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Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 11:02 PM

@Yrkea: Do you have pictures? :D I totally want to see this guy!

I like tattoos quite a bit, but I'm afraid to get them because of the permanence, you know? I've got two, but I have plans for at least three more. Maybe one day... XP

Branding scares me. I dunno. It sounds horribly painful, but I suppose it couldn't be much worse than getting a tattoo when I think about it.

Thanks Kon! :D

I'm about to head out -- work's over, FINALLY!

But I'll be back later. I've got some errands to run and I have to go by a friend's house, and then I'll be home.

See you all later! *waves*

Kongouseki is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 11:07 PM

bye Sizzla! i hope i get a job where there's a computer.

Yreka is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 11:07 PM

He's not going to give me pictures until he's finished. I've asked him as so that I can show some of my friends but he refuses to. He also wears long sleeves in anywhere but the kitchen and his tattoo starts at the wrist, Yakuza style. So the pictures I do have of him (I think they're on this computer...) don't have any sign of it on them. >.>

I'll likely get one or two eventually. Likely some odd, slightly abstract things though.

According to him, branding hurts an insane amount as it's happening and quite a bit after since you have to take care of the 3rd degree burns to make them come out like slight scar tissue instead of a nasty looking/one that is susceptible to infection. He tells those who he meets who want to try not to unless their dedication is truely high...It is kinda scary to me also.

See ya. ~ <3

Kongouseki is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 11:35 PM

that sounds like it would hurt. >.>

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 02:28 PM

Awww damn, I wanted to see pics! Ah well. I'm sure it'll be cool when it's all done. :D

Ugh. Branding = scaryyyyy! I don't think I could ever do that. I'm not THAT dedicated. no no no. *sweatdrop*

Happy Valentine's Day!!!! <3333

Smerdle is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 03:48 PM

Happeh Valentine's Daaaay!

I don't even have my ears pierced woooo

Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 03:52 PM


Happy v-day everyone! <333

Ikarus is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:04 PM

Wonderful avis Eroy and Sizzla!
Happy V-Day!

Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:16 PM


Lol Siz's pwns mine! She's way better at avi making then me xP

Ikarus is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:22 PM

Her avi is very intricate.
Yours is simple.

But they are both nice.
I'm horrible at puting avis together.

Even worse at saving money.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:25 PM

hehehe. My friend Debbie just got her ears pierced at 26... or at least she was planning on it last I spoke to her. I think it's funny b/c she didn't want them for all these years and now she's decided she does. XP

Thanks Panic! This outfit took a long time to put together. I was trying to incorporate some of the 'older' items with some of the vday commons.

You guys are seeing a gold/red/black/silver with blonde hair avatar, right? XP My browser hardly ever auto-refreshes, but that's what it's supposed to look like.

Ikarus is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:26 PM

Yeah that's the one I see.
I hardly have any money to make good avis.

Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:26 PM

I like your avatar! You look like a court jester or something ^^

Is that staff you have one of the v-day commons?
I've seen it around and I'm dabating buying it.
I can't decide what's on the end of it there though..

Ya man. I'm bad at saving too. Especially during the events. o_o;; So may awesome commons to buy at half price! I can't resist. I've already spent over 8k on the event commons, lol!

EDIT: Ya Siz. I see the blondie atm.
Hot avatar! You did a nice job with that one.
I totally phail at dressing myself, lol XP

Ikarus is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:31 PM

Eroy || Thank you. Yeah, it's the Pure Hatred Staff. It's a broken heart on the end of it.

I want to put together an eye catching avi so I could have a chance to win Adims pick. It's like the Gaia avatar arena but 1 person critics your avi not 13742398472345234 users. And you don't have to have a description. I hate that thing.

When I was into Gaia and was rich I would put together awesome avatars and get compliments but when I enter in the arena without a description I get people coming in there saying 6/10 or 8/10 b/c it needs a description. So I gave up. /rant

Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:33 PM

I hate gaia's avatar arena.
Though I do steal outfit ideas from it on occation ;P

Master of Malpractice
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Soulist is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:35 PM

Dammit Sizz, and you too, Eroy... I went and got t his other fox instead of whatever the new one was....

I blame ye.

...Good morning, in any case.

Ikarus is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:35 PM

I do sometimes too. I add my own items to make it different.

There was one time I saw this really cool green/red/white avi in a thread as a male avi. I went on tektek and made one a girl avi and got a lot of compliments on it.

It happens to be that we both entered the arenas with that avi but different genders.

He goes around telling all his friends and people in threads to vote me down cause we have "similar avis".

I was so pissed. Cause he placed...I think.

EDIT:: Got to go to my next class. Talk to you later Eroy and Sizzla. Happy V-Day!

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:39 PM

I'm debating buying that staff too actually. I just don't know if I should... :lol: I'm almost out of money, and I hate to take more from my mule. T_T

Bah! Commons suck me dry!! :x

@Eroy: I was going to reply to you via PM, but this way I make money... XP

Yeah, there were SO MANY pups! XD I got three from my breeding too...But I kept one, traded one for my new back/belly spots Waja Inkblot, and then I'm trying to sell the third one.

I think 1 mil is a good amount to set them at. There are quite a few vday wajas out there right now, and I'm not sure how well they'll sell, but you should make a thread in waja sales and at least age pear one to show what they'll look like.

I'm glad you like the corsie! I thought you'd want an affie. XP I like some corsies, so it doesn't bug me, but I'm glad you're happy about it. I also saw that the Dayglo/SummersGreen breeding had a pup with no wings. Huzzah!!! FINALLY! XD

Last night I hung out with Arod for a bit, then went home and played on the internet. Nothing exciting at all. Sounds like you guys had a good time though. You've gotta watch that going out during the week yo! Collin hasn't posted on Gaia yet, so I'm wondering if he came in to work today. He said he was taking a drinking during the week hiatus. :roll: Yeah, right! ROFL

Yayyyyy Mr. Bento! That's exciting. You'd better use it tomorrow. :lol: I want to see this cookbook for sure. I need new things to put in my bento. I'm sure the asian market will have a bunch of what you need. It's just a matter of finding it.

Umm.. Friday? I don't think we have plans, but we could make some! XD I need to do laundry this weekend, so I may come steal your machines for a couple of hours on Saturday.

I'll reply to the rest of your PM via PM... because, yeah. XP I've gotta get some work done, so I'll be back later...

EDIT: It took forever to type that all out so I'm behind. *sweatdrop* Bye Panic!!! Hi Soulist! :D Happy Vday!

Yreka is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:50 PM

Didn't realize that it was the 14th for a second there. Happy v-day. ~ <3

Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:53 PM

Ok see you later Panic. Have a good day at class!

Hey there Soulist! How do you like the event items so far?

EDIT: Happy v-day Yreka! How's it going?

Siz ~ Oh ya! The dayglo pup without wings!! I was really happy to see that one too!

Ya.. I would imagine there's a lot of V-day pups out there. I'm going to try to sell them anyway. I don't think I'll pear them though because they'll look just like their mom.. so I'll just post her picture instead. By the way.. how do you post a picture on there again?

I'm totally happy about the corsie! I'd like to have at least one of every breed eventually. Though I can't imagine finding a divine that I like... -_-

Oh? How's Arod?! I don't see enough of her...
Last night was fun times. I wish I would have left an hour earlier though.

Oh collin.. I made Christina drive him home last night. I hope she did because he was a little drunker then he probably wanted to be. It was fun though. There was a live band and this guy was totally pwning it up on the electric fiddle. Makes me wish I would have never quite playing... Oh well.

Ya dude! Yay for Mr. Bento! I'm excited to start using it :D

Let's do something tomorrow. I get paid so we could go out.. but I'd be content with just coming over and playing on the internet/xbox all night too. xP

Ya.. come use our washer and dyer. I've been doing laundry all week. I think I'm finally down to a reasonable amount of dirty clothes. There's probably still three or four loads left to do though x_x
I totally put some stuff in a trash bag to give to charity though.. I've been needing to get rid of some old clothes for a while now.

Yreka is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 04:55 PM

Eroy: 'Tis going just fine. Now that I think of it, I should go put one of my more recent pictures into my siggy here for a day....

Master of Malpractice
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Soulist is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 05:01 PM

(reading) How do I like the....

I DON'T...

:-p They're neat, but I'm lazy so every once in a while I get frustrated and give up...

It's odd when I see the word 'Don't'

My name is Don T. H., so it almost attracts my attention....


Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 05:05 PM

Lol Soulist! My initials are EMO if it makes you feel any better xP

Yreka ~ I need some thing in my sig too but I'm too lazy to find anything good at the moment, lol.

Master of Malpractice
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Soulist is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 05:25 PM

Bwahaha... I pity you, truly I do... My name just makes me do evil....

Ah well, I'm off to lunch... <3

You all need .gifs of HardGay... Check him on Photobucket.

Eroy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 06:33 PM

Work work work...

Anyone still hangin' around here?


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