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Syrri is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 09:28 PM

"She was alright- the poutine must help Canadian's be busty. You wanna come up here more often then?" He asked.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 09:34 PM

"No chance in hell" Dean replied.

Soon enough they pulled into Owen Sound and Dean gave Cas' phone a ring but no one picked up.

Syrri is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 09:39 PM

"... Dean? Cas is usually pretty quick at answering... right?" Sam looks at his brother, worried, "Should you try pra- right. That won't work... I guess we'll be looking the hard way. How about you drive around, while I hit the nearest motel and see if he registered there?"[COLOR="lightseagreen"]

Last edited by Syrri; 06-25-2013 at 09:49 PM..

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 09:49 PM

"Alright" Dean nodded, pulling over so that Sam could get out, "I'll start on the west side and meet you back here in an hour"

Syrri is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 09:59 PM

"Sounds good." Sam gets out of the car.

He walks into the car, and goes into the motel.

"Hey" He greets the clerk.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The clerk asks. The man is either very friendly, or very good at his job. He actually seems sincere. Canadians, eh?

"I was wondering if you could tell me if a man by the name 'Castiel' booked in. He's a friend of mine, but wouldn't you believe it, he forgot to tell me which motel he was staying!" Sam laughs it off.

"Oh, for sure, just give me a moment!" Another brilliant smile... very friendly man. Its a little disconcerting.

"I'm so sorry sir, but no... is there anything else I can help you with? Would you like a cup of coffee? You're looking a little pale, sir" The clerk actually looks concerned.

"Yeah, sure, thanks." Sam takes him up on the offer.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 10:03 PM

((Lawl, making fun of our own culture. Nothing better than that.
Note to potential Lurkers, my friend and I are actually Canadian, and no, we're not always that polite but it's funny that people portray it as such.))

Almost an hour later Dean called up Sam, "Hey, I think I got a hit. Somebody said that a guy looking like Cas passed out in the street the other day. I'll meet you at the hospital."

Syrri is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 10:07 PM

Sam sighs, "Yeah, sure. I'll be there. Thanks for the coffee man!"

"Have a great day!" The ever chipper clerk calls out.

Sam eventually makes it to the hospital. It takes him awhile, walking. He is forced to take a few breaks on the way, and sit. Shit, not finishing these trials was messing with him something fierce. When he arrives, he looks completely haggard. It takes him awhile to convince the nurses that no, he is not there to admit himself, he's there to visit a friend.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 10:12 PM

"You're lucky" the nurse told them as she showed the brothers the way to Cas' room, "He just woke up a little while ago. Severe Malnutrition, he should be fine but make sure he keep eating."

"Will do" Dean nodded and walked into the room where Cas had been reduced to a hospital gown and sitting in bed.

"I don't remember coming here" the ex-angel explain as he mowed down on some hospital food and spoke between bites, "but this is really making me feel better"

Syrri is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 10:15 PM

Sam leaned on the door frame 'casually', "Dude, what happened to you? Did you not have enough money to buy food or something? We could have sent you something if you called... no need to get hospitalized."

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:27 AM

"I don't have any money" Cas replied as he finished his sandwich, "and Dean told me to hang tight. I was holding onto a lamp post, it seemed to be the most sturdy thing around that I could wrap my hand around."

Dean facepalmed. "Hang tight, it just means wait Cas. You can wait anywhere you want in town, it just means wait."

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:33 AM

"... just call next time, please Cas?" Sam sulked.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:39 AM

"My phone died" Cas held up the cell phone, "the lamp post did not have the means to recharge it."

"Alright Mr. Anorexia, lets get you outta here" dean rolled his eyes, "and plug in that cell back at base"

Cas looked confused but climbed out of bed and walked towards the door.

"WOAH!" Dean shielded his eyes from Cas' naked butt, "Clothes! Clothes first!"

"... right"

And so Cas got dressed, and the winchesters left Canada, returning to the base of the Men of letters-ooorrrr well, not quite.
Along the waaayyy...

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:52 AM

"Dean! Look out!" Sam screached.

There was a lady in front of the car, her eyes wide. Dean throws on the brakes as the car comes to a halt in front of her. She glances at the three of them, before throwing up over the Impala's hood.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:56 AM

"Wha-aaawww man" Dean whined, "Not the car!" he hopped out and went over to the girl, pointing her in another direction as he looked at the hood with sorrow, "son of a bitch."

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 03:09 AM

She finishes expelling her stomach contents, although its the clear liquid of someone who has naught to bring up.

"That was exceedingly painful, why does this vessel keep expelling its stomach contents?" She mutters to herself. She looks up at Dean.

"I apologize for the expelling of liquid upon your... possession. Chariot? Vehicle... automobile?" Her face is scrunched in pain as she attempts to think, "Human, I require assistance, some malady has befallen... me... " Her words grow fainter, until as she utters the last, her eyes roll up into her head and she collapses. Her ebony hair falling behind her.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 01:27 PM

"Woah!" Dean caught her, "easy there" he sighed, picked up carefully and called to his brother, "Hey Sam, where's the nearest hospital?"

Cas stepped out of the vehicle and looked the strange woman over, "I know this vessel"

"Angel? Figures" Dean frowned, "She good or bad?"

"I do not know her well" Cas replied, "She was never much a part of the war, her job was too important. Setting up each soul's heaven."

Dean gave a sigh and handed her over to Cas, "alright, get her in the back with you-and make sure she doesn't puke on the seat! Shove her head out the window if you have to" he climbed back into the driver's seat, mumbling, "damnit, I said no hitchhikers."

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:32 PM

The lady snuggles into Cas, she seems to take comfort in his presence.

"... I have no idea. Buffalo? Canadians have a free health care system, I know, but you have to be a Canadian resident for that... fairly certain lady-angel-of the lord doesn't have a Canadian health card" Sam worries, "Maybe we can ask someone at the next town? We may be able to go into a clinic instead, if a hospital is too far away"

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:38 PM

"Damn Canadians" Dean grumbled and began speeding down the road

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:46 PM

"Dude... did a Canadian give you a bad hand-job or something? You seem to have a lot of resentment there..." Sam raises an eyebrow questionably.

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 05:01 PM

"They're too friendly, I don't trust anything that smiles that much and says sorry fifty times a day" Dean replied, "Have a little self respect damnit."

"I think that your view on Canadian lifestyles is somewhat skewed Dean" Cas commented, "from what I understand they actually have many cultural similarities to the United States. At any rate, you are all human, there cannot be that much of a difference."

"Well considering there's a shit ton of Angels that just joined the human race, I'd say yeah, we've got some differences" Dean replied.

Soon they were pulling into a clinic to get the girl checked out.

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 05:20 PM

There was a short line to the reception desk. Thankfully, the waiting room wasn't that full. They had landed in the small town of Woodstock. With such a small population, there weren't many people infirm. The town has paved roads, as most Canadian towns do, and red brick crossways where pedestrians cross. Judging by the other cars behaviour, a car must stop at these. Go figure. Along with a few unmarked one-way roads, it was a little frustrating to drive in.

At least there are plenty of places to get gas, one of those coffee shops that Canadians seem obsessed with "Tim Hartians" or something. There was also a statue of a cow on the way in. Why on earth the people here figured they'd need a cow statue... Sam did not know.

The receptionist smiled as they came up to her, "Hello, good day, may I have your health card please?"

Sam winced, "Um, sorry Madam, but we're visiting from the States, and my little sister here needed some help... any chance you can see her?"

"Hm. That is unfortunate, well, do you have an insurance company? I could defiantly give them a ring and set it all up for you." She smiled, apologetically.

"Of course, sure, just.. give me a second," Sam riffles through his wallet, full of credit cards under different names, some false drivers licenses... he pulls out an insurance card and smiles, "Here you are."

"Fantastic! Here, take a number, please, and we'll yell out to you when its your turn to be seen."

The girl, is still rather woozy, but is thankfully conscious for the time being.

"... Castiel, Angel of Thursday... heh. That was an easy heaven to make, at least. I am surprised you enjoy it so much. But I suppose that there is a beauty in simplicity. Sometimes I think I should have added a few more trees... Castiel, what is wrong? Do you know? I seem to be having more issue... this mid section keeps giving off noise while my head is dry... my mouth? Is dry."

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 06:04 PM

Cas was the one helping her get around so he sat with her as they waited, "Do you know the man, who's heaven it is to never be hungry again?" he asked, "I believe this is the hunger he feared. I to have fallen to it's unfortunate effects but it can be fixed." he assured, glancing around, "She requires food. Where may we attain some?"

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 06:13 PM

"Ah, that one was harder. The wish itself was easy... too easy. The question then became... what now? What else do I do with him? If I piled food in front of him, why, it would be gluttony. So the obvious solution was to take away the urge... food. Yes, I suppose that would make sense but... why? Why am I human now?" She snuggles into Cas more, "Did you know you smell of Heaven, Angel of Thursday? I miss my creations."

Sam looks around awkwardly, "We've got to get her checked out by the doctor first, and I'm pretty sure they don't allow food in here. I'm sorry.. this should be quick I hope.."

A few moments later the receptionist calls them over, "Gentleman, the doctor is ready to see her now."

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Artifex is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 10:15 PM

Cas moved to follow her inside but Dean gave him a pat on the shoulder, "She's a big girl, let the doctors do their thing."

Syrri is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 11:30 PM

Her eyes widen in terror, but she follows the doctor into the room.

It goes as most doctors visit do. They conduct some tests, some go easily enough, others not as much. In the end the doctor comes back with a resolute angel beside him.

The doctor pulls Dean aside.

"Well, I don't know what happened here... But she hasn't been eating. She has gotten water, which is good. Except it was contaminated. Luckily her body has expelled the issue already. I've subscribed some anti-depressants, and she needs to be watched while eating. Make sure she eats enough. Overall my diagnosis is anorexia caused by trauma... Here's a list of people who can help."


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