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Old 10-14-2007, 02:50 PM

(so it's 9:52 ish near you that's late!)

Kaoru clapped his hands. "Of course! now let's tease Haru relentlessly!" Kaoru smirked as he pranced over to Haru.

"Haru don't feel bad i will be wearing a dress with you!! Than we can see who they think is cuter in a dress you or me!" Kaoru laughed at Haru's horrified face that she wore.

Shin Seiryuu
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:09 PM

Hikaru laughed when he heard what Kaoru said to Haruhi. "Now, now, Kaoru, don't say something stupid. If it's me, of course I'll choose you," he said, lifting Kaoru's chin.

"It's a good idea though, since there will be less suspicion, so Kyouya won't have to worry, hm?" Hikaru asked, turning to look at Kyouya. "Now then, you two go change. Dresses can be troublesome if they want to. I'll take care of the coffee."

Live Evil
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:24 PM

Kaoru nodded and dragged Haru away, "Come on let's go, Haruhi!"

All the while Haru complained and Tamaki ran after them holding up dresses for Haru to wear.

Apple Sauce
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:27 PM

Haruhi's face really held no horror, but more sheer regret for accepting. She knew the twins would show no mercy once the dress was pulled over her head and her sempai would most likely squeeze her to death. Perhaps she could stick close to Hunny-sempai and Mori-sempai...Even the ice queen of the club (Kyouya) was looking better than the seat near Tamaki.

With a groan, Haruhi looked to Kaoru. "Is it too late to change my mind?" The girl asked, more or less saying 'I'm not doing this anymore.' But one look to Kyouya's scribbling pencil told her that she had already dug her grave and was stuck in it...

(Hun, you need to apply through pm...Everyone, please ignore the Hunny post, thank you.)

Shin Seiryuu
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:33 PM

"Oh, come on now, Haru-chan. It won't be so bad, I promise. Heck, I'll even reduce the number of pranks and teases I'm going to do to you today," Hikaru cheered from beside as he watched his twin take Haruhi to the changing room. "Good luck!"

He then turned to the coffee and took one for himself before he sat down on a couch and relaxed slightly. "Do you want one?" he asked Kyouya who was still scribbling on his black book. "It tastes great," he added after taking a sip of the said coffee.

Live Evil
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:39 PM

"yep!" Kaoru said pushing her into a changing room and dumped a box of dresses on top of her! "there your go!"
Then he went into his own changing room and came out in a flowing purple dress and ran back into the room.

Shin Seiryuu
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:44 PM

"Hn... Kaoru, is that really you?" Hikaru asked, rubbing his eyes. Maybe the caffeine was taking its toll on his brain and making him see things. "Why don't you choose another color? Purple hurts my eyes," he commented, but ducked down when a shoe was thrown his way.

"Oh, and be sure to keep an eye on Haru-chan. You know, make sure she changes into a proper dress and such. She's a commoner so she's not accustomed to dresses like those... not that I'm trying to insult her or something. No... I wouldn't do something like that," Hikaru mumbled, not caring whether someone listened to him or not.

"Oh, and the coffee is nice. Have a cup for yourself," he said finally, pointing at the cups of coffee.

Live Evil
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:50 PM

"naaa fine i will change." He comes back 10 minutes later in teal dress with Haru in a green one.

"Hikaru what do you think oh Haru now? am i still cuter?" Kaoru said pretending to cry.

Apple Sauce
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:55 PM

Haruhi gasped, having not expected to have a bunch of dresses thrown at her. Now one dress was fine but considering that these were a bunch of large 'princess' dresses, they weigh a considerable ton. Falling back, she glared at Kaoru's retreating form before untangling herself from the mass of fabric. With a frown, she slowly picked through the assortment and pulled out a pink one.

"Hm..this looks like it'd fit..." With a sigh, she pulled off her jacket and shirt, slipping the dress over her head. After adjusting it and examining her self a few times, she seemed satisfied.

The girl didn't bother taking her school pants off, and left them on underneath. If she was supposed to be a guy, then she knew that they felt uncomfortable without pants underneath.

With a sigh, she cleaned up the dresses that scattered the room and put them neatly away before leaving to join the others...

...maybe she should have stayed in the changing room..

Shin Seiryuu
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:56 PM

"I know you will cooperate," Hikaru commented with a smile directed at his twin. He stood up to return the cup of coffee and probably get another one when Kaoru and Haruhi emerged from the changing room with their respective dresses. He almost slipped and fell down when he heard Kaoru's question and Kyouya looked at him strangely, since it was impossible to slip on carpeted floor.

Hikaru sighed and strode over to Kaoru, lifting his chin with his right hand and looking at him lovingly. "Of course you are, Kaoru, of course you are," he said and kissed the bridge of Kaoru's nose. "Now, I've asked this a few times already but no one answered me. Does anyone want the darned coffee or am I allowed to drink them all up?"

Apple Sauce
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Old 10-14-2007, 03:56 PM

(Um...Kaoru, please don't god mode on my character...)

Live Evil
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Old 10-14-2007, 04:00 PM

(sorry.... :( )

"Naa...i'll have some coffe but you should lay off!" Kaoru said holding his twin, "i don't want you getting hurt....i can't live without you Hikaru!"

(i have to go soon so... Shin Seiryuu you can do Kaoru while i'm gone!)

Shin Seiryuu
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Old 10-14-2007, 04:06 PM

((No worries. I'm off after I finished my bowl of noodles anyway. It's pretty late. Probably will be online in about 8-9 hours. I'll do Kaoru as much as needed... but I don't plan on sharing Hikaru... kidding, but that's true))

"Nah, I won't die because of caffeine," Hikaru sweatdropped a little. He had never heard of anyone dying because they consumed too much caffeine, honestly. Nicotine, maybe, but definitely not caffeine.

"I should limit my caffeine intake, though, in case I got more hyper than I already am," he mumbled, thinking of himself acting like Hunny-senpai. "Nope, definitely don't want to be caffeine high."

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Old 10-14-2007, 05:17 PM

Mayumi wondered down the hallway, she could hear the people talking about some 'host club' she was fairly new to the school and hadn't been there before. She could feel a few eyes on her as she walked down the hallway she knew it was because of the fact that she didn't wear the girls uniform but instead the guys, its not that everyone knew she was a girl and not a guy she just didn't look like a guy. She didn't like dresses and rarely ever wore them unless it was for some big event that was important to her father.She continued down the hallway and stoped in front of a large door 'So this is were that host club' is she thought to herself and wondered if she should go inside

lilmew is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 05:38 PM

Kyouya was lost in writing notes and other things that were relevant to the Host Club. He was listening to what everyone had to say but never took his eyes off of the notebook.

He heard the twins and Tamaki feud against each other, then heard shuffling while the twins dragged the poor Haruhi to the dressing room to become a princess, along with Kaoru.

He quickly put his pen in a pocket on the side of the book and shut the book itself while placing it under his arm. "I guess we should all be getting dressed very soon for the occasion, as well." He stated while adjusting his glasses with the one free hand he had. "Though, I wonder what I should wear..." He said thinking out loud.

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Old 10-14-2007, 06:15 PM

Mayumi stood there and kind of just stared at the door for a bit. She could hear all the commotion that was going on inside. She wasn't really into stuff like that but she was wondering what was so impressive about it that almost ever girl was talking about it.

Darkest Blue
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Old 10-14-2007, 07:26 PM

Hunny sat at a small, fancy table, eating some chocolate cake. His bunny was at his side, staring into nothingness, as usual. The cake had a strawberry on top, but Hunny was carefully eating around it to save the best for last. He seemed completely oblivious to the commotion in the background, including several girls adoring how cute he was.

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Old 10-14-2007, 07:42 PM

Mayumi stood there for a little while longer debating on whether or not she wanted to go inside. She reached out for the handle but stopped mid-way and started to contemplate it again

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 08:20 PM

Keoko tugged at her yellow school uniform. She hated the design of it and would have to make some... modifications to it. She then walked cautiosly down the hallway. A group of girl past along her way, glared at her and muttered to each other.

Keoko glared back at them which sent them off quite quickly. She made a small grunt and continued down her path. She was going to see "him" again. Oh his soft blond locks, his gorgious purple eyes and his pale skin. Just the thought of him made her tingle.

She knew that she had no chance with Tamaki though, he was way above her and there were a lot of prettier girls that he would gladly pick over her. At least though, she could watch him and be a secret admirer.

She opened the door slightly to the door. She looked around. She saw a lot of the hosts and members already there.

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Old 10-14-2007, 08:35 PM

Mayumi looked at the girl who had opened the door slightly she didn't seem to take much notice that Mayumi was standing right there in front of the door.

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 08:55 PM

Keoko then noticed a girl looking at her. She let out a small shriek and fell backwards. She then cursed at her dress, which she had been tripping on all day.
Her face then turned bright red. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I'll just go."

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Old 10-14-2007, 09:05 PM

Mayumi blinked and held out her hand to help her up "No need to be sorry" She said looking at her "Though im still wondering how you people wear that dress all day" She said

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 09:11 PM

Keoko looked at her dress then took the girls hand. "Oh trust me I don't plan to for very much longer. Do you have any scissors, needle and thread?"

Keoko then looked around to see if she could see him.

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Old 10-14-2007, 09:13 PM

"No im sorry but I don't" She said looking at her "Hey who are you looking for?" She asked confused "I heard something about a host club but im pretty new here so I don't really know much about it" She said

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 09:22 PM

"I'm Keoko" Keoko looked down. She didn't want to be laughed at by this girl too. She would just like to meet someone who liked her for being herself. "And yourself?"


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