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Old 01-05-2008, 12:49 AM

Nigel heard the lyric as it crackled through his computer speakers which was then followed by silence. He began to check the sound card settings on his machine but was interrupted by the disconnection bubble that pops up when one loses connectivity to the internet. "That's funny," he said to himself as he got up to go the bathroom.

As he pushed through the bathroom door he was too occupied to realize the sight initially. As the door swung closed behind him, he could see that the tiled floors and walls gave way into open space and a trail of these floating tiles now seemed to span a swirling expanse before him. Nigel just stood there, too shocked to do anything. He went to push through the door to leave, but it wouldn't budge, even after trying to break it down.

He didn't know how long the path before him would go or if it was even safe, but ever the forward thinker Nigel could only do one thing. He took care of his business as a urinal was still present and then proceeded to cautiously follow the seemingly endless bridge of floating bathroom tile.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 01-05-2008, 01:40 AM

"Yeah I am almost there! I know, I won't be long!" Penelope hung up her phone and put it in the holder on the dash board that doubled as a charger. All of the sudden she had a wave of dizziness hit her. She pulled the car over to the side, "My god! I really have got to stop using the phone when I am driving!" She laid her head down to try and ward off the dizzy spell.

At that moment another kind of spell hit her. She opened her eyes and was shocked to find that she was lying in her bedroom raped in her sheets. She kicked them off franticly, "It must have all been a dream!" She looked at the clock. It read 12:00pm, "My god it is only twelve?" All of the sudden she was startled by a familiar voice, "'ONLY' Twelve?" asked her caretaker. "Sorry to frighten you dear but your mother has been calling for you since nine and if I did not get you this time then it would not be pretty!"

Penelope smiled, "Yeah, Mom can be rather ugly when she gets mad!" They both laughed, "Hellene, if you would not mind I would like to wear my white dress today!" Penelope said and crawled out of bed.

Herkamyrh is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 05:41 AM

Nigel continued his trek across the tiled bridge. Looking over his shoulder he could no longer see the beginning of the path. He was growing more and more curious about where he was going and what he was doing. Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a nickel and threw it off the path into the swirling expanse of nothing. The coin fell and fell until it was out of sight too. He took a few steps deciding to continue. With in moments of him starting up again he heard the sound of something metal bouncing behind him. He turned to see his coin on the walkway back where he had threw it off. He repeated his experiment but the coin would only comeback when he would turn his back and head off down the road. Eventually the coin was replaced in his pocket and Nigel again continued his progress down the weird road he found himself on.

Popcorn Gun

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Old 01-11-2008, 06:29 AM

"Elaine....Elaine" she was being rocked softly, "Wake up sweetheart, we'll be late."

Elaine's eyes fluttered open and before her stood a woman with brunette hair and and beside her was a man.
She placed her glasses on her face with unfamiliarly stubby fingers and recogniozed these people to be her mother and father, staring warmly and expectantly at her.
"" she ran into an embrace that seemed to cloak her entire body in a distantly familiar warmth.

Her father chuckled, "Glad to see you too. Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"Don't you remember? We were supposed to go to the park today, was the ride too long?"

Elaine looked around and they were indeed at the park.
"I'm ready!"

They grabbed a pinic basket, a couple kites, and a kickball, and found their favorite spot under the oak tree near the pond.

After a few hours of the blue sky and gentle breeze, they'd started a ball game. As father threw it to Elaine it got past her and rolled to the edge of the pond.
"I've got it!" She ran after the ball and while bending down to get it, she noticed her reflection... She was five again!
Elaine smiled and ran back to her parents, the memories of the present, their deaths, and everything faded to the back of her mind as she continue to play with her parents and finally dozed off in their arms.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 01-11-2008, 07:24 PM

Suddenly there was a large knock on the door on the other side of the room from where Hillary stood, she was frozen into fear. She didn't know what to do but the door did the work for her, opening slowly, silently and there stood a young lady, a chambermaid, Hillary supposed. Her heartrate slowly slowed down as the chambermaid spoke "Lady Hillary, you're going to be late!" She said, almost frantically and scurried across the room to the closet, throwing it open. "We have to get you dressed" Hillary blinked as she looked down and realized she was suddenly no longer dressed in her work attire, she was in a silk nightgown. She realized now that she was obviously dreaming, and decided to go with it.

"Yes, we must get me dressed" she said as she walked slowly over to the closet.

Ezeakial Moon
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Old 01-11-2008, 11:41 PM

Zeak tossed and turned in his bed not being able to fall back to sleep! He finally gave up and rolled back out of the bed, "Damn! Why the hell can I not sleep?" He walked back over to the window and stared out. He watched as random cars in the city drove around the streets. He watched one in particular. It had been circling the city a couple times now and judging by this Zeak had guessed it was a patrol car. He was hypnotized by the motion of this car till he heard the buzzer go off. He jumped and head back to the bed to grab his robe.

He walked out of the bed room and down the hall to the front door. Hitting the call box he asked, "Yeah, who is it?" A voice came over that sounded desperate, "It's Xanthe!" Zeak hit the buzzer, "My god child get up here! What time is it? Dose your father know you are out boy?"

Xanthe open the door and snuck quietly up the steps to Zeaks apartment. Zeak undid the locks and waited for Xanthe to slip into the apartment.

Zeak closed the door behind him and then once again opened up the questioning, "Why are you out this late? And why here? Does Darius know you are out?" Zeak stopped the questioning when he noticed the tears rolling down Xanthes face. "Xanthe, whats wrong?"

Xanthe looked up for the first time and looked in to Zeaks face. He had a dark bruise under his right eye and a gash across his cheek. His lip was busted and his face was stained with tears and blood, "We had a fight and he hit me and...and then..." He stopped short as he burst out crying again.

Zeak pulled Xanthe in closer and held him, "Take it easy, It's ok! Your with me now not him! It will be ok!" Zeak sat there and held him. Xanthe was a 13 year old boy who was living with his abusive father since his mother died when he was only 10. The cops and other officials would not believe Xanthe when he told them that his father, Darius, would abuse him. Xanthe came to Zeaks child service by himself about a month ago and told him the story, Zeak immediately took him in and kept watch over the child.

When Xanthe had calmed down some, Zeak had talked him into cleaning up and then sleeping on his couch. As Zeak walked back into his own room it finally hit him why the patrol car had caught his attention so much. "Thats the area where Xanthe lives!" Zeak watched as the cars circled again. "My god Xanthe, please tell me you didn't!"

Herkamyrh is offline
Old 01-18-2008, 07:21 PM

Nigel didn't know how long he had been walking and was now becoming unnerved. He eventually found himself on solid ground, no longer walking across the narrow bridge of bathroom tile. He didn't know when it happened, but now he was walking on what seemed to be a giant black and white checkered floor with no walls in sight. The sound of his foot steps seemed to echo though there was nothing for the sound waves to properly bounce off of scaring him further. Nigel looked up into where the sky should have been but saw nothing but a white expanse over head. Where was he? Was he dreaming? He attempted to will himself but without any luck. "What's going on?!?" he yelled up only to have his voice reflected back down and all about him.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 01-19-2008, 01:12 AM

Hellene went to pick Penelope's white dress out of the closet, "Of course dear, you may wear anything you choose!" She smiled at the fact that she had picked that one. It was her mothers favorite after all, and the fact that she had just made her wait would mean she would need all the tools she could get to make her mother happy again.

Penelope went to her dresser morrow and pulled out the clips her mother was fond of, along with the net head wrap and bow that made her mother melt when she saw in her hair. Her mother loved when her little pumpkin, which she would call her due to the fact that her hair was an orangeish red color, would dress up like a little girl. Ever since her accident which left her in a wheelchair and unable to have anymore children, she refused to allow Penelope to grow up. "Would you please do my hair in those cute little buns mother likes so much!" Penelope asked of Hellene.

Hellene smiled "But of course dear!" She laid the dress on the bed and walked over to the dresser to fix Penelope's hair.

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Old 02-03-2008, 11:46 PM

Hillary walked up to the closet and flung open the door, inside she saw ten gowns hanging up. She ran her hand along one and it felt like velvet. She pulled it out and noticed it was velvet, red velvet. With long golden silk sleeves. She was in awe, this was the type of dress she'd always dreamed of having, she leaned against the wall and ran her hand down the sleeve. She got so lost in just looking at the beauty of the dress she jumped when the lady said "Miss, you need to get dressed." Hillary nodded and waved the servant from the room.

Ezeakial Moon
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:05 AM

Kamira giggled as the picture of a worryed young adult formed out in front of her he was staring out his window looking as if something had just hit him.

"Wow, to bad you won't be around long enough to help that person you seam so cean on saving! Oh well I guess you will have to use your little powers to save yourself this time." Kamira smiled and called out the spell,

A single verse of a song, "Dance tonight along with me! Sing this song and all your mind shall flee." then the sound of bells sounded and a voice as soft as velvet whispered, "Come and play in the land of Chaos!" This single spell cased on that cold night would be the demise of five unknowing children.

Ezeakial ran down the hall way toward the child sleeping on his couch, "My god please tell me you did not kill him!" He pleaded into the air. All of the sudon the room spun and Zeak had to stop for a second. He closed his eyes and thought, To much happening I need to calm down! He took a deep breath then opened his eyes. What he saw however did not comfort him.

Popcorn Gun

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Old 03-31-2008, 11:14 PM

Elaine's eyes fluttered open dreamily, and saw she was in her bed, wrapped in a lare warm quilted comforter. She snuggled down beneath the sheets and inhaled. The smell of light, sweet fabric softener wafted into her nostrils and surrounded her being. Here she felt safe, and she drifted back to sleep.

* * * * *

((OC: Everyone who's signed up in the roleplay was posting except Lavii, maybe we should find a replacement, and get this how on the road???
Especially because I think he's an inactive user.))

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-31-2008, 11:26 PM

As Hellene finished Penelope's hair and walked out the door she turned and said, "I will tell your mother you are on your way down dear!"

Penelope smiled at her and nodded, "Sounds good!" She carefully pulled her dress on and walked out of the room and down the stairs. She smiled as she turned through the hall ways toward the dining room where her mother waited for her.

Ezeakial Moon
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Old 04-02-2008, 04:59 PM

((Thank you for your concern Popcorn. Trust me I have been addressing the issue! I have in fact already revoked his spot and am now about to move on! Sorry to everyone else in this RP for its inactiveness! Also Could further comments like those be limited to posting only in the OOC thread! There is however going to be a major announcement in the OOC thread so please hop over there for further information and explanation into the slight hiatus of this RP!))

Kamira danced around looking at her fine collection of individuals now playing in there dream world. she giggled and consorted with Ami, "So which do you think we should play with first?" She stared at them all and laughed. After a while she smiled and then said, "How about Elaine? I have great plans for her!"

Kamira watched as the young girl play with her family then the day move into night and next thing she was secure in her bed. "Time to alter this dream!"

Elaine's Mom appeared infront of her, "Come now sweety wake up! We have to go!" She pulled the young Elaine from her bed and and handed her cloths, "Get dressed where in a hurry!" She then proceeded to pack a suit case with things from her room.

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 04-06-2008, 08:08 PM

Elaine awoke and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"What's going on momma?" her little feet hit the
floor with a thunk as she slid out of bed clutching
a small blanket that was hidden beneath the covers.

She looked at her mother, still half asleep, packing
a suit case, watching as a few toys she loved were
shoved into the suit case, "Where are we going?"

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Old 04-07-2008, 03:18 AM

Hillary stared down at the dress she had chosen to wear. It was a perfect fit. As she admired the dress she heard the familiar tap on the door "Your highness," the servant girl called "Your father has requested your presence in his dormitory." She bowed as Hillary followed her out, hoping that the servant would lead the way.

Ezeakial Moon
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Old 04-07-2008, 04:03 PM

Kamira smiled at the picture unfolding in the girls room. "Yes this will be quit fun!"

"Something has happen." Is all she was willing to tell the child. "You must hurry dear!" she finished packing and sipped up the siutcase then took little Elaine and started to help her get dressed, "Sorry hunny, but we don't have time for explanations right now. Just hurry and get dressed."

True Jelly Oh!
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Old 04-08-2008, 03:55 AM

Oliver closed the door to his room quietly as he entered. It was a bit late, and he didn't want to wake his parents. He sighed as he sank into his chair, it was times like these he really enjoyed, comfortable silence without any people around to feel pressured by. There were, of course, the low hum of the computer and constant crunch of the carrot he'd decided on as a late night snack, but they only disturbed the quiet a little. Not as much as some people can, he thought, remembering the loudmouths he somehow managed to ignore at school and work.

Oliver sighed a slightly more annoyed sigh as he spun around in his chair. The chair stopped so that he was facing the window, strangely, he found it easy to stare into the nothingness for a while.

Last edited by True Jelly Oh!; 04-25-2008 at 11:29 PM..

Ezeakial Moon
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Old 04-08-2008, 04:04 PM

Kamira laughed her bell like giggle, "Oh my watch this Ami! It is so funny seeing how heart broken and scared this little girl gets right away!" She was greatly amused at the way the fake mother could stray the child from her own dream. She laughed again and rolled back kicking her legs. She acidently bonked the globe and it turned slightly. When Kamira looked back at it she was no longer watching Elaine she now was staring at a guy lounging leisurly in his room. "Oh my!" She gasped, "He is quit adorable! I think I will have to add him to my colection!"

"Stare all you want child but soon that view will warp for you!"

A single verse of a song, "Dance tonight along with me! Sing this song and all your mind shall flee." then the sound of bells sounded and a voice as soft as velvet whispered, "Come and play in the land of Chaos!" This single spell cased on that cold night would be the demise of five unknowing children.

True Jelly Oh!
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Old 04-09-2008, 02:16 AM

Oliver stood from his chair abruptly, "What the-" he could have sworn he heard something, a song, something about...chaos? Chaos is, by far, the last thing I want right now. Not a second after the thought formed in his mind, his whole body tensed and a sudden rigid chill swept through him, down into this bones, into his mind.

Just as suddenly as it had happened, it stopped. Oliver's mind felt numb as all of his muscles relaxed. He was pulled forward, catching sight of the night sky, he felt drawn in by it, as if he could fill the starry void. He thought he felt himself fall forward, and he could have sworn he heard the light thud as he hit the hardwood floor, but those were suddenly far away. In fact, everything was far away. All Oliver could see around him were huge voids, darker than night, darker than when his eyes were closed. Like silence, without the sound of breathing or wind to interrupt, and darkness, without a light across the street or stars to distract from it. He relished it, for once he actually had room to think. He didn't have anything or anyone to drag him away from his peace or to try to awkwardly communicate with.

Something small and quite unimportant in the back of his mind asked, what about people? Mother and Dad? You want to learn to interact, right? It could get....lonely...But, like the low hum of a computer at night, these things can be easily ignored.

Last edited by True Jelly Oh!; 04-25-2008 at 11:29 PM..

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 04-13-2008, 03:08 AM

"What happened?"

"You must hurry dear!"

"But why? Where's daddy? Is he coming?" Elain asked her mother. She was quite alert now, and she didn't like how this felt.

Elaine worked with her mom as they haistly dressed her, missing quite a few buttons in her shirt.
The way her tights were carelessly pulled on was even worse, and finally a small elastic waist band skirt was pulled onto her hips, the only thing that seemed right.

"What's going on?" Elaine repeated the color rising in her face,eyes welling with fresh tears.

She didn't like this one bit...

Last edited by Popcorn Gun; 11-14-2009 at 08:08 PM..

A Refined Pervert
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:06 AM

Hillary followed closely behind the servant, her feet almost constantly grazing the heels of the servant's feet. I wonder who my father is Hillary giggled with excitement. She had deciphered, not long ago, that she was in fact dreaming and nothing was real. As they approached two very large doors, the servant opened one and bowed Hillary inside. Stepping through the door she let out gleeful yelp. In front of her sat two lavishly dressed royals, apparently her mother and father. She bowed gently towards them and waited to see what they had to say.

"My dear daughter," her father's voice boomed to her, "I have a surprise for you!" he said, standing up from his throne and moving gracefully across the room towards Hillary "You are to be wedded!"

Hillary smile grew large, it was always a secret fascination of hers to be a part of an arranged marriage. Though most people would frown upon the notion, Hillary was excited.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 04-29-2008, 08:53 AM

Penelope rounded the last turn and saw her mother sitting there by her self in a chair. She was about to jump for joy and scream when she noticed a little boy come from around the corner and saw her mothers face light up with the same joy she had been feeling just a little while ago. But who was this boy? Her mother had always wanted a little boy, but surly this was not hers! I mean the accident had left her unable to bear children anymore! Penelope stared in wonder as the boy climbed into her mothers arms.

She crossed the room and smiled at her mother, "Good morning Mommy!" She beamed, "Who is this?" She asked in her sweet little girl voice she had so well perfected over the years.

Her mother glared at her, "Penelope!" Her mother scolded her, "What kind of question is that? I mean surly you know your own brother!"

Penelope? Had her mother just called her by her name and not Pumpkin or Dollface? What was going on? BROTHER? When did she have a brother? "What are you talking about Mommy?" She sounded a little scared.

"Penelope, are you feeling well? I mean you do know your little brother Jareth, do you not?" Her mother looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

This was all to much for Penelope to take in at once and she fainted under the pressure.

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Old 06-16-2008, 05:52 PM

Hillary wiped the smile from her face and asked "To whom?" to her supposed father. She said with a slight bow at his approach. Hopefully he would be a prince charming, someone who will instantly sweep Hillary from her feet and give her that fluttery feeling on sight.

"In good time, my dear!" Hillary's father's voice boomed as he gripped her by the chin and smiled at her "In good time!" He said as he stepped away from her and sat down in the throne again.


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