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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-07-2015, 12:39 AM

"You are so weird," Davvin groaned, but he didn't make a move to get up to the couch, content to let Tavis finish his show. It was only a few minutes anyway right. "But then, I really shouldn't be surprised by your weirdness at this point, should I?" he asked, looking at the other. "I don't think you've spent a day of your life as a normal human being."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-07-2015, 04:08 AM

"Bah!" Tavis exclaimed, waving Davvin off with a flip of his hand. Why would he ever be normal? If he managed one day of it in his youth, it came too early for him to remember and that meant it didn't matter. Things that happened before he could remember it didn't happen. He didn't respond though and just continued to watch his show, laughing, snorting, or pointing things out with loud exclamations at points until the show ended. He sat for a second, finishing off his crackers as the commercials rolled in.

" suggested fast food?"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-07-2015, 04:18 AM

"Yes, fast food, food of champions that." Davvin said with a chuckle as he stood and stretched, glad to be getting away from the tv show. "Come on then, I'll drive got any preference, or just whatever place we see first?" he asked as he existed the door and pointed for Tavis to lead the way, since he knew wherever they were headed.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-07-2015, 10:10 PM

Tavis hopped off the couch and grabbed his bag and shoes before heading out. "No way, man! A, we're walking. B...yeah." He gave up on finding another reason Davvin shouldn't drive them anywhere although he felt there was another. Maybe he just badly wanted to lead the way. "There's a Subway around the corner though if that's fine. It's on the way. Where we're going isn't far," he explained. He still kept quiet about where they headed, but he was about ready to tell. Or maybe he would just wait until they were on the church's doorstep where he could explain his intentions with a grand flourish.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-07-2015, 11:17 PM

"Walking and Subway, both work," Davvin said as Tavis began to walk down the way. Davvin didn't normally walk many places, preferring to drive, so it would certainly be interesting to walk. Curiosity about where Tavis wanted to take them was starting to fill him. They arrived at the Subway in relatively short ordered, both ordering and finishing their sandwiches in short order. Dinner was relatively uneventful, filled mostly with them just idly chatting about whatever popped into their minds. Soon they were back on their way to whatever location, Tavis was walking toward them. Davvin was looking forward and around, trying to make a guess at what their destination could be when he saw three familiar walking toward them. They appeared to be chatting among themselves, even though their appeared to be a somewhat awkward air around them. "Is that....?" he muttered, "No, no way. They do not know each other, no." he groaned refusing to believe what he was seeing.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 02:11 AM

Tavis turned, trying to catch sight of whatever distressed Davvin. He's eyes widened at what he saw. Elliot, Erik, and Javier walked down the other side of the street, not noticing the eyes they drew. The trio looked lost in a conversation and one of them leaned over to whisper in another's ear. "No way," Tavis choked before wrinkling his nose. "Ew, they look so chummy! What the hell?" He grabbed Davvin's hand and hurried away. "I don't want to look at that!" Because in the first place, that scene should not have been happening. Were they're friends actually...friends?

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 02:35 AM

Davvin shook his head, "Why, why do they now each other?" he groaned as Tavis pulled him along, glad to be away from whatever that scene was. He didn't really want to know though. Sure the answer would in some way horrify them as much of the sight of them being friends. He couldn't help but glimpse at them again as they rushed past and noticed that Elliot had his hand casually rested on who he thought was Javier's arm. Seriously, what was going on? Just as he was thinking this he made eye contact with both Elliot and Erik whose eyes widened comically and he was entirely sure that he saw Elliot's mouth make the shape 'oh shit.'

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 03:57 AM

Erik stumbled, almost tripping Javier in the same gesture. Tavis just managed to catch it when he noticed Davvin glance back. The trio stood frozen for a second before hurrying away like someone chased them. Tavis just stared after, baffled beyond belief. "You don't think they..." he decided not to end the thought. "Never mind! This is totally ruining my awesome mood I planned!" Tavis grabbed hold of Davvin's hand again and hurried off himself. This was supposed to be a special thing he shared, a something that made him happy. Leave it to Erik and Javi, and apparently Elliot, to ruin it for him.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 04:01 AM

"Yeah, I don't even want to think about that...." he murmured, letting himself be pulled along. He really didn't, though he was sure he was going to have to at some point. His best friend was obviously keeping some sort of secret. Something that he definitely didn't want Davvin to know, which meant it was probably something huge. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts of what he'd just seen. It wasn't important. He was just going to enjoy being with Tavis.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 04:39 AM

Tavis never mentioned their friends again for the rest of their walk. It only took another five minutes and he started to explain things finally as they came into sight of their destination. "So, I was thinking the other day. Since you showed me your work, I would show you mine. Of course, it's a work site, so that's why we're doing it like this," he chuckled under his breath. Looking up at the sky, he admired the faint cloud clover still visible with the vestiges of light in the sky. Stars already showed hear and there, mostly dimmed by the city's lights. A half full moon offered better light just behind the gothic spire of the church he worked on.

Plastic sheets marred one side and scaffolding blocked the walkway, but Tavis led his way around it to the small wood door to the right of the main arched ones. "Technically we're not supposed to be here, especially you, so be careful. I've been here after we've locked up before though and just...well, you'll see," he explained as he pushed open the door. For some odd reason, it came to mind before and now he had to share the ghostly, but beautiful sight of an in progress restoration at night. He wanted Davvin to see this work of his as well.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 04:48 AM

Davvin nodded as Tavis explained, looking over the building, which was obviously a church or something. He let Tavis lead him in, treading carefully so as to not lead much of a sign of their presence. He didn't want to get Tavis in trouble, not that the other really seemed to care particularly much about that. Tavis hadn't let go of his hand since earlier and he didn't really want to pull his hand away so he made sure to keep up with the other, tangling their fingers together that feeling of contentment that filled him when he touched Tavis settling through him once again. "So what are you doing some Michelangelo type work?" he asked, voice quiet, somehow feeling that talking to loud would be wrong.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 07:51 PM

Tavis made a noise halfway between a cough and a chuckle. "Ah well, that. I wouldn't quite say Michelangelo since I'm something more of an apprentice. I've done small stuff on various projects, helping to clean the exterior of the sculptures or smoke grime from the walls." He used his phone as a flashlight, revealing the ghostly white covers over the pews and the tall windows reaching up on both sides, giving off a faint red and white light from the stained glass. He started down the open walk way, the buttresses arching above them. "This way. Watch your step," he whispered.

For some reason, in this kind of environment, it felt strange to speak loudly, as if words were out of place. Stopping in the middle of the open space, Tavis stared up at the very high ceiling. There weren't lights besides his phone and the moon outside so the pillars of stone disappeared into the dark a multitude of small windows create a strange impression of a starry sky above. "It's like walking into another world isn't it?"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 08:20 PM

Davvin looked around the church as they walked stopping next to Tavis and looking up at the ceiling. His eyes widened. The series of stained glass with the night sky behind it was certainly something to behold. It gave the entire building, but particularly the ceiling a somewhat surreal affect. However, as beautiful as the sight was, his eyes didn't stay on it too long as they kept drifting back to the man besides him. The multicolored lights were drifting over Tavis's face and he looked at peace taking in the beauty around them. A soft, fond smile grew on Davvin's face. He shifted closer to Tavis, his hand drifting up to cradle his face, "Yeah, it's otherworldly," he whispered.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 09:35 PM

Tavis' eyes slid down to meet Davvin's. "Yeah," he whispered, and for a minute, fell into a deep silence. He wanted to show Davvin the chapel his team worked in, and the paintings of the saints on the walls that no one realized were so bright until they started this restoration project. He wanted to show off this art that meant so much to him so that Davvin might also feel that. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to move. A strangeness had settled in the air and Tavis knew no words to describe it. Turning his head slightly, he dislodged Davvin's hand only after so much silence passed, but the gesture wasn't born from a desire to put distance between them. Instead, he only wished to calm this awkward beating of his heart that made no sense at all.

After swallowing hard, he whispered again. "What are you thinking...?"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 10:40 PM

Davvin smiled softly at Tavis, feeling much calmer than Tavis looked. He just really couldn't deny it anymore being close to Tavis felt completely and utterly right. Right in a way that really nothing else had ever felt. He hummed quietly at Tavis's questions, not sure exactly how to answer, "That you look beautiful in this setting, maybe even more so than the church itself" he said, his hand once more coming to rest on Tavis's cheek. He leaned forward eyes on Tavis's lips. He needed to do this, to kiss Tavis again and confirm what he was beginning to think was a very real possibility. That Tavis was his soulmate and the mark on his hand symbolized no one but Davvin himself.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-09-2015, 03:20 AM

Tavis' heart skipped a beat. Why? How could Davvin look so sure of himself right now? Tavis didn't feel sure at all, yet he did know one thing. He didn't want to run away. Not now, and maybe not ever. "...Do I really?" he barely managed to whisper, his voice so hoarse and low that even in this quiet, they almost didn't exist. Davvin had this look in his eyes like he knew exactly what he wanted and though Tavis guessed what his next actions might be, he couldn't move away. Instead, he hesitantly reached up and laid his hand over Davvin's against his cheek. He couldn't understand the action himself, but did it anyway. What did he just figure out? Davvin needed to hurry up and do something so he could figure it out as well.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-09-2015, 03:40 AM

Davvin didn't respond to Tavis, just closed the final couple inches between them as he pressed his lips to Tavis's in a slow, tender kiss. He wasn't in any sort of hurry and this kiss was just about reassurance of a knowledge that was already seeping into his bones. This is meant to be; this is right. This is what it's like to kiss your soulmate fully aware of and accepting of that knowledge. The magnetic pull between them that he'd always found impossible to resist returned tenfold, making his free hand reach forward and pull Tavis in closer to him. It was dizzying and elating at the same time; his head spinning with it all. He couldn't believe he'd missed it, missed this, for so long. There was really no other way it could have ever been.

He forced himself to pull away from the kiss, feeling serene but like he wanted to kiss Tavis again and for all eternity. "Wow," he whispered so soft that even with how close Tavis was it must have been hard for him to hear it.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-09-2015, 06:37 PM

The second Davvin's lips touched his, Tavis felt all the air in him escape. What was this feeling? He couldn't explain it at all, but it left his eyes fluttering closed and accepting the slow kiss. He found himself responding without any hesitance as if his body knew this already. But in the back of his mind, he really didn't understand. Only when Davvin pulled back did the spell break and even then, he still felt the strange atmosphere hovering over them.

"I-" No real words came to mind. Tavis didn't know what to say, what to think. Didn't something significant just happen? He dropped his eyes, unable to meet the sort of gaze Davvin gave him. "You're making me confused."

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-09-2015, 07:54 PM

Davvin shook his head, not able to really describe what had just transpired, even though three words would make it simple. It didn't feel right to tell Tavis. Something in him needing Tavis to discover it for himself; otherwise, he wasn't sure the other male would believe him. Instead, he leaned back in and place another quick kiss to Tavis's lips, more of a peck, unable to stop himself from doing so.

Pulling back, he made himself step away from Tavis, knowing the longer he remained close to his soulmate the more likely it was he'd burst out with the truth. His body almost immediately protested at the growing distance. And his hand reached out to grab Tavis's hand, unwittingly grabbing his left which had the mark on it. As his hand closed around Tavis's, it covered the mark almost completely and an electric pulse traveled up Davvin's arm, as if saying, 'this is real, you're not imagining it.' A source of comfort and assurance in the swirl of emotions going through him.

He looked back at Tavis and smiled, shaking his head, when he saw the confusion still written on the other's face, "Don't worry about it." he said, the only comfort he could offer his soulmate, at least for the moment.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-09-2015, 09:13 PM

Tavis' brow furrowed. Don't worry about it? How could he not. It felt too obvious now that Davvin just figured something out. And Tavis just knew, it was something he needed to understand too. This was too important. Why did Davvin have to look at him with those kinds of eyes? Tavis took a step back himself. He really needed space to think about this, because he didn't know if he could trust the explanations that came to his mind right now.

"I'm sorry. I think we should go after all..." he managed to say. "I-I need to...finish some work." a lie. He meant he needed to think, but if he said that, Davvin would know he almost but didn't understand this. But it couldn't be so. It wasn't so because this is what everyone said soulmates were like.

The light from his phone long since went out and he switched the device on again, breaking the last of the spell over them. "Come on. The exit is this way."

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 04:47 AM

Davvin nodded, he didn't want to leave Tavis; it seemed so wrong to be separated from him after a realization like that. But he also knew the longer he stayed with Tavis the more likely it was he wouldn't be able to keep this new knowledge to himself. He let Tavis lead them back out of the church, keeping silent because words still seemed inappropriate in a place like this. And his mind was still swirling. He wanted to go scream from a mountaintop. He needed to talk to somebody, and he knew there was really only one person he ever went to when the needed this badly to talk about something. Well, someone beside Tavis at this point, because more and more he had come to rely on the artist rather than on his best friend. As one should, rely on their soulmate.


After seeing Tavis and Davvin, the three of them decided to head back to Elliot's apartment, not really wanting the chance of a confrontation with their best friends. As such, they were now chilling in something of a pile on Elliot's couch with some action movie playing in the background. It had become a bit of a norm for them to end up in piles without really meaning to. It just seemed easier in a way to sit closer to each other as there was this almost need to be touching. And Elliot couldn't deny a growing fondness in him for both of these men. It was just too easy to begin to care about them.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-11-2015, 11:42 PM

Javier lifted his head from on top of Elliot's shoulder at the sound of a knock on the door. "Um...were you expecting company?" he asked because he didn't really feel like moving. Neither did Erik even if he didn't like action flicks like this. It was impossible and unreasonable, but he couldn't even begin to let go now. Javier rolled his eyes at the man who'd been his best friend for a long time and something more for much shorter. Of course if it went on like this he'd end up moving before Erik did. As if to prove the thought, Erik waved an arm with a simple command.

"Tell them to go away."

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-12-2015, 02:31 AM

Elliot sighed at his two lazy mates, of course, neither of them would be very much interested in moving to get the door. "Ugh come on, let me up" he said, as he began to untangle himself from the two of them, which involved dislodging Javier's head and pulling his arm out from behind Erik.

When he got to the door, he opened, expecting maybe a neighbor asking to borrow a wine opener or something. He did not expect to see a considerably distressed, but also decidedly elated looking Davvin on the other side of the door. "Ummm.... what are you doing here?" he asked, standing in such a way that Davvin couldn't immediately walk into his apartment.

Davvin frowned, pushing past Elliot into the hallway past Elliot, "Two things," he said, "one, I've apparently been fake dating my soulmate for the last couple months; two, you want to tell me why you were hanging out with his crazy best friends?" As he said this he moved forward enough to see Javier and Erik on the couch, "And why they're on your couch...." he muttered, eyes widening as he turned to look back at his friend, a bit of a what the fuck look now on his face.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-12-2015, 11:10 PM

Javier and Elliot both perked up as Elliot answered the door. Even if they wanted to stay tangled together, they both found themselves curious. As Davvin strode into the apartment, the other two men traded a look. Fake dating real soulmate, what? Apparently they needed to have a little talk with their best friend. "Hey Davvin. And why shouldn't we be here?" Javier grinned from over the couch's back, managing to look smug.

Erik punched him in the side not that the other man reacted. Then, his face completely shifted. Instead of the cool or snakish look that he so often wore, Erik's face turned into an utterly idiot grin. "Of course it's because Ell's our precious mate!"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-13-2015, 12:49 AM

Davvin groaned, he really didn't want to deal with Javier and Erik at the moment. They were rather exhausting; he just wanted to freak out, and maybe gush, in peace, but that was obviously not gonna happen. Slowly, Erik's words started to seep in and settle into his brain. When they did, he whipped around to stare at Erik, his eyes wide in a mixture of shock and horror. "You're, wait. What?!" he asked, his head flipping between the three of them, eyes not settling on anybody for long. "Both of you?" he asked, disbelief coloring his voice.

Elliot chuckled as he walked up behind his best friend, clapping his hand on his shoulder, quite amused that this seemed to be a painful realization for Davvin. "Yes, both of them, remember how we always though my mark was weird? That's because it's two marks combined as one."

Davvin whined and looked over at Elliot, "But why does it have to be them?" he asked.


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