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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by sushi_mew View Post


@ miroro
i thought they were cute yo!
i have difficulty asking for art becauuuse i dont kno what i want art of? like, my current avi's alright but no more than that

didnt think id get to say this anymore but: nooess dont eat me!!

i cant leave my computer on
my mom has this fear that it willverheat and my carpet will catch fire and lol ded ):
also electricity bills...

i'll challenge you to tetris! >:D
im quite sucky at it now i used to be a (sorta) master!!

neither do i. i dont like what its done to it and it isnt smart to have changed it because it just takes up more space than it needs to
so i stopped using it a few years ago
if im ever on, its because im signing in to my hotmail, checking my emails (like once a month lol)

i used to consider myself fat and then it changed to chubby at some point /:
i have a fear of going obese... fat i can live with obese ios like "no turning back sort of part that i dont ever want to exp

they are but it's just healthy candy lol
if you really wanted real juices, you would eat said fruit for its flavours; real fruit candies are just more fun to eat
pineapples make my tongue hurt after like, one slice :( apples are pretty sweet. sometimes too sweet <<

i knoww asians are the worst for it D; (at least in my experience)

KH is like at the base of pixelling i think. if youre inteerested in pixelling, youve heard of kawaiihannah

baby bro is 6, and baby sis is 1 year, 3 months. super youngsters
i like to keep my bed tidy. i just like to organize though (though i have tons of junk in my room and my room atm isnt neat :(

what if you lose your usb though? i lose my small things like crazy... (if my keys werent on a lanyard, i would be locked out of my house every day qq)

mp4s. i put a couple on to test it out but it wouldnt even play its audio , m,

i want a single again because i have cute bedsheets for singles but boring ones for doubles ): soo plainn

i had to use it half the time in my graphics class last year so i learned and excelled lool
publisher is a different story though

yes, yes it is.
but on the bright side, i got a full set to hoardsell later and i just need to get an extra deco pack (i decided to keep everything but the tools ei since i like maybe one or two poses from them)

---------- Post added 11-09-2012 at 03:51 PM ----------

also get this; rawr was back for october and opened his own thread and i didnt even know about it?! im like, peeved at myself for not noticing

---------- Post added 11-09-2012 at 03:53 PM ----------

i lied, i totally got the last ei that i need >:3
They are but not popular, yo'zZ!
Oh, I know. You always say "my current avi" LOL But didn't I do one of your Oc? Or an Oc you made? (though that was forever ago) I haven't been on my DA either.

Pish posh! Who wouldn't want to eat Sushi?

I know... I've been cussed at for doing that. rofl When I had my computer.
Since my door doesn't close (and I didn't have a lock on it) The glowing from the "start" button to turn on my computer would always GLOW green/blue and my mom would see it, I guess? And then yell at me when I woke up. Evil.....

Oooo! I guess I'll turn my challenge thing on then. xP

Ahhh. That's basically what I use the computer for, anyway. That && hw/school

Going to the "no point of return" is scary. But you know... people who do that, it's their own fault and then they get diabetes. It's like... didn't they notice a problem 100lbs ago...? Being poor isn't an excuse, I've been poor. I've been depressed. I've been picked on. I've been mistreated. I've been abused. So, yeah, they don't win sympathy from me. XD

I've gotten tired of eating them, though. ; A ;
Doesn't the strings stuck in your teeth from the pineapple just annoy you? lulz Yeah but the yellow and green ones are sour. Or are they still sweet to you? 'Cause I only like the reds and the greens. But then again, they give me headaches because there's too much to chew and my teeth get tired.

Hahaha! I've never had an Asian dentist.
At least, where I am. They're only in restaurants, hair salons, nail places and SamsClub.


Awww! that's so cute! Cute lil tycoons! <3

I keep my USBs in my room. I haven't lost them yet. lol I still have the blue one I got my Senior year when I was taking VGC (visual graphics and communications) and I bought another one like... 2 years ago? In my college bookstore. The blue has a yellow small dot that flashes when its plugged in and the purple one has a small rectangle shape that flashes blue (which I love).

You can put them on landyards. Keychains. Backpacks.
Wherever. It just depends on where you put them if you're afraid of losing them.

And ditto! I have all my keys on my Hello Kitty Landyard and I have my car keys on my "Gamer Cat" landyard I got from Sugar Bunny Shop - Welcome <3 LOVE BUYING things from her!!!! I followed her since... er... I was on Gaia??? And she only made Art then. :) It's super cheap and adorable! She also has sales* ' n ' stuff.

I got the kitty bomb keychain - the strawberry dust plug - the doki fox stickers - the doki fox buttons - the gamer cat landyard and I think that's it??? I've been wanting that darn Dokifox to turn into a stuffed animal! I want one.

I never understood what mp4's were...? I know WMA's but not that.

You could find one online if you can't find one anywhere else, though.
(bed sheets, that is)

Awww. xD I had to use it for VGC but thank gawd we didn't mess with it much.

Oh, well that's good.

Wait--he made a new hangout, like 2012, this year??? I didn't know about that either.
He only visited on my profile to say he got a tablet and whatever. Doesn't really talk to me, although, he's on my FB. lol

Ha! Good!

Last edited by M i r o; 11-10-2012 at 07:12 PM..

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 11-10-2012, 07:10 PM

*flops in*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
What? I get shorter if I walk around more? O___O
You return to your average height when you get up and walk around. XD

Hiiii Lizzy!

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 11-10-2012, 07:29 PM

How are you today?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 07:32 PM

I feel better today ~ I think I'ma watch Arthur's Christmas??? Since I haven't.

How'er you doin'? <3

---------- Post added 11-10-2012 at 04:33 PM ----------

Oh wait! Your avi! It reminds me of that FF character...!
The thing with the Lantern, what's it called again? ><

Amane is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 07:47 PM

Yes, you're slightly taller after a good night's sleep. You shrink back down throughout the day. X3

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 07:48 PM

Green Lantern?


M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Yes, you're slightly taller after a good night's sleep. You shrink back down throughout the day. X3
Amaney! Yessss. I wish I did retain some of the height, though. lol

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
Green Lantern?

Green lantern...? I dont think I get it.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 08:17 PM

... I read your post saying something about lantern, and went to check the avvy...
green lantern was the first word I think about. is not funny? T__T

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 08:27 PM

Ohhh~ I was trying to figure out Final Fantasy's creature that carries a lantern. XD

For me? No. I got lost.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 08:29 PM


I don't know why. I enjoy laughs and love jokes. As long as it don't hurt someone physically, I dislike pranks.
*felt like phailz*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 08:36 PM

Awww! It's okay, Xu! I still love you ~

I do too. That one was just a dud. lol

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 09:23 PM

dud? What does that mean?

I want to write comedy stories... well, not necessary as trash as half prince... but I do want some hilarious moments in my story...

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 10:17 PM

Like a firecracker that doesn't work but it still can be lit but doesn't go off? That's a dud. lol

aww. I don't think that affects your writing.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 10:29 PM

I don't want my story to become a boring read...
I like some humourous moments!


Kent is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 11:15 PM

OMG Liztress is a Tonberry! > w<

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:07 AM

FINALLY Kent: said the name I was looking for!!!!! *faints*

@ Xu; I just meant that joke, though. Not your stories, Xu!


Kent is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:09 AM

lol I remember from playing Chocobo's Dungeon. 8D

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:12 AM

Chocobo's Dungeon??? Like in the game or a different game?


Kent is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:18 AM

From the game Chocobo's Dungeon. o 3o You encounter Tonberrys in the dungeons.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:23 AM

You people and your ability to get these games...!

That looks adorable (to me)--it reminds me of Dark Cloud (the first one, not the second one).

I've never really bought side games. I only have Final Fantasy XII and Crisis Core.
I think they're going to be making another final fantasy, though. Tokyo Pop's Newsletters have been 'teasing' people about it.


Kent is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:32 AM

lol It is adorable. I really like the music and the gameplay is fine. X3

I love side games. Don't know if I like crystal chronicles much, though. o 3o
I got the Theatrhythm game too~ I haven't started it yet, though. o xo
I think Final Fantasy is going to last foreverrr~

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 12:44 AM

Oh, I looked at crystal chronicles, it didn't look all that great.

Theatrhythm kinda looks all kiddy-grade (from the game images) --I have to GOOGLE what you're saying. xD *sad*

Yep! Final Fantasy has survived through the ages.
Mortal Kombat kept trying to do the same thing but it didn't work for them.

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 01:30 AM

Hello Miro and everyone else!

What's up?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-11-2012, 01:43 AM

Haiihaii, Mewww! I've been trying to get some more hw done.
I still have an exam and whatnots to do but I'ma do that tomorrow. xD

How about you?


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