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Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 05:56 AM

I will still celebrate halloween though :D The store manager gave me permission to get candy using the store's money and she said I can play my Nightmare Before Christmas CD. She felt bad because I have to close. But at least I get candy ^^;

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 05:57 AM

A thread would be rad~!!! We could all gather and pretend to being dressed up instead of dieing from the heat like I am D:

I frowned.
I frowned hard D:<

I really think microwaves were invented just to blow junk up~

I don't really mind the lack of candy, I would just love an excuse to get dressed up~!
My dream is an amazing zombie get up one year.
It will happen, I swear.

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:03 AM

it is nice to know that you feel for us Channah... perhaps you could come visit and lend your support? ^^

Purple Peril
Channah is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:06 AM

I've always wanted to go to Australia. Inso, the new admin is from there as well, as is Tre.

A zombie would be very cool. You should just dress up anyway. People will look at you like you lost your mind of course, but it would be worth it anyway.

I have the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack on my iPod. I love that CD.

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:12 AM

we'll be getting some Aussie influence into the site, that's awesome ^^
you should come visit Channah, you could stay with me and do my hair in a beehive!

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:20 AM

Just be sure to bring a nice cool dress when you come if it's in summer~ <3 it gets yucky-hot here.

OOooh. I didn't know that~ I'll have to go hunt them down and say hi some time.

If I was more organised I would have. But I had exams this morning and work for a little while after.
So no zombie for me :/sad
I should go do some quick zombie make up or something now since I have to go out in a little bit ~

Purple Peril
Channah is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:31 AM

Well ladies, I am off to bed for the evening. I'll be back tomorrow to give away some more gold and dig through the treasure chest to see what else I have to give.

You have a great day today!

xsakurahanax is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:33 AM

Night night, Channah!

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:52 AM

goodnight channah, may your beehive stay ever strong!

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Kultura is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 12:48 PM

I remembered another story for you Channah :)But this time it was me pulling the prank :lol:

I just finished school last year, it was an all girls school, and it used to be a convent. there was a tomb and a graveyard, it was great for scaring any first years who would listen :)

Anyway, the school building itself is pretty new and contempary, but there is still the old convent building, where the nuns lived, and girls at the school, when it used to be a boarding school. It's a pretty creepy building, and we were never allowed in, the doors to it were all blocked up.

So naturally, me and 3 of my friends, Jo, Cindy and Laura went in :) we used to go there every lunch and sit in the dormitories. It was fun, and no-one else was there to annoy us!

One day Jo and Cindy were off (~~Jo never really came to school at all and Cindy was prolly playing hookie) me and Laura went on down the the convent building. Down the corridor, there were rooms either side. We took any chairs out of the rooms and lined them up down the corridor,and put the statues on them. We closed all the doors, so that no light could get into the corridor, and in one room we turned everything upside down, chairs, clocks, even the electric heater. In another room we found a table and a broken statue, so we put the broken statue in the centre of the table, surrounded it with candles from the art department and put a broken scalpel beside it It looked like an un-holy shrine :) Then with more candles we made a pentagon star in the centre of another room.

Next time we went to the convent with Jo and Cindy, we acted shocked, like "OMG what the hell?" Jo laughed it off, she knew it was us, but Cindy paniced and ran out :lol:

Then there were rumours around the school about a week later of a ghost in the convent. tere were always "ghosts" in our school, the "Black nun" and so on. But everyone took this seriously. It took us a while to realise it was our prank causing the commotion :)

I miss that old building. I hope they never knock it down!

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Kultura is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 12:49 PM

I remembered another story for you Channah :)But this time it was me pulling the prank :lol:

I just finished school last year, it was an all girls Catholic school, and it used to be a convent. There was a tomb and a graveyard, it was great for scaring any first years who would listen :)

Anyway, the school building itself is pretty new and contempary, but there is still the old convent building, where the nuns lived, and girls at the school, when it used to be a boarding school. We used to tell the first years that exorcisms and other creepy stuff was done there. It's a pretty creepy building, and we were never allowed in, the doors to it were all blocked up.

So naturally, me and 3 of my friends, Jo, Cindy and Laura went in :) we used to go there every lunch and sit in the dormitories. It was fun, and no-one else was there to annoy us!

One day Jo and Cindy were off (~~Jo never really came to school at all and Cindy was prolly playing hookie) me and Laura went on down the the convent building. Down the corridor, there were rooms either side. We took any chairs out of the rooms and lined them up down the corridor,and put the statues on them. We closed all the doors, so that no light could get into the corridor, and in one room we turned everything upside down, chairs, clocks, even the electric heater. In another room we found a table and a broken statue, so we put the broken statue in the centre of the table, surrounded it with candles from the art department and put a broken scalpel beside it It looked like an un-holy shrine :) Then with more candles we made a pentagon star in the centre of another room.

Next time we went to the convent with Jo and Cindy, we acted shocked, like "OMG what the hell?" Jo laughed it off, she knew it was us, but Cindy paniced and ran out :lol:

Then there were rumours around the school about a week later of a ghost in the convent. tere were always "ghosts" in our school, the "Black nun" and so on. But everyone took this seriously. It took us a while to realise it was our prank causing the commotion :)

I miss that old building. I hope they never knock it down!

Last edited by Kultura; 10-31-2008 at 12:51 PM..

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Kenta is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 02:47 PM

Thanks Channah!
I <3 u

xDOOMx is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 03:25 PM

Thanks a ton Channah!! ^^

\ (•◡•) /
nvs is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 05:24 PM

A few years ago I did a Halloween party.
I bought some kind of transparent,red juice and went to the market to buy snakes and eyeballs and stuff (I mean candy!)
When they arrived, I gave them all a drink with the red juice and those creppy candies in it. I swear that they didn't want to drink it until I drank it myself xD
We put on some music and everybody started eating.
I have to mention that I took some strange looking (but eatable) herbs and leaves in pots and wrote on them that they were strange things (reaaaaally exagerating xD).
I also made some kind of liquid myself with things I randomly found in the house, and it turned out red (they almost drank it, thinking it was the juice!).
While they were eating and dancing I suddenly turned out the lights xD They all started panicking xDDD
My sister, completely black, came in with white gloves on her hands, which had a really scary effect Dx
Then we went outside to play some "games"
It was completely dark outside, and sometimes I scared one of my friends by suddenly jumping behind them and screaming or tapping their shoulder and quickly running away.
My sister and I har prepaired ropes beforehand that we tied around trees and stuff to make some kind of web, and they had to try to follow it, but sometimes they had to choose between different ropes tied together.
The first one in the middle won.
All of my friends got tangled up in the ropes xD
My sister had to cut those ropes because they were stuck xD
I was laughing out loud, but they were kinda annoyed xD

What does this button dooooooooo...
Suspense is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 05:29 PM

I remember last year me and my three friends went out trick-or-treating (it was a joke though, in London, you mainly get like, five year olds trick or treating), so anyway, my best friend had JUST come back from America at the time and it was the first time I had seen her for about three weeks. So anywhoo, she was jet-lagged and wanted to go home, but my other friends wanted to stay out, so I decided to walk her home and then ask my mum to pick me up from there. So we walked through a park that was a shortcut to get to her house (the other way would have taken half an hour extra because we would have had to walk around the park which is MASSIVE) so on the way, we were just catching up and she was telling me about things that happened etc, and all of a sudden, we heard a bike behind us, actually it sounded like a few bikes. We turned around and saw these trick-or-treaters that were like, two years older than us, and they were actually...chasing us, we discovered one of them went to our sixth form college. It was one of the scariest halloweens of my life. As soon as we got to her house, we banged on the door like our lives depended on it (which it DID) and thankfully her mum was in the kitchen. Whew xD

smolder is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 05:30 PM

Thank bunches for the donation Channah! Happu Halloween!

Sorincha is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:13 PM

thank you so much for the donation Channa!

smolder is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 06:15 PM

Well, I meant Happy Halloween but your welcome to have a Happu one as well if you want to. :)

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Skrae is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 07:17 PM

A couple years ago, I was trick or treating with friends, and we were about halfway done with our rounds.

We stopped at a house, and rang the doorbell.

A father and his toddler son answered the door, and since I was first up, the little boy saw me first. He started to cry and ran off. That made me soo sad...I wasn't even THAT scary of a vampire.

That's the worst thing that I can remember that's happened on Halloween.

I really like small children, so I felt pretty terrible.

Send a message via Yahoo to yukiaine22
yukiaine22 is offline
Old 10-31-2008, 08:34 PM

Thanks Channa and I'll be sure to take your advice.

Annihilator of Cookies
Snowberry is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 12:52 AM

-reads back- There are some good stories in here. o3o

Mine aren't Halloween related. >_>; A tad gross me thinks.

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 01:05 AM

:pops in to wish Channah a happy halloween: is the right day for you, yah?
I get so confused by time zones xD

Shimawa_zen is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 01:11 AM

Thank you very much Channah! <3

Yeah, I've been reading through some of the back pages as well - some good stories. I should tell another one *ponders what to tell about*.

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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King of Bedlam is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 01:59 AM

I love an active community like this..... ah..... well...... here we are.... my story....

This actually something that happened to me..... But....

A friend of mine had an excellent costume.... so good i didn't recognize him..... He had a chainsaw and removed the chain.... and an excellent mask....

So when i saw him charging at me and shouting in a deep throat through his mask, i turned around and felt the metal on my shoulder.... screamed.... and then it kind of died down for a minute... I heard laughter behind me...

I was horribly humiliated.... but it was funny.... Dx

Edit: And happy Halloween ^^

Last edited by King of Bedlam; 11-01-2008 at 02:12 AM..

xsakurahanax is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 02:06 AM

Happy Halloween Channah! ^^


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