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Old 12-22-2007, 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by darkvineyard
Originally Posted by Shrimp_Man
Except for the fact that Johnny was dubbed over for the singing in that movie.
:shock: Really?

Originally Posted by Miss Cassandra
=3= Too many people are of the opinion, "OMG JOHNNY DEPP IS HOTT I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM SING!"
That is SO not me! I hate it when people are like that! D<
I genuinely appreciate his amazing talent for acting! And if anyone doubts that, then fine. But he is so freaking awesome! He's so smart, and he has come up with a lot of things that have been put in the movies -- his ideas! I want to shake this man's hand.

I've never seen the musical. I kind of want to now. *grin*
Yep, that was in no way him singing. But he CAN sing as me watching the midnight showing of the movie can prove.

As for who said that there needs to be more Alan Rickman love, trust me, I love him enough for any person on Mene. And I just love him even more after seeing him as Judge Turpin. I'm really hoping that Tim Burton will include all the cut songs as deleted scenes on the dvd, and I'm praying for a scene of Alan singing Johanna.

@Asahi: I was really impressed with Ed Sanders as well. I was hoping that Toby would be someone older since I always saw Toby as a simple teen/young adult rather than a child.

On the whole: I loved the movie. One thing I was not happy with was they cut Sweeney and the Beggar Woman's first interaction, and she did not make any passes at either Anthony or Sweeney.

Helena made a very good Mrs. Lovett though she seemed more tired than Angela Lansbury's Mrs. Lovett.

Alan blew my mind as Judge Turpin, it's a step back into his evil characters that I so love, but him singing Pretty Women, both times, were moments that made me melt.

Timothy Spall honestly surprised me, I liked his singing and I think he gave a level of menace to Beadle Bamford that the original from the play lacked. I was waiting for him to sing the Parlor Songs but that was cut, I wanted to see him sing the really hight notes, but I understand why it was cut if Timothy couldn't carry the notes.

Johnny honestly blew my mind also. He turned this movie into a creepy show, and I honestly think that Johnny turned the movie into kind of a rock and roll Sweeney Todd. From someone that's been listening to the Len Cariou version almost night and day for the last month, that's a pretty high complement.

And just for those that were wondering where the hell Anthony Michael Head was, he was in the movie only for a moment, at least that I could see, I don't know if he showed up in the Sweeney/Anthony Johanna sequence.

Wow...this post is a beast.

Herkamyrh is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 03:58 PM

I went to see it on Thursday and I have to agree with the people who liked it. Never saw the musical before, but how can you say no to a musical that has a song in it about what kind of person to eat in your pie. "Try the priest"...Delectably funny. >.>; Perhaps delectable isn't the right word, Deliciously? No thats not it either. Anyway, The music was grand and the murders "murdery." All in all, I think it deserves many of the flawless reviews it seems to be getting.

butterscotch is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 05:31 PM

I'd like to see it but it looks a little scary. :lol: I'm a baby so I probably shouldn't watch it.

I might end up renting it once it comes out though, especially since it seems to be getting such great reviews.

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Old 12-22-2007, 09:51 PM

I saw it last night! It was so fab. And really creepy, you know? Like, they actually showed Todd slitting the peoples' throats instead of just cutting to a clip of his face. And all of Mrs. Lovett's costumes were beautiful; my friend and I were like, drooling and cooing the whole time.

By the end of it I really wanted a meat pie, too. HOW CREEPY AM I.

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Akstar is offline
Old 12-23-2007, 01:31 AM

I want to see the movie, though I'm a bit weary of Depp singing. However, yay for Rickman!

Herkamyrh is offline
Old 12-23-2007, 04:14 AM

With todays modern electronics, it doesn't matter how bad some one sounds because in the end their singing is gonna be so over produced that you'll think they're pro regardless of whether they sound like normally.

Muggles Running Amok
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Old 12-23-2007, 05:49 AM

I saw Sweeney Todd today with my boyfriend. It was AMAZING- I loved it!!

I just bought the soundtrack on itunes.

Fabby is offline
Old 12-23-2007, 10:14 AM

I really, really want to go see that. It sounds amazing.
I was reading about it in Entertainment Weekly... it's the first movie in awhile that I've ACTUALLY WANTED to bother with seeing in a theater.

And... Johnny Depp singing? How do you get more wonderful than that?

Lady Ariana
Lady Ariana is offline
Old 12-24-2007, 12:55 AM

I can't wait to see this movie, I hope that it wins some of the Golden Globes.
The cast is wonderful and I've always been a fan of the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp combination since Edward Scissorhands.

Muggles Running Amok
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Old 12-24-2007, 06:37 AM

Lovvy- It only gets more wonderful when Helena Bonham Carter sings, too. : ) the cast is GREAT.

Ariana- me too. x]

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Old 12-24-2007, 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by Lovvy
And... Johnny Depp singing? How do you get more wonderful than that?
Alan Rickman singing. That's how it gets better. *nods*

memarcus is offline
Old 12-24-2007, 11:25 AM

morbid, disturbing, and highly entertaining. i definitely recommend seeing it for everybody that hasn't yet. if you like tim burton, great actors (johnny depp, helena bonham carter, alan rickman, timothy spall), dark material, or just musicals in general, you have to see this movie.

i had to look everywhere to find a theater that was playing it though. only one theater in my area was playing the movie because there wasn't a single movie theater aside from that one that wanted to purchase the film. i don't know why because it was a really great movie.

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Kimiku is offline
Old 12-24-2007, 12:46 PM

I never heard of the musical until I noticed the poster at the movie theater for the movie. Shows how cultured I am, but as long as I'm alive, I can always introduce myself to new things.

Anyway, I really would love to see this movie, and have also found out there is a BBC special of some sort that's based on the musical. I could be wrong, but I'm also searching for this series.

I find the story premise fascinating, and would love to delve more into the story with my own eyes. xD

I'm going to see this movie soon, then I can come back and post more. But I don't want to read too much. Spoilers are my natural enemy. We have problems seeing eye to eye.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 12-24-2007, 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by Shrimp_Man
Originally Posted by Lovvy
And... Johnny Depp singing? How do you get more wonderful than that?
Alan Rickman singing. That's how it gets better. *nods*
Amen to that.

Raining Skittles
Raining Skittles is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 12:25 AM

I just saw it yesterday. Wow. Blew my mind. My teacher, and friend said the play was awesome, and that we should go see the movie. I'm in love with the song "Joanna" (Not sure if that's the real song name -nervous laugh-) and I've been trying to find somewhere to download it for free >_<; I'll probably beg my parents to lend me some money when the Movie CD comes out -squee-

I found it really funny with who played Judge Turpin, and his little friend. I laughed when I first saw them, because I was so used to Snape and Wormtail -laugh- Mrs. Lovett (sp?) was awesome, I loved her voice. Depp's was also awesome, and I really didn't know he could sing so well!

Jax is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 01:36 AM

I can't wait to watch it this weekend... but who to watch it with...?
I need a friend who hasn't watched it yet and will definitely love it the way I will. <333


DreamEmpress is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:45 AM

Amazing. Very well done and I really enjoyed the fact that the environment was so dark but yet it brought something different to it. Johnny Depp was great and he does know how to sing, but of course they fixed his voice. Musicals are really for truly talented singers and Johnny has a good voice but not to compare to true musical actors. Helen Boham Carter was great and Alan Rickman was cool too.

BORAT was in it... I knew he was but he was so good. I really thought he can play anything he wants.

vmars is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 07:45 PM

It seems like a really good story, but since it is rated R I do not think I am going to see it. Since it is rated R I am expecting it to be really bloody. I might read the outline of the entire story, but I do not like creepy, horror movies. They freak me out.

Cloth Roses
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Old 12-27-2007, 04:26 AM

It is really bloody apparently, but why wouldn't it be? Considering it's a barber who slices peoples' throats open. *nodnod*

Personally, I can't wait to see this movie, I adore Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, as well as this musical. I hope it lives up to my expectations. *crosses fingers*

Have a little priest. *hums*

All the critics have said Johnny Depp's voice surpasses Carter's, so that makes me even more anxious.

icey_paradise is offline
Old 12-27-2007, 05:28 AM

I just got back from seeing that about an hour ago. I absolutely love the works Tim Burton and Johnny Depp when they work together, and this movie didn't fail me! It was well put together, and surprisingly not as gruesome as I thought before going to see it. My dad kept telling me it was really gory during the killing scenes. I thought not. I'm probably going to see it before the week is out with my mom and/or dad. Can't wait!

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nekonekonya is offline
Old 12-27-2007, 05:53 AM

I've heard this movie is really good from various sources (Though my mother is extremely biased in that she is in love with Johnny Depp).

I think I'll see it sometime. C':

SyntheticVermin is offline
Old 12-27-2007, 04:18 PM

I'm really excited about this movie.
I mean... Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham-Carter, and Alan Rickman all in the same musical? Directed by Tim Burton? That's epic. Seriously epic.
Knowing my dad, though, we'll end up forgetting to go see it, and then have to wait for it to come out on DVD.

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Old 12-27-2007, 04:58 PM

Jonny Depp singing?
Hm. I guess he can do anything if he wanted to. lol.
It looks really good. But seems a bit gory.

icey_paradise is offline
Old 12-27-2007, 10:20 PM

Originally Posted by Takuto
Jonny Depp singing?
Hm. I guess he can do anything if he wanted to. lol.
It looks really good. But seems a bit gory.
He does sing, before his whole acting career he was actually in a band.

sidums is offline
Old 12-28-2007, 07:46 AM

Just got back home from watching this, on Imax! If Johnny wasn't hot enough, add IMAX!!! Anyway, they movie is hilarious. Not scary in any way what-so-ever. But the family and I were laughing the whole way through! I highly recommend people who have a non-dry sense of humor to watch it! This movie is packed with Amazing actors and actresses to make it just that much better!


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