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Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 09:56 PM

T'anks Sebby.
x3 <3

Well, 'm not on Solia, so I don't really care.

But I really really hope Mene won't be like that.

[S e b b y]
[S e b b y] is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 09:57 PM

Yume: Lol, xD
But you know the community on Solia is getting worse..
But owell. xP

I doubt mene will ever get like that, xD
Its way to strict.

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Old 04-19-2009, 09:58 PM

No I don't because I'm not really involved in it much. o_O
I knew it was pretty bad to start with, the whole events thing and how they seem to favour people who are 'rich'.
Like, if you own so and so many eggs you won't be disappointed.
Well not everyone can get that many. xD

[S e b b y]
[S e b b y] is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:00 PM

Lol I didnt mean it like that you already knew it.
I meant like Oh but ya kno..~ Get it? xD
and yeah the events are suckish now e_e;'

Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 10:00 PM

I think there's even a spam box on Solia.

And double posting.

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Yume` is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:02 PM

XD Pretty sure every site allows posting multiple times in a row other than mene.

Dystopia is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:02 PM

:gonk: I hate the posting system on Solia. It encourages people to have a bazillion mules.

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Yume` is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:04 PM

What, how if you add little post things it gives you more gold?
I've never really had a problem with any posting systems on any site. o_O

Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 10:05 PM

Wait, what do you guy smean, every artist is on therE? o-o?

Dystopia is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:06 PM

@ Yume - No. You get a lot of gold for your first post. Then a little less for your second. Then a little less for your third... And people have 2384728374 mules so that they can make a lot of gold from posting. Now, most of my money comes from posting. I don't want 234078234 mules. It makes having friends harder and everything's a big fat inconvenience. What kind of idiot forum site has benefits for lurkers?

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Yume` is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:06 PM

...What? xD;
@ Dyst;; I've been a member there long enough to know that.
I don't mind the posting system at all. Gaia is like that too. You get used to it.
And let's not turn this into an avi site chat, please. This is for my art.

[S e b b y]
[S e b b y] is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:09 PM

Lol you guys must be picky, lol
The posting system just makes you more gold o:
Its easier to obtain items that way.
And Solia only allows double posting,unlike gaia where you can post 5k times in a row, lol.

Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 10:09 PM

That's one lame posting system.
It's like Gaia.

...someone explain what "every artist is on [Solia]" means.

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Yume` is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:10 PM

Seriously.. >_>; I don't see the problem with it.
But stop talking about other avi sites now.
@ Winter;; Who said every artist is on solia? o_O

Dystopia is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:14 PM

@ Yume - Really? I always thought that Gaia gave a random amount of gold whenever you posted. Hm. Well, another reason for me to hate Gaia.
._.; Well, having an art shop is great and all. But we need some sort of conversation to keep your thread lively, don't we?

@ Sebby - xD; I'm insanely picky. If I'm gonna active on a site, I want to enjoy it!
And how does the posting system get you more gold? I like it better how Mene has it. You get gold in accordance to how much you type.


@ Winter - As in, practically every person who does art has a shop on Solia. I know several artists who were on Mene first, but migrated over there. OTL WHAT'S THE LUUURE?

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Old 04-19-2009, 10:16 PM

No, sometimes gaia doesn't give you any.
Uh, sure. But that doesn't mean it should be other avatar sites.
You can talk about whatever you want, so long as it isn't that.
Because it seems all it will be is complaining.
So if you could limit that, it'd be nice. Thank you. :]
I don't like people bitching about other avatar sites and what's bad about them, especially in my thread.

[S e b b y]
[S e b b y] is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:17 PM

Lol lets all jump off a cliff c:

Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 10:17 PM

I heard it's because the items there are so nice, they're fun to draw.

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Yume` is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:19 PM

You first Seb. xDD
I'll just watch. Until someone pushes me off as I look down to watch you.
@ Winter;; o-o Well that sounds reasonable. I'm not sure I could draw them myself though. I have a bit of difficulties with just mene avis.
Maybe because I drew gaia avis a lot way back when.

Dystopia is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:21 PM

@ Yume - =/ No offense, but there's a difference between bitching and stating an opinion. I get if you'd rather not have an argument in your thread, but I've yet to say anything challenging or said something bad about any site without giving a reason why. I'll gladly switch topics to something else, but I don't believe what I was doing accounts as simple whining.

[S e b b y]
[S e b b y] is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:22 PM

Winter: Eh Somewhat..
Ive seen a few artists that dont like drawing Solia Avis.
Yume: Lol *Pushes you off*

Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 10:24 PM


Who likes LIndt chocolate? ;D

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Yume` is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:25 PM

You went off about other avatar sites. While you're entitled to state your opinion, and I have no problem with that, you were severely attacking them, and it seems because they're not like menewsha. The posting system is different, yes. You don't want to make 92389423894723 mules. I get that. So don't do it? Some people don't mind it.

I'm not looking for a fight and I'd appreciate it if I ask you to not continue talking about something, to not do it. It's called respecting the owner of the thread. :)

@ Seb;; You mean like Whimzy? xD

Dystopia is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 10:25 PM

@ Winter - o3o Never heard of it. Does it taste good?


@ Yume - I stopped as soon as I saw your post asking not to do so. I simply wanted to clarify that I wasn't complaining about the site out of spite. I was not attacking them and I was most certainly not attacking them because they weren't like Menewsha. I simply like one above the other and that is why Menewsha was mentioned. =/ I apologize if that was the tone you got from me, but that wasn't what i was trying to convey.

Winter Wind
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Old 04-19-2009, 10:27 PM

You're missing out Anna.


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