. He has people issues so he might bite you." she said to her as she let him wrap back around her neck, he flicked his tongue out to Hei as he hissed a bit in rebellion, only to get a flick on his nose. "Yes, I am blind. Do not worry. I was born like this and am used to such questions. Ah Are you wanting a pet? OH i should ask if I had made it to my pet shop. I don't suppose you could help me?" she asked her as she got a bit worried, she was getting more worried about her darlin' pets that were still waiting for her to take care of them. She could only imagine the havoc they were causing on the small shop.

ZhuHe is offline
Old 11-14-2012, 03:22 AM

"He's so cute! Of course I'll help you back! I don't know the way though I guess it shouldn't be that hard to find." Hei placed a hand on Lilly to help guide her. "Sorry, I'm actually rather broke at the moment and and looking for a job."

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-14-2012, 03:24 AM

Cohen nods. "I see. I do alright with the magical items I make. I do craft more then just potions and poisons, I have trained in other magical crafting but I can't forge any weapons." He said. "I would get my own supplies be most of the things I use can't be found very easy or are dangerous to get so I just by them and I'm Cohen." he smiled at her. "My shop is just out said of the town."

Kilia is offline
Old 11-14-2012, 03:38 AM

"Oh well hmmm....just look for the shop with the tapestries of different animals hanging out front." Lilly said to her as she groped slightly before she grabbed the female's hand as she let her guide her to her shop, hoping that the animals were not tearing her poor little shop apart. "Oh. I am sure there are plenty of people that need help and are hiring. I would hire you to help me out but seeing as i just got started i only have enough money to keep my shop a float." she said to her, noting that Anyo was starting to chirp in excitement when he saw their home, having his fill of people and snooping around and eating things from carts. "Hei, would you like to see all the pets i have?" she asked her just as softly as Anyo was now reaching as far forward towards the direction they were heading as he could, his long whiskers feeling out towards the familiar smells.

ZhuHe is offline
Old 11-14-2012, 03:45 AM

"I would love to!" replied Hei, "Wow, your shop is amazing, and Anyo seems excited to be back!" Hei looked around admiring the various types of creatures inside. "I probably should get a job first though... how about I stop by tomorrow? Around the same time?" Hei then turned to go back to the job postings. "It was a pleasure meeting you though! Bye."

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-15-2012, 08:50 PM

Luke made a few stops at a few shops and markets that were run by guild members to see how the were doing. After check on the guild member and noting what they wanted or needed, he started to walked to the pet shop again. He come up to a shop with banners with a few animals printed on it. He went in side to have a look around the shop.


Velvet is offline
Old 11-15-2012, 10:10 PM

Calla gathered her bag up and nodded her head in thanks, "So, how long have you been here in Crossroad? How far is your shop from my farm?" She smiled a charming smile and tilted her head as she questioned him. "I know the woods can get dangerous around here if one is unprotected." She began to recall her night adventures in the forests around her little farm and workshop. There were some pretty spooky critters out there.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-16-2012, 01:52 AM

"Oh, I few years now." Cohen said picking up his back and putting away his notebook. "I'm maybe a half mile from the town's walls, I didn't want to be to far or to close to the town. I'm close enough to walk into town but far enough away encase one of my experiments backfires." He says as he put on his bag. "And I know, I set up rune spells around my house and shop and never with out something to protect my self." He said flashing his small hand gun.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-16-2012, 10:39 PM

Lilly smiled as she unlocked the pet shop, leading Hei into it so she could have a quick look around, moving over to the counter she place Anyo onto it as her eyes stared blankly a head of her. "Thank you. Anyo was hatched here, sad that someone just left his egg out in the middle of no where." she said to her as she petted the slightly singing miniature dragon, feeling behind the counter of a brush before she started to clean him up. "Thank you again, Hei. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't helped me out. See you tomorrow!" she called after her when she heard the bell above her door tinkle at the sound of her leaving. She spent some time talking with all the lovely pets around the store, cleaning them, helping them exercise, and giving them check ups with Anyo's help. She stopped what she was doing, Th roc that was on her arm, screeched at the new comer and flapped its' wings violently before taking off for the beams across the ceiling. "Ah. Anyo.....can you talk Aara down?" she asked him as she smiled, having pointed to the spot where the white female bird was. "Oh yes. Hello and welcome to Lilly's Pet Shop. I am Lilly can i help you find a companion?" she asked the person as she moved towards the sound of a flaying cat hissing at something.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-16-2012, 11:25 PM

Luke turned to the girl. "Hello Miss Lilly, I'm Luke and I run the guild hall at the mansion." He said as walked over to her. "I try to get the town shops to join or pair with a guild. The guilds help out the shops in the town." He said. "I noticed your a new shop and wonder if you would like to join on of are many guilds."

Kilia is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 12:32 AM

"It is nice to meet you, Luke." Lilly said to him as she smiled, hoping that she had found him, unknowing that she was facing away from him and talking to the wall. "How do the guilds help out the shops?" she asked him, not answering his question on wither or not if she wanted to join a guild considering she was not completely sure on that fact her self.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 01:14 AM

"Umm...Miss turn around." Luke said. "The guild shops are able to there guild funds to there shop and help journeymen and apprentice with job experience. You get worker who loves the same thing you do." He said. "There are a lot of animal guilds handlers, trainers, breeders are just to name a few. If you like I could seen some one down to tell you more about the guild or you can visit them." He would normally send some papers on the guild to those looking to join, but he didn't think that would work for her.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 02:28 AM

"I am so embarrassed." Lilly said to her self as she blushed, carefully turning around to face the man, tilting her head slightly as she took in his words though i twas hard to hear with all the noise in the shop. "One moment. Everyone please be quiet!" she said in a slightly loud but calm voice and soon the noise had died down and it was peaceful, now she was able to hold a conversation with the white haired male. "Sir, i appreciate you coming to talk to me about this but i can handle my shop. I maybe blind and there are clearly some things i am unable to do and i may have just started out but to me it sounds as if a guild is just like a parent is to children. I may not know anything about guilds but i do know i want to try running this shop on my own." she said to him as she pulled her hair back behind her shoulders, unaware that one of her Martens had some how manage to find its' way onto Luke's shoulder and perch there, clearly happy to be with the male.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 02:59 AM

"I didn't mean for the guilds sound like. Most of the member run their own shops with out any help from the guilds. The are just there for help members.The guilds are more of a community of other in your line of work and if you need some temporary workers the guild could offer some workers." He said as he felt something on his shoulder and turned to look at it. "Hello there, it seems one of your pets has taking a liking to me." he said.

ZhuHe is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 04:18 AM

'Apothecary? That sounds fun' thought Hei as she looked over the job postings. 'Next time I see Luke I'll ask him to introduce me to whoever's in charge!' Hei decided to explore a bit while looking for Luke. 'Alchemists' guild hall? Sounds interesting!' As Hei headed in the direction of the guild she spied a table full of awesome stuff and two people talking. "Hi! My name is Hei He. What does all this stuff do?"

Last edited by ZhuHe; 11-17-2012 at 10:46 PM.. Reason: length...

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 04:21 AM

(Could you try to add some more to your post?)

Kilia is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 04:42 AM

"I don't know how i would feel about joining a guild." Lilly said to him as she smiled a bit sadly reaching out to the flying cat and scratching its' head. She bite her lip as she shifted in her spot, thinking about what the male said. "Hmmm oh that is Daemon. I am actually surprised to hear that he took a liking to you. Considering the fact that he doesn't like anyone." she said to him honestly as she chuckled, reaching a hand out to scratch the marten behind his horns as she listened to him talk to the male that he had taken a liking too.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 05:59 AM

"Oh, that fine not everyone in town is part of a guild. There are some who only chose to work a guild or ask for help from a guild but never join." Luke said turned back to the girl. "All I ask is for you to think about it and you could always come down guild hall if you wanted to know more." He said and looked back to the little pet on his shoulder. "Well that interesting. I have thought about getting pet for sometime, but I never thought myself as a dog or cat person. Well there that neko girl...that was fun, but anyway. What can you tell about Daemon." He asked.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 04:59 PM

"Neko girl?" Lilly asked him as she cocked her head to the side as she tried to figure out what it was that he was talking about after all she did not know what he was talking about. "Well Daemon is a marten with horns. So i suppose you could say that he is a demon. He likes to eat meat, nuts and berries. He does not like his cage, he tends to escape from various things. He is really smart will travel on your shoulder and in a pack but he will bite and attack those that he does not like." she said to him as she reached a hand out and took Deamon from his shoulder, he bit her hand though she ignored it as she scratched behind his horn before placing him into a leather bag that he clearly liked to sleep in before she handed it over to Luke a fond smile on her face. "Every animal has its' own personality and Deamon is well one of the meanest but the best for someone who needs a pet that will help take charge with other animals. He is also very loyal." she said to him as she pulled a bandaid out her pocket and put it around her finger that Deamon had bit, though it was hard to tell considering she had plenty of bandages on her hands and arms from some animals that were having slight problems before she calmed them down.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 05:25 PM

"A girl who part cat." Luke said as he watched her put Daemon into a leather bag. "That easy enough to feed him." he says talking the bag it puts it over his shoulder. "I don't think I would need a cage for him. Is there anything would need to know bout taking care of the little guy?" He asked as he got his coins holder from his pocket. "How much is he?" He asked.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 07:32 PM

"Oh it would be interesting to met a neko girl." Lilly said to him as she chuckled, moving about carefully as she gathered a few things that he would need to take care of Deamon. "He can hunt on his own so don't be surprised if he disappears for a while. You mostly have to keep his horns short, his teeth clean, make sure he gets monthly check ups and do not let him near sphinxs. They like to try and eat him." she said to him as she chuckled, grabing a few things that she knew that he would need for him. "This should be everything that you need to take care him." she said to him as she handed the bag, chuckling a bit before she told him the price for Deamon and everything that he needed for him even some nuts and berries and a bit of meat also.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 08:26 PM

"There are some in town, so I'm sure you'll meet one if you got the markets." Luke smiled. "Alright no sphinxs, I don't think there are any in town but trader might have one. I would a vet could keep his horns short right? Luke said as he took the bag. "Alright here the gold her Daemon." he said putting the money in her hand. "Oh, the Villa has posting boards there so if you asked some on the inn or outpost they can put up a posting for you if you need help or just wanted let some more people in your shop." He said.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 10:31 PM

"Thank you, Luke but I don't know. I mean I basically get lost walking out my front door. I am blind, Luke. Things that are just normal for you are hard and difficult for me. I just try not to go to town and if i need anything Anyo helps me to get it." Lilly said to him as she smiled, taking the money from him as she felt it over to make sure it was the right amount before she went to the register to get his change for him. "Yes you could have a vet do that for you but it would mean more to him and you if you do it your self." she said to him as she chuckled before she remembered something, she reached into the little tree like house and pulled out a mouse shaped toy and held it out to Deamon, chuckling when she felt him snatch it out of her hand.

shadowsoflife11 is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 10:50 PM

"We do have a local post and newspaper that come around once day you could ask them to send some over from the villa to your shop." Luke said following her over to the counter. "You can keep the change." He said. "And how would I do that?" he asked and watched her get a toy for Daemon. "Is there anything else I would need or need to about Daemon before taking him home?"

Kilia is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 12:00 AM

She sighed slightly as she shook her head, she understood that he was trying to help her out and comfort her slightly with her disability but it felt like he just wanted her to join a guild. "Thank you, sir. I will have to look into it." Lilly said to him as she smiled, setting his change into cup that was sitting on the counter as she stood there, only to have anyo drape himself over her shoulders and glare at the male, one of his whisker tendrals reached out and touched her cheek. She gasped slightly in surprise before chuckling at him, scratching him under the chin before she moved her head to seem like she was looking at Luke. "As long as you keep your socks out of his reach cause he will steal them oh and take shiny objects." she said to him as she moved towards the door, only to end up running into the wall. "Ow." she said softly as she rubbed her face.


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