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LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 01-03-2013, 03:44 PM

Roulan sighed and looked away at what Jazareth had told him. "You are right"he said quietly but was sure that she heard it. "Being selfish around the other clans does make us look bad I'll see that the spoils are divided up" He watched as she melted into the tree to do whatever she did as an alpha and leader, and then walked back to the camp. When he had returned a warrior tapped him on the shoulder and asked him what to do with the food they found in which Roulan replied "divide it up like our leader said and give it to the best cooks in this realm but leaved the dead lion were it is" he then watched Langdon who looked surprised over the fact that he had to get women and children more organized.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-03-2013, 09:13 PM

Noctis looked . . . angry. Though he had always looked frustrated, this time he seemed so full of fury he would burst. "I can't do this," he said, his expression suddenly shifting. Looking from one woman to the other, the alpha stepped back. His rage faltered, as did his strength. Instead, worry and longing tugged at his heart.

He couldn't do this. He couldn't abandon his pack - not when Vengeance had so readily attacked them. They'd lost many lives not long ago. Noctis couldn't switch sides: he was alpha. He didn't support Vengeance, no matter what Coventina had chosen.

There was a moment of silence before Noctis closed his eyes and let out a quiet breath. As Demicora began to speak, Noctis silenced her with a hiss. She was speaking of every crime they'd committed . . . which wasn't something that needed to be learned by the public.

"We are surrounded by curious ears. Keep your voice down, woman."

Noctis lifted his gaze to Demicora, slowly shaking his head. "You compromise our pack with your split heritage," he said quietly. Meeting her tear-filled eyes, the alpha's features lost their emotion once more. "You have been accepted among them. Go with them." The meaning was clear: she no longer had a place in the Earth clan.

With his words came a strange sense of . . . emptiness. Noctis withdrew the Earth pack's mental bond from Demicora, leaving her with (for the first time in her memory) no mental link to her pack. It was a new kind of loneliness - and not a good place to be. It was all too quiet with the lack of multiple presences.

Noctis turned a surprisingly calm gaze to Coventina. He could feel her fear. That emotion he'd come to expect from some wasn't meant to be felt around her. Not from this woman. Not from Coventina, whom he had come to love.

"I will not support the monsters who have killed my kin."

As Coventina's heart rate spiked, and her fear turned to hurt, Noctis stood still. His voice grew hoarse as he continued.

"Your clan can stay on Earth territory for the Feast," he said, "but you will not receive any favoritism." Noctis shielded his gaze, making sure his pain was buried deep. The Earth alpha took a slow breath, and continued steadily. "I don't hold your heritage against you, Demicora. And neither do I hold any of your relations against you." This time, he reached out and gently took Coventina's wrist. His warm hands were shaking, but everything else about him was straightforward and harsh.

"I don't do this to hurt either of you," he said quietly. "I will not support Vengeance."

Noctis blinked away the flash of fury and anguish that flickered through his eyes. Instead, he pulled Coventina to him, embracing her tightly.


Landon watched the Fire alpha leave the grounds. She'd graciously hunted for the other packs, telling her own people to let them eat first. It was kind, and would put their clan in good standing with the other elements.

The scrapper watched as Navi told her pack mates to take as little as possible - they'd feasted before arriving, luckily. Very few kills were taken from the pile as Wind clan took their share. Earth pack didn't touch it - they'd gathered their own prey.

Slowly, Landon took a small rabbit for himself. It wasn't technically proper for him to eat before the other wolves of his pack, but he hadn't eaten in a while. His stomach was growling as he snagged the rabbit and stepped over to a quiet spot outside Jazereth's personal building. Though he knew she wasn't there, the scrapper seemed at ease near the empty structure.

He ate in silence, avoiding the gazes of those who walked by. When Roulan came back and started getting the food divided, the youth perked an ear in the male's direction. He was certainly bold - just like many of the Fire clan's warriors.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-03-2013, 09:56 PM

Seeing poor Demicora's tears made Coventina want to wrap her arms around her and shield her from the world. Though as Noctis spoke to her, a bit of her heart crumbled for her niece. She wanted to stop this from happening, she wanted Demi to belong... But as the rules stated Noctis did what was right for the alpha to do. But in her heart she questioned if it was morally right. Should they outcast someone just because of their origins? Coventina didn't like to think so. But she had no place to speak. Looking at the floor as not to let her own tears fall, Coventina felt Noctis take her wrist. Meeting his gaze with her own conveyed her feelings to him clearly. "I know.... I do not readily accept the Vengeance clan either. But they are my kin... I can't change that." She breathed and then felt herself trembling a bit. Feeling her body being guided into a tight hug, she hugged him back tightly, unable to let to as a few tears fell down her cheeks. "I don't ask you to support Vengeance... I ask that you support me, and not to harm Demi." Coventina breathed and kissed his ear as she held onto him. She began to blink away her tears as she did hold onto him tightly. She knew everyone had lost wolves to the vengeance... But for now, they were the only ones who seemed to speak sense and make it clear that they will step in and support her. She wasn't ready to accept them, but all she truely needed was Noctis and his support. "I only need your support." She breathed and pulled away just enough to meet his eyes with her own.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 01-03-2013, 10:00 PM

Jazereth breathed a sigh of relief when Roulan left. She was tempted to cover his mouth with her hand when he was responding. He obviously didn't understand that she had been stalking prey. Now hiding at the side of the cave entrance, she flattened herself against the jagged rock. Springing forward, Jazereth lept into the cave and came to an abrubt halt. For in the darkness layed a female mountain lion, tending to her cubs. Recovering quickly, she bowed deeply to the animal when she heard a growl. "I am sorry for disturbing you. Fear not, none of my people will lay hands on your offspring." Then, turning, she left the cave and out into the woods once more. Once the cave was out of sight, Jazereth decided to change her plan. Traveling near the base of the starting of a rugged mountain range, she silently crept into the brush and sat. Until two mountain goats came bounding into view. It wasn't exactly the meal she had been hoping for, but it would do. Slowly reaching out her hand, a silver bow formed out of air. And a quiver on her back. Taking two arrows, she knocked them and pulled the string the edge of her mouth, took a deep breath, and let it go. When the arrows hit, the goats cried in pain, but their voices soon grew quiet. Moving to grab her bounty, Jazereth couldn't help but be displeased with herself. Arriving at camp, she was quite a sight, holding a goat on each shoulder.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 01-03-2013, 11:53 PM

Roulan huffed as the other clans took the food they hunted, and decided to take a small rabbit for himself. He wasn't to hungry and walked over to sit by Landon. "Its silly we have to give food to the other clans" he took a small bite out of the rabbit. He then watched Landon as he gobbled the food hungrily "How goes getting everyone organized?" he could see that the scrapper looked distressed as if he wasn't able to get the woman and children situated.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 03:02 AM

Ketaro dipped his head in obedience before trotting off towards the pack. Quickly shifting back, he got to work preparing the tents. With the help of others, the housing went up in no time. If the one thing the Wind clan lacked was lust for violence, they made up with their tight knitted community. Not only did they have each others' backs, they knew that they could always rely on their alpha for wisdom when needed. Reporting back to Navi, Ketaro was speaking of the pack's progress when the Fire alpha came and announced that they would share their kills. But was peculiar was that she had a mountain lion slung across her shoulders like it was a bag of feathers. Peculiar, peculiar indeed. Looking to his alpha for instructions, Ketaro waited for his orders.

Gemini is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 03:40 AM

Gemini stood near Ketaro and Navi,waiting for orders on what to do next.
((I really have no idea what to do at this point,having been out of the loop so long...))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 05:03 AM

Demi felt the connection to her Alpha and the rest of the pack break. As the connection broke, all of her memories of her and the earth clan's time together began to spill out as though she were spilling her whole life in the earth clan to the alpha. It showed all the times she fought along side him. All that her earth clan father had done to keep the secret from the others, up until she was captured by the vengeance clan and sent spiraling into a nightmare. When the connection was finally broken, she her eyes remained closed and the once earth warrior looked as though she had lived a whole life of shame and hypocrisy. She knew that all of the other wolves would know that the connection had been broken by there alpha and who it had been taken from. As soon as she stepped outside those doors, there would be her earth clan members. They would be both confused and ready to do what was right to those that were severed from the connection. She wanted to scream and shout at the male. All she wanted to do was to tell the male how she truly felt. Though the connection had been broken, her telepathic abilities remained and she was still able to see inside the male's mind as he voiced his thoughts on the situation.

Finally, Demi opened her eyes to see the male embracing her aunt as though they were never to see one another again. Such a sad story for the state they were in. Though the water alpha was in an embrace with her lover, she turned to go towards the exit. No good deeds done for a clan go unpunished by their heritage. She couldnt help but let the words slip from her mind into the male's unknowingly. The vengeance clan tried peaceful reasoning with you and you threw it away. Of course a war would start when peaceful negotiations end with a man nearly dying every time and a childs death just because of her own heritage. She said quietly in the male's mind. Though everything was coming out of her mouth, she only felt as though she was only thinking them. My own brother's child had to die for the mistakes of others. But there is no place for me here anymore. I understand. I hope you are happy with the choice you made, Noctis. I have served you well for years, unwavering until you had learned the truth. "I am sorry to have bothered you. I guess this is good bye. I hope no harm comes to you and wish you the best of luck in your future." The female made way to open the stone door once more for her exit and started to dance the way she needed to to raise the stone from the ground in order to leave. I will always be around to protect you Coventina. All you need to do is call my name and i will be there as fast as i can. This time the transmission was intentional, but it was to the water alpha rather than the earth alpha.

Last edited by Daeman35; 01-04-2013 at 05:07 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 06:21 AM

((I have to get to bed . . . but the DRAMA. I'M SO SAD. But I can't have Noctis be too nice. ;) Have to have some split opinions in there somewhere! I'll post soon!))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 01:45 PM

((Darn I had hoped you posted esmme! But I will wait paitently to reply as Coventina since Noctis has to be the one who replies to her. ^_^ ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-07-2013, 02:01 PM

((*purr* Such a patient friend. ;) hahaha, sorry about the delay!))

Noctis felt the gentle kiss that Coventina pressed against his ear. The Earth alpha heard her words, and his expressionless features shifted to sorrow. His pack wouldn't follow the man who turned against the ancient laws. He would lose his clan if he did this.

The male lifted his gaze from Coventina, trying to clear his head. Anger and disappointment still swirled within him, making it difficult to think. When he did look back to his friend, Noctis smiled grimly. "I support you. It doesn't go any further than that," he said, narrowing his eyes. "I support Water clan, but I want nothing to do with Vengeance."

He saw the desperation in Coventina's teary eyes. Noctis brushed hair from her pale face, meeting her bright eyes with his own.

It was then that a telepathic message gently prodded his mind. When he opened his mind to it, he heard Demicora's voice.

The vengeance clan tried peaceful reasoning with you and you threw it away. Of course a war would start when peaceful negotiations end with a man nearly dying every time and a childs death just because of her own heritage.

Noctis stiffened slightly. They sent a friend to negotiate with him because they'd known that Noctis would have attacked on sight. At least they weren't foolish enough to try and speak with him personally.

This has NOTHING to do with heritage! The force of Noctis' words was fueled by anger. It would have hurt their ears, had he spoken them out loud. As it was, the message was hardly kept from his clan! From the sound of it, Noctis didn't care if she had different blood running through her veins - it was the fact that the blood in question put her in the place of trusting a dangerous enemy. If Vengeance wasn't in the equation, I would have you stay!

Noctis slowly turned from Coventina again. Demicora was near the door, beginning her dance. The Earth alpha caught her arm, forcing her to look at him. Something sincere blazed deep in his gaze.

Your service to this pack is not unnoticed, Demi. As though he hadn't noticed the switch, Noctis spoke out loud once more. "Avoid the warriors," he said. Tightening his hold briefly, the alpha released her. The stone door began to shift, slowly opening. "Stay safe, Demi."


Landon used the back of his wrist to wipe his mouth, trying to avoid getting his gray clothing stained with blood. The scrapper didn't look comfortable talking to Roulan, but he forced himself to reply.

"Everyone is settled," he said hoarsely, licking his lips and swallowing quietly. Landon avoided looking directly at Roulan, but when Jazereth entered the camp with a goat on each shoulder, the scrapper seemed to perk up a bit.

It was obvious that nothing had happened to the Fire alpha while she'd been away. Landon's blue eyes were wide as he watched her, and he had to fight the urge to send her a mental ping. It wasn't his place, and he hadn't done it before save when they were alone or Jazereth spoke to him directly.

He couldn't resist, however. A gentle mental link was formed, like a door being quietly opened. Landon's voice was soft, insistent, and obviously not meant to intrude.

You look distressed.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-07-2013, 02:20 PM

Coventina smiled bravely at Noctis, knowing that all she truely needed was the support of the one she loved. It killed her to know that the girl who was now her niece had been forced so much pain and suffering. With her powers, she could feel everyone's passions and hurt. At this point she couldn't even figure out which was hers and which was theirs. Frowning she then found a lump in her throat. Hearing the mental push about Pathose having a daughter.... Who was murdered tore at her heart. What if she had such a child? What if it was killed just because of the parents' sins? Shuddering at the thought, the water alpha watched as Noctis approached Demi, and wished her safety. Hearing the thoughts towards her, Coventina nodded and pushed her own thoughts. The same applies to you Demi... I wish for you to join the Vengeance pack. They are our family.... Even if we are not on the same side, we still protect each other... Inform Ocean of what happened... And warn him that I believe that I crossed the line too fast... We hang in the balance now. Watching her niece disappear made her heart clench at the thought of her getting captured. Though she had a feeling that her family would never let Demi get hurt, which was very reassuring. Looking at Noctis, Coventina pecked him softly on the cheek. "I will see you tonight at the feast." She breathed softly and gently pulled her hand from within his. Tonight was the feast of frost, tonight decisions would be made, and as was ceremonial, the dance that was held for the entire packs, would have many enjoying the night, while the alphas would be up in the balcany of the castle and figure out their next moves. It was the only time when it was okay for the packs to ever mingle. Knowing that her weavers wanted to get her dress in the final stages of getting ready, she had to leave and hoped that the hunters she sent back to their lands brought the bounty of fish and fruit that their homeland bosted. "Until the Feast of Frost." Coventina breathed and stepped out of the home. Heading back to her people, she knew they had to get prepared.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-07-2013, 10:36 PM

It had been anger that let the words flow from her mind to the two of them in the room. The anger sent back to her in a message almost rang in her ears, but she didnt let it bother her too badly. What she had sent out was not exactly what she wanted the other two to hear. She was a bit surprised, but then again his last words made her think for a second. He seemed to really care for her though his words before never had any care in its meeting.

As soon as the door opened, she received the message from her aunt. I believe that was my fault. Im so sorry. I will report back to my father. As soon as she stepped out of the door she saw many people stop and stare at her. It was not exactly something that she liked. Quickly, she turned and nodded to Coventina and Noctis before transforming into her wolf form. As soon as she transformed, she ran through the camp site using her speed to get away as fast as possible. Many of the guards had spotted her. They knew exactly who she was and knew that the connection had been broken, but for some reason they hesitated on killing her. This gave her the window she needed to get away quickly. As she ran, she decided to take a detour so that the others would not figure out the path that she took and ran to a river to get rid of her scent. As soon as she felt that her scent was completely masked, she ran for the castle of the vengeance clan once more. The perimeter was full of guards in the forest, but she didnt care who saw her. She couldnt stop running now. If Demi stopped running, she was sure she would collapse to the ground. The wolves didnt like that she was running past them, but the scent seemed familiar so they let her go. Quickly she made her way through the castle, following the scent of her father and crashing into the room he was in so that she wouldnt have to stop. Papa.... Im home papa.... She said panting still in wolf form. Her legs shook as she continued to stand. The talk with Noctis didnt work. I am now cast from the Earth clan and Coventina will be the only thing Noctis supports at this time. He will absolutely not join with us. With that, she collapsed, but not before crawling over to her father and laying her head on him. Once she touched him, she decided to use her unconscious state to show him the memory of what happened between her Noctis and Coventina.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-07-2013, 11:37 PM

Pathose had been in the trees as they let his sister go. Out of everyone he was the most worried for her, for his trust in the packs was minimal to none. Frowning he followed her through the trees and called off his guards when she sped past. He knew she was heading to his father, and so using his sped and agility he ran up the castle and went all the way to the very top. Standing on top of the very small cathedral peak cross. He stood a top it as he looked over his people. Knowing Morgana was probably going to come find him soon to make him eat. He had been worried sick about his sister, and had avoided people because of it. Now though he was almost ready. But this was something he was roosting for. They would save his aunt and her lover, because it was only a matter of time before they were taken captive and going to be exicuted. But true to his vow, he wouldn't let any of his family receive the same cruel fate he had gone through.

Ocean looked up hearing his daughter's paws crashing through the halls. He was sitting with Akane both talking to each other softly. Then he stood as Demi came in. Hearing her words, he looked at her surprised. Her head was soon in his lap and he ran his hand over her head in a loving petting motion. "It's alright Demi. Coventina can handle him.... Once we help him, to save her. He will see things differently... Take it from a man who went through that kind of expirence.... He will do anything for her when he realizes just how important she is to him." He said reassuringly and then watched the memory as she shared it with him. Akane smiled softly seeing her mate and daughter together. Walking over she knelt next to them and gently reached out and stroked Demi's fur. This was how she pictured her family. Being together and whole once more.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 01:47 AM

Morgana couldn't help but be surprised that Demicora came back so quickly. Though she had to admit that she almost knew that Noctis' cold side would come out once he knew that she was related to the Vengence. Climbing the stairs to the cathedral, Morgana had a hunch that Pathose was "syncronizing" on the peak. Sticking her head out of one of the jagged windows, she caught a glimpse of red hair. "You there!",she called playfully,"I thought you might be here. Come, it's time to eat. And we can go visit Demi afterwards." Suddenly changing her demeanor, Morgana out her hands on her hips as she yelled,"And don't think I didn't notice your eating portions lately. I'll feed it to you if I have to!"

Jazareth was surprised when Landon contacted her mentally. But not acknowledging him visually, she responded as she set the goats down in front of a fire pit. 'Well......I didn't find a bigger kill and that obviously displeases me. And I'm rather dreading tonight. Not only do I have to dance with others, perform my own dance in front of gawking people, AND wear a DRESS! Though it was only traditional that the leader of the Fire clan wore a kimono to formal situations, you could rarely find an alpha that ever wore a dress in the line of Fire alphas. And it was a tradition that each year, at the feast, each alpha must prepare and perform a dance to represent their pack. Jazereth hadn't even started preparing a dance let alone trying to find a dress. She could only shudder at the thought of that restricting item of clothing.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 01:48 AM

Navi's pupil-less gaze finally drifted to Ketaro. She'd overseen her pack as they gathered food from the communal pile. Mentally thanking the Fire clan, the woman let out a breath. As her warrior stood nearby, she couldn't help but compare her pack to the others. Wind clan was small, holding less than a dozen warriors at any given time. They were not weak, but they'd never been known for their abundance.

"Have you eaten?" the alpha asked, lifting a dark-skinned hand to brush a bit of something from Ketaro's shoulder. Though she was obviously watchful, Navi looked particularly calm. Even when Demicora darted through the clearing, Navi didn't seem particularly distressed. Instead, she watched the wolf run . . . and offered her a bit of wind to boost her speed as she went. There was something in the Earth pack's eyes that spoke of unfortunate events.

As the commotion died down, Navi looked back to Ketaro. "Everyone is successfully in their place. Well done."


"Until the Feast."

Noctis felt the warmth of Coventina's light kiss fade from his skin. As Demicora ran, Noctis kept silent. His warriors would hesitate. They would hesitate because Demi had been their pack-mate, their friend, and their warrior. Her deeds wouldn't be forgotten, though her exile would certainly be questioned.

The Earth alpha felt every bit of anger slip away, leaving him alone in the darkness of his stone dwelling. He suddenly felt so tired. His mind flickered from Coventina and Demicora to Savannah, and then to the gathered packs. He needed to rest before the Feast. But . . . who could watch over the other clans while he did? It wasn't proper hosting to ignore everyone in his territory (not that he was particularly bothered with manners or politeness, but it was clan protocol).

Noctis slowly joined the other packs, nearly tripping over the leg of a cougar. Scenting the air, the alpha raised an eyebrow. The slain beast carried the scent of death and Fire clan. The dagger proved it was a . . . gift.

The Earth alpha inclined his head, scanning the group for Jazereth. They may not be on the best of terms, but . . . if she could be civil, so could he. Her forward show of civility made him feel . . . at a loss. And all the more tired.

He didn't see Jazereth, but his gaze caught on Navi as she looked his way. A soft look of understanding was on her face. Somehow, Noctis made his decision. As he approached, he bowed his head hesitantly. It wasn't long before they were talking quietly. Their words were hushed so even Ketaro couldn't hear them.

In the end, Noctis looked utterly relieved. As he returned to his own dwelling, the Earth alpha knew he could trust Navi to care for the peace of the clans while he was away. The Wind alpha was known for her steady mind and wisdom: she was someone that anyone could trust.

((Okay . . . I spoke to someone about Landon's connections earlier. ^___^" Which one of you was it? Es is being very forgetful today. D: ))

Landon smiled slightly, letting his eyes move back to his bloody meal. It seemed that he had already noticed Jazereth's dread for the evening. It had been growing for quite some time. . . .

The scrapper continued to wipe his face clean, his amusement finally bubbling over into his mental link with the alpha.

Your dance is always nice. Everyone will like it.

The youth paled, seeming embarrassed that he'd even thought as much of his alpha. Most of the time she practiced in private, not among her people. Landon used a bare foot to push the rabbit carcass away from him, seeming unsettled. He looked ready to stand and take care of what was left of his meal. It was also known as running away from the alpha.

Last edited by Esmme; 01-08-2013 at 01:53 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 02:27 AM

Demi fell unconscious with her head in the male's lap. It was so comfortable letting him pet and stroke her as she slept. Akane did the same as the male watched the memory of what had happened in that room. All she wanted to do now was sleep. It had been so tiring, running for such a long time. It was such a distance between the castle and the earth clan walls. Not to mention she had been using her speed the entire time, not letting up once. It was nice to finally rest. No nightmares. No war. Just a family who loved her and seemed to be standing by her the entire time. It was different and very much wanted from the depths of her heart. She relaxed in her father's arms. It just felt so natural to do. His words rang through her mind and comforted the thoughts that ran through her mind. Her mind went at ease as she slept. A smile crossed her wolf face as her tail wagged in happiness, though soon it curled into her body to rest as well.

Gemini is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 02:45 AM

((ok that's it.I'm out.))

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 02:47 AM

Jazereth starightened and walked towards Landon and Roulan. Once she was standing above the two, she said,"I must go and prepare for the feast tonight." She could see two heavy set women that would be overseeing her dress design hobble towards her. "Look after the pack while I'm gone. If any members of the other packs require my presence, you know where I'll be." With a grimace, Jazereth turned to face them. 'Thanks. I'll make sure to escape the commotion of the feast later. Maybe then we can talk without intrusion.',she thought to Landon as she was being pulled away by the two women.

((Huh?! Why are you out?!))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 02:51 AM

(Why?! Whats wrong Gem?)

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 03:12 AM

Coventina smiled at her pack as they began to prepare all the foods and things they would bring to the feast. The musicians were practicing and a group began to gather and dance and sing. The alpha smiled as she watched over her people and kept still as her clothing makers kept fixing and creating her dress she would wear. Every year nothing matched the elegance of the water clan's alpha's dress. She was their crown jewle, and the clan liked to bost about it. Though she seemed to be lost in thought as Sky approached. He smiled gently and looked into her face. "Are you alright Coventina?" He asked and she nodded silently. "I am fine, just thinking about naming an heir...." She said and the young warrior blinked at her shocked. "W-wait... What?!" Sky exclaimed. "Yes I believe it will be either your or Oberon... That is the most logical choice." She said and he took her gently by the hand and asked the sewers to leave for a second. "Coventina... Why are you doing this? You haven't mated with him... Have you?" He asked with worry and she smiled. "No, but I don't have to... I love him, and just doing that puts us in danger." She said and he frowned. "We will still follow you...." He said and she smiled gently. She hoped the rest of her people thought the rest.

Pathose chuckled hearing his mate call to him. Looking down at her he scaled down the roof and entered through the window. Standing before his pale beauty, she was his love. Reaching out he stroked her cheek and then kissed her softly. "You know me so well my love." he said and then chuckled. "Though I would never pass up you feeding me." He said with a chuckle and wrapped his arms around her from behind and laid his chin on her shoulder. "I can't wait until Demi remembers more."

Ocean smiled as Akane leaned over and kissed him upon the lips. She then stood and squeezed his shoulder as she grabbed a blanket. Wrapping it around her shoulders and his as they sat close together and both continued to pet their daughter. Intwining his fingers with hers he kissed her knuckles and chuckled as she gave him a teasing growl. "Pathose should be coming soon. I sent Morgana after him." Akane said and then chuckled with her mate. Ocean grinned and nipped her cheek. "That's how you do it. If there's one person that our son can't say no to its Morgana."

Last edited by Seer Of the Future; 01-08-2013 at 03:23 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 04:57 AM

((I think Gem's leaving because I forgot to reply to her with Navi. . . . T___T))

Landon smiled, watching the alpha as she was pulled away. He was happy to see things going according to plan, at least. The clan alphas would prepare for the Feast, and everyone else would stew in excitement.

As it was, the duties of the clans fell into different categories. Earth clan usually facilitated the Feast of Frost and allowed everyone to gather with the stable protection of stone and rock. The did little to "show off" other than join in the feasting and dancing when everyone began to mingle. Noctis was the guardian over the entire gathering - or, he made sure his warriors were.

If there was a female alpha, they typically helped provide some kind of entertainment. The Wind clan would provide their voices and string instruments, as well as wind instruments. Needless to say, there would be a kind of breeze to keep the area fresh and cool - as well as warm and comfortable when the time called for it.

Landon finally lifted the rabbit corpse and carried it outside of the camp. There was a pit meant for such things not far off, and the scrapper headed there. His gaze was watchful as he neared the edge of the clan's safety. He knew what was out there. The funny thing was . . . he wasn't afraid.


As Noctis returned to his room, the male heaved out a sigh. I don't know if I can do this. His thoughts were dimly tinted with regret, but he pushed them away. As he fell into bed, he growled to himself. I will be strong for my pack. I will not turn against the ancient ways.

His maroon eyes finally closed, heavy with exhaustion.

((Are we going to time skip eventually, or let events sorta play out? hahah))

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 09:46 PM

(Sorry for the late reply myself)
Roulan tilted his head back and smiled ""Good"he then watched as Landons insecure face had brightened up when he saw Jazareth. He could tell that she wasn't happy about something but he wasn't to sure what so he telepathically entered her mind. He saw that she had to be dressed up to do a dance and she despised doing it. A dance and a feast sounds fun he thought to himself as he enjoyed a celebration despite tension amongst the tribes.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 07:17 PM

((Yes, I think we should skip ahead to the starting of the feast.))

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 01-14-2013, 12:11 AM

(agreed and I might not be online to much since school starts for me tommorrow.)


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