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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 02:26 AM

I'm just getting lazy. It's all super cheap crap so it really isn't worth the hassle. Nah, I still haven't had any time to put anything up. My fiance's over to visit so I'm spending most of my time with him. ^^;

Oh, that's pretty cool to get the advance on it but it kinda sucks that you still have to pay the rest. >.<

I never was much of a city person but I'm more used to it now after living in the heart of Paris for a few months and going to New York City a dozen times or so. ^^;

I dunno what happened for me really, I'm out of college now so I don't have to worry about classes but I still feel super busy. T_T

Yeah, that multiples crap is really annoying. There are definitely some things about Mene that I appreciate a lot more like the multiple poses and the ability to change your avi base/hair/eyes whenever you want. The only downside is that I don't have any real life friends on here. That's why I ended up going Gaia in the first place, because I knew somebody on there. I've still made some good friends though. ^_^

Oh, that really sucks that she sort of gave up in the middle of things. Hopefully you can get her to finish it. V_V

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 02:48 PM

Haha sounds good :)
Have fun!

Lol I knoww!
But ah well -- not a biggie!
I have about 6k left so hopefully people will buy my stuff and will gimme the money to pay it off soon :P
If not, I'll just keep chatting away not that I finally have time for it!
I just started an Egyptian roleplay and it sounds like it's going to be amazing and fun -- so hopefully I can do long posts seeing as how I have 3 characters to work with :D
Possibly smaller little characters as they come up, but we both kind of have control of those smaller characters :3

Lol I have the traffic, the noise, and the crime :3
I'd much prefer a suburb or something if I had to live near a city lol

Haha Don't you hate how that happens?
I'm done with classes too, but I still feel extremely stressed and scattered!
I think I'll get out of this mode in a couple of weeks lol
Hopefully anyway!! XD

Haha I didn't have any RL people on Gaia except for a few friends and my sister :3
But they're all on here anyways lol
My sister is the one who introduced me, and I introduced everyone else :3 <3

I hope so :/
The worst part is, I don't know her personally, so it's kind of awkward, ya know?

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 05-11-2011 at 02:57 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 07:05 PM

We're trying. ^^; I just got my toenails removed though so we're a bit limited on what we do at the moment. He wants to go see Thor at some point but I'm not really sure I want to see it. T_T

That sounds like an interesting roleplay, I don't think I've heard of anyone doing an Egyptian one before. Hopefully that'll help get you the gold you need. I have a few roleplays I should reply to but I haven't gotten to them yet.

My fiance lives in a suburb near New York City. The crime is what I fear the most but I'm finding the city isn't the big bad place I used to think it was. I mean bad stuff obviously goes on there but bad stuff happens everywhere. *Shrugs* I'd never drive in the city. I actually like public transportation. It's much cheaper than having a car.

I think things just feel busy lately with the hours I've been working and with my fiance here I have more to do than usual. Things might calm down a little bit when he leaves but I'm not sure.

I don't think I've gotten anyone to join either Gaia or Mene. >.<

Yeah, you never know what might be going on with someone in real life. Some people can get pretty nasty about it when you ask why they haven't been around but you really have no way of knowing about it unless they tell you. Oh well...

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 08:30 PM

That does not sound fun at all!! </3

I've never done one -- so it'll be interesting :3
And we're making it surprising as to who ends up with who in the end ;D
We're keeping all options open :3

Haha very true :3
I just don't like chlorinated water to be honest -- I much prefer well water :3
That's one of the biggest reasons why I can't live in a city lol

Haha -snugs-
But at the same time you don't want him to leave, neh? :P
You could always do something relaxing with him instead of going out? :)

Hahaha I've only gotten a couple to actually stay on Mene -- but most of the close people I had on Gaia are on Mene now and active :3

Lol I know how that goes!
I just hope it can get finished so I can open it this summer :3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 05:24 PM

Yeah... Not so much. It really isn't that bad but it's kinda gross and pretty painful. Hopefully the procedure will have been worth it though. ^^;

Hm, I might have to stalk that roleplay to see what happens, LOL!

I don't really like our well water. It stains my teeth and makes my hair snarly. >.<

Yeah, I really don't want him to leave. It'll probably be September before we see each other again. We've just been hanging out these past few days really so it's really only fair that I take him to that movie I guess. It probably won't be as bad as I think but I'd just rather see something else. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything else that either of us want to see. V_V

I'm definitely much closer to the Mene crew now. *Nods*

I hope you can get it open in time. *Hugs*

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 06:46 PM

Ingrown toenails?
I've had that on one toe for years because a friend of my threw open a door at a hotel and it went right into my toe :( </3
Slit it almost in half and I've had problems ever since lol
I was told taking them out might help -- but it could also make it worse -- so I just leave them a little long so they don't do it :3
My cousin had it done though -- 'cause a similar thing happened to him -- and it worked perfectly :3
So if that's the case, then I wish you luck :D <3

Haha feel free! :)

I'd say there's something in it and you need to get that checked out lol
Ours has a little sulfur in it, but we filter it :3

Aww - that sucks :( </3
You could always rent instead though?
They have a ton of new releases out :3
How come you can't see him until September, if you don't mind my asking?

Haha same :3
I quit Gaia xD;

Me toooo :(
If not, I'm going to see if I can't find someone else to finish it in a similar style for me :/
It's about all I can do lol
If I have time, I may do it myself though :3
Really depends -sigh-

I just wanna draw again dang it! LOL
Ah well -- I started an Egyptian styled drawing last night in a sepia-ish type hue -- I'm really really loving it so far <3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 07:05 PM

Nope. I've had the ingrown toenail procedure done twice and the second time seemed to fix it. This is because they were all cracked and messed up. The podiatrist thought that if he removed them that they might grow back normally. I'm really hoping so, they've been like that for years so it'd be really nice to have some normal nails again and not those nasty ones I had before.

Did you guys make the thread yet?

I think the problem is that my mom never changes the filter but I'm not sure really.

Yeah, thinking about it there were some things I wanted to get out of the Redbox machine, 127 hours in particular. I'll have to see if I can convince him to do that instead though.

We live nine hours apart so we don't get to see each other too often. We met in college and since graduating we're both kinda stuck at our parents house until we both find career jobs. T_T

I'm not going to quit quit just yet but I'm in the preparing stages. I haven't been participating in any of the events lately and I'm getting rid of a lot of stuff I don't need. I'm not active there anymore but I do get on every so often to see if I have any messages or anything. I might completely quit some day but for now I want to keep my account for a while longer just in case.

Yeah, that's a good idea to see if someone else can pick up where the other person left off if necessary. Hopefully you can get someone to finish it for you at the very least.

That drawing sounds interesting. You'll have to upload it when you're done so I can see!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 09:19 PM

Yikess - that doesn't sound like fun at all :( </3
I hope it works! :D <3

Lavinia is my partner -- she started the thread :)

If the filter is never changed then yeah, that's causing problems because it's not filtering and you're getting extra bad stuff :/
I'd change the filter lol

127 hours?
What's that?

Yikes :( </3
Why don't you get a place together and work until you can get something permanent in the field you want?
I'd rather be stuck with a temp job than be away from my fiance like that :( </3
-likes cuddle time and face to face communication too much- lol

I tried getting back into it a few times and it just didn't work haha
Too many jerks and spammers on there -- plus, it just wasn't a great community anymore :(

That's what I'm hoping :(
I mean, even if they're plain banners without art in it -- it's better than nothing at this point lol

Sure thing :D
I'm really loving it so far <3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 08:50 PM

It's really not too bad but I'll be going back to work soon and I need to work on getting my feet back into sneakers. T_T

Cool, I'll check it out when I get a chance. ^_^

I'm not sure my mom even knows it exists. V_V I'll have to see if we can work on that.

127 hours is a movie. *Nods*

The problem is that we can't afford anything on our own. Two part time jobs don't make enough together to live in the area he's at and definitely not enough to live in New York City like he wants. I'm trying to get a part time job down there to live with him and his family but I haven't gotten anything yet. T_T It's hard but we're getting used to it. We had to do it when I studied abroad and during school breaks so it's nothing new. I really love cuddling to though, that's probably what I miss the most. At least the internet here is fast enough now so we can Skype and stuff. Only a few years ago we were still using dial up here. >.<

Yeah, a lot of people on Gaia are jerks.

Definitely, anything's better than nothing.

I can't wait to see it. ^_^

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 09:04 PM

Sounds good ^o^

LOL Good luck :P

Yes, I got that much... My question was what is it about o.O;;;

Aww :(
That sucks majorrr :( </3
At least you skype and stuff all the time though :D
That wouldn't be too bad :3

Haha most definitely :3

Without a doubt :D
I just opened it up for a 48hr offer :3
Hopefully I'll get a nibble :( </3

I'll post a WIP in just a sec :D


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 11:12 PM

Hm, I can't seem to find that roleplay you were talking about. >.< Wait, never mind. It figures as soon as I type that then I find it. >.<

Sorry, I wasn't thinking of the context of the previous post. I'm not really sure entirely. Something about a guy getting his arm pinned beneath a rock for 127 hours and remembering stuff about his life.

Yeah, I'm so glad we can Skype now. It isn't perfect since the connection is crappy sometimes but it's better than just talking on the phone.

LOL, sounds like you're fishing. *Hands over some bait*

Oooh, cool!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-14-2011, 02:35 AM

Haha yay for finding it :D

Sounds kinda boring lol
Maybe it's better than it sounds though?

Haha most definitely :3

Thankies :P

Ehh -- it'll have to wait until tomorrow lol
I don't have my camera cord XD;
I'll try and get it posted tomorrow after my final though though :3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-14-2011, 10:52 PM

Yeah, I didn't read through it all yet but it looks interesting.

It did sound kind of boring but it was pretty good. I can't say I'd really recommend it but it was interesting.

Bleh, all alone again. I just took my fiance back to the bus station today. T_T

I really miss my scanner. I got a new computer and unfortunately the printer wasn't compatible. V_V

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 02:16 AM

Hahaha There's only 2 posts xD;;

Haha At least it was more interesting than it sounded :3
I take it you got him to stay in then? :D

Aww :( </3
Maybe you could make a trip out there soon-ish?

You're kidding....
How was it not compatible?
Usually the computer just automatically installs and has no problem lol
That's what happened with all of my stuff anyways :3
Was it a really old model?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 03:27 AM

Yeah, I saw that but there was a lot of profile stuff too... ^^;

Nah, we ended up going out to his movie the one night and then stayed in to watch the other movie the next. ^^;

Not likely. I should have vacation time in September to go see him for our anniversary. I doubt I'll see him before then besides Skype and that doesn't really count. >.<

Well... See the printer was for XP and my new laptop has Windows 7. There was a way to make it work with Vista but it won't work with Windows 7. I ended up giving my old laptop to my half-sister so I just sent the printer off her way as well.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 03:38 AM

LOL Not really -- just name, parents, sibling(s), age, and marital status :3
It may look like a lot, but it's pretty limited :3

Haha Yay for a compromise :D

Aww :(
That sucks majorr :( </3

Ohhhh -- Weirddd o.O;
I didn't know it wouldn't work with Windows 7 -- I wonder why it won't just install them even without the discs like Vista does :/
That's pretty inconvenient -- to have to switch over and buy new everything just because of a new program :/


BTW -- here's how the drawing is coming along :)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 03:43 AM

Ah, okay. ^^;

Yeah, it didn't turn out too bad. I thought Thor was going to be much worse. But then again I thought 127 Hours was going to be better. >.<

Definitely. It sucks even worse because I don't have any friends to hang out with here so I'm pretty much alone until then. T_T

Well the printer was like four years old. I know that's not mega old but Windows started updating operating systems quite a bit during those years. It is a pain but it's understandable that it wouldn't be compatible with two operating systems higher. I didn't have to get anything else new though. My dad said he'd buy me a new printer whenever I wanted, I just don't have the room for one right now.

The drawing seems to be coming along really well! I can't remember, is it for the roleplay or just inspired by it?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 03:47 AM

I think Thor looks pretty good :3
I can't wait for it to come to DVD/PPV

Yikessss -- that's not fun at all :( </3
What about at work?
Any co-workers that you have common interests with?
I made a few new friends that way when I started work haha
I luffs them now <3

Ohhh gotcha :3
I didn't realize it was 4 yrs old haha
That's understandable then :3
I thought you meant it was like, just a couple years old -- that would have been a real waste :(

Haha Thankies :)
It was just inspired by it :3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 03:52 AM

I'm not huge into comic books (thought I like far nerdier things) so the movie mostly just seemed kinda lame. >.< I did like Iron Man but Downey Jr. just makes everything amazing. ^///^

I've tried to make friends at work but it seems like people already have their clicks or don't care to see work people outside of the store. I also live a half hour away from my employment so that doesn't help and there aren't a lot of people my age. Most are either younger or much older than me. T_T

Well four year is just a couple to me but still... ^^; Laptops die pretty quickly I guess. I never would have gotten this new laptop on my own, it was sort of a present from my fiance because my old one was getting so slow. >.>

Ah, okay. I made a pic of my roleplay character the other day so that made me think of it. ^^;

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 03:17 AM

Haha I've never read American Comics XD;
I must prefer Japanese Manga, to be honest :3

Bah -- I HATE cliques -- so frustrating >.>
So glad my work place wasn't like that :3
It sucks that yours is though :( </3
Is the pay at least worth it?

I thought you meant the printer was 4 years old -- that's what I was commenting on o.O;
If it's more than a couple generations old then the new computer won't automatically install it properly, if even at all -- but it really depends on the maker what it'll do :3
'cause I know our computers (and they're brand new) would install Microsoft 2000 and such haha
And that's 11 years old XD;
And we had the discs ('cause it's the WORD programs), so that might have made a wee bit of difference :3
Hmmm... -ponders-

Ehh -- I get a new laptop every year or two haha
I use mine a lot so it wears down fast ^_^;;

Ohh haha
Can I see? :)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 07:51 PM

I feel the same way. I just don't like the art style of American comics AT ALL. I love manga though, I just don't buy it too often because it gets expensive really quick. >.< I was reading one series online for awhile but then the site shut down and left me hanging. T_T

Yeah, cliques develop around those going to college together in the area, those in the same departments, those that live in the area, those that are the same age. Unfortunately I don't seem to fit into any of them. And the pay isn't really worth it. It was a minimum wage job. I've gotten a bit of a raise since then so I'm making like a dollar more but it's really not worth it. I need a better job but there really isn't much in the area. I have to drive a half hour to get to the job I'm at as it is. V_V

I got the laptop and the computer at the same time. ^^;

My new laptop came with Windows 7 already installed so there isn't much I could do about that. I doubt any old programs would really work on this computer. I couldn't get my old Photoshop to install at all, it was too old to be supported. I think I had CS1, which isn't more than a few years old. I didn't have trouble with most other things though; I got Microsoft Word 2007 to work on it and it came with all the basic programs already. *Shrugs*

My dad bought my first laptop and my fiance the second, I haven't actually gotten a computer for myself yet. I doubt I'll ever really have to, I'll probably just keep inheriting my fiance's old stuff because he gets a lot of new tech for review, being a journalist and all, and he gets to keep most of it. Lucky bum. >.<

Sure, it's not really that great though. I used a base and just drew on the clothes and stuff using my fiance's iPad. I would have preferred to draw it by hand and scan it in though...

I think the top half is good but the pants and the boots probably could have used a little work. >.<

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 10:05 PM

Haha I'm just not into their story lines ^_^;
The only reason why I read Manga is because it's like a novel I would read, only with pictures lol
I read the more cutesy/drama/romance type ones :3

Yeah... You might want to try looking around xD;
I'd die at that kind of a job haha

Ok umm.. you're -really- not making sense about the computer/printer/laptop so let's just drop that conversation 'cause it's kind of going no where and not making sense o.O;;;;
But yeah, I don't know why yours wouldn't because I have Windows 7 and I can still use programs from back in 2000 etc -- as can my Mom lol
It must be your brand of computer/laptop or something~

It's cute :)
As for the boots -- they just need a little more definition in the toes and such is all :3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 11:43 PM

I haven't really read enough comics to know if I would actually like the stories or not. I just can't get past the artwork. >.< I'm not sure I have a favorite genre of manga really. I like a lot of different kinds but haven't truly read very many series in full.

I've been looking. >.< There aren't very many jobs around here at the moment. I also live in the middle of nowhere so that doesn't help at all. T_T

LOL, I just checked my last phrase. That was a really stupid typeo. I meant to say that my dad got that first laptop and the printer at the same time so they are both four years old but we can drop it. >.<

Hm, I guess I never tried. I don't think I have any programs that old that I'd care to keep around though except for that Photoshop one that didn't work.

Yeah, I see what you mean now. I could have at least shaded in the arch of the foot. I think I was just getting tired at that point, the iPod isn't the easiest drawing tool. Your finger is always in the way so it's hard to see what you're doing. V_V

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2011, 01:25 AM

Well, I haven't read a -lot- of series either -- my manga tastes are just the same as my anime tastes, so it's easy to categorize it :3
-has seen a crap load of anime series-

I know what you mean :(
I couldn't find any jobs in my area either -- the only reason I have a job is because it's through my college hahaha
Buuut - I'm lucky - 'cause I also have my own business opening up with my Mom soon, so I have a job through that even after college though xD;
-is so excited-
We just created the new name for the business tonight :drool:

I guess my main point was that our new computers installed older programs no matter how old they were and they work just fine, printers and drawing tablets etc. as well, so it's strange that yours wouldn't is all XD;
My guess is the type of computers/printers you own~
Buuuut yeahh - I think the conversation is basically at a run around stand still and not making sense, so we can just end it with that XD;

Haha I bet!
And you did that on the iPod? I give ya props lol
I could never draw on something that tiny hahaha


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-27-2011, 06:52 PM

Unfortunately I don't really have time for anime anymore. There are a bunch of series I want to see but I'm just too busy to find the time to watch them. T_T

Ooh, that's exciting. What sort of business will it be?

It's probably Dell. I don't really like them but it's a nice computer and it was cheap. After trying to install the printer and not getting anywhere with it I found a page on Dell's website for my printer and it said it just wasn't compatible. I bet it's just Dell's way of trying to get you to buy more hardware. *Sigh* I have no idea why Photoshop didn't work but again I found a website that said that it wasn't. I'm not a wiz on programs or computer specs though so I don't have any guesses for that one. Oh well. ^^;

No, I did it on the iPAD. I wouldn't have been able to draw that on a tiny iPod screen. Well, maybe. But it would have taken a hell of a lot longer and I don't think I would have had the patience to do it. >.<


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