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Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-09-2011, 08:36 AM

Skye continued to float around in the water as he let his mind begin to roam around a little more with his empathy. He knew that Misha was nearby and he mentally slapped himself when one side of him wanted to intrude on his emotions, and the other side of him wanted to keep to his promise. It was kind of hard though when he felt such strong emotions, especially the feelings that he was getting off of Misha. Something had indeed happened. He heard someone clear his throat, and he chose to ignore it, but then he heard Misha's voice and got off of his back as he was floating as he came over to the side and got out of the water. From the vibes that he was getting off of him something serious had happened. Sitting at the table he grabbed the overly large, fluffy towel and wrapped it around his slim frame. "What do you want to talk about, and do you feel comfortable talking about it here?"

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 09:00 PM

Misha sighed and nodded. "Lets go back to our room." He said, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about what was going to happen, though he had a good idea. He walked back in silence, his mind on Ravenha and Skye and what the next few minutes would entail. He sighed, he felt like an idiot. And a jerk. And above all he hoped Skye wouldn't leave, otherwise Ravenha would have gotten what he wanted. When he got back to the room, it was still silent. And it felt awkward and tense. Skye probably knew what he was about to say and somehow, that bother Misha moreso. Misha plopped down on the bed, there was no thinking about it, there was no 'breaking it easily', it had to come out. "Skye.." He sighed. "Ravenha tried to seduce me, and I kind of let him... except we didn't have sex or anything.." His eyes weren't on Skye, they were on the ceiling, as if he were waiting for it to come crashing down.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-14-2011, 10:17 PM

Skye nodded as he heard the red head say that he would rather talk in the room. This was really serious. Getting out of the water he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his body as he walked back to the room behind Misha in complete and utter silence. It was rather unnerving. Once they were in the room he took the seat in one of the chairs and not the bed since he was still soaking wet. Thoughts of a break up went running rampant through his head. Was it something that he did? Something that he said? Was he not good enough!? He didn't even have enough mental capacity right now to pry into Misha's mind to pick up on his emotions. How could he when his own were all over the place??!

He stopped his mental tirade though when he heard Misha say that he had been seduced by Ravenha, and that the red head let him. He was glad that they hadn't had sex with one another, but still he was beyond angry. He was sad as well. This must have come about because he had not been providing Misha with what he wanted. His first reaction was to be sad and depressed, but his second reaction was unbridled anger. Getting up from his chair he said,"I am going to kill him!" Stamping across the room, he ripped the door open and started for the stairs. He knew where Ravenha's room was. He was going to end this!

((Skye goes grrr!))

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 11:06 PM

(omg nuuu. Ravenha would kill Skye. omg.)

Misha was off the bed in an instant, as if his feet hadn't even touched the ground. "Skye no! Ravenha isn't like Jinx! You can't just slap him and expect him to walk away." He tried to grab ahold of Skye's hand but couldn't. He knew that this was bad. He had never seen Skye this mad before, not even with Jinx, and he knew Ravenha wouldn't back down from a confrontation. He tried to think of other words to try to get Skye to calm down, to just think about what he was doing for a just a second, but no words would make their way from his thoughts to his mouth. He didn't know what to do other than try to get to Ravenha's door before Skye did.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-15-2011, 05:26 AM

((Well then your red head has to think of something fast)).

Skye continued down the hallway at break neck speed as he practically ran down the hallway. Hearing Misha though he stopped as he turned to look at the other male. "Why are you stopping me!" he yelled at Misha trying to keep his emotions from slamming into Misha. "I am just so mad at him. What is he doing?!" He tried to calm down his breathing as he went and slid down the wall so that he was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands which were on his knees. He began to sob, not really understanding why he was crying. First he was angry to the point of insanity, and now he was crying like a baby.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 05:59 AM

Misha sank to his knees next to Skye. He wasn't in the least bit sure why Skye was crying, the anger he understood, but not crying. He wrapped his arms around Skye, "I am so sorry, Skye." He tightened his grip around Skye and realization washed over him, this was what Ravenha truly wanted. He was sadistic and manipulative. All he wanted was Skye's misery. "I will never do anything to hurt you like this again." Misha had been worried about Skye's reaction in the begining but now it felt like his heart was ripping itself apart. He scooped Skye up in his arms and carried him back to their room, shutting the door behind him, he set Skye on the bed. He was silent a moment as he moved to sit in the chair and lit a cigarette, "I don't expect you to forgive me." He said, staring down at the floor.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-15-2011, 06:43 AM

Skye didn't know what the heck was going on. First, he had the anger of the intensity of the sun, and the next moment he was blubbering like a complete idiot. Why was he being so emotional? He watched as Misha came to sit next to him. He felt the red head wrap his arms around his slim frame giving him a tight hug. He felt himself being lifted into the air as he was cradled against the red head as he snuggled into him. Part of him was angry at Misha as well, but that was just a small fraction of himself. The rest of him was angry at Ravenha, and confused at Misha as well. He felt himself being placed on the bed as he heard Misha's footsteps go away from him and sit at the table. He smelled the scent of tabacco and rolled over to look at the red head as he heard him say that he probably wasn't going to forgive him. Skye was silent for a little while, but then he cleared his throat a little contemplating on what to say.

"I know you're sorry," said Skye as he got into a sitting position. "It wasn't your fault. Ravenha is a manipulative jerk and more things than you can imagine." Getting off of the bed he walked over to Misha as he took the cigarette out of his hand and then kissed Misha deeply as he sat down in the other's lap. Breaking the kiss he took a small drag on the cigarette, and then handed it back to Misha. "I could never be angry at you, though I do wonder if the reason that you went to Ravenha in the first place was because of me." He knew that it was probably not the case, but he just had to know.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 07:11 AM

Misha put the cigarette out before he wrapped his arms around Skye, kissing the back of his neck, and resting his head against Skye's back. Happy that Skye hadn't been quick to jump the gun and leave. He knew most people would have. He was very lucky on that part. "What do you mean?" He asked, a bit confused. "I went to.. talk some things over. Like him staying with the circus." He still wasn't ready to tell Skye that Ravenha was the former murderer. Misha rubbed his face against Skye's back a bit. "You smell good." He said, changing the subject a bit. It felt wrong touching Skye now, after being so close to Ravenha, having let Ravenha kiss and touch him. It didn't feel right to touch Skye but he didn't want to let go. He glanced over at the half finished cigarette. "What happened to us quitting?" He tired again to further the conversation away from Ravenha and the events of today.

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 07:32 AM

Skye let out a soft sigh when he felt the red head kissing the back of his neck. "What do you mean, what do I mean? It's not your fault." He chuckled a little bit when he knew that the red head was trying to change the subject of him being with Ravenha. Skye opened his eyes and turned a little bit so that he was facing Misha. Grinning at the other male he smiled at him as he leaned in for another kiss. Breaking away he said,"So what parts of you did he touch?" Skye kissed Misha again. "Here?" He then found his way to the other's neck and kissed that as well and nipped at the collarbone a little bit. "Here?" He knew that he was teasing the red head, but he didn't like the idea that someone else had even tried to sleep with him. He completely ignored what the other was saying about smoking. He grinned at him again and brought the other male into a kiss again.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 08:06 AM

Misha shook his head, uncomfortable with Skye's questoins. He pressed his lips back into Skye's, at least if they were kissing then they couldn't talk. "You never fail to be a pervert." Misha broke away from the kiss then, a smile on his face as he slid out from under Skye. He stood and sketched, moving over the window to shut the blinds now. It was dark but he still felt as if someone would walk by and glance in. "I need a shower." He said, not looking at Skye. He hoped maybe the water would wash away the filth that Ravenha's touch had left behind. As he headed for the bathroom he paused and stood in front of Skye, bending down to kiss him once again. He backed away, a small smile on his face before heading for the bathroom.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-15-2011, 08:22 AM

Skye was glad that the other male was willing to still kiss him after everything that had happened earlier in the evening. He laughed a little bit at the pervert comment. "Only over you," said Skye with a small chuckle. He sighed though a little depressed that Misha got up from under him, but he then heard the other say that he was going to take a shower. He half tempted to want to ask the red head if he could join him, but he decided against it. "Alright," said Skye as he got out of the chair and made his way over to his bed. Skye glanced at the clock noticing that it was getting rather late. Stripping down again he dried himself off some more as he climbed into the bed under the covers as he closed his eyes. He had intended not to sleep, but he ended up doing that anyways as he let out a soft sigh. There was just so much going on, and he was exhausted. Hopefully, tomorrow would be a better day.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 07:06 PM

Misha's shower was long, he felt like he was taking all of the hot water in the building, but he didn't care. He just stood there, letting the hot water pelt him. He replayed the entire day in his head. It had been one hell of a long day. Most of which had been spent in the car. He sighed and turned the water off, stepping out of the shower finally. He ran the towel through his hair quickly before wrapping it around his waist. As he walked back out into the bedroom he saw Skye already asleep on the bed, he couldn't help but smile. It had been a long day for him too. But he was secretly, very thankful to have this. A bed to crawl into that held someone he cared about. He knew he had been stupid to think it was worth throwing away. He yawned then and found a pair of boxers to put on as dried off a bit more and crawled into the bed next to Skye, and wrapped an arm around his waist. He sighed happily as he kissed the back of Skye's neck and began to drift to sleep.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-15-2011, 11:14 PM

Skye felt the bed shift under him as he rolled over so that he was front to front with that of the red head. Inhaling deeply he smelled the scent of shampoo and soap as well as a smell that was uniquely Misha. Smiling he sighed quietly as he snuggled deeper into Misha's arms as he fell into a deeper sleep.

Sleeping the rest of the night he didn't move much and the sound of the city awoke him up the next morning. Groaning he disentangled himself from the red head and got out of the bed. He was still a little mad at Ravenha, and he decided that later in the day that he would go and talk to the other male. He wasn't going to do anything insane, like he was planning on last night, but he wanted to get his point across that what he had done hadn't worked, nor was Misha interested in him. He knew that it would probably get him in trouble, but he was also able to take care of himself. He walked into the bathroom as he stripped down and stepped into the shower and turned the water on. He knew that he was really clean, but this was his morning routine, and it was hard to break that.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 03:10 AM

Misha could hear the shower running and the dull sound slowly woke him up. He yawned and rolled over on the bed, not wanting to wake up at first. But as the full events from last night ran through his sleepy mind he sat up. He slowly moved from the bed and across the room. He opened the door to the bathroom quietly, standing in the door way as he switched the light off on Skye for a moment before turning it back on. He wanted to try his hardest to make Skye smile today, "Whats on the agenda boss?" He asked, smearing the fog from mirror with his hand so he could glimpse his reflection, his hair was wild but he looked fine otherwise. "I think we have the day off except for tonight, theres a show." When he said it aloud he had to catch himself before mentioning Ravenha's name. He wondered if Ravenha would be performing tonight, or if he would be a stagehand. He sighed quietly, knowing that if he performed there was a chance the Ringmaster would make them perform together since they have the same ability.

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 04:43 AM

Skye hummed a little bit as he washed his hair thouroughly. He wasn't very picky about his appearance, except for his hair. Washing it twice, he heard the door open, and figured that it was Misha. He felt his cheeks heat up a little bit as he went for the conditioner as he thought about what if the red head joined him in the shower. He nearly screamed though when the lights went out, and he ended up dropping the bottle onto the floor of the shower and onto his foot as well. Cursing out loud when the light was turned back on he poked his head out from the shower curtain when he heard the red head ask what they were going to do for the day. "I don't know. I've never been to this city before. I say we go look around," said Skye. He smiled a little bit at his next thought as he ducked his head back into the curtain again. "Then again we could enjoy each other's company here in the room."

He was glad that he didn't make any slip ups about telling the other male that he was still going to go and talk with Ravenha, and tell him what was what. He figured that the red head wouldn't approve of him doing that, especially judging how the other acted when he had left the room last night to go and talk to him. Be that as it may he was also angry and threatening to kill the other man. Picking up the conditioner from the ground he squeezed some into his hand as he laced his hands together through his hair washing it wondering what the red head would say.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 04:56 AM

Misha couldn't help but smile at Skye's words. "You know, when I first started talking to you.. I completely expected you to act all innocent and shy and modest." Misha walked forward and leaned against the wall next to the shower, he pulled the curtain back swiftly and smiled at the now exposed Skye. Misha titled his head slightly and smirked. "Don't be offended by this... but how do you have such a girlish figure?" He asked, looking over Skye's hips and legs. He didn't find Skye's figure completely girlish but the way his hips curved slighter reminded him of a thin's girls waist. "I like it though.. makes you seem even more innocent and make up for that horribly perverted and not-so-modest personality of yours." He winked before grabbing Skye's hand and pulled him forward to kiss him, even if the kiss was wet and water was spraying everywhere.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-18-2011, 05:23 AM

Skye snickered at the comment as he continued to wash his hair. "Looks can be deceiving," thought Skye. He heard Misha walking along the tile, and he also saw the other's shadow as he crossed the bathroom to come to a rest on the other side of the wall where the shower was. He wasn't expected the other male to wrench the curtain back though. Letting out a small yelp he turned himself to cover himself up a little bit ended up turning into the wall. He then looked at the other male as he looked down at the water that was beneath him as he heard the other say that he had a girlish figure. His first reaction was to yell at the red head, but then he heard the other male continue on saying that he liked it. "It's not my fault that I have such a gi---mmpfffh,"he started to say before he was grabbed into a kiss that was both loving and dominating at the same time.

Skye's brain immediately went into overdrive as he heard himself moan out a little bit, but it was muffled by the lips that were currently locked over his mouth as he opened his mouth a little bit letting the other male have access to his mouth.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 02:23 AM

Misha let go of Skye then and smirked, "Hurry and finish your shower. We have stuff to do today." Misha walked over to the sink and brushes his teeth and washed his face before returning to the bedroom to dress. He wanted to leave already. He wanted to go out with Skye and explore the city. But most of all he wanted to rub Ravenha's nose in the fact that Skye hadn't left him and the two were still happy as ever. Misha then ducked his head into the bathroom again, "I can trust you not to try to kill Ravenha today right?" He knew that if Skye tried to attack Ravenha then there could be a chance that Ravenha might relapse and try to kill Skye. Misha sighed, he now completely regretted having offered to harbor the killer, thinking someone like him would just fit in and get along with everyone.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-20-2011, 05:03 AM

Skye nodded his head as he went to finish washing the rest of his head. Putting his head back under the water he thought about what the the red head had said. He could stay away from Ravenha right? He could control his temper right? Skye wasn't promising anything, but he was going to say something that would make Misha feel better. "Alright,"said Skye as he took the bottle of liquid soap. "I promise not to kill him. Besides, I don't think that I would stand a chance anyway," said Skye as he turned off the water. Walking out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist he walked out of the bathroom and into the hotel room. Rummaging around in his bags he found some clothes to get dressed in as he went back into the bathroom and closed the door so he could change. After he was done changing he brushed his teeth.

After he was done he walked out of the bathroom and looked at the red head as he said,"By the way what did you have in mind for us to do today. I don't think I have ever seen you so eager to go out." Skye went and sat down on the bed as he looked at Misha. "It almost seems like you are up to something."

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 06:17 AM

Misha sighed and walked over to Skye, wrapping his arms around him from behind. He leaned his chin on Skye's shoulder before he spoke. "I'm serious, Skye. Please don't go after him, I know its hard but just let me deal with the man.. hes.. dangerous." He turned Skye around and looked down at him. So many words filled his mind, so many things he wanted to say all at once but he couldn't calm all of them to grab only one at a time. "I.. think.." his voice trailed off. He wanted to say something that would fix everything but he knew nothing he could say would chance anything. He had afterall, gave the wolf sheeps clothing and led him right into the herd, and then continued to consort with him in ways he knew he'd regret. But why? Why Ravenha? Even now as Misha had the love of his life in his arms, the only one he had ever developed love for, there was an animalistic drive that made him want Ravenha. He didn't exactly want a relationship with Ravenha nor did he want Ravenha to love him, but at the same time he didn't want to advance with the emotions there. Misha sighed once more, he didn't know why but he still wanted Ravenha and more than ever he wanted that want to go away. Because just by having that small secret inside of him he felt dirty.

He pulled away and stood in front of Skye. "Now lets go on our first official date." He said as he laced his fingers with Skye's and began heading for the door.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-24-2011, 08:41 AM

Skye leaned into the arms that were holding him as he listened to the other male say that he should just give up on getting revenge on Ravenha. His first reaction was to retort and say that he was wrong, but then he decided that he shouldn't do that. After the incident with Ravenha yesterday, their relationship was a little bit awkward, but he didn't want that to affect anything right now. Skye lived in the present, not in the past, and he always looked forward to the future. "Alright," said Skye as he snuggled deeper into the other male's chest. "If you say so. You know him better than I do, and I trust you. You win, I will stay away from him." He then thought about what the other way saying. He would deal with it. No! They were a couple, they could deal with him together. They would cross that bridge if that conversation ever got brought up though. He then heard the red head start to say something, but then he stopped as if he was in deep thought. Skye wanted to press the matter, but decided not to since he knew that the other would say what was on his mind if he had wanted Skye to know about it.

He wondered why the other had pulled away from him, but then he gasped out loud as his hand was taken, and he was led out of the door and into the hallway. "First official date huh?"thought Skye as he began to wonder what they would be doing for the day. He smiled at the other male and said,"Alright, let's go. Where to first, love?"

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 07-03-2011, 07:09 PM

Misha held the door for Skye before shutting it behind them both, he draped an arm around Skye's shoulders and smiled. "I'm really not sure. I figured we'd just wing it. I mean its a big city and I've never really done this type of thing before." He admitted. As he spoke the words he felt a bit embarrassed with himself. He always acted so high and mighty and so confident but he'd never even done something as simple as going on a date. It was one of the things in his past Misha liked to keep secret.

As they walked Misha's thoughts drifted to Ravenha. He wonder what the man planned to do today. Or if he was going to be in tonights show, which no doubt was going to be large. And for some reason Misha thought of Fenne. The last run in with her seemed so long ago though it really wasn't. And he couldn't help but wonder if she really would give up. Misha didn't understand her motive anyways, maybe she was just truly a bad person that liked causing others pain.

Once they got deeper into the city Misha spotted a lot of others from the circus as well. Jinx waved to him but turned shyly at the sight of Skye. Misha couldn't help but laugh, it was amazing how anyone could be so terrified of Skye. "Do you want to go eat first or see a show? I know the preformances here are really amazing and unique." He winked and nudged Skye at the irony.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 07-03-2011, 10:11 PM

Skye smiled as he heard the red head's response. He really was glad that he had chosen Misha to fall in love with. "Alright," said Skye as he looked at the other male. "I sometimes like not having a plan and just winging it." He felt the other drape an arm over his own shoulder and he snuggled into the others arms as they walked out the front doors and into the afternoon sun. He loved spending time with the other male, and he was even more excited that they would be able to explore the city together.

As the two of them continued to walk deeper and deeper into the city he saw some of the other members of the circus meandering about looking at what the city had to offer. He saw Jinx wave at he assumed Misha, but then he saw the other avert his eyes because he noticed that Skye was there. He smirked darkly as he saw the other avert his eyes. "So he is still afraid of me,"thought Skye as he snuggled deeper into Misha as the two of them continued to walk. Skye heard what Misha was saying and thought for a moment. It was true that he was hungry, but he also was so excited about wanting to see the city. "I think we should eat first, and then go and see a show," said Skye as he heard his stomach rumble a little bit. He laughed a little bit. "Ya let's get food first."


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