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Old 03-25-2011, 01:17 AM

Vin sighed as she poked him, and he starred at her with an irritated expression. "Yes, I'm quite real." He was shocked at first, and had no idea why she was acting this way. And then it occurred to him that it was the summoning. He stifled a chuckle and looked at Kota, who looked as if he was going to lose it.

Kota starred up at her in disbelief. "What a deprived race you are. You've never seen the use of magic have you?" He laughed, trying hard not to seem too amused. "I'll explain later, it's not really complicated. I'm sorry I startled you, I probably should have gave you some sort of warning first. There's many things we can do, and I'll show you if you'd like. But before I answer yours, please answer mine. Is there anything you'd like? I hate to keep Vin from his duties. Leaving Aeruu alone for too long could be dangerous." He grinned at Vin, who had a small smile. That made him feel slightly better. Vin hardly ever smiled, and it was nice to see him look somewhat happy for once. He could be a real mood killer.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 01:28 AM

Kaida stared at him for a moment, he was a magic user? Like the mage the broke her bond with Valentine? Memories flooded back.. she could still feel the lingerie burning sensation of the fire that pulsed through her when her bond was ripped apart. "I've witness magic before but.." She paused not exactly sure how to say, 'the last person that used magic in front of me, used it to rip apart a bond I had with a half Ravian. Whatever the mage had down to me felt as if I had been burned alive.', so instead she averted her eyes and looked at Vin. "I apologize for poking you. And I believe Kota is just being lazy. So no, theres nothing I'd like, thank you." She bowed to him. Obviously, that had been taboo because they both stared at her as if she were insane. Her eyes darted between Vin and Kota, "Um.. did I do something wrong?" She asked, a little embarrassed. "I was just being polite." She added in her defense.

Last edited by MissEuphoriaX; 06-08-2011 at 08:16 PM..

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Old 06-07-2011, 05:14 PM

Vin cleared his throat, "It's considered 'unladylike' for a woman to bow to a man on our island." He found the customs of this land extremely odd, but knew to her, they must seem strange as well. "Very well however, I'll be back as quickly as possible with your water sir." And with that, he disappeared in a flash of light.

"I suppose we'll have to get used to this strange place.." Kota sighed dramatically. It was going to take some time for him to get used to women bowing and people touching each-other's wings like it was no big deal. It all seemed savage compared to his home. But he put on a fake smile, "So tell me more about yourself, and your home. I wouldn't want to go and do something socially unacceptable here." In his mind however, he doubted that he'd be ABLE to do anything socially unacceptable.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 08:31 PM

Kaida paced slightly once Vin was gone. "Well.. I grew up in Asteria but the costums of the two countries are very similar." She paused but didn't sit down. "Serenia is much more propper than Asteria. In Serenia you are expected to be formal all the time and show extensive manners even with close friends." Kaida paused to laugh. "I must seem like a rude and pigheaded child to these Serenians, being Asterian and all. In Asteria formality are only used in formal situations. Like deal with royalty or business issues. And manners are kept simple. However, between the two countries one thing remains the same. Each culture is very open. Especially, with touching one another. Obviously, thats one big difference between our two, well three, cultures." Kaida sighed then and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Sorry.. I talk a lot.. especially about Asteria. Its been a long time since I was there." She sighed once again, but quietly. She missed her home. She missed her room and her things. She missed the servants and the stablehands. They had all been the closest thing she had, had to friends. Especially Alister. She missed him with a burning passion, although she had just seen him today. But oddly enough, she missed one thing, or person, more. Nicolai. He had given his life for hers, although he had committed treason. That fact didn't stop her from missing him. He'd been the one to pull her from the bond with Zaidin enough for her to escape, and in the end he let himself be killed by Seraphim. The greatest act of kindness Kaida had ever witnessed.

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Old 06-08-2011, 08:39 PM

Kota listened patiently as she spoke, feeling as if he could actually relate to this woman now. They both seemed to want to go home. "Why have you been away from home for so long?" He realized he seemed to blurt the question out, not realizing at first that it was possible she didn't want to talk about it. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." He sighed and undid his hair, letting the silver strands fall over his shoulders. At home, he would only let his hair down when he was alone. He didn't always like his hair up however, and it felt nice to have it down for once. Running his fingers through his hair, he looked out the window. It was still nice outside. "I would like to see Asteria as well, being as your so fond of it there. We should go tomorrow."

He might as well get used to it. He was stuck here on the mainland. And since the two countries were open to one another, it sounded like it wouldn't be much of a big deal to visit Asteria as well. He could tell that Kaida missed her home just as much as he missed his, and it might help them both to relax if at least one of them was happy.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 08:58 PM

Kaida had been daydreaming, staring off into space. But at the mention of visiting Asteria she immediately snapped back. "No." She blurted out a bit too quickly. "We can't.. well I can't.. go back." She said. She knew that if the council would even let her leave she couldn't go back to Asteria and face her people, her parents, or especially Alister. She couldn't face them when she was betraying them all. Becoming queen of a country they had reached fought with, wedding a man she hardly knew. She hoped everyone in Asteria would forget about her, or at least hate her. It would make it easier for her to live her life in Serenia, married to a Victi.

Kaida was silent for a moment before turning to look back at Kota. She hated him for being gorgeous. She hated him for him being the one she had to marry. But at the same time something inside her told her she couldn't hate him, which made her want to even more. "I don't suppose I could ever see the Victi Islands hmm?" She asked, still very curious about the Islands and culture, and Kota in general, despite her attempts to seem unconcerned.

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Old 06-08-2011, 09:21 PM

Kota tried to shrug off her instant negativity to the mention of visiting Asteria, and simply nodded. "I could try and convince father to let us visit the islands. It might take some time however. The marriage arrangement is still fresh, and it might seem strange to your countries if we were to just whisk you away to an island none of them have seen in centuries. And to most, only recently heard of." It might be tricky to convince his father to let them go. But he could always use the excuse of it being a way for them to get to know each other better.

After spending just a few minutes in his room, Aeruu decided to talk a walk around the castle. It was boring being confined to a room with absolutely nothing to do. He motioned for the guards that had been waiting outside his door to go away, but they insisted on accompanying him on his walk. "So annoying, can't you just go find someone else to follow?" He grumbled. The guards remained quiet as they walked on either side of him. Aeruu knew they had direct orders from the king to watch over him, but Aeruu found it pointless. He knew how to defend himself. With a grin, he quickly spread his wings and shot forward, leaving the guards in his dust. He laughed as he rounded a corner quickly, only to run right into a tall man with black hair. He stumbled backwards and fell back, screaming as if he'd been stabbed. "Watch where you're going you stupid-" He looked up at froze, instantly wishing he hadn't been so quick to yell at the somewhat intimidating Serit.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:42 PM

Ferro had been surprised by being rammed by the flying Victi, although the boy was small and didn't knock him off balance. Instead the boy had been the one to fall to the ground in a heap. At the sharp insult Ferro frowned, royalty of a distant country or otherwise no one spoke to him that way. He was regaurded highly within the castle walls, speaking unkindly to this prince would recieved him no punishment.

For a moment, Ferro merely loomed over the Victi prince, staring him down with his golden pureblood Serit eyes. "Such an unkindly and wild prince you are. Its no wonder everyone prefers your brother." He said as he reached down and grabbed Aeruu by his arm, yanking him to his feet. "Congratulations. Since you've successfully escaped your gaurd dogs you've earned me as your new companion. Enjoy." Ferro said without any enthusiasm. He was in a distasteful mood, mainly direct at the Victi Royal Family, due to the fact that their eldest son had stolen his son's lover.

Kaida laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Hmm." She said simple in acknowledgement to his words. She was silent again, thinking of how her life should be. A happy, decent one, with Alister, and her family, in Asteria. Ideally speaking, of course. But she knew at best she'd get a moderately decent one, with Kota, in Serenia, void of true love or extensive happiness. "I'd like to see where such a strange man like yourself grew up. You're culture seems so.. odd." She had used to weird odd in place of a much more insulting one. In actuality she found the customs of the Victi cold, harsh, and strange. The royal family especially seemed snobby and unconcerned with others, save Kota's father, Azara.

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Old 06-08-2011, 09:59 PM

Aeruu was shocked at being pulled to his feet and spoken to in such a way. No one other than Kota had dared say such a thing to him before, and rage built up in his gut. There were two things that could truly piss him off. One, being talked to as if he were a child, and the second was being compared to his older brother. "You'd do best to hold your tongue old man." He snapped, "I don't see the point in obeying every word my father says like my stiff older brother. And I could care less if anyone preferred him over me!" Aeruu didn't care if he raised his voice, even knowing his words were lies. Since the day he was born he was neglected compared to his older brother, getting less than him based on the mere fact that his wings were laced with gold, making him a freak of nature in their culture. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about cutting off his wings at least once in his life. A wingless Victi was more respectable than him.

Kota rubbed his eyes, "Then it's settled. I'll speak with father later about it." He was curious to see how things were back home, and if they'd delivered the medicine yet. He cared about his people, and wanted to know as soon as possible if they were in any better shape than when he left. He couldn't help but feel nervous that Aeruu would be left behind to become the heir to the Victi throne. "I wonder how much longer they plan on keeping us in here."

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:21 PM

Ferro smirked, knowing he had in fact struck a cord with the young prince. "I do not take orders from you. Nor was I ordered to respect you." He scoffed then. "Could care less.. Doubtful. Anyone with eyes could tell you care, a gold Victi must be seen as an outcast. And being an outcasted prince like yourself, you must have been compared to your brother throughout life." Ferro circled Aeruu now, as if he were prey. Although Serits were meant to be tame, civil, and respectful creatures, Ferro had always had a tongue as firy as a Ravian's. And with his high knowledge of the Victi, this young prince was an easy target for him to take his frustrations out on. "I wonder what the Victi back on the island think, now that they will be ruled by an outcast. And one that acts like a wild and rebelous child at that." He stopped in front of Aeruu now and crooked an eyebrow at him, "A word of advice, when you return I suggest you watch your back. The chances of you being overthrown seem high." With that be began to walk away, however he turned around to say one last thing. "Now return to your room your highness. If I find you have not and I must hunt you down, then I will bind your hands and feet to your bed post. Do not think I am not in a position of power to not get away with doing so. Because I very well would."

Kaida sighed and shifted to bring her long, blue tinted hair out from under her back. "Until morning, at least. The people of Serenia may be civil and polite but the council members are anything but. Its funny that the King and Queen of Serenia actually have little say in the potical matters of their country. It is all decided by the five council members, sometimes without so much as the opinion of the King and Queen. All they deal with is foreign issues and appearences." Kaida then realized she had been rambling again, she hated that she always spoke too much. Her mouth and always told her she had 'the gift of gab'. But now she felt childish for speaking so much around a quiet and dignifed man. Kaida sat up then and ran a hand down her long hair before clearing her throat. "So tell me about the Victi Islands, and where you come from. I've heard so very little actually." She said, hoping to get him to speak more.

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Old 06-08-2011, 11:20 PM

Aeruu watched Ferro as he circled him, feeling exposed and helpless for the first time in his life. It was as if he'd been stabbed in the chest and he felt his heart tighten. "I'm no different than anyone else..." He'd replayed those words in his head millions of times, but could never fully convince himself they were true. Now someone he'd never met before comes up and tells him that it was nothing but a lie and that he was in fact, an outcast. He glared at the man as he walked away and tightened his fists. If a complete stranger could see that he was an outcast, then it had to be the truth. As the two guards came up behind him and demanded that he stayed with them, he simply nodded and crossed his arms. "Fine. Come with me then. I'm going to the beach." He stormed off down the hallway to the main entrance of the castle. For some reason, the ocean always seemed to calm his nerves. The nice cool water seemed to wash away all his stress, and right now the only thing he wanted was to forget about what had happened. It didn't take long for him to fly to the beach, even though he had to slow down and wait for the guards. He was faster than most Victi. Though the thought didn't comfort him in the slightest. Kota had always been faster. The moment his feet touched the water, he calmed almost completely. "I'm not different..." He felt tears build up in his eyes as he starred out at the waves.

"That's strange. We don't have something like that on the islands. The King and Queen are the only ones who have a say in any issue." He glanced over at Kaida, only for a moment. She really WAS beautiful and unique. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad spending all this time with her. He was still slightly curious about her as well. "As for the islands, there are six of them, five surrounding the main island. With the main island holding the Royal City. The Royal City being large and glistening white in the sun light, the buildings and streets made from a pure white stone that is never blemished. The Royal House is laced in silver. The island smells of sea water, tropical fruit, and exotic flowers that grow no where else. At night, the streets themselves light up in different colors matching Nyx's Gift." He said, longing for his home even more now. "It really is amazing."

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 11:44 PM

Sindelle had been sitting in the brush, on top of a sand dune, her favorite place to hide when things at home got wild. She was an elven princess and an outcast. She was shorter than normal elves was born with emerald eyes instead of the grey that all elves were born with. Many treated her like a freak and compared her to her two older sisters, both were perfect princesses in comparison.

Sindelle knew this part of the beach was out of her family's territory, which is why she came her to escape them. However as she heard the strong wings beat against the wind she ducked down in the brush to hide from the natives. Expecting to see a Serit approaching only to see a creature that was not Serit at all.. and companied by two Serit guards. She watched the male sit at the waters edge, looking off into the sunset, his slumped shoulders told her he was upset. The two guards that hung far back at the beginning of the beach looked unconcerned. Reminding her much of the emotionless elves she grew up around. After waiting a long while, Sindelle finally emerged from the grass, her long white hair circling her waist, the dark green tips nearing the ground; shining brightly against the setting sun and her light skin seemed to glow. Contrasting her dark eyes. She walked silently and out of the view of the guards. She didn't speak until she was directly behind the boy, and her words were coated thick in her elven accent. She was taught the language at a young age and was very fluent. "In my land.. it is not possible to view a setting sun with sad eyes. Nor sit on a warm beach with heavy thoughts." She said slowing, looking down at the male, still trying to figure out what he was.

Kaida was silent for a moment, letting Kota's words sink. "Wow.. your home sounds beautiful.. its no wonder the Victi would never want to leave." His description when compared to Serenia or Asteria seemed overpowering by ten fold. She almost longed for the distant land as well. So she knew it must be killing him to have to give up his life there to live in such a dull world. Kaida sighed. "I'm sorry. I know its not my fault but I feel like it is." She said, looking at the ground now.

Last edited by MissEuphoriaX; 06-09-2011 at 04:04 PM..

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Old 06-08-2011, 11:59 PM

Aeruu jumped up quickly and spun around. The moment his eyes met hers, he froze. "You aren't from around here are you? You don't look like a Serit or a Celetos..." He looked her up and down, confused at first by her strange appearance, yet intrigued at the same time. His wings folded neatly against his back as he calmed himself. "And for your information, I'm not sad at all." He spun around, his back to the girl. This might have been rude, but he really wanted to hide the blush on his cheeks. He felt like a child, so easy for everyone to read. Wanting to know what race she was, he turned his head slightly, "...My name's Aeruu. What's yours? And where are you from?"

Kota starred at her for a moment, confused, "Why would you feel like it's your fault?" He thought for a moment and then laughed lightly. "It's no ones fault honestly. It's silly to blame yourself for something out of your control." He reached over and tilted her chin up, "Don't look so sad okay? You're too pretty to make such an expression." He smiled sweetly. He was growing tired of sitting in this room. "Shall I send for my father and see if we can go for a walk? One of my favorite things to do back home was walk along the beach at sunset. It's always so nice." He tried to sound calming, in hopes that Kaida would stop looking so upset.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 12:17 AM

Sindelle was silent a moment, taking a bit to translate his words in her head. "I am not a Serit or Celetos." She said, hoping her words were correct and that the other could understand them under her accent. "My family rules the territory south of here. We are Ljosalfr.. Umm.. Grey Elves?" She wasn't sure of the translation but she hoped it was correct. Sindelle then moved to kneel beside him, "My name is Sindelle Vella." She paused for a moment and looked him over more. "What creature are you?" She knew the question was blunt and might have been considered rude but her race was always blunt and straight to the point. "You look.. very strange.. not like a Serit.. or Celetos.. or not even a horrid Ravian." She hoped he wasn't Ravian and she didn't just insult him.

Kaida held her breath as Kota touched her. It felt weird, being touched by him. Not in an unpleasent way. But in a forbidden way. She immediately looked away, she had never been shy before, in front of anyone. In fact she often got scolded by her mother and told to act modest. But for some reason she couldn't hold Kota's gaze and her hands trembled slightly. "Alright." She answered simply. She wasn't afraid of the man, but more afraid of growing to like the man beyond mere toleration. She didn't want to be anything other than a title with him but somewhere, deep in the back of her mind, she knew it was useless to keep fighting when she would never get with Alister again.

Last edited by MissEuphoriaX; 06-09-2011 at 12:19 AM..

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Old 06-09-2011, 03:16 PM

Aeruu laughed lightly at 'horrid Ravian'. He'd heard about the Ravian's, and how horrible they really were. "Well, see I'm better than all three of those. I'm not a Celetos, Serit, or a nasty Ravian. I'm a Victi prince, from the Victi Islands across the sea." He stated proudly. He thought for a moment, trying to remember anything about Elves. "I don't think I've ever heard about your race." He sat down and brought his knees to his chest, "Tell me more about them. You look interesting." He smiled sweetly and starred into her emerald eyes. He'd never seen eyes that shade of green before. He glanced back at the guards for a moment, who didn't seem like they'd noticed the girl appear. Leave it to Serenia to have lousy guards. But he didn't mind, they'd probably cause a fuss over nothing.

Kota grinned, seeing how shyly she acted to his touch. He stood up straight and walked towards the door, not saying another word. He knocked on it lightly and waited for one of the guards to open the door, then asked for the guard to find his father for him. He then sat back down on the edge of the bed and tied his hair back up again. "So if you're from Asteria, what are you doing here in Serenia?"

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 04:35 PM

Sindelle giggled and pulled her hair forward as she knelt in the sand, facing Aeruu. "In my land, we say the same. That we are better than the other three races. That we are 'fairer than the sun to look at'." Sindelle sighed then, "Though with how everyone acts, I don't always believe that." She paused once more and looked back at the guards, she had made sure to glamour herself before stepping out of the grass, to them she would appear as the wind did. "I am a Princess, though third in line. My parents are trying to marry me off to another kingdom quickly, because I am.. an outcast." She had to think of the correct word. "My eyes and hair are not the typical shade an elf is born with, and I am much shorter than any other female elf in the kingdom. Many have accused my mother of adultry because of this." Sindelle cleared her throat lightly, "Anyway, my kingdom is just south of this beach and it stretches very far, ruling over much land and many other Ljosalfar. Or other creatures, too broad to explain now though. We are costantly at war with the Dokkalfar.. umm.. The Darkened Elves? Within our kingdom we are a trooping community, but with other kingdoms we are very solitary. We do not speak to," She paused and giggled. "the other races because they are savage beasts. So tell me, Aeruu," his name have hanging with the thickness of her accent but ringing clear, "are the Victi savage like the other three races?" She quirked an eyebrow at him then, just teasing after all and waiting to see how he'd react.

At the question, Kaida knew she'd have to tell him sooner or later, before someone else told him. "Actually, I just got back from Avina a few days ago.." She paused to let the words sink in. "I wanted to go home to Asteria but, because of a former deal I had made with the council they made me stay." be wedded to you. she wanted to add but left it out, she cleared her throat slightly then and stood. "My mother had been the only heir, but she married my father and became queen of Asteria. For many years the king and queen of Serenia have been trying to conceive a new heir but were unable to. So.. I am now the heir to Serenia, my parents will have another child that will rule over Asteria." Saying the words opening caused a deep pain to thrive in her chest. She didn't want the words to be true, but they were. And it would never change.

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Old 06-09-2011, 05:24 PM

Aeruu laughed, "Well, I do believe that I am better than those savages. And no, we Victi are not as wild as these races. We've only recently made contact with them. My older brother is being forced to marry one of the natives." He pulled on a strand of his hair and paused, "..And I'm considered an outcast as well..It...Isn't easy. I'm the only known Victi to be born with gold-laced wings. Normally it wouldn't be much of a big deal. I'd be shunned and probably sent away. But because I'm royalty.." Aeruu tried to make himself sound positive, "I was allowed to stay." His mind wandered back to what that man had said about Kota, and how everyone preferred him over Aeruu. "My brother, however, has always been in the spotlight, born with silver-laced wings, which is said to mean the gods favor him. Me and you aren't so different huh?" He smiled weakly at her. She didn't look like she could be an outcast. Though that's probably because he'd never heard of her race. He wondered if the people here in Serenia thought the same about him, or if they knew he was the shame of the Victi Islands.

Kota froze at her words. "Avina? What in Nyx's name were you doing there?" He'd heard that the Ravian's were nothing but monsters, yet he regretted his words as soon as he'd spoken. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me. It sickens me though...Knowing my wild and immature younger brother will be ruling the Victi Islands in my place. So I can imagine how you must feel." He sighed, not realizing just how much they had in common. He felt now that he shouldn't have been so rude to her before, but his pride wouldn't allow him to apologize.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 05:52 PM

Sindelle smiled at Aeruu, "Tveir hugar elska kyn." Sindelle spoke in her native language. "It means, 'two hearts of a kind'. We share similar lives though we are very different." She looked Aeruu over again, eying his wings. They were different than any winged creature she had seen before. "May I.. touch your wings?" She asked, knowing it wouldn't be polite to just reach out and touch them. The elves were very reserved and normally didn't come into physical contact with one another. Especially, not in public.

Kaida paused for a moment, wondering how much she should tell him. "Umm.. I was sort of kidnapped, unbonded, bonded again.. then I escaped and killed and brought back to life." She said in a quick and nonchalant tone, giving a nervous giggle at the end. She knew telling him would probable only make him think less of her, but she didn't care, or at least she tried to pretend that she didn't care.

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Old 06-09-2011, 05:59 PM

Aeruu suddenly felt very important, knowing she wanted to touch his wings. No one had ever wanted to come anywhere near his wings before. "Uh..Yeah." He stretched a wing out to her nervously. The second his wing touched her hand, he felt a chill go down his spine. The feeling was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He flinched slightly, unsure if he was okay with the feeling or not.

"Wow...That's uh..Quite a bit to take in." Kota cleared his throat, shocked once again by the Celetos Princess. "The part that really bothers me is that you were kidnapped. Don't you usually have guards?" He found it odd that she was taken away to Avina. Back on the islands, royalty never traveled without several guards.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 06:37 PM

Sindelle pulled her hair forward, it fell in her lap and curled at the end. She then reached her hand out and ran the tip of her long fingers across his wing, she tilted her head to the side, curious. She then threaded her fingers inbetween the feathers, loving how soft they were. "I envy you greatly. To be able to fly.. I could only dream of such a thing." She said as she pulled her hand away. She was thinking of a very, very risky plan. "I would wish to visit your land one day, Victi Aeruu." She said placing her hand on her chin, thoughtfully. "Would you wish you see mine?" she asked, placing a hand on her chest as she spoke, her home was very dear to her. She smiled mischeiviously then, "It would be like a get away, for the both of us." She stood then and brushed the sand off her lower legs, "That is, if you are daring enough." She had always been good at getting what she wanted and she was good at working people over to do so as well.

Kaida shrugged slightly, amazed that he was stunned by the kidnapping part, of all things. "I was kidnapped in the middle of the night, by a former elite member of the Celetos miltary. She was working undercover as a Ravian spy. I was also kidnapped in Serenia.. Its a long story." She left out the part that she had been staying at Alister's house. It would seem awkward mentioning her lover in front of her husband-to-be.

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Old 06-09-2011, 06:51 PM

A wide grin spread across his face, and Aeruu jumped up, "I could use a vacation. Well, one that I want to go on anyway. I didn't want to visit this place at all to be honest. It would be nice to get away to a new land." He laughed loudly, getting the attention of the guards. "So it seems I'm going away boys! I'm already bored with this place!" He took Sindelle's hand quickly and pulled her into his arms before leaping into the sky. Before the guards had even a moment to react, he was gone. He flew as fast as he could down the shoreline. "Just tell me which way to go!" He laughed. He knew he'd be in more trouble than he could imagine when he came back, but excitement stirred in his stomach knowing he was doing something his father, or Kota for that matter, would approve of.

Kota crossed his arms in disapproval, "If we'd come here sooner you would have had fifty guards watching your home to protect you, night and day." It was obvious the Celetos and Serits didn't think the same as the Victi. He couldn't imagine anyone being able to get close enough to him or Aeruu to kidnap them. It was unheard of. He glanced down at the silver bracelet on his wrist. The gold bead was hiding on the other side, and he felt his stomach churn slightly. Something wasn't right. His brother was probably off getting into trouble again. He spun the bracelet around to look at the golden bead. It's usual shiny glow seemed duller than usual.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 07:42 PM

Sindelle gasped as she was grabbed and suddenly soring through the air. Her heart rate spiked, whether it was from the amount of physical contact or the height and speed at which they were flying she couldn't tell. Aeruu's action had been unnecessary however, as the guards couldn't see her. Instead it must have looked like Aeruu had been hugging air and went flying off on his own. But as Sindelle noticed they were quickly approaching the border to Vaennmerki, her home land, she began to wiggle from Aeruu's arm. "No, put me down! You must stop! They'll see you!" She said. Fearing that a partoling guard would see Aeruu, he would be instantly charged with tresspassing and touching royalty in such a way would grant him instant death.

Kaida shook her head, "Do not speak like that. It was months ago that I was taken. I was kept in Avina for nearly three months before escaping. What is in the past, is in the past." She said, looking away from Kota. He was different than Alister, different than Nicolai. He was four years older than her but around around him Kaida felt like a child, because Kota was mature and distinguished. He wasn't just some boy, he was a man.

Fable is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 07:53 PM

Aeruu instantly dropped, confused as to why she was so upset. He landed softly on the ground and let her go, "I'm sorry, but what's the problem? Who's going to see me?" He looked around them but saw no-one. He couldn't even sense anyone's presence.

"I'm sorry." Kota smiled softly to himself. She seemed more mature than he thought she was. Most girls would go on and on about things like that, or even burst into tears at the thought. Maybe in some ways the women here were stronger than those on his islands. Kaida sent off a strong vibe in the first place, and he could see why. Being kidnapped yet being able to shrug it off and say 'what's in the past is in the past'. His eyes wandered back down to his bracelet, and he wondered if the guard had even sent for his father.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 08:21 PM

Sindelle panted a bit, trying to catch her breath. They were only a few meters from the border now. "Quiet!" She said sharply before quieting herself as well. "If they see us you will be killed." She undid her glamour then, appearing unchanged to Aeruu but now anyone else would also be able to see her. "I must put glamour over you so you can enter my land.. and you must learn three simple rules." She then reached out and touched Aeruu's forhead, a thick coated glamour spread over him. She had always been strong with her magic, no one would be able to see through his glamour. Aeruu immediately grew to the height of 6'7", an average height or a male elf, his hair turned white with hints of silver and grew to his waist, his eyes turned a light gray color, and his ears lengthened became pointed. "I have covered you in glamour, it will hide your appearance from others. But you must color these three rules, never tell another you are not a Ljosalfr. You must not touch others freely, it is considered obscene. And lastly, you must go along with everything I say, especially to my family." She felt as if she were explain things to a child, even though Aeruu now stood thirteen inches taller than her. After she was done speaking she motioned for Aeruu to follow her and they headed toward the bored. The instant they came within five feet of the border a guard appeared, she knew they had been there, luckily they hadn't seen Aeruu in his original form.

"Stop! You may not pass into Vaennmerki!" The guard blurted out before realized it was Sindelle, who put her hands on her hips and glared at the guard, choosing to speak in English. "You deny your own Princess access to her land?" She asked in a harsh tone. The guard seemed to shrink three feet though he was nearly seven feet tall. "I apologize, Lady Sin. Please continue." He bowed then before returning his own glamour and disappearing, blending in with the environment, not giving Aeruu a second glance.

Sindelle walked in silence for a long time then, her bare feet moving quickly over the underbrush, she knew these woods like the back of her hands. "We will arrive at Vaennmerki castle soon, you will be amazed." She smiled back at Aeruu and continued on.

Azara had been wandering the gardens, having a brief moment of free time on his hands before being found by a guard and asked to continue to the room that Kota and Kaida were sharing. He sighed and followed quickly. When he arrived he didn't bother knocking, he entered slowly and looked to Kota first, "Is there something you didn't?" He asked straight out.

Fable is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 09:01 PM

Aeruu followed her closely, his eyes wandering around as if he were a kid in a candy store, amazed by everything he saw. The terrain wasn't much different from home, and he couldn't help but feel even more superior with his newfound height.

Kota stood and bowed respectfully to his father, "Yes, we wish to go for a walk." He they hadn't been in this room for very long but was eager to leave. A walk was sounding nicer and nicer as the seconds passed.


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