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Naykomii is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 09:52 PM

Kirill let out a small chuckle as he watch his friend walking over determined to find food. His bangs fell over his face hiding most of his smile as he leaned forward in amusement. "Alright." The brunette silently jogged a bit to catch up to Verin, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his layered outfit. Atleast some things hadn't changed. Verin still had a stomach like a blackhole, sucking in everything with a good scent and rich taste.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-17-2007, 10:37 PM

Verin glanced over at the sound of Kirill's chuckle, lifting an eyebrow as she looked towards her friend. "And what, may I ask, is so funny?" She asked, her head tilted slightly as she continued to look towards him, paying little mind to where she was going. The girl was rarely aware of the way she tended to eat so much, as people had given up trying to tell her after a while.

Naykomii is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 11:43 PM

"Eh?" The theif perked up at the comment direct towards him. "Oh, nothing... Just the fact that your about to walk into a fruit cart." He smiled a big cheesy one and pointed out in an effortless manner at the incomming cart. Though she was an excellent theif, quick, silent and skilled... Verin tended to be rather absent minded at times.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:56 AM

"Wha?" Verin turned her head to look towards the cart, just in time to walk right into it. She stumbled back a moment, rubbing her head. "Gah...thanks for the warning." She muttered, walking around the large thing blocking her way. She was over it quickly, soon walking along as she had been before, as though it hadn't even happened.

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Aya_san is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by Naleh
Having finally spotted her, Meka turned and ran over to her, skidded to a stop, threw a salute all while panting heavily. She had been running all over the castle looking for Aya since she heard the news.
"What's so important, Meka, that causes you to be running the entire palace down looking for me?" She asked, waiting until Meka got her breathe back. This had better be good...

Ayira Moon
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Old 10-19-2007, 06:12 PM

Nemesis sat at a desk in the main house of the Hall of Thieves, papers spread out in front of her. As she shuffled through the parchments before her she sighed softly. Many people thought being Second in Command meant a lot of fighting and thieving, well there was a good amount of that but she also had to deal with the paper work, food supplies and population of the thieves. Lucky her. Lifting up a piece that held a notice of her face and her fathers on it with and ransom she laughed softly to herself. "Oh they can do better then that." she said throwing the paper down and getting up from the table. As she walked out of the room she glanced over her shoulder knowing her father would want her to finish the work, but she needed a break. Nemesis decided that she was going to go find her little sister, see what she was up to.

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Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 10-19-2007, 09:34 PM

Renee sighed as she was getting dressed. Her only friend was Princess Doah although she barely had time to talk to her for whenever she served her she had a royal guest.

But she should not worry about that now. All she needed to worry about was getting the food served to the thy royal highness.

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Old 10-24-2007, 08:52 PM

{{hello? Is there anyone still here?}}

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-25-2007, 02:21 AM

{Yep. I'm waiting on other people, though. >.<}

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Old 10-25-2007, 04:06 AM

{{-sigh- Same here...}}

Naleh is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 06:26 AM

((gah sorry... I forgot to put this on alert O_o0 ))

Meka straightened having finally caught her breath, though spoke quickly. "I just got back from patrol and I heard that the treasury was broken into from Gus who told me that the king is in an uproar! And then Paul told me that the sire might send us all out into the city on a huge search. Todey told me that Greg's second cousin saw the thief use magic. And Lerry said that his brother's best friend's neighbour's uncle said that the king thinks it might have been an inside job!" And the panicky knight continued on saying situations more and more unlikely and finally concluded with. "And they said that you might be in charge of the search!"

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Aya_san is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by Naleh
((gah sorry... I forgot to put this on alert O_o0 ))

Meka straightened having finally caught her breath, though spoke quickly. "I just got back from patrol and I heard that the treasury was broken into from Gus who told me that the king is in an uproar! And then Paul told me that the sire might send us all out into the city on a huge search. Todey told me that Greg's second cousin saw the thief use magic. And Lerry said that his brother's best friend's neighbour's uncle said that the king thinks it might have been an inside job!" And the panicky knight continued on saying situations more and more unlikely and finally concluded with. "And they said that you might be in charge of the search!"
Aya blinked a few times at her while Meka went on with her explanation. "o...k..." She said slowly after the girl finished. "That could have been a bit clearer, but at least you got the point across." She sighed, massaging her neck. She had just finished patrolling the streets a while back, and had really wanted to have a practice run with her Highness, but guess it will have to wait. "Did the king summon me yet?" She said, walking briskly towards the entrance to the palace halls.

Naleh is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 04:30 AM

"Not that I know of Lady Aya. But from the way it sounded it would probably be soon...Do you think it might have been an inside job?" Meka followed close behind, the last words were however in an excited whisper.

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Aya_san is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:06 AM

Originally Posted by Naleh
"Not that I know of Lady Aya. But from the way it sounded it would probably be soon...Do you think it might have been an inside job?" Meka followed close behind, the last words were however in an excited whisper.
She furrowed her brows in a slight frown, thinking of the possiblities. "Maybe... we'll never know until I get there..." Could it be one of the people from the thieves guild? If it is, then they have broken a BIG rule that we have established when we allowed them to set up that guild. She sighed, shaking her head. I would hate to have them to break it up... I liked being able to go and get them to exact the proper punishments instead of torture on our part...

Dead Account Holder
Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 03:58 AM

Renee was walking down the halls and saw two women whispering excitingly. She walked past them, pretending to drop something, and listened intently. She only heard a few muffled words and that was it. She picked up the imaginary pen and hurried on, hoping that no one would notice her sneaking around the castle.

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Old 10-28-2007, 04:49 AM

Aya saw the woman drop something, pause slightly as if to eavesdrop. Dismissing her as something not worth while for now, she went back to her conversation with Meka. "Has anyone moved or touched anything there yet, Meka?"

~VR is the Future~
Pkero is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 03:36 PM

Graqox was still in bed. He didn't feel much like getting up anymore. He had taken to sobbing himself to sleep ever since the amulet had disappeared. But who could blame him? The amulet was the kingdom, in a sense. It was the reason economy was soaring. It was the reason no one in his kingdom went hungry. It was the reason his family was in perfect health. But now it had been stolen. Yes, he had promised riches to anyone who found it, but was no one brave enough?

Then it came to him. Not one person was brave enough. But many together. He could offer a bounty for troops. If troops found the amulet, he could offer them gold and land. He could give them anything. He needed the amulet for the kingdom. So he would raise an army to get the amulet back.

Leaping out of bed, he threw on his armor and sent out a message. There was to be a huge announcement in front of the castle at three o' clock, and everyone in the land was to attend. "Spread the word as fast and forcefully as possible," the king shouted. "I want everyone in my kingdom to hear me."

Naleh is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 08:39 PM

Meka ignored the strange woman as she continued on. " I do not believe so Ma'am. I've heard talk that the king has been in a strange state since it's disappearence as well..." The young knight pursed her lips, starting to feel a little more concerned.

~VR is the Future~
Pkero is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:58 AM

Pacing around his chambers, he refused to be bothered by anyone. He was going to make his announcement at three that day, and it was already one. He knew he would have to be forceful with what he said. Still pacing, he knew he would not be able to convince people easily to get the amulet, nor could he draft people to serve him, seeing as how his popularity would dip for it. He would need someone persuasive, someone he could use for his plans.

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Old 10-29-2007, 08:59 PM

Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose. The king would most definitely ask her to talk to the people for him. "He's always doing that, and he doesn't even ask for permission..." She growled under her breathe. Walking up to the king's chambers, she knocked briskly, straightening her tabard. "Your Majesty, it's Lady Aya." She called, announcing herself.

~VR is the Future~
Pkero is offline
Old 10-30-2007, 02:07 AM

Hearing the voice at the door, he briskly walked over to it. Slamming it open, he found himself face-to-face with Lady Aya. "What can I help you with, madam?" he said, still feeling rather nerve-wracked.

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Aya_san is offline
Old 11-01-2007, 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Pkero
Hearing the voice at the door, he briskly walked over to it. Slamming it open, he found himself face-to-face with Lady Aya. "What can I help you with, madam?" he said, still feeling rather nerve-wracked.
"I had just heard of the predicament, sire, and I was wondering what I can do help." She asked, bowing.

~VR is the Future~
Pkero is offline
Old 11-01-2007, 11:03 PM

"The only thing I ask is to make sure people are doing what I ask. Making sure everyone in this kingdom is outside the palace today for my announcement. Set up my throne outside, and make sure it's a place people can hear me. I will be speaking myself."

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Old 11-02-2007, 02:13 AM

Looking a little taken back, she bowed once more. "Yes, Sire. It shall be done." Turning around briskly, she immediately walked to the scribes, telling them to write up the up coming announcement. "And make sure that you say that the king himeself will be talking to the people. That should get everyone's attention." They nodded, and quickly scurried off to work. She quickly went over to a group of knights of lower ranking. "You four there. Go and get the king's throne and set it on the balcony where the announcements to the kingdom is made. Be quick about it!" They bowed hastily and ran off to do as she said. After a few more minutes of running around with preparations of the up coming announcement, she was finally finished telling everyone of the king's orders. Going back to her own chambers, she stripped off her normal armor, and dressed in her ceremonial armor.

~VR is the Future~
Pkero is offline
Old 11-02-2007, 01:53 PM

Graqox walked out in front of the castle and sat in his throne, a guard on either side. A crowd was already gathering, and more people were pouring in to the castle courtyard. He knew he would have to be able to persuade the people somehow. He needed to be forceful.


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