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xdark_secretsx is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 05:25 AM

Mine's a mix of Batman and Spider-Man.

Though I have to pick Batman, just because he doesn't have any superpowers but is strong and smart enough to take on the bad guys.

Spider-Man would be second, mainly because he has some tough bad guys to fight. Plus I mean, he can shoot webs from his web shooters, wrists in the movies. xP

Superman is just mer. He has weakness to kyptonite. Ick.

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 06:25 AM

Hands down, Batman.

1. He's not a whiney emo bitch like Spiderman. He's gone through worse, to become something awesome and actually work to get his powers, and even then, he really has no powers, just pure awesomeness.

2. He's not a prissy goody two shoes, like Superman. Who only wishes to be the best boy scout and protect Loius, other than that, he's not very awesome. He's a powerful bitch who gets his ass whoped many times by Batman.

3. Christian Bale. Batman has THE HOTTEST actor evar playing him! yeah, nuff said there. Oh, also Christian Bale is also a very good actor. I notice then when I stop drooling over him.

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by Victor Von Doom
Originally Posted by Molotov21
I think that the greatest superhero is Superman.

Not only is he like, the original. xD, but he could decimate any of the other heroes. He's overpowered, and he's simply awesome.

I mean, C'mon, the guy has ONE weakness. ONE! And, it's a substance not found on the frickin' planet! xDD
Actually, you can techincally trace superhero roots farther back than Superman. The Shadow and The Phantom were around before him and if you wanted to, you could argue that many mythological heroes fit the bill (Hercules, Beowulf, Gilgamesh). Heck, the Phantom started as a newspaper strip, so Supes isn't even a groundbreaker in the sequential art medium.

As for his powers ... meh. I find him boring because he only has the one major weakness and that was only introduced to give a sense of peril to Superman instead of having the story hinge on the danger of civilians (and it premiered on the radio show, no less e.e). Besides, his greatest strength AND weakness is his restraint. Yes, he could defeat most any other superhero (except Wonder Woman and Thor. And Zatanna. He's also weak against magic) were he to attack head on, but Batman has handed his ass to him a number of times (and in the "Hush" storyline, Supes was NOT holding back ... he was brainwashed and trying to kill Batman and Bats still won hands down) and I still stand that the right Green Lantern (read: Hal) could have him against the ropes.

But yeah. I say his character has great potential, but all the writers focus on his POWER, not his strength of character. Superman as a character study would be awesome. Like Neil Gaiman or Bendis instead of the overblown windbags who usually write him (I'm looking at YOU Jeph Loeb).
I totally agree! Superman would be wonderful is an actual good writer got a hold of him. Hell, Superman was the reason for Neil Gaiman writing Sandman. DC thought to make Superman better and more identifyable that they had to dumb him down and make him less pwoerful. Which is not that case.

Yeah, I can easily see superman having some great sory's, it is just usually handed shitte instead.

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 10:07 AM

Neil Grayman wrote Sandman with SuperMan ? O.o It don't even surprise me... there is one moment were he talk about about it and he's so right.

topostarlight is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 02:37 PM

Spiderman! I've always liked him the best, but then I'm a Marvel girl.

Victor Von Doom
Victor Von Doom is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 03:59 PM

[quote="AkashaHeartilly"]Hands down, Batman.

1. He's not a whiney emo bitch like Spiderman. He's gone through worse, to become something awesome and actually work to get his powers, and even then, he really has no powers, just pure awesomeness.

I've always seen Spidey and Batman as two sides of the same coin, although I would say Spidey has it worse. Bruce had his parents killed when he was young and that emotionally scarred him into becoming a crime fighter to deal with his confused feelings of vengence. It's often been said of him that his motives in being a superhero are selfish, even if he acts selfless doing it. If that makes any sense. xD

Spidey fell head first into powers (as is the Marvel way), but in order to learn the responsibilty that came with them, his uncle had to die. His aunt was then faced with ill-health and bill collectors that Peter was obligated to help out with and Peter himself has always had a streak of bad luck. More people close to him have died than Batman and a good portion of his villains have come from friends and acquaintances. Spidey's motivated by guilt and more than once has questioned his merit as a hero. At least Batman is a multibillionaire and doesn't have to worry about getting his gas shut off. Spidey's everyman personality is was makes him unique. Although, like I said, the past few years, he's been less an everyman and more an underdog, hangdog loser because the current writers don't seem to get him.

Overall, I find Batman more interesting because there's a lot of dark psychology there, but Spider-man is worthwhile because he brings a real world perspective to superheroics

Oh, and yes. Christian Bale is rather tasty. I can't wait for the sequel.

Wood Sorrel
Wood Sorrel is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 04:40 AM

  • Batman, because he had a cool cartoon I would watch as a kid. xD

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EmoKillerLol is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:03 AM

Batman >=D
he can get kryptonite and kill superman
bug spray for spiderman
and ;D Batman wins <3

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Cyzzane is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:56 PM

I'd have to go with Batman, mainly because the other two were in some way either born or given superpowers.

It's hard for a person to relate to something that they know they could never be. While most people don't think about becoming Batman perse it's easier to relate to someone that's HUMAN and has to work for what he gets and strives to battle normal human emotions and battles against the inhuman and often insane but still comes out on top.

The other reason for choosing Batman is that he's not truly a 'hero' as we think of them. Batman's breaking the law - he's technically a vigilante even if he is doing the right thing. Therefore he's more of an anit-hero that battles his own internal emotions as well and sometimes not coming out on top of them or being fully in control.

So thusly I choose Batman.

Flaregon is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 07:26 PM

Batman because he is just a norm guy who's very smart and rich,he has no mega powered lazors, he just has a very fast car and a little boy side kick called robin lol.

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ROSIE is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 08:01 PM

hmmmmm.............I say Batman!!
But my sister Maggie loves Spiderman.........
I like Batman because, he has no super powers....
He's just a normal guy! saving the world!!!

dimiix is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 08:18 PM

Spiderman has the coolest outfit 8)

+ i think i'm being influenced by the actors who perform these action heroes.. spiderman (tobey mcguire) is the best, in that way :p

dimiix is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by ROSIE
I like Batman because, he has no super powers....
He's just a normal guy! saving the world!!!
he doesn't? O_O i always thought he had some powers too.. he is very strong.. so that's some super power.. in a way? isn't it? :p

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Alegretto is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by dimiix
Originally Posted by ROSIE
I like Batman because, he has no super powers....
He's just a normal guy! saving the world!!!
he doesn't? O_O i always thought he had some powers too.. he is very strong.. so that's some super power.. in a way? isn't it? :p
Nope. He just got that strength through working out and via his sheer determination. No magic powers, mutations, or science-gone-awry powers there. Just ferocity and his gadgets.

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Verucca is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 09:50 PM

I love batman so much, his whole universe is amazing. Plus the new movies are great, I love Christopher Nolan, the director. If you guys haven't seen Momento you must!

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tisiphone is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 10:15 PM

I am a DC fan, and I would pick Batman and Superman over anyone any day!

dimiix is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 10:51 PM

cool.. then i vote again, for batman this time :p

Framboise is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 11:03 PM

Batman is number one!!!
Spidey comes in second, for me.

Superman sucks cause in the original Justice league video game for super nintendo, he can't kick. haha!

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Twilko is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 11:32 PM

  • Batman.

DJ LAZA is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 11:43 PM

SPIDERMAN OF COURSE. No one beats spidey.

Darkness is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 11:53 PM

  • Batman.

bana is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 01:52 AM

All these threads remind me of SuperHero Hype. :E

I like them all so it's hard to decide. But I think it'd all depend on situation and being able to prepare. Batman could totally take down Superman with kryptonite, but if Superman attacked by surprise, it might be a little harder seeing as Superman isn't exactly human. Spiderman could probably beat Batman but again I dunno about Supes :9

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VictorVonDoom is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 07:23 AM

Splendid! Another place for me to rant on about things relevant to the topic with a ludicrously long post.

Just to get the point out of the way, I voted Batman for numerous reasons contained herein.

We'll start off with why each one should be voted "Best."

Superman - Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. .......tallest buildings.... we get the idea. The ultimate boyscout, raised by two fantastic people in a quite literally one-horse town in Kansas, America's Heartland. Born and bred on a doomed planet sent here by accident so he wouldn't go up in a catasrophic explosion that destoryed nearly everything on his home planet. Forget what Smallville tells you, it's entertaining, nothing more. Good ol' Kal El has saved our skins on so many occassions it's imposisble to count them. Whether it be pulling a kitten from a sapling, flying around Earth fast enough to reverse time for unknown reason. Or, in Our Worlds At War, physically moving the ENTIRE PLANET to save us from utter destruction by an alien race.

This cat formed the Justice League of America, and even brings Batman out of hiding once in a while to help save the day. That in and of itself is a feat. And I do have to say that Superman's list of enemies is huge, intergalactic, and even godlike in some cases, like Darkseid.

When all is said and done, when all the dust is settled, it's usually Superman who saves the day for us all in the universe of DC.

Spider-Man - Bitten by a radioactive spider and given the ability to climb walls, as well as a radar sense and the proportional strength of a Spider, he's also a scientific genius. As much as I like the movies, they deviate from this, making his webbing a physical part of him. For this particular rant, ignore that. Peter Parker made his web-shooters.

With an entire city of super villains to face, all gunning for this "Cursed Arachnid," it's no wonder people pick Web-Head to be a favorite super hero. He's fast, strong, overly attractive, and even a good listener to boot. On top of all this he gets the idea to take pictures of himself giving bank robbers wedgies and sells them for a profit to the facist little Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson. He's had his ups and downs, but in the end married an actress of nearly nymph-like beauty, Mary Jane Watson. With all this, it's easy to overlook the fact that he's still a wise-cracking clown in public. That never trips, stumbles, falls, etc.

He's saved the world plenty of times in his own right, as well as the other two in this shin-dig. Defying Galactus, Dr. Doom *sniffle*, and even going into other dimensions to help people there. He's a hero's hero is Spider-Man.

Batman - Millionaire playboy, man of the future Bruce Wayne has had, indeed, a hard-knock life. His parents were blown away, right in front of him, and it was partially his fault, though unwittingly. He's made up for it a thousand fold, however, saving his beloved Gotham City time and again, and even helping the JLA once in a great while with whatever inter-stellar threat they can't seem to lick without his help. His Rogue's Gallery speaks volumes of Batman's many, many triumphs. Of course, they're all locked away in Arkham Asylum. Unlike the other two, Batman doesn't let his foes get away. He just locks them up in a padded room for a while. Until some 'rod forgets to lock the front door. You've got Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, and of course the Joker being some of the top of the list. But let's not forget the Madd Hatter, Poison Ivy, Solomon Grundy, who dwells in Gotham's sewers, Ras' Al Ghul, ZzsaszZ (betcha never heard of him), and of course Scarecrow, Calender Man, Holiday, Hush, Azrael, Bane, and way back in the day, The Reaper. Nothing particularly on a known global scale, but Batman's world is Gotham. He saves it before the globe. And even then, he's always enigmatic, dark, a soloist in his own right. Trusting no one but Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman, The Martian Manhunter, and of course Alfred. He's even got his limits with these people, not to mention Comm. Gordon, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow.

The mans got millions of dollars just waiting for him to use to save what's precious to him. But it's all part of Batman's plan to make everything right. Starting with a ripple effect in Gotham and going outward. Maybe. But you have to give the guy credit, having his parents killed, people like Superman who, for all intents and purposes, don't like anything about him, Batman is a legend among heroes.

((Stay tuned for my rant on why these cats SHOULDN'T be voted, after a brief interval of sleep and full day at work.))

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Alegretto is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 07:28 AM

Oh my. We got two Doomies now. o_O


O p h e l i a
O p h e l i a is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 07:38 AM

Batman = <3

Handsome, rich, cinical, ironic and dressed in black 8)

I like also Spiderman, he has a good sense of humor, but Superman is kinda boring... He's ... perfect :s too perfect...


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